The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1917, March 23, 1915, Page PAGE TWO, Image 4

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G O O C O O ce OOOOOOOO 0 o o n o KENNEDY STREET SCHOOL o o oooooooooqooooooo I uni in ii<>' fifth grade und p i to iliu Kennedy stn i school. \\'< .- uly liuird'i Aritlini'eti< Hum's Spelling. iiitwood's Iliii' y Geography, ICuglish. and irai Reader. Thunksglji lug f? Dream. " - in nur room i.-11 it I lie und < handler J and ' Dodge's Klclliontai uni and/Witiier' pcnter's/ileographi We l/Jad a pla> was "/'lie l'ilgrii. fourth/grade ?anti they /-itid speeches , ChfHtmas we lud a Christi: tree/ We strung popcorn and i?t. i eoh/T'-'d paper chair* to pin on The)fourth grade i,nn?. in our room amf/sald speeches. We saiiM souej iidiUgs and had loiue speeches. W'm gave ne tree lu a poor family to/make them have a pleaaaut Christ u/as. ( On Washington's I'irlhday we went fii the seventh grade i'hey suns; ftoiigs. ajylJSBBid speeches and read some stnrios. The fourth grade sa"! speeches and our grade sang sonn: songs. We are now learning i school song: Kennedy. Kennedy! Thy sturdy walls afar .ve see. Kennedy, oh Kennedy! Thou art the youngest of them all, May naught hut good to thee befall. We'll e'er bo loyal to thy call. Kennedy, oh Kennedy! Chambers, McCants we claim sis ours, Kennedy, oh .Kennedy! They make us spend soi u werry 'J hours, Kennedy, oh Kennedy! \ Dut lu the days that are toYconie. Our thoughts will often to ihee turn, We'll ever be loyal as 'by own, Kennedy; our Kennedy: . KathcrltH KATIIKUJ.V'.; ?ltOWNE. KfCD &CCl2ch 'TO*-et - i r-t Activp -Bo 1 >sn I OUR BUSINESS IS LAUNDERING and the quality of our work and the" promptness of our service makes every duy a busy day at undry plant. Just now we are busy hel| g a lot of women clean houi doing up their luce curtain oolen blankets, heavy bedtlin and somettroes by doli he week's wash for them, hey can have it out of the wi while cleaning bouse. May you could be helped too. ANDERSON STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE ?0. 7. jpF PUt these .^ten, expert ,'accou ntants to prev f Xw^errors inyounbi The Numeral K type, total and pt simultaneously. H this ends time-wa 1 A Mitt writ?' ! 7 **Vt'e purchased thij ma principally f or ft?uingour m< statements which usually anywhere frnft? three to five This wosk i, row accomp in practically cine day's tin 1 Thi* report^!* typical, 'you. realize what it mean: simply means (cutting out d costJy footia^ and proving, * Thi* complete cbrrespoT ' type writ i r automatical!) and instant!-- prt-ViJ your menu ur bills while it . them. With absolute rerta! * tend* every hill out of the correctly Mai It J. - * Official TyfifXt Addin Remington xl . 1 ! 9 West Mcf Vi ? ?!*<r,>U?o typenrriter mi . .,,,?*? ri*b* ooooooooooooooooo o o o RIDGEWAY SCHOOL ? c o ooooooooooooooooo th< SCI I TO |l .1 r Uni ill \\ agin bin bloi Si Atb ten< I the " un ^filing .I t: nicely \\i;h school v.</ k. wbii il Wei .til arc Ulli I flll?TOSIV>l ?II. I'll; fourth I! I."! CUiiippKitioDS l*l'l?!tt /, il till liriMV si I a WS l<i See wlio would I their* !< be nui shed. i.c >! <n . 'pun iinve ad van. cd a t'i st ci id to > ikll't? grade ?' : m< -I t the , >i*i'.n ill't : de i Iiis > ar. lie iiiriiier: of 11*1 eeli.m nr(. vt a I . Hi w?ii 'Iti'lr work i>inee line wi at;, r Be; are gin t<> s< spring coining in, and . tr ?Iii songs of ' the . and s? tiii- pretty flowers aiing in I ?e sun liue. nine of rie furiuers went 10 as. lia., I'h'urjiiay, partly te at I a cattle ale scv< ral miles from NOTICES TAXPAYERS TA KM NOTICE Tlv lime i t paying taxes "ill be lout April 1st., and I bave published I a list of Anderson School Districts No. IT. wlii' i have not been paid. Now if you fail to for your poll tax 'when yon pay your taxes it will cost you $S.? i) so if you fail to pay, do nm blame your auditor. Prcaehers and School Trustees are !iablt. for poll tax. WINSTON SMITH, County A-uliror. KOTICE TO Till: TOWNSHIP HOARD OF ASSESSORS Please send In your little book by the ll?th instant, so that I can notify the parties whoso property assess ment lias been,raised over, one bun? died dollars. The Township Board of Assessors ! will meet in my office at i2 noon Prl ! day, March 191.?, But be sure to ( nd in the littje books at onco. (Signed) SvTNSTON SMITH. * Auditor of Anderson County. NOTICK Taxp yers of Anderson county: i>oQK.