The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, April 30, 1903, Image 4

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tr ''ENONIS NSE. r Goodman's Quiet' Church. who is an-elder in e s 'a sid'churches, at- it a d party on1e Tuesday s dfcongo. it was late i c compa*-roke up, ana as the elder was very .t pray eT meeting the next S to: keep awake, earnes we. futile, and at Ic Aiscbin, -went ~own ors he bosom of his'hirt. When ting Fas about o0r the min ealled upon Mr. Goodman to Y d inprayer." A kindladv sit- - zin.x to the sleeping elder I him and whispered, "It 1 r-tun to lead." Suddenly tening up -and blinking, he I ntonestliat couid be heard all hlthe charch: da, T beg your pardon; I L deal -Chicago Record-Her Appreciative Reader. V T Tewsboy. Jimmie-4ay,. gues wto dat f ellie. FDon't yerkow F ? 6e de /3 ewhat wrte em ' There Are ExceptIons. "Itsnt always the 'unexpected :, happens," he said. "o, she o rpidat fellete ewerey gohint a oehn - bi Iwhat wriesr efoe. hn o ToeMuc A Extsm. Chu-I alway the Chnespecae tatapens"themsestoAmria eaomsr gng cloth ysmehn otha m-Y~ heard befor whccou a yon asinde o speak. -Bookpr ply al.- okr-ats T loo My Pthsecte aGheer r, s id the e n-ar cr.tmeetandurlothee "Pa for mnie,"higse th coming man;"ha'sus Yonker a-bote'n' PrGoofy Postiv. irst Hiress-Buet youare quitee sare the count loves you? Second Heiress-Of course I am. asaid if I would marry hiq~ he'd let me keep half of my own money. e~-Oiago News. gracing Up. t 'Microbe-What is Reggie t'sdoing in the sterilizer ? Ri7ond Microbe-Taking a Turk 2.~~ th. There's nothing like it a night with the boys.--Brook SLife. Hebrad Seen. Binks-Did yai eyee seeack inks-C-o; but I have' seen a cheese that might have walked if ven a chance!I-New York Week r Real Unkind. Softleigh'-A fellow cawn't-aw lve without bwains, doncher know. M4iss Cutting-Am I to infer from that assertion that you are a dead one ?-Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Reason Why. -Dolly-Did Jack fall on his knees t~o youwhen he proposed ? - - Polly-He couldn't. I was al ready, sitting on them.-Baltimore Herald. ___ Miss da. M Snyder,~ Trasrer or m Brcoo'ynl Eaas End (: Gb. women would oay more atn: he halh we would have mrorh wives mothers and duhes n -would osrerslste ei that the doctors' prescriptions do credit for. L laconsulting with my drat.he ed 'vsed !ficElree's Wine of Cardui andTh fords Black.Draug;ht, znd so I to ad have every reason to thank hi fL- r: lfe opened up to me with restored helh and it oniv took three months to carc '- ." Wine of Cardui is a reaulatoro h menstraal functions and'is a most as -toni'shing tonic for women. It eures scnt,suprssed,Toofrequent.irg ur andpamnful menstruation, falline~ Sof the womb, whites and floodig. ft ?shlflwhen approachina w od, 4uring pregnancy, atter c birth~ and mn enance or duie. It re euently irings. a ti1ear baby to haomaes qt have been"aea for year.&l "shave *L90 biottle of Wine, FOR THE LITTLE NES. Littie Peter," the sird That Spends His Life en :.:Water. "Little P1.eter" is therea name o ie uetrol or bird that Iirce6o tlae aa. The harder i 1t0 St nr he likes it, and the -e noi.e [le sea makes the loude The sailors, wio ar" 7iL jY evei- like to meet e . The re so dismal in their '-o e oats, and seamen think tyr hem ill lick to. You coul. not Ss 1r I0 - elf a feather li :m i, just as vo:ur canar 'o 1' o its percti. Wih dosn't he sink B e is feathe are o oiy e'n cnt. 1' . Ies 1' he r n-l a e :fier co an harir Ue.r now wee - neer kind oC limpl~ agsu Luts. The p nee on Xcept to buil d netw idden snulitt : eOe o r in the sanj. )n egg an~ Ii1.r I" til'day thw e ,i ie nteva er, but she neves forgets at m t o 0e 11t. Soimetinmes pairei.. ar: ~a liother (iarev's chickens. K ver go across the water, vom may ee them some day.