The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, October 19, 1883, Image 4

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CONTINUED FROM FIRST IAG E. cotild not restialin vithi theirgiosily bounds the flight of his genius. This very imprisonment for aught we know. called forth that beaitiful allegory which so vividly piet ures the Christians pathway from his humble home on earth to his i 9ylj palace onl high. Ge nius cannot be subdutied. Webster says "it is like th-e earth's central fire, seas may quenlicl it aitd II oilotainls weight it dowin for a while, but It Some thilne, and soie place, it will heave bo1th the ocea1n and the htlnd ind Ilount ip to the skies. You citizens.have nowan institution 'which properly nurtured, vill be to voin an inestimale blessing. You ali offer to scholars better accoinnod tions I han most siinilar institutions, a id even better than many that doi the more pieteltiols nIaies of College, In stitute, Uiverity A e(. By riann united you C:I aIlwys employ ihe best talnt inl thehul is teihr, li Nom aughters will be carried firt her I14-re in the lantgia ges. mat hem 1aties a i SOlid Scieles, t han in the a vera'ge fe male College, for these .science are oh Iig)d to bea taught to greater perfee tI on where boys aIre edt'ucated . The inl 1ltIence of a good school inl 3our1. idst ,will soon lave a I telling effect on thne social coniditiont of your people. If your Children have to be eiltivited a broa you -Ire deIprive(d of the in tflin viIe that aI grood !clool exerts over a Coll mmunity. Flowers aitid fruit hrought froin a di,tance may be as sweet us th1osc ralised at hoi. but voll do not enjoy half the f Ingraice lhat you would if they grew il Vor Owli yard. * * * * *. Then oI v) your school a repIutationi you musi:t first II(1e1ute I here your io w I Chihirei. a11d when they go out into t he world it will be the best advertist ment that. cn be sent abroad. This institution should be reg)arded by you anld your chidren Is a Iiost precious iiherlitce. All other Jpos esVio:ns excelpt leariinin ig im.ay he swept. tway by the.clIanges of fortluie, riches may be wruig fronm the l.a lid of te 1mtost frugal money kinlg. Eerv ex. penditure Whether for good or evil, is liable to ditinish lthe miier's treasure, butt lie whoi) gives f.om11 his store Of knowledge is eirilebed by rivingt. li who o tachs lears fastertI han1 thoe wh'Io are ttgIhtt. ic1r() says that "he who kinidly shiows tIhe way to a1 wain (lerer acts as5 though he kindled a t oreb from his owni light,' that will shi ine nmone the less for hiimself whieb hie has kindled for another, Ie who created. thle earthI ont wihichl we live. elothed'( ii with its intantle of beauity and ('ml(ow ('d it wit h its unt old trteasme s of wealth, ie who crea tedI those dlistan t worlds t hat 1)parkle like jewels 0111 the imant he of tight, h as d eclared Ithatr one humiani soulI out weights them aull, for lie says :'What is a uman protited if 1e gaini the whole worldl and~ lose htis Ownl soul, or what would he give in ex ebange for it," impl.\lng that thme reasures of the whole uniiverse wold( not redemi it. lTen if lie who cr'ea I ed the ind). deems it a gem i of such priceless value, lie will ntot obliterate any work that you may (10 to enhIane its beauty ai(ncease its value, wvheni Hie claimis it to dheck His Palice ini H~eaven. The tree of kniowledge blooms and1 shteds its fragrance on earth, but its fruit ripens to be entjoyedl inl (eternity. T1hen say to thy souh, (drink deep at tile fountain of wisdom. plume thy wings for' a heaven-bound flight, to revel amid worlds that circle around the thtronte of the Great eternal, and to rejoice in the flood1s of golden Jight that emianate frcm the bro .v of suipr'eme intelligence, ever approximna ting nearer and nearer in know ledge, power and perfection Ilim wh'io gave the being. -Peace in life springs from ac quiescence even in disagreeable things, not in exemption from suf fering. af Subscribe for the MESSENOER. BEWARE OF THE WIDOW. The widlow 19Is algerous1 t hh1g, With soft, black. shining curls, Anl looket i more bewvitchitig Than I host of romping g irs II' hirlgh is so ielicious - So knilowing, clear', beside You'~d neerdream hier thinking Soon to bceome a bilde. IL(er dressz, though Imade of sable, Gives roundness to her form A touch ( of somiethilig thought fiul. A wit(ching&, wiit oloig cha Im ; .Anl when she it,. donl by you. Withb qulit, vasy grave, A tevr- may fall imbiddein, Or a smile lihlt. up her face. ier voie i4 soft. nI lodiou1s, Anid thiet-like in tone, She soinetimes sigh'. 11 "' i radfuli 'I) ja-s through life :lone i' Thenl shie'll tell yol, you reiimim her Mf the loved one dead :nhl ii. i Yomr step, yorfm1, yourl fea'tr-lbS Thuis the. wioill runl oil.. Oh ! listen, yet he careful, Fol well Ahe plavs he palrt ; Ifer. lips4 diktil the niectar. TImhtat (hah enslave the hea-t Me gtunled, o smh' ill vOt Vith sighs. -Ind : lsmiles UtI t ear-, And u\hvln youi're' safely vthled Slie miay~ box youtr sillyV e.ars y A Wfif's Coinmanudnits. 1. 111011 shalt have no other wife hut Ime. 2. Thou shalt not take into thy house anly bealltiful brazen i mag_' of a servant, girl, to how (down to her and serve her ; for L aii a jeal Otis wife, visiting, &c. 3. Thou shit not take the inme of thy wife in vain. 4. Remenber thy wife to keep her r(espectablv. 