The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1917, June 19, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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.ni Haye Bugged . <w%w coming tn almort every dey the latest shipment being a - car OL' -COLUMBUS-ll Come in and let us iluhv them, j. They are 1914 Modele. We have a nice line of Pony \ buy girt. < f?.Vj . Ki ' ; i ! '; . i J. liMR .1 . >~. ->,r i Got Missing Figuras THE ?General Manager was presenting piSns for an extension of the'factory to the company's directors at* Detroit. He found that he had left an estimate sheet in his desk at the factory. He called up the factory! on the ?pli Long Distanc?^ 't-ete^ . phone.! His assistant read the figures'to him and the dire?ote^j^ M delay. ? . " " " .' : Annoying delays ??? avoided by the use. of the;>l:^,^cteph?n^'~''-';*-"-4-:''r.. . \ When y?u?t*Wume---?niUt. SOUTHERN AND: TEL?&?R^R' !?^P^f *.= sa .w A*:-*; it yt mE?PMD?NT MAfiTWftL S?WAR? ; : OF SMOOTH STRANGERS W/rtt N/C? \ M ail ofthese /s&?me*.which "Smooth". strange?? come around to peddle are sec^great "Mona? Maker?'' why don't they KEEP them themselves? ?t 5 M " ^ When a'mair b trying hard to sell you o proposition there is: aomelhmg m it for. l^-tM'?:s>;a?teJgB^ Is it not better fo* us all to keep our moaey here at home, invest in and build up OUR OWN Community? ? The man who does this ia p rosperocs, - \ WQ pay 4 ppr cen fr interest on Savings. \ /^..''Make-'Qi)^ Bartk^O?K:bank : _? % : ?. the Iargeatjv*^ t?oa, scTeral hundred paelnvges et three entirely now water melons ^hleh wlU be g{**n free tb nary bi CUT4S^^ call nt oter Sto*e, 1^CAWS"T^TE ?' . ; 'v. ... j . South Carolina Troops To En 11 cAmp In ?e^?alt??y ?e^sP In August P " -'_L_ 4 . V A long distance telephone message from' Columbia i last night to Captain McCully of the local militia company, stated that the ealtrb brigade of South Carolina militia trdups will proceed] to I Augusto, Un. where they will encamp from Augur i 4-13. Along with the South Carolina boys wi H bo encamped a regiment of the National Guard of North - Caroliuu. Tho Anderson boys ure looking iorward to an enjoyable Blay in Ute camp. Doubtless the full strength of tile company, will attend. Thus has ended a robet Interesting controversy- between..Governor uieps.e and thu war dc-p.artmouL. ; Governor Olease refused to consent to thu South Carolina boys leaving.the State till* he had assurances fr.qm.tUie war de, pai t ment, that they would be allow ed to return to their homes to bo mo. blitzed In caso, Utcy were called for war with Mexico. VITRIOL ABSENT FROM CAMPAIGN (Continued Prom F^St Page) lally of Anderson, from being present. D'Mglng No Issues. John G. Richards of Liberty Hill, promised a safe and progressive ad ministration and asserted that he nev er had in his long official life dodged an issue. He said that he was thc-au thor of a.bill creaking 124 free scholar ships for young men at Winthrop coir j lege, among otlnjr bills of whichV.jUe.. is the author and: which heeamo-'luws. I He explained his'change from a state' i wide' prohibitionist to a locul optlott ist. He favored educational - ndvance iment along all line?; "I nm not swing ling to anyone." ^He declared. ?He I answered in reply to a question that lie favored the minority,ropurt of the recent democratic state convention as regards registration. Charles* Carroll Simms., of Ham well made a brief speech and announced the death of a sister at Charleston during the duy. He asserted that he WUB shocked to know the state con vention hdd treated the "poor white voter" with tho medicine given the negro in lKTfi. Lieutenant Governor Charles - A. Smith, of Timmonsville, stated his aim was to make the state a better and happier place in which to live. He made his appeal for support on his j record as lieutenant governor. j He Urged, an economical administration, a twp cent rote ??law- expecting on ?the short lines and n popular vote ot state wide probJjphioh'.V-. . Speaker Mendol L. Smith of Camden ptjld of lils record In thc bouse of, rop ? reiafit^ and advocated a two ?est , rate law 'foVtthe trunk lines nnu--a. ;full crew statute. Approving the good roads movement, bo ui*ged working <c?n*lQU.ftn?Ji0 roads.. Hfi .asserted he stood for the strict enforcement of tho Jaw..and,Js??i opttonj^pmpulsory j$9c itat?p?. H? V deplored ~ tll-fconBidered grirptlng^of pardona,. After being in session since bleien.-o'clock; with an hour an* a half for dinner; tho ru?et. 4ng cloted at six. o'clock. <vV?uld LimitMoney. ; Washlngton^-June IT.-nThe. Ruckor bili to codify and amend various laws relating to,pubJicity of>pe!lUcal cam paign contributions and expenses, Wim debated without action tn the house .today.- It ?will be brought up for pas pago' Wednesday,: ?A new section of (he proposed law would limit the amount of money which national! poli tical committees or organlaatonB which lu, two or more.staten shall.attempt, to influence election of senators or rep resentative's, may ' uso or expend for campaign :purpases: tn any ?otato! "to tho.aggregate. antobnt.contributed to vh? committee by the,actual, residents of the H tate,", except for expenses Qf campaign speakers, for printing and -distributing literature and., for .newer paper- advertisements.. ;>?- . '- Tobacco Meh Meet. \ Lou is v il le, Ky., ? J mm W^Dolegatea attending the Tobacco Association of tli?: United States, .convention in. ses sion hero, today'attended- n said at the breaks ill-louisville hold especially[for them..'2 Attempts. are belng^ .made to bave tho association .- Inaugurate a campaign to secure a reduction^ bacet? taxes In this nnd other countries. Mi Carrington, ot ?Ricbmond, Vp., president cf ttje association, probably, will'he reelected topiorrow. . - . -'^f^ Tine to Accept* Money. Tampico, June 16., vin Laredo, Tex. Jnne iT.f-Gbvernor Cabalerra has-la med a decree fliting ,a: flab., ot, 600 to 1,000 pesos upon alf persons offer? lng oH-ecelvlng Federal- bjjUUv/datepVat ter .Fehriiary ii, 1913.' As those bills constitute' a pa rt . of the money In cir-, Suiation."thpv.decree -wllLIlkely.} have rave consequence. IO-'.onsm^sB of: all hinds. Merchants, already are em harassed because- of shortage of - cur rone v. . - : ( Continued from page i) ? [my. "Como with UP or rqmelb, away, I as you ? Ilooi.i',' was said to foe the purport of the message. j : It was reported in Saltillo, that In following out-the plan, two brigade? already have left Torre?n for Saltillo, to operate un dor Villa, who wa? ex pected to leave Wednesday. lil Paso, Texas, June l7<-r-Genordl Vonustiuno Carranza and General Fruneisco Villa tonight failed to deny that their relation? had. reached u breaking point. Neither did agent* o the constitutionalist leader or his field I commander attempt to give rea - on:* for |be,. ousting yesterday hy Villa sup porters of ull Carranza appointees in the ofHoea at Juarez. .A statement issued by a Villa .ugent here, said Villa had au thorized tho agent to Issue a generul denial of the reported estrangement. Tim statement was found later to have been made without authority. Followers of both Villa and Carran za wore unable today to get an oftlclat expression from Coahulla, where Car ranza has. established himself, or from Torre?n, where Villa evidently re mained. Employees of the