The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, July 09, 1903, Image 2

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DY MORtNING. ... 4aimpan YOUBr, -PIoPA -0,1AO Pbr Annum. ringRates Reasonable. '149's Plostoffiee as Second ClaKss 210KENS, S. C, T Ahurslday, July,9, 19011. y not call it slaughtermobile? B. 6,',rass Foud" is Kentucky's now breakfast food. The lynching fever is invading the nborth withi the' velocity of a tornado. There were twenty lynchings in Juno. We are afraid to estimate the July crop. Of courso lhe-r is nothing in a name, but what's the matter wit.h mnaking it "Oyiy john Rockefeller? Hang a brook trout up in the White House and Grover will make a bee line for the presidny. President Francis should geot bu y and arrapgo for a "nigger lynching" at the St. Loui E xposition, just to vary the monotony. General Miles will retire from the commIanhd of The army next mo ' nth, and will then have ample tio to at tend social futtions and wear his gorgeous8 Uniforms. Saints preserve us! Theo ]Rocko. fllers have agreed to pay the taxes assessed against then. But Stop, don't jolliry. They will rais the price of oil. Newport society lenders have an nounced that they will wear t onl the outside of their b eason. This wil n pr? Hanwh a br the rest of their a a ung jury in that murer easo down in Breathitt county, Ky. But then tlo jury is about the only thing that gets hung in that counity, ainyway. U. va . r nt, Jr., Son Of hi father says tho vic presidential nomination shoulad of the Parii coast, andth, and ofvis fther halo apleunces that -* ..ftend socialpfuations aan, ad ths gonese uniores.odnsaemvn Saints resorv us! aT e upke fellrs ave gredt payth txe assesedagaist lzez. at sto price..ofowiof Newrtciety towarsav cosrutn nouncd tasfydnt theywlierntw ontakeyo outd f atspir inorh o seJo. hieron Mognil rsig a tofferea hr nkage restg theias fwmns hichjur i vn that mre But thn the jhrinag i auoh onlyi tang thmath gets hn ins th roy Nevadae te presdentialomisatioin shud othe Unon ait osa ndsomeo hor oaf higaters andnunweleh brthrs he as apprpriteathlsu o Mi2,00 Stone isnt mexBugatiathert fiso eostion .afgwin, and,000 evaleha wilresdonuth arnovina givev 01 S yort bilios tnoubedy costucing agood outo don' rltink we theied ttes comgavr and lto.s bart. oohrdyepreda l fJw Pyerspag. Thorsandrtg ha n chanee ainkagmeiting wthe lua few moth ich is eendinge arok de tan ofthhikg commodite tof this coutry, thesidessdvlpn rd mNovalled Panam beasts andl stat frin, the pnam, haptt shame formbof1 Harger'an Weel wealthy brothes. peree awapopiae the ghyhmbof ma)id xsto, of inhlig T$7kg00 Initutoe sle par forat iprl o givtne? resfrueullvs d Paorthe ywoiungwomet bten cam abermatidn ou selatins. Proba the Unthed tso ntttes. ua n o fwuldr go. supThe iland foi younce inwomslein ithe Ca up~ thenaivsn Inis nd quiood nue of bofthe comodiers arton th<s countmov e Widen Taner froma th< ine0 ated penitnaryat and inppoit, anera aniehs sel Smihhi abou1 arpgeers t te t'udensip .p tion ithBokes hadn'ntovd s they prienera mith waught downme heid of vle iut hepnd TuGeea In titoteolv thrat rofle ohn bernadsndhousekeped throba woud nt sppl thet deomg in * ubro ohic hr a oneu ~nxiue eat A hor tie aoca. remve Wae Tane fro toh. Maolen threatens to tell thing By all leans let him tell. ,An exohange announces that sl eles are Vnore prevalent among It e4 T,6 busy to die. Public sentiment in Delaware said to approvo the burning of Whi at the stak'. But then it was a o of White being black. The St. Louis exposition will hal sonie genuine Japanese geisha' girl Now what in thunder Is a gcis girl. Kansas wants 75,000 people 1 work in the harvest fields. Some our delinquent subscribers bt tter out there and get a job. Tho South won't let thQ negro vol but permits him to work for a livinj while the North permits him to vol but won't let him work. It is announced that the presider "will go to the