5. Il01or. thy wife's father al miot her. 6. Iliou shalt not fret 7. Thou shalt not find fault with thv dinnel. 8. Thou slhlt not chew tobacco. 9. TIhou shalt not he b)ehlind thy 10. '1hou1 shal t not visit the rum taverni, thou shalt not covet the tavern keeper's rum, nor his bran dyV, ntor his gin , nor his wine, nor anything that is behuindl the hafr of lhe rum11 sel ler'. 11. Thiou shalt not visit the bil liard hail, neither for worshipping in the danice, nor heaps of money that lie on thle table. And the 1 2thI commnandmnent is, Thou shalt not stay out later than 9 o'clock at night. --YungMr. Tremle, who is quite bright, was at a party one night and lhe was quite well looked at y hegirls berore he wasmi he soon caught on, and1 was ma king himself very popular. "'Oh, Ia, Mr. T1rembhle,'" laugh ed Miss Mollie at one of his witty remaks, ''you remindI me so much of a friend of' mine." " 'Indeed Miss," saidl Trembile, ''in what way ?" "Oh he looked just like he hadn't a bit of' sense, but when one knew him, lhe was just too awfully cute for any use.'' --If there is a person to whom you feel a (dislike, that is the per son of' whom you should never An Exstensive AuditorIum. "Can you tell me,'' said an itin erant preacher to a Texas cowboy "how fiar it is to the church where Rro. Stone is carrying on a pro tracted siege against the strong holds of satan?'' "Well, sir," replied the cowboy, "'you're in'the church now, but it's nigh on to four miles to the pul pit." "I do not un(erst'and you,'" col tinued the minlister "W'iall, it's this way :Preach er Stone's pulpit is a dIry goo(s box inider a live oak tree." 11ow I4 FEr.-"'I heard you kissed the prettest girl inl the room at the party last night,'' observe(l an Austin youth in lle-glas s gog gles to his companion. "Well, I did, for a fact. What of it?'' "Oh, niothi ng, but I'd just like to know how you felt during tlie sweet osculatio'." "Felt like a heef'steak."' " Like a beefsteak ?" "Ye', simiotheredl il onions." Texas Siftiings. 'INi-rnS AND PoSsN.-\ prini ter namledl RHobert 11. Joles died; in this cit y on Friday last froml tile effects of leading poisoning. Ile was a sober man, and while at work Ie inlialed the (uist from the type which he Was compelled to hlaldfle. This dust is known to he quite poisollolls. 'I le deathi of this pool man lbhriigs out the fact that alcobol is very generally re garled as antidote for lead-poison ng. This is at least a tradlitioni in all well reguula ted nlewpamper ofhices, ad it is for' this reason that prin ter's are never' asked to join temn per1ance societies. If they do sign a pledge, it is with a mental reservation touchiing lead-poison ing.-New York World. A WVORD TO THE T"TJILL F"ROS OWNBE'Y a R OS A vi sit to Ownbey Bros. will con vince vou that we can sell you GOODS as CHIE AI Pas the CiE AlPESTP. Our stock is nuow complete, consisting of Flour, Bacon, Lard, Cotlee, SIugar, Canned Goods of evei y description, Plain and Fancy aiu lie S inl endlless variety, I Iardware, T1ini and I lollow ware. A 11l11line of that compe1)te with Gr'eenville' pices. Our line of TFob~aco and1( Sega rs is large and( varied, and1( will be sold at prices that will. indneue all to buy. If you nieed aniythilng in theO shape of Farming Inplements, we keep It. We k eep) a full l ine of Clocks, and will sell them cheap). JIewery to please all both in style and price. And please to remember thiat we pay the highest market price for priodulce. We have nIo house renit nor clerk hire to paRy, and canH sell you any thing we keep at the very lowest prices. Very respectfully, OWVNBEY BROS. Oct 12-12mn NEW COpS! :0:--. "whoever. thinkhs a. fauilitless mlerchant t.() See.( ThhIiinks what ne'VL was, nor is, nor e'r shall be." WHIILE. W. H. HMGOOD &00. adopt that as their senti iments, yet at the same time they guarantee all possible satisfhetion to those who may have dealings with them. Surrouding cireun stances, viz: (lose atten tion to busincss, the expel= diture of characteristic ii e g', kind accomniodlation sh . wn to customers, and the filling up of their store with a large Stock of ASSORTED GOODS, sold at pric.s, suflciently cheap to inuvite the at tention of every one, should SCeell to prove conlisively to the mlind of every thinking man, the primec importance andl advan tage involved, in giving them fre quent calls. If there is anuother firm in the country who (.all better meet the wants of the people gen erally than they, then they will "viehl the palim ;" but so long as everything is favorable to a con tinued patronage, they trust they shall rceive it. In addition to a full line of General Merchandize, they wi/i gjlad/y' actCmoJJ - dale you in the BUGGY AND WAGON Idep ar/tment1, a/lwa(ys kar ing on hand theese rhce b sale. fies ides th at, t/aqy are gladto inform the pubtlic theat /hq~y deal ex/ensu'ely 'in 6'022'0v, /ing'~ thec .'1gency of a well establish ed (and reputablde CJot/on house. 7ce higheest .)J/arkel .prices are paid ftr this staple. CJome ini and see them; your presence is solicited at the Store of WV. M. HIA(00'D & CO., i/)asley, 8. C. W. 19r. *AGOOD & 00., Run au First Class Livery and Sale Stable in connec tion with their business, andi wviil furnish BEST TURNOUTS at Lowest Rates. Don't forget them when in Easley. Oct 12--12m