Juarez customs house and telegraph office were sent south today on a special train. They were reported as having been placed by Villa's officers in the State penl tentlnry at Chihuahua. However, according to Roberto Pes queira. Carranzas confident ia 1 agent 'here, the men were sent to Saltillo, Carranza's headquarters. This report ?J jv?p. received foy agents of .'both fac tions as a sarcastic action by the Villa ?j .adherents. It ,was not denied from l^BvOy source that Villa's soldiers had .taken over the,.entire fabric..of olvu government that heretofore was ma nipulated by"-Currauza/s. cabinet. offi cers. ? ?.-.?? H. Perez. Abreu, In charge of the constitutionalists In formation bureau, disappeared with the rest. Alberto Pani, Carranza's agent In Ohargo of the treasury department at Juarez. es caped to American soil, although ull of his fellow employees, wererarrested. Much Money (Jone, In addition to tho disappearance of the Carranza officials from the border port (10U.00O tn constitutionalist currency missing, it is sahl tonight. The motley Was said to -have been con fiscated hy Villa and taken to Chihua hua. . , :-. ? Lazaro dc La Carza, Villa's-Commer cial agent, at Juarez, today Issued an invitation for the-Spaniards. of thc La Gunn dist riet to j return, rto . tho:.' homes. They lind been forced-?O leave Mexico by Vllla's'drdcr, just after the taking of Torreon. de Lal! .Garza's statement said: "Tho order from General Villa ex pelling thc Spaniards ?i-om< Torre?n was made .necossari In View of Ute profound hostile sentiment ? V against them among the, people; ? Now thc co? ditlons are normal in that region and th$,spanl?t??vfoay' return i?irthel? lair hors with full guarantees, "ti ph St?ty* Reports1'tq'dHy ihdTcat?d'Tnhf tfte j ejection or.Carran2a. oinc.l?l?'Wjuare.i-. last night was followed hy V'?toUar ' events nt other points..'In I Northern Mexico Agents of both factions do llied In pene ml te rm h there had been any estrangement; but .Villa's'men -sat in chaim which yesterday wt?ro occu-r. pied by Carranza's officers af the cus toms houses .-telegraph;, and federal of fices ut Juarez.. _ Oqe of. ?afjran?a'a representatives deelsreiLsJmilnr IrwQfera^.had'oc^urr.-, ed t\U?Chihuahua-,. Torre?n rihl? other I cit lea. The. doubly enforced' -oensor ?nhip, prevented specific ue\yo arriving from the Bouthfregarrtlng the sudden l^urn of affairs lp N9riher.11 Mexico, or, of tho military movements .. agnluts ?Zacatecas, Villa ordered by Carranza to move south, remained at Torre?n, although lt waa thought his troops had been.put In motion.'- . '-. '. . i . Saltillo, Mex., lube. 16.-Vja Laredp; Tex:, June JJ.-Geueral Villa/n renigr nation as .commander of. the constitu UonuliHt.urijiy,of the con tm 1 division j_has not jc?-ii..jn:i-epicd u?? ibo threat ened breach bot ween ' General 'Villa und Gone ral Carranga has bee.n averted accord! ng to a statement -from ' General C?rrabsa'a hcdqusjrterkl?ato jfoday. -? ? ?j H,.^s.xqli?ialiid!.'!/haj.. representa lions of the atrraJa^?e?at?on^b^tweap Generale vt,lla and t^rrfohz? liad, bean greatly exaggerated {md tjint Villa would go immediately. Ip Zacatecas td dlre?