The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, November 11, 1903, Image 4

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)!5.Aclv It out. lYa teod ou thold .adi e 'agent, 1Ntho Chicago "Tribune." tIy are Fo dooply fim t a-sense of their own su ,bi1itieo tliat they tako written about them in the dus possible 8'siion. years ago I was stranded on a coast. I wanted to get Chicago the worst way possi 4 finally, through. a lucky acci " lOearned that liarnoy Ferguson, rdh comedian, who was just ,to start East, was in need of dade agent. Tie job proisod 6prtation and sponding ioney at - d I was glad to got it. 1i interesting happone(I until tick. TrinidaO. Col. Trindad is t11 ti, but 1 acre happoned to "3*&ung man working On one of apers thoro iiore for the benefit hti lurgs than of Iis poci(etbootk. Y s an Oxperieced dramatic c antd lie caine to s.uo iy star. IsAt-that period of his career Mr. ..r4son's chief dratatic foat was to n a large easy chair, with an Irish 0ipi on, and hold a Imnorous con ration 'vith the soubrette of the Pany. When the proper inonient 0 Mr. Ferguson. being busily on In the debate the soubrotte set lire to the paper sole of ono S,8 8 shoes. Never even glancing at tlreateiiing conflagration, Mr. rouson reachod info a capacious in .)pocket and pulled out. ia loaded 4t'of' soltzer water. Still, without g at the fire, which ilby fihis timo . chdi magnificent flToportion9, 4rguson turned on the streim oping up thi rapid-lire conver Iii brilliant outburst of wit and ifi-Of as always good for a hearty jiI the minin1lg district. yOung EAstern (iratuatic critic, ee' fell afoul of my star after I owing fashion: ' nry Irving has his own In. ethods of producing a' dra ~tic; Mr. 1iclhnrd M ansfield Sii but it has remained for Mr. iorguson to make a seltzer ttle tho hero of at farce comedy.' 'iWhen I read the paper the 'it norping. I trembled for my job. -?Rhked into the hotel dining .;Barney Ferguson was al. . aYe(ding the Ipel. I sat down th"vime table. 'rosently the Sipanookod up. Y wou Be vhat they said about Ine , the paper this morning?' he sk d> Sdid I isaid, looking as .,orrow as possible. 2ou see, they compare me with H.enry Irviivg and itichard Mans di don't you?' he said, looking as ou a peacock. 'You'd better go t and uy me(0 lihalf a dozen moro terb ties.'" Meat Killed by Dynamite. new use has been found for dyna. T!U" said a butcher, "and maybe, be. rn 'tig, we will b oating dynamnite le c beef. At tihe weekly meeting or *ciety last nightt a nitember tohl( et experimlents3~l wIthdynamiito I had 11( seen in a \Vostern slaugit use. These experiments had hrt uccessful, 11ind had proved that a4.U tin ;bleful of dynamite, explode'd on .1 ot ee or cowv's forehead wvould kill it moe quickly than the usual 'knock threo steers by side and * (in the for" * of dynamite use had been primers had all * ~~comm~ion hlaf tery. libattery had 'o steers a groan, itent-had wa1s a flne .e spea~ker e the day -vorld wouild htiadelphia *Pets. lhe King of of the lone. arched iln front * ..anikey Is a rather pot,. but probiably n10 .some than the pet (leer .rible. The priv'ilege (of keep s is very much appreciated bty ejnekets, who lavish~ their spar a~n~ anud sonic of their ispare (cash on r - anet tf''animals. Th'ie C eniturioni (says e "urt Circular) once had a monkey * tu p ubed to eat wilthI a spoon from a ni and dr'ink from a glass, withI a ournapkIn tucked under his chin Ah" whtile. Trho Caesar had