The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1917, March 19, 1915, Image 6

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. / .?.rete?*. ie of mareil of Seliool Kn lr and .ill bc held in this 0. were perfected A by Misa Maggie jpervisor of rurui e tc .st he we fers med. owed Un k of [ot. ,t this !.f c.o i"- i f nomi 1 is nt- j ibout hui! (he schools ill gather at West . hool, while the pupila ?hools will meet at reel school. At n given Ki o'clock, thc pupils .t North Kant Streut .narrli down Kant street up Calhoun to .MeDtiftie, utile to East Makot, 31 Market to South Main, marchers will he joined pupils who congregated ut riet Street schon) and start .?arch from there, ? columns coming together at section of Main and Market viii merge Into one. four pu eust, and move up South trect and through thc square, . up North Main street. The of the Anderson schools will ja ft in thc parade, but will not cipa te in thc several contests h will bu held at Anderson cart hy tho o ii pi I s of the rural schools, ipils of the following schools will gregatc at West Market' street ool : ?ion. Williford, White Plains, irennas, Tuga loo, Towriville, Snow ill. Starr. Savannah. Kobens. Ridge* .ay. Pendleton. Old Varennas, Oak .rove.' New Hebron, Neal's Creek. Alt. bethel. Mc Lees, Long ?ranch. Holland. Grove. Gluck Mill. Generos tee. Flat Kock. Fellowship, Fairview, Double Springs. Craytonvllte. Ceri lerville. Cardwell, Kig Spring-?. Rroyles. Beaverdam,, Autun. Agaville. Pupils pf the following schools will gather nt North Fant street school: ?Williamston, Wen Pester, Welcome, Walker-MeElmoyle', (inion. Triangle, Three u?id Twenty. Smith. St. Paul, Shady Grove. Kock Hill, Piercetown, Piedmont. Pfizer, Oak Hill. Oak Grove, 3?; McAdams. Mt. View, Mt. Springs. Melton, Mayfield.. Lebanon, Hopewell, linnea' Path, High Point. Hammond, C.ood Hope. Friendship. Fairview :?9. Ebenezer. Eureka, Dorchester. lien very Cross Roads. Concord. Concrete. Cleveland, Cheddar. Central, Bishop's ?Iran?.!;. Bethany; Helton. Barker's Creek. Airy Springs. Anderson'. VSEV. 7 nate all ! .?j. . on good I "w that our ' dy. great- j .'. were all J . ito that we Ked a love . iv. L. C. ORDERS RESTO!' ?T">\ / OF CATHOLIC VHV?iJ? SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Mureil Carranza agents here tonight I public a 'dispatch from Vera ? announcing that General . C i had ordered the restoration t Catholic church ut Nheva ? seized by lila forces, to the ?lion. Other property of the eliciting, i Mexico will be restored i IC-Fred j tit.n3 warant. the dispatch 1er, 25 years | assurances of protection were arrested ? givt,n priests in territo here today by the Carrunza forces 'ling small , L ?rn of the i wspaper al court Both \ Jury L in ok, ho 50 u 3d 8 r r* Vllln Loses 40 SAN ANTONIO. Te/. March 16. A battle between V-ffla and Carran za troops at Allcndjf, Coahuila, re sulted in 400 Villa ?rum being killed, according to a^mesjngo received here today from Sabin; The cngngemenf between Sunday night and coiplnued throughout Monday. Embargo Raised. LOELAS, erul Ella's ( der at Agua frojn Vern embargo -reaching j Carranza represen' reduced Americ the verj ri?..,'March 16.'-Gen fies. Carranza comman -ricta, received an order "ruz today to raise the Ich hus prevented food opie in Sonora State', order was. the result ol ions that the rribargo had e people, including many women and children, - to of starvation. *.