The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, September 26, 1901, Image 1

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T1HEPEOPL'S JOU VOL li.-NO. 3. PICKENS. S. C., THURSDAY, SEiPTEMBER 26 19or. THU RECONSrRUC TION PERIOD Was Much Worse Than War Carpet Baggors From a Southerr Point of View. Thomas Nelson Page's contributioi to the September number of ti: At lantic Monthly shares with that of ex Governor Chamberlai n, of South Caro hui1a, the distiction of being the mnost notable of the Atlantic's litne series oi 'The Reconstructioil Period." Chamberlain was himself one of th< Reconstruction Governor3 of South Carolina, and was in ollice wihen Gen Wade IIaipton iade the miasterly Campaign which restored the State tc the control of its real people. Gover nor Uhamberlai (it New Eniglander, who had moved to South C.roliina after the war, and who ias since move( back to his old home) was quite i partisan in those (lays. lie foughlt hard on the wrong side. lin his article in the Atlantic lie nade a clean breast of the whole thing, admitting that I had been wrong, that the treatilient of the South during the Reconistriuetion period was shaneful, and that the ad ministration of the carp)Ct-baggers vas as great an injury to the South as the war itself had been. Mr. Page approaches the subject from the point of view of the native Southerner. Ile writes in a temperate vein; mndeed, his reference to Ithe icar peL-baggers, while unmistakable in its import, is no more scathfiniig than was Governor Chamberlain's. After rc marking that the people outside of the South before the war had an utterly mistaken conception of the character of the Southern planter aid slave owner, imagining him a lazy fellow who cared for nothing but hisi pleas ures, Mr. Page observes that the war had not been in progress nmy days before the North and the rest of the woild was entirely relieved of this wrong impression. But, as Mr. 'age says, the strength of the Southern peo pie was demonstiated more stiilkingly in the wretched (lays after the war than during the war itself. We quote: " What the South really was she gave no small prool of duiring tie war; she gave even stronger proof after the war. Without ships; without money; without machinery that could produce a knife a blanket, or a tin cup; without an ally; without even the syipathiy of a single nation; without kInowledge of the outiide world, or' indeed of her able and determined opponent, .Ahe withstood to the fiial grasp the viast forces thrown against her-endiring all things, hoping all things, until she was not only overthrown, but actualyt W(ostroyed. Vhen Sherman inarched acrass the South to the sea lie foun it to be ani empty shell. At that same time the campaign from the Itapilan to Appomattox cost Grant I 24,000 inca -about two mien for every man that Lee had in his army. ".But as notable as were the intre pidity of her soldiery in tie fied allnd the endu ance of her people at home, they were not equal to the resolution and courage that her people displayed in the great and unrecorded struggle afterwards. The one was a light of disciplined armies, with an open sky atand a fair field, the endurance 01 a people animated by hope; the othet was a long mind desperate struggle, with shackled hands(1, against a fue that in the dairkness, unknown to the rest of the worl, or with a sort of lindl applrcval on it part, fastened on its vitals and slowly halppedl its life blood.'' Th'le distinguished writer is sure that If Mr. Lincoln had lived the country would have escaped most of the biluni ders and follies:land crimeskof thi llecon structioin. Whatever may be sid of Lincoln, he had coimuon sense and ap plied it to the business of government. His death let loose upon the Sotuhern States a horde of fanatics and unplrin cipled schemers, against whom the forces of conservatism, deplrived of their leadler, wvere unable to nmke ainy headwvay. Returnig to the impressiv'e language of Mr. Pagc: " The whitec race wvere disfranicisedl and were not allowed the franchise again uintil they had assented to giving the black race absolute eqnulity ini all matters of civil right. T1hiis the leaders of the other side v'ainly imagined would perpetuate their power and for a time it abmnosf. priomisedl to (10 so. T1hie result, of the new regime tus established ini the South was stich a riot of rapine and rascality as had never bee~n known in ihe history of this country andi hardly ever in the his tory Qf the world. 