The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, November 30, 1883, Image 4

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Prof. J. H. Carlisle on Prohlibitioni. We take the folowing extract from Prof. Carlisle's Address delivered to the voters and citizens of the City of Greenville, on Friday night hast, as re ported to "The Daily News TIe speaker began by saying that tvo days ago, beforeC ie had fully de eilded to speak here, he was in a rooimi where three banners were being pro pared by young ladies. luiseriptiois upoln those bainiers,-whieh le hoped to see bornle in t rilinl ph, -fLIurInished h1t1n With the ins~mpirationi LO speakIi to t he people of Greenville ill bel(ial of tei peraice. Upon the first balner wCere the wvords "HomeSweet lome." How proudly men wolld read tI(L hat. Seltelice if the cause vas successfil ! It wa's an American phrase and nli Aineriean idea ; no foreigil Iaigutage lhad a word which would correspond in ieanilg. The drunkard had no home, for his terrible habit spoiled it. An orphan might carry that bainer ; we should think of hiin and his lihome. The speaker appealed to his lieirers to pro tect our homes by abolishing bar roo'ns, to fix their minds onl some homie which was dlestroyed by liquohir. A mall might receive a dispat ch ann11o1u1eig the fact that four mien had been kil ed inl a collision an 11 he would be sca reir moved, bitt when he saw the bleedin& bodies uponi litters t hen his hear t would be deeply touched ; so if we su w olle hioine destroyeol Def ore our eyes ouItir sympathy wVould be awakened Hoime was sacred all everv regu har at tentit oni ar-Ol adelttSome.; 01r t1rle rlory was not in oulr gra| railroads or in oulr hank stocks, if wI s inl the happiness and sanctity of outr homes. The Speaker said theo -wCondlj bIllner which le saw- bore I he words "Save tihe boys." le said that Dr. David Ramsey in one( of his books haua1 said that drilkiling was the endelmic vice (if South tarolina, anid that t lie climiate predispossitspople to drink. It was omr dlty therefore to comiibinle our infiluences to protec tihe boys fromI drink. 1'le next genieration wou'ad h e comnposed of our lioys, anid we wonhl give theml suich trmnospo lstoi Solve that. their. heads wouluh throb. We should therefore save muir boys. The, speakel deprvecated the slightCSt useof iqnor, le knew of y'oInoigi' mien who hadl gotten drunk 1 lor the tirst t ine . iust to see how it felt. It reind~t ed himu of the anlecdote tolhl of y'oungm biefore is ends remai:rkedl that hie wVoil like to) feel thi' e'xcitemenclt oif beingI slightly, wvoiunded by a p~oisonecd au-row. ini a few hours the Prince wa wvouin1-. i'd to deta th by poisoned'( arr.ow. We shioulhl save the( boys for the girls n he' want loving husbanids. lie ioted from ani ob( book lhe bad on1ce readI "A shrmotid is better fitan a bridal veil if the br'idleroomu is or is t o be a driuik ard."' We sh1ouild onltltiply our1 ma (hinery~i to sav C he bIoys10. Ouri boys()V shiold aini thiemi.-elve's with "Il will'' aml1( thle p)owe(r t o SayV --no.'' Our bors ighit have to break away from so1me and1( cea;se to followv themu because those meni ha~d habits w hieb it was niof wvell to imuitat('. Thej~ spe(aker saiid f h - t hird. b~anner( bo:re the dice,' "'N o Licenise." Thle wvisest piece of legisla. tioni (vern enacl(te~l by thle Le~(gishaime was tihe locai l oio law. lie w~ooh not turn his hanud to secure'( the ('nlet menit of aniy other law, it gave the temnperan ice cause aill it coul iask. It left it clear anud free from (nt angle mient with other qjuestionis. * * * * Now'h, theQ qjues'tioni for' each commniity siun Jy wvas, "H avye we sulff('e( long enough frmi bar-r'oomns?" 