The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, January 11, 1884, Image 1

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The Easly Messengk., _rull, like a _oth, he muore it x shooh, it shines VOL. 1.] EASLEY, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1884, 'fi (.nsley 4fessuger. J. R. IIAGOOD, Editor and Prop'r. LOCAL AND (OUNI DY MATTERS. E ASILEY, 8. C., JANUaRY 11. Cot weather and seighing are most t1ked of now. TirE young folkz, is well as the old (r onles, h nve emi enjoying sleigh rides. Willie R. slayed one or more sweethearts recently, an(] it doesn't na~ke any ditference if this is leap year. IT has beem almost. cohl enough to freeze the tear's on the cheeks of those who have wept bit terly Ovr sad dis )Ippointmenit. Mis.smes Russell ati Ciyde, and Messrs. Bowenl id111 Nickels, have re i urned h'nue after making a pleasint Sirip to Abbeville and Laureins. .J. E. IIAO')O) left oi Monda night for his home in Charleston. II. J. GIGNILLIAT, our very 11e conhnnodating Agent at the depot, left 114 on Wedetdla((y night l1st for Bir mi'nghatim, Ala. iHe will return soon with Mrs. Giguilliat, who has beeni in BIirinughatm for Some time, visiting friends. TiHl Piedmont Institute openied onl Monday last with 85 scholars. Mrs. . I. Riley has been given charge of the Department of noi.. It has beenI a prosperouis school, and is likely to be <iite successful in the future. IN our last issue, in speaking of t-h death of Riley Eads, we stated that he hd been playing thv voliin at. a party, which was a mistake. Thre was no iArty at his neighbor's house where he had been playing, SM. MiRs. P. A. OWNBEY will boa rd scholars for the Easley ligh School at. reasonable prices. jan 4, 1881-2t -We solicit correspondents in all parts of our County, whom we would be glad would furnish us wit h marriage and death notices, and in fact anything worthy of note. Please bear in mind to make your conmmunications short and to the point, as our paper is sma:ll CAN'T a collection be taken up for the purpose of furnishing the~ council with sufileicnt funds for the complJletion of their job on the well niear the dlepot. it has stood1 as it is long enough ScirooL~ opens next Monday. Give Prof. Moore a large patronage this year. READ the new advertisements of WV. M. Hagood & Co.; also, those of Hutd gens & IIndgens, and1 the "News and Courier,'' one of the~ best daily papers published In .the South. Look out too for tihe neOw advertisement of Robin son & Wyatt next week. '-Subseribe for TulE MESENc4rII HI y mencal. Ere night hal withdrawn its sable m11antle from this beautifui world of ourS, we irose oil the morning of De ceiner 20th, 1883, preparatory to a trijp to the Congellial clime of th beau tiful town of !'neca. We reiched oiur tioll in Saftty. and were wel co)ied there by firl forimls. who, comi. plilientary tp 11s, felt an intereat in omt toming their hitoa)ility we ex perici Ied pleas1urs Indescriba ble by our -fut ble penl. The oceasion wlhih h called us there. was the- marriage of Capt. JoaN W. BUTLEx , of the Gate city of Georgia. ld Miss SirE.ILA SCuInty,.of Seneen City, South Carolina, i i the parlors of [he Coleman hlouse. It was al Oce-aClonl prodictive of the mnost extrsemle happinless, no0t only t. tOhose whl > were united in, the h1 >ly bonds of Ituitaltrl:mony, bu11t also to those who acted inl the capacity of attend ats. A th'lilinr cene it was to be hold the handsoie, stately groom. with tihe fair anld beautiful bride leam it)( 1pon his arm, with tihe circle (if a'tendaits a they stood in their august presence, to n% itnes the ntilioni of that happy conlple. Nearly a whole day was spent ii compamy with Some of those who were to )Irticipate inl thi graild event. "'As th shades of nigl" began to fall, tlh bride anid groom. imarehi'd inl to il - presence of the ofliejatinig cler gyman and friends., followed by the following train of atteidaits : E. P. Simpson, of Toccot, Ga., ami Miss Sue E. Lewis, of Pickens. South Carolina; J. R. ILtgood, %of Easley, South Caro linia, and Miss Fannie C. Iloke, of At. lant a. Ga.; Mat. v. Scurry, of Seneca:, A9uth Carolina, and Miss Lizzie Yar borough, of the same place; Dr. Rt. C. Davis', of Seneca. Souith Carolina, anld Miss Lizzie Dendy, of the samle place; W. S. IHunter, of Seneca, Sout h Caro lina, and Miss Alice Seurry, of the samle place The bride was dressed Iin all elegant traveling suit, made of Hlenter's green valour; trinmned with silver gray fur, and)0 wore a green velvet turban. Rev. J. J. Neville performedt thme eer emnony in a pleasant mannmer, after which. all repaired to a rich festive board to partake of an elegant supper. Then amid mfomenQ~ts Of joy milngled with feelings of sorrow, t he happy couple was eseortedl to the~ train, which they took for their home ini Atlanta. May their' happliness always he as in tense as that of t he writer, whose me mory revels 'mid the thoughts of that leatsant oc'csio.