a pet ~om solneO time back. Cats and dogs, c~j ut re, are commton onl board shtip. ~, I'~~~ French warlsip MIarceaut had a ~ ~Ji'o dock niamed Boulanger as pet, h-crowed1 whenever the guns The 'German Pr'inz Wilhelm i gray, ptork, and the United i Chia da pig. D~oves, I blac ' s adpeacocks are ~,r ~ lian seamoen, and the i~ iniranteOqunoo a di ir of cosasowaries as tO live in a small town ~ 8 PeQple sympathizo with ~uble, and if you haven't any Uhunt uip some for you. ft.) Now Era, ~, s~d tlo City of Mecca, Ma bon in the year 5~74, is $1t 1 ii1 where, It is said, -~ OAt6 offer uip Isaac, ic ESVbefoye Christ. ts and Children. ou ave Always Bought V jt1~Pain Bahni is cnsider neoni the market," flasc qi dorgia, Vt. No) eal, acut ofi br aise No ther afford such aT~i~tio paiins. No oth-. 0 O1 eep seated paiins tdp jfus in tho chest. ll Itiaul anid you will * .ildren 2'tt . 'ver3I)00 0: I a ~ jli dinggIsts 8.Ollnsed, ON The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signaature of \.. and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancey. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of IfLants and Children-E~xporience against Experiment. What isCASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 11t con taiis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substamce. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroyo Wormq an(l allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatilency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the tomacl and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacca-The Mother's Friend. CENUNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. IC CENTAUR COMPANV. TV MURRAY DTREET. NEW YORK CTY. S1UPRDIVANT'S! Coiled up in that One Little Word ND'ER VL Is the magrnet tbZmt draws the crowds. WVhether you live 10, 20 or 50 miles it will pay you to comeI to Sturdivam'Cs BIGx lEE HlIVE for y'our Winter dress g ood ;, Shot s, I fats and Cloting. I. K. SilwdiVailt Co. BIG BliE HIYE Greenville's Greatest Store. For The Family. Our store is the place wvhere / / the best, newest and latest / / Shoe Creations are to be found. lHeavy and igTht Walking / Shoes for Men, W\omen and / Children. Shoes for the en- ~ tire family. For whlatever / plurp)ose you rnay require shoes / / we have themi and at the very / / lowest prices./ PRIDE& PATTON Ur I-To- A'r-', SI oE H oUsE. -' C~im EENVILLE, S. C. BEFORE YOU COME TO' PICKENS look at th1is4 pap~er andui see what days N. D. TAYLOR, Wil 1i ~rae Photographer Wil beintown and bring your foiks and have some perfect LI FE 1L1IKE PH-IOTOG RAPH S made. TUELIi D11AY atI WVEOINES D1AY~. - Sterl'intg S lver' Nlollowv.. ware, . *am~ roadside,'i )ro le'Favie unimanuuer as to be0 rot I WRO *onvenfien)ly as praCctial3( arrier without dlismflountii.4 I lCI'' i *inii C a U( echicle or horso, and suchNoe te4 hall file with tho' postmasiter .. >Ostoflice to which the mail j~ci e rur Js7d htessod (which shalil he one of S (111 ffa. obtoffices on~ the routo on either t and next to tho box or crane) ~Ny MLE. O,pv 'A PRETTY WOMAN, EssentiAls of Beauty as Enumerated by an Expert of To-day. What is essential to a protty wo man? Hero is the answer as given by a modern'beauty expert: A pretty woman,'tirst of all, must have clearly cut, regular features. She must have a skin above re. proach, untouched by rouge or powder. She must have full, clear eyes. She must have eyelashes long and curling upward. She nust have eyebrows. finely