The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, November 30, 1883, Image 3

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. ghe fgsleg m essenger. LOCAL AND COUNTY MATTERS. EASLEY, S. C., NOVEMBER 30. CIEUJRCIH DERIECTOrWt. BAPTIST CHURCI. Rev. J. W. 11itUh1n1s, Pastor. E very first Sabbath at 11 o'clock. A. M,, and at 7:30, P. M. Siunday.School every Sabbath at 3:00 o'clock, P. M. PRESBYTERIAN CHuRcH.-(lt. Pleasant), Dr. J. R. Riley, Pastor. Ev ery second Sabbath at II o'clock, A. M / METITHODIST CHU RCH.-Rev. S. P. If. Elwell, Pastor, Every fonrth Sal)ath at II o'clock, A. M.. and 7:30 o'cloc.k, P. M. Every Second Sabbath at 7:30, P. M.. by Rev. 1). R. Brown. Silda ly School at 9:30, A. M., every Sabbath. seen W. S., our Fore mial, is authorized to receive and contract for Job work, &c.,for TiuE AIESSENGER Officec. INIR. CRoOKSHANKS, of Greenyille, was in town on Wednesday. A SINGING School will be tauight at Hlollybush next week, by V. Norris. - Ink at 10 eents per pint at, Ilnidgens & llidgenls. W. FLEC' i ER SMnI has been feastiig on wild Turkeys. le killed lour last; veek JI. 'T. JOHNSON, a younglawyer from Lfaurveis, is paying a visit to Pickenis with a view of locating. VANTED, Ohe h'loIsa1(d bhe1Ils of Corn. WN ill pay tie highest market price in lcash1. OWNBEY BROS. TIERE was a bear ham inl towi for sale last week. The animal was killed inl the vicinity of ILogback Mountaiun. Ti-uxx will be a meeting of the Ex eitive C3ounnittee of the Piethnont As sociatioln at Easley, on Sittirday the 8th of.Djecember, at 2 p. m. r. K. H-ILLJ. is havingthIe old Brooks house near the Academy, relovated. le expects to move into it wheni it is comIpleted. TJ E hei(aviest hanle of (cotto'n e'ver sold(. ini t his mnarket was sohl1 by A. M. Ma il (tin to W. M. lHagood. & Co. last Tuesday3. It weighted 9:30 pous. 'I'YLRAu, w~ants the peCople to kniow undler thie turnips brought its by Mr. E ASLEY is especially gay at this sea son. She cannot be ot hierwise, when so many enitertaijnmentts ar looked forwvard1 to. IT is clear no0w, and the young la dlies are On t he streets again. Thle clerks generally like to behold the fair forms. A sMALL~ child of Violet Boweni, col ored, was severly birned last Wedntes (lay. It was left in the house with other children, and~ caught onl fire. 'lh burn is a serilous one. '1T(OMAs HiiNTON, who1 liyes about six miles belowv here, had1( his arm se verely miashied last week b)etweenk two( logs. We hope thut hie may sooni re A TRANSFORMATPION in nature has takeni place. Johtnnie N. and his falir associate, wvheni returniing hiomie after an evenfuig's e nioymnent, practiced sinl gle-footin~g. Association as well as ex peCricee is a wonderful teacher. OWNBEY BROS. will have oni Exhid bition for the next four weeks, many curiosities hi CHRISTMAS GOODS, Fire-works, Toys of every description, &c. They extend t pressing invitation to their many friends and customers Who desire goods in that lie to call and examine their immense stock B-4 buyling. 3t LAST Mon(ay morning our towns mtan, J. 0. Sheck, received a telegraim with the sad iuteligence that hisfather, wh-1o resided in Washington City, was dead. Mr. Sheck left oin t h evening train for Washington. Tux Pidorian Society of the Piea monlit Intitute, give at public debate next Friday evening. Messrs. Maul (lin and Bruce cross swords ill debate with Messrs. Riley and Ellis, on the uery Is the Pen inightier than the Sword?" THE many frieiis of Miss Florrie Stacy will be p)leased to learn that she is in town. She vill remain until af ter Christ mas day, ainl vill rettirn to her home, wit I our old bachelor, who says 1 feels "'as happy as a big sim