-EI). RE~V. WV. HI. K1TON preached in the~ Miethiodist church on Wednelsday night last, andl though there was a smnall1 con gregation there, ima ny more could have been comnfort ably cared for. H. A. RICHEY. while attempting to slide ou the Ic.' on Wednesday morn Ing lat, fell and hnrt him 4if quite seriuITsly ". Ile was better, however, on Thursday mtorning, and we hope fol. him an early recovery. IT Is cold weatler. atid a long time hbfore the electiol. bt look out for - i (-adidhates. OUR frielnl, E. B. Owen, from GIrenvvil'e. 1itsr inl town oil SmIday. I If h had been better poste-d Iboit the a'riva 11(al and de1par-ture of the trains he Could have spent a1 lonlger while With her. 10n young friemd, ( h'rles 1. Dreln nan, is now oil the road. and i repre seltig six differeit. houses. In its manly ditherent phrees. He can supply yon withalmst mythng ou ant and at sho t notice. and gnarntees a t isfac tion. We wish himh 111 mich success. AnvwRrrsovs widihing ch mges in thair advert-isenlllits will hand theI i) by Tesbly monings to i!Sure the (haglires desired. TnIl extreme cold wea' her here is but a sample of what it is in many other places. Snow and ice cover nearl3 the whole country. The largest snow storm that they have probably had in Atlanta for a number of years fell onl the night of the 8th. Columbia is enveloped in ice, and oul account of the bad weather and unfavorable condition of the roads, Judge Kershaw had to adjourn court in Orangeburg. The water-lipes in ( harleston have been cracked badly, by the freezing of the water in them, A YoUNG man, who has recently moved from Pickens to Easley, went out to call on a young lady the other night. le timed himself as to how long he should otay by the arrival of the train, and ''Hal' H-. remarked that all the people from Pickens had to go out to see the train. They will get used tc it ''Hal'', whcn they get the Caro. lina, Cumberland Gap and Chicage Rail Road. When the train is be hind we wonder if that shall affe~ct the duration of'your visits Mac? Miss Pet Partlow, of Anderson, left us for her home on Sunday last. Hecr visit was much enljoy ed by her friends. Lit. J. R. RuLEY, preaches at Mt. Plea sant next Sunday morning, and in town on Sunday night. Aliss Lizzie TJhornley a charm ing young lady from Fickenm passed through town on Mondlay. The wife of Joseph Findley who lives at Cross Roads died on Tursday last. MESSaIs. E. P. Taylor and K. L Ambler, with "their horses, ettu' age and hounds" caught a large gray fox near MaIning Jones' tast, week. One of their (logs was niot in this chase, butl he appeared next, morning with a ne-klace vontain.. ing a fox's foot. Mit. Jonx SExKty, the builder of the new Presbyterian Church of Greenville, but now engaged in the construction of a large Factory in Newbery, is on a short visit to Mrs. N. A. Green an(I family, of this place, By the way, he is anl old typo, al(I Showted that he had not forgotton the art by "'setting" some for uS yesterday. CwPr. JOHN W. Butler anld Messrs. Brown, Bradshaw and Mackey all from Atlanta were iii town this week. MR. J. M. PArwicjK. Of the Greenville Military Institute paid Easley a visit last week. WILLI Fotsaent, las been4 quiite sick for several days past. We hope to see him in the office sool. Jiss MNicIs who lived with William Stegall four miles below heredied after a very brief illness on last Saturday night AUGUsTA, G A.,January 8.-The question of Fence or No-Fence was passed upon to-day by the Vote of Richmond County. The majority for abolishing fences will be about 600. This is an important ques Ition, and public sentiment in Geor gia is growing in favor of doing away with fences on farms, and in favor of fencing cattle and other stock. T URE : A HETifs. Our Cotton Market has beenm qjuet and~ loweri. Sales for' the week bales. W e quote: Bacon........................ @8. F'lonr per barrel ...............$@ $ Shirting......................5)@6 Prits................................5 @ Yarns.......................................856) COU;N'lTRY PRODUCE. (Cot ton.....................83@ Eggs...........................15@24 But ter..........................15@2~0 G'hickens........................02 C'orn.........................7@7 IShow your' appreciation of the new enterp~rise by subscribing" for Tnmc MERsENGER.