-3Iontreal Star. How Turkish Children Are Trained. Little Turkare trainead to 1e ol hers, every inch of thIm. A tie trk eats whatever is gnn nn, bers without a murrn , wo rks , k n'orse at whatever taSk is stb ore him, walks till he drops dwn, raws water for his ow.n foo1 c.ut -is own wood, takes care of hi. own rse and slens on the groIu ih iut even givmg the simllileist rz'n of mpatience. He is even taught to 10 this without moving a mus ' iis face to show t uCQS noLt .ike such h. What abott Zei d countries .no pout because th1 ave tog n errands and who refuse to eat oridge for breakfast? A Sweet Comparison. Little Harriet went the other d aV rith mamma to see Nurse Char-1 otte's black baby. When they ar ~ived, the fat little pickanny was n his bath, and only his woolly ed and little fat shoulIders vwer 4isibe aboe the whit s udS. The ~ontrast was starumg~ ant seemecd o strike HarrieL co, wl vthn sh ae' htome andi we asked whiat h houht of the Labyv shit wiA ii oubtful look, "Bie looked .ie 'ittle chceolate drop WiftheC D crai > the outside." WVhen Nurs e (har otte heard it, no one laughed more than she. It Didn't Matter A little lad ( hd ciibed a very 1ah spr>t attace to hs rns oue to get a nes wh;y u e Ls compani ons w.n "0at ier'd e lnu sa ntin hing. x Whti v~oul hav hapeI The Oid Fifte.en Puze Take f"fnea h sprI its of cardo a a' uin o , , 3, ec. Seatter tiwa in a One space is- et aa Nowv [ow ma' bos andI sr ca ar .i.i ae these figu:'es in "cn 1ti rr f rm 1 to 15, havng th lw r rgh~ t had corner vacat, wit ut faking up a singl piece, but impy shmoving the pieces alongr a ;pac at a time? The "Dogma's" Puppies. A teacher in Missouri is trying to rie a hetier understanding of the ie of. words. After expuillaiin the nerngo the vord "dogma" to tcr eri- she~ vrrote it on the black Oelttl o late for rpar t i de . -- rt e Our Inatsad Beas the * FCin Whiisr as Ni -- T 'L41 c.O2maE a a ad life. said Mir. a g - a L was young. an A-N I RALH BULLOCK. 104 YEARS OLD. ofdr al ricio one. So it is wit" and "ton:-. If tea*hes and mothers k dis-ase. -re vould bi no sickly, puny el body e n notate of normal health by usin; solutely nure s'imlant and tonic which ingre':ients. Do not fill your system with Thcre are tIouzands of Cases simila -used Duffys Pure MIalt Whisi:ey.- .'ec least twenTy v Ore Mnlt W7hiskey has cured rhc ed b'y over 7,000 doctors and used er genuine Duffy's Pure M1alt Whiskey is Sold At All or direct at St.00 a bottle. Refuse imitat good as "lDffv's." -It is the only whiske: cine. This is a zuarantee. Valuable med Company, Rochester, N. Y. Not That "Czar." Imperious to criticism, though by no means oiricous of it, Thom as B. ieed. according to his inti. mee, lhar1 v relQhed theC title of e en.ral: ermferred uponl him~' i the ' when W' :: 0 speaQker. he rukt a:~ fract' mu ainority in the o .. fle o '(1nress. 'Itis u eithtnot a sobri r t / - i ote a el eebe n ocean a whih he -ea!' enjye ine iie walin alngPensv -. va ne n ayweCanw -I . % dahd upto te cui. h *rie called tose -~ hors w etra -- a1 wit rcnulsivO<l annrucb uiento the curlr' ie Over=Work Weakese' yorkdesoc ever the mines.ff n, Te. iders th yu blo-prf esteyfl t--t troute was t car or impurities n theTbmeod All theblood thboy asesc throut ~s ~ A b "ci urers, they fil-d <~7'~~yf Itey worec . ro Pains, aches andrheu ' ma':sm come from ex cesof uric acid in the - - b:codduo to neglected ca::"ick or unsteady - feelas thou-h .0.C - '-. - -c.: ng" your :ideyz. The mild A: 5 :-trar-y c::oct of Dr. Kilmer's Swap- Root, the great kidney remedy is sonra~d it stands tho highest for its vwadrful carc5 of the most distressing cases Sap : by mail rne et Swamp-Root. !:e aplt telling you how to find ou fyo