The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, December 16, 1903, HOLIDAY NUMBER, Page 23, Image 7

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1872~ For the past thirty-one years wehave been liberal busincss and friendship of these good peo various lines of merchandise that we handle. Th thing needed about a home or farm. We handle Dry Goods Clothing Gro Suit Cases Watches Harne( Wlhips Iron NEW- COO'dSm NE AND ib For both ohd an~d nh~e. nusomrs on all Fall and 'Winter Goods for and during the Autumn months; of the new year 1 903. I want all who read tis to take fair notice not to buy goods from me unIlessi you want to b)uy at the lowest prices hat they can be sold at and guarantee fair dealings and hon *est pes Fori the next 3 mfont1hs I will se!l to all who trade wvith me for- every $5.oo puirchase worth of anything in the (dry goods hne I will give :2o lbs oIf granu: l 21 u gr for si .0o. 1 will not sell sugtar at the n .ove p rice only w heni a $5.oo purchase is made all at one time, and1( theI above demanded by the cus tomer. With each 50 11b sack of my "ROI lER EXT R ACT"' flour I will give free a pou nd paclka1ge of Armii & 11ammer soda or a 5C can of Goo d I uIck 1bak<ing powder. Give me ai part of your tradle and(1l) be ~ covincedl that I will sell you good g oods as chleap) as tihe cheapest. (quality con side red.) I no0w have ai comp Ilete line of B!1roadloths, Percales, Fla nnuels, Sterlinug D.res;s Goods, Ilien riettas, Nainsook, Cal. coes, Etiderdlov, n--white, 1pink anid blue. A ice line of G;ents fine shirts- 50 to 75C. Rubber col lars, L adijes a nd Gen ts I Ilosiery fromn 5 to 2 5C per pair. A few old goodls consistinug of S uits, Overcoats and shoes at your own price. Yours for trad, JOH N F. H ARRiS. BEFORE YOU. CO.\lJE T'O PIlCKENS foo at tis papIICr ai see wha t Ily N. D. TAYLOR, ~1 IlThe photographer WX'ill be iln town anlingyulolsadhaesml peletLF LilK E~ Pi 1(0 i( () R.\PIllS made. T.I19 -31 Y E wvrapp~ing up and rolling out bar >le and we hope to still deservei c people of the county already k no shoddy goods. We invite al Stoves ceries Fu Satchels sSaddles Steel Na THuor enPoohyj Copyright, 1003, by Sampson-Ilodges Co. MAGIC OF THB DOLLAR, With a dollar in your pocket You may hold your head on high, Just as though you owned tho villago And the countryside hard by; Like a man who has a coal mine, Or who lets a farm on rent, But you take a mighty tumble When you haven't get a cent. With a dollar in your pocket You can look men in the eye, Step around like great Lord Pickax When it comnea your turn to buy. Only crook your littlo finger And tho waiter fles to you, Blut things take a different aspect When you haven't got a sou. Though it is the root of evil, Cause of trouble, source of woes, Money comes in mighty handy To have round your Sunday clothes. If you have the bright spondulix You're tho cheese beyond a doubt, Bunt you're little Willie No-one WVhen your money has run out. About the Same Thing, He called on a celebrated arlchltQtoc to consult him on Irofessionail b~usiness. "What kind of a fence would look best around tho earth ?" he aisked. "D~o you own the earth?" aisked the architect in alarm. "Not yet," replied the mnan, "but I amI in the automobile repaiing business." Thinking Them Out, "Are you writing mruch originai stuff 'Just someo anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln, Tihat Is about all," As to aBay A bqby is a woifspring of joy, If any one should call you up by phone. and askc yeou about it. To have a darling boy Is a constant source of pleasuro. Oh, do not ever doubt it! When talking to your friends You never say anything about walking the floor with it at night Or how it sends Traveling up and down your spine such spasms of delight, You tell themn how it smiles And winks at you and knowingly says "Coo, cool" Never mentioning the miles And miles and miles you travel while it makes a pack horse of you, Oh, a baby is the greatest thing on earth, And a merry life the father leads, Although from the moment of its birth it keeps him broke trying to buy half tihe - thingra it needs, * F A A RS~ ains for the go )d people of Pic t. It is hardly necessary to enu low that we always have in st 1 to and lo-)k through our Rubbe .rniture Urnbrel] Bridles ls Dynan N VFAL To Where He Had Fallen, "What Is Clarence doing now?" "WVriting poetry for the magazines." "*lThat ina will do any thing for tnoney." One Thing Sure, Our iivesa are fixed by accident; We scurry here and there; Things that we do with goodl intent Many vanish in tin air. But one thing's certain in advance The rule don't give an inch That though life is a garno of chanco Yet rnarriage is a cinch. PERT PARAGRAPHS, That St. Paul man who enn talk cat language will probably do it for you at so tunch pur. Somec people might think it would be better to be a dead lion or' a dead most anything else than a live dog. Whieni a man buys the lead pencils thait he uses, it amust be that he has nothing else to (do