The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, September 12, 1884, Image 3

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LOCAL AND COUNTY MATTERS. --Onr readers w1il overlook typo graplical and other errors In this issue ---T'he Methodist protracte eneting .at this place closed quietly ou Sunday night last. -Coirt for Pick'ms Couity con -Ven4es on Monday next, Judge Aldrich presiding. -One or two good Cotton buyers could do welb in Easley the -coming ke ason. -Dr. J. F. Bruce has a good young 'horse for sale. Call on hin and get a -Mr. John T. Gossett, was married on Wedlesday 2ast, to Miss Chapmian. 'We congratulate himt-. -Our P. M. his had the front of his offle painted re(d, and it will be neat when lui.shed. -Atention is called to the advertise mnent of lindgens & Bowen, Insurance *Agets. Ha.v. your property insured. -The'Town Counicil of tis place, on Monday night. elected A. W. Fol relr Cotton Weigber Lfor the c1om)ilg -Rev. D. 0. Freemxan is cnductin a protracted. meeting at Rock Spriing C"lireh. Twenty-five persons hav conneocted thenli-Olves; 4 Avth the Okureb. -We 'are indebted to Mrs. Emma [niliglt for somlle of the Uhnest; app!es t hat ha ve hc brou)ght to (tr sanet lia this seasion. -The weather is very windy, diry ourd hot, throuighoult the day, with cool ights. Rain would be very accepta -Prof. J. A. Rives, who spent the Suuner imoinths In Ea' ley, left us on Tuesday morning lot his ho0m) inl *Georgia. -Dr' J. F. Bruc-e paid A ndersn) CDointy a visit lasr. Sutnday. He r( ports tlhe4 crops good genet ally, an0d 1th girls pretty, parti iarly. -Johi liradley was arreted h .Shezrif Matilubin on Saturday last., andl eired to give bowl bef51oe .Tstie )s"et t f1r his appearance at Court for -sIks Lidlie RI.1pillsonl returne1 ti Greenvile on Tuesdiay last, to resumet Iert sti1(les ill the Greenvillu Femi ale College. She will be mual missed in --See sma1ll a lv(tA.;ciam)ts o' Col. Ter,"' and "F ".o & Sale. one T wo IforleI buggy and Iharness." Itead andt con,. fer'i with him or either of his agent ts. -We nIotice from the 'Girenvillhe Un~ily News' that hatcon fell I cent on t he potund ini thaft eity onl Tuesday,withi a pr'ospect of a~ st ill grater red net ion. Well1 let her falJ,we can stand it. -As aunmouinced, Rev. W. It. Kir'ton, .Pastor of thie Methodist Chi urch in this pl)1ace, preached on) Sun tday a fternoon last, a sermfoni on Hapjtisnm. Thie house was well filledI, an d1 though the services wer'e longer thani usual, thle cougrega Dicm were attentive to the close. --Read car'efully the adlvertisemkeut .of the Baltimore Clothing lousJ, Greenville, S. (., and when yon want A neat, Ane and cheap suit of clothbes call on them and you will find the goods you want with polite anml atten tive gentflenmn to wait on you. -We omlitted to mletioni last week that Mr. Elf. Knighmt had arrived from~ Atlanta very sick, and had stopped with his brother, Mr'. W- Thad K~night, wher'e he was wvel taken care of. Buit we ar'e gladl to notice that he is again able to be on our streets. ---What ls the matter' with the cows and hens, in our community? For the past 3 or 4 weeks it has been a hard mnatter' to got a 'poundo of batter'01 r.g dozen egsin Easley. Those having any uchcoldfnodities' onl hand, wvill find a ready salt for themi now. B ring them along. -Our thanks are exten)ded to Mr. Lottis Weilenke for a' nice buoket of I fiite grapes Qf the Ioneds-d variety, They were tho largest we have had tilis season, and of the'moft delloits lavor. He has a large quantity on hand, we understand. --The follwing Is the resit of the Municipal election.held at Williaumston the other day. 1. C. Dacus, Intendlant; A. F. Wilburn, R. A. Gray, A. J Sur ratt an(d J. J. Cooley, War(dens. Only 68 votes were polled and little interest was (leveloped. -We regret to record the severe ill ness of a little son of Mr. John M. Barr, aMl extend him our sympathles in the afflictions he has lately had inl the way of sickness, his household not being claVA of sickness, with sume of the inm ily, for