The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, November 25, 1903, Image 7

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Mica Items. The health of this community is -very good at present. Mr. and Mra. , .if Cobb, of Geor gin%, mado a% *Iuort Viit to W. J. B. Chaptusau's hot~t woek. ru > rid lisr J. J. An thoWy 0ok a itm' girl. v *h , JIm lvos and her ac cord om hct a sia Id aceident last Thursday. Sheo wa playing some fast piece4 and happenod to strike HEot Times in the Old Town tonight. It was so hot that it ruined her ae uordeon and burned her hands. Hello, Mountain Boy, what are you doing novaday4? Idling away your time. While you are idle I wish you would introduce me to that chai-minr Miss Hughes and then I will .3,l1 on her some evening and perhaps she will g9t mv name pIt in the paper. I hear the olice cat scratching so I will just take a big jump and be gone. Mad Cap, Only Makes a Rad Matter Wo-se 4 Perhaps you have never thought of it but the fact must be apparent to every onie thiat constipation is caused by a lack of water on the system, unId the u.e of drastic cathartios like the old fashioned P* pills maikes a bad matter worso.- berlain'm Stomach and Liver Tablets are muchi more mild and gentle in their of feet, and when the proper dose is tak en their action is Ho natural that one call hardly realize it is the effoet of med icino. Try a 25c bottle of them at Pick. enm Drug Co.. Earlo's Drug Store, Pick. ens, and r. N. Hunt' r, Liberty. Union Meeting. The union of the second division of the Piedmont association will meet with the Flat Rock Baptist church on Saturday before the fifth sundiay in November. 10 a. m. Prayer and praise service conducted by Rev. F. R. McClana han. Reports from the.churches. 11 a. m. Introductory sermon by Rev. W. A. Christopher. A V I ). 1 XOON. h~d.Whr " -1 ihtt union seek to wodi A.- Hinton. . ' ... and financial Align%:. dIeme when we moe, . : ' aers? By Rev. J. T. .Dobson. 3d. Who is responsible for the coldness in the church? By W. T. O'Dell. 4th. What is real christian giving? 13y R. T. Hallum. ' SUNDAY. 10 a. m. Sunday school mass meet ing. Addressos by W. A. Christo pher and 0. C. Fricks. 11 a. m. Missionary sermon by Rev. D. W. Hiott. Lnbnn Mauldin, ch. com. lhamberlain's Cough Remedy is Pleas anut to 'rake. The finest quality of granulated leafi .ugar is used in the manufneture of )hamberlains Cough Remedy, and the oots used in its pr-eparation give it a lavor similar to maple syrup, making it denasant to take. Mr. W. L. Rodorick, .i Poelville, Md., in speaking of this emuedy says: "I have used Chamber S ains Cough Remedy with my ehildr-on or severl years and can truthfully say it a the best preparattion of tbe kind I ev * r sawv. The children like to take it and .t has no bad after effect. For sale by Pickens Drug Co., Earles Drug Store', Pickens and T. N. Hunter, Liberty . From Long Branch. Somebody says "come again Bunchy." How kind in them to 4 think of mec. The wedding bells have been ring ing in this community. On Wednes day the 11th inst., Mr. George B. Lawrence andi Miss Cora Jones, of Oconee, were united in the holy bonds or matrimony. Dr-. L. (1. Clayton officiated. The attendants were Jas. H'iff with Miss Laura Lawvr-ence, Walter Lawrenco with Miss Maudo Jones. They received several niico presents, both useful and ornaimon tal. We wish them a long and happy life. We are having lovely weather- now, especially for wheat sowing. Cotton picking is about over. Far mers are you glad or sorry? Misses Pearl Boggs and Eugenia Taylor, of Calhoun and Blanch and Myrtle Douthit, of Oconee, wvere the guests of May and Virginia Lawrence last Saturday and Sunday. E. B. Ramnsay and family visited the family of W. B. Lawrence recent 1y. Misses Georgia Vandiver and Mar garet Norris, of Walhalla, visited in this ' ommuiunity this week. 