The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, July 02, 1903, Image 3

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lp~lug o1 a Local and Personal tr. ,-Dr. W. F. Austin, dentist, will be in Elasley July 7th' and 8th. -FOR SALE:-Three young miloh cows. 11. A. Price, Sunny Dale, 8. 0. -Dr. Wardl*v, dentist, will be in Pickens the 3th, 14th and 15th of July. -Missess Ileno and Lorena Taylor are visiting their grand-father at Taylor's station. -The colored Baptist Sunday school will observo Childron's Day next Sunday night. -Como out to the lecturo tonight by Dr. Edwin Hall, if you want to have a good time. -Save your forage with the up-to. dato Plano Mower and Rako. 1t. C. Carter, Liberty, agent. -Little liss Mary Lathom, of Clinton, is visiting her grand-paronts, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Richey. -F. P. McAlister, who has boon quite sick is able to be ont again, to the delight of his many friends. -We arc in a position to handle eggs and chickens in abundance at splondid prices. - Craig Bros. -J. Ollio Brock will bo in Pick ens during court week prepared to work on watches, clocks and jowelry. -- "Unclo Ephriam" Gilstrap is quito sick with dropsy. Small hopes are entertained for his over getting well. --W. A. Thomas and family, of the Glassy Mountain section, visited friends end relatives at Norris last week. --Rov. J. B. Trammell will hold divine so vice at the Town Crook school house on next Sunda) evening at 3 o'clock. -Don't fail to hear Dr. Edwin Hall to-night (Thursday) in the court house. Prices 25c and 15c, and it Vill be money well spont. --Mr. Jerro S. Parrott, who is eighty two years old, is suffering from B3right's disease and little hopes are entortained for his recovery. -Report has it, that there was frost on Crow Creek on the morning of the 13th ult., killing occasionally i stalk of corn and some cotton. -Wo aro overloaded on ladies slippers and in order to reduco our stock wo offer the $1.25 kind for $1.10 and the $1.50 kind for $1.25. Craig Bros. - AlisR Sadie Richey is quite in disposed, and has boon confined to her room for soveral days; her many fuiends hope that she will be out in a short time. -Rev. J. T. Wado filled his regu lar appomntments at the Presnytorian ci urch Sunday and Sunday night, pi, aching excellent sermons to large co1 gregationis. .n T. McDaniel, who has begn spe u g awhile in Pierm@ retzirned to (o mnbia on Tuesday, I d assumed his r sition with tho .1 dand Dis tihid ,Co onl iho 1st i . -N. D'.Taylor, pho ographer, will bo in his st udio, Carey building, on T- eaday antd Wednesday, .11nly 7th .a 8th. Remember the dante, and dall on him for nice wvork. --Lotter Hends, No)to Heads, Bill He(ads, Envelopes end anything in the line or printing at the SentinoI 4 Jourinal oflico. Send( US an1 OI-derl. First class work at reasondal prices.I -WVork on all the buildings now in course of erection in P~ickens is progressing rapidly and satisfactorily', The c ntractors are rushing things for more contracts are ahead of them -en F. Parsons spent a few days in Atlanta last week. WVhile gone ho spent a while with his sons at Flowery Branch, Ga., and saw .J. H. Brown, formerly of Liberty, who is pushting wvork on the oil mill. ---Douglas Jeinis has evinced a mniaa for weddilngs; lie attended the H-allum-Boggs wvedding and then went to one in Greenville the next day. Probably whlen lhe is the groom his interest will wane. --B. E. GArandy has closed a con. tract with H. C. H~agood at Easlev, to bid a commodious dwelling for. him on his lst in that town. It will be0 a nice ornament to that gro win g town when it is finished. --Mr. Aaron Bog gs say s that the recent flood wvashed holes in his Sen. eca iver bot toms doop enough to bury a house, and higher' up the river are similar occurrooces. Very large trees were washed up. *-.~hlere will be a game of baseball in Pickens on the 4th inst , between colored teams ftrm Easloy and this place, and at night an entertainment will he given at-the school house for the benefit of the colored church. -Next month is the time for hold-1 ing elect ions for cotton weigher in the several towvns in thiso county and alrioddy pr'ospectiv VOCantdidlatos are figuring how they can get a cineh on enough votes to land them safe in the office. -A party composed of P. Eugene Alexander, Larry (I Thiornley, B~en B. Laihooni and J. Rnfus Ashmtore left Wednesday for a fishing trip in Jocassio. They will spend several days up there and we hope the pro verb~lial ihrmnan's luck will not ho theirs. -Mrs. W.. E. Dendy and WV. E., J., are spending the summer wvith rela tives in Yorkville. Prof. De'ndy