marked, slightly arched, long and nar row; yet the narrow line should be thickly covered, o as to be well mark. ed, as if pencilled. She must have a straight nose, yet delicate, neither fleshy, nor paintod, nor broad at the tip, with the nostrils free and flexible. She must have a mouth rather too liurge than too small, with lips full and plunip and rosy red. Eveni an ox (lulsitely shaped mouth has no chara without expression. She must have even, regular tooth; of indoerate size, poarly white, with full enamel. She must have a chin neither sharp nor blunt, but gently undulating in Its line, round and cushlony, turning a little upward, with a dimple in it. She must have a small, delicate jaw, not large and angular, which gives a hard, domineering look. She must have a throat round, full and pillar-like-a marble column to support the head. She must have glossy hair that has never known the touch of bleach or dye. -iho must fully understand what best suits her in the way of hairdressing, and cling closely to that style. She must have small, delicate, com pact cars of a shell-likO shape. She must have a forehead smooth, even, white, delicate, short and of an opn, trustful character. Ariosto says "of terse ivory was the Joyous brow." She must have a long and dencate hand, yet plump, with tapering fingers, the tips of which, when resting on the palm, should turn back a little. She must have a nail "transparent like a ruby among pink roses"-not long, not round, nor altogether square, but of a fair shape, with a white cros cent visible at the base. She must have a foot not too small, but proportioned to the stature it sup ports; white, well arched, with a curved outline and a smooth surface. She must have an arm with a round and flowing outline, no sharpness at the elbow, and tapering down gently to a small wrist. She must'have sloping shoulders, not 'oo- 1road. She must have a waist twice the size of her throat, not, as fashion has too often made it, nearly the same size. She must have hips high and wide. She must have a good figure, plump enough, yet slender enough, though never suggestive of an angle. She nust know how to poise the bo(ly, in other words, how to stand correctly. She niust know how to sit without being stiff-waisted. She must possess the pose and ro. poise that nark the "daughter of a hundred earls." She must have a gait which may be likconed to thlat of a Diana following the hounds. She mnust know how to climb stairs, also ho0W to come dowvn stairs, grace full, without an1 attemp~t to push holes in the steps. Rhe nmust have a flexible, vibrant, caressin~g, tender, poetic, crystalline voice. She miust know ho0w to put on her clothes, or she loses half lher beauty. A wvoman may have all thlese attrac tions-be either dark or fair, tall or short, slender- or full formedi, grave or piquant, majestic or vivacious, serene or brilliant-anld unless her own per sonality is chlarmiing, unless she has tact, it dawns on you, after you have seen her OnIco or twice, that she is not a pr'etty woman, but a pretty doll. The Cost of a Conclave. "What is tile cost of a Conclave?" The qluedian was asked yesterday of a well-known clergyman, and this was is reply: "That of 187M, which resulted in the elect'ions of leco XIII, involved two bills, one of $11,754.28 for carpentera' and masons' work, locksmiths, paint ers, gas, glaziers, and electric bells; tile other of $4,000 for fitting up the Sistine C.hapel. But this was