The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, April 02, 1903, Image 5

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Local Item -Jack Wakohn, of Liberty, was in town the last of the week. -Sevoral niceo -milk cows for sale. Ivy Al. Mauldin. -Mrs. Ivy M. Mauldin loft Mon day on a visit to friends in Au gusta. -Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hlagood left for their home in Clarlestont Monday. --W. Pat Dickson of Meet, S. C. has assigued for the benefit c,f cred itor's. -Editor J. L. O. Thompson and wife and Miss Olga Richy spent Sunday it. Greenville. --Maj.). . lradlley, tho genial editor of the Easloy I'rogross, Vas in town last week. -Mra Thos. Norris, of Catoo chee, is on a visit to the family of her uncle Robt A. IRowen. -M1ioses Gertrude IIagood an<l Lida Folgor of Easoy, sphrmnt Sun day with relatives in P'ickei:s, --The most select shape and material in ladies hats, I11n't for get the opening, A pr. ';rd atnd Il th. --Middloton I[este' returuod Saturday from a busmess trip to Brevar'I, and va:lcy of the French Broad. - J. F. Br. ek, Jclu e er, ies iioved h,is oflice f rom 1: trLk's Drg store to the "lp staiir "over Co.roy's 'old Law ollio-. -Mrs. Estelle Stewa,ht, of Au. 'gusta, visited the Misses lFolgor last week, She returned home Monday. - Clerk of Court, A. John lIoggs. who has been unalle to :ttend to hi official dut ies fo0r somo time, is able to be at, his post again. --The contintted wet vather has cansed tho small grain to get a lit tie in alvancet of the seasoin. There will likely ho no ill results unless a. severe freeze should come. -The gale Sunday and Sund!ky night was terrific 'I';Te effects can bo seen on the forests particularly -numbers of large trees being blown down. On the Hiagood's~ mill road) near Israel F'ergusons, the road is completely blocked with large timber. --The MisIsissipi Is spreading itself, A Eerious break nas Odeur' near Greenville, Miss. T1',' bther breaks along the' loss of life has F'arming oper be much r1 has be , Judge * oe WiI1. Mil . J. N. Morgan, 01)n the Grand Jury. ABrown, of Dalton, and -. .i', Hunter, of Lib)erty, are r-etit Jur'ors. -Spartan burg County has such hu alarmningly largo numberl of bensioners on her rolla this year that the Comnptroller General has hadi to investigato. tho natter. thtlre aire moro than twie ) as thainy lleunsioaers in that couinty than In aniy county in tI e Stato. --A beau inuI home wvedjimg wats solemn)ized at the home of the bride's father, Mr. RI. A. B3raizial, in Brmoadway townushi p Anodorsonm coun)ty, on Wed nesdlay, M arch, 25th. Miss3 Nina B3roaalo was happily married to Mr, J1. H-. .Richardson, of Liborty, Rev. 0. L. martin, ofliciatinug. May health happiness anud priosperi ty attend them through life. ---State Suporutendent of Eduica tlon, 0. B. Martin, hias issuedl a call for a meeting of County Superin.. Wnden ts at Rock HI ill, A pril 1.4 to 'L0. There are several matters .of importance to come beforo the body, one of the most important of which Is the consideration of the' improve mont of the rural1 schools. Summer Schools for the different counties will also likiely bo considered. Vounty Superintendent R. T. Hal Anlm expects to attend. "The Pickens Brick Co., Geor & Etephenson, proprietors. is begin lilng active operation. Trhe winter bionths have not ben spent in idle ness by any means. A large am,>unt tf wood has been cut during the( Winter months, and some very tg kins will be 'burnt a little te'on. This is an important en '10 as it turns loose every~ WMuk i 6ousldsrable amount of casi - a oam its laborers whloh nonntnn1. of Interest. 