The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, July 02, 1903, Image 1

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REFIT 53111 1 P T.ll Zvi: m~ ";A PK N 8 .,'NINEG U801111 1871.PCES .CJJ ,2 93 O.XXJTIN THE HALL OF FAME. W. B. Heyburn, the new senator chosen in Idaho, was born In Delaware county, Pa., in 1852. - Major tieneral Henry C. Hasbrouck, who has been retired on long service, will make Newburg, N. Y., his home. . M. Ture, a French naval officer, has set about to solve the problem of vessel construction to prevent 'rolling and pitching. :e Andrew Carnegie has presented Aber deen university, of which he is lord rec 0 tor, nine acres of land as a recreation ground for the students. ;e Do Vries, the great.. Dutch experi y Mental evolutionist, has by long con P tinued selection produced a variety of clover which has normally four leaves. e Mr., Von Ogden Vogt of Beloit, Wis., f has been unanimously selected as gen eral secretary of the United Society of Christian Endeavor to succeed John Willis Baer. General Fitz-Hugh Lee, referring to B Virginia's proposal to place a statue of Robert E. Lee in the national capitol, says he thinks they should honor S Washington, the successful, as well as - Lee, the defeated. d John Dillon, who has been ordered to abandon public life for a season and withdraw to the warmer climate of r Egypt, had once before, In the early eighties, to retire from parliament for a prolonged period owing to ill health. Senator Alger of Michigan has an t nounced that he will give $75 a year until further notice for the purpose of providing medals for the six honor men who represent the University of Michigan in'the annual intercollegiate e debating contests. Charles Lauri, the English pantomi mist, is dead. His specialty was the imitation of animals, and no Drury lane Christmas pantomime was con plete without him. He was the son of a father equally famous as a clown, so 0 that a Lauri had been on the London e stage for nearly sixty years. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. John Drew's pictures are as popular as ever with the matinee girl. Alfred Aarons' latest venture, "The a Knickerbocker Girl," has scored a big success. e E. 11. Sothern's entire season next t year will be taken up between New York and London. M. Antoine has procured the French right of Tolstol's new play, somewhat startlingly called "The Corpse." Clyde Fitch has contracted to write no less than five plays for next season, and there will probably be more com ing. Robert Edeson has accepted a new play, as yet unnamed, by Charles Bradley, business manager of the Bos 'tonians. James K. Hackett.-has bought thu dramatic rights of Frederic Reming ton's story, "John Ermine of the Yel lowstone." -Paula Edwardes has been added to the list of stars who will be under the management of Messrs. Sam S. .and Lee Schubert next season. RADIUM. Glass vessels in which radium has been washed acquire its power of emit. ting rays. A bit of radium as big as a grain of sand sends out enough rays to blister the skin. Radium has been known to give out heat for a year or two with no percep tible diminution. Nobody knows wheth er this process can be kept up indefi .nitely or not. -A ton of radium, according to Sir William Crookes, might be worth the whole national debt of Great BrItain, not allowing for any further decline in the price of consols. Sir William Crookes still believes that the amount of energy in the uni verse is a constant quantity, and he thinks that in some way not yet ex plained tihe radium replenishes its en ergy from the movements of the mole cueles of air surrounding it. EDITORIALFLINGS. The chauffeur who kills and runs away will live to kill another day. Houston Chronicle. If ether people wouldn't burn so much money, Mr. Rockefeller wouldn'tI have so much to burn.-Detroit Trib. It's a very poor rooter who cannot pick out the winning club even this early in the season~ihmond Times. I Dispatch. President Roosevelt was probably "not thinking" when ho let an old bachelor into the cabinet-St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Patti will receive $150 a minute forC her concert appearances in America. She has nlo need to utter counterfeit nlotes.