The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1917, July 03, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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9 m ? ?f No Suh . \ "fi'" ' V V ' ' .* . \ . J, ? Mi? RETURN th ! \ fog Powder. StA cream of tartar.bal health, bowden 8tituteQ are made f AN ^ INFIRM V? ON THEIR CASE .. . . 4? . --i$M Secured ' Ver Act Yesseroay in Court at Greenville in Case of Ctw^y^p9ft0^t) in. the case |^^^B^^?j^n^|^Ke Woodmen of th&jR^r&g^ Bumed ali' of - 'yestjw?aj^ih: the tSrj&h ville; court of Coi]$|mn ISfeas," Qiuj?xte baum & Cooliran^B^V Mya for tte de fendant company, sue reeded Insecur ing ? dfrectett. veTttte1^*t^OTu^ aiding case. '?Th?re was; con?idet?Tiie ; ?ht??e$jin/ this case> in, An*}c raon,- ? ue to th ?.,fact tb^t/W^^ comp up.,tn this; cc^?t^ypJ^als^be case o?,tb?f*factc.t?7t.'^^ri^\dSior? net? w?r? iqter^^'Sfm. ip**/*1'!* ed;to pay $1,000, .?h^^teqt?? pre mium beldon the or#ii^?Lgw!ie de-= fendant .cbnipany.T?f^?K^?Pi%th'f payment ort. the^gt-oun?^^ ml um had Win^mWfflPV^ Icy therefore* allnw?o'fo "^j^jffi , ;?H0ft??"< Until tput? ?efcp the ie grocer all sub- t I ou for Royal Bak- | There is no sub- | Royal is a pure, I 1 ung powder*? and* * 1 s offered ? ^ '^b-S - I rom^alunliPo? ^ '. &| 1g MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Papers Read and. Ito solutions Were Adopted.^ The County Medical ' .Association met in the rooms pf the chamber of commerce at noon Wednesday for their usual monthly, session. . The. president, Dr. Ashmore, was in ' the chair, abd in the absence of the regu lar "secretary.'- Dr. Olga. Pruitt, Dr. H" Pruitt acted as secretary'pro tem. A paper on -Gastroptosis was" given by Dr. J.D. Sanders,-v Thj?was-tully discussed 'by the"-other doctors'pres ent; and --Abay;-:3&l-t-'ttYat moeii<>-.^as gained in information onNthi&, auhJeCt., The onty oHm?rp?p'er^un th'e?^^gr?In, was a re DO rt of clinical cases* by Dr. Waller H. Ncrdln. !.. ? A committee-, waa appointed hy-the? death or "?'member of Jbls body. .Dr. ,.s3 R. rteller?o^ Tov/?viil?; wiro-Wed this week;. Kg Another' committee tti: draft r?ebiua6Al(^v^?t?mend?tlon !*'f Dr. Le? S?odlffiS^ depaTt?rtC'T5#?f?rftol?' "??- ' the'-'Drs.' .Mayo;'of-'Rbthen'terj '"^?vnw Dr. J. R. I Ybungi: who is in attend- ' ance upoa'the National -Med'ct?** - ?fe-' iodation at AtlaAliC City, ls attending clinic's tn -Philadelphia and did rot get here in time to give a'report. ThlB ?111 likely be ?.Ivan at the next meet ing, In' September, - The meeting 1n? August.jvlll ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ r ..VLW^-^V, WSW? ' ' or ori?&?hai/e for sale. Il jPiectooht ;B??fey;OT WP .,! : ,1i .ii-?"'"'. ij? - /'>.'.*"V?' /?..;. stables... ..>.;.; .. art? t .,?.7.?.''ci?4v-?^'}3 j '- F? . ? \ -. ' ' . . ?. ?.jr-; ' ?.?&'V ^???rrH?!_IT^lffBflWWBlii ilium i.miff ? II ?iinmiiiili. nrnt^mm iuninmII mm ?? IIM?II uni |^ ?E??1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o': D H ON EA PATH NEWS. o * . o \ O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO c - J From the Chronicle. ( Mles Etta McDow of Union ia the 1 guest of Mles Nelle MattiBop. ] Miss Esther Todd of Simpsonville ' is the guest of Miss Ann Orr Brock. Mr. R. H. Kay of Abbeville is spend- < lng,a few days witt) his brother, Mr. ' George Kay. near this place. v Little Miss Sarah Trlbble of Ander- < son is spending a few days in thc city < with her aunt. Mrs.jW. L. Tribble. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mattlson have returned from Westminster where they . spent two weeks visiting relatives. Mr. Arthbr Erwin of Darlington is 1 spending a few days in Honea Path 1 with the family of Kfr. M. I. Brock. , Mr. O. -N. Mallison has returned from 'Charleston where he attended the annual session di the State Bank err' Association. i Rev.-S. T. Blackman anounced last Sundfty night ttmtta series bf ser vices would begin pt the MethodlRt church the fourth Sunday night in Starr woulu assist him. July and that Rev. J. L. Singleton of Mira Alma Pearson, aged 26 died at ber father's home in Chlquo1a,MiU village Friday, and was burled in. East View ^Cemetery on Saturday . afterr noon.' Her family, moved here -f rom Greenville a few weeks, ago. . . John Owens,. the" l'4-y?ar old son of Gerdt' Owens, was- instantly killed while working in the card room of the Chlquola mill ? Monday-, afternoon. From the best information obtainable it seems that his arm, while sweeping, was caught in the belting of the ma chinery and that bis head was 'thrown forcibly agajuet the floor, breaking his neck anti causing instant jdeatb. .His. fatl??f 1B a'bil nd roan and his boy was the ^principal support: bf the family .1 y.Rjevy J.. ?TA -Mann will - preach at Shady Grove next Sunday morning at ?ifft o'clock; > The public la cordially invited. tp" attend, the. service.. - ,.'-,,Mr. and Mrs. Charles P, Rogers of ?San f o rd, N. C., spent last week. with ,Jhe j family^ pf Mr. '' W. C. ^ Branyon. They were - accompanied by their daughter, little Anna. Elizabeth Rog ers. .-. ' Mire Rowena.' Greer of Piedmont, Ala. IS spending awhile with, rela tives in Honea Path. She is a daughter of tc ?late David R.. Greer and. has many friends and relatives |nHht??otinty: ' Mr: 'D'. R. Simmons, a prominetn citizen of the' Clayton section was In the city for a few hours y ea ted ay af ternoon. Mr. Simmons ls just recov ering .from a revere Illness with ty phoid fever. . Col. V. B. Cheshire, candidate for Judge of probate 'was ta the city to day and gaVe ua a pleasant call. He ls highly pleased with the encourage ment he J s receiving and feels confi dent that "he. win bc ?ne next Judge ot probate for ' Anderson county. ***?. R; I . 'tonn ?lid. Mina Orno? Saxon were married at the Baptist parsonage last Saturday afternoon by Rev. Edward S. R??ves. -'Hie groom la a son of ?the.-late A. C. Saxon and the bride ls a daughter ot Mr. and Mrs/ J. IT. Saxon ot Broadmouth. The Chronicle. Joiln the many friends bf. the*" happy couple In extending cpn gtatui'attons. *y Y tdMr*r*W.' Pi Harper 'of Lancaster' Is. spending V;few days In Hones Path wi th th? f am i ly of Mr. C. B. Harper. > Tho i?test report from Columbia la th nt. Dr. Babb ir getting along nicely how; "Hts- condition was serious for everal days and was. th? cause of nucb concern to his friends. Tue business ; houses of Hunco Path viii close Monday. July. 6th', instead if Satuiday. July 4th. The Fourth of luly. falling on Saturday is the reason or the observance of this holiday. Please, bear tn* bind that the holiday viii be Monday. July 6th, instead of 3aturday, July- 4. The drug stores ?viii not close. 9 O O O o ooo O.O O O O O O O O O O > ... 0 ?< TWENTY. o ? O ? O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Williao?Eton, R.. F. D., July 2.-A very large crowd was present at this place Sunday''afternoon to hear Rey. Mn, Land pj'each. ' This Wae ' Mr. Land's first " to this place, and our people, were greatly, pleased with his preaching and will bo glad to have him visit Us, again At the election-at >Piurcel own for r.chool trustee? saturday afternoon W. H. G. Elrod, J. J. Lewis and W. M. Smith weWit'elected to serve for the next two ycarr.