will close his work in the summer 'school here Saturday and will join his fami 13y there, for a well earnedl and much. neied t'est, leaving here on Mondiy. May ho have a pleasant outing. --Dr. WVilliam Edwin Hall, of Now York, will lecture in the c< nrt house, tonight, (Thursday,) on " 'he Evolu tion of r. Girl." Dr. Hall ncod(1 no intro'lnotion to a Pickons audienuce, as lbe has lectured lhere before and al. was dh lights his audiences. Til lecture is one of his very best. Dr. - Hall gaeti etr nEasley Tutes. day night, and every one was do. * ome if you can't tiearty laugh. Ad. In1 b terested. oild drinks and 00 aA time. J'Iokeub Drug Co. -A large crowd attended the Kal lmn-Btfggs wedding In Masley Tues day night. -Dr. Edwin Hall lectures in Eas, ley tomorroN (Friday) night. Be sure and hear him. -it. C. Carter, Liberty, has re. ceived i complete.line of buggies, her. ness, saddles, whips, laprobas, etc. * -Call on us for peai and cane seed. We have them in abundance. Craig Bros. -FOR SALE: -Two nice Shoats about seven months old; will weigh about 90 pounds. Call on W. Johnson, Piekens, S. . -Henry Grady, who has been stationed in Charleston for some time, has returned to his old haunts and was in Pickens Monday shaking hands with his friends. -W. L. Matheny and wife have moved to the B. T. McDaniel home, and R. R. Roark and wife no% occupy rooms at Mrs. Ann Griffin's recen tly vacated by Mr. Matheny. -Dr. A. B. Wardlaw will be in Pickons for three days during court, Monday, 13th, 'Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th. He is a good. den tiat and you will be well pleased with any work he does for you. --On account of Fourth of July celebration the Charleston and Wes tern Carolina Railway announces rate of one fare and a third for the round trip, between all points on its line. Tickets on sale July 2d, 8d and 4th, final return limit July 8Lh. -We direct your attention to the advertisement of R. C. Carter at Lib. erty. When times are dull he be lieves in making a stir, so advertises goods at prices that are sure to bring the crowds. Read his notice, see his prices and go and get the goods. Ho is all right and his prices tire all right. - -The Charleston and Western Carolina Railway announces that on account of Military weok at Augusta, July 6th to 13th, it will sell round trip tickets from points on its line to Augusta at rate of one fore plus 25 cents; tickets on sale July 9th and 10th, and for morning trains of the 11th, final return limit July 16th. -Warrants for the artificial limb find have been sent out by the Comp trollor Goneral, and have been prop crly filled out and returned to him. Some applicants have been rejected; those who are accepted will be paid $25.00 each. Oliver T. Jones, S. IV. Maw, WY. L. dorgan and R. A. Bowen are applicants from thin -)uln ty. We hope their papers will be passed upon favorably. -Jae. K. Lathem, a good farni.r and a substantial citizen of the oas. torn side of the county was ia Pick. ens lasi, Monday. lie reports that a severe rain, amouniting almost to a cloud burst, visited that section Sat urday evening. Crops are badly hurt, and the fields are washed into gullies. We sincerely hope the citi zens of that bailiwick are not as badly hurt as is at present indicatejd. -W. T. Griffin, of the Field sea tion, while hauling Op oats Monday met with a serious acciden t. H-e had a load on tihe wagon and wvas stand inig up pitching the bundles into the barn when a plank on which he wvas standing broke in two dropping him onto one of the pickets in the wagon frame, badly lacerating his arm at tlio shoulder. it was a peculiar accident and will be some time in healhing Up. -Mr. Melville Barton, who for tihe p~ast seven years 1has had charge of the TOWn . Creek Rtoller Mill, has leased the Easley Roller Mill anid has taken charge of same. Mr. Barton is one of the best millers in tihe up1 country, and will make an excellent grade of flour. Tile produlct of tihe Easley Mill that will now be put on the mark'et will have a higher stand aid of excellency than ever before. Th'e directors of the mill wvill have no cause to regret getting him as maitna ger. --James A. Moore, a good citizen and a land-mark of Pickens county, (lied at his home ill tile Prater's Creek section, on last Sunday evon. ing at all advanced age, after an ill ne05s of about twvo months, from a conilhication of diseases, lie leaves a wife and seven children, besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn his death. He had been for a long period a member of the Baptist churchl. His remains were laid to rest in tihe family burying ground On Monday. Truly