The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, October 03, 1884, Image 5

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[For the Messenger.] DOTS ON THE WAY. (Contiln ued from last week.] In one of the discussions in ref evenece to the, ability of some of f he c1urhe e)to do- more than they have done in repairing their old churches, or building new ones, so I hat Sunday School andotheri religious services might be cdifortably enjoyed even during the winter months, W. S. Pickens, one of t he lay delegates, Brushy Greek Circuit, took the floor, and made an excellent speech, brist ling all aliong with common sense and practical truths, which n2 one acquain ted with the circumstances could gain say or deny. Ile rasped the ministers .Qharply for their beautiful theo vies, ia their several reports from their chiircles, as to the financial ability of the people, but as an olirset to many of these theoretic- castles he made a most tartlinig declarationi that seven-tenth.s of the people to-day, if forced to settle ment, could not meet theirliabili' v and were actually insolvent. Is this anl ex a:iggeration, or is it a sober realit ' ? Mr. Pickens is no vigionary theorist, but is a plain, practical man, and is conse quently not likely to exaggerate in his st atements. Besides, on this (u1estion of financial standing, there was no man on the floor of the Conference, so wel: 'pialitied to speak intelligently on that point. Even since the war he has been more 01 less employed as assessor, omuetimes for the County, and alwavs for his own and adjoining townships. and therefore he testifies as to what he haits seen and knows. We may, there. fore, necept his statemenc~t as trule, What a Qa.l comimentary on te boast ed prosperit y of the people of this State. Anderson County is said to be the ban. ncr County of the State, and in some, respects. doubtless, the claim is lerit.i mate. Ai(d yet onl the testiioniv o1 this reliable witnes6, seven-tenth of her people are virtually insolvent. D)bth'ei, he mieant by this statem)nt, mainly the white people. If Anderson 4 Couilty is to-day IinI this pitable condi t ion, how much better off' may we' credit the people of the whole State. Thle picture is not over-drawn, and any one who is curious to know miay go to the records, and find, like the Queen of Sheba, the wvorst has not been toldl. And yet, just before every election somIe patidl infter'vie wer waits uponI the Governor, or some other' high ofileianl, and such a picture of prosperity is muade Out as would amaI~ze and daizzle thme be holder. T[here is nothing like gener.l Ipspeity inl the coun1tyanythin~g else. There are many recasons that might be adduced for this dlepr'ession), based up onl our defective systems of far'ming. butt as this is election year we beg leave to call attention to the still greater evils of vicious legislation, which pre-> vail in our State anid national eounmcils As there will be but one Statec ticket in the field, calmly consider the queIstionm of! 0ou1 State anid Nationial flmnees. TIhie present bankin~g system of the country puts it in t he powecr of the han kers anid Wall Street brokers to control tire prices of thme lab r andl pr'odnets of lifty-five millions or pe~ople. Al ready by the stringency in the money market, produced by the contraction of thme Na tional currency, millions have ben nl ready abstfacted from the earninks of labor, and tyrransfered to the pockets of the bankers and speculators. 