The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, September 19, 1884, Image 3

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LOCAL AND COUNTY MATTER8. -His IHonor Judge Aldrich passed hlbrough on Stuiday last., en route for Pickens, where lie is now sitting. -Rev. S. A. Gary has a ile milch cow fot sile. Butter la scarce, and this ai a good chance for some one. -Mr. W. 11. Nix paid Atlanta a vis it this week. from where he replenished his usual full stock of goods. -15 pournts Brown Sugar for $1.00. 14 lbs Golden Sugar for $1.00. Sept-19 tf. . C. P. R UmoN. --Miss Eula Brown and Miss T. El well graced our samettum on Thursday, with their presence. Such visits are al ways pleasatit. -See adyertisement of P. F. Roma re, Ilerniess an( SaddlC Shop. Go an1d patronize hin, us such an enterprise has long been needed in Easley. --See cert itleate of lIon. B. F. Pcrry, of Greenville, in regard to t hef virtues of ('alisaya Tonic. Who can doubt when he speaks thus. - Read chanlge of ad vertiieinent of Iludjdens & IIndgens, and buy one of "The 'Th mi lrrro vs." for I (Irrrow ing ill your small 'grain. Tlhy are the best. -Capt. A. W. uindgens of the firm of Iludgens & 1In[dgens, Is fully alive ti) his biusines. Ile made a trip to At hnta this week,and lie will sool be ble to show new goods. ---The items from our correspondent I'l," were Ireceived too late f r tijis i; .cie. but they will appear next week. Also, "Uncle Ned," and Miss --, of Greenville. -W. If. BRy'tNr & Co.. sell Sb of good Coffee for $1.00. Also, 1-1lbW Goblen C Sugar for $1.00. --Miss 'T. Elwell, of Ninety-Six, s visitling friends inl Easley, and looks as bright and pleasant as ever. Mav she enjoy her visit, wlicl we p hope my be prololged. -Mr. S. A. Gary- reports 57 additions o the thro Churiches in his eh-rrge, (hiring the revfival meetins jus1t cloaed, viz: Foumrteen by Lltter, ?orry by Bap ismi, an d three rest ored. -The first bile of new cot ton, weighm ing 491 lbs. sold inl 0111 market on the 15th inst., by Mr. A. V. Gillespie, to fr. C. P. Runioin, (otton b;uyer for Export at 10 cents per poulid. -Miss Pet. Partitlow, of Anderson 'ity, camne on a visit to I elatives and1( friends ini ouri town last weak, and her charming presence will be wvelcome~ as long as semay remain. -While in Gr'eenville last wveek we called on Mr. E. B. Owens, and found him at his post at F. WV. Poe & Co.'s, where lwe is as polite and attentLive as heart could wish, It is a pleasure to rade with such a clever gentlemian. -Onr readers will please excuLse us for our limited number of locals this .veck. It was our desire to give to thiem thme presentment of the Grand! Ju.. r) . It is important andi initerestinug -Mr. S II Brown called on us yester dlay, and reports his crop to be fully an average one, antd seems to be satisfied. Others on his place (did not succeed so well, not having worked their crops properly as did Mr. Brown. -Mr. L. A. Brown reports a bunch of cr'ab g rass growing between two rocks,on Maj, D' F. Bradley's place, mieasuring 9 feet 1 inch across, and al so a bunch of smnart weed that measur ed 10 feet 6 inches across, and asks who can beat that? -Mrs. Casandy Rogers, died from the effects of a stroke of Paralysis, at her home near Enon Church, on Sat urday last, an~d was buried on Sunday at the above church, of which she wvas a conssent member. She was beloved byr all,and her sad dIeadh Is IreTt ted1 by alwho knew hier, for none -new her but to love her. -Miss ida Rosamnoid, a couain Mr. C. T- M rtin, b; visiting I Easley at present. andls gladly we cormed by her relatives and friend She Is a charmitig and sociable youn lady. -Read carefully the new advertisi nient of Messrs. Nix & Howard,aId s what nice, cbenip goods they have, the glve them a call, make a purchase an )e happy' They will do just what the tell you, "and (on't you forget it." --In our notice last week that "on or two good cotton buybrs coild d well in Easley the coming season," wv did not meapi that we had none, bu wanted more. We h'it:e some livel cotton buyers here among our mei chants. -We have received the Septembe number of the "Manufactiaurers' Ile< ovd,"' published monthly, at Baltimor< Md., anIid devotell to the upbuildrlg c Sout he'rn Man ufacturers, and the D< velopment of the Material Resouirce of the South. TrllIIty-two pages, pr'ic $3 per year. We gladly X. -We regret to leatu that one of (1b little twin children of Mr. W. 11. Ho co1. lied