1lwouhld seem in vestigatedl it for themselves. The Statecs wore given over to pillage at the hiands of former slaves, 1led largely by adven turers whose only aim was to grautify their vengeance or their etupidity. The measure of their peculation ami( (lan age, as gatigedl by figuires alone, 5 aug gers belief. Unhappily, the credul ity and ignorance of the negroes t,rew~ them into the handls of the wvorst dle mont among the adventturers who wert vicing to become their leaders. Th'li man who was bold enotigh to bid thi highest Outstripped the othere. Und~e1 the teaching and with the aid of thes< leadters the negroes showced simans o rendering considlerable p~arts o>f th< Southern States uninhabitable by the' whites. Had the lat ter giveni tlhi slightest Sign of being cowed or o yiu ~mg they priobatbly would havy been lost forever; but, fortunately fo tihe Sotith, they never' yielded." All of Mr. Padge's article should1( b readl by those who wish to get, a cloni accurate and good-.temnpered dle5uril tion of the sufferings of the South dIn ing tbe Reconstruction. Not with b)e ternoess, not, witlh vindictiveness, shioui we remember these sutierings; but, w should reieilber them, neverthiele: We should remember them in ord that we may escape over havitg to 1-brough sueb an ordeal again. U n - we live put about tihe ballot a Hll I guard which will protect it from tll who Jack the iitelligence and char) ter which a suffragani should poSs we cannot forget these things withe peril. Two of the most famous and pr ,l: bly the two ablest. Reconstoi ucti' GTovernorsi were Daieil 1I. Cab lain, of South Carolina, and Adelbe Amies, of' Mississippi. They 1im givein recently vCry ston tcstimo1411 aga1tist the scheme which they we Chosen tIo assist in carryin litt, ;l which they found to be based utpol sUi fals3e prinu ci ples that its complete failu WI not, sUrprisiig. Inl the Atlantic Mont1hly a fe m1(onths mgo e-Gover.nor Chalmhibual -30, forth that Zachatiahl Chiandle 1ery L, Wi!soln and the other org aiI Zers And directors of the (Reconstiu tion mlovementIII were- anmm11ted nleitll by lova of the Union 1nor by, a dee miiatiou to seclre j ust ice to t0lie n egr but by hatrd of, tI,e whitte peopl the South ailt 1 determiIiatioln to hum litll tlem as iucI as poible. T14 chief aim, f ri jecons iitIctioii was " I Putl thle botiom rail onl top."1 CGovernlor. Ch1amlberhtinl content~ that the policy which was directe, againl st the South f s zeverai vemi afl'ter the w ir w:e, fro i very 11,iit i view, is discredisable to thle 3-1 tatc3 mat'shin (f i11th(r as it W-ts I tieir 111,1191 of fai ss to a1 l ple people. Sx-t ov rnor AIme, While not so si vere ipon ''hola St''s COt i as I e:.-G vernlor (ala inbo-ilii, is quite a emphatit. in his con)Ilumnation (,J re 1m1111., th1i hw cam . it) the S 1m; tror New luv m with, prom-lve tio-Ies. i'vuih e xperi kiec e p oved to hl l I r l I I l t i ': V tI Ie * 1 b i. he e:1 to)inn l1u) i lationl e uh el *.itt he nl e g~ to politi Oal ispCali!y wI h the wh ilIes. Alte seei;g 11 1 e:y !cmiel :n1 han lhh to te" IIt het wals covee tat it waw in hs receti bo -! ml his alminis I rat in as ( ()\ ( .ve: 14r of .\ltskinip i, h% rec a' 1 s his (''0 e\ (io thi it' I p olitica part-y inI 1,11, -ouar. Iy kv, ml:nlet . greaut1r !binndel' Ino did the XIepulil (",Il lu rly WIhIe it :e111mt ed!1 to pla(e tile ee:1ro onis ofb po ctIal eilualit wilh the whit(: It is a1 IV Iy that mo lilk Cha;:Iihet ai) ain1 .\ :, ~ d ia. 3o ' Ce ;hle 31i1h c Itt i'n of the i e 1 'iciou thieorie of l1'' .