a good man hlas gene to hlis reward. -Dr. Edwin Hail, the inimitable lecturer wvill deliver one of his famous lute, "Tihe Evolution of a Girl," which Is one of the richest, rarest anid raciest things now put out tlhrough any Lyceum course, in tihe court hlouse at 25c, and 15e. Wit, humor and pathos are sublime ly blended together, and it is so ad. mirably worded thlat tihe moral~ for tihe good of mankindis soobvious that you cannot but help see it even if you are busting the buttons off of y'our pants from laughter. -Mrs. R. K. Johnson and daugh-. ter Bertha, of Greenville, whlo have been at Chick Springs, .are now in Pickens for the benefit of thleir health. A better place could not have been found. Capt. iR. E. Johnson, of the Saluda Lumber Co., spent Sunday in town with thuem iund left Tluesday for Pittsburg, Pa., wvhere hle goes. in tihe interest of his company. Mr. John. son says when his c inpanay gets their sawv mills in operation and the Sa hlda Valley R-uilroad running to Marlota that that coun try will come out anid blossom like a rose. -H. K. Sturdivant & Cou, proprie. tors of "The Big liee Hive" of Green ville, will inaugurate a big Mill End Sale, beginning July 9th. Rlead their advertisement in this paper and then go and get your goods at, bargainl pr-ices. Everything will be just as advertised-no shoddy goods and prices In plain figures you see the goods and the price. Trhey have been running this annual sale for severai seasons and each year' It Is bigger and. better than before." If yoa hlave tdoes', tlbert,. See his adyartise -"The s'mmer school 'at Viekets will lose Saturday. The teachers have labored hard, and. have had a nice and intelligent set of scholars and are proud of the work done. Last Wednesday the .teacber6 and scbolars. all assembled on the court house lawn and had mr. Taylor to makv a group picture of them. -Mr. Thomas Auderson has took charge of the Bending Factory and has put in some new machinery and Is now turning out some mighty nice work in the way of banistering, col. umus, moulding, etc., and can fill all orders promptly. Give him a call when needing anything in his line and you will be pleased with his work. -The South Carolina State Press Association will begin its annual sees ion at White Stone Springs next Tuesday, the 7th. After the busi ness session is over a party of the editors will meet in Columbia and hie themselves away for a two weeks trip to Denver, Colorado. An enjoy. able time and a pleasant trio is prom. ised the "Knights of the Quill" by President E. H. Aull. Our regret is that our "delinquent list" has decreed that we should spend the summer in Pickens. We humbly bow to the in evitable. Pickens is a good place to spend the summer in. --N. D. Taylor spent this week in his studio at Pickens. He is certain. ly as well pleased with the patronage he is getting as his patrons are with the work he is J.urning out. Every body loves to go where they cau get the best; that is why so many folks are having him to make their pict. ures -his work is so good that after giving one order to him you are so well pleased that you give him another sitting. Any kind and style of pict, ure you want, is his motto, and the price is very reasonable for the qual. ity of the work. How about a brooph or cuff button, or scarf pin photo, for your best "feller?" -Ed. Ellenburg, for whom the authorities held a warrant soue time ago, but who esoaped to North Caro. lina and was there nabbed and scnt to the penitentiary for the crime ol adultery, but who subsequently es. caped and wended his way back tc Pickens, was captured by Deputy Sheriff P. P. McDaniel and Consta ble H. A. Nealey on Monday nighi at Pet Ellenbnrg's houso, near town. Ed. will probably now face two prop. ositions-be returned to the pen tc finish his sentence and then be turned over to the South Carolina authorities to stand trial for abduc. tion, seduction and adultory. -The picnic at Birch's Ford lasi Saturiay was well attended. It -vas an ideal day and fair maidens and gallant young men from the country aide around gathered to spend ii pleasant day. The speeches w ere timely and well delivered and up t( the standard of such . oratorical out bursts. The dinner spread around in the shade of the giant oaks was one calculated to please the mosi epicureon taste and was ani abundant one0. The glades and sylvan retreats were wvell patronized by the young men and ladies and mnany events in future history wvill be dated from this day, and no doubt a few pains wvas felt by some of the sterner sex, butl they wvill probably eventually out. grow it, and be tile better for thec mnomentary