The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, September 26, 1884, Image 7

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[For the Messenger.] Seek In Time. 'Tis sweet to look on love's young dreams, There .charmed by the runniag of the '. geap; ~ Ayiknig ayamtoo sweetly spent Totn of t0'st and then ;epent. You a i'I Wert young togther; Perhaps we sought-0, never. The day has come-we must part, It came in with a sudden dart, And still we nevet aought 'Twas too lht"10 thos6 who never fought. - Yonng friend, I tell thee, fight in time, And then arise with thy inight divine. TUBE ROSE. He Knows It Too. My heart is sad, And he knows it too; Oh! it's too bad, My heart is pierced through, And he knows it too. I sometimes wonder if he caes? Oh! no, I dare say he does not, And on day by day it wears Perhaps sonie lay lie vill-t hen what ? Ile knows. VIOLET. Time Will Tell. Time will tell when i e meet again No more sorrow shall e'er remain; Nothing but happiness then forever, When we sh:ill glide o'er life's hills to gether. VIOLETr. Greenville, S. C. [For the Messenger.] Holly Springs Singing Choir. MR. EDITOR. I had the pleasure of vi,iting the Singing Choir at Holly Spriigs school house on Sunday the 7th instant, in company with a iiumber of young people. The house rang with sweet music, whilp they were engaged in singing. 'he .ervices lsted for one h-tr and a half, and adjourned at 124 o'clock. Some of 12 Miles fairest young men and ladies took a flying trip to the mounitains in the afternioonm. returning to their hnes about four o'clock i1 the morning'~. May their visits be often, but shorter. Boys, "Take the plan of Billy Grtindv; Kiss your girl tll day Sunday, And then it yot possess the cheek. Why kiss her ofteni through the week." With rosy cheeks anid sparkling eyes. Oh! may you to your sad surprise Print this in your hearts so dear Think of me when far or near. UJNCLE N IRD. A CRY FOR hELP ANSWERgED-We call attention of otur to the ad vertisement of Golden Specific Co., which appears in) another' column. Th'ie imuportance of this wonderful dliscove ry becomes appar'ent when you are as sured that the Specifie is Like onl~y known positive remedy for the cure as welhl as prevention of the liquor habit. It never fails. So certaini as adminis tered all desire for stimulants is gone. Its actionis on the system Is thorough, while no injurious effects can follow its administration. It p)ossesses the merits of being harmliess,yet efficacious. The Cincininati Evening Post of May 7th, sayy: "Thie Golden Specific Co. is doing more to promote temperance than all the prohibitory laws oni our statute books." I2OVE FatOM THE SEcoND) ST'ORY. -The particulars of an interesting love escapade near Gloucester C. IT., Va., is given in a reecut Balti more dispatch as follows: Thke participants were Clarence Jenkins, aged 3~0 years, and Miss ~Jessie Blake, aged 17, dlaughterof~ p ros perous #nd highly respected far mer, residing near Gloucester. The couple have known each other many years, and their friendship gradually repined into love. Ow ing to his daughter's lover being a poor man, the father of Miss Blake objected to the intimacy, and a few weeks ago told Jenkins not to come to the house. The lovers met clandestinely. Finally arrang ments were made for an elopement. On Wednesday night, soon after midnight, Jenkins entered the yard of the Blake dwelling, placed a lad der against the house ascended to the portico in f ront of Miss Blake's window. The young lady, atten ded by her elder sister, was in wai ting. While-the bride-elect was in the act of decending upon the lad der, it fell out of position, and she narrowly escaped injury. Jenkins was compelled to reach the ground by a rope made of the bed clothing. The lovers went to the river land ing, wherc a rowboat was in wait ing. They then went to Yorktown, where they took the train for New port News, thence to North Caroli Ia, where the marria(ge was solem - nized. The newly married couple returned and were forgiven by Blake. ABo3T Dnr WELLS--The mat ter of dry wells is beginning to as sume a serious aspect for the citi zens of Columbia. Many people complaim that their