The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, January 25, 1884, Page 2, Image 2
W.anI I fte-A d wifre o enn. t I'haie a
I.broon . )
To brutsh down the cobwvbs and weep
Ih the roon ;
To make dk-eent bread tlit a fellow
call eat.
Not thev horrible cmpil)il you every
Who knows- how to broil, to fry. :nd to
Make a Cuip of good tea an1d a phatter
of t oast -;
A womaln who wa.Ses. Cooks, irons,
and stitehes,
And s w tlh' rips ill a fellow's ob1
All inamkes her own warillents-al
item which1 is
So expensive as every one
A conunon101-sens 1%,C r 11eature, ontd still
with a ill
To teach and to guide-exalted, re
A ort of ali angel aid Iustetaid comfl
bined !
T. (ANDIDATE.-.- lon. S. S,
Cox. il thIe 'youth's Companion.
aAs An ncidlent of the personal
ities of the 'stu mp' was related to
me by Gen. A. G. Scales, a mem
her of Congre.-s from North Caro
lina. sidth
'When a you1g1m'n,' said the
general, I ran for legislat.ure in my
tative countly. At one of the p re
(Iincts, aS I passed by a crowd, I
noticed a imian--onie Sam Stewart
whom I had known from childhood.
Ie was engaged in earnest talk
wvith the crowd, anld as I passed I
heard him say,
-I adIn agin all lawers. and though
I like A. G. Scales--who is one
I will not Support him (11 that ac
'I walked boldly ip to the croiVd
a1(1 asked what engaged them so
arnestly. Sam 7 repeated his lan
gnageC. I sai,
'Yout tilled me wiith amnazeimnt.
I am a~s much surpr)Iised as if it
cameC from my own father. You
have known me from an inifatt
have dandled meC on your knee,
andi. your wife has fed mec out of
the same spoon1 with her own boys.
I have hunted, fished and( played
with your eldest boy, whuo was my
namesake. You had just as wellt
vote against that son.'
'Ile hesitatedl a mfomenCit, anid
then turning to the crowd, said,
'Gentlemen, themi are facts;
just as little A. G. has said. lHe
was alters honest boy ; and I know
he is not lawyer enough to hurt.
We can all go for him.
'And they (lid,'
---A young man who dropped in
unexpectedly upon his girl, the
o)ther evening, found her in tears.
Poor thing, she had beenl peeling
(lay a Detroit pakwbrokAr v
1d a call fro a yoi ma ft f'th
the tan and freckles of Colutry on
his face and nose, and ai. old fash
one( bull's-eye watch in his hand.
Yhere you lif ? ask the broker.
Oh, out. here a few miles.
Vhere you got dot vatch.
It used to be dad's but he gave
it to me.
The broker looked him all over
with suspicious glance, and asked
him and received his name, and
then added.
ly you yhants to pawn dos
v'hatch, el ?
Well. I needed a little money.
Dot looks suspicious to me, andi
I guess I call der bo'eece.
Suspicious . Police ! repeated
the vounlig manl. Say, mister, if
vou don't know the difference be
tween a thief selling plunder and
a young1 nuuJ inl town with his
gal, and that gal wanting peanuts
and canldy anid Soda wa'ter and
st reet Car rid''s muntil she's letaned
him out of his hist cent, vou'd
better go and start a sicep ranch
00h, du-t vo4shl it. ('h ? VYhell I1 gif
you tree d(llar. Dot makes it all
ash blaini as der face on II 1 nose,
un1d I hope you hiaf some goot
timies.-Ilere, two und one make
-A ig istake.-'Ah ! hoxw de
d?' exclaimed the hotel clerk (e
li.htedly. grasping the hand of a
strangzer anmd giving it a vigoromis
Shake 'I Suppose you will prefer
the second 11l)or frniit suite ; mag
iificient partmtent, iiand cheap.
too, only k80 a day.'
'$80 a what ?' gasped the strar
'A day. WXil yi ou go uip nlow?
'iNot so fast, not so fast, young
man ,'said t he siran tger. '1Don' t you
think your t ermis are jiust a little
Igh ? .1 aim a hanker, but mIy in..
com)te is onmly $80,000 a y ear.'
'Oh ! I see, see,' said the clerk;
-the~n a fifth floor $4I room w ill suilt
you. I mistook you for an editor
-Evening ('all.
TREE.--m'I hear youtr unclde is
dead,' said a sympl~athelle neigh bor
to Mr. Twomnly, an Austin gentle
'lie is,' replied TJwomly, grave
,Did he leave any testament?'
'Yes, three of them.'
'Three of them !' exclaimed the
neighbor, wonderingly.
'Yes, the Old Testament, New
T'estament, and the Revisedl Edi
tion .'--Siftings.
---Some of the Kentucky papers
want a whinning post.
Eaisley A6ddemy.
First Session for 1884,
will begin January 14th,
and continue Six School
M1 onths.
Primary Dep'm'nt, per month, $1.50
iteirmediate " " 2.00
Academic " " 3.00
Select, Course, "5 2.0
In1cident ii Fee, per Session, 50
Music extra.
Board in private 'famililes, per
Month,............................ 10.00
Eaich 41ol'sil% pro 'a1ta of lublie
011n(l will be de lteIl ' from h's Til
1ion <ling the Piblic Terim, which
begj~ins~ .Juiiary 14.
SEW- F'or 'artieinhir s. nd ( rss
C. W. MOOREm, Prinicipal,
1aslcy, S. C.
jan 4, 188-1--3m
T I-1 E
News and Courier,
Daily *10 a y ear ; ,Wevi $2 a ye.
The Leading Paper of the South-East
Largest Cireulatltio ill 11he Cottoni
Jan 11-tf
Dc 21...-1y
W. M. Hagood & Co.
will sell
the balance of their
lW I X T l
(G(Od Lot
Jain 11-9mn