The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, October 03, 1884, Image 2

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VOL. 1.] EASLEY, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1884. (NO. 52. J. R. HAG000I) Editor and Prop'r. at the Postoflice at Eoasley S. C., as k'econd Class Matter. TERMS OF SUHSCRIPTION. One yeir, strictl in advance...... $1.00 Six m1oniths " 65 RATE8 OF ADviRTISI NO. One squiare (1 ine b) 1 insertion......75c JAIch stbsquent insertion ............40c Liberal discont on contracts or)I- by -the column, hal or qiuarter columin. Marrhiige iotices free anid Solicited. Obituaries over 12 lities chn rged for. Corresponden-ts, to insiure attentionl, -mu is't give t heir fll address. \Ve are not resposibli for ihe opini .ois of our <-orres onent. All communmientions; for the paipe mu.t be addressed to the Editor; sineSs l(etter., to teie P1ublisher of the MNssENOER, EaslCp., S. C. BILL A IPP. -He is Visited by "Cousin JAhu, Thrasher--A Snake Story. Cousin John LTrasher calme t () see us the other day and it' made us proud. For it is no small comph -ment for a iman like him to ride five miles on a dirt road in hot I weathelr to (10 1 hono alld slw his regar1d. lel I dident Stop for he is alwanys in a hurrv, and so) ust. befo re leavi ng he said be wait ed to go dowm to the spring and dipi up a drink of pure water. J weit dowil with him and kept a little ahead. I stept down o1 tlie lg ti hat was close by the spring and U-!lncle Jobn steplt down just be hind mIe, and1 hie stept high and' ., l and hollered "slnake." Siure .enioughi Ii had ste)t over the var inin t-a big, rusty imoccasin- and .he mlade for a hole inl the rio:ks: anid we lost him. Cousin John -didelt get oVer it for several min (tIts, an1d had to set (1owi aL blow, for le is aw*1ful afraid of1 sinakes. It is mighty hard on my Wife, or' snakes are her everiijst ini g hIorror. If we kill one on the prem I ses, she always declares there is another -close iy, and it we kill two she says there must be a deni of hem, an so( 8 there is no way to; paci. and make her' alhn and se 'ene. Carl is gettIinrg to be a right smar't churnk of a boy now, and~ Jankler's after a gun, and so t hie other (lay' I told1 him we would o hunting sniakes, 1. gav e him thet small guin and Ii took( the big one, and we meanidr'eed slowly alon g the brauch, and sure enough he spie~d that samne big mfo(ccasin down beclow the spring suan~iinug himself on a *plank, aMnd I got him a rest and~ scocked his gu~n, and he took a trombling aim andu fired and killed the beast., andi( he wAs the proudeCst boy 1 thintk I ,ever sarw.. We kill-1 ed'four on that excursions, andl~l noW lie don't want to (10 anythinrg! but hunt enk Cs and swells wr~)an id struts round with his new import ance. We killed a rattlesnake's pilot over in the field and ten young ones came crawling out of her mouth. It is snake time now. This hot, dusty weather makes '-hem travel around in search of 100d, an1d you call See their worm11y squirmy track across the road most everN day. The books say that einakes that lay egs are non venemous, and those that give birth to their yomung are vetiemous and that ioie but the hitter ever allow their young to run in and run out of them. But they are all the same to me, an( I let none escape if I canl hel) it. Our Imiortal Iaii tipathv to sniakes iS to ly m11im1( One of the Strongest proofs of Scrip ture, al it is apart. of my religion to "bru ise his li.:'ad" whenlever I have a ebanlce. My wile, Mrs. Arp, Loves to go dowIi to the spiing house aid see after the milk almt superintend the chirning, an] she is proud of the rich creamn, and prouder of the )u1t ter, anl I doit want any of . those insidOLIus j:rmbultin:reptile to interfere vith her perftet serenity. I love the buttermilk. thew cold hit termilk that she prepar11es, for I know it is ni. She isalSe.W ime down to the springo houseb yester dav to Show lIm how miich nice yelhow butter she haid mi.1de at a double chNrning. ( )f coursc I com plimeted her with g'ushinrg anld uxorious hg1)utge'1, a when She thl me to go to tue h4ue.;( anod look )n the pantry she!f and bring her dowi t he bvl of salt, whertwitlh tio season the butt'r- I went vith alacrity :1n1d blrought it an(d I thel) w.atchO her' as She spri nkld it all over and stir red it in ih L a pa dd Ie, anld inl couirse of t im ne she conclu . ed to taste it. it nId see if it wa. Salt v (110g, a11 1 never will fo rget t lhe lost al lameited look she gave ume aS she exclaimel d: "WilluAmn you broug'11- mesga. Sho sat downi on a chair and looked away off. "I thought it was the salt,'' said I, "I A1foiml it just. where you tol me.'' ' Of cours youC d'1(id, she said. '-I'm not bl am ing yo u at all ; I forgot there was al