The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, October 16, 1902, Image 1

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_THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL VOL 12.-NO. 35. PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1902. Nearly Everythilug Now Being Done by Machinery. New York Times. The tired city man who turns long ingly to thoughts of " the old farm " of his boyish memories and is impelled to go there or to some place as nearly resembling it as may be that, like Antaous, of the classic fable, ho may recuperate his wasted energies by once more touching Mother Earth, would do well to forget all traditions of pastoral life or prepare himself for the shock of a great lisappointnont. The man with the hoe, the sturdy artist of the scythe and cradle, the sower who went forth to sow with a bag of seed around his neck, the mus cular ploughman, whoro strong hands kept the implement from turning flip flaps when its point struck a root, the tripping milk maid carolling a song all these and many other familiar ob jects which the city man inseparably associates with the old farm boar about the same relation to the modern farm that the traditional sailorman of the (lays of wind-propelling craft bears to the cool passer or the oiler in the shaft alley of the modern steamship. The best education for the up-to. date farmer is a course in mechanical enagincering. His barn is no longer the barn of the poets, with great wind swept floor spaces under fragrant mows. It more resembles a store house for miscellaneous machinery. Its pervading odor is the smell of m chine oil, and one makes his way about In it with circumspection, unless indifferent to torn clothing and abrad ed cuticle. Scythe and cradle hang rusting on pegs in out-(f-the.way places; the flail, which erstwhile made merry music on the barn floor, has become bric-a-brac, to be decorated with ribbons and stood in a coiner; hoc, mattock, spade-in a word, everything familiar and typical of man's contest with the soil--which still does, and always did, show greater aptitude for growing weeds than for raising useful and profitable crops-is rel-gated to disuse, and if still dis covered, only seives to remind one that evcn in farming the fashion of this world passeti away. EXIT THE OLD PLOUGH. In breaking the soil for planting the familiar plough, which gave even a strong man plenty to do in managing it and his team, has largely given place to the reversible sulky plough, on which the farmer rides as comfort ably as on a wagon seat, and which he controls by levers actuated by his foot, leaving his hands free to manage his horses, his cob pipe, or his cigarette, if lie prefers. With this he does much better work than with the plough of ancient times, does it more quickly and with much less energetic vociferation---not to speak of profanity. IIe is not nearly as picturesque when thus engaged as when holding down the plough handles, and occasionally taking an aerial flight over the heads of his horses when the old furrow ripper struck a snag and turned over; but lie accomplishes more and puts his immortal soul in less im minent peril. But it does not realize the ideals. Imagine Burns writing his "4 Ode to a .)musy " while sitting cross-logged on the scat of a sulky plough I Even this, however, is menaced by the power gang plough, and perhaps within another year or two tihe farmer will sit on his veranlda and1 control the move mlents of is ploughe by means of a switchmboard. IIis p)loughinlg finished, tile farmer proceeds to pulverIze and smooth his land. Time was when he diragged it with a hlarrow of scrap iron, his team straining every muscle to move the ponderous and ungainly con st,ruction, whlich had an inconvenient hlabit of coming to pieces in mid-field. If it he arrowed up " the land, it did the same to the soul of the operator. T1o say tihat it " went overyhow" was to describe its motions, when it went at all, in words perfectly intelli gible to the farm laborer. The farmer now mounts the seat of thle sulky harrow, flicks a fly off the flank of lis off horse and away he goes. The machine pulverizes and smooths the soil much better than it was for merly (lone. Here, too, the horse is menaced withl dislacement as a prime motor. As a mechanical p)roposition eats and( hay are even less economical as fuel than anthracite in strike time. In fortilizing is land the modern farmer has tile adlvantage of the work of the chremist whlo provides just what It needls in the form most convenient for application by mnachinery. The unspeakable operations connected with tile hand distjibutlon of barn yard compost are no longer necessary. THlE NEW MANURE. if this material Is used the labor of spreading it ls performed attonntically by a machine which effects a desicca tion anid.distribution unattainable by hand ispements.. The -quarter acre of reeking . gualgmlre, once known as the barn yard, through which one must wade ankle deep mn crossing it, has disappeared-fromn the modern farm, for which ovoty one having occasion to visit Itf.and :who brings 'with him some respect for his *hoes,.