The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1917, March 23, 1915, Image 2

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tlon'?* P?*RO the-.powol? jf ety^?^ yXB\jU)ci\w remedy ^.W^.'JW'fWondJtloii is 'the eo correct thr;.;,,,,,,,. Native b<j btntUlon / known as Lit with yc^j, pepsin. This ' veiraypioasitpt-taslinK remej* natu**' Ken . Ilalljr Jan. S3, 10W. et positiv?? in action. / ANDERSON, S. C.TUESDAY MOHjSlNO, MARCH 23, ISiS. Bf Drug stores sell l'a Syrup lVji.sIu_a/jf rd one dollar a ? .l.;\lAajES UNDAUNTED 3Y THE ' ' iW>' f * ' f-oss OF BATTLE SHIPS ? TUKRS EXPRESS ' CONFIDENCE No ??ipartant Operations Along t.? Eastern and Western Fronts m Mm 4 . ray A??curtid Piyw.1 i.o.\>a'. tfarch :?).- Undaunted l>y thqSk t of the bat le mips Bon vet i Ocean ?ij: i Irr?sistible, the Allies arc pvtic. In : with their attempt to Bj? ;' tlaat"!les. confident of - 3lp\edll3. Tl PlirRa. however, express c?li ?dei til'I the furls and the luhie; tn i ic x?rait will be able to keep out fa. Allies hips, The Jvret ;< !i .hattlesh.lp Henri IV and .The british battleships Otfeep and Im placable" a; e On their .way east lu replace thi .'alps sunk by the minds Vilich were damager and those* : ti ? .-.? v. ere' ".(mler This, wi'.hir the fJoetj ever. w!ti(". stimuli'p'aj is cooperate. - ITxcept '|n. .\vho.-v ciQW !d attics iffe Of Thur.- lav British dm tlU> losa. ^ at big repairs ou the spot, , i'cv: days at Hie latest. he as l'ornildable as . ! dsu.lau Hhic.k Sea iicvcflAto he .ready to iL, < en sc of the ??ohvet, of illy i!5 were s?v?ll, c?s d in the bombardment re aid to be.light; The iltv tonight publjaked ug the .ojneeru on the IrrcsirM: e. % Ljuithbugb the ship was nun's i the crew had to he trans jfared ui: le? hot fire, the list con-, tain- ) uni. ; of only .four qjfieers skilled . mi', oj: -everely wounded. . ggy&tyftr.? c-oPwtbr f1o?*t-* risentnred*- the st ra t i ster . \> hut owing to ?n'y faveirabl wami:: r i be "bombardment of the'ditv li'iior. v as'-not repeated, and . probbly ? le < ly. object of the war ts hips :.o l . vat the Turku from r?palrin." the image already done. ' '-The lirai slates that steps- are hem;, with the mines, Lut e.\;>t -l'i*' ?..r'n Hie public that so loijtg a.-. ,;o';TJi'i ks have mlaea to act . ' in '' f.-;||;'oi'g current, which .rushes" tir rough tiie' iilrait-3, 'the ships, v. ill he \oosc i ;>i that danger." The direction at tl.- currents, of. course, ...- ht. known, but. . h a hig fleet .opera tin:';. -?V [ of .- j;hip? numt, enter the -a "jeu I liM.iiilai'il .and. lying .ncroa? the ' atr-U-1 ;{to lite broadsides, -offer a largo , t : riret ? tloating oxplor-'ivcs. Th^ intciiFlun'- as to' the. landing of h i - force are uosv.. guarded.- but it is kno? an ..univ of considerable sizo is' i?,?jy v. 'attack the Turkish ford??/.?lui ? t! pnrdanell?s when - the'a'? ai1 that the-moment hau ari't^*?!*-" ' Alt kq?gti;ffigl> ! ; ugiiof more.or less intepsltF is'felw;i\s in-,progress along " the. easttri. 'uni .western fronts, there have : helfen 'no-, important op?rations: , Un the- last- rtw; >\ .< -.. .The., i?e-a'nns claim small buc cc^S.fe8''<aRaitfat <\ .fcrltlah . near St . TGlof-and a cjnp; the Kreuch ut Notre "lisrhn w> l.uivtf.1 tj'fjrth of Arms, and V-)to..haV(r :ri i.nls?.i s-.everal Prenoh ut ipwsVs 'Iff f'hs&pfisne. tho^Vrgoitiie for mest- and'' Jhe|l*os.:fs. Tljtt'the Preach .\comuiunlcat<anv' : ;sned. . .today ..-.aya. nothing of styllci- at importance to re port ha's";happen< . . Hi K?Bth Pohcd Iben?, have been S'pvcrul afi irs m t lie out posts', but .neither urihl apparently -is ntte.nipt-' ..Ing any hi ?n cratlons while the ^"ground rohutios^ :"(, unless "the Uus ' sian Hiov^ni .