flower," accompanying her and others I of her frields. THEgreatest quarry in the suirround ing coIntry is at Pickenisvilhle, onte mile b1elow Esley. D. C. Moore is fiur nishtiI( rock to soime one in reenville. It covers fouar or live acres, and it is nicely wvorked withtoiit t 1 Ise of blas4 ing powder. Any size rock Cal be ob tailed, the diflerent layers being of various dimensions. MR. WAIT1 will h:lve to carry his hen to th' rear, as 'Squire G ossett, of this tmwn, brings olne to the frott this wveek, vlich conniinened laying ill Janutary hist and contint ed daily (Sun days not excepted) until the hatter partl of A ugust, mtaking over 200 dhays, an1d it is said that at t itites she Showed a disposition to lay twice a day. BARNE'T SMI' I, who lives nea Glhassy' Mountan, recenitly killed1 a; pig t hait was niot ten mioniths oli, whichi Whiere pigs receive good1 at tenitioni they wvill growv, fencee or nto fencle, wvon't they .Judge. R Ev. D). WV. HIoTT, st opped ini Eas ley last Mon day niit. on is way from Charleston, whewre lhe hadl beeni to at (1end the meieting" of the State Baptist C'onvenit iOn. Hie says there was a large attendance of dlelegateCs ando th at t:hte mteetinig was one of the mtost leasamnut ando htarmioniious ever held by that body. Mr. .J. A. ROINSON, anm enterpris ing farmer of Daeusvihle TVownshiip, left with us oni last Saturday, two of the largest Turnips that we have seen tlhis seasoun. Each one measured 21 inches in circumferenice, and the two wveighed1 15.1 poundl~s. Mr. R., says he sowedi the seeds5 about the 10t h of Augrust, htavingo previously prepared the land( 'well, anid as soon1 as the plants were large enough ha plouighied thtemi dieep and~ oftenm. Th'le Turnips wvere of the White Globe variety. T IIHE has been during the presenit year' an unusual visit ationi of death to t he o1(d people of Fair View comnmuunit y. Oni the r'oa~d leading from Easley to WVill iamiston, there wer'e 1ive deaiths, one from each faily l ivini g adjoiningr one another,within a'distance less than one mile. All were persons of ad vanced age, viz : Martin Pihilips, Edith Marttinl, Marthat Wilsoni, E phram11 Smith aid J. Osborn Nalley. The four first were citizens of Anderson, imud the last, of Pickens County. ON the evening of the 13th of next month there is to be a grand Social En teortainment in the "Mai 00111'' of the El1aisley Academy. The young men here met and appointed the various Comm ill1ittees for the Occasion. They are the following : Comiit tee on uivita tions-otir old bachelor, C. V. Bowen, Chairman. Sulbordinates, onr bridle less youth, Eugene R iiion, and tender ma11sher, Williamil Lann11ing. Th1e Coml mnittee of Anugemnents has for its head, the Electrie boy at tile depot, James Hester, Johime Nickles, and the "extra change'" mal, Illmptoni Bry ant. Th. floor Coinnittee is made up of youths both fast and' slow. J. R. Hlagood, I h(", soliewhat anticipated "George" is C hairila , while the "WIVill" (of) Robinson, whici relies so mu111ch in blasting powder to clear his way, anid R. C. Gignilliat, who "'holds fast" to wh it he's got. will participate in the pleaSulres which lies before them. Yoing ladies set to work to prepare your Ceening costitunes. N mEW A D' EirrI'ISEN'.