- may de voutly give thanks. Composting and> enisilago conserve the nit,rogenous components of barn yard. ose much better thdth~ was done when they were left to " weather." i?or planting there is a machi.nd (qr every kind of seed, cunn1egly deslitr ed, well built and por(ectly the work .for whicl' It ls-intendb& 'D/ makes no mistakes; never ski a an: inch, sews no more thifc /Ie place than in another, and IOa 1W " stunt " with an intellig'ence which even the impossible Jonas of the Rollo book could not have displayed. For grain and grass the " broadcast seeder " is used. This is attached to an ordinary wagon, and the only hu man co-operation it requires is keep. ing its hopper full. It will distribute all kinds of dry commercial fertilizers and will put them just where they will do most good. A mechanical grain drill is provided for such grains as need to be planted systematically in rows or hills. It is infallible in its operation and would plant corn, for example, in the middle of a macadam road if this was required of it. Among other attachments it has a land measure, something like a cyclometer, which records the acreage planted and would calculate the yield if it were not for the element of uncer tainty introduced by weather vicissi tudes, and the variable industry of crop destroying birds and insects. To cover the seed it has planted it is provided with a system of hoes which are ad justed to work straight or zigzag. TIE NEW WEEDER. A variant of this apparatus weeds as well as sows. Still another is the bean planter, which is quite remarkable in its intelligence, so to speak. It drills the hole in the ground, plants tho beans, covers them, and marks the position of the next row at one opera tion. It will even alternate corn and beans, turn and turn about or plant corn or beans, distribute fertilizer and cover everything impartially. In fact, it will do anything for which the farm er has the intelligence to adjust it. The potato planter would make a farmer of a generation ago sit up and rub his eyes. It requires that the potatoes be supplied, but will do all the rest of its own initiative. It picks the potato up and looks it over-or seems to-cuts it into halves, quarters, or any desired number of parts, sepa rates the eyes and removes the seed ends. It plants whole potatoes or parts thereof as desired, as near togeth or or as far apart as the judgment of the farmer on the driving seat sug gests. Having dropped the seed it covers it, fertilizes it, tucks it in like a child put to bed, and paces off the next row with mathematical accuracy. With a phonograph attachment it might even roneat the familiar invocation, " Now I lay me," etc., if any advantage was discoverable therefrom in the case of a tuber. Certain vegetablef, notably tomatoes, cabbages, cauliflower, celery, lettuce and some others, need to be started in cold frames, and transplanted for the practical business of growing. For this purpose there is a plant-setting machine, which will handle a sprout as if it loved it, establish it in its new environment, gather the earth tenderly about its roots, give it a copious drink of water from a tank it carries, and cover from four to six acres in a day. Tho transplanting is done so quickly that the plant is said to be established 9 in its new position before it realizes the fact that it has been moved or has time to become homcEick. MIORE 31ACIHINRRY. The various operations generically known as " cultivating" were once ] the bane of the farmer's existence. For N them he needed a hickory back with sole f leather hinges and frequent stimula Lion from the switchel jug. The hoe 1 was his implement of greatest general utility. Wit,h it lie dlestroyed the weeds, loosened the soil, shaped up the hills, and did many other laborious and extremely monotonous tasks. It was, moreover, discouraging work. lie could only do it by daylight, where as the weeds kept growing night and dlay, and by the time he had finished the last row of his field, behold, the