C: kidney or bladder trouble. -nin:i ae wen riing Dr. Kilmer S Co.," Egamaton, N. Y. D"n't mlea:' mistake, but remember henmSwamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, & . on every bottle. -.ur-Zt r VIS-R AT1D4 Yn'110 1 TIO4J DOrHILEN LIYIMG a I ARRIED. I of Brooklyn N. Y., E 05th Year, Says. He' id Active aspAny of: ren--He'Weighs I75 . as Only Medicine Is!t MALT WHNEY lullock: to a reporter last evening. "I saw LO this day I can laugh as heartily as the youngest of my grandchildren. I am good for some more years, and I scarcely feel my age. My vigorous constitution and re markable freedom from disease is due to the daily use for many years of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Though I am past .104 years of age. I feel as young and hearty as forty years ago. I weigh 175 pounds, my appetite is good, and I still do all the chores. I cannot say too much in favor of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, which is In dced a bczsing to old people and invalids. I know it has prconged my life many years." Mr. Bullck's wife died twenty years ago, and he is living with one of his grandchil dren. Sixty-five grandchildren ard mar ried, and they are all strong and healthy. His descendants who live in Fort Hamil ton, Brooklyn and Manhattan are the Mc Donald, Watts, Hurst, Bullock and Clark families. The health and vigor of Mr. Bullock's children and granichildren show that their father thought of his descendants and kept his constitution strong and vigorous with a pure stimulant and tonic. leaving all kinds 1 a woman: she shoald keep herself healthy pt their constitutions strong and free from iildren. It is an easy matter to keep the I Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. the only ab is free from fusel oil an . dangerous patent medicin ugs. u~ilk's, and if every one cd. the average life would be prolonged at millions in 'the last 50 years. It is pre :lusively by 2,000 prominent hospitals. The Dispensaries, ions and substitutes, there is none just as r recognized by the Government as a medi ical booklet sent free. Duffy Malt Whiskey CONDENSED STORIES. How Scott Found a Word and How a Boy Read "Waverley." There is a new Scott anecdote re mebrdas coming from the lips of a long dead Scotchmnan. When a boy, he was one day watching some Ibuilding oiperations5, 'grob~ably near Abbjotsford," when a l.ame man, bareheaded and with a pen behind is ear, came up. Taking hold of a pail, thle lamne man turned it over quikl and asked the workman wlhit hec was doing with it. "Wham blin'1 it over,' one of them replied. "Than'k you, thank you, my man. That's the very word i're been try ing~ to ge t all the morning!" cried Si Wahetr gratefully and straight wasi the teller of this story," says the Londfon Morning Post, "who, a when some years younger, saw in a shop window as he was going to is school the new romance of 'Waver- g iey' lying open at the first page. The schoolboy stopped to rca - through the glas.s, and his eager ab sorpion so took the fancy of the book~weller that each day as he pass ed the pages were turned for him in the shop, and he was thus enabled to read the whole story without touch- - ing a leaf of the book." Mammoth Cave Poetry. Representative JohnWesleyGaines a of Tennessee one day during the lat~e session of congress ran afoul of Representative Grosvenor. Grosve nor said one of Gaines' statements was a "shameless statement." Gaines replied in a -long speech; in which he quoted numerous ]egai decisions. After he had finished Grosvenor rose and said: "I can sum up what, I think of Mr. Gaines in a bit of poetry I once saw on a hotel register at the Mam-. moth cave in Kentucky. It read: "Oh, Mammoth cave, what a spot! In summer cold, in winter