bottom of the posto fice scandals." He will need a w< sponge over his nose if he makes tho trip. The Canadian minister vho share his bed 'with a negro who was ur able to get hotel accommodations ha not as yet received any voluntar contributions. The prosperity of the farmers o Indiana is shown by the fact the their earnings, deposited in the stat banks, have created such a surplu that it cannot be loaned. A negro preacher in Chicago i calling on his brethren to drink bloo( ind annihilate the poor white trasi Such fools only aggravate an alread deplorable condition. If Clovoland should be electe president ie would be confronte with the alarming possibility of fourth term. Politicians with th presidential itch could never stan anything like that. t is out at last as to w re president won't at v i iss Alic to hava an automobile. 'he darne thiig is too streenous and Tedd doesn't want to be the cow's tail i the race. A Swiss scientist has revived den dogs and given them a second ti on eart&, in several cases of twenitj four hours duration. It is not state just what benefit was derived eithi by the dogs or tie Bcientlist himal In the change of venue grantedi tihe Tillmnan case, a good deal of il vectivo and animosity was showi Statements were made relative I certain newspapers that could not l substantiated. We believe Jim Til miarn could have gotten as fair a tii in liichland county, if a fair (?) ti was what he warnted, as he couldi any county in the State. This mos is just simply tire first link towar acquittal, for political prejudice i clear him. We frequently hear of some your man temp~loraily discharging the di ties of his chief in a manner bol creditable to himself and his suporio A case of this kind has been brougi to light in Illinois, where Col. Jol D. G. Oglesby', private secretary Gov. Yates, is practically governor < Illinois. Bef~re his departure f. Europe Gov. Yates left many matte of importance in the hrands of la secretary, an)d although LieutI. Oc Northcott is bottoming the executia chair th.e responsibility is really (1 volvirng upon Oglosby. He is aboi 25~ years of age. anud is a son of formE GoV. Richard J. Oglesby. Governor Heyward has proven Iri: self every inrch a manr ar.d is faithfu 13y carrying out with thre people ti promises hoe made to them on tI stump. He is a clean man aind true one, and furthermore, he is man thrat is' easily appro)ached at lends a listening ear gladly and ii inigly to any appeal that will help h State or his people. Pickens courn people are proud of him and proaid tire record hre is rmakirng arid will evi be readly to hold up his hands in I discharge of Ihis duty. Long lif good luck, and several terms ini (i gubernatorial chair, for the mant of Staito is on mnost worthy at excellent shourlders. When congress passed the Dh lawv reorganizing thre militia of tl several states, and placing it und< government control, it omitted or foatunre which shrould not have bee overlooked. That is tire matter postage on official correspondene The National Guard of the Distri of C)olumrbia is allowed, thre privils of using tihe government free frar on all envelopes car'ryinrg official p poe or documents of any niature, at this privde'go shrould be extended the niaval and mrilitary forces of tI several states. Tire officers and mm of thre militia give their time ant energies to thre governmrent and tire respective states without compens tion, .and it is hrardly just to au threm to meet expenses that~ shou: b)0 borne by the government. 