weedls were a foot high at the point where lie had begun and he must do it all ever again. Now he has a machine for each and every operation of crop tending, with a driver's seat as comfortable as that, of a buckboard. Those maclinos seem to know a weed from a crop plant in tuitively, and while they will snake the former out by the roots without compunction, they pass the plant n harmed-provided, of course, it is growing in its proper place. Some of these machines wlli do almost anything except entertain the farmer while at work with agreeable and instructive conversation; but they have been highly specialized, and for every opera tion connected with the tending of every kind of crop there is seine one machine which performs it a little bet ter than any other. GATHIERINO THlE CoRS. When the crop is ready for gathering mechanism is seen at its best. The perfection of the modern reaper and binder is illustrated by an Incident which occurred this year . in Illinois. A farmer had driven his reaper into the edIge of a field ready for cutting andl dismounted from: his seat to get a drink of cider. While thus occupied the horses took fright at something and ran awey. They tore round and round the field, cutting a full swath with every jump, gathering up the grain, binding it.with twine and tossing the bundles .to one side. Before the team was caught it -had covered six and a half acrea, leav ing only patches hero and there to be -gone over. This was accomplished in something less .than twenty-four minutes. With a team of New York fire do ,py~tment horses a farmer could do woAififul .hings in the harvesting .11b%. . )Lowing .by mochinery Is no lQfn~ i a ay.nd the 91-time ~api niower, who once led the Seschelog .and whose e could ,maintain, now hangs over the fence and makes sarcastic re ferences to " new-fangled methods i farming." In the hay fieid sweet Maud Mulli and her congeners are seen no moi raking or tossing. The su'.ky rake an tender will turn and spread the hi crop of four acres in an hour. Mat Muller has become a typical summo girl, who no right-minded Judf would consider interesting. Eve loading hay on the wagon is now dot by machinery. With these accessories at the fa mer's command, the city man who fo lows him afield to see him perform ti the familiar functions of his era would do well to go in a buggy. If li goes afoot he will not be able to koe up. Nothing is as it used to be in tli good old days. It may be better, bi that depends upon the point of viev IN TILE FAR31 HOUSE. Indoors the city man misses all thi made the farm house a museum ( treasures. The sewing machine he usurped the place of the erstwhil epinning wheel, the brick oven he iven place to the portable range, an the old blue churn has made way fc the patent device which lacks ever 3lement of romance or of interest. I te goes to the milking not even th iired girl goes with him. He finds rarm hand performing the operation b trtiflcially induced vacuum and poul ng the warm milk in a whirligi piraster, where that is removed from .t which gives him an uneasy sensa ion in the region of the abdomina liaphragm if he recalls how, in guile ess infancy, he was wont to drink th luid dipped at about 90 Fahrenhei rom the milkmaid's pail. Should he wander to the well to ex lore its crystal depths, look for thi reat frog which should be there, an ontemplate sentimentally the o14 )aken bucket, he finds nothing mori nteresting than a flat stone surmount Ad by a cast-iron lift pump with ai inti-freozing attachment, and realize hat the aforesaid bucket has beci n etamorphosed into a lead pipe lead ng down to the sunless depths wher urface water high in nitrates an. iitrites, and not free from a Nell-dc nod trace of albuminoid ammonia, 1 tored. Probably he will not fee hirsty for water. Of a truth the old farm is no plac or a city man who cherishes memorie f a boyhood rubricated by annua racation visits to the homestead o uis grandfather. JAMti:s C. BAYLES. GRAZING IN THE SOUTH. P'rofit in Cattle-Raising in Ocor gia and Florida. In a recent issue of the Manufactur r' Record Mr Charles J. IInden o Ulanta contrasted the grazing poten ialities of South Georgia with tho razing regions of the West. Th< rianufacturer' Record received a let or from a leading railroad oflicial mak ng an inquiry as to whether the nativi :rasses of Georgia and Florida were as iutritious as those of the West. Ii eply to this question Mr. IHaden, wh< aas given the matter close study rrites the Manufacturers' Record ai ollows : " I am glad that this question hal een