heart.ache. Hanlu In-Boggg. A beautiful wedding was solemn. ized in the Presbyterian church at Easley Tuesday evening - Miss Ninec Boggs was wedded to Dr. J. N. Hal, The church was beautifully anc tastefully decorated wvith ferns, ivj and varied evergretubs anld choice pot ted plants, and the scone withal was one of entrancing beauty. The chlurch wvas filled to overflowing with] friends of the popular y'oung couphi long before the arrival of the brida party. Softly the strains of the ever sweet and beanutiful Mendellsson's Wedding March-the lovely old1 air that thrillk the inimost soul-skillfully rendere. by Miss Lida Folger, anniounced the entrance of the bridal party, wicla entered in the following order: 'The ushers were Messrs. J. Toomei Richey, J. Runfue Ash more, Richarc Wyatt and Edgar Morris. Then came the bridesmaida and the groomsmen. Miss Nannic Mauldin with J Douglas Jenkins. Miss Julia Smith with Judge T1 Lathem. - Misn Jonnie Oribblo with Qwir Humbert. Miss Josic B~oggs with James P. Miss Marie Folger with Dr. Ossie Mauldin. Miss Bessie Hamilton with A. Brandoni Taylor. Miss Ada Gossett with Franki Pickons. The maid of honor', Miss Ettr Boggs, sister of the bride, preceded the groom. Then came the groom, Dr. 3. N. Hallum, attended by his best man, P. Eugene Alexander. Brides are always beautiful-ther< may be slightly varying degrees of beauty-this bride was a vision of loveliness that beggars description. The bride entered on the arm oi her uncle, Horace IHorton, of Clinton and met the groom at Hymen's sacred altar and the two lighted their trotli -the words were spoken by Rev. J. T. Wade, the bride's palstor. Immediately after tlhe ceremon3 the bridal party went to the home ol the bride's mnothaer, Mrs. W. IK. Boggi wvhere there wvas n.usio and fesating Many and betl.fful were tile gifts that testify of the popularity of the young couple. The bride is a 'lnnehter of the latE B1ev. WV. K. Bogge, a niece of Solici tor Julius E. Boggs asnd,-a grand daughter of Mrs. Sai'ah Alexander, and is possessed..of~ are beauty and r sweetness of biiposition that endears her to a la' e circle of friends. The gr em is a rising young mar in busines ~-a member of tle Pick ens Drug. The gr mn was accompanied by a traiud-load f friends on his happy mission t asle. Wedne morning the h11 couple left o* 'le and SQF T Opened at R. C.CARTER'S, I until his on0 ire 00o We can toll you here of but very fe . appreciate them. Pricos will be spoola gardless of cost. Read every word and W Look for the tickets, goods marked in IM less than half price. Umbrella's hei'vy twill ateel rod worth 75 this sale they go at 45o. 0 60 inch rod Table Damask warrante * turkey red regularly pricod at 65c per going during this sale at 24o. 1000 yards calico, standard, going long %sts at 4jo the yard. 15 dozen Men's Dress Shirts, regular kind to go during this sale at 65o. 10 dzei Men's Dress Shirts, 75o kind during this sale for 65c. My immenso stock of shoes-all to go i sale at great money saving prioos. One lot of men's shoes regularly priced a to go for 95o. R. C. CARTI Our Yale S jftui |N e aI iti --Ma doesnot nicatn olS hrdsoc bt.v ..RibuR O FedAbu Mn H Are goin Taota, sold for a clsongu does no0 4ea ol har 2tstoc bu "V ind o car over anthin in thes No 40 " " " 20ots to" No 40 Satin Tarnta sold for 20o to olose a NoG6O " " " B5c to " No 80 " " " " 450o to4 No 40 Moire, Bold for 25o to close out n No 60 " " " 30, to " " No 80 " " " 85e, to " " " A few pieces of No 120 Lonsino Ribb0 60 cent kind to close at 30 cents. These are decidedly the biggest ribbon gains ever offered and you should not mlNa Big Reductions i STORE is full of B3e backed by our iron c "Your Moneys W< Heath- Bru Pickens~ To Cure a Take Laxative Bromo Q Se~ Mu~ bx, odInpst1 ont _a_ ent. [E SEASON Aberty, s. U., July, 1 , and will continue k of SUDIMER GO0DS are sold. w of tho astomishing bargains. You must see them to Ily redued on all goods. Many thiugs will be sold re. i then come and see that the hair has never been told. plain figures, that means that the article Is oftrred for rogular One lot of fine footwear worth $2.00 to be sold during this special bargain sale for $1.25. I] best Large lot of pants, overalls, going at prices yard unheard of. Alarm Clocks 65c. Eight day, half-hour strike 'as it clock for $1.95. Food choppers, crockery %6 onanelworo, tinware. I would like to tell about my special prices. Remember special prices will be made on every articles during this sale. Best Spern sowing machine oil warranted to go inot to gum, good for bicycles, large bottles only o. "Foreo", Grape Nuts, the new food n this for tir-d ierve, ieds no cooking only 15c. It would take twico a. much space as I have and t $1.50 thon I couldn't tell all. Call and see me if you want bargains. E R, LIBERTY., South Carolina. SCARTE R.0 ____ ackSuit. pOR young men and . all nobby dressers-made on entirely different lines from the ordinary ready-to-wear suits because it is distinctive in cut and appearance. To wear one means to be properly clothed; 'tis said "The clothes make the man," but we sell the "clothes that make SREENVILL, Nouxth Carolinn,. iighter Sale IILLINERY . .. /NAT THE Ms., e-Morrow Co's. moth Store. ( 26 and Ending Saturday July 4.' 