4 --Aaron Boggs is visiting rela tives in Pickens. -A I;rainion 'T'aylor began work with tho Pickens Railroad Co,, Wcdisday morning, -1Is boys, your Angelina likes to ride in a now buggy. No doubt a)ott that. l;arlO Lowis has accepted a po sition in West End Drug Storo, in Glreenvillo. -l vl'yIt want extra fino fPeR 1Bor ry coffee or thO geiilno Muscoval(da mnolassos go to Rt.C.Carter, Liberty. -The Anderson n\ attreis Parc; tory was hurn0d last W11,ne5(y. Loss, $500(; instranice, $2:0. --Th) Iariers (lid a siIu1pi s ingly Iarge armount of work in the fow daya of fiIir wea ther the past wek. ---W\ ' Ilt"vo (n hand p1lnty ofI larly Uliss and Red Rose Irish I'otatto:e; at :5e )('r po)ck-Craig 1),r% s. -\ rth ur L')win, who is in tll n raiilroat1d Servic', with boadalnarters it, Jncksonville, Fla. is at home on visit to his father, F. A. Lewis. -Th( iow summer dress goods it IL U. (alrler's, ILiborty, S. C. are lho pri'tt.iust over shown inl this iuniitry. (t I lng fromt the amuoun t of 1,11uan1o hatull out of Pickons the p)I wek, t,lhere will havo to be a )ig cot tou crop raid is to pay guallo nuotoH. - ' wV it the 11Othors who have t. so, to call in(] examinw )III liin of boys pn1111t,) al(l smo if we cii't save you labor and mon ey-Craig lrt's. -The A pril and May "meetings" Will so non be here. WO were glad le) down it our hearts that last -inunday wasn't on, of the "big lays.'' -- W\'1hen in need of Hardware. i Dy goods, Notions, Gonts Furn w,zhings and grocerees go to R. U' (;art'r ILibety, andi he will you ioley. -Solicitor Thuii' thaIt tile trial or' will begini; 13, anl' ..ef Con Sreapploinlted .~, Chief Constable a.Thus will please .y everybody in the dis --TPhe auithorities ofS.C. College anid Clemson have refused to allowv tile anlnual football game on ThIanksgiving between the teams of these twVo in)stitutionls. A capital --Maj. J. J. Lewis, of Pickens, is with Mrs. 13. F. Sloan, whose many friends here and elsewhere, will be glad to know of his im pro"vemenCI)t in health,.--Keoweo Couri r, -LJ,iot wook tile p)rogressive citi zens of Wa'lhalla obtained a char fer for an (il mniii. It is to be a $25,000) plant. Judging from the cuar loads of. meal and hulls brought to Pick( n19 the nered for anI oil mill hereC is imuper-ative. -The Heavy ramls a short time ago walshedC away' the blig lmbLOr' boom of thle IIenedict-Lo0vo Co. on Soneen River at Calhoun. Th'er'e were mtore t hanl 4000 "logs washod away, entailing a loss of $35,000( to tihe company. -Yes, girls, tihe boy8 do notice wheni you've got On a new hat. And thlin you feel bet,ter about it. Don't forget to attend the B3ig Storo 's annual Spr'ing opening Apr. 3 and 4. The finest line of hats ever displayed in Pickens. --Mr. D)ray ton McConnell, of Anderson counity and Miss Janie Attowvay, of this county were mar. ried Sunday at the residence of the ofliciating minister and uncle of the bride, Rev. J. P. Attoway. The bride is the daughter of the late Roy. McSwain Attoway, ---"The Missioner" is the name of a now church paper recently launched by the Methodists of the , roonvillo district. It is issued mon thly and will be a great stimt ulus to chlurch wvork, antd partica larly to missions In this district Roy. R. A. Child, Presiding lElder and R~ev. M. B., Kellyi pastor of St John't ohuroh, Anderson, are thi editors .I( ndlRv. A. 3. Qanthen --The metropolitan eity of An deison is all ait i over labor strikes -Alrs. U. A. ll'ster has returnei oii i at visi t I o her sister in Ocone Her health is solowhat improved --We havo a beautiful line o spring and summer drose good that u o are an1xioutis for all the la d1es to s--CirLig Bros. -''lio County Mutual Benefi AssociMt.ion of America iv now ready for business in, tIiiscouuty. So if yot would like t he cleapest and mosi simple Life Insiralco in U. S Call on E. Foster Keith, Pres. Pickens, S. C., or H. C. Shirley, Secy. . Treas., Liberty, S. C. earo inlariied by Auditor li:ith that all taxes, charged for the ( e,ar coverod with the closing of the books March .15th, have been Patid ('xcclt $20.20 and this in cludes the i 1>or Cent penalty of which lorhaps PO per cent will be collectfd, There will be little un paid taxes for the year when the Irealsurer again opens his books. One nice 3 roon house' at Six mile, S. C. Will sell 5 or 10 acres of land with the house. Terms Easy. Apply to C. W. GARRETT, Six Miles, S. 0. ALL OVER THE HOUSE. The Value of Various Fruits as Food and Medicine. T!in1 fruit. lt niha ny uses besides pieasin, the instc is well known, but the exact properties of each kind are not. so well understood by the cm;o:rumers. and a few suggestions C,n ill,uj('tI m1ay not be amiss. Fr i:, 4n, will not sustain life for any great lenigth of time, but hel1 to fulrnish a variety in the dicet. ~t s( timulates and improves appe tile :nii l dig stion, relieves t1 and lii'odt'e s \ Atcr into P tom, ac(ts ai hi'ative or stilullates the kidnev ithe organic salts no nut !riieit. Ii the mI w1ere un11d' use tIe )s me ' ,,:ded. .re figs, .es, oranges . are blackberries, )herries, pomegran cs, pears, wild cherries, .ies and medlars. 30c kinds used for diuretics are etrapJes, black currants, peaches, whor tleberries and p)rickly pears. The refrigerants are red and white currants, gooseberries, lem ons, limes anud ap)ples. A pples arc usefu.1 as a stomach sedative and will relieve nausea and even seasickness. G rapes and raisins are nutritive and demiulcent, making them excel lent for thoesickroom,--Christian Work. _____ To Clean Silver. For cleaning silver plato the fol lowing mixture is recommended: To two ounces of French (prepared) chalk add one-quarter of an ounce of aniunlonia, four ounces of alcohol and( two ounces of water. Add to this, whlen thle chalk and water are thoroughly incorporated, ten grains of cyanide of potassium dissolved in t wo ounces of water. The result ing mhix-ture shlouild be of a creamy consistence. To give it a pleasant odor add twenty drops of oil of sas sairas. The oil of sassafras is added purely for n'sthietic reas5ons, ase it serves no( utilitarian purpose what ever. The mixture is to be placed in a bottle and thoroughly shaken before being used. Tro app)ly pouri a little into a sau eer, dip in tihe end( of a soft l'owelry brush and go over the whole sur face of the article in question. If thlis happens to be deeply engraved, use what pain)ters call a "stippling" stroke, which consists of jabbing the endls of the bristles into the re 2esses and( grooves of the chasing. If highly polished, do not use .a bruish at all, as it will make minute lFor use uder this latter condi tioni make a p)ad of cotton flannel filled with cotton wvool. Dip this into the mixture, going over the suirface wvith very light, circular strokes. A fter the article has been restored to its original