The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, September 17, 1903, Image 3

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89988188 00 8 TLC"M 'o.~fiM i~l6 - ~appebUga el aLocal and .Fersofal Ntn. J. D., Moore0 handles fresh sllAds Gr1enivifle I'ecived fit' irst, ink, - l-eni-d whilt tl Pickensi Dr ug, Co., says. TheV say P0.-ru na. I -J. C. (. Tiu-ner, of Greenville, IM d at his home thero Tuesdby. --Martin It. Howoa has 'bililt at splendid new dwelling near Iay nard. . ---Dr. W. F. Austin. dentist' will be inl his ofico at Eisiey September 22d and 23d. -IH. . Mark, all old and holnored CitizeI, died at his home in Green, ville Ist week. ^ Don 't nii to r(aid the iie-tiso l1ite; if you do yo11 mIS a hot yo ouglil. to kmv. ---D. Geri'g' D). ('1 etoI, of ( - ney. palil a fbinlug visit t1) his palren'1-ts ini Pickens~ Suniday. --Dr. Wardlaw 1as so mnitiel work on lliid tIhat liw (L dweiled t', staty 111ther weck in Pickenls. -Mrs. S A. 11uil, of Nowbex-rv, visit0d ill PiCklns this VOL, to the d0iliht of h)r tm1ny frieInds. For a plelsait place for a tired Ian1 to resti is ait the pleasalt. and( lospitilelt home))' of John iopr. -1R. C. arrLiberty , hifs re 4, 0Ceived a lot of tIh Vc11e1lbrtod "Thorl- . hill" wagoin-s which t will sell at the righit prIici.. -Josepl Loper, of the hit. ar. mel section), has oie of the m8ost Col). fortiable and (on veieint resid< 1ces inl that section. -it(ed elaniugo inl the lid. of 1-. K. Sturdivanti & Co., of Gr eenville, which Oxpinsiiia itself fIlly to the miIi of th tradinlg public. . -We have one second h d11111, ono. horse buggy for $ Bi. B131111 run very little. Aniy reasonalek prieo will buy it. ,raig,. Bros,. --The many friends of Chief of 'olice John P. O, il lin will regret to k-arn1 that, he is qui'o sick with Iy phoid fever: they hope for him a -Gilla \1alnsoll, (eol.) died :it Robt. -Bowen's place, on le Sth5 inst., of typhoid fever. She was 60 years of agg. She was buried at Glassy Mountain grave yard the day follov img. - ev. 13. I- GCuraidy and son Roy, M. F. Hlest(e, Jhi)8 f Nil!ims an(d LouiiU is Copel, fr(mi Pickens, venMt to Atliian ta oil h e exenesion Moniday. They returned Tisilay nighit and rorte.d a good tI e. -See the ad. of R. B. Rloark in this issue0. Bob ha~s a1 ico, cleanii, fresh stock of goods8 anld his prices are right. If Hoark has it you may know it is thle best the mar1'ket afl'ords, for ho keeps always the best. Try him. by Miss Ola Major; the attendcancie wasl the largest (of anyl termIl thait they have hand. Miss Ola is au excellent teacher and( all the patronius are well jpleased with he. --Willie B3olt, n)ephewV of D r. J. [G .B]olt, is now with thme Piekensi Dr:ug / Co. .He- isl well .anrd faveorably known to the Pickdens tradling piublic, haviing chirkedI for A. NI. Mlorris, a few years ago, and his iniany friends here are glad to welcomne him back to'Pickens -Miisses Sophia M'tanidin and Mary Trotter, two charmiing young ladies of Meet, S. C., paissed through Pick enns Friday on their way to visit tihe family of the latter's sister, Mr. TI. B3. Looper, andic friends at Looper, where they will spend severa1 days. ~~ ~ -Now is your chiaiice. Th'ey ioust go regar-dless of price. I still hale a fewv second-hanid sewing machines left which wvill be sold1 at some price. Como and1( get one before 111ey are all gone. Theiy all do good sewing. W. H-. Johnson, Pickens, S. C. --Mrs. Minnio. Henderson, an ox client