3ONS and SILKS. You can't afford to miss this opportunity. This da ~rything in these lines will be included. .We don't P departments, so be on hand and get your share. ti - cE if... SILKS 4 SILKS. . at 8o.ThyM s " 12cThyM s S15c Be Seld,.. t 100o 1 Lot plaid silk to go at . . . . . . 25c 20 "All 50 anid 610 cent Silk to go at . .. . 874 2618 1 Lot 85o Silk to go at.... .. .......8c 20o 1 Lot $1.00 and $1.25 Silk to go at . . . 80c 25oc n the ~Don't Fall to see... bar thor. These Bargains. n all departmnents. Th~1e BIG trgains. Every puirchase is lad guarantee: >rth or Youir Money Back." ce- Morrow Co. ~, South Carolina. Cold in One Day M.?. I4iflifl tablets. ont every Thisaea. peambx2c iA 4,, . '1, .4 .S S MER GOODS -20% off-in' on our entire line of Dress "Goods, C!,o ingand Low (ut Shoes for Mer I Women and Children. Wo have a few pair of patent leather oxfords for Men t to go checap. Fro0m Now Tii Sept. 1st. We will offer our entire line of General Merohandise at . hi, discount. We hope by that time to be in new quarters we want to move as few goods as possible. )on't Miss This Golden Opportuni, FOR BARGAINS as it don't come but about a time. Our prices are always right but this reduction b.. them down cheaper than the cheapest. Highest prices p.;' for country produce. Your patronage solicitedb Folger & Thornley, Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Gents Furnishiu A Specialty. k Complete Set of Di e F R E E We take pleasure in announcing to our many fr and customers the fact that we have just clos contract with one of the largest potteries in the to furnish us with decorated ware, which we i: giving away .ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COS' -e willwguarantee to sell all goods as cheap i cheaper t i ver before and with each pur< with cash or pro will i ue coupons repr ing the 3pount of your p' ase. When your ons reach specified amounts you are I led to ent dishes such as dinner plates, pie pla s, somely decorated cups and saucers, exqui signs in covered dishes, bakers, orange bowls, . dishes, water jugs, tea pots and in' fact everi that goes to constitute a complete set of. dishes '' cordially invite you to call at our store and ii these goods and we will be delighted to explain offer to you in detail. Craig Brother : --ONE-PRICE CJASHI STORE.4 ~n Invitation. is extended to the trading p~ublic to call and u line of goods I carry. If either the goods or . ces don't suit you don't have to buy !!! I want your produce, eggs. chickens, etc., and the highest market prices for same, either in trade-Givc mc a trial and you will never reg. Yours for trade, John F. Harris. SPECIAL: The best parched and green coffees I ~reat Bargains in Laces! and embroidery with insertions to match I A man who tisiness to scrape up bargains in goodls sent me a lot of II. roideries and insertions with instructions "to sell"; that mn thiA lot lasts you can buy it for less than half the usual ith the lot is some extra fiine htwns; were it niot for the w price he made on~ this I would ship it, back. Several p es and other up to date dress goods; you will be intere -ices on this stuff. A few pairs very nice oxfords, hardb~ ention, 45c. for your choice. Last year a house shipped r mes as many cotton hoes as I bought; it is a good thing]1 they are much higher. I can se11 you cotton hoes for lei> u1 be bought at wholosale, and still make a little pron tiling to do it.J Produce always wanted. ST. 0. H AR R :, We are always 3lad to see you buying the 1 Trhe best is the cheapest. It is economy to buy We like to sell the best because the best always gives sa~ This applies to all classes of goods iStoves, Axes, Saws, Table and Pock utlery, Hammers, Hand Saws & as well as to Sh~oes, Hats, Clething, ,Jeans, Sheet Ings, Checks, Yarns, Drills, Oil Clth, and hundredsof other useful ar ticles which we ahay ' stock. REMEMBER I Good goods cost but little n shoddy goods. Call in, look through our stock in iit *~ lines and give us your valued business. Onr stocki p plate in every way. W. T. MoFAL