bowl oIf sugar there, and if I' hand hand on myX spleeks I could have t oold the diffe'rence. Oh my! what a pity it is to be old anod near* lv blind. It was a beaulhtifutl lot of buItter' and( now it is all spoilt. '"My dear'' said( 1, wonit it (10 for cake, andl you saidl you was going to maifke ai br1eadI pudding t o-d~ay and it will be splend(id1 for sauice. It is alr'eady ixed.'' She never' sail 1 anythinL, but .handedl mel the but ter' and told1 me to set it inl the sprinug hounse. I did so :and vent rued to remark that is w4as mighity nic~e sweet butter. Well, I got the pudding for dlinnhel and ('nt ab~out w iC? n1. mn1h nai ~ 1 wanted just to show her how good it was, and now everything is calm and serene. I expept we will have pudding tnd cake every day for a week, but I dont expect to ever mistake sugar for salt again as longas I live. '.lhere arc some things, that wont heal repeMatilg in a flunily, and Mrs. A jp sometimes Suspects 1110 of1 d(f1ing a little devil 1envit (it of pure cussedness. We are preparing to go to win - ter quarteis now. Mv wife has called 11my revlspeVlcttul attentionl to a few broken window glass and a leak in the ioof and a brick or two that are loose in tie chiinnev hack. aid she has Imentionedl that anth (11r pair of blankets n ill le needed, for the g1an111dellildren 1 will he com iln Ot, and She s that. my flan nelhirts are gettin. old and di lapilated; she alwas looks after mne, b!css herl heart, and 41 I hvars look aftelr her, I bless my heiart. to, for SIe wont ask for atnything and I have to talk to the gils amd find limi out w hat their mother ieeds. If' s4hv ever asked ie for anytliing ill her lif I dont know it. and I reckon the reasol is I don a givoe h-r a cbaIC2. She has got things in tht big (.1 1 fainl Iv tiunk now that I hN e done forgot I ever ami glad( of it. I d-> s) love the cl'erfutll ah in g fire in thle f:11nily roo01n :L111 the chilhen sittin ar1oun1d amd' Al Irs. A') ill -her accus tomedv corner- and the goo-(d, warm carpet oil the tloor and the ich fit pin e byN the elow et (loor' to kindulle the fir'e inl the mouninig. Well 0thre i. - )welr of Ipleasiur'e in this suh!omary life it' we will 1ook for it. lur, A I, r. A Delicious Bit of* Repartee. 'Ihe f 1!Oi1ing, hit ofwit upon the part (if North Carolina girl comes to us from the ('reenrier' WhiteA ,Slphurll Springlis, the fasinal Virinia watering-place Angu the regular habitk's is ( 'ol. 13 a tWell-preserved, handsomile Old beiau1 of uinc'ertin i age. Iis soci ety r iecord is brIillianit. and1, 1 hough he. hia ra isedl m:tiy h opes, season after seaIson has end1(ed and the ('ol onel has y'ielded his liberty to none. i s speial st renigth is pride of family, 10S Isoillg, as lie dloes , inl s(eaSOn alhll out of Sealson, 1not onl~ n t he hbluest South Carolina blood, bti the most dlirct Iluigenot deC scenit. D~uring the pa't summiifer there( a Ippeareot flittintg ablou t the brod iaz1 and1 thr iough the long draing i)roo a'O blhrig~hit dashing gil from the "'4ULan of the 8ky."' The Colone., as usuat. bega techm of nmnopol~y and the amibitious young4 hl)Ile seemedl nothiing loth t( aceord1 to im i the covet ed p ositijon as chief' (of staff. It begani to be u hiisn)ered~ about that the ('oloniel was really il earnest for once in his life. Those who knew him best and watched htu t1e closest were sure that he was on the eve (of victory. IIis gait was more a1r- utial, his mantier more lofty N than ever beftore. and the p)or01 an ees;tral lluglenots Were dragged to Ithe front without merev. lnfortunatelv a hitofn lvesdirop. ping the dim star-lighted Seclusion (if what the ( olonel thought to he a deserted corner of the piazza tohl Ithe story of Such wolilii disconfit ure that ha fled the place within twelit v-foir hours afterwardS. lie Ih:ld evidently proposed1 in) his Iiost pp0111 onIs and condescenCdin g man n Ier.,mnd hadl hear-d wvithl alinazement a gniet legative from the youngp lady's lips. 'Ili t. I. t hink- am sure. said 11h- ('tolnel, hainrdly able to em)ntrol hik illdignlialt pride, 'voll do not u . derstad, *1youl do not. approciate, Miss, the honor that has ben con ferred.! upon you, that you so light ly decline. I aii a huIi iguenot of South ('arolina ',Ah, ( 'mlnel, it is vou who for (g0t,' sid Miss---, with her most 1o1uishi sm ie. *Yi do not app isite the honor to which you aspire. II atft a .igh twool Knot of North ('nr)olina ! -Ilarper's Magazinle. -it vas a (0tH 11) (ecial tra veler who san Hg 'My face is mv fo)rtu Ine.' The L ar1110gest Stock of' 'in townl. O Ur>S Ihe Hest Stock of Cloth ing in town. T'lhe mlost Coiforitable (,1o thing in town). l'he iMo st Stylish Clothing in town. The~ CJheapest Ol~othinig ini town~i.. GREENVILLE, S. C. S. lI)IAKfMAN* . Prop'r. Sep 12 l e