^t tunis out to he more Ttnpovl::. -,! at preac'nwiatjp.ehra HO be, n~anuel'vn f? airy .raid. '"ie- Au U*;r. :. i? said, have been - .unforced in Hui ..v.iiuh, und they re-, pdrt theyt.h:ij|r -*t< p'?lued .liusslan at facks there and .it the Carpathians, ^although- in iii'" . ! uter region it has etne.i'n'tly Vtindorst oil. t hat it, was t hiy. aci\ (i?:ai?n? AVhp Av?r? act Ing lie e T,Hi .-. t . Xeutntl ; ?!-aiavi < -'.In' European v.:.i ?*';^lf?.Jfia<fag'? .rather an> toconfr fonahlo ?inn^l'h British have seh/ 'l ilVibg .a..ver?l. incntdliiR" : '".v'.il i are 'susiiflcted of b'a.vln^<rontr-';'licmi Vor Geriunny.. The tt^tmnYis, ht jde? fyfoitig' two'-' Scai i : siniini/in ^ Bultb have jtu't ;:.;: ':, ti.e \>:r<)\ stc-uhu-r Zuun-: ?o;'<iVt|-wlta ogg^'f?rBnglaad,; I'.-.'V'iV.II'.-xV.' ! : :>.:; fotaially' p'rot?afeuSto ir.dal' Hrltiii}i fhtid Prance kgntK'?t the > i btiinjj the ?i?> vo ?p eh't'-'oit nods to i.rtii Hon. 'ierfna'tt' ports. ' *'AV Oerinu/i- Htlatc:- passed over Deal" pdivy.'b'nt',,\v?^-)ilri'.eji off after drop hotrjh?>,;^ich ti'W into tin- i m AmShan^lo'. !o ill. A'meriruh-bark ATI i DEFICIT W?LL NOT EXCEED $26,000,000 Chairman Simmons of Finance Committee Takes Issue With Prophets to Contrary <l?> ,\*y<>ci!i<o<1 J'i.?>.i WASHINGTON, March 20.?ChnYrr nian Simmon:;, of the senate finance committee, took Issue today with prophets qf a large treasury deficit , In a. statement saying hin investigu-1 lions at the treasury have convinced , him the deficit .will not exc?de $26,-1 (100,000. Senator Simmons said there had ' i)i;en so many conflicting estimates of 1 ! th? probable deflclL some'.us high as SL'.O.OOO.OnO, that he decided "to as I qertain the?real facts." Total estimated receipts in Septem- ! J her. i013, were $700.000.000. Senator j Simmons, said, and estimated expen- : jditure.i $718.000,000 showing ?LS,000,-I ' ooo excess (if receipts; ' '"The receipts from practically I every source." lie added, "have fallen j ; below the estimate, due to depressed business conditions on account of the. j war in Europe. Although the reve- ; j hue derived "from>Internal revenue tax probably will bo Increased by the I luergeifcy revenue act ovo,r the esti ! mates by about $-0,000.001? there was i on .March 15, an excess of ordinary j exnendltnres over receipts of tr^prox imately Ny.OOO.OOO against a deficit of; j $24.00,0.000 in the. same date lusl year, j "The estimated receipts for the re* ! maindcr of)the flscalyear total $22?!. (000.000. while the ordinary dishurso j monts will amount to $207,000.000. an excess of receipts over expeditures ! for the remuinder.'of the year of S;"9. .000.000, showing a net -'deficit of $20. ! .000.000 at the' cud o"> the fiscal year. ) 1 The, increases are due In pa'rt to the I normal["growth of the government and ' part are due to conditions arising out 01 the European war and the abnor i'mal conditions in Mexico." Much Concern?d About Fate of Constantinople thy Av?<i':iti'i| J?.-...<0 LONDON". March ^0 tll.r?H p. in.)? ) An Amsterdam disputch to llio Ex-.; 'jhatigV Telegraph Company says': ; . "The cmusror rec-clved- Djavid B ?y. J : Turkish minister of finance, at Berlin j yesterday when the Dardanelles sit-j j nation was discussed. In un inter- \ ( view which 'appeared In "the Berlin I f paper -Djavid Bey intimated the em- ' per?r wus much concerned about the possible fate or Constantinople, not | j unly because of the t.nitendous polit io?l consnquencen which would result | but also on account of the prosperity which the forcing of the Dardanelles yon'.d bring to Odessa- The emperor Is . quoted us saying: kWr cannot, al low become another Ham burg.' " Crest Warnings Issued. WASHINGTON, Marah .20.?Frost %arniiipB havo been Issued for the Gulf States, including northern and central ' Florida, . the weather bureau announced tonight in its general fore cast. in the south', it was ; te.ted. were' (tpm 10 to 20 de grees below tlie seasonal average. Snow fell last night and today at fpolnts as far south as Meridian. Mist;., and SolhiB. Ala., -but It was believed crop damage would be negligible. The show quickly melted. _L_ '("; .V -.