'If tI militia of the District of Columbia entitled to this privilege, certainly ti forces of the states are on titled the same, and .they should have granted to themn at the next sessic A pt. diar andi to somo people em barassing state of affAir lias devblop ed from otr occiatid oC4tbi IlIp pines. Quit a nupiler of army offi ces and at liger nuMber of onllted men contracted Filipino, morrivgges a with some of 'the young and pietty ;o native women, never thinking tliat 10 they would l49 held valid :in the mother country. But the powers that be hold otherwise, and the officei Itid P men will be compelled to receive and * support their native sponses, whother a they like it or not. Tli department is right, The matrienonal bond is ,o too sacred to be handlied in such ait if manner by an American soldier, or o citizen, and especially n our dealings with people to whom we should sot an example in morality. These gay e Lothorios have made their own beds, now let them lie on them, whether ;e they bo of feathers or stone-. I esolutions by the Suimmer School. t Pickens, S. C., July 4th, 1903. Whereas, the Pickens County' Teachers' Institute this day closes a it term which, to all of us, has proven i most beneficial season of instruction, and whereas, we are desirous of tes d tifying openly as to our appreciation . of the many courtesies shown us by our instructora, Ptofs. Dominick and Dendy, as well as to their untiring Y labors in our behalf and their most efficient services without which our efforts miust have proven failures. Now, be it resoived, by the teachers t of the Pickens County Teachers' in E stitute in special meeting assembled; First. That we tender to them our most sincere appreciation of their un. tiring interest and zeal in our behialf Second. That their instructions have been such that they will success fully show forth throughout the coun ty, and beyond Its limits, in practical y results, the timely benefits of this County Institute and demonstrato that our earnest labors, in this behalf, : under their directions, have not been Sin vain. Third. That we hope to have these a instructors to conduct our next sum 0 mer school in this county. 1 Fourth. That we desirespe6ycially. to testify to poggi4e-bE:iefits derived fromjka". e'1resting feature of sum 1iber school work kn6wn as "Round e Table Talks," and believe that through d these talks, we have derived helpful suggestions which, in duo season, Y will crystalize into material good to n the schools of Pickens county. Fiftl. That this opportunity be ap propriated to the fulfillment of the desire of each teacher of this summer a school to express our appreciation of ,. the kindness of our County Superin tendent of Education, R. T. Hallum. Sixth. That a copy of these resolu ,r tions be sent to each of the instruc f. tors,also a copy to Superintendent Hallum, and a copy each t.o the Pick n ens Sentinel-Journal and the Easley r. Progress with the request that, spaice permitting, the same be published in ordler that our people may knowv of 0the diligence with which their teach O rB are laboring for the chuse of edu I- cation. IBy the Committee: i (Miss) Mamie Ballentine, (Miss) Ola Major, (Miss) Daisy B..roughs, 0 WV. T. Earle, d Committee. 11 wVorksng Nignt anad Dar. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New g Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, h brain-fag into mental power. 'They're r, w rnderful in building up the health. SOnly 25c per box. Sold by Pickens D~rug Company. O Mica NewsN Item. f A.s I haven't sawv anything from rthis section in so long I will try to scribble a few lines. .Farmers are getjting very near up to ith their crops; crops are very sorry v- this time. aBorn unto Mr., and Mrs. Wmn. e Barnes on-the 2d inst., a fine boy. it We are glad to hear that M ra. ir Harlston Chapman is improving some after suf'ering so long. Mr. J. Lucian Hendricks wvent to t- Greenville last Monday on business. 1. Miss Evie Hendricks has been very e ill for the past two wveeks, but is im e proving some. aI Mr. J. J. Anthony and Mrs. Millie Hendricks have gone to Easloy today. aPrayer meeting at S. M. Looper's d last Sunday afterinoon was well atten. 