The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, October 01, 1903, Image 3

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Happenings of a Local and Personal Nature. -J. E. Parsons coitmiues quite ill with fever. -- 1'houmas li wen, who is clerking at the Big StLore, is Lid up wit.h the mumilips. -Dr. W. F. Austin will bo in Ets 'y TuILesday1 and( Wed nesday, Oct. ')Ih and 7th. -J. P. Carey, jr , and Ernost Froo ham, stidents of Clvinson College, Visited hom011e this week. .-Dillard Dodgens killed a large rattlesnake t ear Eastatoo postoffice aist Sunday. - )ntforget, tho grealt Millinery Opeining at the Big Store Friday and int urday, Oct. 21 and 3d. Dr. J. N. H1illum an( wife now ,eI)y the Bogg' house roeently va ,ited by Judge It. 0. Purdy. - Nlter .1. Boggs is with R. C. *ar'ter at Liberty and will ho glad Mr bis friindis to cill and see him. -Several of our adver'tiseri change lieir notices this wv(eh; hunt them p and read thelm), you will learn -Wialtr II. (Arillin aml I Als8tella 11rris, of Greenville, spent Sunday n Pickens, I he guests of their respec. ive anlothers. -Thero will be a great rally c he horsoi swi)pers at L Ross Itoll's ot., in Central, on Oct. 1, 2 and 3. 'verybody is invited. --Cleon W. Mauldii, after a nontlb's leave of absenco, returned to he Naval AUademy, Annapolis, Ml., .0 resume his studies. -R. 11. Cureton, manager of the Pickens Oil Ni', went to Columbia, tlls week, on business, returning last night. --Lost, a black cape with blue lin ing betVeen MeFal's store and A. Kelley's on the 26th ult. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at this oilico. -Rev. C. L. McCain began a pro traced meeting at Porter's Chapel last Sunday night. It is a good neetinig and much iutorest is being q manifested. -Capt. Ivy M. MIaulin, with his family, have moved to Pickens and occulpy his,; recent purchase, the Babb house, on Johnson street in the south wost plortioll of town --Mar'ieo.o Sept. 27, 1903, at the homli of the bride's father, Mr. Christopher, Mlr. David A. ilig!gins to Miss Evie Christopher. 1Rev. W. C. Saborn officiated. All of Pick ens county. C-Ma rried, On the 27th It , at the rel'idence) of the bride's parencits, Mr. and Mrs. WA'. Thompson Aike'n, of the- Crow Creek section, Miiss Arzela Aikeh to Mr. JamellCs Chapel, Rlev. A. J. Manly officiating. -R. C. Carter, Liberty, is receiv ing one of the larigest stocks of dry goods and notions from New York .ver brioulgh t to that place, anid when you want bargains call on him and he wvill nave you money. -MIsse's Corrie LaBoon and Ola 11ichey~ are learning "thie art pr1eser-. vative," wvorking in time evenings, af ter school hours, as a recreation They are bright stud~enits and will sooni make nimble typos. -R C. Carter, Liberty, hans rented the Brownu House store room1 and cariesiv a (comp1lete' line of buggies, wagons, haurnessi, saddles and a beau tiful line of winte-r lap robes. Don't fail to see thorm and get his prices. -N. D. Taylor, photographer', will he in ils studio at Piuckens, in the Ca rey old building, next Tucsday and Wednesday, October Gth and( 71,b. If you wiant first class work call on him, and rest assured you will get it. - All persons who are now on irurail routes are' requested to so noti fy this office so that we can properly address and get their panper to them. Rural route carriers do not carry out aniy mail unless it is mriked for their roiuti s. -WV. R. (Tuck) Cantrell has moved to thle Joab Maublin homestead, two mnihes south of Pickens. He will take charge of and run thle farm niext year. Hie is a goodl, steady follow and an indul~strious farmer, and will bring out this fai mn. -Adophus Blagwell, engineer for 'Ike ginnery at the oil mill, sustained1 painmul, though not ver'y serious inl juries, Wednesday mnorniing, while at his wvork. No' groat damnago wvas done, and Mr. Blag well will probably be at his post again in a very few days. -This paper wvas very late getting ouit last wveek. Our paper', which ougl,t to have r'leacd us by the 10111 (lid not reach us until the 28.hI. Throughl the kindness of the Keowet' Couier we got enough paper to get out on. WVe hope. we will not again be behated from this cause. -ev. \V. Tj. Abbott, pasltoir of the Keowee church, by r quest, will pi'each at Shady Grove, on Monday night, Oct. 5th; rat Oulenoy, on TLuc~s day night, 6thl; Holly Springs, Wed nestay n'ght, 7th. The public cor. jpliahly invIted to aittendl~, and all good - smglers are wanited to attend. ---Dr'. A. B. WVardlaw, denitist, hasm fit ted up a ni1ce oijce up stair's in thu Hfollingsworthm tbuilding, on Sounth aide of Main street, west of the cour't house0, where he will be pleased t hlave "sffer ing humIanity" to come for reClief..