hot. God Almighty, whart a wonder" Grosvenor stopped. "Go on; fin ish it !" said Representative Shut tue. "Well," said Grosvenor, "the . poet ran out of ammunition then, Ifor he closed like this: "Andrew Jackson, hell and thunder!" -New York World. A New School of Medicine. "Drydocks ?" quizzically repeated a Vassar senior along about com. mencement time to Senator Chaun cy M. Depew as the subject came uprin a conversation between them. "hSenator Depew, what is a drvdock?" "A thirsty physician, to be sure," replied Mr. Depew as his face ex panded into one of his good na tured smiles. - Saturday Evening Post, Bears the The Kind You Have Always Boisgh Eipature The Play's the Thing. "I'm determined," said the ama teur playwright, "to produce this play at my own expense." "Well, well," remarked Crittick, "most people don't enjoy jokes of that sort.' "Jokes of what sort ?" t "At one's own expense."-Phila. TI delphia Press. -01 - -To Cur Tae Laxative Brorn e... hfnIo brn ess i pwe li mm TIME S UP* YOU'VE BE E THINKING, TRY-A-0UY -ALL OF 'EM SMASHING GOOD SHOE VALUES, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Pride & Patton. UP'-TO-DATE SHOE HOUSE, GR EENVILLE, S. (. A Baigain in Clothing. Thirty Black and Blue Clay Worsted Cutaway Coats and Vests at $4.50. each, Theie goode cost. more than twice this money. The sizes are brok(:., but if your size is amoi.g them you will get great value if you buy one. - Nine Prince Albert Coats and Vests -: Same materials worth from *10.C0 to $18.00; y ur ht.ic< fi r J6.0. ..Don't Miss a Bargain Like This... Main Street, Greenville, S. C. DON'T WORRY --ABOUT HIGH PRICIES! But when in need of anything in our line give usda C call and we wvill make you feel good. SWe have always on hand a full supply of Fresh 4t Groceries at Lowest Prices. -OurSpriri~ry' Goods fare now arriving. Will tell you about them later, but call and see them when in town. .Our Notion Department is full of Bargains. Our motto "the same goods for 1.ess money, more and better-goods for i same money." ~ Yours for trade,. WYATT &. GRIFFIN, . EASLEY, S.C.3 k. K. PARK, The Oldest Dry Goods Firm in Greenville. The Original West End Dry Goods Store. I can supply all of your wants in Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. My house is full of new Spring and Summer Goods, bought at the lowest Market price and will be sold as cheap as good reliable goods can be sold for. It is impos sible to tell you intelligently or describe my goods in this advertisement, but if you will call at my store. It will give us pleasure to show you what we have and give the lowest price-that such goods can be sold for. Anything in ladies goods from a cheap lawn to a fine silk. My White Goods are -ery strong. Men's Dress Shirts. A strong line of Men's and Womens Underwear. Shoes to suit all-High Cuts, Low Cuts, Fine Shoes and Cheap Shoes. It will cost you nothing to look at my goods. Some people say they save money by looking here before buying. Polite attention guaranteed. A. K. PA RK, Vest End. GREENVILLE, S. C. Real Estate For Sale. BUY YOUR HOME and STOP PAYiNG EENT. One 5 room house, Lot 70x210 feet, Price, *600.00. T wo 4 room houses, Lot 70x210 feet, Price each, 400 00. Two nmcely shaded lots, 100x200, feet, on corner, 500.00. Three '- " " 100x200 feet. price each, 150 00. O~e, one-acre lot-facing two streets, price, '200 00. One Farm-comprising seventy-one acr&a-one-hal fin cltivation and only 11 miles from Picke.ns, price~, 854 00. $14.00 per acre.-147 acres on Southern Railway two miles from o cotton mills. 