1 ded. is The Sunday school at Mt Tabor is Ly in a flourishing coudition, with W. J. SB. Chapman, Si perintendent. The Sunday school scholars are looking r forward to a Children's Day some 30 time in the near future. It will be e, published later. ic Miss Cora. Chapman 'visited her le ibrother in the Lenhardt section Mon d |day. Miss Fannie Looper visited Miss Ellen Garren Sunday. k This section was visited with a e splendid r'ain last Sunday afternoon. .It evidently was needed. SMiss Lenora Looper visited at Mr. Garren's last Sunday aind reported an enjoyable time. >fMr. Wash Bowen wvent to Pickens a- on business Menday'. 3t If this does not find its way to the oe waste basket I will write again. k A Blue Eyed Giirl. Liber by Local. d Ever so quiet In this littble neckc of to of the, woods: most everybidy has e businehe and giving it their attention, n~ if nothing but gathering blackberries. You can't hire hands here. rThe county road hands Ar'e work i ing the roads around Liberty. 'i We have had good uains the past k week and the farmers are .pntting in d good time in their crops. - e Constabl, McCraycy, *lth; Mack is Stewart anid R. \V. ThinaR, cacught some blockaders with sorn': whiskey and horse and buggy one night last week. j. U Stewart, son of N I. 8ts ar n' hast itio$n at -PIttMbeg, i'a. * ~%o.P~tm o ~imston~ >~Is 'ourAti "Two years ago mny hair was falling out badly.; I purchsed a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor -and soon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minni 'Hoover jls,Il. Perhaps your rpotpQr had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's-air Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. $1.00 a bollle. All drag!sls. If your drugist Cnti t supply you, Bend us ono doTiliar and wo will oxiress you a bottle. Jo slu:mo tu ive th0 nmlio of your noareat ex press ofl ec. Address, J. C. AY IC CO., Lowell, Mass. One of the social events of the palit week was the family reunion of the Boggs family at the olk home of T. 0. Bloggs, deceased, tho 4th. 'ht ro were fourteen Boggs' and seven closp connection present. Addressba of welbome were made by Rev. W. L. Boggs, of Greenville, and Solicilor J. E. Boggs, of Pickens. The occasion will be long remembered astlhe crowd was composed of all ages from the wee tots to the hoary heads. The dinner feature was complete in every detail. They formed an organization to meet annuallY and Re. . W. L. Boggs, M. A. and W. L. Boggs was appointed a committee to fix a date, e tc,, for the next abnual meeting. Death of Miss ida Webb. Miss Ida was born at Rockingham, N. C., in 1857, and departed this life July 3d, 1903, at the home of her parents in Pickens, S. C. --Besides paronts she leaves two perrowing brothers, both of whom are physi cians. Dr. E. B. Webb was'with her to the last and all that medical skill conid do was done. Her tis 1%. go ra omu_ -Sile' she iv0<--a consistent (bristian sDad uewnbei bf the Methodist church. As a child she was obedient, cheer ful, gentle and freo-hearted. So de. voted was she to her parents' home that she preferred their protection and 1.>ve to that of all suitors with their flattering oftors. sh never gave her parents one monue'nts' aux ions care or pain but was affable, do. cile, humble and charitable. To see her was to admire her, to know her was to love her. As a sister she wt s as true as gold purilied; one mor kind and do voted no individual ever had. Bo h in health and sickness, sorrow and pleasure, she could not do too much for her brothers. She was a christian in) deed and truth, "full of good works andl alma deeds w hich she did." 