dirt' cheap compmred wvith theo figures for sonme preceding conclaves. That of 1831, whenO1 Gregory XVI. was elected, cost $14i1,756.18, anld the elections of l'inn Viii. and Leo XII. were respon sible for $127,702 aind $98,425, respec tively. These conclaves all took lace during the last cenitury; but before thlat p~eriodl conclaves were both long er and mlor'e frequent, so that it was found necessary on several occasions to limit bieforeohand. the expenditure on a papal election. Thus, Alexander VIII. limited the nuumlber of the fune tionaries of the Conclave and cut down t hem- emlolumecntsl and perquisites." P'hihulclphia l'ress. A small girl of four- was accosted by a lady ini the neighlbor-hoodi: "Good mlornling, Susie. I henar your grand mammlana is comling home to-day. You'll no glaid, won't you?" Susie (serious and~ considering)-Me. iium.-lloston Herald. "When a man is just aching to do somethling mighty mean, and is afraid to do it," said Uncle Alien Sparks, "he0 always says he'd do it for 2 cents."-Ohicago Tribune. "Confidence in oneself is half the battle of life." "Andl tihe otheor half'?" "Fooling other peoplo."--Puck, GTraTION. ST'A'' T )1OF SOUTH'J CAROLAINA,? gCounty of Pickens. IN 'THE COUnT OF PRlOnIATE. lBy . B. Newbory, E-qu ire., Probate Whlelreas, H. L. Clayton made snlit to mne to granlt him Loetters of Administra tion of tile Estate and off.-otM of Saimuel Jonos, deconsed. TChese are ilherefor'e to clte aund admnon ishm all and1( sinignsar tile ki:.dred and( co ditors of ilho aid Samuel ,Jonues, de'Lceaseld, thaiit they appearal before mie, in thme Court of Probaio0, to bo hueldl at Pick ensI Cour-t H-ouuse. H. (I , on tihn 25-h day of Nov. 1003, after pubtllicaltion 1b0r-oo, at 11 o'clock in the foreno-mt, to shlow caluse, if aniy they haive, why tihe said Admmiiistr'ation shiouldi not he gr-anted. GIVEN under my hand and seal, thlia 7th (lay of Nov. 1903, in the 128 year of our Independonoe. ,- .. J. B. NEWBEIRY, SI4ML ~. Judge of Probate, Pickens county, 8. 4. . Chambelainls Stomnach and Liver Tab~mlets are becoming a favolite for stom11ach trouble and constipation, For' sale by Pickens Drag Cho, rie~ns Drag StyCpp~td 'V.i N, Hlunt r, b r A t, " M uff sPurealthiskey A, ~ ~ MIA, - FT .-. a U E"N F rLL A LOOK FORLTiSi~ .) ' .'N JEEL BOTLE. MEDICINE CI i ;L~ K46 RUNr Mr. Elias Hartz, widoly liown in Po:.ding, P., as thm goseboao prophot, says: " I have boon taking Dauiy's Puro M-it \\-h!; r , w: ef y . an my oly stim'urnit and tonic. I am now 87 years old, LmlI , I ay ' . .: .- aia. n t forty, ad have every ronson to beli, -vo I wiN Ii: a 1 muc -i ' -i1 r .' I i . S' eau : . havel a sup iigestioni, or any or'ganic troubeidd - .: !o' t -or-mbal hse ththakp Fyof Dulry's 1'tmo Motilt WTis.'v, i. IS* ti~ :;SIV ll*- i old o m0 so freo from sckn:.. I wi rItou!. 4 - hi 1 . r"A . s !I. ))lit h ow I van sloop as restfully as a thy. I fl'i-l a. . , .a. wl heutil recom. mondDuffy's Puro Malt Whiskey to ay ':-.. '' , y..u".7:ad vigorous. Duffy's Puro Malt Whiskey co: : -i :,-:1 is 't, L-. hie recognized by the Governnent as a medlicin: thL i - OAUTION.-When von ask fi:' i .. - I . i 1:!v.: y 1tr yon get fte Wenuine. Uicrnptilous AIealer, isisI ar,,. .- s:o '! ot' i isua ' ier i t.inn, will try to sell yotr et( ay im It:mtiaionsians 2,ai. -.11%y .ai-.' -'; :, -..h h are put. on tho iarket for porollt only, antl whilt, farr m re be I;..: f' ;-I+ :; m i u i'ely htI-iaanl. Desuand "Dutf'4" and h43 bo surei you t '. : i , - : . .; b .i : M at .W1Iakey which contains maalIelinal, henitIt *:- b a. !: 12a:y'.. 