dress maker from Clinton, has 4 .i---~ eoidod to loente at EasIeyv. She is noew ina Pickena, where she can be0 foundo for a few dlays at the residence of H. A. Rlichey. If any of our lady readeis need the services of a good h-eamsltrebs they should see he-r. -MDuiss Bello Smith, (died at bor4 home11 near Cedar Rlock, on1 tile 8th inst., of typhoid fever uind was buried at the Cedlar Rock Baiptist churclIh, of which shle was a mnoi her, the follow ing dlay. San was 25 years of age and( a most (xcellent ycng lady anld loved and respected by a host of friende. -We are raciuested to state thatt 2Pickenis Association will [meet at V noy chuireb, Th ursday, before th ird Sunday in Novemnber, and I all chuiches wvihi expect to join K ufdii' get letters of dismission, romn thn Association they naow b~e long to, Severasl have alr-eady aiecd iand inistruicted their delegates to cail for letters of (d5ismson. -Unless bomne nnrforseen! accident, or- rush1 (f work pre~vent s, the papers aroe put in the Pickenis postofIIico 01n WVedn sday after-nois, anid l( aIve here 'n. Thaursday morning, so thait omt nusrbr sihiould receive their pa. pe niot later than Fiaiy. If you do) not, receiVO your pap~er onl time, or .t all, leaso notify this oflico anid we wvill look into theo miatter- and see where the truible lies. tf --John 8tephens, . who resided rn 1%ens, dliedl at his ho~me here Wedneaday morning, fr-om a compli -cated affection. He hand been sik for a long time, but had only been) onined to his bod for- a few weeks. RLe- was a tenher of Grtifl~n Baptist Clancih where he wvas buied today. sj waIs a~ good $,om3y% man and1( uni) vbrsally likod by a4 who know *,hipiy I N, 77 4 t~\ q Gr-ind' a d otsher, relaUVt &t f d iiatis, in reenille. -Thik p.per is obllef to d(1: S miuiite th Imtws, and we can only givo the news whenloer we learn of it. We want tO givo you. valtio re. cOived for youl ,'menlv- ald all.tbe news wo canii, so wil. appreciate very mucho01 Any items you will sebd us;. While they may not.b oe-n)oVWR to von, I -memitiiber tlat oth1C.Irp will aPrecinto reading. them. Just soud us the skelolotn 0) a postill card and we can I pit 4le clothes on it. tf. Independent Graded School. The Colorod Indepnident Graded Secool of Picken's U. IT., S. 0., open. ed Mondny, tho- 14th inpt., with a good number of pupils. Tho asRiA. tant. will be a person holding 'a firt grado cortitiento or a diploma from som(, of the legal colloges. - No Plus Ullra, C. T. Miller, Principal. Attention Teachers I There will be a meeting of the toelcra of Pickens COnITJty in the court unouse, Saturday, Sept. 26. AJl t.raerl's i are iC(Infsted to be presnot. Thmle meeting will be informal and at thw samr tion am interesting as prs sible. 1 order of the County Board of i3dcaition. 13. T.'Hallumrj; Suphrintendent. The Annual Meeting Of Old Stone Ciureh and Cemetorv Assoeiation will bo held at the O!il Stono church on Saturday, Oct. 10, 1903. A full attendance is desired; not only of the members of the Asso ciatiol), bn1t of ill Otherls interosted inl Iho preservation And improvomlent of the comotery an I church. Impor. tant busiuiess is to be brought before th0 Association. By ol der of J. J. Lewis, Pres. R. N. Brackett, S'c. s(hake itifo Your Shoes A lle's Foot-'ise. It rests the fec '. ures orns, unitons, Ingrowing Nalls, Swollei anel iwentitig feet. At all d ruggists and sihoe mtorC Ask today. Twelve Mile River Association. The