> will close the :!lst Iijpersons nit paying by settle with the nine n ore days remain. V,\ A. Trlpp, County Treasurer. IUI.".. ?Y AND SELL DEBTS If he owes you money furnish us atnize? written statement of I the " ET fHE MONEY a|ytne money, we will debt by Loan Finn. 11 call on slow pay. ( debts, his lghcss. . 11AN COMPANY 1-2 8 Benson St. \ndyii. 8. C. ove iehin? >nthly took days. lished Do ?f It ro*r># The Reminj ling and Subtracting M1; quickly pays for itself in ng alone ?to say nottiitl nrtfirt w?f</. It T.* ? change in your billing ' It does your wurli you The only Change will be lan inac curacy to coll ?ci.sion ?from time o timc ?aving. And, lwthl>?ch of a lever, you havgte Rein state- i ingtrin Typ?^w'f*r "fcg" types ? ul?r corresponj -, \9 Write for ill folder: intv it| "The Story o|Work.,s : office I It thows howl Oof your bills and state! ittr Panama-Pacific fJ tdence r foot* i ;mington; nand'Subtracri .^WRITERS fypewriter pany Uucoi-por?tcJ) | ieeAvenue, Gr?? o o o LEBANON H?GK SCHOOL o o o ooooooooooooooooo Although it is rut h?r lato to start. Tho boys have been practicing tins week, some i:i athletics '.<> be hau field day. W? may get up a ir^ie.k te::!?i after a!!, but so many of the large boys have stopped school that it i-, doubtful. Tin- nirla also pructlce tin* flag race some. We practice marching two or three days oat of lite week. Mtny visitors were present at tin literary society' Kriduy afternoon. A very good program was n tillered, though It seems the oxtemporaneouf lebafo was not good KOiuewhere. The third and fourth Krudes society reu-' .1er a program weekly. Une of their programs will he published some of days. The tenth grade is sorry that they were tiot able to attend I lie program to which tin y wore invited by tue third and fourth grades. Miss Conner has at last got the long wanted sand and sawdust for tin- box in her room's. .Mr. W. J. M. Crnig was the donor. We ore very much surprised to see this snow. It has all at once turned spring into winter. FhV high school boys had a good time hauling sawdust Wednesday evening. 30000000000000000 o o o ANDERSON COLLEGE o o * o ooooooooooooooooo Several members of the faculty at I tended the monthly mooting of tho County Teachers' Association on Sat urday. They were much interested in the address delivered by President Potent cf Kurman l'nlverslty. They were particularly in sympathy with him when he emphasized the necessity for the teachers in the public schools to teach the students to read intelli gently, so that they can get the thought contained in a paragraph and then einvty that thought to others, lie finds, as others do. that a student who reads even silently with absolute understanding is rare, while still few er can interpret orally the real mean ing of literature. Another thing that was of interest was a topic prepared for discussion of teaching correct, nice pronunciation." The entire school, both teachers and ?tudents, have been rejoiced to have the great opportunity of hearing Mr. S. ?. Jordon in his "Quiet Talks" here this week. .Mr. Jordon came to the college for an hour Wednesday and made u talk before the school that was nothing short of wonderful. His serenity, directness, and the at mosphere of reverence and deep spirituality, coupled with his beauty and purity of thought, make him 6. speaker of unusual appeal. Here we the truth of that which we have been taught?that to be a great speaker there must be a great per I sopality. great soul back of the words uttered. The college is "grate ful to Mr. Jordon for coming to it with his vision and his message. Af i ter a talk on the work of Grieg 'and ! Ibsen. .