The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, September 12, 1884, Image 6

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NATIONAL AND STAlE TICKET. For Presitdent, (.oIv'RE CLvEL.AND, ot N, A. For V"Ice-Presidenit, Tr os. A. IENDRICKS, of lnldiana. Fo (GOverior, UG H S. TII O PsoN. For Lieute4nant Governor, JOHN C. SHEPHRn. For Secretary of State, J1. N. Ln-Vsco Nu1. For T reasurer, J. P. RICHARDSON. IFor Adjt. andi( insp.-_General, A. 31. MANIGAUI;r. 17or Comptroller-General., W. E. S-rONEY. For A t torney -Tee 1 C. R. Miass. Fol. Superintendent E4duIenvat.ion11 Aseu'i CowARD. For Solicitor 8th Circuit. Co.. JAS. L. ORR. For Congress 3rd District. CoL. 1). WYATT AIKVN. PICKENS couNTY. For House Representatives. JouN HI. BlowEN, J. E. Bos For Clerk of Courk. J. J. L.1wvs. For Sherift. * IL A. RICHEY. For Probate Judgeo'. J. 1H. Na , Vrox0. (or S"chool (CommisEr.'. LABAN MACLDIN. For Count v ommisioner. J. . H~ini, Ior Coroer J. A. LESLE. Bangs and Things A correU~sp)ondenlt writ(es to ask us if' it is proper for -'ger-ts of fash ion and refinement' to wear bangs. The (jucstiol is :absiurd. The C(ou -titution does not aQssume to be an horit.y on the fatsihions, but there are some umatters that n authority need decide, and1 thlis quest ion is one of them. If it is prIoper for gents to wear ''pants'" (and only gents wear '"pants") 't is certainly proper for ge~nts'to wear bangs. There was a time in the history of the world wihen the smatl lhaw,. having none of the privileges th'at accompany the march and spreadl of' barber- shops, was accustomied to having his hair cut b~y his mot h er. T1here wvas no "shingling'' or half-shingling in those days. The shears, trainled to their dlead~v work, went straight through th'e tangled shoek of the boy's head, and left it in the semblance of a mop. Sometimes the family su gar-bowl was turned over the'head and the hair trimmned to its edge. This prodluced a bang all round. But this is not what our corres p)ondent is after. Heo desires to know whether it is proper for "gents of Jashion and r'efi nemen t"' to wear bangs simoilar to those worn by t he young ladies who wear the horrible Mother Hubbard gowns. We have no hesitation in sving that in propmem. o gnt to wear "bamgs." As a matte.a of fact, there seems to be but-.little else left for a gent to do but to wear panti and bangs. Let our correspondent take heart. The world is wide, and there is room somewhere for the gent with bangs and pants, just as there has been room beretofore for the young la dies with the horrible Mother iiubbards, and just as there is r'oom) for the blonde young lady with the red hat and scairlet para sol.-Constitution. --ishop Geo. F. Pierce died at his home at Sunshine, three miles 'east. of Sparta, Ga., on Wed nesday morning at 8:45 o,clock. He had been in feeble health for Somc time, and had been inl con stant and rapid decline sinice hii return from the (ulverton camp meeting on( the 13th of last Imionth. For foirteen years Bishop Pierce hIs been trolbled with rAn Obsti nate throati disease that during the last t'ew yea rv has been the oc casion of a constant drain upon his systemr. People whoher hi gareat sCImon on the second Sun day in August at the camp-meet ing near his home are amazed when they Are told that at that time his emjaciatioJn was SO grm'ea t that be onlv weighed 108 pounds. I I-Ic preachbed his last seriion at Thomson, C4. sitting in a hair duriing part of' the sermon. 1e had ai appoilit men t to preach at Walker's church, in green count y, Ga.,ony threve d:ays bcfoie Iiis d eat h. Ilere he preached his first srmcn in 1830. Close -The ( Camperduw \1ills arC ag'ain closed this vee*k but wi Il open again on M\onday. The:e Istops are <tue entir'l y to the lack of co tton. 1 is on tile markct but ia being sit at igur'es which are highier thani thu mia"i1 can profi:ably pay. I i.