-K-iat. .i 1'n - ' ) , LONDON;March' '20. -At German aeropiar.e dropped several lionihs to day oft' Deal, a-seaport on. the straits .?r'?oycr/. Th? bombs all landed in the sea. A patrol bikit opened fire cm the aeroplane, which turned and disap peared; One of th'o- bombs dropped along side-the-Atr/irlt-au hark Maagu flcvn a?d Mlelugo?^; her with a great volr.nie of waler. ' * . .Tins Had AdveiittirNi.'inc Career. . PHILADliiil/HIA,. March SQ.^fyo American-'bark Manga Revqj which narrowly escaped l^ing atruck by a bomb -dropped ; by , a Germun aviator ar Dca), England.* has .had an adven turesome career, she wbh formerly tho> British buvk Pyrehnes nod wen ?bullt ob the Clyde in, 1M?. In PJOO while bound from Raugooit to Now South Wales, she .?druck Amer GENERAL SCOTT RETURNS SAFELY \? rives in Bluff Utah After Ten . Days', Search in Indian Country dly A~.s<v::iic(l . ... DHNVt?KV roi.,' MaVctr M-Gpncr?l Scott, chief of staff of the army, ao*' -ompnnied by Tse-Nc-Gat. a Plate In;-; ll?u wanted by the federal authorities Tor' murder; "Old Polk." his father, Jhiof Posey and the latter's son, ar -Ived in Bluff, Utah, late'today, aer wording to a rfpeeial dispatch to the itocky Mountain News from Bluff, General Scott entered the Indian ottntry two weeks ago to seek : to. meify recalcitrant Pintes who were tiding'e-Gat in resisting arrest. A posse of federal doouties under Marsha) N?b?k?r, of Salt Lake. .city, recently ntade an'.tinsucccorifu?- at eutpt to arrest the Indian "end in a| mltle between . the pos?e and th? "Mutes n member of the prisse and wo Indiana were killed and scverat vore" wounded. Six Indians were aptured and one of the number was uter shot dead while attempting to staue. - General Scott, accompanied only by its aide, an orderly and Navajo cuttles, left Bluff teiudavs ago in an fforl to.tnduco the Indians to sur end?r. Detnils of ho he got the lend its of the band to return with him lave not been-received here. Florida Men Arrested. CHELSEA. Mass..-,-March 2fWTwo pen thought to be Frank Weil, fotv', tier postmaster of Wade, Fla., and Maude DiRonc, of Ne.whury, Flu., verc arrested here tonight as fugi ixes front justice The police say )Hto;;a : has admitted that they pre lie men wanted by postofllco Inspect as? for the alleged larceny of $7,600. ( was charged, Ute-police say, that tirions shins of money wore ohtuined raudulcntly through postoffice money, infers which Well sent to Diltosa, ho cashed them. acket? the crow with 'spears. When bey had'exhausted their weapons the uilore, carrying rifles, Went ashore n^?'a^ture>l,^al^?iri^i :?l the natives"..' e^ponpibh' for th? attack. For fnouthn th^ "i'l-'sailors lived on he island wither' beinr; further moi sted, subsisting - mainly on; CjOcamits ftft birds eggu. All; hands., finally i-re rescued by'a passing-vessel and ,?kcn. to ; San Kra?rlacn. .The. wreck - was! *o]il at oUC?dn. in !?? :Vr.n?ir?