\ih. ; Nelle Smith played "Gricgs the Death of Asa," from the : Peer Oynt. ' Mr. Williams 1ms been talking in i chapel this ' week on the scientific > aspects of the war. On Tuesday ho I hud drawn a large diagram of a tor pedo, two-thirds the real size, illus trating admirably its outside and it * Inner workings. Me made a very lucid explanation of its mechanism, the way it la used, and how it id: di rected by the different devices. On Thursday he had a large drawing of a submarine which he explained. He IV-k up aircraft and mines in "the same way Saturday. President Kir.nrd visited the schools at Seneca aud Walhalla Mon day. AH rejoice that uii material for the Annual hove been shipped to the eu gruvcr. the last shipment going March .IS; ooooooooooooooooo o \ o o LANDER COLLEGE. o 6 . ? oooooooooo O o o o o o o ! The next lyceuin attraction comes Wednesday night, March 24. The American Quarette with Clayton Con ,rad, Cartoonist, promises a rare even ing of music and mirth. St. Patrick's Day was marked Vy the college household in a way to please all true Irishmen. At breakfast,fetch plate had on it a sprig of clover (American shamrock) and . everyone was supposed to be "wearing o* the green." After chapel . Dr. Wllleon gave some interesting facts about St. Patrick and a number of the girls sang. It's a Long Way to Tirperary. . Tho Domestic Science department this week has been practicing the art of serving jneaja. On Monday, they gave a luncheon and on Friday even ing an elaborate . Nlbernlan ' dinner. Mrs. W. T; Lander', of Willlamston and 'Mrs. O. E. Prince, of And?rson, were th? out of town guests st these two' functions. Mrs. D. .W. Cuttlno.' of Sumter, re cently sent tho college about twenty pink crepe mvrtie plants and Mrs?. O. M. Tally, of Greenwood, sert a large number of canna root?. Both of those donations are greatly appreciated and they will add very moth to the charm of tho, already-beautiful campus. ; Th? L?nder Clnb had a pleasant meetlne with ^Iss Carrie Lou Con nor last Moriday. ;TIjc chief feature of the program waa a tnlk Vv Mrs. r-rlnce abolit lier recent trip to California. oooooooooooooooooj o o! o THE CITADEL oj o o j 00)00030000000000 The monotonous routine <>f school work was nicely broken during the last week-end by various activities, peculiar to college life. Sochi I. Friday evening a most successful semi-monthly hnj> was given in the hail in the Meeting street extension. The abundance of the fair sex tended to make this dame otic of the most delightful of the season. A large number of stag-; were also present. The music was furnished by Metz Orchestra. Military. The regular Saturday inspection of the battalion was held at Hampton Hark after which the war-strough company wa ? assembled. The remain tier of the morning was occupied in various military maneuvers conslst j ing of both close and extended order drill. The bund, under the leader ship of Mr. Carl Metz, furnished music during the exercises. V. Jl. C. A. HiEtiquet. More titan 22."> students representing the Citadel, the Medical College, the College of Charleston, ami the Porter Military Academy gathered at th-j City V. M. C. A. Saturday night for a student "Pow Wow." Mr. A. T. Smylhe, of the Charleston bar. acted B3 toastmaster. The cadet band wut; present played many popular airs during the evening. Following i tempting four course supper Messrs. l'j. II. King, C. O. Getty, H. L. Krckman, K. L. Secrest and Dr. C. W. Kollock responded to toasts and were heartily applauded. The purpose of the meeting was to foster a spirit of fellowship be tween the students of the four insti tutions. It was pronounced as a com plet^ success. Hexing Match During the interval between the basket ball seasons, lovers of sport j have been diverted to boxing con