* It is whiispered thlat hi iil bocome a I (ermanent fixture in --iM's. Mart ha Canatrell Poa ter, wife of E. S. (D~ock) Porter, died oir the mor'ningv of the th~ inst., at 1( o'clock, at the hmlie of her husband, thr'ee miles north of Picken1s, after an iness of a wveek, from puerperal fever Sha wvas thirty three years old1, andl -had been married fifteen years slit was the mother of eight children soven of w'homn are living, the baibv', girl, being only a wveek old. '8ht was a good wife and miotiher and a consistent christian, and a mnembej of Montamn Grove church. Her ro mamaS were laid to rest the dam. fol -Miss Ptdio I .hey Is Ysitinlg friends nd ae'atives In and near Eas. Ivy. - Dr. W. T. Field continues to be siok. We' hope that he may soon re cover. -Crope .on Big liestatoe are good and the farmers are happy; they will recover from the June heehet. -Remember J. D. Moore is in the market business. Call on him when in neod of meats or any other goods. --Earlk Lewis, of Greenville, spent Sunday with his parents In Pickens. He was accompanied over by his' frier d, Mr. Stone. -Capt. Frank G. Mauldin, in. structor at Fort Adams, Newport, Rhode Island, is on a visit to his rel. atives in Pickons. -FOR SALE: -I have a lot of pigs ready for delivery. Price fuur weeks old, three dollars. Eight weeks old four dollars. John Ferguson. -The hnrse swappers from this and neighboring counties will hold a high carnival in Liberty on the 8th, 9th and 10th instant. All who'read this, and want to trade, are invited to com. Accommodations will be provided. --W. H. Johnson his a full l'ne of Musical Instru ments, Clocks, Watches, Chains. Pocket Cutlery, Rizorg, etc. You will also find in his establish ment onn of the nicest lines of Pie. tures, Frames and Easels, you have ever seen in Pickens. -When you want to decorato your home call orn him and profit thereby. -IV. T. Earle was in town last Saturday visiting relatives. Mr. Earlo has been teaching a flourish ing school at New Town which he closed the 25th uilt. He is one of Pickens county's most promni3ing young teachers. He was on his wail to South Carolina College, to lake the normal course offered there this year for men teachers. -Married, on the 23d tilt., at the reside nco of Mrs. Harriet Bowie, mother (if the hVide. Mr. Thomas B 1obertsan, of Oconee, to Miss Kittie Bowie, of this county. Rev. John I. Spinks, of Walhalla. officiated. 'Tbe brido is a lovely young lady of our county and her many friends wish her and her husband miich joy, hap piness and prosperity. -L-o D. Gillespie, who has been practicing law in Pickens since his admission to the bar, left last week for Bishopville, the county seat of Leo county, where he has formed a partnership with a friend and class mate, and will continue the practico of his chosen profession. We com mend him to the good people of Lee county and wish hin abundant sue cess in his new home. --Unless someo unforseen occident or rush cof work pirevents, the patpers are p)ut in the Pickens postoflie on Wedne-sday afternoons, and h~ave here on Thursday morninug, so that our subscribers should receive their pa pers not later than Friday. If you do not receive your paper on time, or at all, please notify this office and we will look into the matter and see wvhere the trouble lies. tf. --This paper is published to die se-minate the news, and we can onily give the news whenever we learn of it. We wvant to) give you value re ceived for your money and all the news we can, so w~ill appreciate