* An Experienced Nan. After being urged by many friends in this and [other parts of the county to make i the race for commissioher from District No. 3, W. H. G. Elrod bas at la?t decided to offer bim pelf for the'place. V-?nl?k? n>any others;-?Mr. Elrod ?iaf^trad 6?veral years' exper ience in ro?d working and knows ex actly - what] lt' Idkes to make a good load.' The* financial end of the busi ness wll itlso' receive'careful atten tion as Mr.' Elrod ls a successful mer chant and-'farmer. -Another thing in als. favor -ls thet'1 he'lives almost tn the center;of the district. .Mr. Elrod has fcundnedr of friends'all over the county anil in their hands he will plaoo.. bini candidacy,' ?>.> 1 . Mrs.. *v1 D. Mooro > visited relatives near Prospect last Saturduy and Sun day. ) . -, . . . W. lListono is- at present threshing ost tho' gtnaj. grsd? f?-r?as U? isia sec tion. . Wheat and oatsrjaro both turn ing 'out, beter.?,. then ..waa-expected. ' v8U and Twenty and Pendleton crossed bate at,Pendleton, last Satur day. , 'Tao scorn WOB-6 to 3 in favor of Six^and.Twflhty. L Hamp-T?ickc. of, ReXUjge wan a visit or here Sunday.,^ Vt*. . Some Questions Asked. \ Hello,: Mir. Standpipe'Mani Just a question' or twp please,' vis., to wit., namely: Whereby har .E. D. Smith ever been the cause of c?tton bringing a better price. Win the passage of -the cotton fu tures/bill will it not leave the farmer more1 at the mercy bf the cotton mill men?^'1 ' ;.. ? Ia not the Smith Lover bill a bill in troduced Jointly by Hoke Smith ot Georgia and Representative Lever of South Carolina? If 'we' are to leave off a good man Just .Because be ls-opposed to the Washington administraron in jjfiome oarticulars, would It-not be aa well for ua to not elect sen atora and rep resentatives-during o r?publican ad ministration? Does it not take a simpA ^an to get 96 other men to ece things jost as be can iee them, ond- bet won the. two, Smith.,or Bleaae, .isn't. Bleaae , the smartest man Piea?a answer quick oriwo mi ghi., decide to-vote for Pol lock, 'Jennings or Smith, '.ki ' ' .'.*L t san,'-*1' <.. . :> algiL'-^-*-? \*Avmg?ak -Mist?' j^9- " -A fB? : ? . .<-> JaV ' B An, . j!*)'?' ?.?.'!!' the D [IRING LESS MEAT IE SACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a glass of Halt? t<, fluNli Kidney'? If Bladder bothers y?u-?rink ... lot? of wnter. .. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble In some form or other, say H a well-known ' author* lty, because the uric acid in meat ex cites the kidneys, they become over worked; get sluggish; clog up'And cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe' headaches, acid stomach, constipation? torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder' and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid- j noys aren't acting right, or if blad der bothers you, get about four ounc- I es of Jad Salts from any good phar macy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. ThiB famous salts ls made from] the acid of grapes and lemon Juice,, combined with lithia. and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal I activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so lt no longer irritates, thUB ending bladder disorder?. Jad Salis cannot injure, anyone; makes a delightful effervescent itthia. water drink which millions of men* and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, tims avoiding serious kidney disease. THE TR SUFFERING ENDED Hundreds of your neighbors are ready to