tests. The Grimall-Terrel bout, re cently pulled off in room 42, attract ed considerable attention and a large ( number of enthusiasts witnessed the contest. The "James Island Witte Mope" was decidedly the favorite through out the fight. He showed no signs of fatigue and, playing on the offen sive practically all of the time, he exhibited his skill and tralniug' by placing many well directed blows which Tcrrel was unable to guard against. Although lighter in weight and less experienced than hia opponent the j "Turk of the Tar Heels", was not without a number of warm sup porters who often gave him en couragement during the fight. Her seemed to know the art but could not overcome the splendid defense of his opponent. Excepting the third and fifth rounds he apparently preferred or rather -.vas forced to take the de fensive. He showed considerable nerve and pluck under the strain and it was not " until the seventh , round that the referee called time I for the "dying Turk." Joe Sullivan spent Sunday in Wil liamston with relatives. t hree Great Watermelons Monte Cristo, Tom Watson and Kleckley Sweet 2 Great Cantaloupes Shumway's Giant, 30 to 40 lbs.; Dreer's Hoodo, none better .... ! Get seed at FANT'S BOOK STORE ifc^.i i in j? i, ii^g SAVINGS Are accumulated j by systematic meth ods of putting aside j a part of your earn ings. . Weekly deposits an d quarlely interest j will surprise you. Begin now. The Bank of Anderson The Strongest bank in the count v. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o HIGH POINT SCHOOL o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOO ? O o o The Literary Society rendered at the last meeting Hie following pro gram : Song?America. Recitation- Aimer Cox. 'leading?Husa Kay. Jokes?Stella McCleUan and Aaron Martin. Song?Old Folk at Home. Recitation?Elizabeth McCleUan. Heading?Willie H rock. Song- Annie hon and Aaron ??Iar tit) and Llllic Smith. Debate?Term Examinations Should he Abolished. Affirm?t I've?Robert Cumminns, and Hovt Martin. ' Negative?Savannah Canfield and Ada Burton. Song? God he with You Till we Meet Again. The judges decided in favor of the affirmative. We will give air entertainment at the school house Friday night. March 26, beginning at ":'M) o'clock, to which the public is cordially invited. The nrogrnm will consist of dialogues, rec itations, songs and music. A small admission fee of five and ten cents will he charged. The money made will he used to pay for shades which have been ordered for the school building. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3 TOWNVILLE SCHOOL o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ti.'"dness. Kindness is a t >ut ' blessing to mankind. If every \. Mould speak a few cheering. \vo"'s 'e forlon soul, h nv much happig? i . >'-orld would be. There Is '.euer place to cultivate the an of kindness than in the home. We often treat the ones we love more unkindly than we do some stranger. Kind words and deeds are never wasted even If at IrVst the recipients do not appreciate our en deavoring to make their environments more attractive. Animals appreciate kindness fully as well as people. A dog and a horse are more sympathetic than the rest of the animals. When you have once wonv their affection by speaking kind ly to them, you may be stire of a true friend ever afterward. We all should, thcrefdre, make it a part of our work to do a kind deed to some one?oach day. One doesnjt have endowed with this worlds goods to help some one who is in distress. Many a poor waif is cheered by a bunch of flow ers given them. The best way lu be come happy and popular is to forget the kindness you render unto others; and remember the many kind ac.13 shown you. '.'Josephine." of Double Springs OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o FURMAN UNIVERSITY o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fnrmun I'niverolty. Greenville, Mn.rch 21.?Manager Pat >n has al ready placed on sale the season