whiteness w~ash thoroughly in hot water and castile soap and rinse in scalding Pier to Rebuild. The Bloards of County Comm issioner of Oeoneo and Pickoas counties will 1nt to the lowest responibhle bidder or bid dere, on THURV1?SDAY APRIL 9, 1908 att 11 n, m., the coutract to rebuild a pie uinder the iron bridge, at Old wiokene over Keow~ee river. The successfuil bid decr will ho required to give bond doabi the amount of bid. Roards reserve th right to reject any and all bids. Spec ifloatmonus wdll be made known on day e letting, t4. D. Stepens, Count SupervIuo?1 DiIssotion of Partnership. Not,ico is hereby given thaitil (11e norship) heretofore exIttg 6I6 ,~ . Geer, L,~ M, Mahaffand W. tehensoni has been di ed byv m tual dosentand the b'us tee willlbeaontinued iuder tlae 4* nam oGar&Ste uheim on. R.C. C o- HAS JUST( New Store at I and is positively selling goods cheal before, Bolow are a few prices. I1a & "The Half Has N< 19 lbs. Standard Granulated Sugar 20 lbs plantation Granulated sugar 12 lbs. Good Green Coffee for 10 lbs, Best Roasted Colioe for. First-class Stool plows at -1! cents UMBRELLAS a 60-inch Red Table Dame Best Turkey Red, regular 0 Good Eight Half-hour Strike. I have the most complete lino of in this country, all of which are new at prices unhea.rd of. Men's $1.25 and $1.50 E lent Stock, to go at a Bar I also have a coij)lete line of Poles, Shafts - sons, Storm Apron also, Po' -s, Tonguo Stret and 'DWARE. 'oto 11110 of 'a are bought for Ca country. me in h. Come and see .ve R. C.CA Liberty, A Full Line of Newi Spring4 Now on hand, at prices that w buy for CASH. Give me cash ti pons to the amount of your purc tions and return them to me wvh receive a nice premium piece of c Call when in Pickens and inspi absolute satisfaotion is guarantee JOH N PF. F Real Estate . TOP PAYI3 One 5 room house, Lot 70x2.10 f< Two 4 room houses, Lot 70x210 fee Two nicely shaded lots, 100x200, fe Three '' " " 100x200 fee One, one-acre lot--facing two stree One Parm-oomprisi ng seven ty-on cultivation andu only 1.} miles from For further information call on J. D. HOLDER RIEAL EST1ATE 01f100 at Depot. TE Grand C Of Our Milliner WILL TAK Friday and Apr. 3ri The Spring Styles will be show shape, material and effect. Our mrotto shall 9e;"'Correct Si , very hat that goes' oult'.from i exstend to every woman a oordiai inv yourselves the corretness of thie hai mioney. If you only look you will J We have bought the largest an ineonts in the history of our busines t.hreSt to comne and seo us' Yol Heath-Bruce ARTER JBERTY S. C. 0r than ('ver sold in this country I them and come and see that ver Been Told." # for - - $1.00. or - - - *1.00. -- - $1.00. - - - - - 1-00, lor pound. Tvwili, Steel Rod, 48 ir Price 75c., for sk, warranted 2 60c. goods, at Day Clock, & for only $1.95. S11OES ever offered to tlho trade and fresh &from the factory and ROCANS, Excel gain----only ... e IAlI)\VAl.E. such as liuggy s and Dashboards, ready for use, t-hers and Stay Chains, Cutlery 1D11 IOODS, NOTIONS and 3h. and vil b)e sold for lowest IA FOR CASII, and you will find you money. RT ER, -S. C. and Up-to-date Goods. ill please those who want to aude and I wvill issue you cott hase of Dry Goods and No m you please during 1908 and hina. sch my up-to-date stock, where d or money refunded, AR RIS. For Sale. 1031E anid U RENT. mt, Price, $6G00.0 t, Prico each, 400.00. ot, on corner, 500.00. t, price each, 150.00. ts, price, '200.00. e acres--one-hal f in Pickons, price, 