-Philadelphia North Amerieau, I CYNICISMS. If you like any one, his mistakes are almost as easy to excuse as your own. It costs more to keep a chafing dish than it does to keep a horse and buggy. Compliments, like love letters, are very silly when addressed to some oth er person. Shortly after a married woman in herita money from her kin her husband I embarks ou some new business enter-I prise.--Atchison Globe. Worst of all Eprenmees, Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Suoch was thme experience of Mra S. II.I Neweon, Decatur, Ala, "For three Iyears" she writes, "I endured insuffer able pain from indigestion, stomach and I bowel trouble, Death seemed inevita ble when doctors and all remedies failed At length I was induced to try Electrie i Bitters and the result was miraculous. I Improved at once anmd now I'm complete ly recovered.'' For .14ver, Kidney,8tomi- , ach and Bowel troubles Electrio Bitters e isI the only medicine. Only S0o. It's guaranteed by Pickens Drug Co., drug- E gint. We like best to call SCOTT'S EMULSION 4 a food because it stands so etn phatically for perfect nitritibn. And yet in the matter of restor ing appetite, of giving new 4 strength to the tissues, especially 4 to the nerves, its action is that 4 of a medicine. 4 Send for free sample. SCoTT & 1OWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, NewYork. Soc. and $.oo I all drugglsts. ATTENDED HEARING. A Vialtor In the Olty TalkIs About Olaanj of Vemue. "The gran ting of change of venu in- the Tillinan case by Jud Townsend at Columbia. yestorda afternoon means that the first ate in the acquittal of the prisoner h been made," said H. L. Raines, c Sumter county, who was in Colum bia during the hearing, and who i SOending today in this city. "I heard Judge Buchanan' speech yesterday afternoon," con tinued Mr. Raines, "and after hi rabid attack and bitter denunchF tion of newspapers in general an the State newspaper in particular I expected that the motion fc change of venue would be rofuset for such demonstrations of uncon trollable ill-feeling usually resul disastrously, especi.lly when ex hibited before a court. "Columbia people in the mail were surprised that the motion wa granted. but I heard no oxpression of any contemptuous fooling. I ar anxious to know where Judge Towr sond will'send the case. The tria will, in my opinion, be one of th hardest fought legal battles in th hi story of the State,.-G reenvill Daily Herald, 25th nlt. Chamberlain Colile, Cholera and Diarrhoea Renedy Is everywhere recognized as the on remedy that can always be depende upon and that is pleasant to take. It i especially valuable for summer diai rtooa in children and is undoubtedly th means of saving the lives of a grea many chil Ir n each year. For sale b, Dr. G. W. le,.4cens, and Dr. R. F smlith, Easl , QUEER CK OF CAR E d Its Owner II to Wait Twenty Y lip Before onpIting ilao A miembe -New tirk .44ehig fraternity has probably the queerest deck of cards in the world. It took hin twenty years to collect the pack, and he is exceedingly proud of it. He be. gan by picking up playing cards ill th< street whenever he happened to rur across them. ie got fifteen or mor< before he began striking duplicates Sonme days he would find two or three and then it would be mionths before hi would see another stray pasteboard But ho was alwvays watching for op portunities to add to his strange col lecti. In ten" years he was thirteen card: short of a complete deck. In the nex three years lhe considered himself luck: in finding all but four. The miissinj ones were the jack of clubs, the douc< and eight of diamonds and the trey o: spades. In the course of another yea: lie pickedl up the eight of diamond: and six months later was overjoyed F< find what he at first thought was a ful deck of cards lying con the sidewalk ci Broad way, niea r Forty-second street The jack of clubs and the trey o: spades were there all right, but live o1 six cards were missing, anid amonig these was the deuce of diamondcs. *It seemied as It lie nev'er would bi able to obtain his fifty-second card, bu the other clay lhe entered cne of thi suburbain trains on the Jersey Centra railroad, and almost the first thing h< saw was the deuce of diamonds faci upward in the aisle, says the New York World. It was gilt edged ani glossy backed, this finest of them all Hle had been searchuing for' this iden ti~cal card for fthe and a half years ant doi breathed a sigh of relief. The e is composed of cards of al qualities F rm the cheapest to the highest pe3d. Some are clean ani bright; othi\ o re soiled and worn. T'hottsands Have Kidney 'Trouble and. Don't Know it. Hlow To Find Out, Fill a bottle or common glass with youi water and let it stand twenty-four hours; ~,sediment or set thing indicates ar a unhealthy condi neys; if it utalna o your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; toc -frequent desire tc .