very much any3 iteims you will send us n. While they may not be news toi you, remember that others will appreciate reitding them. Jumst send us the skeleton on a postal card and we can put the clothes on it. tf. --Don't fail to read the display ad vertisemnent of Photographer N. D. Taylor, elsewhere in this issue. It will pay you to get it down ini your 1head two things: Thiat 'ne makes the best of pictures, and that he is in Picktnc every Tuesday and Wednes day. If you come, on either day, and get him to do your work, you will be well pleased. Remember he is here two days each wek--Tuesday and Wednesday. -That popular insurance iagent, W. B. Anthony, is in clover. His company, the Travellers, has offered, as a premhium, a trip to Hartford, Conn , to any twenty-five of their mnen who sold the most insurance dluring the first six mnon tha of the present y-ear. "Billie" en tored the c cointest, this year, with the result that he won a place, being the tenth man in the picture, and the 0onl3 one firm South Carolina. This trip is entir-ely free, all expoenses being met by the company. This "annual con vention" will be attended this y'dr by one agent from Georgia, two from North Carolina, one from Alabama, one from Texas, one from Florida andl two from Virginia. All the bal anice of the twenmty-five are from the eastern states. Mr. Anthony says he can not help it-it is not him--it is the "goods" which ho has to offer the people. We wish hiim a pleasanit trip and a higher position with tihe company. He will be worthy the honor. Notice ! The books of subscription to the capitar stock of thme Pickens H-fosiery Mill will be open at the oflico of the Pickens Bank, Oct. 2, 1903. WV. TV. McFAL~L, J. MelD. BRUCE. For Bid. Corporators. OPENING. The "Hiawatha" Hotel will be opened to the public, Monday even ing, October 5th, 1903. This is the only invitation that will he extended, and all friende of the enterp~rise are cordially invited to at tend, 8 to 10 p. in., Monday, Oct. 5th I1903. llespectfully, I ~T. D. Har-ris. BrIdge to Let. We will let to the lowvest responsi. ble bidder on Friday, Octobeor 2d, at 11 a. nm., the building of a bridge across Twelve Mile river, known as the Robinson bridge, near N~orris side track. Pland and specifications made known on day of letting. L. D. Stephens, Supervisor. A. J. Welborn, A B. Talley, Commtismloners mix Idt"par es Don't gi'unt, growl or gruible; better te roads, bigger the loads. Mrs. Jno. Holden, of KiugA, visited relatives aud friends in our section recently. Mrs. Gus Bryant who has been quite sick for some timi', am glad to say, is much improvod. Cotton picking is the most impor tit employment of the day with us. Miss Lucy Mauldin, of Stewart, visited friends in this scotion Sunda y. The writer of this article, "Old Riddle," while visiting in Looper section. perchanced to sou the "Mo.u tain B.y" correspondent fromu that stotiun. From appearance, he looks to be a very bright and onerg- tic young manl. Miss Mary Trotter returned from a pleasant visit to her bister, Mr. I. B. Looper, of Looper. Mr: and Mrs. M. C. Pendley, of St wart, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Willimon Satur day and Sunday. Riley Garrett and brother, Charley paid Atlanta a visit Monday. Miss Ada Ma'uldin, of Dalton, at tended services at Mt. Olivet Sun day. L. L. very sick at this writimg. Hello, I saw Mr. Burnett with I, s Blue Eyed Girl ;Suuday. Judging from appearance I think he likes her very much. Mrs. Lu~ia Arnold and children visited relatives at Kings Sunday. Rev. J. I. Lewis filled his regular appoinimhent at Mt. Olivet Sunday afternoon. I saw in the paper a few weeks ago, wbere "White Roso" nas speak. ing of "Old Riddle's" molasses cane patch bling about the only prospects of a living. My opinion is that I think I could live longer by eating "lasses" and mIore "lasses" inl prcfer. ence of sitting in the porch viewing so -many beautiful flowers. Boys (o you think you could live long on the fragrance of flowers? I imagine I wouldn't try it. John Stewart, of Alexauder, made a brief visit in this section Sunday. Wonder why Johunnie