-.: 3eti* n is cr dita le ev l A GOOD ROADS CONFERENC1 1dgefield County Taking the Lea< in a New Reform Mlovemeit. A practical 111-1 deter-Imiin(d effort i hcing' unide1 in ldgeliel to haive; (41p111lte oVIhlintl 13112 of1 it Pntire rom system(i, so' 1as to -i1Ice. it ( 1M del ant modernhi'!1 lines. Mr. I.I C. C l ihlleioII in 11a1 inr1rview with a lelortr oflh tih August3a Chrolieb . his ivn the foI l'ing account (it the good rls Coil fereliee wihich wias hill I iectitly a1 E'.l sit.hid and which w's a coinplet Thei(:Ii meeiig was WinS3) 3xceet iingly iin tel ilit 44)ne, refipresent1 ative's of pr ob ably) (every' nieighbhllood ini the coiunt lbe ing prlm~elient, an1 I thiese: reparesenuta nessM me1'n of t hh i eighb1 4)lorhs. The camlie togethier on1 3 (a cal urely f'or thi the Iois~~, .1)nd much(31 colbidence it theref'ore, iiowi telt, after such'1 a1 dI pos3 i tv cha1ract. r ill b Ie donea. Thei( lead ing~ businevss people11 of' th counlty hok upon the ma31tter' as one hine s and33 de1( I4velopmentii . LailIls at now wIrt soi .( muich. T1he pieOst 3in b~ what31 wii :liio-rease the1(ini? It is~hi beiv good1 ro311ls will do Lte- reilhy goli reis0i1, reIs.3) 11 h ilot. by eniginleen' with only slighbt, ri-.cs inistead of' hilh P'rof. lllmes, ot thle Un ited Statoc department (11111 of~ atic'ltr nuLIiClide 3n ii31 (dress of muilch force 3t the 106:01d1e bi inec3 tig, and1( he said hle hi; heen Iiov( Etdgefield Couniity c4)t1 iderably, sudl cienitly forit him) to da3y tat he hlleIcve3 the roads1 of the coun ty couild be res~u veye.d b~y a1 c3ompetent road31( enginet andi( none1 of them11 haive a1 grade 01. 1m10 1.han11 foutr percent ;1 thaut is1 a11rise 1 mioret than four' --feet, in one hiundre an ywhire, and1( thiiWls as as step as8 al road11 should he. Ati,'rsent I the~ 1031 are0 sown with hills of tenl, twenty a1) llhnesl 53aid the enirle sys5temi ougl~ giicurs-it t01ok braitis5 and1 31 lot themi toi propely locate- 31 roadl s','ier? lie aledti i'1(1 atenion to1suc phI3IjtIn:e that ti~wo horses (3(ub1 pul1)l1 easily oni level reqjured four imloro horse's to1 1 hitched to it on striking a h31i'3 rii on ireaching a rise of tell feet iln 01 hutdr'ed, 0(13., but1 that1 thiis fa(t, w geeueraly not appareni' t, lhe(3ituse 1tenu1 3were not II)lded 'is they3) could( he wi'it out. thel hils. I1(e adviseMd 13ons1ta1 wvorking, the use( of malichlinery', t he 1la itgo'eay over' the sand)1 remis and1( sand over Ilay' roaids, unti1the pe3lop'b C were ready for- macadlam. lie (fill n 3 bhcheve ill (lie (contr(act :st(' im.I r ad(1vised( taxationh to) buil Iproper rom1 - aying that in all (listrii('ts where'1 ''( e ronds were'(mad~e-- -1roads1111O apprximt< ' -level, fhard and31 smoo(th, wtiouit n (itay seasOn-the peoplhe at IirsI < -jcted-1'to tiaxatji, bt aflter' t ('i work Was (done, the~y chunore0dl fir t (levying of the tax and conitinuianice C the work, lin had neer.. na o ,s. ty or Lownshi) which taxed itself' er for macadaml, though before compI "o Ing of being poor, 1h. afterwards til gretted the expenliire. It co4ts I -to use had roads 11ha11 it does to 11 S gooI oies, he said. C- " ProfesorI 10llhe1s i's the State .s ogist of North Carolina, a mau of it wcieltilie attaiinnen ts, for 8oml(e I beiung also on the lecturers' staif of a- l'tedi~ataricultund departml i Ilki visit was muitch appreciated T- will ( great g.l rt ongr'elsini Talbertpresided < ve tle leeflg, makiig an earnest y ,for*(I practical actimn. Senlator B5. 