\ ">. Aviator li Med. ANGELES. March 16 - Fra ak Stiles, an aviator, ttill 500 feel In fi "nir'well" at a motion picture cit/ near."herc today. Zle jumped, from the. i .aeroplane .?Ten ?.0 feet'from life'ground and led front his Injuries shortly after (ra rd. t, Stile?? hn/t ^?ti l"*iA?-.;horqr)i,everu; _ .years I? airships ot his own niaki 1 jon t oh OrdtrH^Sile Set Aside. vMAC?N. Ga.. March IC-Federa Judge Speer .today; ordered sat asldi the- sale . of the properties of thi suspended Yarynn Naval Store Company at .Brunswick, Ga., am Culfport, Miss., to the Empire In vestment Company, of Brunswlok Tl?^ purchase price under the rt ceiyV's sale waa $."?60.000. The pur chasing , concern yesterday app?a?ei I to the court for release, alleging tba "limiL" 1 lt wau uOab'i.. because or condition nude for new ter ht-nu. n; : .,^.XM?. jhg-iir AKCP'?... arising from the war In Europe, v meet the condition?. ?nipo?od \h: /S purchase agrce.rnefll. "Guest sells Phone 48. MACFEAT-BOWEN ??SINESS COLLI: ^Columbia, y. C. Gentlemen: Please oend nie full particulars of inanship. shorthand and typewriting. I nm interested and expect to take Yoiirs for t ? K?me. Address t ' ?OOO O OOOOOO w HOPEWELL NEWS o '? . O QOOOOOOOOOOO.. Quite a number of Hopewell people attended Hie debate at Lebanon Fri day night. The subject was. "Is Soutb Carolina Heady for Compulsory Education?" Thc debaters ull did fine, but we believ elf men don t want women lp take the front in pub lic speaking, they ought not to leach girls to speak in public by putting them on public debates. Mr. Thomas King, who waa puralyz ?d some y?ar;j ago. was out auto rid ing yesterfluy afternoon. Wc ure glad to know thal lie is able to bo out for lt does a ''shut in" sr much good to ? *et out or some one to come to sec chem. LetjH all try to remember them when we {have u sparc -moment to call to sea them und give them new tblugs to think about. * Dr. Wai' Thompson visited home folks SunAiy for tho first time ly. He .hay had nn attack of grlup? Fowler and wife o? Sf visited his father's Jami Mr. Join and Twent, ly Sunday. Mrs. oin Thompson-apto*^ duy and Suuluy in Anderson" '.wiiff her father and brother's families -^T?k folks. . ' if i Mr. . Wade Sanders* little sou' bas | been seriously ill but is better. U*;. J. O. ?miuers* little daughter is v?ry ill with pneumooa, Hor mother j bJU Krippe, lier father seriously' lil l j ft-ith an- attack ot' heart trouble. Mr.. Claude McDaniel who hr 11 been away from home for the three years ls at home this year^ Thel "old farm" is hard to beat. Mr. Zeph Mosley has the finest country^ raised colt we have seen. He I was driving it Sunday. It is a. beauty. It would pay to raise such, colts as' his: Hopewell and While-filed ; played] ball Friday. Hopewell won. We like: to see our boys wiu in everything | they undertake, if it is only baseball. Tile farmers o? this section are planting large patches of Irish pota toes, but if all sections do the same there will be ho market for them; unless we get a market opened' up j in some way. I think some nue ought to lura their attention to marketing! the farm produce, instead' of all tell ing us what o raise. ?