'm'- ; 3. Whiske Is sold li acaileel luott les only; nievor ias ez bult. He cortn'in the sual over the c r C Is unbroken. oware of roli lled bottlots. Sold by all druggists and grocers, or dlirect, A1.00 a bottle. Int' miedical booklet postpaid to any addr-ess. Dulty Maltt Whiskey Co., Rochoster, New York. FOR SALE IN SOUTH CAROLINA AT ALLDMPENSARYS Treasurer's Notice. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ( County of Pickens. Office of County Treasurer, Pickens County, S. C. Pickens, S. C., Septenber I 5th, 1 903 TIE TREASURER'S OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FROM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1th UNTIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1903, WITH OUT PENALTY. The Rate of Stte, County, School and Special Ta>:, Including One Dollar Poll Tax and One Dolar Commutation Road Tax. In recor'daic wvith an Act to raise onpl Iies for thea Iiiscal yearOi 'onmwcin')itg .Tlanary 1, 1!103, notico is herebcy givena tIt the~ oflive. of ('ount y Treaisurevr of Pickonas Con nty' will or' en foai the colicaiotioin af taixes f. r v. id tise: 'i Li. frim PHlURSD)A Y, OCT1ORER 15.rr, unitil TH'l URBSDA Y, D )ECulimj :. U1 drI8. RIales per' cent. of taxation are as8 follows: Levy For State Tax - - - - 5 Mills. " '" Ordinary Coimty tax - 4" " m" ConstitutLion a Il ich(ol tax - 3" " "Past 1Indob)redneas - 1" " "~ County R~oades --- .- I " " Sinking Fund - - 1 " Total levy for State and Contiy Taxes - -. 1 7 \!it L.. vy forj int ernetI On Pickensl R. 11. hioudS, Pickensl (. 1 1 Township, :2 milh11:. Lev'y for initerest on Paiknus R. R. bondsi, lInT ri'anun iT' mi ip. 2'. 10mi i.'. Lcvy'~143 fo it' ret. On Picke'ns R. R. bon :b, Ea"i'tn a'aTow nsh1ip, : mills Specil Levy Far School Disticjt No. 3' ". IM.l. 21ad6 a, pt anc am It x a t yhm wil he c 4lctd ote3axsf 3 all inal tiieshewet a s if 18 ii 50yars xets .taraxep db la . Uls ad t adb the ato e. 93 ih aaswrku s th puli hihas wil ber *ii unde a1 owtatr Taea at pa abl onying at~ aive coit Unik 3 ttscriny tinlBak at a aopn of aStat o a ic h 1oepybedrn h year 3ma1903a.*i, ' -be ol ocation of thei propuer t34 d ico pot age for a'reply, and those payingi' t a xes f . 'ee almust 4- ai incld te~C chres for t- 'alectn.1 ~ 1 ''ii,(xnlI m' Sept. Baii o5, 193 Id Treasurre of Ptiei~ia~'ie ) OI )1ilkens Cunty. li IleaaEra19 or)al. P' rt ner faxri 1 mile forato b P iin Oe-a'l) inctiain forwal j2.1.00.tat 1~8 6-1 els iit hinl e to mien N r Colttong1 5arsi utrto hertme6acr E i n lian ltt F of runiglteam 1 150 acesnCrowt ~ni Orek. Pi0 acesp in-ltiin, l6 acres g.ori fott ~Siland Goodr 4 ro rmue dlnsand out houses. (h$g950.00.3'' 3(l'' Real estate is going in a rush nlow. Come1 soon and( get pick and11 choice. For further information call on J. D. HOLDER & CO. RtEAL ESTATlE DEALERS'. omlee at Deopot, li~leimten .0 aTONCPLSfr the biewlMehonofid Poer righ a 8a at.i~ alldaes EW tAND NEW PC For both ol and new customers on all Fall and Winter .;oods for and during the Autumn months of the new year 1903. I w'ant all who read this to take.,fair notice not to buy goods fromI me unless you want to buy at the lowest prices hat they can be sold at and guarantee fair dealings and hon est prices. For the next 3 months I will sell to all who trade w'ith me For every $5.O0 purchase Worth of a nythilg in tl . dry goods Iiine I will g-ive 20 lbs