raised. I know that in the Wes he impression prevails that the nativi ;rasses of Georgia and Florida are no iutritious, but this is a mistake Nutritious ' is a relative term. It i tossible that, pound for pound, the na ive grass of the Western plains ha no flesh-producing power than ai qual quantity of grass of the pini ands, but there can be no reasonabl< loubt that acre for acre the conversi s true. Our Georgia and Floridi ~rass grows taller andl denser. " For sixty years or more cattle ani heep have been successfully growi or market in South Georgia and ?lorida without other food at an' ime of the year than the indigenou ~rasseB. I have before me a certifi ate of J. H. Inman, an intelligen attleman of Argyle, Clinch county eorgia, who states that he has beel n the cattle business thirty-five year ontinuously on a moderate scale, an: the cattle will fatten on the range o1 he wild grass about nine months il he year, and will live on the rang vithout other food the entire winter, le says, however, that to supplemen vith tame grasses is very valuable. maye been an owner of lands in the aection for many years, and can verif vhat Mr. Inman says. " Last week while in Clinch count [ found the cattle were as sleek an ~at as the best I saw in my journe ucross the plains. The breed of Sout ieorgia cattle Is small ; so were th 3attle in the early range days of th West. In the West they were bre up from a 600-pound average animi to a 1000-pound average, and the sani ean be done In the Southeast. Th fault is in the grower, not the grass. " If fires are.kept out of the forosi for two consecutive years or more, ti volume of grass Is very greatly ii creased. When- thus .proteoted thei appears a growth of very valuab: evergreen shrubs, excellent for gra: log, and, beat 6f all, the wild oats, ti fineBt of .all wild grasses. When Ut white man first occupied South Georg he found the forests covered in wi oats. They were destneyed by a.nnu forest fires, and cannot be brougl back within only one season's freedo from fires." The ' Catholic Woman's Union France Is appealing to capable youl women -of hat country to obtain cor ficats and take the places of t nns reently expelled. )f FE)ElAL ARMY VIETElANS. 3r A Fine Oration From Secretary 'e Ilny at the Grand Army lte A union. The thirty-sixth oncampment of the sr Grand Army of the lRepublic was hold this week in Washington, D. C., and the attendance of the veterans and visitors was unusually large from all parts of the country. On tho opening day was the dedication of Camp ltoose volt, the tented city located on the White Houso grounds, which was the ? hoadquartors of the seoveral corps dur ing the week. The chief address of ? the opening was made by Secretary l John Ilay, representing the 1'resident 0 because of his inability to be present, it and is worthy of reproduction on ' account of its scholarly and chasto ob servances of the propriotics of such t an occasion, in contrast with other f speeches that were made afterwards. ,s Mr. Hay was a soldier and exhibited o his patriotism in the following address: s Comrades of the Great Army : [I In the name of the President and in r his stead, I bid you welcome to Wash Y ington. I need not say that on every f inch of American soil, wherever that o starry bannor waves, you aru at homie, N and 4eed no formal words of welcome. V But especially in the capital city of the republic you fought to preserve, you 3 are the children of the house ; the 1 doors are always open to you. Wher over you turn, you are remind ed of the history of which you are a part. From the windows of t .t White House tho eyes of many coin t rades have looked upon this field whose namos belong to the ages-Lin ' coln, Grant, Hayes, Garlcld, McKin Sley and Roosevelt. In the beautiful square other comrades salute you from the bronze horses of the monuments where your love and loyalty have placed them. Across the winding 1 river, the heights of Arlington show e the white tonta of FPmo's eternal camping groun', whore your friends and brothers repose. And, casting its gigantic shadow over this bivouac of yours, the unuiualled obelisk of Wash ington towers to the clouds-the 1 loftiest structure ever reared by man in memory of the loftiest character in human history. A peculiar interest attends this gathering. Never again shall all of us meet in a camp like this. Not often shall the youngest and strongest of us come together to renow our memories of the past, and our vows of eternal devotion to the cause to which in those distant days we swore allegiance. Thirty-seven