tell you just what has made life new for them and relieved them of the tortures of HI health, if you will let them. They have used Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy to purify their bli and enrich . Uro llfe-glving fhtltf that all the bodily functions "coule work properly. When that wai; done. ] and the organs got a chance to do I their work, Nature cleared up theil troubles, so that they are now well. It doesn't much matter whether the trouble is laid on the digestion, the nerves or th? skin. B?ck of it all is the fact that the blood is either not good enough or ts positively poisoned. Of course you cannot get well, digest? what you eat or rest in sleep, aa long, as what ought to give your nerves tone and your digestion energy sod strength ia poisoned every minute of the day. Got the blood right. Moses said "It is the life." When the bloor ls right you Uve. I Here is what one of your neighbors declares: "A few years ago I was a terrible sufferer from blood poison. If the skin would be broken from any cause the flor h would become Inflam-j ed, would Itch and burn and develop In sores. Mr. Joe Person persuaded mo io use her remedy. ? buu?iit ? dozen bottles and lt cured me." Mrs,' G. F. Medln, Weldon. N. C. jj If your druggist cannot supply yon',' a dollar sent to the Remedy Sales Corporation, Charlotte, N. C., will brig you this remedy. -,-.- ?i Dr. t>!?a Pruitt In Baltimore. Dr. Olga Pr iltt ls et the Jobos HopkinB University taking . a special course in laboratory work. -Sb.e'i>ls making a specialty of blood tests and serum diagnosis, ana will be away Un til the middle of July. . Il I ? \ ? -....'^'^^^?8^ " ?Bm H H & I ,C MINSTON SMITH, ANDERSON'S Au?i?bn.y?? .?'-.-?'.????..: ??SH A moat remarkable man. who is asking -tho votern of' thir- county.; for: .-?'.'.-???? rSL^? ?e-5!cgyoh,'to the office which he nowholas. .'? Physically . handicapped 'but \ notwithstanding that ho has "made good." r^"'t ihA ??vp?T?i? ??'.-??.rit/ ^ JfflEjfll-- '?'" ' " ty" courteous, gentlemanly aud1 obliging. Hia retortfo orr. the ; .x^HHHH, ccfjwty, thow extreme neatness and accuracy,' having recently been exam- :'?'? toed ?by ;un expert accountant {ind found absolutely WTT/^^j^t^^*^?. ' lH ?M?rti?Ur?6r. He lesnectfully solicits vour vote, for rp.wtfirtfan-AAv\7^ ^m^BKB^^?&\-^^f^m A College of Refinement, Distinction and Character "' :\ ?| ^ ^^^^^B On tho Slope of the Bluo Ridge, 1,000 feet above Sea-level. Beautiful | b?? ? fi C rounds and Handsome, Modernly Equipped Buiidiugs. . '.- . V-.:...,.<.;.;. .-j...;. :'r' ' , AV College..of Liberal Arts and Sciences, offering Courses Loadlhg ,.|: . ^ A Conservatory of Music, offering Courses .Leading td 'the'l^red.'.^j7! '.'.?;:...' v *? %'M of B. Mus. Schools, of Art, Exp -easton and Business.".-' *?'.'**t ?, GHico?A, "^?^^?^f^mSm^? Fdr free Catalogue and Ann mncementa, addreBB , ' ', 7l*3IE?Bji ^njjj?? *~ BYRD, D. ?. tJBKENVILLK, SOUTH CABOLfN^J '^'^dr^^P^ 5 EN A Ti Ht SULLIVAN HEBE had been considerable fcellt?gr^lns^'-'; :-:?&'?\ ;| ont?- Poora. Capt: Sullivan did '"^'-^f'Tflr'jWllfr -M Saw Piu-t'of the Had Ilnnilrldc at WU- beginning of tho .difficulty A^vW*' Hn^rW ? 'J .fPi lioiffstbo Monday Morning. one or thc firrt to gat' to itellsT; aha' Wy:,f . Senator" Geo. W. Sullivan, of WU- helped Uie dying mun into a- St OTC. So'?^^vfer': ^1 lamstoii, was in ttjy city yectcrday saw that tho wounds appeared'dan-!?9 and talked very Inferostingly of the gcroua and ro advised'K?fl?y.VaW?u^???' . ^Wn^ Poora. Capf.^Sul- eo^the^m ^^^^1 6 PE ARSON'S I J MO' SALl|i| Jj