The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, November 30, 1883, Image 5

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Prof. J. H. Carlisle on Prohlbition. We take the Iollowing extract from Prof. Carlisle's Address delivered to tle voters and citizens of the City of (recville, on Friday niight last, as re ported to "The Daily News The speaker began by saying that, two days ago, before lhe had fully de vided to speak here, he wa1s in) a room, where three banners vere being pr - pared by youm ladies. lorseriptions upoln lst.e baniers',-whicihie nw hoped to see borile ill t riiiph, -fuIri nishet d him11 with the inspiration to speak to the people of Greenville irn belhalf of tem peranceC. Upon the first balntierI were tIhe words "Home.,Sweet Home." .1ow' proudly ien A would read that sentenice if the cause was siccessfIIl ! It, was an American phrase atid an American idea ; 110 foreign language had a word which would correspond in leaning. The drunkard had no home, for his terrible habit spoiled it. Ai orphan might carry that baiier ; we shouil think of him and his home. 'he speaker appealed to his hearers to pro tect our bomes by abolishing bar rooms, to fix ther minds oi some homne whihel was destroyed by liquor. A inan might receive a dispatch announeing tle fact that. four Ielinl had been killed inl a Collision aild he woull( be scarcelv moved, bit when hie saw I lie bleedino bodies upon litters then his heart wvoul( he deeply 1 ouched - so if we sa w onle home (lesthOve(hf ore.( our eOves. our sympathy vol(d be awakened. IIonle wiS siere(I alld ever y re'giith ir at tendallt on a l'-r'com sI(it I sone. Our true glory was )I(t. ill mlt o-:ii| railroads or in our hank stocks, it wvs in the happiness anl sainctity of our Ioimes. The speaker Said the.1 Secondi binier which he saw hore ie wor ds 'Save I Ie boys. lie said tlhat Dr. David Raisey in one of his loos ltad said that drinkimm was the enedemi vice 41f South 'irolina, al that t lie 4liinat e predisposes its peole t o drink. 1 It was our lduty therefore to comihinie; our infilluntcis to prote(c. lie boys from (d1rink. The next general ioll would be colllposeid of our boys., anld we wouli gi1ve t hem Siuc t remendous lesto i0 solve that their beads wohild t h1re). We .shoull therefore - ave our boys. The1, Speaker deprcected the sligt'l-est use of liunor, le kinew or ytumig men whlo had gtten dlrunki tfor ihe. first time jIust to see ho0w it felt. It remiiined htimi of the' ane(cdote' 0ohl (of youngi btefore his end,1 reimirked Ithat hie wouIhl slightly. w~oiedi(( by a po0isoned' au-r1ow. ini a fewv hiours the inflce was wouluil '(d to deat bi by poisoned arrows. We shtoIuhl save the boys for the girls w ho wanIt loving~ husbands, lie quo1ted( from an 01(1 book lhe had onice renal, ''A shroud is het ter thanii a bridal veil if t he br'ide(groomn i or is to he a druntk :ard." We shioub{ inmit iply our ma ('hiner'ty to satve It' he oys. Our1! boys shonkiI anm tlhemi.