^.the assault on thnt town. . - It was announced .that the campaign against: .Zacatecas would be pushed at, ? once> that Aye thousand men -had left ?Torre?n for Zacatecas-yesterday and 1 that .1,000 more would leave today. U lu understood, that the assault on the strong;positions, at Zacatecas will be-, gin tomorrow and tho town bo carried; : ... It was also' announced that General Ort egon- y)#h ??.o^^'raen. would et- j tami Guadalajara tomorrow. General Obregop.jbb?fn^ of fed?rala between Manzanillo andi Guadalajara, and lt is stated* defeat ed, them djklslToiy ;yest$rday; .killing 100 und .wounding many others: Ho has cn? Guadalajara off from commun ?e^lion WIth'the outside world it lsre ported, and also has .catv?he lin** of communication leading to Manzanillo. Gqneral Pablo Gonzalos, commahd . Ing the army,pf tho jiortly^st,.arrived Jfiiia rr&mmvy un? wmfprreq ..wup General Carranza as 0Ud,;OsaeraJ[. ViU t-??roal, acting minister bf finance, who rived from. Torre?n tob* morning. lit .was stated-that Genoruf G.onj;a!ca carno ,to lead hiv, ,t*oop?,eeMJb torten: Lab Potosi.v ; '* . - .-' Washington','. Junii, rlT.^onipU-ollcr of the Treasury Downey today decided that the Federal board after it .comes into existence, Immediately must -levy an aflseaRi?ent on;mflmber banks io 4t? fray tito BJ?P?lea tu* board utcmberB and IttMll TUJUH i i i.ii i i iillis MEDIATION ALMOST A CON FESSED FAILURE i_ -'. ; ; r" ?' >( jj . REBELS STUBBORN Conferences May End Friday as Mexican Internal Troubles . Are Beyond Reach. (Ily Associated Press) . Niagara Falls, Ont.. June IC.-Jus tice Lamar and Frederick W. Leh mann, the American dulegutes to the mediation conference, went to Buffa lo tod?y and" talked'for four hours ? Ith Hafeal Zuharan and LUIB Cabrera, personal representative* of Oenoivtl ("arrunza. Their purpose was to find seme way to bring the constitutiona lists In harmony with thu scope it mediation. Tito mission was a ?a Hu re The constitutionalists repr?sent?t : . ej who h.'ul co uu '.rom Washington es teem:!} tu see the American delegat es told them why they could not agree t J an i rmistlco; why only a mun prom inent in the. constitutionalist ranks could he occupied hy thom for the pro. v^lonu) presidency und tinnily they :?W. they believed tho constitutionalist army would settle, the Mexican prob lem, soon if left unhampered by fore ign complications. The Americans returned to Niagara Falls feeling that so far as the politi cal pacification ot Mexican Is concern ed mediation had accomplished noth ing and probably thc end of the con ferences was very near. The next full conference ls set for Friday. Until, thon little will, be dono, because of the absence, of Minister Noan, of Argentina. .Most of the principals here Incline to the view that Friday's session may bc the last. The three mediating plenipotentiaries virtually have aban doned hope of Bolvlng Mexico's Inter nal, problems. The Huerta delegates uro resolute in their determination not to. accept a constitutionalist partisan for thc provisional presidency and lucre appear:: no fcusiblc way "of keeping all clements in, conference much longer. Only developments not now foreseen,.such, ns n change of at titude on the part of thc constitution alists or of the Huerta delegates can keep thc conference In session. . Dispatches of the forcible seizure by n Villa oft!rial of the' telegraph ofHce. at Juarez, held previously by Carran za officials, crcr.tod a stir, In the med iation colony. Thc Huerta delegates said lt plainly?showed (he correctness of their repeated warnings that a lack, of cohesion In the constitutionalist ranks would lead to anarchy in-, tho north. Thc news served also to con firm suspicions current in many quar ters-hero of breach between Villa and Carranza. ... Incidentally it is understood Ute American-delegates inquired O' 'Jabre ra and Zubaran what they thought of, the stories fo a spilt,between. VIl|a and "Carranza'. . The constitutionalist emis saries said they lind confidence In Gen eral Carraimi'a tact sud ..ability to smooth over such difficulties. The\.gravoBt;- apprehension, never theless, in felt hero of vhat may folr low a - break between