next, session of thisj associa. Lion will be held with Antioch Bag. tist church, Lon miles northwest of Picken'l, begiming Thursday, 8th Dctober, next. The introductory sor mon will bo preached 1)y Rev. .. E. Foster; alternato Rev. J. M. Stewart. Missionary scrmon by Rev. B. E. Glrandy; alternat-e Rev. L, Mt. Lida. The following committees will mak11( reports: State of [Religioni-J. T. Taylor. Education-J. 0. Garrett. Homo1) Missions-O. P. Fiold. State M.issions-J. B.. Fendley. FoIeignIl Missions -C..E. Robinson. Aged Ministdrs --S. H. Brown. Orphatage-J. E. Gillespie. STemperance-J. T.< Lowis Circular Letter-J. M. Stowart. Let the churches s0end full (deega tion and hiavo a good nmcetinig. 0. E. Itobinson, Retiring Clerk. To M1thoa rs in TowEl. I 'hib i who uare <ielicate, reverlih ati e'ros win l get Innedhi.'i te relief frotin Mothier Gry' swteet Powdlers for Ch it)dren. Tlhe'y cleanme then ~tnt, i so-t n the l iver, mak ing a sic'ky ch ih) stro'tg aune healthy. A ('eritt eure for wo'rmsa. Sol by all t) rtiggists, '!5e. stuple free. Ad iiress Alinon S. olinsted. ,ollovo N Y Easley News. Easley, S.. 0, Sept. 15, 1903. TI he Graded school opened hero last TJhursday with a full atteondance, with Prof. Damuiel principal and Ml iss Raiy iand Martini assistats. This promises to bo one0 of thec most su1c cs.sfuil te'rmks inI the hiistory of thet. school. WithI a new homue in viewv andt with tiIhe able1 )Wsistan)e oIf this corps of Iteacers01, thIere is no reason why~ this should be at record-breaking ye ar'. Th'le lumber is now being put on the ground for tho new building wvhich is to beoa modern school struct There is a building boom on here at pres(ent. At least half a dozen p)rivalto residences are under con sltuct ion niow. Dri. Smuithi has b~epun wvork on1 whtis to be ow-" of the largest busi ness buildings in town. It is sitna-. lod on Tiable Rock street and will contain three or four store rooms and the libseent will be titted tup wvith a model livery stallo. The many friends of Mr. add Mrs. Ci. W. 'J routter will be soirry to lear'n tof the death of their 13-year-old daugh to', Evaline, wl'ichi occuirred at the Easley Cotton Mill Sunday the 14thi of typhoid rover. A. (C. Hook, organiizer' of the Masons Annuity Inasurance, wvho has b~een here for the past few (days, leaves today for Pickens. Mr'. H-ook offers to Masons a good annuity at a reasonable rate. Mrs. Belle Smith, of Brushy Creek Anderson county, has moved to town for' the purpose~ of seniding bor' clhi (iron to school She is occupyi Allen Mauldin house near tihe houise. Threoe of Capt. Gieorgo RIion daughteris are attonding the (a Messrs. WV. C. Smith and * T Callaham wvout to Atlanta on V cIursion yestei'day. Tfho many friends of Dr'. Cureton woero shocked to bear ' death which occurred yester'da. a ing at his home on Table Rloci Dr'. Cuireton was one0 of tI known mni tof P'ickons county, h' bmeeni in business heio over sit. iey w'as established, lie we. istrate at thiti pla1ce for a nu:iv years. Hie was an old soldlier ing v'olunteer'ed itt Ihe beCgii' I n the war. D.. Coro'to'n',was inl year. He leaves a wife andl( Mr s. S3. N. Wya)tt, (of Greenvf' Iin iton, of Te'xas*., Mr s. Co)l(Iem A thuat a, Messrs. Walker M. to r of Souitherni R1. 1 andt D). T.1. Iu bt, U. S. RI. Fi. D). Dr. CuH -n we. ai ('oilsistent in~eri of thO i. .'ja dlist chiurch, whlere ho was bon14o tii dey at 2 o'clock. The funeral ser ces were con.dutcted by' Rev'. 