-elves with "'I will"' ani d thle power'm to say '"no." Our hors mi)ighit have to b re'ak a wa v fro 111ston of our1 leadingi~ and( iniost piowelrfuli men :ul eanse t o follow t hea'm be ca use t hose meni had habits w hich it was not well to imiitte. Theln speaker said t h third banner bore the device, "KNo License."' '1'he wisest piece of hegisla tt i (eer enauctedh by thie I A'gishatturle was the local option law. lie woul niot turnt handi to seenre thle < ame met of any other law. It gave tihe templ)''; erce cause all it couuhl ask. It left it clear anad free fr'om en t angle men~it with otheri (que(stionis. * * * * iNow, tihe ques't ion for e'achm communiit y sim11ply was, "Jiave we sIuffered( lontg enou1gh from barJ-roomsy1'' 'Will yout vote for grog shops?" It was saidI t irtt pro'hliLit lon did not pr'ohibit. We might say t hmat. edutcat ion dlid not eduencte an d~ t h't ( hristijanity (lid -niot Cihriist ianiize wit h1 equal force, lie believed t hat pr)1ohibition) dhli pr1ohiibit. lie reCferred to the fact that there were nio anti--pro hibition meetings, and .said it was he, cause there wams no aploIgy or argu mlWmt onl that sidh. OUR FARMER.-it is chering to ride ilto our colmt ry and see the ac tivity an'd energy vWhich are shown by our1 fiIers in the efforts they 'are nut kino to recuperate t he losses 't hey have sustainled by the failures of theiicrops. They are 11t Only sowilg.' more (Xtel sively siuall graini, but are working to have niext sprg a nutch larger slp ply of hlolme. male 1uIlures, thalm for l1erly,: and thus obhviate ihe niecessity of speinlinug so inuch money for glualo. We eeil I ot expectfarming to ply better thaln it has done in the pat. anl the soomer all our farimiers aboul ie idlen that it is clheaper to pulIolise their fertilizers tlhni eveni to hiul out the hoImIe-made umuaures, wheni made for them, the better for themselves, the better for their chilireil and the better for I heir count ry. 'Ihe experiments whieh have heell made by oulr goveri-.. illeilt have ele i v demonstrated( the fact 1lt 1t hlie hewav' lapplica1tioll of com mnercial fertilizers not (lY doc oes. no''t re lnill'rate the hiiirime hut dot's irlrepaua ble injury to Is hf%; I I .-LI Sei cca Free l'ree-s. --------- --*- - - . --Mr. .hn's Chr1e'nt, of An lia:na, kills the weevil il hi corl thius : I e pulls thie co'n. t hrows it in heaps om te i rou d, let I ill it r mi ni t hree 01 rour (Iys. My rias of lit t le bhick ants pminnce 1upon tew, i e :iallI ilever leave I I e stiIIks till t ie hist insect is dest roved. M r. (Cest - ItI hIa;t prcticed t his proeiss for 'ea -'s Wvit 1 Illifol in sliceess. -'An Anesngr eetl eue anl ofer.1 of marlr*1iage, i nign l':iali11 t ha rlie f:a lier 11: 1 t oo lare a fantiily to slippot Ialre;ily. Lo Tj 70 L AT'l'OLINE AND COUNSI-:LOU AT I.A\V, GLZ 1NV1LE, IN. IC.J1 Practices inl the Slate and Unli t ed States Cour-ts. 26m5.7" Otliee in M\an i-on I loiu-e, "Wgg Nov -0I v IUDGENS & HUDGENS, General Mverchandize, EafsleyI, S. (Y. Inlvites~9 the attenltilon of their p 1atrn andl 8;t the gene-. ral 1)u1blic, to the lar'ge and attr'active StocQk of G~oodis Kotitons, ClothingJ, Btoots, ShOes, Grocer 'ics, Drug~s, Giass'ware, (rockry? d& W'oodew'ware,' TOCAC(C), KINI~TING CO(TTON, &c., and in fact everything usual ly kept ini a stock( of General Mer'chand ize. Wbe c'all esp~ecial at tentioni to our large STlOCK of RIE AI'Y-MAIDE CLO'THIING, JE ANS andl SHOES. Y oui will lii it to your initerest to examl~ine them before puirchausing. Wheni youl w'ant Flouri call fom the ' FROST1 ;"' for a "' Choice Family " it hano~ 10superior. Oct 12--12m DRY GOODS -AND Iadlqmbiarters for Dress.. Goots, BInek midl C)olrei Silks, lilack Cashmeres, 1(ilri(etta. Cloths, Albatross Cloths, Berg1aliln Cloths, 'and ill fact every thintg ini B3L. ACK JRESS G000S. .An exquisite linle of Walking. d'elc etCa, htk8, Dohiams, P'a let ol s amid C1HILI DR E N'S C L(O A S. Ihlle only place you vill 1im( Evitt & Bros'. F.11ie Slies for Ladies I I, SIess antl Childrenl. TheV 1mve nmillueroIuS frivtis. It takes- buit one trial to make for t heml a customker. For I Style, F-it and Con:'ort thev are imnoexcelled, Table Linlens, Towe.