tick ets for the coming ^baseball geajou. The first game of the year will be played with Newberry College, March SO. on Furman'j home ground, ami in terest is beginning to manifest itself even at this early date. It can be truthfully said that no team which Furuicn has put out this year ip any branch of athletics ha3 failed to win because the student body refused it their support, and the baseball team will receive just the same kind of sup port whether they Win or lose. This is the new Furman spirit and it 'had come to stay. * . liiter-Sndely Heute. On last .Monday the Adelphian ami Philosopldnn Literary societies, met in the annual inter-soclety<. debatc^a?d after the unusually large ?iiaienee was called to order by the presiding officer, B. P. Gambrell, of Eplton," tho program was carried out, Including a debate on the query/'?hepllved. That the Labor l.'nions r.f the i'.iltcd States arc Justified in Seeking t<> Secure tho 'closed Shop.'" Afflri native, * A?c\ phians, H. H. King ano W.. F. Cax, Jr.; negative, Phllosopl i&ns, W. B. Jones and Y. L. Drummond. The Judges decided that W. F. Cox, Jr., of Anderson, and on Adelphian, was t|ic winner of the*debater's medal and the 'negative, represented by the Philosophions, won the debate. The usual enthusiasm was llsplayed by both societies during the whole pro gram and .especially after .the an nouncement of the lecls'.ons of the two sets of judges. ... "Modern BnBTlon." On last Wednesday Dr.'S. B. Cad man, .the famous Congregational preacher of Now. York, spoke in the Chlcora auditorium under the aus pices of the Gretinvilf? Lyceum A8BO-? elation. For an hour *nd ,a; half She audience ant in wonder before the wealth of vocabnlarly, the depth of thought and the'fervent eloquence of the great uiyine as he spoke- on "Mod ern Babylon.'* It la hoped thnt thin will by" means be his last vjLalt to Greenville..' CARD OF THAXKS. Wish to thank dur many friends for 'their kindness sod sympathy during the sickness and. death, and the beau tiful flowers presented at the fmi'tfral of our dear wife and mother. May the blessings of Him who said, in as much as yo havo dono It to one of the least of. these?y? have done, it to me^ be upon each Of them. Handy* Harris and children. * - , for a Serie , of Small, Light Chi Middlebreakers has the manufacture of zru liver P Series of Plows Well balanced, well proportioned plows with the J?test improvements. A onc-picce,. double mouldboard m?f?es ? stronger and more uniform bottom. Strong, shady, and true running p/otUi.j Ses them NOW. ?T Sullivan Hardware Co Anderson, S. C. Belton, S. C. Greenville, S. C Use a Good F E RTILIZ with a Lime Base In making our S?2 ! 1?1 which runs 8.6.)-?2.o?? !.2f>, the 2.90 of ammonia is made with a lime base. This lime base is valuable in making the potash in the ^>i! avail able. Authorities think our red iands and our gray lands with clay subsoil have enough potash i:i them to make at least one good crop without any potash in the fertilizer, but this potash which is locked in the soil must be made avail able, must have something to' "touch it off" and lime does that better than anything else, so this 8?2 1-2?l of ours, which runs 8.6.3?2)96?1.26, being built on a lime base will be found invaluable this year in freeing the latent pot ash in the soil and making ?t available, as plant food, when potash is so scarce and high. The ammonia in this goods is derived from fish, blood; cotton seed meal, tankage and sulphate of ammonia and there is nothing better than this used in making fertilizer. When you get this, you get the best fertilizer made. Anderson Phosphate and OU Go?iip?ny i ZACK TOWN ami district to rldoand exhibit asaraplo Latest Model Rangor'M.