-. won't' do ua j any good If we get' no market for it. People aro crying out. "Moaey in poultry." Yes. there is a little tn it ! when .wo cap get 1?5 cents for. eggs, j *ir> cents for broilers, 50 cents- for! bens, but loss than that they won't pay expenses, not counting the trou ble, and the fellow that has never tried it better try it before he tells' The For^sr^?hter than power, fight weight", me in gasoline consumption, pense. Economy in repi cents a mile for operrtioi Vet willi uiiI its light weight sturdiest 'car that ls bull?. I .car. ; Vanadium steel <is resp fatigue" steel, scientists call est stecj pdt int?? automobil lliijers wilt share Ju pro ii I s new Ford c?irs ;ti*twei?u Ami llunaboat $410;. Tcnrlrtg <* i\m\r i : ;S0| Hcdkn, r'inlpuieni. va s dust down Ifi-; L amt 5 -Vj.. ! * .< J the test." W. Earl St. courses lu bookkeeping, bankin/;, pen-, . a course In Ibo near future. lURincss. . - - . _ j i-.u. .- = - how much money there" is in lt. * Wo could- hiivc gotten a little out of '', eggs in these hard timos ir we cou fl .>;' ili?y? had a market .but just us wo had ; some to''sell tho prlcefcll to 15 xenix wlile?? is lower tuan.' eggs have heeu \ in years. . If the State would get up some thing for farm produce simllnr to t?te.^ creamery it would bc a great help: ? Have wagons to go certulh routes. ? certain days, bring it nil in, .ship thai ? Hight while fresh, there Vwpiihi'.hxf^? thousands of dollars woylh ot vcgcV^f; tables sold thia year, where, t Uierr^D.; won't bc one dollar's Worth.> I Of course'wc would hayo to^o-ed^j ucaied in selecting the, k?\vi'"?n'-. seed and packing, wheh/;wt??W\';(ia\,? to he careful, attractive and :hont'st." ( think wc could learn, though; If there is money in anything'.'' -p'popi? S will try harder to do ns directed/.. There'is'a line continued pjece ffy',t>j N Southern Cultivator on. farmcrs.crpar*-*: ketingvcrops. I wish 'everyo^?^wliy,y> takes, lt would read it and wish'-tho '? county impers would publish Itx^JSH says they are not particular' .c'rHntgh . Un grading and making ereryfflhafll T? rat-ol uss that "they finid 'far .jjr.sL, '' class goods. ^^Tha^Ha^wlje^^^pkt it first class, demand. flrAt^las'a^rlce^ ^-' accept np other^ith?n:?fb ^vouiifn't . liave 1 r?.-vc*nta' eg'ga ' aswf?. dei', how'. We \vnu\A be glad/??,-' ?orfyiT-/oui-4j would 6|uoWup>ouiR /ian to "con's imu- ; the iiuxt Kelter j;c a/er?j,. ^ . (H1 . >rsG cye.^C'i. t?- JF? T,Ui? sj. is^'^;! used Shem lastly..'.the'. :.caj)Mj:'y would have be?tfjjjMer o/f up in^tV .'^ the thousands. . know '. sever.-i small farmers' tt?l^ohld h?ve run their fumlilcs seVerJin?ntl?s off their pear crop If tJieyjWd' have 'gotten $1.00-per h??jiei ?ojP^ehr; buf*^ jioyhvs,'*'. I got anything, on^fhat. they could consume at .hhmejKt ^vo?jd. bo- ? great industr?. forJKouiify if. ;;oU) nn?. would take ?Ug>f H. So'pjqI trf?l making them ! .ntbjb'Sar, but j dOpi?^^ know what kind 'rStcooes, they UapV . The moloit croa; the same, "wav Thousands q]i- doll oould be irrnd? sell thraekbt?t,1 rheo they k*t Jiu!:, h? 'on^?V ct anything fO?*?^-.S^let.Uw'Vlh early and lute when .cons tu??*o thingf I them .Two Cotton': CHMtU?STOj;C.Marci: -Fifteen hund|?al?s' of cotton', yere partly died, by fir^'J??HK today. Two w*8es. aud.imi,-ii their content?l; dahiuged. Thv 'i los8> is estlmi*^?O.O0lR any car, off--, ";nu! ans economfivoii! v i and tipJtef>; thc Fordfls|^i?? t ls the . I.. ... ??clbie -|oR? I it-the stlijtpui If Vit) *el! rast 1911 rnMM , f. o. h.