with his money. When every (day'1. isiday. of course the lpreachers willi have to get a good, stiff' raise in salary. If love Ia a speCcies of litxleation, that is perhaps the reason why a -mar ringo license is re(Iuired1. Somo men are sad because they can not get out of debt, anad some in are hopping miad because the'y cannot get In. Sometimes you find on honest green grocer, though there iare people whlo think the termis are synonymo lUus. One place to f~id di on21)b elles is at an inistituitionl for the (leaf. While the CoengressoamIl itecord does not runm to light literatuiire, It !onltaluhs lmore fletion than thle average reader might imagine. When a foxfy man is in love, instead of asking some one to saiy a good wvord for 1im lhe gets three or four girls to plug against im1. Strange to say, thle far'amr never cals in a corn doctor' whlen is coin crop ia threa tened. When a imani arrives att the age of fifty, lie does niot believe ill love unaless lie happens to full In. LL 193 kens-and we are~ still at it. WVe ap~preciate the merate or to even attempl1t a description of the ack and at the most reasona)le prices, every rooms. Examine~ our stock of rs IHats Stoves Truniks las Clocks Collars Leather IN THE ROOKIES." (leo. W. H~anly, 108 Years of Age, Is as Strong and Vigorous as Men Thirty Years Younger, and Says That for a Long, Time ils Only fledicine Hans Been DUFFY'S \ PURE hALT WH-ISKE3Y. A famIlIar figure of the Rockles, the " Oldesft -~ livmng landmark," is (I. W. Hannly1 of "' ( *,~ \ 'Timbier, Mont. one of the original '40Jers, Mr. linnly in .later years built up a large Ih veterinary miedicine business. Though now I~in his 10(thl year, lhe is hade and hearty and abile to wvalk aboiut aIs spryly as5 miany nien I half his~ ige. Hl i states thlat he owes it all to iha ly's Pure Malt Whiskey. In a recent "It has been mi v intention for some time to - lhiilfy's Pure Malt Whliskey hias hadu on my Ol~O ~V hANY, 08 earnOld aml lhere are cer tainly not miany men in theo world nii h:tre ast wellI preserved at so great ani age. For a long time yonr whiskey has( b'tein ihe onl Iy thinig I have uised as a stiiuhiant or a medici~ene. My app~letite is very fair, hearinig aii eyesightt. as good as with inueni who tare thirty yearsq toungen nothing kee; :4 riu ini hetter Iitino.r than may regular (doses (if 'Du)tiry's. Whlen a cold or miy bowels h ot he mie, a littl- of . iur miedicine is all that's needetd, and~ you maty always tcoun lt me4 amruong your gratefl f rienids. (JEO. W. H-ANLY."' WFSPURE MALT WHISKEY I ani abisolu tel y piure di filat ion of inialt antd is recognized by the Government as a liiu(hemeii. ii is is ai guarnt I e. It is a I oni-st irn ulanlt recoilmmienided by physicians of i-very 54cho43.; ai lionl fto ithle wieak andoo wo rn, to the weary nad dep ressedl. It arrests the :>rogress of ph ysietid decay; kt Eeps thie ol you ng, nma kes the wea k strong, it strength itis the heart; rehetvest thle acingii lwnd;~( gives to the iiiinhs thetir 01(d-time vigoir, andi~ elears the brain. It enriches thet blood andi 1nou2rishits the vital forces oif the body. In Ii rs way it dr ives oult dlisease am l is ai prot ter ofl hlt th and longevity. If you wish to keep t rng andi well ini ild age, if you ii h -l to lie free fromi disease no0w, take a table 4)oonfl oit f 1)31lfy's Mit IWhIiiskeiy t br ee timeits a day, iln milk or water. I)tf fy's is p -erti bed by d13octors every whelire for coughli, colds, grIp, catarrh, con SI umptom i, branchiit is, pneumiion ia, llur iisy', aisthm anda a111tll diseaises oif the throat and hln's ; i ithgestioin, dlyspejsia and every form of stomach trouble; nervousness, imalar i1, antI till Itow fevers. CAtUTION.-Whuen you asik for tDuffy's Pure Molt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. Ujnscruapulous dealero, mIndful of the exceflence of thIs preparatIon, will try to sell youc cea Im. Itations iand molt whiskey mubstitlutch, which anre put Onl thc maorket for profIt only, and which, fet friom rellevling the eick, are positively hiarmful. D~emnand "lDuffy-'s' and be sure you get It. It. Is the only obsoiiutely pure fluft WhIskey whih contalns medIcinal, health-gi vlng quaities. IDuffy's Pirc Mloft Whiskecy Is sioild i scaled lbottles only ; never In flask or bulk.* Look for the traide-maurk, thn '' Obi Chemirst," on the label, nnd be cerfiuln tile Beat over the cork Is unbroken. Beware of refillcd biot tlc. "fDuf fy's "contains no fusel oIl. Soltd by all dIrtuggists andi grtcers, oir di reef, $1,00 a bottle. Interesting medical book let potl paid to any address. Duffy~ Malt WVhiskey (co., Rochester, Now York. FOR SA LE IN SOUTH CA RQLNA AT ALL DISPENSARYS. Iii'- 3 , DlarrhoeaDysentery, andi A the Bowel Troubles of ChIldren ofAn Age. BT,.EETHING POWDES the Bowelfstren tens - A -Costs Only 25 cents at Druggists, *TgEh~lN EdAnd Ye ~' j~3JsOr mailt 25 cents to C. Ji. MOPPFETT, M. D., ST. L.OUIS, MO. Wo brro hndird nr Montt'sTICI~fTIA Tethin Powers)Aversinc A U s. no . 10 Ion0to .