1) W' Hiiott and 1tov. W. E. Wiggin't. Wa join his many friends bti td en din sympalties to tlhe leroaved family. Dull "m~e'lh,f Ma1(ny ffieloOl'OIal4VId s AY %i ts t 4 6i~ aie tiyg weet powdere fo' ?';g:,0V mta~ai. r.n'bied Ted M N at~ Mrs. Auotonv Daher visir AA tbettuInes of Daniel and A. T. Yy Inel ster last week. Miss S*l1ie Thomas visited the family of A. . Winche stor last week. Prof. J. L.*Murphree closed a tei days - music Sepool at Shady GrovO Baptis3t church last Friday. l very body far and lear gathleil inl 1110 last (lay to hoar the musio and it was grand too. The diy. was truly oil joyed by all present. Music and music lossons was the services of the (ly until dinner. Ono hour was taken for refreshments and then a short Jesson .in song service, after which a very impressive an(d in1true tive talk - %as delivered by Rev. B. F. Mlurplbrc-o. Two songs W01r mung 'by Mcssrs WI E. Thoinas, A. T. Will chester, Henry Townes; W. M., W. J. and -John Baker. "Hide Tho' Me," and "Whiter Than Snow," wore the son 8 sung by the six gentlemen. Pr4. Murphree did some voIy in structivo work all through his school. T"o Sum it ill in a word or two he is an 411ll round, up to-dato, first class music tetcler. Any community in need of a music teacher cannot do better than to employ Prof Mur phreo A. T. Winchester was the organist assisted by W. E. Thomas. Shady Grove knovs a good thing when they ee it. They say they ar'o goiig to havo another school taught by. Prof. Murphree about Xmas. Mountain Sprout. Dots From Symmes. Der Sentinel-Journal:' I paid Pickei;s a visit. last week and was very much impresed with the improvements I saw ill along the way, and esyeciilly so, from Liberty to Pickens. T:ore isone feature that I do ad mire and that is the small purchase of laid, and the improvement that follows. The small land owner is the backbone of the country. Ho, it is, Who tills, tenlds and toils, and beautifies hig little farm, aud spends what he makes in further improve ImlenCt.s. Wihat we want is our largo areas cut up into small farms and sold to good,' energetic, white 111611, aid the necessary restilt will be good citizens, good churches, good s'hools, and laqt, but not least, but greatest of all, will be Good Roads. 'his community has been blessed recently with good ineetings and the preaihing has bren with power, and many have fallen in to march under the banner of Life and Peace. Crops in this section are only ord: iinar; cotton very short; corn oi bot tol) IlInd is line. The only thing we can complain of right now, is our roads. I hey are nIot ihardly' passable, in pilaces. I had1( a talk with Honorable Board of Com-. missioners and they' promised to give us their presence anld attentionl next month, an11. bring us the chin ganlg to relieve us to some) extenlt, so we wvill wait with patience, their arrival. I think it wvould b)0 much bel ltterI and munch to our inlterest jus1t no0w, to organize a "Road1( Club" and Svork out~ our roads on thle "Plani of Labor," for any thinkinlg man knows full well that the sum of one0 dollair commhlutL tionl money03 is not sulflicienLt to mieet the needs11 of today - is nlot enough to put the roads even inl passable conidi tioni, much lees build tihemt up a1s theoy should be, for we have more travel thban ever beforo, and ne0w roaids are conlstantly3 hIavin~g t'o be openied up) to aiccommoiidate the inicreased pop1)n. lalion that is so fast developling upl