-.""the back is als -4q convincing proof that the kidneys and blad. der are out of order, What to Do, There is comfort in the knowledge se often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curiag rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every par of the urinary passage. it corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go ofter S during the day,and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is 8001 realized. It stands the highest for its won. dertul cures of the most distressing cases, SIf you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50o. anud$I sizes, You m~.y have a sample bottle- of this wonderful discovery and a bpook that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by, mail.. Address Dr. Kilmer &r Rome ot ihwamp-noot Ce, Binghamton, N4. Y. When writing tnen. tion reading this generous offer in this Mppr Don't make any mistake, but remembei the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton phY, on every bottle, SOUTHERN BOYSPIRST. ie Graduatiug Exerclses at Yale colege. Many southern Boys in Graduathng lasses.--9. Q. Boy in the List. A special to the Atlanta Con stitution from New Haven, Conn., says: Commencement week has begun a~t Yale and soon the great Univer sity will be deserted. Among the mem bors of, the graduating classes of the various sections of the' uni versity are these from Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Ala bama, who have by hard work and steady application won the degrees whioh soon will be conferred upon them: , Florida-University, William Alexander Blount, Jr., Pensacola; Julian Hartridge, Jacksonville. Georgia-Univeretty, Antonio Johnson Waring, Savannah; law school, John Harris Lewis, Thom aston. South Carolina-Divinity school, Henry Kuhns Spearman, New berry. Alabama-Law school, George Williamson Crawford, Biriningham, Paul Alexis Savage, Birmingham. Many School CJaihdrean are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children used by Motho Gray, a nurse in Children's Hot. e New York, lreak up Colds in 24 hours, cure 1o verishnesm, Headache, Stomach trounler, Teeth. lng iDisorders, and destroy Worms At i druij lsts, 25e. sample ailed R E. Address, A en t. Oimsted, LeRoy, N. Y DOUBLE TRtACRING ON SOUTHERN The Charlotle News says: "The double tracking of the Southern is being pushed rapidly. A large force of hands is at work now at Orange and another force is near Aloxan. dria, These will continue to push the work until it is completed be ween these points Owing to the immense amount Af trouble, such as wrecks, floods ind landslides, the furce of hands hat was to have been put to work it Charlotte and Spencer, have been detained at other points. Just is soin as these damages are re paired and the main line is in good running order, these forces will be put at work double track ng between Greensboro and Char otto. One of the - prominent Southern fticials says that just as soon as ,he Southern can get over the big ;rouble that it has encountered within the past 80 days, a large orce of hands will be located south f Danville laying the double track. Already the engineers and survey >rs are on the ground laying off lie lines for the extra trackage. These are now at wvork between [ynchburg and Danville. They will finish up that division within bhe next ten days. Then these will go to Danville and work south. Thlat Throbbing Headache would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New . Life Pills. Thlouseands >f sufferers have proved their matchless nerit for Sick and Nervous Ifeadaches. 'hey make pure blood and build up rour health, Only 25 nents, money back f not cured.* Soldby Piokens Drug Uo., Iruggist.____________ EIUnDERERI OAUGHT IN FLORIDA. Bheriff Buiford arrested in Gain ,sville, Fla., Faturday, Elijah Ed yards, alias Jim Anderson, alias Elenry Williams, for the murder of F, Butler Kinard at Newberry a rear ago. Requisition papers have een sent there. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver r'ablets are just what you need when rou have no appetite, feel dull after eat ng and wake up with a bad taste in rour mnouth. They will improve your bppetite, cleanse and invigorate your tomach and give you a relish for your ood. For sale by Dr. 0. W. Earle. 'Ickens, and Dr. R. Ii. Smith, Easley. OALVIN CLAIMS PERJlURY. Ie Adopts Retaliatory Measures ' Against Ills Accusers. Alderman Patrick Galvin, who vas openly charged in the Court f Session at Charleston last Fri lay with election frauds, hias sworn mut warrants for his accusers, harging them with perjury. Mr. Galvin Is a inember of the Jity -Council of Charleston. In de case against R.. E. Schroeder, harged With "repeating" in the Von Kolmitz-Grace primary last ~eptember', in which a mistulal vas h~ad yesterday, C. 13. Vincent md T. E.L Fishor both swore that' hey saw and .heard Galvin, assist ng Schroeder to vote un'der the lame of Butler. 'rhe perjury charge will be heard >efore Magistrate O'Shaughnessy omorrow, The trial promises to >e a most sensational affair, and t is thought tonight that a num >er of prominent politicians will lrawn into it before it is cone led. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ To Mothers in Town, Children who are de~ to feverih And orr weet Powders for Children. They cleanse t e tomach, act on the liver, making a ailklyehild tron gand healthy. A certain cure for worms. old by all druggita 2c. sample free, Ad THREE TO ONE TREE. For Murder of Bullard guilty -Negroes Paid With Their Lives. Albany, Ga., June 20.-Baker county was the scene of a triple lynching early this morning. The affair took place about a mile from Newton, thecounty seat, and twenty-one miles below Albany. The mob's victims wore George McKinney, Garfield McCoy and Wiley Anette, negroes who on last Saturday night cowardly murdered F. S. Bullard, a respectable Baker county farmer. Bullard had gone to the house occupied by one ot the tenants oh his place in order to quiet a free for-all fight that had started among a company of negroes who wore en gaged in a Saturday night frolic. Bullard's interference was resented by 14cKinney, McCoy and Anette, who were from Miller county, und they opened fire o1 the white man with revolvers, inflicting wounds from which death resulted on Tuesday. Six negroes present were more or less seriously wounded during the shooting, and one may die. McKinney, McCoy and Anette were captured Monday and placed in jail at Newton. Their guilt was fully established at a commit ment trial oil Tuesday. There was some talk of a lynching, but little attention was paid to it, there being an apparent willingness to allow the law to take its courso. The three murderers were not destined, however, to be legally tried and punished. It was just at midnight last night that Jailor William Screws was called from his bed by Bailiff B. 0. Tucker, who had arrested the three mur d(.rers The officer stated that he had another prisoner for jail, where upon the jailor hastily dressed and procended to the jail, accompanied by the bailiff. The front door of the prison was opened and the jailor entered. In the twinkling of an eye, it seemed, a dozen men sprang out of the darkness and pistols were thrust in the face of Jailor Screws, the light of his lantern at the same time being ex tinguished. "Open the Inner <oor," was the stern command of a gruff voiee. Jailor Screws obeyed with alacrity. In a minute McKintey, McCoy and Anette were in the hands of the mob. James 8tory, who is charged with the murder of John1 Leonard, colored, about a year ago, was also confined in the jail, but he was not molested. 1.1 the ex citement of the mob's attack, Bai liff Tucker's prisoner made his escape, The mob wasted no time. Fromn the jail it patssed out'of town, going directly wvest. A mile beyond the town ligfhs it found a tree that evidently suited its pu1rpose. The pi isoners' hands had ahi eady been tied behind them, and nooses of hemp rope weoro quickly slipped over their heads. The three pieces of rope were throwvn over a strong limb, eager halnds pulled on the frfae ends and the three bodies were drawn clear of the ground. The swinigin~g bodies were then riddled with bullets. it is stated that hundreds of shots were fIred, the clothing being literally shot from the bodies. The lynching is deplored by most of the people of Baker