over two months4phst. . -Out farmers ahoul( call at Mr. John R. Phillip's shop and see a now Patent he is getting u1p, called ' Philip's Pickens CoInty Sulky Plow.' It gives signs of beating anything yet ot?. le is certaimly a genius, and we wish we could explain inl our columns the plans of his new Pate)t. - -Our Ol baceli~or friend, G. W. Bo wen,we are glad to learn.will return to Easle3 this Fall, and will be in his old (uiarters, with 11udge1s & Midgenis. We feel sure now that sotne of oolr bean. tiful fendtinc faces will again brighten 11p, and Wear theiSr fornme11,j swveet smiles. -Miss Nina Mayfield, aged [4 years, .n(l sister of Mr. w. 1). Matield, of G4 reenville, diie( at her residence near Marietta,no) Satiurday evening last, and was buried in the family burving g'ouind on Sunlday. She was a i'ble youinE blirty, and will bc missed by h.-r large circle of frienls. I Found I Fotnd ! I -A tloou)h-bre ilartgaiin;, woi"ht an.1 color as yet not know. an wers to the n'me of "Noneuch.'' Aniyon-l eunm get it by I ealluing at A. M. I.miwOns Finitie . 11080-Sept 12-1t.C -Our friend Mr. J. M. Philips, wI r('eltly Openled a blaekonlith bsi)) in I Easley is doing a ue bu in.s. lie i I a l a Well calculated to (1;? work at L once. and well. Give him voor work an(l see how vell he e: dN) it for vo't. C IHis sho~p is ne1ar the(dp!t j~d -1'i -Ve hive a very interesting com unm11ica..tionl from -,T. uI. R, " wich11 we are again Compelle(d to postpole, :i's its length will not adinit. W againi a.k oAllr cr'respotidelts to write short arti els, s our 1pace is litnited . We are a rilo Compelled to lay over until next t week "Ucle Ned'' and '-L A. B." -Read~ cairefullys the advert iisemen ut to be found on this pa1ge, of Messrs. WV. Hi. liryanut & Co. TJhey have a fr-es supply of goods, such as ther prioose' to ker.p, and [ lamp)knowsecxaetly how ( to wait. on you to please, :111( is alwaiys 3 at his jios. 'iThey will tiot he unther- f' .301l. GJive themI a (call before b'uin elsewhere. - - I -Wec now~ have' a ftull-leagedl Hir. tiess shop inl ihe buIihlIing op'posite the~ Depot, fonryoccupied by Mr A. S. Sad ier, as a t in-shiop. T1hue'Propr'ieto 'U. F. Romnare, comles well reCcommtendl edl, whtich is prioven by specimencus of his wor'k. -In passing the Fturnitutre House r'e cetntly, I noticd atn immellnse line of Furnitur'e, gracing t he street withI its ar'tistic prlesence, an be1 fore~ we (oul questiton the Pr'toprietor, his voice get (ed our ear~s with, 'elected. ''LEh!"'yes, eleted to sell you Furntiitre cheaper' thani the checapest--ini fact, elected as 4eivryodo's true( vin can dlidate. ~ -Miss Minnuie Howar'd, we ate glad to see has r'etturined hiomie after' severe'l (lays visit. to0 her relatives and~ friends in Greentville city andl~ county. Sihe has ailmost enutar'-ly recoveed from he2r se v'ere spell of siektiess. We are also gladl to report that the wife atnd son of Mr. J. S. la tlrhn3 are able again to be .ipl and( out. And that Mis. R. K..11111 is rnch better than she was last week, ando ai f-r way to ..(:y~ -Those in need of a. first-class $ew ng Maohhie can find the same by pur 3hasing the Remington. Gtuaranteed o give satisfaction. Read advertise ment on 6th page. ----The "Cotton Plant," published monthly, at Marlon C.. It., S. C. Is Ahe only Journalitnblished in the tate lxclusively i the Interests of the Far iners and Maritifacturers, &c., 8 pages, rnd only 60 cents per year. The Oc bober nunber will contain the greit speech of lion. 4 George D. Tillnan, on -Terracing at(l the COlcivattlon of the Cow pea, Rye and Vetch as Mantre nd Forag6,'f&c. Subscribe At Once. -We have rec8ived, through the kidness of Rev. W. A. Betts, "An [Iistorlcal Outline of Green ville Cir uilt. S. W. Conf., M. E. Church-South, by Rev. Samnel M. Green, at the re liest of the 2nd Quarterly Conference 1.83."1 This pamphlet contains 10 pages, neatly printe.d by Messrs. hfoyt Keys, of Greenville. and is very ia 'ere.;ing and instrtictive. It gives a omlhl)ete history of every church in the airettit, wheni founded, membership &c. Every ineber of the Methodist (hurch n1 the Circuit, or elsewhere, Sltll.d lave a copy. -Th- secon'd Primn:i'y clet lon came )T in Adtlerzon oil Friday last. resuilt ng a's follows:' For Sheriff-W L Bol1t, by 290 majority over Mc~onnell. For Sehool Coinsiskzioner - J G (link cales. 