Carranza^end Villa. Should their forces clsnh, a con dition, ot.anaret might ensue which in all probability-would arouse" again de mur.d for. armed Inten entlon by t'.te United ?tates. Tho mediators hold to.the opinion that they,baye .accomplished, someth ing, in that, wur between, the United Stales?and the Huerta government was halted: by mediation. General Huerta's withdrawal from the presidency ls expected soon as a matter,' ot Course, regardless of tho outcome of mediation. It is believed a successor to Huerta will be oboBon?it. elections in- Federal territory next month. j<.'.?j; If, the mediation conference ad journs, it. in oil,probability, will ac lr M,.ty I o/l ii., ita faillir o tn hrfnir fhn ffs val elements together for a solution of tho Internal problem, but at the sams time probably .will announce th? solu tion - or Mexican's international con flict. Just., what, disposition will hq made of tho American forces nt Vern Cruz ho. one herQ> ia in it position to. conjecture.. Pessimism Prevails. * " ' .* ' - The atmosph?re here is wholly pes simistic. . The American delegates de clined tb dise?as in .detail, Uielr. trip to Buffalo. Mr. Lehmann made a spec-* lal trip across, the river to urge'news paper man not to treat the trip, of tho .Amerr??n comm Issi oners to Buffalo In a-, light,veto. He. acaured them. the, situation was serious. Justice Lamar 'dictated the following statement: ''For sometime, we li ave been trying to get into... communication .with, tho .Cjotistltutlphoiista Tliey did- not-/eel they, could, vup?!cr., tho. circumstances come to Ni?gara Fulls, hut they wera lo? anxlpua to us and; Jiaggestcd Buffalo. ;.WSth tho approvdPof Wash ington W?-'wnlvqd all formality and wenfc to see them. W,o in ot Rafael J5uf haran and Lum Cabrera,'toe auihbn'r ed representatives of General Carrar. za* vye i h?d. previously. Informed tb? mediators of our plans." ; mo American delegates and toe two Mexican's conferred all afternoon. The decidion ended shortly before 7. O'clock when -Znbnran abd Cabrera . ?eft for -Washington.. When the American del egates; returned* hera theyi telephoned Secretary Bryan. Later Mr. .Lehmann communicated .the rcs ill s of. their trip, to'-toe ?Mdiatprs.^ j Juatlcc Lnmar and Mr. Lchmnnn had gobo to Buffalo not only in tho hopo Of arranging- somo practical waj.- for negotiating.wi?h,.tho constitutionalists while- tho .mediation waa ' to. but bf gcttlpg names of sill for .provlslooaj .presidont.? general Information about tho conotl tutlpnallst cause. .... . . Armistice Impossible. The constitutionalists, mude clear llrat, of all t hut the condition im poseo, hy the mcdlntovo -t he OftClarat lon ot j ho. armistice-was an impossible one lof them to fill In advance of some definite agreement on a peace plan. Mr. Cabrera sahl that if the constitu tionalist army were forced to stop lighting lt would disintegrate. Leaying the question.of un armistice, both Mr. Cabrera and Mr.. Zubarsn.ex plained that they hoped there might he some peacef'il way of solving the MjBxicaQ.MrQuJenj; Uwt,they.,tOQ. w-lsh ed to avoid further hloodahed hut councils and mediation conferences ? "were valueless unless they took Into consideration terms the constitution alists demand. He sala the various chief? never would ugree to any change of present plans unless some one no prominent In thu const it ut lou alli* ranks nu lo guurantee their forces j absolute control were elevated lo the.! presidency. The plan of Guadalupe, to which I Mr. Cabrera said allegiance had been sworn by the constitutionalist leaders, I caine up for discussion. He said the plan could not be changed unless something more acceptable were of-1 fered. The plun provide* for u mili tary conquest of Mexico City and the establishment there of General Cnr-. ruuzu as provisional president until thc country is pacified and prepara tions mad?