county. It was totally unexpected, the mob having perfected its plans without attracting attention. Tile fact that Bullard's family is left in destitute circumstances, his wife being a hlopeless invalid, helped to inflame public feeling against the murder, ers. tarung Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quanti'ty is donstantly coming In, dieclarinlg Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumiption Couhi nd Colde to. be unequaled . A recent oxp~ression from T. J. AlcFarland Biontorvil le, Va. serves as example, Heu writes: "I[ hsd Bronohitis for three years (ind doctored all thme time without beinggheiee tted. Tfhen I began tsking Pr, King's. New Discovery. ain a few b~ottles'wholly oured me."? Equally ef fectivye in curing all Lung and '1'rioat, troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. . uaranteed by Pickeons Drug Co. D~ruigist. Trial bottles free, regular dizes 50c, and $1.00, '-BUNOHI" Mi'lllE I.EVE4 TnE $lEA. At the meeting of the directors of the Seaboard Air pinb Railway hleld in New Yor r/ast week, Capt. V. E gJJe,,.fo rth vice-president er~ied his resignation to take fect July 1. Capt. McBee pro, poses to take a vacation before takig up any additional work. The duties of the fourth vice-.presi dent will be divided among tlie other onficers of the company, and eoffice of fourth vlee-presideint wi not be filled at the present time. WRECKS OF'A DAY. shocking List of Vatanittes SaturdaY from Ralroad Wreaks In Miany Places. Richmond, Va., June 27.-The Cannon Ball train which left Rich mond for lorfolk today, was wrecked near Petersburg. The dis, aster was caused by an open switch, on which a freight train was stand. ing., The Cannon Ball crashed in to the freight. Both engines were badly smashe'l; Harry Covington, the engineer on the Cannon Ball, and his nephew, Robert Covington, fireman, were killed. The engineer of the freight snvedl himself by jumping.: The passengers were badly shaken up, but none were seriously hurt, Express Messen ger Hawkirs, of Richmond, was painfully hurt, TWO KILLED; FIVE INJURED. Des Moines, Iowa, June 97.-Two men are dead and five seriously injured as the result of a head-on d dlision that occurred in the yards of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad In this city today between an accommodation train and a freight train drawn by two engines. The dead are: John Erickson, Das Moines. James Howard, brakeman, of Des Moines. The injured are: J. W. Morning, engineer. Fied Selsor, fireman. M. J. Pluite, conductor. C. W. Robinson, F. W. Bein, brakeman. No passengers were injured.'The wreck was caused by the outt ound train pulling out without orders under the impression that the freight traim had pulled in. A special to the Charlotte Chron icle from Raleigh yesterday says: This morning an attempt was made to wreck a passenger train on the Southern railway near Gar ner, seven miles from here. Rails were put on the track at a curve in the cut. They were discovered just in time by a section master, who saw a negro hiding in the bushes. A special engine was sent to the penitentiary here for blood hounds, which were hurried to the scene. Deputy 8heriffs plgo wi'pt. The blood hounds failed to track the persons who attempted to wreck the train near Garner. A FATAL N. &i W. WRECI plHAR RION, VA. Rion, Va., June 27.--A passen ger' tramn on the Norfolk & Wes tern which left Norfolk yesterday afternoon, wvas ditched near this place last night. Engineer Spald,. ing and Firemnan hooker were in. stamntly killed aind Express Messen. gers htey and W~ood wore Injured, No passenigers wero hurt. TOXA WAY DAM SAFE. So an~y the Export Englneers who were Emipiled to Inspect the Dam. The Textile Excelsior say that the Toxaway Darn in the Sapphire country, is creating much concern, and several engineers have been sent there for the purpose of in specting its condition. Trhe result of this of this insp4SOtion is being awaited with great interest by the people in the. valley below, who havh recently experienced a flood disaster and ~if the investigation results inl a condemniition of the dam, they would be tool-hardy to remain in reach of it, as this dam holds tile waters of a lake twenty seveil miles in circumference, and in some places fifty feet deep. A correspondent to the Observer Saturday says experts have exam-~ ined the Toxaway dain and pro