'ie estimate is based on good authority, that 32,000,000 have been abstracted from the volume of the circtlating medium of the counti3, when it was entirely too contracted before. And yet a democratic house and a republi caln senate, sitting in the I1alls of leg Islation, from day to day. and making no effort, to relieve the distresses of the country, by increasing the circulating medium. Coming down to State mat ters, the salaries of all our officials might he reduced 20 per cent., without detriment, and then the clerk1 hilre, in most cases, ought to be dispensed with entirely, or reduced at least 50 per cent. And then the Registration oil cers should have their salaries reduced to a reasonable conpen sation for actu al services rendered, or abolish the of flee altoge. e, and enioin the duty up on our tri;a , astices, at a far less ex pense to the state. The oilice of Au ditor. Could be CIIO .abled altogyether, aId devolve the dilty of assesmueit up on the treasuirer-malie it the duty of your11 legislators, so to chanilge t he col lection of taxes that it shall Ie on) ly once year, and that inl the Fall. Re stote the old Usuy law of seven per cent., instead of teun. 'I bis action on the part of a deimoceraitie" legis1tlatuie in Cesing t h rate of illteriest added to the iidebted less of the people. Ilillionis of dollars. and yet, they claim to be the i peculiar gniaridiants of the people's ill terests. Provide at once for fulding the )ubli debt, so that the in teruest may be redliuced to 3 or 4 pers cent. We have said nothing about the appropria. Lions for the Colle('g, th , Citaidel Acad - emluy, and the canal. a t le public seiti Illent, oil those appropriations, is so well defined, that no one nee 1 ma:uke ally mlist-ake on thiosec )illtS. Buit, it is [ said by some thit it is useless to light tle(se appropriationis, for the pe)ople' of the loweri h-if of the State, are de temI'ln!ned oil nthi alIiley, and we Cannot alter it. Ti. ii. H. frigh'iTt condl~uctor onl a certin rimail1- F wyrcently repnrted that a man (I was lying double 1 up ne'ar the k track, some (distancle back, andl i he feared lbe hand b~een kille~d. T1he a east bound passeniger train was tel egr'aphled to stop) and examine. Tjjhe train stopped, and the entire crew and miost of the passengers C got off inl greLt excitemen~ft to ex amine the prostrate form. 'See how he is doubled up,' said oneC. 'Poor fellow that mnust be ju t thme way he fell.' Doesn't seem to be bloody,' said another. 'Hie moves,'jI said a third. 'lie isn~t dea I, any way; seems to be breathing all right..' 'I dlon't believ'e he is much hurt,' said the first mnen ;, 'here, b what's the matter? Can't you - hear?' The figure raised iup, atn l,. wiping his eyes with a pair of gimy fists, sai,: 'I', beats hiA I if a man can't lav (lown ansud take a ( nap withiout~ havIngli nu excursion train to turtn out and ganze at him). jI WV. S. Gu;ony, our F'oremnan and " Publisher, is authorized to receive and1(1 receipt for subsriptions, Job work and adiver'tisements for' Tiii ME-mmaN(nR "MIC RDcl CUR FOR U 'e ~6 '~ 9tt,~ o )ikif e : t~I 1~t~el ri,'x S''tur Imteafld~aeo ti0'I .40", Orraic brit.ier from tOchj1(hea otw ( of o i re f . Ever g nerve, ks~ieain o o or 01. fl)EblI is t *gut1i. iaril tlip appsemtnti- frvn tloilcohol.4 11 CX111,11L, I vraye'r, resclititions-an l i-(- futile. Not the hattie ; riot becaea ie hits not tlie desire, but be di at; ('a.ily nlrntasn from vatItig food after it funjim-e hils ho tigry systeIi iit aw'ful eralli tug lo liquor. /NO T EXIS T IN THE SSTEM . TOGETHER. lintl, to watvb the inan to whom tho Spectific hav% beon . ol (it i, widt itot rteitlizig tlhait Cie gout! work tilt ji6%J. 1; t ees~f wit/i defE's. Tlue niext attenit, lie ries h~s ~a~t'! ..' a:id ts tl,,a' gli!ss da1,Nvw,, s with Ii1hv tsIkv lttuugry. Frll PItII -ij jllutmIVnt. )Wi.4 Ix.,tV(!,d. INo ta.'e of liiqur. 2.16 1',41,c~"acscst rsaving tow ijusihad, son, , r hrotlwr? .