years have passed since some of us, wearing crape on our arms and mourning in our hearts for Abra ham Lincoln, saw the great army which he loved pass before the White House in the grand review. Many of you marched in those dusty columns, keeping step to the rhythm of drums and trumpets which had sounded the onset in a hundred battles. The ban nors blow gaily out-what was left of them ; they were stained with the weather of long marches ; they were splendid in the rags and tatters of glorious victories. There was not much of pomp or state about the solemn march. But the men in the street that (lay-many of whom I have the honor of seeing 3 before me-afforded their own coun. L. try, and( the rest, of the world, a 1lesson 3 which shall never be forgotten, though t its tremendous import was not imme diately perceived. In fact many in Iefrenices were drawn at the moment - which the lapse of a few months found a altogether false. One trained observer i of events in the Old World saidl:I 3 " These splendid fellows will give you 3 trouble ; it, is too fine a fore to be dlis 3 banded easily." Ie reasonedl from the precedents of the pas5t, unaware that we were making new precedoents. I Since then the world has learned the 1 lesson of that houi'. I The normal condition of the republic p is peace, but niot the nierveless peace m of helplessness. We (10 not needl the -overgrown armaments of Europe. Our t admirable regular force, with its per ,fect drill and discipline, though by far 1 the smallest in the worldl in proportion B to population, is suflcient for our ordi I nary wants ; but when the occasion I calls, when the vital interests or thi, i honor of country are threateiied, when a3 the national conscience is arousedl, an 'army will spring from the soil, so vast, t so docile, so intelligent, so formidable, I that it need not fear to try conclusions t with any army on the face of the y earth. But that was only half the lesson; y ,the other half was equally important d that when the citizen army has done y its work, It makes no claim, it exacts h iio conditions of disbandment, but e melts away into the vaster body of the e nation, as tihe foam-crested sunlit wave d molts back into the profound depths of ii the ocean. The great host of 1805 e ceased to exist as an armed force ; but is in every town and hamlet of the land it lived as a part of the body politic-. As a nucleus every where of courage, pa 0o triotism, and self-sacrifice. TLhis was 1- a new product the republic might e proudly show to the world, saying, lo " These be the peaceable heroes I r.- breed from great wars." LO There- were. many brilliant (deede 10 done in the war that resulted in endur La ing fame to fortunato Individual sol. Id diers ; but the abandonment of that al army flushed with victory and idollze( it by the c.ountry, reflected honor upor mf all our race, a glory in which Indivi dual claims are lost, like atoms of clout in the crimson splendor of a storma of sunset. ig For four years you showed your tI- selves good soldiers-equal to the boa lie the world bas soon. For 37 years yoi haen been ron l nan and wh shall say in which capacity you have wrought best for the republic ? Each year you como togother with thinned ranks, but undiminished spirit to food snow the undying flame upon the altar. of patriotism. I should not have said your ranks are thinned, for the place of each fallen comrade is filled with a loving memory. And who can over forgot the faces which never had a chance to grow old-the bravo young warriors who fell in battle and gained the prize of immortal youth ? For them there is no shadow of struggle or poverty ; no trouble of gray hairs or failing strength ; no care of the pros ont nor fgar of the future. The un fading light of morning is forever in t their eyes ; the blessing of a grateful nation hallows their names. We salute them with loving tears, from which the bitterness is gono. Wo hear their young voices in the clear notes of the bugle and the murmur of the fluttering flags. Our answering hearts cry, f SIlail and farewell, young comrades, f till we meet again I'' Our fathers ordained that in this republic there should be no distinc tions ; but hunian nature is stronger than laws, and nothing can prevent, this people from showing honor to all " who havo deoscrved well of the coun try. Every man who has borne arms with credit has earned and is sure to f receive a special measure of regard. And it is our peculiar privilege to remember that our armies, regular and volunteer, have always been worthy of esteem. In