-Pla hinkt, Nalki ns : l hyles il abhmiaee. " (ome ou1u; see 1.. Prices a'n inucoment . I1-giritnus to be lal at. J. H. MORGAN &V BRO., W holedisale : ndi lb-tail Mte-l mlts, GR tEAENVIL.L E, S. C. Nov 2-3m .. -E~ LiEU O)ne and All, 1HOHINSON &. WVYArTT ave\ just received theirll and( AVin1ter stock Of g71oods, consisting of DEr..C C-OODS., Notions. Clothing .llardware, GAroceriesl at (Glocers I)rgs lV iv s n call aild we.( will he !mle I u.P el I o you if Iow p) rice 14 d i csire ,. ()et 12--12.. . A WVOID TO THEtP~ LUBLIC COWTNBE3IY 131os. A vis-it to (Owniher Bros. will eon vine you I hat we cant sell yrou Guo1)8 ~s C1lEA1P as the ('IIE.AP1EST1. Our t oek is n ow comltPete, consi81stin of)V) Hlour, BHaeon, Lanl, (ofl'ee, Sugarj ( :atnmed G oods of evel y dlescript iin, variety, \ ware, Tini :ntI 1Hollow~~ wvare. A line of hat comipete. wit h G.~reenvilule prices. Our line o0(f Tlobacco :n11( Segatrs is irge' and( vairiedl, and1( will be sohl at k(eep a1 full line oft ClocCk, andio will s''lI t hemt chea p*. Je welry t o please all bo0th ini At y& ando price. And please to remuemiber t hat we pay te hiigh es~t miarket~ price for produlce. We ha;ve nto hiouse renit nor clerk~ hire to pay,~:i eanci sell you a~ny thing)( we keep at thett very lowest prices. Very re'sp)ect fully, OWVNBEY BROS. Oct 12-12m - -BLACKSMITH ING~ In all its branches, don eby JAMES RIOSEMON*. Easley, S. C. Give him a call and satisfaction will be given, both .'.s to work andlo charges. Oct 12-12m C. P. RUNION, Easley, S. C., To-day The 'tLeitr of Low Pri'ces." :0: We are inakinlga Inagnificout (ispJay of elegant new ]"'all araId. 7irrter G=roodlo.. Whien you are ontt-shoppiig lo not rail to call:nd ilspect.onr unn11 ellnse Ilie We have the uost complete assolmient of Worstetis from 10c. per yard u) to the linest. ImportedI fabrics. .A Large Stock of Boots and Shoes. Our1 variety is unlexcelletl for beaulty amd <lur1ability. Ladies, isses , anid chilhren1tj 's Shoes, all llate in) thi atest Styles. We have a large lot of the gNu-cliline " Sit ting Bull" Bow, usur passedl for beaniti.y , ant(I the most (ur ble loot, ever' sold ill our1 towi. Price un1equaleil. (RlOc.IuEs A SP'0IA TI'Y. Cotton Biver for .Exports to .New Ei ighla i Sitets. Oct 12--l 2m GRAND EXCURSION To se 1ht ire will not. ieate the exCitemenat that ullr argains in lledIs, 1in1reans. Chairs, Tables, 1 a I'very TO THE h~one w*hi ethiroo tm a Parir Niuit s of all grmles. Come one, ciune alll :q1(1 aIl be eIniIeId t hIL yon e:anmot get m1ore g"ls for Iess money thn we %'ve at FURNITURE HOUSE, A geneal line of I 11ertaker's Sup plies always oni hand. (pllinis trinn1u1e(I at all hours, taul inl .tyl) t) su it.11 p rchases . EASLEY, S. C. A. M. RUNION, Proprietor F1urniture i Iouse. Oct 12-12 AT'1 01. Me R AMPEY'S A. nlew lot of ILadies IHats, ALSO, ciJust r'eceivedI, a new%~ lot of Sp)ecial bar'gainis in Bloots A LSO, Just I(iecied a Che~ap lo~t gu'Lar.antee saltisfaction1 . Oct 12-12mi Lime ! Lime! Lime ! CAN BE BOUGIIT OF H.. J. GIGNILLI.A.T, .Easley, S. C., Either in Car Load Lots or lby the sinigle barr'ell at very CHEAP RATES. Oct 12-tf Job work of all kinds done at this office.