75 acres ii cultivation, 12 acre good bottom land. e wood alone on this place wort the money. Come quick or some e will be ahead of you. For further information call on J. D. HOLDER & COMPANY,. REALjESTATE DEALERS. Offoe a.t Depot. --Pickens, S. C. Sa Cold in Oe hay 2.. McAitsr&Dhtiel THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN THE PLEB MONT SECTION OF S. C. : 6 To Our Friends and Patrons: We can supply your wants in anything in the Dry Goods line from the finest to the.cheapest qualities Oar buyers have jast returned from Northern markets and our counters and shelves are loaded down with all the latest Spri . Dress Goods and Novelties. In Gents Furnishing Goods we hav the most complete stock in the State at prices that. will aston yon. When in Greenville call and examine our goods and get pri before- making your purchases. Your money back if you are n more than satisfied. In Carpets, Mattings,Rugs, Screens, Window Shadfs, Art Squar a id Mats we have a complete stock. Thanking our friends and customers for their liberal patronag in the past and hoping to merit a continuance of the same we a Very Respectfully. MeALISTER & BEATTIE. GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA. Cheapes Caro Irn We are not new to you and need no introduction, as have been doing business with you for many years, but.j here we wish to- say we have lately added largely to our st in every del a -tment and our customers are daily showing appreciation a id we are going to do more business than before and ai e in a better position to fill all of our custo wants and at- the very lowest prices that goods can be .lk We have many bargains in our shoe department which is co plete. Mens shoes from 93c to $400. Womens Shoes fro 89c to $3.5Q. Children Shoes from 15c to $I.oo. Miss' 75c to $1.50. In fact we carry a complete and up-to-date jin of shoes. The best shoe on earth in men's and womens. $1.25. Hats, we are well fixed on hats. A big line a stra and fur both and at very low prtces. Umbrellas from 33 up as good as anybody wants. ary goods, the nicest an prettiest line of dry goods ever shown by this house. Yours for more business, The Little Bee Hive. 106 N. Main Street. Greenville, S. C. ~ Always on hand, at figures to defy all competition. Just returned from the North and ~MY STOCK~-. Is now Complete. Don't fail to see me when in our city. - L. ROTHSCHILD, Oct2tf. .GREENVILLE, S. C. SPECIAL BARGAINS H. K. STURDIVANT'S BIG BEE HIVE. This Big Store, the Biggest in all the Piedmont secti4n, is rapidly filling with all classes of Spring and Summ~er moods. No pains nor txpense will be spared to make this year the BANNER ONE our history. Our merchandise offerings till be greater and more varied than evei; every stock has been greatly enlarged and our determination to please and satisfy is so greatlv intensified that no on', not even the humblest and smallest traderahall have just cause to complain 8 c either our merchandise or our methods of doinig bu'.iness. Your money back if you. are dissatidfiea is the way' we make friends. Owing to the advance in cottonl all kinds of cotton goods are gomng up, but these prices hold good for 10 days from date. SPECIA L 10 DAY PRICES. SPECIAL 10 DAY PRICES. Good Calicoes. all colors 4+ cents. ' Black Worsted Dress Goods 10 cents. Yardwide Sheeting 45 cents. Y~rd-wide 'Black Duck Dress Goods Si cents. Na Bleaching 5 cents. Black and red Cali-1Blue Dress Goods 9+ cents. Solid color coes 4j cents. Good Mattress Tick 5 ed Calicoes 4+ cents. Best Apron Gin cents. Best A. C. A. feather TYick 121 ghams 5 cents. Colored Dress Lawn cents. Best Skirt Linings 4 cents. inch wide 7 cents- Simpsons Silver gre Glood Cotton Checks 4 cents. ~ aicoes 4t cents. The H. K. Sturdivant Co., Greenville's Greatest Store. , Sterling Silver [Hollow-ware, Steiling Silver Flat-ware. Cut Glass, Art Pottery, Brie-a-Brac and Novelties. Diamond1s, Watchesandelry. -!ws..BRU NS&BROS. optornirt CRsaVLLu .eg,