distant generatione, under dtfferent flags in conflicts groat and " small, by land and by sea, they have b always borne their part nobly. The N men' who fought, at LuI.uburg beneath 1 the meteor flag of England ; the men who stood with Washington at York- It town ; with Lincoln in the Black llawk war ; with Jrocket at, the Alamo: with Taylor at Buena Fista ; with Grant at Vickburg ; and with Leo at Appomattox were of the stuff of which not only soldiers, but citizens, are madie. Anlt in our own time the young men who stormed the hill of San Juan, and have borne our flag K with such honor to the forbidden city el of Pekin and the jungles of Luzon, n have shown that then progenitors bred hl true. The men of today are as good P Americans as the mon of yesterday, 1l and the men of tomorrow, with God's d b!lesein1g, will h the aameo. The domi nant characteristic of every American hi army that has over stepped to the tap cc of a drum has been valor and human- l ity. They have -in the long run carried nothiing but good to any land li they occupied. As our comrade Mc- lI Kinley-of blessed memory-said : The flag has never floated over any is region but in benediction.'' By order of the l'realdent of the . United States, these historic grounds t the property of the nation, are during it this encamnpniot doticated to your i, use. They will receive from your y presence an added sacredncaa and value. In the history of the twentieth c century, which is opening with such p brilliant promise, not the least lumin ous page will treat of this meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic- t soldiers and citizens whom the republic 1i delights to honor. Uc Secretary Moody said he had asked l1 Admiral Dewey how he had felt in I contemplating the mines and torpedoes f in Manila bay the night before attack- f ing the Spanish fleet in the harbor of v that city, and that the admiral's reply a' was lhe simuply had asked himself wvhat i Farragut would have donlo if con- v fronted with similar conditions. The I Secretary concluded tbat men3l inspired I by such tradlitions as these never could i turn their back on the flag. C r COAL SiTRIK(E CONTIN UES. PresHidenlt John M ~iitchnell Has~ Hefused( To P'ut Ill i Mi~en ReuClest. No settlement of the coal strike is yet in Bight,. the failure of his appieal to the coal mine presidents andi the strike leaders, whom lhe had called together for a conference, P'residenit, Roosevelt appealed to Presidlent .Johnm , Mitchell to senid his men hack to wvork, ,e on the terms proposed b)y the opera tors, for the public goodl. To complyi wit,h t,his reqjuest wo,uhd 1)e t,o confess that the cause of the st,r)kers was1 weakening, even if the mot,ive alleged was to plrovet,t a coal famine. On Thursday the reply of Mr. Mitch- j elI to the lPresident's p)roposition was~ madle public and it is as follows: Oflce Nat,ional President, United Mine Workers of America, Second Vice ['resident Amnerical Federation of. Labor, Hotel Hart. HIon. Theodore RLoosevelt, President of the United States, \Vashington, 1). 0. : Dear Sir : Hon. Carroll D. Wright, has no doubt reported to you the -do livery of your message to me last Mon day and my statement to him that, I should take your suggestion under ad( visoment, although I did not look upon it with favor. Since that time I have consulted with our district presidents, who con cur fully in my views. We desire to assure you again that we feel Jceenly the responsibility of our position and the gravity of the situa tion, and It would give us great pleas ureo to take any action which would bring this coal strike to an endl in a manner that would safeguard the in terests of our constituents. In proposing that there be an imme diate resumption of coal mining upon the conditions we suggested at the White House, we believe that we had gone more t,han half way and had met i y our wishes. ) It Is unnecessary in this let, to refer to the malicious assault tade upon us in the response of the coal operators. We feel contident that yol must have been impressed with the fairness of our proposition and the in. sincerity of those who maligned us. Having in mind our experience with the coal operators in the past, we have no reason to feel any degree of con Ildenco in their willingness to do us justico in the future, and inasmuch as Lhoy have refused to accept the de cIsion of a tribunal created by you and inasmuch as there is no law through which you could enforce the finding of he commission you suggest, we re ipectfully decline to advise our people o return to work simply