-lcyclcfunilhheriliy.ii*. OurTllderAffe.ntst ver.vtvheronro lAkSiiCtnouex tMi^ WriUsfvr/M vavttcularactiLlapcc^il offer at once NOJMGNEYREQUIREDuntll you receive and approve your bicycle. "VVe >Jilp to anyoiw anywhere In th?u. s. without a mil O^pos/tln sclvanee.preixiv/ect?tif.uiidall?wTEH DAYS'FREETRIAt.durJng whle.Ii tiuicyoumay ride Uiebleycleand put It to any test you wish. If you ara.toen notttfrfcetly sotlsiledordo not wish to keepthejal cyclo ship H back to us atourp.xpcnsriandi/oit to/il nul be < ut tftw cent. CAfiTfiDV n?inre We lurnfeth the hii.ticst (rrado bicycles It 1 ! rfaVlUH I rftlbCa possible to make at one smnllpruOt above actualfactory cost- Yousav??l0to?2?inlddlcmeh'.sproiltsbybuy ing direct of us andhave tlieuinnufactuper'sRiiarar.t?elichhidyonr bicycle. DO NOT BUY.a bluycleor apatr otUres tVomanytmb at ,am; vrta until you receive our catalogues and learn oar unheard of tfacliir'u prices and 7tmar7:ni>Ie tpcdal offen. ' when jrm TT cri TO onrlie?ntirol rnta lor'ir ai'il atodjrourruperb rn<vlcl>:at tlio tjrandcrfitti) lnip;trlrti wo can tnnko yoa titln >r?r. WbMit! tholilcbotl erado MeMiM for low pjouoylli.m cay ?itunrf-olory. Wo arefatlvllrd with Cl.hOpmllt ?b- factor)' ooat. DIOVCCB DOALBxS, you conreit our blt-yclra unter your f tu -? na nui plato r.l dou>;lp our prtcoa. t1 niera ftlloct t ho day rm t \ / <l. SECOND MAflD BICVC.C8. WV?orjotrcfciilarty handle ?n-ond handbteyelm, nsntcly Kl o> number on tu:u) takrn tu trado l>r nur Cbluaco rtdairstniY*. Tainp. uujclcar liTOuiiitSra*jprlce?r?nfl03 from 83 loM or litO,. Drwrlpte? tarsnla tluti walled fretx. . ?Irglu wheata, Ir.iFortccrYollor chains ami pcdala.inrt . n j>atro f andejulpn;?ut ot all kuO* o: half tho regular rttali yrtett. orn ? A SAMMLE PAIR ? TO HttTStOBUOE, ONLY ular rt/all prier ej Ihne . ?r? ?? IfrcaiiVuWneriKtlr.l'utttttntrf a",X 9*SSX? Ink* ?cuniile lnilr fof ktXi (?i*A i--l'linntrrtt&Sy, ROMOBETfiOBBLEF&OM PORCtSRES Nfilt, V?oli3crC!cso will not let U? atr out. A hundred thousand pairs sold last year. ridlnir, very durable and llncdlnstdo with a upeclal quality of rubber, whtctt nover l>e come? porous and whloh oloscs Ud small punctures without allowlitir ?lr to es?spo. They welffti no more than ait ordinary tlre.xhrt puncture reslstliur auallttesbclUir?.'lveR by several layers of Mihi, specially pre pa red fabric on the tread. The regular priai of th>so tlro\ Li ?10.00 per pair, but for auvertlslnar puniobes wo, are maklti'? ? ?pecbtl tBctory.prlco to'tho rider of only 8t.80 per pair. All orders ahtpped same day- letter la recnlycd. W? will nhip C. O.U. on approval. You <lo not need to pay a cent until you examine and (lud Uiem strictly a* represented. _ . . Wo wllljdlow n cash dlaeolint otf> per cent (thereby mnklr.B tho price 94.86 per r?lr) If . yousonU PUUL CASH WITH ORDEK and enclose thisodvertlsernont. .You'run no iisk lu ^ndlneuAaitotdprasthotlre?mayberrtnt-iiedntOURcxpcrint>lf fornny^aton they are not atUttttory ou e on uvxx ion. Wo are rwfectly reliable tail money root to us In na note na In o t rait. If you onler ' n pair of thw tiro,. ,.oo will flp J tbat tboy wilt r!doTa*lpr. mu fa?lcr.n>t?r better. ln?t loaitcr and look ftacr than aar tins row La ? e e re r naad or tmtm at acy ?>rlc=. Wc kam* thit ; r.s CU) Us so W?tt |lTtl>m ibal wbmt tooMBnE vdui yoc ronlrr. We R^ut yoii torcud ututrtMordcCat once, tir n co ? li 1 a re m arkable (Ira OKar. . d)0*t buy any kind nt au? ptlco until yoawndfarn jialrof BedMfaofn - llincl'.ire-Vroof tmnon approval and triM at tUs imcctat lntrodurto*r prit? QUOtW abort; or write for our Ms Tiro am Ruivlr.r CAtalciRiio w tiU-h ?lp*cr'.l?i and -auotcjon maVcsaad "lOf^lWM^fileT^e^pnwntandruDdrlrsiiatioatbalttboivviaiprlrW^ . OO WOT THINK OT'OUVINa ? bleretaov a pair kuoar tbouecr and woadirfnloffen ? oaro ?nakhyt t; Hot I erst ha thick rub be ft read to prevent rim cutting. This.' tir* will outlast any other mako-SOFT. BIA8TI0 end EASY KlUIMC. . m?ummmis price Quoted abort; or write for opt ti ANNOUNCEMENT* Andercpo, S. C. 199 1-2 E. Whttacr St. FILLING, CROWN;AND BRIDGE SPECIALTY ill .! EXPERT ON EXTRACTING Either w?ry, asleep or w5&t awaket . . . i- . i& One of th? test in the State.