'ie~ Long Branch school will be. gin soon with J. HI. Lawrence as teacher. W. B. Reid and son, of Chappel's attended the reception last 'Thurs dlay. Blunchy. Constipation } ur'II head &i&m ? Pain * fyour cyesc~ ? Bad Jer .A.) .r'si Pills are Iver pills. They cure consti ntion, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Wat yournousta-ear a r4 a beatiftul BUCKINGHAM$ DYEete j The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jafst-as-good" are but - Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Ianfnts and Ohildren-Experience against Experiment. What. iiCASTORIA (lastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie subltance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys'Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrheea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA -ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. a.4,.T...AUn COMPANY; " . MURRAY IM. . ..W . OR. K . nY. COME ONE--COME ALL. and see us before buying Dry Goods and Groceries. We have just opened up new goods and lets of 'em. We havn't the space to quotA prices but com., and see us. Our prices are right. 3argains in our Dry G'nod1 that will surprise y->u and our notions are new and a variety of them. Pri-es are down on the botton. We have a nice line of Comforts and Bla-ukets that we can sell you cheaper than you have ever knowIn before, 3 pound leather pillars, only $1.50 per pair. Onr groceries are always fresh and prices right. ;When in need of any come and give us a look. Country produce bought and sold. Let us have your laundry. Collars 1e each and shirts et:-. Cheaper than any one else. Good work guaranteed. Yours for trade, WYATT & GRIFFIN, ____ ____EASLEY, 8.2C . 11 Wh on't ...ALREADY' KNOW IT... ..Th at A. D. MANN has the nicest lot of New Fresh Goo,' a.ojust received from the Nortbtern markets just as cheap as ca,1 be bought anywhere and a lot of them cheaper thani they can be bcought anywhere near here. My line consist in part of /J~Heavy Knit Underwear, Sirts of every description. Suspen derse, Tries, Gloves, etc. Ladies Capes, Skirts, Underwear, Union Suits for Children, Heavy Knit Underwear, etc., etc. Beod Blackets, Hosiery, Notions of every description. Shoes= =.Ts ok TIN WARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERYWARE, CHINA, 'LAMP$, and lots of other goods too numIerous to mrmtion.. EW' sell Groceries as cheap as anybody. Come and get some nice FISH. I lbuy anything that you can sell at the stores and wilL pay the best prices. I want to b~uy all the Cotton Seed1 I can get and will pay highest market price for same here at my gin. Also will gin your ce tton for 25 cents per 100 pounds lint. gW-I solicit your patronlage and will TREAT YOU RIQ IHT. Yours, A. D. MANN, S ___MEET,_S. C. TtEsP'AsS NOTIOE. THIE9PAss N'YIOE. All persons are hereby warned not All porsons are war med not to hunt, to hunt, cut timber, or im any way fish, cut timber, malk e ronds or in any tresp~ass QuI any of our lands. Per- manner wh~atevetr tr sapass in any way sons violating this notice will be pros- uplonl any of our Ian as or ainy lands eicutedi to the full extent of the law-. we have in our charge. J. L. Murphree, The Caih oun Land Co., J. A. Parsons, 28oml. Calhonn, S. C. J. E. Nix. Oct. 21, 1903 wG6. PR~ It Keep" the INoetv am1rh Ih.e'aaic. ad b 1ae. te haf. IN U Any one buying $50-00 worth of merchandise (except Grocor!es) from October 21st 1908 to January 1st, 1904, I will have enlarged any photograph left. at my storo and placed in a handsome frame and delivered to the customer absolutely free. The work of enlarging the photograph is done by one of the very best artists in the Unit ed States. The frame is handsome and durable. . The outfit is just what an agent will charge $5.00 for. Any one buying $26.00 will be given choice of frame or eylarged photograph. We Underbuy and Undersell! Coats Spool Cotton 50 per Dozen. S GRnOCERIESI C L O Remember everything sold is guaran toed as represented or money refunded. Most every store sells cloth but we sell Good green coffee, 10, 12, 141b for $1.00 the proper btyles. If yOU wanit calico, Good fresh roasted coffee, 8, 10lb for $1. outings, percale. Oheetmg, drills, flannel, Arbuckle's roasied cufl'eo, 91b for $1. chambrey, choviot, and madras, we can' surely pleaso you. If you want any. Brown's Mule Tobacco $8.05 per box. thing in wool dress goode, wo have all Early Rird Tobacco, $3.65 colors ranging in price from 10c. to $165 Schnopp's Tobacco, $3 (65 " per yard. Dress patterns in zibelines, All kinds of fancy and staple grocer. Camel's Hair, Mohair and Brilliantine. ies at the right prices. Fifteen shades of Granite Poplins from 12jc to 45c per yard. Dress flannols, I also carry a completo line of buggies, plaids and novelty goods from 15c to 75c wagons, harness, saddles, whips, laprobes. per yard. Bost valuos for the money. Don't fail to get my prices. Yours for Business, * 0 R. C. CARTER, LIBERTY, S. C. Cures Crip To cure a Cold in One Day ery. ae Laxative romo Quinine Taiets. an every Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. This signatue, . - / E. FOR SALE. .1llalkso'1YV1llo' uvllner, . Watch This Space. Seventy-five acres of land in one body within one-half mile of the incorporate WILL BE SERVED AT_ limits of the town of Pickens. Fifty acres of this lan(d is cleared and in good s'nte of cultivation, and the re maining twenty-five acres is original fo' T he "H iaw atha" H otel o-st, and from it can lie cut two thour cords of wood for which there is fl, On November 26th, 1903, Thanksgiving Day. If the 'possums can 1)o bought will far in excess of the supply in . have 'possum and tators. Tnrkey stuTffd with Oysters and alt the delicacies of the ity. seasoni. Bring your family and friends and dine them iat tho Hiawatha that (lay. A good dwelling house ' Leave your orders at the hotel or my store not later thtan Tuesday the 24th please. erty, andl all the necer~ If you have eggs, butter, chickens or anything in the produce line bring it to ready erected andl b me. I can use lots of such things at the hotul and am prepared to pay good prices bargain in this to beo in cash. er who manns busxnese I want at once 25 live 'Possums, 50) Turkeys and can use a lot of Partridges Seven hunndredl (700) . . .oe and Rabbits.' Don't forget I wvill pay the cash and you can trade at my store or Township, well timbered w ~at where you please. ered. Good Titles. My stock of Merchandise is varied and complete. New lots of Furniture Two hundred and twenty-four (224) coming iu till along. I am always willing to swap goods for cash or produce. acres in C'entral Towvnship, well timber 18, 03. 3~U . ~ed and wvell watered. Good Titles. Nov. 18i0.5 . .l...31 .8 oth these tracts of hind are offered - -- ---- ---- -- -at reasounble prices, either all cash or one-half cash, the balanco one year with W. T. McFALL, J. Mel). BRUCE, interest at 8 per cent, secured by moert.. President. Cashier, gage of the land. An inspection of this property is invited. If not sold by Do MAULDIN & MA ULDIN, O F P ICK E NS, S. C. o1w8. Pickon,S. 0 CA PIT AL, - - $ 20,500.00. PROFITS, - - $ 10,312.09. ~ '''' DEPOSITS, - - $100,055.29. - New Goods Interest paid on timo Deposits. Careful Management. p Newv Prices ! Liberal Treatment to all it's Customers., tv Vthsfo 10 WE MAKE A SPECIALT0Y OF SMALL LOANS TO FARMERS. to $50.00. Clocks of all 9 kinds. Rings, Breast 1Pins enD~eco~s e/ andlBrooches to suit the .l. E. inAGOOI), .1. P'. CARl EY, .J. ll. 110GGS, / Hollow-waro, viz. Sugar ' w'. M. iW>)> >, W. -1' -c~ tin T- -. uu'E . B owls, Butter Dishes, lea / -i - t~lY..M ..Mi.iilE Pots and Cream Pitchers. -____ --- En Sithe ceebated ROG W''.MFL, J. S. WILSON. R. E. BRUCE, / Sp(oos LtToa President. ViePrs ec Tesand Love cbains of overp do-~ 1100ih scription. Specs and frames . ' R 01R 'to-nitth-e oldmai. i -#Tle Pcken Oi Mil Co pallI-h-avo the most completo -DEALE S IN ~line of JEWELRY ever 4 come all and bring~ yonr re g''C(t0 Seed Moal, Hulls, Oil and LiRn1'S4"% paiing for this is my hobby (litaingCottn A~pecitlt. and you will not go despair-.. Capacity 50 Bales *.Per Day. / tg or o uies L~. HCURETN, Mg. /H. SNIDER, Jeweler, it. H. CURTON,,Mgr.c. Our Ginnery is Now D3L .~L~ RunningSotCrlna Bay and Night i. necessary DNTS. JJ~i1Pickens, SouthuCrrolina.