upon the ope that coal operators might be in luced or forced to comply with the ecomunondations of your commission. As stated above, we believe that we vnt more than half way in our propo ition at Washington, and we do not eel that we should be asked to make u rther sacrifico. We appreciate your solicitude for lie people of the country, who are ow and will be subjected to great utTering and inconvenience by a pro mngation of the coal strike, and we ecl that the onus of this terrible state IP affairs should be placed upon the de which has refused to refer to a iir and impartial investigation. I am respectfully, JOIIN MITCHF.Lr., Presideut U. M. of A. Meanwhile the situation in the ining region is critical. Gov. Stone ts called out the whole of the Penn -Ivamaa militia, which is now on duty the strike country to protect the ines and non-union minors. A con et between the strikers and the oop1s is probibll at any time. t 1''TM IOIS OF ' ITAT.C NI;-WY I A sow belonging to Alfred Me- e unna, a colored citizcn near Lan- y ister, gave birth last Wednesday o ght to a pig withi two nlatulrial sized f( 3ads. EIach head had its full com- h elient of eyes, but one head was iort an ear. '['he pig died the next ty. 'I'he Vinnshoro (ranito Company b is just been awarded a very large A nmtract for the granite work of the .1 sw capitol building of I'eninylvania (i Harrisburg. The total cost of this t 3w building will be live million dol- c rs. The contract for the granite v ork is above a million dollars. Th's e a great thing for the granite coim iy, and a still greater thing for I airlield County. It will take at least s ree years to complete this work, and d will re(luiro the enploynient of at f m l 2O0 more skilled ston(, etir1s. f ien this full force of foul hundred y more h ands is at work, the pay roll 1 the company will be about $30,000 i cr month. A unique marriage took placo at the f hester County home last Tuesday. t ev. .John hass Shelton was to preach a the innates, and was also to otlici- a to at the marriage of Mr. G. V, I lodge and Miss (lara IItudon. 1'n- P rtunately Nir. Shelton was absent I rom town on that day and Mr. Iodge sat almost br(lken-hieairt.ld as the hour pplroachied and1( 1no prchelir arrived Vhcn it, was learned that, Mr. Shelton rouald not be piresenlt, Mr. Iledge ap ealed to I )r. .1 ohnsmon, who hap (ened( to be0 presenit, to get a preacher r)miewhlere. Rey. B. G. Murphy was alled3( ini and1 soon3 had the couple in lie desired condition---namely, maii iedl. Mr. Ilodge is in his eighty u3venth year and Miss 11ludson is in er forty-fourt,h year. Mr. A. Baron IIolmes, Sir., (died uddenly Monday night at, about, 10 30o 'clock at, his residence on Mont,agueI t,reet, Charleston. IIe was chiattinig ,ith his family dluring the car!y hiouris f t.he oveing andi( after going to his 0011 ablout 10 o'clock lie complainedl f fcelinig badily and a half hour later e was dead. iIe had been troub)ledl iit,h heart disease for about a year andl halt, iIe leaves a large family. Ir. hlmes was well known, not only ) Charlest.on, but all over South Care n. iIe traveled t.he State for the Valker, ICvans & Cogswell prinitmig stablish mont, for the p)ast twent,y ears, and( lhe was highly regarded byi 11 who knew him. iIe served through 'U the entire civ.ih war in t,he l'almottQ. iuardls. iIe was a Mason and a nomber of the l'almetto (Guard Camp J. C. V. A Now Orleans telegram of, recent late states that a steamer just arrive~ it that piort from IIondlurae brings iews of the death 'of .Joseph 1P. Benja nin on his planitat,ioni near Ciengolfoi Llondhuras. This Joseph was a brot,her. )f Judah P'. Bienjauim, Secretary''o[ state of the Confederacy; and oine of the most famous leaders df- the. Lost Uauso. JIoseph. served,. through. t eo war. At, its close he and hts'.'brother leclared t,hey c'ould no6t live ina coi'n try where the caiuse they,-oved no?well had .boen crushed. Judah went to ECngland, and there bebame known 'as one of the rn'ost'irilliant lights o~f th~e British bar. Joseph went to Central Agnerica and bought land in Honduras. There he acquired large coffee and fruit plantations and becanme wealthy and powerful; and there he lived to the end of .hIs days. The sketehes of him now published - state that he was s native of South Carolina, but that h< was educated at the University ol North Carolina, .If the following from the CJharlott( News be Wrte a goud n)any South Uaro linat tagrn' wilY not have a -circus- ti year: ."The cities and towns along th, line of the :;outliern, not touched by other