wells of water are'being polluted by the foul gass Os from dry wells passing through the earth's water veins; and it should be a subject for the city au thorities to determine whether the questionable "luxury" of dry wells For a few should be allowed to po lute the3 pure and cool well water of the many. The city of Veniphis. Tenn., was for several years devastated by the scourge of yellow fever which the doctors held was impor ted; but many citizens thought the cause local ; and taking matters in to their own hands, they ordereJ an inlvestigation1 of the number of d1ry wells in that city, and to) their astonishmzent, they tfound the city thoroughly honeycombed wit h sinks of pollution. rThey forthwith ordered a war on dry wells, and the result was they were all filled upl); and since that time Moemphis has been free fr'om epidemhies. Towni Lot For Sale. I1will sell my bouse and lot, ini Ean ley,On which BI. D. Oreen now lives, contabning one aci'e, ad~ioIning lot of W. IH. Greeni and land of W M. Ha good & Co., near the site of t he depot of t he C. C. G. & U. R. h. I will sell the whole or djivide I he lot andl sellI either portion. For partieunars and terms, A ddress Mr s. N. A . OfEEN, at Greenville, S. C. sept 5 41 Joseph Weston, Boot & ANhoe .Make,, Over Wash. IlowellI's Beet Marke t, Main Rf., G R M.NVIL , S. C. IF youat to ave mfoney~ catll oun JOS. WVES'TO(N and1( have ronrU Boots andi Sh~oes made to Order. :mui guaranteedl perfect fits. Retpaliig both neailly. (1heapir andI( D'c 21l12mi Jq & QRY L9J,'.HE DR. HAINES' G01 A POSITIVE AND R DRU11N E To the Wives, Mothers, awtd S. It lies in your Own hantig to siave the husba drunkenneqAs. The - NGas',beffie ean he' pAtient. By 044yt pacm i$ defr . esessee 965 vatbedetecd ia r by TAKING A DRINK OF LIQUOR I Drunk enness is a dtea8s, nit a weak nes must be cititivateil ; but wben the appetite is o1 aflictiot1 for which mnedicinp is adni nistered. a fanitshed Wolf with aI Irilliun rnouths gxiawi Pledges, temperance lecturis, " dreadful exam I one rnaiit ii a thuizsand csi Withstand the bat cauIe he Ix phlysically weak. He could as ear with a bUaiquetat Lis hand, as to deny bli buniA HE SPECIFIC AND LIQUOR CAN NO; -t would be ainushig, were It not pitif.l, to give without his knowle-'dge. At fit out of I D". he pours out him dIriitk. le swalowti it ite ~Ii to him lips, geta its4 odor in hiis zsat re r tha(lit " onicIu%, I a1i rnot wbl8ky hil phy steal I rust rat ion, I, '- jilt, J.11n3," 114).1; ,.gie ard Liaii ti.t c bi who tiever kI ti the taste u WIVES, MOTH Can you af-ord to ne Iect this lnuims of saving, that voil love and ('lstr tu save tie errin i complish such a result. ) iaxtenl of sitting iii.lit not couie ; inisteal ol iat tizg one iota of trust i COME TO THE REM You can adnitnimter this remedy quietly, C It toefe# frsils, and t'he cure is Rapid, Pusit; lin hundreds of cases where Dr. 1Iainesi hois tiae'e Isever his. becsa a fae-e,. Ine f ieel wives and children, every imstmatet of huaunit this greitteskt of all belieficial discovteris. It in plish auch a works, while pt, placing tho reined la prepiared In powetered f'orin ali put it ihi p Especial care Oi Laken tat the conat,-nALt .'&s) ca as there are many wi'> are oenhitive on tla hi po frustrate the plans for its4 adminlistration. u packages will cure the most otmirate .ase. 't reflstaded. PIACEVs : Olt I'acksam - by M One Ordier. .3.00. Semni Mounev by lew,-ito Order. Address such and make AL', payable es GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO We do not praAe in palhlt.: parint th nainmesi i thoit wh The foiowing are c.a.Lraitta, 0-: urighinal ltter< , , iti t.iutau : Is reton, Iurea.-)thr sua is *aved I th.was h.L to a,. 14 true. </leveland, Ohio.-My husbariiti i., atrei, wuid he I .- it, Not -once did Io ausct th Mei -ti - ,3 .i is iil'c;u , 1e 4,hu patronize 10 a41,ins. Boonrit -, Ii . - For firteen yeare , h - ' I.y:aet iain.t- - blessed renm4y isi wo.rked % no::.,l :i I,:, rus, I tIA i drink again - that h. euuld .1,.t .