-; also d!sired to retain a siall quantity of old cotton M or' der' that it y he mixed w i'h the new during the first part ot tle seatson. .It is nIot thought that the mill will stop) again after' Monday. --D-laily News th Inst. -A letter fr'om Germany notes that nearly 6,000,000 acres of land ini that part of the world have re ('ently been diverted from t he ee reals to the culture of beet root. The refuse, a ftcer the extraction of sugar, forms a fine feed for live stock, and tends to make the peo ple there less dependent upon Us for' meat than they used to be. but the contrary is the case with re gard to cereal food. --t is diflicult to drown an in sect as the watoj cannot enter the pores of the skin), but if' a drop of oil be aplhied1 to the abdomen it falls dead at once, being suffocated. --Small h)oys who !ontinuhally ask q1uestions~ will probably be pleased to learn that a monkey wrench is named for its inventor, .Johni Moneky, an English mechan Ic. --An ex-editor is now a barber' at Saginaw, Michigan. lie wields ihe scissors as fluently as ever, but he does more beawor -ow -In some respects a mouse i far superior to man. A mous< could make a woman rustle arouni and climb on the table and squeal while a man couldn't make hei budge :m inch.-Pitsburg Demo crat. -From recently published ta bles it appears that the averag time of sickness among males i about nine days in each of th workingyears. In women it is i trifle more. -LPigeons have a - dible cror In the crop of the common fowl vegetable food is drt .ined sixteel hours, or twice as long as anima food. PuErIN ---We were please to see Mr. John E. Wilkes in on towW, hie l home, one day thi week. We are pleiased furthir t Ilearn from hi m t hat he come propecting: 1hat he contemplate eitering ilto biles here on hi Owin aecount. iHe and his excellen lady would be vahtiablo necession. to our towl Ind popuiIltion, am we hope they wvill detemIinle t< t)me. They will certainly reciv aI waNrm :an( heart.y wTelco me. - LaU r"nvillC I Ie lralhI THE nEmINGTON sewing Machinel LIKE THlE SUNEXCELLED BY ANY. Sure to Give Satisfact ion (Aeneral Office, Illon, N. Y. New York Office, 283 Broadway Buying Agents Wanted ANDERSON MILITARY SCHOOL, -A- ' EsoN, s-O B $3(3per~i year'. Germa~un~ anid JFretnel fuel. $12 per month. For a eatntalou alddro La.oy & RJEED. Ander'o, S. C. anuo1 ur n, W. S. OREGOltY, 01 Foreman and Publisher, is authorized to receive and i receipt for subscriptions, Job> work and advertisements for TiE MEsSENGER. Town Lot For Sale. will sell y Iowme aud lot, i - Eas ley,on which B. ). G ren now lives, c6ntaiing one acre, adjoiniig lot of W. It. 'Greeu and land of W. M. ha-. good & Co., near the site of the depot of the 0. C. G. & C. R. It. I will sell P thc whole or divide the lot auil sell A either portioi. For particulars and terms, address Mis. N. A. G1REEN, at (reenville, S. C. sept 5 4t Land To Rent For 1885. TWILL~ Rent my'1Tract of Land lav 1L luhig in 1} miles of Tasley, for 1885 It has 110 acres il eniltivation, and is one of the best cotton -and grain farms ml this country. I wi1l also Sell ly TWO MULES, r -wo-horse Wa')*oni and HaneASS, on1e 3 0SBORNFE Stky Plow, and all other F1rlming Tols for C ash or good aI ceptable pape r on reaolable prices. W. 11. NIX, E'asley, S. C. aug 29, 4t. asley Academy. Second Ses3ion for 1884, Will begin Septembe.. 1st, and continue Four School Prmr DeT1'in af, per mlont, $1.50 lutermine(iate ' " 2.00 Academic 3.03 Select Coulrse "."'5, Incidental Fee, per' Session, 0 Rusi( Extra. Blonid inl Private famiIes, peri oIt h,.........-------....... . 10.00) EW F1or particulars--,adrs C. W. MOORE, Principal, Easle, sy C A -s29, '1884,1 :3m. D 0 KNOW THAT 'LORILLARD'S CL1MAX wVithI lRed Tin TIag; *Etose [jear~g Iiine jut. Che wjt''Ni'Ciing; .,yy(ry, Black, Brown andl yellow SN UFF~S are~ t he amd Chen post, (jna lit V (o'si1 Lime! Lime! Lime! CAN BE~ BOUGHT'i 01 X-I 'T- GIXIL.IAT Easley, S. C., Eithier in Car" Load L~ots or by the single barrell at very CHEAP RATES. Oct 12-tf News and Oourir CHIARL.ESTON, 8. C. [Daily $l(0 a year; WVeekly $2 A year. TheIi Leadinug Paper or the SQIlth.Ey l. La1rgest Clrculationi in the Cotton Sintes BLACUKSM.ITHrING~ In all its branches, done by .JAMES ROSEMONI,. - astey, S. C. Give hhn a enil snd Fsatistnetjon w i be given, both as to wovrk um1 cbarg&-mm