call iso often? Mr. and Mrs. Eeuinson Smith, of Dalton section, was the guest of tile former's aunt, Mrs. X. A Hendricks, recently. We had several days tf cool weath or last wtek, making tihe old gentlo. mn draw on his coat. Mr. inid Mrs. S. L. fichardson, of Oconee, visited friends in our section last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Rutha Williiron and her best fellow ittenided the baptizing Itt Cump Creek Sunday. Quite a nutmiher of young folks were present at a candy )ul'ing given by Mr. and Mirs. Robt. Mauldin laist Friday tight. Al had quite an en joyable time. Mrs. WV. A. Hendricks visited re-la tives at Liberty recently. Alonzo Mc~ollum, of Anierson, made a brief visit to our section hast week. M r. and 1Mrs. A. D. Mann and son, Oleo, miade a brief visit to Atlanta last Tuesday. W. B. Norris has thme finest turnip patch we have seen this year. Mr. and Mrs. R 1I. Holcombo vis ited relatives at Easley last week. Miss Cora Mauldin, of Newry, vis ited relatives in our community re eently. Mr-s. P. WV. Willimon, who lhas beein on the sick list for some time, am sorry to say-, is not recoverinig very fast. Samuel Smith, of Sheriff', palssed through this section Saturday on his way to see his best girl in the Ste.v art section. Robt. Mauldin has a cotton stalk wvith 150 grown bolls on it. P'retty good1 for old "P'ea Ridge." Mrs. Hattie Riley, of Huntsville. Ala., who has been spendling the greater portion of the summer wit~h her sister, Miss Sophia Mauldin, r~e. turned to her home last Thursday. Mrs. WVm. Harper was the guest of Mrs. E. I. Trotter Thursday. R1ev. George Nalley filled his regu lar appointment at Mt. Olivet fourth Sunday and preached a most excel lent sermon to an attentive audience. Don't forget the old folks' einging at Six Mile the first Sunday in this month. . Wisbing muchl success to Sentinel Journal and its many readleis. 'Old Riddle. Sept. 28th 1909. If constipated or bilious, call for~ Re m-on's Pills and ho certain our clerks give you the genuino Ramon's; Complete treatment 25 doses 25c. *Pickens Drug Co. Mrs. May O'Dell McDaniel. In calm, sweet sleep, the spirit of tihe dutiful daughter, kind sister an(d loving wife sank to rest on the morn ing of September twenty-third. A life so pure, so free from b)lahie --a life just at the threshhold of use ful and beautiful womanhood's ma turity- seems a fitting one to sup~ply a perfect answer to God's call for aniother angel to His Kingdom. But, to the str-ickon husband, tis sacrifice seems ahmzost bey-ond end1u ance, and, to the bereaved relatives, the loss dannot be supplied -yet, the Pr-ovidence of God speaks throiugh all His dispensr.tionis, and our finite understand ings cannot measure the love of God-the only support in such hours of deepest grief. To this unifailing Source the strick en and bereaved ones are commendled. What can take away the comfort. ing peace tihe remembrance of her precious life and chriistian infhluence. assures unto usi A Friend. T1o Cure a Cold in One Day . Take Laxative Bromo Qu inIne T1abhets. All druggists refund tihe money if it fails to cure. E. W. G1rove's signature is on each box. 250. LOOK! WE HlAVE 10I NOWV. After people visit larger cities, they always tell of the great 6 and 10 cent stores they have visited, and the bargains offered. So to fill this much needed want, I have establish ed a 5 and 10 cent departmenmt, a here you can get the same big values found in-larger cities, Come and erg you will be surprised what 5 and IO cints will huy. . H.t Johs. * We Want Your Trade.: Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Pauts, Overalls, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Blankets, Laprobes Allinds Of HARDWARE, TINWARE, STAPLE AND FANCY CROCERIES. \Ve hav just Receive from New, York the largest line of Dry Goods and Notions ever brought to-this place. We get our buggies and wagons at car-load prices. We will save you noney on anything you want to buy. Call and see me and bring your but er, chickens and eggs. .Yours for Business, R. 0. CARTER, LIBERTY, S. C. s Grand Miid nery Opening 0, Heath=Bruxeg=orrow Company