* for u general election. Mr. Cabrera argued that iinle?s thc Huertn delegates were ready to ar range for a peaceful surrender, ll was useless to discuss neutral persons for the presidency. He said that In the event of surrender, guarantee of. amnesty for the deserving would bo ? given. The American delegates made no comment on the constitu? i on al ?pt ar gument. Mr. .'Lehma tin's manner to night Indicated that u crisis iu the mediation hud been roached, thong 1 his words gave no inkling ol what tits future might hold. The Mexican delegates tonight is sued another statement tn repudiation of thc claims of former Senator .Char les A. Towac that, he repr??or.?ed lu i Washington the interests of tho Huer ta government. Shake Oft Your IlheumatlNm. No Wi. is Ute time to get, rid. .of your rheumatism? Try a twenty-five qent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment amt seo how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by Evans Pharmacy. SEVi^MENi B#V RNED IN LODGING HOUSE N > AMH;?H'-X,1 t/i^: I Five m Milford, Mass.? Claimed I Labore? ?s V?ct?r?B Early on Yesterday. (Hy Associated PreBF.)' ? Milford, Mass,, Juno Iii.--Seven men were .burned ,to death and ty; eu ty sc rlousy Injutcd when, eighty parsons were trapped In a burning Armenian lodging house curly today. " .-'. \. The bodies.were taken from the up per floors of-thc four ned nh alf storjt brick and wooden building. , J n addition to th?*twenty mon tak en to tho hospital suffering from burns or from injurien received In jumping? thirty sustained minor, hurta? The Jar tcrior. of thenhuijld|ng..wa8; burned,?qr. * Tito fire, the cause of which has not ; been., determined,.clarted.- iu tho diu? j lng hall on the ground floor. . When | iiremea_arrlvo4 flames were shooting.] i through a|t : four .floors. Kscapo. by the two narrow stairways was eut off I and the only means of- getting out of?. I the biilldlug.was by. jumping from tho windows., , ?i The victims were laborers and I mouJ dora cm Ploy ed at a manufacturing I 'plant m. HopodalQ. None, of thom, bud | ? f.million Tba iipanciai.iquB.ia Can't Keep lt.Secret. Th? splendid'work bf Chamb?rloln's Tablets is dally becoming more wide ly known. No such'grand, remedyJor stomach and liver troubles has evqr been .kuo.wp. Ifor- ealq. hy 4 Evans'. Pharmacy. Adv. WA?T-". VB DERAL.Tia'O.OfS Soldiers Asked For To Seilte Montana. Mine Troubles. (By Associated Press.) .;. Washington, June 15,-rGovorflor Stewart, ot, . Mont Min, telegraphed President Wilston .?.day asking '.that federal troops be gent to rr.utorp. order in the Butte copper mina district. At tho ?ame .time, thetgoyernqr sent messages'to'tlie Montana senators* and repr?sentatives In congress, urging them, to ,call at, the whie house, ?nd support his request. . Senators Meyers and Walsh, andr Representatives Evans and Stout at once.arranged to see the president, tomorrow, morning. . In tba menntlmo ho one- would dis cuss the situation. The members of congress ! intimated that* Were ready to stand behind the governor In any course hs deeded .wise to pursue, but lt waif evident that, the call for aid from tho national government bail come ns a surplae. Take Plenty ol Time to lat There is a saying that "rapid eating is slow suicide." IX you have.formed ?he habit of eating too rapidly you are most likely suffering from Indigestion or constipation which will result even-1 toni ly, in,irjoripu*.lune?; lidless .cor rected,, i Digestion bea?n* ? In, the1 mouth.. Food, should, ba thorne-.