nonnee it as sate as hu~man skill ean make it, Ills Last Iloyo Itaalised. (Fromi the Sentinel, (Gebp, Mont.) In the first opening of Okiahonma to settlers in 1889, the editor of this paper was among the many seekers after for tune who made the big race one fine day in April. During his traveling about and( afterwards is camping uponl his claim, lie encounteredl much bad wvater, which, together with. the severe heat, gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seemed almost impossible to check, and along in June the oase became so bad he 4xpected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought himi one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and1( Diarrhoea fitermedy as a last hope. A big doie was given him while he was rolling about. on the ground In great agony, and in a few minutes the dose was repeatedl. The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hour the patient was takilig his first sound sleep for a.. lortnight. That one little bottle workedl a complete cure, and~c he, cannot help. bpst feel ratefil. The seasaon for bowel diorderwg being at had suggests this Item. For salo byg Dr. 0. W. Earle, Plckeras,'tiid 19i. R. F. Amith, Rantay A NEGRO FIREBRAND. A eramon In WIImUbgton Calculated to Cause Yurther ITrouble. Wilmington, Del., Spepial.-The Rev. Montrose W. Thornton, col ored, paStor of the First A. M. E. church of this city, preached a sensational sermon. to his congre gation Sunday night. The church was crowded in the expectation that the Rev. Mr. Thornton would have suothing to say of the events of the past week, He said in part: "The white man in face of his boasted civilization stands before my eyes tonight the demon of the world's races, a monster incarnate; and insofar as the negro race is concerned seetas to g ive no quat. ter, The white man is a heathen, a fiend, a monstrosity before God and is equal to any act in the cate. gory of crime. I would sooner trust myself in a den of hyenas as In his arms. With a court of law and officere of the law in his hands the despised negro can expect nc mercy, justice or protection. The negro is unsafe anywhere in this country. He is the open prey at all times of barbarians who know no restraint and will not be re strained. "There is but one part left for the Perda*tued nag6o when charged with ci'inh -and when innocent, Be a laW unto yourself, You are tailght by this l9sson of outrege tc save youiself from torture at the hands 0f tlio blood-seeking public. SaVe your race from insult and shame. Be your own sheriff, court and jury as was the outlaw Tracy, Die in your tracks, perhaps drink, ing thle blood Qf your pursuers. Booker T. Washitngton's charity, humanity, advice of forgiveness, love, iniduetry and so on will never be reciprocated by white men." DOOTO DIPFIil. The physicians of Walhalla and Oconee county aro on a strike. Re. cently the board of county com. missioners decided that $8 wolld be sufficiont to pny physicians to make a lunacy exaiuimation. The doctors think that said amount is not sufficient. A prospective in, mate for the hospital for the in sape is now in jail there and has not yet been sent to Columbia, for the reason that no one can be made to make the necessary examination. Doubtless some adjustment will be made in a short time, A Colony F'or Georgetown The Sinking IFund Commission ere has sold five thousand acres of public land in (X'eorgetown County to T. J. Doyle, of the Atlantic Coast Lumber Company, tihe price being *1.25~ per acre. Mr. Doyle intends to colonize the tract and experiment with the raising of su gar beets and cranberries, the land, it is said, being suitable for both. PEOCUIdAR R~ ant(iGAD AUArDEN U. An unusual accident on the S. & C. division of the Southern oc curred recently near Columbia. The intense heat expanded the rails causing them to becomne warped and making travel unsafe. The train crew formed a bucket brigade and poured water on the rails un til they had4 contvacted to their normal condition. The rails in some plaeces -were six inches out of line on account of the intense pressure. In huilding tracks the rails are alway0 placed so that a space of halt an inch or, over re,. mains between them, thus provid ing for expansion in hot weather. IrLdoDNEED AT COJSAW MINEs, Saturday about 9 o'clock at tfie old Coosdaw Mines an altercation occurred in the field between Thos. Holnies, ti negro, 19 years old, arid two youths of the same color, named Richard Cuthlbert and Ank drew Porter, each about 15 years old, resditinng .in the stabbing to the heart of Holmes at the hands of one of the youths, the other st'anding by, havirig a drawn knife in his hand. Two wouds were inflicted, one in the forehead, the other in the heart. The coroner was called in. 