oin Saturday night last, an Was I- 'd on Suinday by the sid - c it itother, who only prtceded it a fe weeks. gone to join her in th beatutiful land, where parting Is know 110 In1or1e. --The lawvyer in atttentidane utpo t h Cou.rt. at PickenIs t his week are Col Norton, Keiti, Venter. mi1 Maj. Det diy, of Valhtall:a . Cols. Or6r an1d 1err lion. M. F. A isel, Messrs. iryan, Ma:I liehl, Juidge Cook atl Ma j. Symnmel of Greenville, and Messrs. Mc rav and Iarrett, of Spartan burg. --It ii reaiIlly Consoling to know thu soie! of our fairnImer frie(1is Sol goo wheat in our nar-ket oi Wlednedh last, at sev'nty-five cents per buSh -I, thing t h*t. has not Occurred before fe sCveral years inl the'Se par1ts, and froi wihat. wo Can11 learn it was not. -I comlpti sor'y sale eit her. Does that look liN Miairvation or that proipecti for oti rOPt)s are so gcomy? -M iss Mary O'laields died on 1 10th inst near FIt Rtock lapt ist churel whcre she had ben a cItelnt m11om1 her for about 10 yea rz. S leaves a >hd Widowed Chrllistainl mothervi bowe lown vith grief, wyho expect:i soonh t ceet her ag:ii beyond the rinver le, iml that sweet by-and-by. 'h m1neral sarvices were Con(Iulcted o 11 th lay following, by the pastor., Itev. S. A irary. -Mr. W. M. ILagood, of the fit I W. M. laood C2o., ha returne ruom New York . wher~ie he. carefad eleCcted~ and1( bough t the' besit stock n ~oods ever bronght to Eausley. On at .sont~t of theI. recet decline in goo(1s,( which they r'ealit'e the full benefit, the )ropose to sell cheaper' than ever' be !ore. Look ouit for their necwadvertis4 rnent next issue. -Our fr'iend Me'. .J. M. Philips, wht iecentlyE op~enedt a blacksmtithi sht )1 E~asley is dloing a fine buisiness. lIt' e man well cen ctlated t~o do work ai >nee, and well. GIive him your wor! tid see how well hie can (10'it for you [1is shop is near the (depot. july igtI Oootl Cotton. EDIoiaoi MESSEN ER, T[he "Semnti nel'" has a cotton stalk with 185 bol] and squares, Mr. R. A. H~ester has on with 323 and this is not an Isolate, 4talk, there being several of themi thai will average 300. Th'is la t he Oziei sotton and It will repay anyonie for th trip to go and see it. IIL -No remedy adv'ertisedl could r'eceiv higher cotmmendation than iis best owe Luponl Calisaya Tonic by the let ter' ap pended: SANs SOUCI, Sept. 2, 1884, i'o West moreland & Bro. Gentlemen-I most cor'dialy recoi mend your Callsaya Tonie. For se1 aral years I have been trroubled wiL indigestion and (dygseps'ia. Mv Aon: Dr. hlext M. Perry, of Phiad'lphh! who know'',? thef' intgr'edienit whiebl (Coni L)ose your' TLonic, spoke invocably of il >f In the comWre of two months past I n have used four boltles, and ai entirely I- relieved. Yrstraily, &c.,I '. 11. F. PERRY. g -In our last issue a charge was made that our corespondent, "Let Her Roll," was "growling and grumbling" about e the crops. Nothing' Insulting was n neaut by the author of the local, and d we believe thtt otir corespondent was y sincere in his opinion regarding the crops. There was a diterence of opin-I e Ion and the writer of the local claims o to be equally sincere ii that of his own. e -We regret to learn that Mrs. Rhc .t da Gregory, mother of our foreman, y 'md grandmother of Mrs.Emma Knight r- bf otur town, d(ied in Union on the nigh t of Sept 5th, with hemorrhage of the r imgs, dlying h 10 minutes after being taken. She was abotit 65 years of age, and was a consistent member of the ,f Baptist Church. She was beloved by all who knew tier. She was buried by s her husband aund her only daughter, e who ha(l gone before her. She 1eaves five sons and a host of relatives and friends to mourni her saId and sudden death; l'it she has gorne to rest. -Why do we mouirn (leparting friends, d Or shake at deatlh'.s alarms, S'Tis but the voice that Jessus stmNd To c.all thfem to his arms."2 coUirr AT PICKENS. Tie following cases wer'e tried il the Court of Sesslons, aI the atnexed sentences passed: State vs. Noah IIendricks4. A-ssauilt 11(d Bat.tery-Gurilty; $50 fine. Paid. Slate vs. Thos. Tierrell anld Francis Y Jami.on. AduCIltCy-G1uiJty. Terrel 1 I J year in l'enitcntia'ry, and Franci3 Jam d( State vs. Martin folder and Jane Burns, AduIltery-Gurilty; I year each a in Penitent i ry. r State vs. Joe 'erguson, Assault and 1 Haltery-Gutilty; 1 year in PeNnitAenitla l r y . -0 . % estate v*s. G. WY. F4,ar1le, Selling" -his r key without Lic'nse-N-t gniit'y. Sta-te vs. Wad lirby, B10-hry--Gil ty; 3 yeas