- .-: masticated and Insalivate.- r-.e-u when you h?ve a WV * ! -?tor.' mach or feel dtill a..U ~.a.j.d kiter eat-1 lng, take'gnu of Chamberlain's Tah- ; mt, ^W^mmwM <*< timm \ ' trow bio and-'constipation haya beep cured by iha.u?o"sf .'Jnoso. tableta. They ' orq.?tay to.tako.? '-d most agreeabl*;ln effeetr ft? td by ?fvang Pbarmany. . j ?anted-AU .pnxtlxs. .intorostcd .in keeping up thc* yarenaea cemetery ? to?pajfvthate ye*?Jy dues of^ceoti *>-totJ- J. Flnritey as soon as convent .... .. - -jr<ia>, ?'???-\-\iath?%- , .* LJ ? We want ali people who have chroma stomach trouble or constipation, no mst?. - ? . ter of how long Henri'.pg,. to try oas.' ?dote .of May r's Wonderful Stomaaki Remedy--one doae will convince yjifc' I ii i s i? tin:, medicine, to many of ?4*V; local people,* bp?? '".Ling, with:3ut^ ; prising resulta. The most thorough. ay?? y tem ?leautrr we ?ver fojd. b?ayi'? ' Wonderful Stomach Remedy i* uow. c.pld here by V''aide's KVANS' l'UA?HACY Three Stores. Here's Some of 0*?- j* W? ar* proud of lt Ju? aa ??'re proud of etery memorial, public or pilvate, we've ever balli. Huller lilli-?ur cubiomera ara ??road or ibaui-tUef tell u* ao and will tell you so.. , ' Wu ajibmlt dexiigu* and gtvo vou tba ben?: flt of our loDtt experience without charge. We want ut tell " ^ you of our Itnprov ml fail li iii-:: I o C iprodui'liiB memo trials nf i?rmauaat Iwauiy. We waul you io know how cureruUy we arleet niaterlai how i h oro un bly our wotk IR < I linne amt lieut nf ntl how con scientious we un- In every detail, V* aaaraaUa riatUtctUa. t)ur lui r I 0 a.a 'ar.> 1 rllilit. -Write lia unlay nnd let' tm study your urobleui. Own Bra?. Marble & Gran ite Company, jCriaawaaa H> C If - - Ccnf? {/?rafa Aiona ment Manning, & C Designed owe ?\y aa. *V? For body lice dust your lu wis with ?j i donkey's Lice Fowde l? M*t'Mkt uu\ wry- : < Jl t * For mites spray your poul try house with donkey's Lice Liquid Qi l^.Mll^.ltCr.o'l tl .MltKON^trlxMleOMV** Dtnkey's Hoad Uro'Ointment ' ' v..... v*i artd,^' ''-r'f^'v. Conkev sWhiteDUrrho^Remedy put in the drinking water ia chick insurance. 23c and 50c i Meat j back if tb e ie pr et>?r auom do not SOLD BY KV ANS? PH A lt .HAUY. ;,, Anderson,.-.H.- IV", . ' ['"NVproon who r.uner from ^O-'WSakn^i^ ; . ..,,.'<' 'iiocullartolbuiryemciKi.RtJmiKUtUllOBta | o ?and n purifying'remedy. Thia ta furbf^jid; !.. darno harmfeu sud jut verjt oCT?CJlr???o% 1 ( |iioimd thixi.tur 40'yeara has s vialed and bad v ; Ulm uvprova.1 ot tbuUsiDdt) uf uitiaeu lu til??- t 'Carolina?, ils AttUuiri.ii, Util. u? ruinovo eu- | P blood Impurities, tbon'to en?rgica audr?ga Haie all fuiictlouji of tho digestive system; ? ; ahas to faed alt nerve centers. With this . ?brocea*. u>SKtKidilrrf^^aB^.baco^?i^ ? , .nul, vain qituppoira. nerves ?re ?luadle? r; fciiu.1 Ufu.butumus worth Ibo liviug. Many of your uelgbbors havo beeu helped by it. Tty Uyouraair, and IfsaijibpW lU.erbBponuid. I Yu ur. drualat probably t?.aa W lt.not.sead. ' Ibis nama dollar fox s big boUls ??- ' /? .REMEDY aAhESC j. . CllAI?LOTTE, H. C. ; y ? . ',.,. ~H-j-p ' 1 w?"p?i?^*^' euro oisons ay.VtboV?lIurofinSanlar?- W' and congested audaces. It ls fasuStttA) )y. I . faliiabio io wontPSt' slut' thbutu alway?T Wt in? t'jn^T 'ti nrif;riiriji;i^irti - ! Fruit ;'?^ffer$-; ; \ . tom.-****?wm^:?- 5:-;. - Ponches, Peurs, Pl ii m H, Serries,. . ?fnnf ljlng. Fruit JuJcjejii,jAttj^^ I such vegetables, aa Tomatoes, v Heans, *t<v ,c?n bf Vt?HfF??.'^l < i without tAeiiHv;nr^umv*i^^ I At all ?ur St?ren. * i Evans'* ?haro?c^: b ni". . . lii/J n jim '?ai 'i ' II I ay,sir. ; 1 Harley-Davidspri oLctTLer.' ?ttly $vlv.O??