'The row took place near Beaufort. Deafnesms C~aanotso Curod by Joel applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to uure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamod condlition of the mucous linng of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube jg Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect, hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the in flamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten atre cause~d by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous services. We will give Orid Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by oatarrb) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Oure. Semnd for olteulars, tree. * . J. OH ENEY &CO., Toledo, 0. Hall's 9'amily Plaare the het. CHANGE GRANTED. TILLMAN CASE MOVED TO LEXING COUNTY.-TRIAL SEPT. 21. Judge Townsend Granted Motion and Named Lexington taig ternuSg. Judge Townsend has named Lox. ington as the county to which the Tillman case will be sent. 0 Lexington court convenes the third Monday in Septemnber and Judge Gage will preslde. Judge Townsend Thursday af. ternoon decided that a change of venue should be granted in the case of Tillman but reserved his decision as to what county it should go, The deferiso asked for Saluda and the State for Lexington or Ker. shqw. At 5 o'clook Judge Townsend, without going into any reasons for his conclusion, announced that he thought a change of venue ahould be granted and was ready to hear suggestions as to what county should be selected. Counsel for the defendant said that as they wanted a speedy trial' only two counties remained In whioh court will be held this sum mer-Edgefield and faluda. They would not ask for Edgefleld be cause that is the home of the do fondant. Counsel for the State declared that to select Saluda would be to put the State at a great disadvan tage, because It was practically the ho.e.Of.tbe de endant and the peo ple were biise ' avor. Be sides this the inconvenience o ing 200 witnesses across a rough country fourteen miles and where there are limited accommodations were pointed out. There was considerable desul.. tory argument when Judge Town send directed that the order for tho change be made out and he would insert the name of the coun ty and announce it the next morn ing. TRIED TO AJIDUOT A GIRL. Gadsden, Ala., Special.-Gues Steadman was shot and killed at Alabama City late Friday after. noon by Policemen N. P. Jarrard and A. N. Barnes, while attempt ing to make his escape. It is al leged that John Steadman kidnap pod Maggie McKnight, the thirteen yeir-old daughter of R. R. Mc. Knight, stole seven dollars from her, and it is said forced her to go with him to the woods. It is st~ated that Guss Steadman and Susie Harvmn, a woman of Chattanooga, were in hiding from the ofhers. Stea~dman claims that he intended marrying the girl. John Stead man and Snaie Harvin have been put in jail and the McKnight girl has been taken home by her father. There is great indignation at Ala. bama City. FEAT OF A DE5PERZADO, Knoxville, Tenn., Special .-Hlar. vey Logan, th& ~alleged Montana train robber, under sentence of twenty yeare, escaped from the K(nox nounty jail Saturday after noon at 5 o'clock . While his guard's back was turned Logan threw a wire over his head and lassoed him, tbeing him tight to the bars of his cage. Having one entire floor of the jail to himself, Logan next secured two pistols placed in the corridor of the jaili for use by officers if needed. When Jailor Bell appeared in antSwer to a call from Logan the I prisoner passed out a bottle, saying he wanted some medicine. As the jailer put out his hand Logan cov ered him with a pistol, forced him ~ to unlock the door and take himi to the basement of the jail. He then ~ forced Bell to take him to the sheriff's stable and saddle the sheriff's horse. 