( !j -. n i- t 14. Carthage llp . - l n t a -t t.1m . My 01r, An-v it its t. medicin-i to ' o I I enmhim i rvr-: in. I sutt-#-,t n &m irt, a oeei us. We ar Oth halppiest lawuaty ti ti . s4ace. New Store ! New Goods! -CALL o W. H. BRYANT & 00, Iksley, S. C. 1st doo0 "r. of P. 0., AND BUY YOUR Bacon, Larud, Fisi, Salt, Flour Meal, Pearl Grits, Rice, Sugar, Cof fee, Syrup, Molasses, Starch, ('an dles, Cheese, Crackers, Oranges Candies, Canned goods, Tobacco, Cigaris, Pepper, Spices, Ginige r, Flavoring Extracts, Indigo, Mad decr, Borax, Alutn, Salts, and all kinds of Staple anid Fatncy Grocer ies. Smoke "i Garhart's L4illin" Segars. All at "Rock Bottom" prices, for Cash or Barter. Very respect fully, W. IH. BRYANT & CO0. Sep1t 12--l.y. BLACKSMITHING. In all its branches, done by JAMES ROSEMON.. 2Easey, S. (2. Give hhn a caill antl s:ttisfactin wi] be given, both ais to work anid ebairge. Established 186.4. No 1'atenit No Pay. Otaiedt for Mfechai cali Devies, Coin A lliliina~try exarninations as to paitetabzlility oif inIvetions0, Free . Our* .'Gule for Obtajiig P.atenits,"'l i snt fre,. every where. Address. -JLOU[S R AGG ER 4(Q.) S(oJiitors of Patent, Mary 3fl tf Washiintirm n).~ LP ANSWERED. EN SPECIFIC, A0ICAL CURE FOR , ESSM, tetrs of Drinkin g Men: nd, n.on, or brother from the awful diseme of statimiaintteret withot . the knowledgn of the F. or n i&articten of foog o,. dr4k, g t tqwtt, or impmest, and after a few days S A PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY. . Primarily the appotito for alcoholi drinks ice formed, it hi is much a 41ie- sei as iny other Every nerve, tissue and pore of t he body i% bpt Ifa1*11bon the s.-tem aid crakv ing for alcoh1ol. 's, praye'ra, r'ol'atltans-u1 are fitile.. Not 1e ; not heesanse het has not tit deire, but be 1ly fiostaitin fron eninlg~ food after a famine ry systeu in its awful craving for liquor. r EXIST IN THE SYSTEM TOGETHER. vaitch the man to whtoCm the S'PeCitl" h1 Ieena mhbit. and o:it realizing that the goo.d work hna reesf '-.1 refdJotre. The iext attenipt, he rtima rils, au 4 -ts ih4 glass duwnt * , to-mualiy with the ary.'' 0-'ron t his Ioent he i ISavd. NO 1 ii appear - Ie inn ls Ini, muorn a drmnik r lIquor. The (-ure n Per.-aesseeest. ERS, SiSTER$, t'he l'.asband, son, or trrth r ? A < eornr!n as ni-. ->t ('ertla i do .- 9>1'''r you t i i wic*- i. it) ite I ..-i ly at h.m pIrayIngc for thi, help thal due i a., 5yteti wt pledges or reotrit, CUR YOURSELVES. ary, and withou'; the patient's 'cnow!artgm. e .nfli P'ermane'nL. adtiniiterest the rem-nedy i hi 11 ' p rac t ice, s t rhat w rtchedw-i, blight .d hon .t' $'hian 'm0l t1ut thi wittest publi city begiven U-n .. at pic wh .11 #1101 enat d .0 11 ' ae -m y beyouti th reach o any oa.. TheiA Speciflt ack i r mitihing, tir abppin I ..,y exipres. L be I v. ged to -iy ).it t o. party addlresseqai jat ; esd.-3, Is et na tiani:rre be kntowna nuagit e spac age w i.1 cure asny ordmAary cs Twi ad, ie positiedefy 0uerit-Ezeatee. fitr mone ln I - p.- pa i,. q0.4fiD. 'At 41 Paagemra I -red L.ettr, 1sLpr , Uis t .i - oi Ily to ,185 Ra1ce Street, Cincinnat!, 0. o'4 e periecelt porulti .-m s-- writ. ui grxiatal ettera. I 1 0thrs,. t1P. : til 'ale IIu ojr omte, t Lo~I! 0 Acvi en:. -.very wurd 4f y ar a Iver1 bem-itit t kit .w it -sause. H- thinks It h? hi provA himiwt a hero. . d al iL. 1ir naw n1 tUiers wt j "hyi 6- mhAny welaa rools ,ttr 15',enx a rse. H ! wio i t fi ro'%.rm it & d'? . Your tin, p.ei4terday what I had d'> ' anti haI satys he will n.ver Ill- i 1n my cofee twithit my kitn-,w 'tdge. whil-1 I harl or.tere i cu hn :o pareWd Ui s e: aec my 'ure, you lhoind I,.e DO YOU KNOW THff!AT LORILLARD 'S CL1MAX with Red Tin rg; Rose Leaf Fine Cut ('Che wing; INavy Clippings, ind Back, Brown and yellow SNUFFS atre1 the best and cheapest, quality consid tred. ang8 ly Easley Academy. Second Session fori 1884, will begin September 1st, and continue Four School Mon th~s. Primary Depimint, per mnouth, $1.54~ Intermediate " " 2.00 Academic 4" 3.00~ Select Course " " 25 incidental Fee, per Sessiea, 6 Music Extra. Board in Private familieq, per Month,......................... . 0 M*!P For particu larsi', add(1ress C. W.' MOORE, PincipalI. Aug 29, 1884, ihn.yS.C Lime! LimnM' Lime! CAN BIE DOUGHTi OF Easley, S. C., Either in Car Load Lots or' by the single barrell at very CHEAP RATES. Ocet 12-tf