'Hers was not a mere profession but a recal possess. ion. She livedl for others, niot for self. IFor more than twenty years shelived anl active, consecrated chr'istian life, though during her last years her sphere of activity was limite'dbecus of physical infirmities. While rosi (lent in Asheville, N. 0., she was con stantly seen visiting the sick, cauing for the poor and needy, filling an n tive place in Sunday school, Mission. atry societies, prayer meetings, etc. 1Hcr works do follow her, shle yet speaks, Asheville calls her blessed. As a disciple she was exemnplary, trustful, quiet, always the same yet over growing in grace and knowledgel As a sufferer she was patient, un complaining, submissive as a sermon Hecr last testimony w as ione of faith clear as the noon-day sun. "I am ready to go, I waint toi go." May the God of Comfort be witt the loved ones. Idca is not dead, she only reacl'ed heaveu before you. The funeral took place at the hom< of her father, HI. Hi. Webb, and thi intermnent, took pla1ce inl the cemieteor; tlhe day following her death i th< presence of a large conictote 'bf po roninlg relaitives anid fridnds. Hecr Pastor. - Ooluinoy itemsi.-. Mr. Editor: Not seeing anythini from thlis section, in my life, I wil endeaivor to give you a fe-v dots. I Ent to say that General Greet is holding everybody's hand to th< plo0w and hoe handle these days. A this writing the crops are looking backward in this valley. The so called Pickens Ark sailed tc Pumpkintown last week, and stail there about a wveek and hatd a fin< time smioking cigarettes. From th< ' ay they (lid while there it seemni that they think we do not need roadi up here. TPhe'work they di'd whuih at Pumpkin town was -nothing. II is there to show for itself. If this ii the way they have dlolie all over th< county, then, I say, awaylI awayl wil the ark an I its inhabitants. T. M. Jonos, at Rock,'potoffice, ih turning out some fine furniture andi any one needing anything in his lina will (10 nell to give him an order. Mv. T. J. For Bicycles AND SBicycle Material of all kindIs, SFine Cigars & Tobaccos, Can.Goods, Sugar, Coffoe, Machino Needles, and many oilher thin~g' too tedious to mEntion .. . BicycleReparing OCref 11 De,i All n't the lowest Cash- 1ice? S0.0C. FICVKS& CO., West na creruL s e W. T. MoFA Presidobt. * PICKENS I OF PICKENS,9 CAPITAL PROFITS, - - DEPOSITS, I-terest paid on time Deposits. ( Liberal Trea~tment to all i WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OFSMA e*DiRECTORS<1 J. V'. )1.%(10()), .1. P'. CAR IN.K NV. hi. ilAGOMI, . V LI . A. it, .. I. 81111W J. L. Bolt, M. ). Pickens Drug ( A NE-V W ..S PE1-. C J A JUST RECEIVED-coiu Plenty of Stationery, Tablk and Time Books. . WTe awa you want. , . . . . . Yours for "Hustli PiKENJ bRUQ TIME'S YOU'VE BEEN 'Ti TRY- A ALL OF 'EM SMA8H I * SHOE VALL S * $2.00, $2.50, Pride & Y UP-TO-DATE SHOE GI I E N V I F1, C Sterlingr Silver 1te Cu Giilass, Art P'ottery, INoveltie Diamonds, Watchies d. F. BRU N' 109 North Main Street. EEETHINOEWU AsMIGmuuuvuvu *Or mal 2conta toC.j. MO wih our baby when l as ba tvery youn Infnt,"as arprrventi La eriwa sefu iething trouble, anaiseffect nhas een loa "hidrnas *n|f he*.e"essi when theei a n bab in or ie hr baby quiet. H AliTWELL M. AYER., (Manag~er 1 CRACK OOES TH-E WHIP IN COME THE ORDERS Thefirgiadrohaihnica SELLS THlE VERY BEST GRADES' FERTILIZERS AT THlE VERY LOWEST COST It pays to fertilize yousr lanidsw TH13 VIRUINiA-CAROLtN~) CHEFMICAL COMPANY'% PRODUCTS.& *OLD EVERYWHERE The Vlrginia-Caroiina Chemical Co.. CHA RLESTON. 8. C. Bridge to Let. On the 21st day of July, 1908, at 11 'clog~ok a im I will let to the lowest re- M n lslile bidder, th e re irinig of the ,g ear W. J. Ponder 8 old mil, and severKd ther smaltl bridges to let nearby . on the e~~i day' A. J. Welborni, ant( 9.jnl w2 g Co. (iormmissonor. Oli - Brc ....VIIfCINIA LLEGE... sAo For YOUNG LAV*ES, onnmoke, Vn. 