'Will you v'ote for grog shops) ?" It was said t hita pro'hibit 301n did( not prmohiit. We might say thmat educlationl did niot educate amld th-a G hristianity did -not Christ ianiize withI equal force. ie believed that .prVohibitionI did( prohibIt. lie re(ferred to t he facet that there were nio att-prIo hibition meetings, anid said it was be, cause there was no0 apology or' argu menit 01n thnft sile. OUR FAJRME1S.-It is cheering to ride into our11 cou) try and Ce the Ic tivity and ciergy which are shown by our farmers inl tie eff'orts they are ui..i king to recpceIrat t hw losses 'they have sustained by I lie failures of theircrops. 'lev are not only Sowing inore (Xtll sively sinall giainl, bit a worg -vC Nvorki11tY to have next spring a oneh hirgetr sp ply of home-dunie maiuI1res, than for merly., atd t bus obviate IOhe ecessity of spenling so ineuh money for gnami. We? ieCI not ex pec ;t farn ing to pay better thanl it ' has doine in tihe pa-st. aln;l the soonIer all our fatrlIers a hanldol I le ilea tI hat it, is cheaper t pirchmse tI heir fertilizers hmi eveni to haul ouit, the hoimie-miade ilaulres, when made for theim, the beitter for themselves, the bett e r for'I- their children and Lhe better for I heir couIltt ry. ''ie experim)ents which have heen male by our govorn me1ll h-ave ( :lea rlv <ImoIst ratedl t.e fact t ht 1 he heavy applientioll of comn Iercial fel ilizers 11ot ( ly dI ..oes n11t re munerate I he frimleor buit does irreltpara Ifle injtury to 11s hl( Id.---Sente Free -3Mr. .Jaunes Chesnuit, o f A labama. kills the weevil inl hi corn thus : Hv uimlls the crn. I irows it inl heaps o I he ro ud, let in it- r ainih r t h ree or four days. vN3yria ls of liti le black nuts inainee iupoti tl- weevil eg's aInd ever leave the sta:lks till the hst itnsect i dere(d. Mr. Chest - n1t has pralleed this procefs.s for ye1's wit h1 ul tifolall suce(ss. -All Amier:-on girl recentt 1y reinsed an oiler of marriage, u-ignine av a reason that lher flher hi:l too lhree a fraimily to 'upport alr1'ady. AT'T"VOlNEV AND COUNSE)L AT LAV, GBJmENVILLE, S. C. Practices inl the State alld United States 011urts. ?.~&~ (i~f"OII e inl l it Oi llo e, "' I Nov 9-1-v HUDGENS & HUDG ENS, COTON\9 B~UYE~RS -ANn ) im.LI . IN General Merchandize, Easley, 5. KY. lInvites the attentio lofl0 theirP pa.tron) and th~ le gene ral p)ubbei, to the large and( attractive Stock of G~oodls Dry? Goods, N\oion s, ClYoiting , Hfats, Bo~ots, Shtoes, Grocer ies, Drug~s, Giassware, Grockry & W~ooden' twarIe3, TOCACCO, KINITTING and in ftact every tingl usual Jly kept in a of General Mi\erchanldize. We'( call (especial at teintion to our large STOCK of R IE A l)YX-MA DE CL1OTIIING, JE ANS and SI1I0ES, You will 11in( it to your initerest to exaini e them before pu rchatsing. Whenci yott Wantt Flour catlI foi thme *6 FROS'' ;"' for a " Choice Family " it ha~ 11o Stuper'ior. Oct 12.-1gm DRY GOODS -AND IIe:ibplarters for )ress GoodS, Black and C(( oloied Silks, Black Ca's I lm.