-A v, erltrtn its; vi 1.11.! * io cvriai ~e' d o %%t va o).rt'r voitt w ra...,u Io I1L iw lja.I~ 1ya it htte, ptrv vhItug I or L.itt e ip that, 1 (1el I Iru.t ill Iaty ey.vteini t ja~itk, or iclorm, alotl'-, ovaily uaui withoixt tho pati_-nt's Lknowledgo. Itef. 1111 its .r ti s~t it . t b reinwd v1 Ii w own praitevc, Ilev focis tlat %% r.ewidliedis:;, liglaig IiLhilom''visu fferu its e. It itt sol ij. aIK Ii ic[~iilu'~ i (10.3 11.4 to iccoi L. reiuttwty lwt.yolidLl i b i lV f stily ciao. "'ll" IspeeI tic Lip 0 ja~ck f I.r mailiug, or 8lzoppi g 6y ex pres's. ('til Ia1 .1 i~t, til.g.'-d kk .I Im.l It~ ;t.& parity mith .esid iMu JI(A IA , 1)s~do,. t it) Iv it'. i.t tire'be kn w 3)W 1 Rug It 1011. (Jitit* paWRI141 N%., I' I cituj, i a' o y (rctinarY ('.t51. Two ,Iisc. WhimD is po*MvtI v~arateL 05 mouaeg %eg'.mt(re-d i1:~.r F. ~'L,vetu~i ANtLc, Ur A3Ja)i' , >10,141a (111lY to "J' j ji 1 a J 'I . t. I ~c .r~i of i our edver4 -tvaii nt A v.i~t.l vieta o Itt x it a % a , I w-m 'A. i t ri-aI.a . i r ill cotis 'a. Youtr 0 341 P a IL'a I it: Illy -_1 tUaa V jtlh.ata. a1 I iiv )CAdya , AA1110 I R'.J orrderaiv flerian, awld Wit, Is %t. qti:4.5aatfuldU ull atiuy cure, yu'A .cuid t -- ..... ... . ..... .... ... .........DO Y. K N.W 0.7* LORILLAflD"S CLiMAX '10111 vvi Red 11i1 Tntg; Utoije ffcit"Fine of Ctt Chewing; Mit S-y (Ii1,piumg"i' a~nd (.,an Blac-k. lFOWil :Ul(1 edl1ow SNUFFS are' the b ,t. id (paugt 8 lyid DR HAINES' A OSI7IVE A DRUNF To the Ifi Ies-, oth ers, i It lies in your owi litids.i to save i it drunkeinit-fs. 'Thle itt Ap e~ prt ienit. say - ilyagyly T1.801as, iri'c&Cee evll iot be tuete( c el( t TAKING A DRINK OF LA 11trikonnees is a dinecee, not a w nist. he enlitivated ; but, wheni tle app( uAt iet han for wlei rnedicin- is ad inini: a fatniisied wolf with a milllonz ni i I )edges, temlperalet l)et ues, "1 dreadit onle nuan ill a t-ionand C.n withstawd catu-t ie is physically weak. lie cotil wit a hi; iLnectt Ili$ hand, as to deniy TKhE SPECIFIC AND LIQUOiR C It would be amusing, were it not p1i f1ver) witiout his knowled e('. At itht1 Itgu u, he pours out hi, drw, k. I- v tv. it tu r tohis lips, gets itsi odor ill remar -! thkt " soitchow, I am nt. m h ph yhscid proitration, 'o " jim - -ars,"' i, ard tuan1 umi cLhild whio Iievellr k-sew thi WJVES, MC Can you afford to ne.levet this itteaIS o that you Iove ald <eisre t.iave Ge: cozuibt;h snch a nitI. InlsteadL4 of sittI not come ; institead of putting tie ioLa o COME To THE Y uenn'i l ad ister this re rnedy ' It sbcere# f/mm(, and lt curei '11ant I I hndiIreda of cia:w here Dr. i there nleata been a fre. ul t)cihiren, every ti-tineti..! h tIhiS greitest of all b ent l i d te.-ti pliaA 614C.) i w)rk. while n10. th1 is prepared 1in powdered torm ant put ls;pecial iar i t tiei timiLt ine' "(onten as there are mimy n ho are renssitive oi fruwitrata the phItsx for Its; aImnluzintre t paekiages will Cure tiht m obs t lbs ate < refesseated'c. P' EIt:EN :ve 4 1n. P-e,a; One Orcler. 3-.00. S Nein u nve I.. order. Addi em4 8ufh aid inaik" A's. I' GOiLDEN SPEi'ClF W <1" I e t jral iin ;a? i. gill. . rme:lt <. (b.?ftLw~ar, J .a. a.u .. i: ,.t . n,: b ver tw r a-i... , h r tb 'ta -n a jio ae, *a -d i.. . '.t A . j -* [. - t(~ -IL to I . b ' ! s-t ' M t l. . ii..,,1 t 'ew Store ! Ne w Goo ---m ox W. H. BRYANT & CC sley. . (. 1st doo' W. Of 1 AND) EUzY TOR aeon, L'al1 FishI, Salt, I e4, 1Pear'l G rits, Rice, Sugat se. Syrutip, Mo laA4 sses, Starch Ies, (.lCees, Crackers, Orai igars, Pepper, S ces, Gi lavor'ing Extacts. In-ligo, er, Borax, Al umi. Saltis, an ind(s of Staple an I Foney Gr< s . Smoke Car'hart,'s Lilli [CA Pe 8{faG v ts . .esra All at-Ro)ck Hlottom"l prices as~h 0or Iar'ter. Very' respJc('tfulIly, W.yr , ll. BRY'.1 & ( Sept i2-~.Iy. BLACKSM ITHNt ni all its b)ranlches, domt .JAMES ROSEMON I. Give, himi a call atu-l satisfactim :' given. bjoth as to wo'(rk and1( eh: No Patenit No Payi PATEI~NTS bra:iined for M'chanicaI l)evie---. G~ideI~ for3 ObtI)ning L'tenUts~," i' ee~ (1 ery3 whtere. A (IIl(rs, LOUIS BAGGJ~lf & CO. Solicltors of Pateints