1749. against 1565 for To(. o ~ 0 iit yi Comisio ,r- Jo.ntIa1: Jamne :on, A 0 Norris auiu W J Robinsz. re pectivelv, 1932, 1858 aml 1782, gainst G ilmer 883, Bailv 1 10'skew 189. Treatrer--W II Frierson, 800, against W F Cx. 1500. -0m. Inerchuants are beginiling to -C~eeve their Fall ald Winter goods, Lit d inl a few flays can sh>w the citi :'Ous of Piekeuns County one of largest tocki of goods ever brouglit to Easley, l schoiws t. they aut icipate a arger I radle from the farmers thani us 1, ntvirlistanling the growl and reitnble of "Let Her Roll," i ii k Com nunication to be found on another )a re. ie wotul Iave those who do lot knUo'w anly better to believe that he rop prospects for thi Co'inty are taiped w11ith sItarvation). while reports ome)k! from all I overI the ('omity, where rops Lave been worked, of a folu--tlfth rop, and al1 seemil iln good spirits. A WVIFE's TFIroUa11v.'fNiss. I haveni't sen your pet dlg for ever - 1 d uys,' said a huOb:hnI to his wife. No,' she Irepllied, 'I have givcn lim Way.' 'Why yoi nueednlz't have done hat, I 11.l Io objections to him.' 'Oh know that, but1 1. ldint thmz~k it right 0 have a peCt (dog whenC I have stieh a leuar, good1, kiil hush-u ni to lavish my fleet ions upon.' Th'Ie hob-u~i sank nlto his chair, and sigh ul' pitifully, leew his p)ockt-book, 'dow mnuich do 'oi wdant?' 1he sadly 5:aid, 'sutrely i ini't be a sealokini coat, for the winuter n iearly over.' 'No, she saiid ha r eyes ighting withi pleasure at the sight' of he~ mfoney, '1 want yotu to tell W~est norelandl Bruos. to seind me halhf-a-doz,. >ol~tles of Calisaya ~ T'oie .' ie comi >lied wit h alacriry and~ saw the d vspep) in wit h whuich his wife suitlered givec >lace to the glow of health. sept 12 i1. A meeting.of several days wa':s closed mt lTuesdaly at Mt. Pisgah 4 Churchi in tIder'son1 Cotunty. it was the privil ege of the writer' to assist the pastor Rev. J. WV. litutcints), ini the meeCttino-'. L'he Church seemedl to be greatly re rivedl and( have takeni a new start for ;he bet ter l~la(d. Received muemb)ers as o1llow. One restor'ed, 4 hv let ter, and 2 1 by experience. Tue'ay morinoi ;he pastor and1( thle writer C. (e dowvn in ,o the wvater the happy converts, and1( uried them ith Christ by BaptismI1 which so beatifully symblolized t2n. leath, burial and resutrrectionu of onc >lessedt Savior. The scene was beatuti ain wae large antd attenltive. May .od blss anud cont1 in nie to prospern bothb p~astor atul( people in iheir work of la bor andc love. 1). v. lIuroT WA NTED, A good TANNER to run a esuall ranyard, and to take an interest In the business. No capital re guired. J. E. HGAooon. sep 12 2t For Sule, O NE Two-horse Buggy .and Har ness, with shafts also, good as ne w; N111 sell on time. Apply to P McD Alexander or W M Hiagood, or myself. - J E IAGOOn. sept 12 2t .................................................... New Store ! New Goods! -CALL ON W. H. BRYANT &' CO., EAgley, S. C., lst'door W. of P. 0., AND BUY YOUR Bacon, Lard, Fish, Salt, Flour, Meal, Pearl Grits, Rice, Sugar, Cof fee, Syrup, Molasses, Starch, Can - dies, Cheese, Crackers, Oranges, Candies, Canned goods, Tobacco, Cigars, Pepper, Spices, Ginger, Flavoring Extracts, Indigo, Mad (der, Borax, lumn, Salts, and all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer ies. Smoke 6" Carhart'ls Lillian" Segars. All at "Rook Bottom '' prices, for Cash or Barter. Very resj)etfully, W. 1H. 3RYANT & CO. Sejpt 12-4y. "NOTHING SUCCE EDS IKE SU(. CESS." Energy, Experience and Hard Cash Win Once More. The Grant Success of The Season ! r - CallI and se forv yourself as it will eertainl~y pa~y you. IIALTIMORE (iA0TIIN (HOIUS E, S. WV. (Cor. Mahi and( Wtashingt6n .+. GRE~ENVILLE, S. C. M. W ARREIN FORD, Mana1ge.r. Sen) 12 1y