Friday'& Saturday Oct. 2nd & 3rd. $ -Don't fail to attend, ..A. grand display of H ats and $ 0 Dress Goods. Tg.e.argest and most varied selec tions wed ev shwn and theprices are right. Watch this -space oThadd. o Lare aCold in One Day Tae Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabets on every Seven Million boxes sold in past. 12 months. This sigature, ee boxy25 S ()ll stiie n bin k1tha)ACIt : E R YU TO P T ~ ~ ~ ~ 41 [IH " 13 NIIV 4imiense trade is si nod141 1( to) 1be thelok at. thi pape1l~)r and1 see what day1 s frltune of Picke us, and1( 1.hant the u same F A 7wd-v wilotiu to) inIcrease in propor-o - TA4Y LOR otothe growth of thiwn an *N fim f olger &lThjrley i oa h r-The Photographer revery kind (of legi Iinx.ato meorca ~ ile uin~s maylagosor romlx in town and bring your folks and have some p~rovedi altogethet- inisumtcinit as d -C tC9 1..FE LI.KE PH OTOGRAPHS made. oods they fond ii it cosro car ry - mn order t~o mieet tho de -tlso growing trade. A Ciicm dtius brie~- -----.----- -.- - -.- ________________ >t P o)0 i t ,i - s IC VS it. of t is i. r > business 1m"n, ahvo to every iiiterei-t OLT1111, M. D). *.N [1lU1,Pt of the irP patrPOns, serve onie and a 4311 -ih narying couzi-tesy givt 110rCK ens Drug Company. tu b l c t . h o i e l t. o f w i. A h i y i - 41 ( agemnent of so largo ai bus'ness5. Thir ne0w store is ai model(4 in ail -aind their corps of accomm) nodaltin andi comnpetent clerks will loo0k after your wvants and suit you ith bar-e or Cr gahins. Drop mn to see t hem -you are ali~ay WciC3-0. s guaranteed to cure CORNS for Mot(4her Giray'i Sweet PowV.lers for ('hilti i u. - ~ ____ vewrks es llrea ii.chtlhe Statnch trotthis, Tee0 h- - U lI isou. r , 440 . dsroy \ ri.,x \1. n t - len s. 0o iited b Hcor C'. y s .- I 'c'Pic e sDr g C m a y Croswell News Notes.S r g C~ a y witl 04)0 1 igh (8 a4.r( w ai'i .. which is inijinig our * Ito coi-n u.d - Our towvn marshal is halving coni. -3=3== .-ndOrahlo trouble withl swvitchi lamps) ~ . in our town . He re-lighted then14 thre"tmes01) Anotherl Shipment412: he ook them o- n. A.porulifyw ~ A o1~ 1 n~p i n of oil is tile cau~se of theuni not hmr. lb of that excellent Flour to arrive this week, also i'ng- - a lot of wheat bran and shorts. Good feed for WVill Sponcer, aiC) cotralctor from- kin of stc *llmmdeApeVno Anfderson, hals jus~t c1omlpleted an >. anyci<ostk.HmeaeApeVngr to-dlate residence for J. A. Conce and spices for pickling, Uncle Tinker Spencer dlid the( bric*k wvork, and- wo- will wager ai ginger New* lohnNew Sie cake, that.' there is not any - b'etter - -.. chlimnova to:s house inl t he c~uty. NwJresod4NwHt, Thle brick used( ill them .werePL ship~Qed w ewles od.Ne as f rom the Pick ens Brick Compa ny. . N EW EVERYTI H INGJ. Jim Couch is. one amnong the hard . ' est working farmers on George' -. Furniture, Stoves, Trunks, Iron Bedis and Cireek and if there is anIythiim il - -san atrse work and good management, ho0 8sur kigis, Ct n atess will succeed. - The *bon'th of thlis tide of th~ We Are Fixed For You. county still godd ..*Come and see us. The turnip croli is anyi3thin) ( e but promising. M-my' of 4us hlad to soev t he s'conld ti mo aind luhen did nlot get a goodl slnd.- _____ ______ ______ Friday. Waie taiught by Mise- Oblve - Grodhamn, of Spi'ron fburg couial.y... Master Ben lBenth y ret i-une to J~ Fuarman the 241h uilt. Heowill grad untonex1Jun.S. 6 aH(...REIAL Henry13 Granlger lost1 a good1 mi):ch2 cow last week from eating somi i Mj1 (hro&icae you buly at. my store will always be theC best. Poisoil.- -.