'lRe( for oung 1diusi h SouhN t lliltH, F iitano e qtipneoi. O m us er 'cteu. Red for health,1u ea ti rioI .teachera; 1il cott' ~ 6se e~r nId .r i I AN, .C. $ 20,500.00. $ 10,312.09. $ 100,055.29. )areful -Management. t's Customers. L, LOANS TO FA RM ERS. 0 J. .. tIJu(s, T. N IiUNTii't J. N. Halium, Ph. G. ' OF C LS.. )-I>I OR PLAIN. ts, MemOran(IUm s have sonething ng" COMVANT. NKING, NG GOOD ES, 41 $3.OO. a r tn HOUSE, anIl Je welry. cQ BRO., CREEENVIL LE, S. C. B. Cures Cholera-Infanlum Diarrhoea,Dysentery. an the Bowel Troubles of Children ofAn Ag. Aids Digestion, I~~uate the Bowels, Strengthenj -the Child andI akes liggistS, TEEThING EASY. ~FETT, M. D.. ST. L.0UIS, MO. of elloe and to Carm eanti s weeto thestoniac rrl sufl thato * " n *"ny peo le uet ep*j ally Times and Weekly rmes-Messenger.) "The Largest Manufacturer of Fertilizers on Balth" Forty odd Manufacturing plants Wholesale purwchasers Largest importers Concentration of s o call on J1. D1. MOOR E and get, ai 10 poundic Caddy Reliablo, $2.95 per box. wn's Mule, $3. 10 per box. Lhet, $3.00 per b)ox. nappe, $:3.90 por box. I Elephnt, $3 50 peri box. a Frde, $3,40 per' box. at Tom, $3 40 per. box. or goods at equailly Ae 1on I'Candy 150 a bon. R Hauwi mewi ~u~FdtO% -E4 RI N( MOWerS AND Full line of repairs for Deerii' Sample Organ for Sale ( Suimmer Lap Robes 25c. Wheeler & Wilsbn No. 9 ball bearing Full line Shelf hardw -AGENTS FOR DeVoes Lead and Zir Fewer Gallons wear; 14 Easley Hardwa Easley, S, C. Do You . Question if so coume to SEE U, We hiaye the I China at a Sa( STOVES and RANGES, We mak, FRUIT JARS; JELLY GLA Summer Saving is Winter Pi The BEST APPLE and PEACH P in Easley. Save Fruit. PAINT, OIL; METAL Vtj-Come to see us to save mon W. H. Pickens H. A. RICH We have honght tile largest all I mlIost con cianlthse this 10l that we have ever.carried, w in New Goods and Low P'rices. We invite a c in South Carolina n S yles, Quality, Qiaitiy lead the In-oceSsion this Fall and1c( will not be will he eisy lr you to buy at Richey's who pretty goo-!s anid get tihe p1rices, 11nd41 it certa saved is a d"1lar1 made. Do you1r tra Irath - at I We can show .oit exceplional vn111 ies I in D ress ( ill Gradles ais . Biea citiltil W aist Flanm1110 elegat lino of Dresses anl Timing iiecia We ma oke ai pci ally of ourF Shioe Depacrtmci gradesa for Ladii s, Men cam Chiilren. The hca facloies iln Amearic'a. Buy your Shaoeroml We guiaaico satisfaction. D)OM1ESTIC D)EPA l'M1 G;ood Calicoes'. (GoWnin , WV hiite iI< me)Cspunl, best C mtion1 Flannell, best Ci No mlatlter whait. jriCces are gno td youi we H. A. R M~'1iITE CHIEAPE~ST STO Hm IN --FOR T E NEXT THIRTY For Cut Pt ices to suit the Dull SGLASS \ CROCKER TIN-WA RE, JEW A Full line of Cannied Goods(1, PicklIes, Cakes, Canidies, Fruiiits, MNllasses. e The JI U~sed and recommended by all the Stock Affps Liqiid Shoe0 polislh. in E~ M RS. K. L CUR A. K. P1 The Oldest Dry Goods Firn The Original West End D~r I can supply all of your wvants in Dry Goods, Notigns My house is full of 'new Spring ai bought at the lowecst Market price an cheap as good reliable goods can be sileh to tell you intelligently or dlescri advertisement, but, if you will call at give us pleasure to show you what w lowest p~rice that such goods can be in ladies goods from a cheap lawvn tc White Goods are very strong. Men' strong line of Men's and Womens U suit all-High Cuts, Low' Cults, Fint Shoes. It will cost you nothing to kc Some people saythey save money by buying. Polite attention guhiianteedl g Mowers. hleap). ,gy Umbrellas. Sewing Machines. are. ic Paint. .re Co. tere? rifice. Specialty of them. SSES; Etc. ,asure. ARERS ever sol WORK. ~y. Sonsti. EY'S. 11te s'ock of Mer, th il-( rcat'ea st altractions oinp'Irison wit h aiy holuso nii ii ice. We iuenn to undrt'Isol by anyhody. It it you stop !nd1 examine the0 Ily will pay 30. A dollar i(er's and e dollars. loods in Bl k and Co lors, -p 4 'I in PIin ai.d flcy. An - valu Ies. as anid you i le3ased. COMP STE.I4 DAY ES.-s Y-WA R E, ELRY, ETC. Oat Me~al, (Craker's Nuts, TenQ~, (Cotee. 3st Cheese on Earthi schiang~e for Gloods. ETON & CO0 i in (reenville. y (;oods Store, and Shoes. Id Summer G~oons, d wvill bc sold1 as ~old for. It is imfpos- 44 be myigoods in this my store. It will e have and give the sold for. Anything a fine silk. My s Dre!ss Shirts. A nderwear. -Shoes to Shoes and Cheap + ok at my goods. looking here becfore