'This done, Logan C mounted and rode away in the di rection of the mountains. A posse. started in pursuit of the desperado within one hour, Sheriff J. W. Fox has offered a reward of $500 for the capture of Logan, dead or alive.t FOURTH OF JULY EXOURiSIONS. The Southern Railway will sell Excursion ticke to all points east of the Mississippi and south of the C Ohio and Potomac rivers at rate of one anid one-third' fares for the round trip, minimum charge fifty cents. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d and 4th, with final limit to return July 8th. C For full information apply to t any agent of the Southern Rail. t way, or W. H. Tayloe, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. W. Hunt, D..P. A., Charleston, 8 '0. 8cttrke for Tk tntai ourni. , t 8~TENEWS -W. P. Okildress, a we business man of Laurens Maggie Dillard of T'yersy -- married Tuesday afternoo bride is a daughter of James Dillard, a prominent planter. M Childross is a member of the t counoil. -W.~ E. Prescott's barn, with 500 bushels of eats, 40 bisxhele of corn and %00 bundles of fodder was consumed by fire on Saturda night at Prescott. There had b'en ,AL no fire about the barn ano it is hardly thought it was a of spontaneous combustion.. Th loge will be .$800 or $ 1,000. -Emile Schmidt, a white mait has been arested aboard the steamer Algonquin upon its arrivtl at Charleston from Jacksonville by Constable Knox. The arrest was made on a telegram from the isher. itY atJaoksonville. No charge was preferred in the telegram. -Politics in Summerville aro warming up. The contending fac tions recently came together in one organization anl the differences will be fought out in a democratic primary to be held next month, and for the first time in years the colored population of the town will not hold the balance of power and elect the officials. --President P. H. Gadsen of the Consolidated Company of Charles I we to Columbia to appear e ioard of assessors. He will also co i Adjutant General Frost in r the Isle of Palms name of encampment this summer for the State troops. -Miss Mattie Boyce, lady prin cipal of the female college at Due West, died 9u that place at 11 o'clock Monday night. She was for five years a missionary of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church to Mexico. Miss Boyce was a native of Mecklenburg coun. ty, North Carolina. -Hon. W. S. I3lakeney, of Mon rce, N. C., was in .Chesterfield re ently. Mr. Blakenay's business was that of looking into the ad visability of the organization of a bank at Chesterfield. He met with encouragement on every side. he citizens of the town are en thused over the matter and the ank will be a reality . --Former Senator John L. Mo. Laurin of South Carolina, will not face financial ruin as a result ofhis baving endorsed notes of Frank A. Umated of Worcester, Mass., to the extent of nearly $1,000,000. Through his attorneys, James W. Osborne and Otto Hess, lhe has a]-.. ready recovered *25,000 on an at tachment of Mr. Umted's prop rty. --A negro, John Ladsden, was rought to Orangeburg Tuesday norning and turned over to the authorities of the county. He was :uffering from aL dangerous pistol ball wound through the body. The 'enort is that this negro was at. Lempting to' break into the kitchen -r dining room of Adam Crook, a ~oung white farmer of good stand. is near Cameron. Mr. Crook shot Lt the negro, who ran away, but fter some distance he fell as the pistol ball had hit him. -The gathering of teachers at took Hill, has not attracted tho ttention this year that the people ave formerly given to the great hool. However, the city is ready or these visitors, who are already ocking in and receiving a most ordial welcome. At Winthrop 11 preparations have for several avs been complete and the build.. igs are ready for another term of fork and pleasure. Two hundred und fifty-four applications have keen filed for dormitory room and here will be possibly fifty or a undred more who will come in. -The list of the dispenasary cases kely to be brought up in the ourt of general sessions for some mie was disposed of at Charleston his week by the grand jury's re. urn of "no bill'' on the indict cent drpwn against George Steen ken and Edward Steencken. The itizens summoned in Vhese cas,,s o add their testimony to, 1ko0kii ho dispensary constables se ave been unable to furnieli peoific information, and ano1~ ailure attended the attempt be dispensary offloials to have hese eases brought before juries ni he dessl no eoart,