{> for-???u to a Captain "haver wjio titled \mt ;v wrecking ex editifin. Heated the uhip In March, f>02. brought h?r to California, re it trcd-her, placed the vessel.'yndvr h< America^ ?'HA and named lier the langtt ltevt-.. In OetoKcT, 101T?. while she was 0)1 ..'voyage, nrtuin.d Cape Hon., from 'hlladelphia to San Cratt. ise.o. the of her crew ''mutinied, found bo captain ami (m icas Greatest Bat 1 Ij R E ATEST IG OTTO N CROP Elia PROBip? GROWN IN-'. THE UNITED STATES LAST 116,102,143 bales of 500 lbs. each Alabama, Louisiana and Oklaho ma Only States Making New'. Records : (Ilv .\sMK-i:it.-?l l'n-.?j.) WASHINGTON/, March 20. ? The ;reatest cotton crop ever produced in th? t'nited States was grown I? HU!. Census bureau, stntlstlca h??u?tt to day glUug final ginning fiaures, of ficially place the 1!U4 crop na a fee-, ord with 16.102,148,' bales .of ."Of pound?, each. That it -W\,il'- .equiva lent ri00-pi\uu<r balea. or 2iH,721,0U<-v pounds, more' than, produced in the. Sreat.crop of r.Hl; Jn-addition to thy production of lint cotton, a record quantity of l-nlor cotton, which is ex tensively, used -in manufacture of military explosives., was obtained. This amounted to :'.0".,7:-!,J,0'00..pouhds and brougl?t'. the total l'.n-t-crop to lCS?Kl.iSOI ouuivnlent ?OO-pouml bales? "or 8,44C,SQ:?,?tiO pounds-. M'hlle the. crop was u the only States to JuaKe ijew records in .praduclhrn? .were Alabama, l.ouls una and Oklahoma.' The other cotton States' all came close to their rec ords. ' l nolncittl estimates ijlace the vaine ot" the crop at *57O.0?O,d?6 . for .? lln,t.. I That i.s\li.'.5ed on j'.n average price of. 7.2' cents a, pound to .producers, and ah estimate of 70 ..per vont as the quantity clre?riy...sold with the re mainder soiling aj' uu average of 7.s i cents a pouiul." On th'o tame hauls the value ot the peed i.s estimated at' -!;;<-uO.OtJO. These together make-tho jstuiinted value "of the lwn-'lr,-.crop to cotton farmers $701,000.000, com pared with $011.000.000. the value- of the i!ii:i-'l-! crop estimated, in the tamo manner. Included in the ligures are 121.i)41 bates estimated to he turned out after the ?,lnreh canvass; '.Rditnd bales included r.7,CIS. Sea inland bales 81,r)*)8. Average gross weight of bales ."-I)?.- pounds. Gin', nerles 'operated :'24?22. -. lauter cot-! ton. not included 1n total. 772.270 running bales-,' or1 701*4154 equivalent ^OO'podiid hales. Production by .States in f.00 pound' ba|cs: Alabama. i,7r.o.2Si : Arkansas .l.oi.V '674. Ktorlda'SO,^:'.; -V<-on;">a -\7 i :.. :70; Louisiana 447,$Gl; Mississippi 1.2-54, 70;t; Missouri 81.BS7; North Carolina 02.7,2:!2; Oklahoma 1,261,350; South Cure-Una -1 ,??4,;>i?5;. Tennessee ?562,43l'i Texas -l,r.S-t.?3a; -Virginia 25,182. :' All Other Slates GS.SKO. At The Ksptisitlan, I SCO. March J.?AN f?t irims td here today with part ht the formal lrria'-Pa'chh zo.~ Vice j ! t. to take t u<nu\r ?Mi, I'; ; ' V-x j, VOTED 22 TIMES ALL IN ONE DAY I Statement By Witness in Election : Fraud Case Causes L?ugh in Court ' B. v-.,(J'i:.-1w'?!?<. r?efsOi_-.-.v..... -I INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., March 20. A record for' voting c.f 22 times lu'pne day was claimed by Fred Flauer, who testified today in the trial of the Ter fo Haut? election cu3e. Eisner told of. his wprk on November 3, 1911, with a emtl'e,' and caused u laugh, which was Joined in by Judge Anderson', nf: ier lie had had the'witness repeat the [ uuniher, * Eisner nnld be confined hisj operations to three preo'.ncts and with one exception, repelwu a dollar for each time he voted.. He .said ho Was cheated out of > the other dollar ] "aSvthe-paymaster :iald 1 had made enough money already." Eisner wjrs:i challenged oiiiv once during the day, hc;.sa*:d. v Fiquer and others, who today de scribed alleged fraudulent voting in which" tliey part'eiputed. last Novem ber .5;;: Terre ?nute, have pleaded, suilty '^'Evidence' bearing ou the alleged "training school for witnesses,'! which United Statea District Attorney Frank C. Dailoy,described in lilt; 1 opening statement, also woj intro" j duecd today. Noted Woman Writer Jumps From 5th Story mw?