-L~et all read I hle new ad verise menlts which alp pear inl this issue : The Law cards of Alait C. Welborn, a native of Pickens county, and Messrs. Blyth- & Mayliel, all of the Green ville bar, present a. neat appearaice. Thly arve inen of So0und judgmiient, an1d of ilie intelleet. R.evad, too, the very ilmlportalt adver I':semleiit of D. C. Moore, of Pickens. ville, a I hrift y man, who leaves us sooMI to make his hvme in Greenville. Alko, note the advertisenent of J A. Cook, dealer inl Stoves, Tinwarc, House fumrnishingo. goods, &c. And of Johnson &k Clelainl, Phofto graph~iers, in ouir nteighiborin g city. Give each firm a call whe li you go to Grenville ; they wvill make yout glad of thme opportuniity of payihng thenm a visit. Ownbey Bros. has a line lot of Xmas tricks. TPhey also want I ,000 bushelsC1 0f corn 101' cash. M~Ieeting of the General Assemibly. The General Assembly met at noon1 onl Tuesday. Alt hioughi thereP was a qutorum~l, m:m ty of t. ie memlbers wereb absent. 'l'here hlud been no changes of the miembehrs, save Mr. Bellinger, of Barn~iwell. Hie resigned andi Mr. Mur raiy was electedl ini his place, wh'io was present and( was qualified. 'There were t hirty-six bills and reso hit ions of unlinished1 business on the Calendar. Among~ thlemi w~ere thue fol lowving : A Resolution to pur1ichas'e a sarcophangus for' the remainis of Johnm C. C9alhouni; 'a bill requiring the pub11 lie printinig to be donew in the State'; "'bill to establish uniformity in the as sessmuent of prioperty, anid thle collee tion of taxes, State and( Muniicipal;'' "'and several billIs for te creation of niew colunties," were anmng the mtfl Mr.f lutson, of Hlamrpton, introduced a joint resolution appIropriating $10,000 for' thle paymient of e.xpenises incutrred in the trials ini the United States Court of State otlicers. T1he Senate conlvened at the same iiour, and ieut.-- Ouv, Shephard wve comned the Senators in a short addr'ess. Rev. Mr. Judd.~ of rinjity Church led In prayer. The Governor's Messag was delivered to both Houses, which id full in every particular. It sCeis that before the permanuent close of the ses sion, "Prohibition" will receive atten tion. This subject certainly deserves its proper consideration. TRE MAItK( EI'E. Our Cotton Market has been firner this week. Sales for the week 16o bales. We qiote : Baconl..................,........ ......... Flour per barrel ............. ..... $6 $ Shirtin g----...... ).51@a6 4-4 - .7 (a3 Pin t( s.---... ... ,............5 @al Yarns ......... . . . . . . .. , COI'INTRY 1RIODUCE. Cotton......... Eiggs ......15 20 I hi.ken . .. .....10(a)'20 Corn.................... ...70q7t For Sile or Rent, My llouse alnd Lot, situatedl at Pick ensbvill. Dewelling houe has six roo01ns, and unider. it a good collar.. On1e large Store-house, ' Coimnter and Shelving comlete. Stab~le, with sevenl stalls and large fodder loft. As good a well of water as in the State. 'errn Iibera l. Apply on lrweiises. D. C. MOORE. Nov 30-3t It. P. JOHNSON. F. P. CLE LAND. SWEET SIXTEEN, AND UP TO S1ou1ld have their Pictures taken at JOHNSON & CLELAND'S GALLERY, GRHEENfrILLE, S. C. We are pre)ared to maike FERRO fYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Copy and ENLARGE PICTURES, A T Good Pictures made in cloudy weather. Pay us nor no one else for poor Pictures. JOHNSON & CLELAND, WLAF' The only Reliable Ferrotype Galler'y in the South. iNov 30-ly LATEST SCHEDULE On the Piedmionit Air-Line Rauil Roadt, of trainis arriving at Easley,. SOUTH BOUND. No. 50, (Passenger) arrive...7:11 A. M. No. 52, ""...5:53 P. M. No. 18, Local Freight " P. M. NORTH BOUND. No. 51, (Passenger) arrive..l0:34 P. M. No. 53, "".. 3:07 P. M. No. 17, Local Freight '' ...5:13 P. M. All of the above trains carry passent gers. PAY UP AT ONCE. Those indlebted to us for Guano are notilied that they muust comec for'ward alnd Settle at once, as we nteed and mrnust have OIUR iMONEY. So do not deClay. A LsO, Those due us on Store Account must settle up at once, so that we may be enabled o supply you again. A w1ord( to the wise is suflficient. ROBINSON & WYATT. Nov 16--tf