* ~ ,''/p tem gping and Ce tht. the i6ver get stalo. The pa'ry plantmg of e opeing fast and that or ,sufn ~'on Will Be Pelghted ,. else has caused theo bottom 'to fdhl -04t -. as~ to the prico. Cani you, Mr*. Ed1i:- i o:. - w-ith the class of' Coodis I sell an~d pleasied with tor, give us5 j)oor farmersi 'a h that i -tenO.ts:1 I nj,* giv to y'our miterests 16 will be wor'th youril we mnay be able to live and satisfy our * ooad o owent on ereditors and hoop tile t'ttdk .of ti. -1~ig to Please - cotton crop off of- the mnarket, for if the scareity of thle staphe is any indi. - .'my customiers and if at any time your pur cator of high prieve, we certainly will h i)s notisactory blrinlg it baci: and( I will and .1 w'll ge't it by an~d by. We musilt t1)Iifess nlot') nly make it sati'sfctor.)y butt thank you for your trcuble. tiit you have repeatedly, adv-ised ih'.Vr ?seIul to raise mior'e hog andl hionii. VeyRspcfll,. home;/so8 you sOo lhad we' practiced ti t'phfin of fariining, wubit bo inl a ..R.R AK dition right nlowI t sell our 1 c'ctan Senever the prico gnitaed us~ h4Ol ch0chleteO just arrived. Talk About Your "Mill End Sales" and your "mokhSals but they are $o "in it" with our "Knock Down", "Drag Out" Clearance Sale for the MONTH OF AUGUST. Big lot of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoe, Hat and Gents F ishing Goods to go at and and below Now York cot. O 0 pais of mens and boys pants all sizos and col(rs to go t piver 00 - fore heard of in the tate of Pickeis. c9s iever be aid tai ot of Clothing, como and select your suit name tho prico This is no fairy tale but plain facts %No are talking. Wo would rather have cost for every suit in tlho house than to the timo mid trouble to move and rearrange them in our now storo. We hopo to be in our new -uarters by Sept. 1, and we conten pate buying the largest stock of Genoral Merchandise, consisting oi Clothing, Dry GoodE, Shoes, H ats, Glentsi Furinishlngs, G rocorios, Iard. waro Furniture, Buggies and Wagons ever brought to this part of the country. We will convert our old store inito a wagon and Buggy an Furniture Depository and by Sept 15th wo will be prepared to show you a complete and well solected stock. Have just. ordered a car of Mitchell & Lewis wagons which are the best on the market. Remember: For the next 30 days we will offer ~some of tho greatest bargains ever offerod in Pickens. Folger & Thornley Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Gents Furnishing A Specialty. W. T. MoFALL, J. Mc0). .BRUCE, President. C il r. PICKENS BANK,. OF PICKENS, S. C. CAPITAL, - - $ 20,500.00. PROFITS, - - $ 10,312.09. DEPOSITS, - - $100,055.29. Interest paid on time Deposits. Careful Management. Liberal Treatment to all it's Customers. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SMALL LOANS To FA RM 1RS. *r DIRECTORSA-e .1. X. IIAGOOD, .. 1'. (tI-iw, .1. U:. IiOGG. W. ANI. IIAGOO), W. r. Ni PA 1,L, N. iIINTE~t, H. A. RICIHEY, J. M. 5TI.WA .T. .1. M R RUCE. Too a Sm al. OR the last two months we have hardly had time to get a long breath trying; to handle so many chickens and we wvish to say to the poultry raisers for their good and ours to stop selling~ your chickens so small as they are not wan ted anywvhere at any iprice. Large chickens will bring a much better price and arc al ways wantedl. H-ens are in good demand. We want all the eggs we can get and will give the highest market lprice for them. Call on us for all kinds of merchandise at the lowest cash p)rice. CRAIG BROS. One-Price Cash Store WV. T1. McF"AILL, J s. w IISON P. EBRUCE. P'res.ident. Vice-Pres. Sec. & T1reas The Pickens Oil Mill Company, + DEALERS IN -- (":Cotton Seed Meal, Hunlls, Oil and Linters.M Ginning Cotton A Specialty. Capacity 50 Bales Phr Day. R. H. CURETON, Mgr. \Ve wvant to buy all the seed you have and will pay top) of the market for them. A first..class ginnery. Capacity 50 bales per day. Satisfactory turnout and a fine sample is our guarantee. As soon ae the season opens we will hav'e plenty of meal and hulls for sale. We wvill be ready to gin your first bale as well as your last one. WANTED) AT ONCE-5oo cords of 4 foot pine wood. Help us to make a success of this enterprise by givimg us your patronage and we will a sure you "good measure and runnmng over." The Pickens Oil Mill Co. 'Autumn Bees.. Let the Bee of our advertisement Butzz, the news to YOU. Hie wvants to -tell you to prepare for. the winter (lays b~y b~uyinlg Stoves for Cooking' Heaters for Heating Grates for Warming All to p~rodluce good cheer. lHe wants to say to you: TheJ1 Big Out-.Pirce ini and( Agate Sale goes merrIly oii. HeI now invites YOU to visit Yours truly, SW. H.PICKENS' SONg. North Main St. EASLEYV .C.' r