$ /''y A' 'wiati-d i'ty '..) NEW YORK. March 20.?Mrs. Ellm?, Heney. editor of the Woman's Mag - j uzlue. published in Oetroit. and writ- i ??;:fit short. Htorlet;, plunged live' m or- j tea to her death at lier home here day. She was (leli'rlous front typhoid fever. Mru. Heney was a -'.sister of Farley,; State ekclsc commi?sicj?'^ She was H2 -yearn old. Mm* (liy A<-,i>c.1uI<nI .fjcjo.); NEW VORK,- March .20.- I gijrit, aboard the British steamer .'Lui land, which reached here today tri? Liverpool, witnessed .1 Irirb chniihel betw'? ">' pnlo boat; Which est inrlrt, and a G< vi ian ? ba p t an d;.' fernttdiug oh in a Klgz???' tine :in m The Lai>l. .: jinsliie Liverpc.,1 harl not far tr< m Ltv?rpnq pedb boat opttn 1 ?i -?'.. .The ratdn.' hrod n rdhcr vry i\. P., b'aith a 1 iritish led the l.u ?tsor 7t~?- :-; ^greatest battlo??l.ip ever pullt in UiUttju States, il' not in ilie world, pettd'own the ways ai Newport, s m? other day. as Mi?3 Ellza Kqlh, declared hy the governor vVouej-ivaniu to be the "sweetest In thj- State," ?mashe-d a bottle .Of npagne on her bow. .ere is a question If the new bat-, lip. .and the five more , like her >h nvay> are greater, than the un di?iij?,1 now bombarding the lanVdJejL and the ftv0 Biiperdread ;ht? just being completed for the ]isb,,na,vy. The Peniuylvania will ' y;H-)pCb guns. The Britisher has aclu^hjH. The latter will shoot ifcivbut the total tonnage of steel may , Be fired from the Queen. J?b'et?i. 'is", lens than that of the |nsylvuniiv, At clone quarters the 3n:BUKabeth would not do as' h damage as the Ameri? v.n ship, at fl^dt^fiuco, the British- ship d strike -y. while the American Id bo Mjifefe out of range. British Vessels It During Week I lifpNwN, ^larch 20.?German pmli marlndbraids! during the week end ing 51arcJr 17 resulted in loss of eight Brithih' 'Vessels, with a total tonnage 22',fc$fr?.OUtAOff.539 arrivais B?d ' sall.irigH?^?^brdlng to a summary is-1 sued .today by the admiralty. Three other Vr??y^ls which were torpedoed were f?ttgSaXt? reach port. Thd-*dffi} to British coni Imerc4 ^^:fthc beginning of the'war tp '?faJPclI'^T . were "?>(>. merchant ve ; ?et:; and 'afi l?shing vessels. . lil{lfl^:miJS??? HOVERING i NORF Ienliy ,?u uuxill?ra ut X?vjfr !iak?'r?Si blaf ;OrXl> T?RGIN?A VAVY.ri _ ?Va..*4?ylarcli 20.?Appar tins; that the German ser'Eitel Friedrich, now' e\v;;. \vouhl attempt to' or t:i<i sea under cover yiBrlt'is'h, cruisers ./huh riiig around aie-, V[t^ \ ^v*il^h.';eonie. in iiffose'l Hohr y. TUrl.Mii n,;/.!ren Out of lVlAtlow. V PHILADELPHIA. Mardi 2,--Sau. ; l h . .. New' York' ehargod by police of "t.hat city with throwing hildrcu out of ?.lii'th Rtory. vvfjuUxw?i^-sjiiJtj-ig In -ho 'f^S?SKB^iV^ \. -.-'!''lis injury of th? SW?y.';her? .tonight. I ii?:i identity., and.' .^^ ?iiv?fl, s.ii? he throw >f tiny widow .because.1' ^jiiiipDrtiiig >h>.ni. ??hiirian <;<ini., > March 20. amount ??sed.' i food.. hfcuvy ;lmt, * ('.art rioiro? off iront aqutuwar Pacific, I .poo tans. U will .beJ jfjitjture of stock ! i? t|te Unit A.lirMi market ind^ifsftheV.; expect ejlT jt ,iawm;;: lia.? rr'aiiza force" of hiivfe-bt;^ but p ' LONDON, he Dutch TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NEW SERIES VOL. 1. NO. ll.lYetkly, EsUbllHhe? IS??; Dally, Jaii.13, 1911. ANDERSON, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1914.