railroads, will have to make up their minds to do without the circus. The Southern has Ilatly refused to haul this character of business unless the show P1)lc suhscribo to the new-muade rules to" down by the otlicials at Washing twnerIt i useless to add that circus Owners will not, under any condition, agree to risk their belongings unless the railroa will ,i thom ome kind uof t)rote'tion. This state of affairs is dIu to the big sinash up of Buffalo fill's tt..iu near Salisbury, N. C., last fall. O)wing to tho oversighit of ani operator in designating the tnber of trains en route for the nufbaler i1f movement, (e of the specials ran into a freight and was literally torn to pieces. A great number of damage Sits resulted and the cost to the Soutern wuas il LOne igliooriiood of I( (ll. ''he Southern Iigures that it is bast to steer clear of this class of business, especially as traflic is heavy, both in the freight and the passenger depart ments." In a letter to Col. -Joseph M. More bead, of Greensboro, says the News and Courier, Dr. Edward Everett Hale says: " I wish some of you North Carolina gentlemen woul hunt up the descendants of Daniel Defoo, the author of 'Robinson Crusoe,' who lived somewhere in North Carolina. I think that the great Englishman iimself came over hero. I think that, tccounts for his very accurate know edge of affairs in the Southern States ihown in ' Captain Jack.' There is mother thing which ought to be looked or in some old store house in Wil. nington. Oliver Goldsmith, the poet, neant to emigrate to North Carolina. Io packed his trunk and put it oin ioard the ship; the ship waited for the ide, and while it waited Goldsmith hanged his mind and never camue to ltnerica. But the trunk came and is onewhero in Wilmington, unless .ord Cornwallis stole Goldsimith'a birts and stockings. Some of our oung people ought to make a novel ut of this. It has a much larger )iidation than most historical novels ave." Miss Roosevelt's most attractive ill gown for the coming season is uin;g constructed in Washington from irs. Roosevelt's wedding grown, says 'lie Philadelphia Press. This wed ing dress, with its sweeping 'ain, has been the most magnill cnt thing in the eyes of Alice Ioose elt since she first beheld it as a more bild, when taken home to greet her tepmio' her. It is said that Mrs. .oosevelt then promised that she liould some (lay have the gown, and uring Miss Roosevelt's last visit here ilfilled her promise. It was fitted a w days ago by a local modiste, and rill this winter grace a number of the lost magnificent White House func ons. It will be Miss Roosevelt's first tin gown, all of her evening dresses >rierly worn being of soft sheer ma 3rial, either silk, wool or cotton. The itin in this gown is rich and heavy, nd when the lace worn by Mrs. Loosevelt at her wedding adorns the own, it will be unsurpassed for rich ess by any worn in Washington. W hile the miatter has not yet come 'I in oflicial form, the Governor has >en advised that in case application S mnade looking for the dismember ient of a portion of Edgefleld County o forni the p)roposedl new county with forth Augusta as the county seat, the >eoplo of EdIgefleld propose to make a 'igorous fight. Edgofield has already uffered severely in the matter of ter itory and p)opulation by the formation ~f the now counties of Greenwood and aluzda, and her citizens are much ,verse to any further drain upon the istoric old1 county's acreage. Germany has been experimenting vith the American system of checking >aggaige and likes it'so well that it is o he more generally used on the roil vays. Under the old German system ivory man had to look after and iden ify his own baggage, as is the customi ere on country stage coaches. Jludge Oliver Wendell Holmes fhas lccep)tedl the invitation to be the guest oif honor &et the inaugural exercises of L'resident James, of Northwestern Uin versity, on October 21st. Congressman Finley raised 125 bushiels of fihe onions on his planta tion near Rock Hill this .year, and has sold qujte a quantity of them at $3. a bushel. Pol1cemai Thom a Markwoodl, of Washmngtonr1 aas been. pjaced on the retired. .likst after fort,y yeara of~duty. He serv&d in thateity d.ting the c'ivl A surhmer-loan exhibition of Japan ese,art at the-Whitechapel 'art gaIlory1 l4ondon, was viaited by 90,000 people, chiefly of the poorer classes. . John D. Rockefeller has given $23, 000 towards liquidating the debt of 'the Washington Heights Baptist church, New York city. CASTOR iA Por rnfants and-Children-, The Sind You Have Alwas Bsught Der he