our county. We have a fine country and let us dlevelop) it, by all means in our power. Hoping to hlear from some one else, I close, One of the Boys. Croswell News. Mr. Editor: As you have au stand. in~g solicitation for locals from the dliflerent parts of the county, and1( be in~g ai well wisher of Thie Sentinel. Journal, will ask for a little space. Thlis section was visited wvith a good( rain first of this wee'k. Thle hlot wave of the' latter part of August played havoc withl tile crops in and around hero. Some of our1 farmers claim we can't make more than a good hlalf crop of cotton, while othlels thin3k with ai late fall can make two thirds. Master Ben Bentley, in company withi yourV correspon den)t jointed sev. oral Easleyites 01n thle Southern last Sunday and witneesed thle un~veiling of tihe mlonumlent of .J. Tii. Bolding, who was a brother Woodmnan of tile World. The unveilinig took place at Taylor's Station, and was wvitnessed by a very large crowd. Dr. A. J. 8. Thom'm made the adldress and that .y thlat it was a treat, to il eard it. Br Btodig nboSS for somie time, b)ut Ip andi went on as firemian b-.ver a year ego. He was an ntgood boy and wvas loved b~ kuew him. While at Tay. e ro witnessed tile immersion a .four converts by Dr to We also visited Chick WVo met Miss Hannahl f Maynzard, at Taylor's. ting the family of J. F itor. We noticed a few n) tile Charlotte Chronicle, d f'rm Greeniville Newvs, giving a u of so many wrecks on tile aIn our opinion tile prime Ibrought about by over wvork emen, their tiremen, in par [t was a fewv years ago con. -hard1 workc to fire a forty to tn engine thlat would burn en'.1 to ten ton of coal, nowY b - 1. tihem from ninlety to 0110 hundredlo and ten ton and burn all the wayt' fromi eighteen to twe'nty-flve toll of na trip. Any t'easonable mind (en ilan ion see at 01nce thalt a young olio that hans to fire th'ree to four war h'.ore he is promotuid, ii physi. uMy '.v"ecked, and that nlaturally otalttt the~ mind to be olouded. Vinr fear you will suspeot theL I P1' moidally wreed will stop. X. To 0Vr i 001ld in OneItoy Tak ua~tie Befudto Qui1nyie TIt Dry-* oods,,Not wagons, N HARDWARE, Tit My buIyer Will I the most complete line and will be sokl at the R. C.C To Umw Take Laxative Broit Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 m4 Dots From Pindor. Dt ar Sentinel: I will 11rv to give your many readers and valuable pa per a fuw dots fro:n this sectioi, but lows is vry rei-Co. A great ieetiiv closed at Contcord Bat ptist Chiulch a few ilys ago. Pas tor W. 0. Seaborn was assisted by Rev A. J. Manly. Nine wer' re Ceived for baptism. The Twelve Mie school, narm iIn dor, taught by Miss Flormoi cc Hen dricks, has closed. .1. A. Rtgsdale, who h1o- beeu con fined to his room for several weeks, is iimproving slowly. Io is tbi to be up i the house. James Sutherland and Mrs. Tho3 iigron vi.ited the family of o. P. FioIld onl the 8th anel 9th inst. Miss Maggio .Field visited D. E. HIenidricks' f:t nity la9st week. Thlereo will bo0 prayetr moet ing at Conlcordl Bap1tist (chureb Sun day night Will be conduicted by D). A. P'arruitt. 0. 