(res, lleuriet t a (lot hs, Albat ross Clot hs, Bergaline Cloth s, and in faet, every thing ini 'BLA.CK .I) RESS GOO(IJS. Ani emilisite line( of Walking J ,ck etClaks, llinulaeoS : (C1IJLDm N'S C LOA K S. The onily place you -vill finl Evilt & BIros'. FinIe( Shloe.s for Iadives4, ! sses and Chihlren. They have iiumeroiis frieids. IC taks but ole trial to iInake for theimi a clistolier. ForI Style, Fit andl Comf'or thieyare uinexceliled, Tabh' Linens, Towekils, Bhkt, Napkiws ma doy inl abundance, "mi ome all see us. Prices a'n inul celd m eitn t. 11.-g ills to be hnd at J. H. MOROAN & 11110., WhIole.:i I and U1itail Merlants, GREENVILL', S. C.. Nov 2-:3n One (nud All, I laveI just ceived their Fall ~I I NN S0 'N &I(A (A 1.1' e antid NVinter s-tock\ Of, goods, consisting of 'Notions. Clo)thing, llardware, G.,roceries land (G'rocersI Drugs. e ivus a vall and11 we w\ill hesm I c iII t you if Iow price . re eired. (OIt 12-m TO TRE PUIBLTEC A to Owabner Brs wvill eon -dtock( is niow comiplete, conIsh'ltig of Ca' tnned Goods of ev'eiy lehseriptIin, Plai andjj~I( Faicy ainlies ini( endless. ware.. A\ full line of t hat comilIIett' wit hi G reen ville picest. Our line of Tlolacel) :inul Seg"ar is lar'ge andt varied, :nil will be soh~l at kepa full line of Clocks, and will sell tI betin eI ben p.IJewelriy t o plea1se all bo(.tlh inl et \e at 1(1 price(. A.indh lease to reiniemibe'r th a t we pay Ith h ighet(st maret prJ)ice for prIoduIce. We have 1no house ret nor clerk hire toJ pay, andt emti sell you nuny thing" we Very respeVctfuilly, OWN BE4Y BROS. Oct12-12m BiLAC KSMITHING In all its branches, done by JAMES RtOSEMON D. E~asley, S. C. Give hin a call and( satisfaction will be given,~ both .-.s to work and charges. Oet 12-12mu C. P. RUNION, Easley, S. C., To-day The "1Leadr (' Liw Prices. Wve are iakinloi a mgifict d4iSpjay of elegant ncwl i ]nall and.I "Q"rin-te-X C=-oodLd.. Wlen yon are out siopping, do not fil tof)en I 1:11(1i Inspect (-)uIr I nm nenlse lInet We hav e I he mnost Coipl(te assort nt of Wors1te(s from 10c. per yard 111) to iete lintesit I mploIed fabries. .A Stock of Boots and Shoes. Our variety is intexcelled for beaity an1d duraiI1-bilityIF. I A s iIS, isses, a nill chilre' Shoes, al m nII i nla'e ill tho 11test Styls. We have a largo lot of the 'Cni 1 "10Sit ti 1 Hull'" Hoot, uisutr pissed for beaulty, I anlod the lost (111ua ble Boot ever Sol inl our own. I.rie o unieqIualed. G OCERIES A SPI'cIALTY. Cotoni Bilyer for Exports to New Eniglandi st ates. Oct I2---2m GRAND EXCURSION T.,( See Ihe1 Circus" will not. vreate the exCitemlent that our Barigainis inl Beds, Bureaus. Chairs, Tdbe, and (very tigpertainling TO THE celegan1t :111l tdst eful fi unishiing of your ous11 ie wIlItI edrooml :nd Po 11e I S0alr Nis of all grl-nes. Come one, ebme alla:n i an1d be conmvinlced ihat o ano e nore goods for less money thank wo give at FURNITURE HOUSE, A general line of I;iulertaker's Sup plie'.s alwavs onl hand. GofIlinls imlmed at all houirs, and inl sty!e to sulit purlchasers. EASLEY, S. C. A. M. RUNION, Proprietor 1u'1iruiiture 1louse. Oct 12--12 JUST REOCEIVEJD AT p A new lot of Ladies 1iats, ALSO, ~Just rceivedI, a ne~w lot of Special b~arg'ainls ini BIoots and1( Shoes. ALSO, Just i celvedi, a Chieap lot of (Groceries. Givre ine a call1, andi I guiaran11tee satisfaction. Oct 12-12mn Lime ! Lime! Lime ! CJAN BE BOUGIITJ OF H-I. 5. GIGNILLIA T, .Easley, S. C., lEither in (Car L1.oad Lots or b~y the sin gle b)arr1ell at very CIIEAP IRATE S. Oct 1I2-tf Job work of all kinds donle at this offiee.