851 00. & COMPANY, D)EALbElts1. Pickons, S. C. I pening y Department E PLACE l Saturday 1, 4 4th1 ii. Every hat labsolutely new l1 ~yles at Recasonablo Prlces" are inust please the wearer, WI Itation to attend and judge fc s. If you choose One you will sayv earn the correct ityles for the sea 3. most varied stock in all depart ,,and we wIll make it to your in) irs truly, -Morrow Co., 8, 4 i0 NEW Si THE LARGEST S WE HAVE E Your attention is especially calle Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnish A comploto line of Lawns, Dinities cmrized goods in all colors with Lac We have the prettiest lino of plant ever Showu inl Pickons. (entlem .'n it is about timo for you Spring Sit, Hat, Shoes, Shirts .El yourself is. Vhero cal I got the b that fits every way butt Ii right wi so style and quality and the right pr of your time and wo wil be only too lino. We have by far tho best line ever carried. Shoes ! . You know what the ''lattle Axe" S of shoes, but tho "Bottle Axe" dowr "OXFO ('>For Men anc We also have a nice line of Patent ~ of Hardware, HIorrows, Hoes, Plow .llelting, Shingle Mills, and Mill t with prices right. We havn't the space hero to toll yo liko to but wo invite you to our stoi interest you hero. FOLGER & J. L. holt, iM. ). r oPickens Drug Drugs! Drugs !4 If you want call on us. useless drug what you wt for you on si Stationery.,"% Our store is Tablets, Pa kinds. A J Cigars and Tobacoc The best snm Cigars and ] SpectaoIes.4"% Don't forget ters for fitti' 25o to $7.50 Pickens Drug WTry our Hleadache Powde Easley Hiardwa HARDWARE & P.I STOVES and T REAOHE'S BASE SEWING MAOHII (Below Agent DILL WRE. B3ELLOW8 adLf( IBLACKSM ITH BIND)ERS and ( HARRC Easley Hardwa We are awa: Clad to see --t The boat is the cheapest. We like to sell the best becaus( This applhos to all classes Stoves, Axes, Saws Cutlery, Hamme -as W4 3 edsj IAts, Clothing, r Yans r 1uand hiundredsof other useful a stook. ,, REMEJC E I Good go shoddy goods. Oall Ibi lobk til Ilines aind give #e ytti valued PRING iTOCK VER BOUGT. I to our immense line o : Hats, Shoes and Ing Goods. : , Percals, Linons, and me!r es and Trimmings to na.l I and mere )rized whit' g> als to begin to think about your c. Tho first ctutest i(tn to ak ost suitod? Don't btty a suit 1y. If you want a Iit anl al ice, also give us a few iniut s glad to show you tl rough our f clothing this ::"asf,tn '{e have Soto e s a r e . T l h e r { ' : )i t a l ' i rd i is ti eu all. A capi 'ete i.:c of Women. -' leather Slippery for ChIi ild ren 8, anl Plow u se*, I,m. iupplios, aln1 thin' '2 v t;,in t , t olle-tenllthe1 th iti,,' V:0 unu| 'o 1111( W N-1wll dl , et t, fHORNL1 J1. N. 11: t o im , . i Company., . the best aid Ireht h We don't koep nd1( : ui 9 in stock. If w e l;avf% not ; it in stock we will gtt t iort notico. headquarters for Wrlo:i per and Envelopos of al! ,t of nice fresh candy. klng and chewmng tohnec. "ipes of all dlescripat ons. that we aro still i[oadquari- 2 ig spectaclos at pic' fromi a Company. us and Cough B~la-am. re Company. O0W GOODS, !NWARE13, BALL GOODS, MES, ORlGANS 's Price.) ANVILS, HAMMERS, HARiROWS, UT-A-WAY,I Lre Colpalyj vs you muying the best. It is economy to buy the bet the best alwaye gives ntia'iacti.>u, of good. ,Table and P4ocket rs, Hand Saws & H-oes.. ill as to' etoid4 taheetIigs, ceks,, lis, 0i1 Oiothsi, titOles *hich 'Wo alwaysa have ini ads tiost but little more Vhan itough Out' stock in its various businesa, Our stock is now come ufoFALL.