1'. Fi ld had oneO watt'trmelon vine that had fifteen melons oni it, and once aimonug the smallest weighed lIIft3y-thliree poundtst.J Wne had1 -a fine( rin itn tis sectti1 last we.c (Cotton antd (corn! is 1)n aL 1)ooni just no w. The readers of this pa.per wvillI be pleasned to letarn t *nt thtero is ait, teas one1 able to catre int all its stages awul thn' is c'atarrt~. I iall's Catairrh Gure is tim on. ly posnitive cure) no0w kntown to the m.Y ical fratertty. (Catarrlhtbintg ai conlsti tkenm inteirnally, nttlingj. d itvctly upt on the blo0o.1 and imcouis su rfaces of lte as stemli, t hereby destring'i~j the founda(t tiotn of the dlisease, andt~ giving the' pnf. its work. T1he p rop rietor- lmtv.' so muchel fauit~h in its ciurative' powers, it:il any ctmse that it C: lI to (cure. Sezl for Address. I". J. Che'ney & C~o. Sold by all D~rut gists, 7he. Hall's Family l'ills are the hert. Beverley News. Theo Ronnion schotol closesd be-i:t Friday. Miss MI ty McCl atahan wa.'s our1 toeher and she g'ive generatl sat - Fodder pulling i' the order of th e day no0w. WV. J. Boggs has accepted apoi lion wvith Ri. C. Carter at Ljjirly WValter is a jolly goodl fellow and will do yon right whten y'ou buy)) goods from him. Born utnto Mr. atid Mrs. Lawrene. Ken nemoro on the OthI inustanltt, a daughiter. Thel RIouniion Suatlty school in still progressintg nicely. David McCombs, of Cedar Rlock, visited friends ini t is sectioni hitt. week. A heavy rai n felhl hero last WVed neCsdayi morning. Oconee, v'isited1 Mr. tand Mrs. Nortris the first Sundaiy. Mr's. Ben lBoggs, wiho lias -)been sich for seome time, in some better. ' Rev. W. J. Shoriff went to Mt Airy last Friday anid run a protract od meeting utntil Sunday. Much good wvas done in the meeting. Lol Shoeifif visited relativee in Cian tral last Sunday. Sixteen contverts will be bapt)1izedO( at Reunion the third Sunday int thin month. Sever'aIl Bverlety its wen tol L) Flat Rock the flit Sunday. -Lost Bov. If constipated or biilious, call for 1l.. mnon's Pills andl b)e cert ain (till h'clrk give you theC genulinet It RtmnM' 'hmplete ttreatnment 215 doses 25c. Piecens Dru'ig C~o. )Wotit that we co'uhd 8HI T FROM EVERY HOUSE-TOP wit the strengt ha ofa mntion voIces Jr. King's Discover U ES'Tai 1e"# V Paewnat', i'Tshrtot. MonSY BACKd rg r Pit'.u. %I; Otedntd . ale' lons, Shoes, Pauts, Overalls, Buggies, lrness, Saddles, Blankets, Laprobes And All Kinds Of IWARE, STAPLE ANDTANCY GROCERIES. eave for New York about Aug.- 28th to buy one of s of General Merchandise ever kept in this country right price. I AM AGENT FOR TilE CELEBRATED LANO MOWERS and lAKES. S They are the most simple in con s.truction and lighest running and I '% most lasting no.wers ever made. 94011M AND IT ME-!TILL YOU AEUVT THIMOI THE CASH MERCHANT, r "HE Liberty, S.C. !e a Cold in One Day ,. t Quinie Talets .n every onths. Thisfnaue box, Mec 1. 1. 011, . 1). .1. N. IIAL LUM, Ph 0. Pickens & Drug & Company. Did You Ever Try For Sale by.... Pickens Drug Company. OXFORD PPND THEY MUST GO WVe are now offering our entire stock of Low Cut Shoes at G 0 - Q U I C K prices. Take a look at our Bargain T.ables. PRIDE & PATTON Green'ille, S. C. Another Shipment of -that excellent Flour to arrive this week, also iia lot of wheat bran and shorts. Good feed for an y kind of stock. H-omiemade Apple V!inegar and siices for pickling, New Clothing, New Shoes, New 1)ress Goods, New Hatls, I) ~ NEW EVERYTI'IINOi. Furniture, Stoves, Trunks, Iron Beds and Springs, Cots and Mattresses. We Are Fixed For You. -Come and1 see us. W. T. McFALL. CUT PRICES TheBigStore. TO MAKE ROOM For FALL GOODS. Our buyer is now in the Eastern markets to buy one of :he largest stocks ever brought to this part of the stale and in arder to make room for new goods