of' granulate( sua for g/1.oo. I will not sell sugar at the above price only when a ,"5.oo purchase s made all at one time, and the abm. e demandcd by the cus Lomer. With each 50 lb sack of my il "ROLLER EX'IRACT" ilour I will give free a pound package of Arm & I lammer soda or a 5c can of Good Luck baking )o\der. Give me a part of your trade and be convinced that I will sell you good goods as cheap as the cheapest. (quality con sidlered.) I now have a complete line of Broadcloths, Percales, Flannels, Sterling Dress Goods, 1- enriettas, Nainsook, Cali coes, E1iderdow*n-white, pink and blue. A nlice line of Gents fme shirts, 50 to 75c. Rubber col lars, Ladies and Gents I losiery from 5 to 25c per pair. A Few 1old goods consistinlg of Suits;, Overcoats and shoes at your own price. Yours for trade, JOHN F. H ARRIS. MAlstl Uetie THE OLDEST, LAIRGEST AND [EST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN THE PIED MONT SEGTION OF S. c. \' Can-1 -, 0II w.iUtS inl anYthinlg inl t ho Dry GoodS 1ino f rom the ineost to t he cimpest qwl:1itiec Otr 18myIS llavV Jun.1 r, tit ii-(. fromu Nort hIlern markets atid our conob11-r's :11A al I( me aubid d(n'm it a~l l th.e bites"t Spring Dresn God an Noveltits. In Gists Fu-iimshing Goods we havo ho nii't : coip i ste ek in t he St n 'rce th t will ast onish VJ e il t t(l.-lj j Whenl in, Go-vtvillo ell n d (mi xamine" mitr goods and got y ces be; fore reayg ri urchais. YNu mone tack if ou ati not more than suis(id. In1 (ar pet s , 1 i : lh . Se r :m, W Unle w 1:h I,!h s, Art. S ltares an ad Ml'ts %V4, h a a conJ)leti soc Thlankinig our' friends at.<lvI~ custiner fr their lib&:ral patronage in the1 pa st and(I11 hoping to m er i! alCi cri nuanc ofC the samo1 we i areW i Very lvpoet~fnliiv. McA LiSTER & BEATTlE. WE'l HAV'E JUST' R E I\ ED A CAR LO)AD) (O-' THEII FAMOUS STOYEJ AAER 1E5E. W'e are going to dispose of them rapidly. Nowv is your chance. AL.L SIZLS. ALL PRICES. Metts& Jams 1 26 South i\Iain St. GREEN VIL LE, S. C. A~ S. BYERS CO.n, Atlanta, G~ Will pay SPOT CASH for Oak, Pop lar, Ash or Walnut. They will send a man to receive the lumber at load ing p)oint. They wvill pay you the highest market price. Write them st ating what you have in the wvay of H IARD)WOODS A. S. BYERS COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. 'U) ETT' Caros Cholera-Infantomnt - - the Bowel Troubles of ~ Children of/Any Age. 4 Aids DIgestion, legulatee - C. EET INO':POWDER$ the Bowels, Sirenthenj Costs Only 25 cenits at Draggists, TTHIsj'NG y' Or mail 25 conts to C. I. MOFFETT, M. D., ST. L.OUIS, MO. Wo av hndld r.Mnfet~sTEETHTINA (Tenthn P'owders) over cbico Its firt tntroui7tlon to tho uilo tiw Oilo ftt twy r tiire undrd groe jryear, whicI, as very trong OvidtIIe of its aner i n s t tIsfato or hotS a or overcon es so qutc ly tho troubles i 1ntt to t e cthintrcsth tetso h sm o' THEI LAMAR & RANIN DRIUO CO. Whtolesalo Drugglate, All Sumanmer and Spring Goods at Cost. It wvill pay you to buly now even if you don't aeed a suit of Clothes. It's a g~ood i nvestme nt. You can't putt your money to a better adlvantage than to buy a big sup jply remeamber y oui need clothinag next year, and you have saved at least 30 peacent on your. purchas(. I have added ain up1-to-date Merchant lailoaiang Estal ishment to our' business. I can cut and make a suit for you while you A wvait. I carry a laarge stock of piece goods. You arei bound to get what suiits you. L.. ROT HSCH ILD Oci:2tf. .GREENVILLE. S. C.