in Peiitenrtiary. State vs. Edmunitnid trler, Bigamy - n State ;:. Jaies Peek. found guilty d lat termn of court anid sealed sentence I tft. Sentence opened 1(1and read tin ing defeidalit $50, or 6 month.. im ' prisomlient in Coluntyo %P ji. e Order of the (Coutrt regmrding W'ooul rack at Eailey. Serve Petitioi on I i tenidanit of Easley, and on agent of At-I lanta & Charlotte Air Line R. R. P rese n m e nt o4Th e tG a nd~ J u ry S ep Aftr te formal heaidinI(the followv >f1 iug is~ the substance of the~' Oraul Jurv's pr'eseinment for Flli T1erm of thre a Court of Genrerai Se~Ssions for P'ickens ** Counts. o ed t.he eouni'ty ofliotes and~ lind themnl in) a good comdition and nneaithy kept. Tlhat Sthey haive aso examtinedl reports of the t Clierk a1tul Sheriff'handedl themII by I [is k tionor Judge Aldrich, :iu ride4comInieand thaLt th ey b-. appiroved. And they rne fport t hat by a comminittee ih vy visited 'the poor' house arid find the paupers Iwell catred for anrd farmn in good e oudi. ion; an d ihey further report I hht they bre visited the CJounity jail an rd find sthat the prisoners are well cai-ed for a and1 jaior doing his duty. It having LI been reported to t h.e Grndl Juhv that t the County Commrissionrers hadl paid thre County Auditor more im he was e en'titledl to. the jutry say:- -'We 11nid at ter a thonrugh inivest igat ion that suchr e' is not thle case, aind that they have only LI ated('( in ac(cordanceW1' withi tihe law." - IArnd the Grand Jury called the autc~n tiotn (f Couty Comis'sioniers to thie bad cond~itioni of pu~lhiC roads ina the C2ounrty, a-nd recornnend thaiit thre same . be put in good cond~ition as soon as - prac ticable, :a ri roads wideneld where hi necessaryv; also r'econinjend that, the. County Commniissioniers look into ;lnd seeCC that~ tihe :aut horiities of t hie Indoiio -rated towns comly)jI with the~' l1w ais The Grand Jury presented Clarinda Gray in Punpkintown Township, and James Peek, living in Central Town - ship,for retailing spiritious liquors with out license, giving in each instance the names of several witnesses. Graid Jury recommended that the State Senator and members of the low er House, use their influence to have an act passed forbidding the deadening of timber within reach of public roads: also, an act making the office of Trial Justice a salaried office; also, an act making it a fine for retailing liquors in towns the same as In the county; al %o, an act forbiddIng the manufactur iug of spliituous liguors In Pickens County; also, called their atteution to the Importance of havinga Stenograph er for this Circuit; also, to the import ance of having all poisonous Drugs, labeled as such. 'The y further recom mend that the Solicif6r be ordered to prosecute such physiclans as have vio lated the law in regard to prescription s for spirituous liquiors. They further call the attention of the County Com missioners to the fact that the contract for the drainage of, 18 Mile Creek had not been complied with, and recom miend that they attend .to the same at once. Three prominent male citizen% 0f the County were presented for for uication and adultery. GRAND FALL OPENING AT NIX & HOWARD'S, EASLEY, S. C., of an endless variety of DRY GOODS of every description-in part 100 pieces of beautiful andf choice prints to select from, and a splendid litie of Worsteads. 17 yds. Standard Prints $1. 10 yds. Jeans for' q$1. Men'g and Boys HATS AND CAPS from the best quality down to Wool hats at 25 cents apiece. Jus. think of' a man's hat for 250., btit we have then and must sell them. $1,300 WORTH O11 BOOTS AND SHOES of every quality and price, fromt the best makers, and so cheap that uo one need go barefooted thi3 Fa! I and WYintecr. Ahways on hand a large Stock of the best Groceries of all kinds, Canned goods, &c. Crockery ware,. Tinware, Hardware, Cutlery. Cot - ton yarns, Segars, Trobacco-Smo - king and Chxowing--Cigarettes, etc., and in fact, ever'ything kept in a first-class Dry Goods and Grocery Store, an- itf you dlo not see advertised what you want en rjuire for it. FANCY CANDIES A SPECIALTY. Also, Envelopes anid writing paper'. sep~t 19 8t Ha~rniess Shop Of P. F. ROMARE, EASLEY, S. C. llaving opened a Iharness and Re pairing Shop, is now prepared to do all work in the IA RNESS AND) SADDLE line that may be brought .to him. on short no~tice, With satisfact ion, both as to work and prices. Give me a trial and bc c'onvinced. Shop opposite Depot. sent 19 If