wve are offering Big~ Reductions in Many Line,s. We have just received a fresh car of "STIQDEBAKER W AG ONS." Everybody kniows what the Studebaker is, and Lhe price is right. Watch this space and come and see us. Heath- Bruce-Morrew Co. but they are not "In It" with our Kno0k DoWn", "Drag Out" Clearance Sale for the MONTH OF AUCUST. BIg lot of Dry (Joois, Clothing, Shoos, Ifata and Gents r i4hing Goods to go-at ndt and below Now York t6st. Over 800 pai of inens and boys pants all sizes an(d colors to go at )' Wb nevero fore heard of hi the State of Pickcens. Big lot of Clothing, cone: and select your suit nauw tho prieo and take it. This is no fairy tale but plain facts we are talking. We would rather have cost fot every suit in the house than to the time aud troublo to movo and rearrange them ini our now store. We hopo to be in our now -iuarters by Sept. 1, amt we content plate buying the lirgest slock of General Merchandise. consisting o Clothing, Dry Good,, Shoes, HatH, Gent8 Furnishings, Grocories, Hard ware Furnitiro, Buggies and Wagons ever brought to this part of the country. We will convert our old store into a wegon and Buggy and Furniture Depository and by Sept 15th w'e will be prepared to show you a comploto and well selected stook. Have just ordered a car of Mitoholl & Lewis wagons which are 1ho best on' tho market. Remember: For tie next 30 (lays we will offer som& of the greatest bargatins ever off'erod in Pickens. Folger& Thornley Clothing, Hats, Sboes and Gents Furnishing A Specialty. W. T. MoFALT2, J. Mel). BRUCE roidnt.ahr * PICKENS ANK, . OF PICKENS, S. C. CAPITAL, - - $ 20,500.00. PROFITS, - - $ 10,312.09. DEPOSITS, - - $100,055.29. Interest paid on time Deposits. Careful Management. Liberal Treatment to all it's Customers. WE MAKE A SPECIAL/TY OF SMAlJL LOANS TO FARMERS. *f>'DIRECToRS<)O .1. J~. ITAUOOI). .1. 1'. CA Iiv E1 Y~ 1US I. M. U WGOOD) W . TI. %I VA~i 1,'1 N. IIVN'i'R. It. A. RICM E V. .1. .1. STE:W. IVl~ 1 . M UCI) iiw . Too Small. OR the last tomnh ehv Ftrying~ to handle so many chickens and gg wish to say to the lpouhtry raisers for their good and ours to stop) selling your chickens so small as they are not wan ted anywvhere at any price. Large chickens will bring a much better price and are al ways wantedl. H-ens are in good demand. 'We Want all the eggs we can get and wvill give the highest market pirice for them. Call on us for all kinds of merchandise at the lowVest cash price. CRAIG BROS. One-Price Cash Store September Specials 'TINWAIRE. SGallon Oil Cans, 1o cents. - ___ 10 Quart Dish Pans, 1o cents. l)pint Heavy Retinuedi Dippers, 5 cents. * 9 quart Covered Buckets, 20 cents. * Our Tinwvare stock is complete. and we sell a * prices that cannot be equaled anywhere.0 *e * FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER S We wvill make special prices on all TIN and SAGATEAARE. If you need any goods in these lines we are certain to interest you. TiN and AGATE WARtE. * Come to see us befote b~uying. We are running * W. H. Pickens' Sons, North Main St. EASLEY, S. C. You Will Be Sorry... . It you don't buy the b)est and you will always buy the best if you trade at my store. A nice clean stoc'k of GENERAL MERCH AND1ISE con sisting of IDry Goods, Notions, Shoes, h ats, Groceries and a lot of other things. See my line of ..SH OES.. before you buy. I carry one of the best Iines of shoes in town. Bring your produtce and come to * ~~see me. .-v , R. -R-AR..