'r Tilnlillai Openedl the addre'sse, 1)( (I Followed by 'rf. H~ohnes. Sell; 1b Tilhian said it was necessairy to e I ti ly overhaill the road sytem of' Cun nyI , having resIrvey( and wv lovnted. It was Iseless to coltillu n work roads that were in the wr i, places, whbiebl could iIt. be mile " i with :my% a1mount( of1 work onl acCO (oi the hills ;Ind upon which work' -r)oon wahd away. Hie thl.uehl1 r- collnutatioln fax sbould be levied Acdt( of roid duy ald a Ir:lperty Silaposedl, aini tile who!e Nsytem I- upon a (;ash basis, uilng liredl sIlu o which shouild'l 1W keit, ConllstaltlV 0 % 01k. lIe spoke for twit .en1ty mliinll ul-riu, acionl ()f thleprpryhh Sanld Voters of' Me county to put do Ia proper sy'st em of rOnd', as it wo l deerease tle co(.t of hauling, inere I, profiits, ineicase Lite valie's of ha Wi- ml lirgely lielj to biing lro-pe'rity thepel, O'en. M. C. luller Aso addres the, ai aid lie agleed w - 'enaltor Tilillia and P . I lol Ies t i wml. the mystei oh Ed4. field Couw s.necded m11ot was to be r'(',uIrveyed r rlocated( a lie 111(1 hrIlir beht I pinlion. lie could no :[-ot think J h his evrl titile Ie lodei about mI 844 aprenit hmow 4 asily bad h -idd b avoided. lie W ted t he -mit)' cnlgineer il ever(11y countV in I tite. lie had wriitti a ieries r r ricles I the Ncwa anl Courier seve ar'e :i Ago, in whien lie undertook -11how whI-ia 1 grcat, loss, Oh people ,fit MLate wei Suiing on acc'unt b4(1 11ad; he3 halt estiliated tihe c -I repails it vehib-l5 in vl ious col I in the State on account (f 1 [tzjl.11 the 1i tre wer" appaillil Iland could n11ot have - any r t v \it'W the chilni'aetler if thIe I'oads n - \i.tII'' h Cig }iI iitteV to rein; r1 ater y.rI n the rm nI 11 ty. i oe S4la rfIreally i il e'a 11 Ckrial11 pro, cIly 1i .1 or r1eals. (I awould cost, SolInet lhil l I I1 3 were't worth the1 cost.. 'iut wh.Ia Ie Iw.l.S done! shonid be donle unlder as p 1('Ct a .ystcm s18 possible. Gnilc iii BiLler iltroduced a res 4 ri4t, which le lilat Ce.1rc'flly preal before the Ileetilg, ai'ng tie Le', I iatille at its 1,ex Session to pass a I adWhng, the ditties of* attention to I iIMprovelenlt (if the State hllhway. he ollie If thi' Iailrild comIIiulssic ina.kilng it thc ". railr-oadl .1.dl high01 v.onm l!issionl ," requirin. the Creation Itic offilcls o1f t1he(- county engilleers I nuiktng oi retin- of' the conlitioni higway inthevar-iois counties. This s(ge4tirin of tuiel'af liiti( hhiIl he net With faivor. Ma' huseitts, New York, New .Ilrsey v oiher N orthernli Stait es have State li Way cI' ommiliis ionii whieb't do wonderl~cis ini thle mapr~iovement. of hiighiwayis oif t hose Stat es. Ma' thui'setts ijp'uii .i;00t,000 a year ither' roads in)11 a ulLrs of' the St. U 111er' its crmm li slioin. WVe haveI an1 cIra of' r'ailroad buildin.; that has smh~ed the attenitin and1( enlergies thiie peop~ le fo r yearis, but niow ra iir hnl~IIlig is tai 5ng' caire oif itself, ! 'e peopile of the eire~' counlltr'y publllic hiiglhw'ay as1 they didi before bieginnin) g of railroad1( blding. I 0on)lyihi the lust five or eln y1 Ithat een the N ormern Slaates halve 'sumed '4I t ob11.Liile at tenltion to phel roads4, New~ .1ese bi't'legini~ thei.. wor k ni I1891 and( Alassirachiusi 1'outhI Car'olina' in 1820-301 had a SI a11n any~ goodI road.Is wvere built. r ,. E-ov'erntor Sheoppiaid mad14 pirite lbd anddress. lie believed ina Lincrease'I~ of' the connlaIL.tion) talx 1b vy o f a speial properl~tty tax, buIt t r car shfub i he e C(xer cisedl not it. m i f Srom11, B.ainisforid lad May~1son sp yCOimmu)11tation11 ta.x, and( pr'ope pr'op1 4) Sle iy . Mr I. Stiroml 'insisted f tha (I ' ids shouhl be recsu rveycd and r' >ri etel as it wa's the of ex tnI' it .rn(Ce to try3 to make giood roadsI~ Ily .. his, which were alw ~ ie s wv.ahed ,f' p4rices. Mrt. Malysonl was oir a j p .itolid rea'ch( thle factory, !b1e banik, raIitltroad, thel alien landiowner', am41 a who wotuldt lbe betefited by goodl rol a. at presr'nt only the indfiiivial, n1o It Ie how po)4'or he' was 1)r how rich, 2 ill the wi'k of' builing aniid kcee ic uip the roads,18 is mani of tile Staite dlispensar'y b)oarIi 1' con1tr'ol, said heC believedi the t it hand com11 to) act, 10nni pr op< y--. thfat a coinnalit tee compo esed oif if u'epriesenita.tIives fromla cal:b te le .,lhip iln thet couinty, shaold r ot andil stud~y a.ll plhns of' w )rklinl I., imethuod to the0 people( of Ithe conii I)y ilent to Lbhis, wich i(Iwas nI'ee tA prloviding for' thle itonledfiate 1r1'ui b-' tion oif the "4 Edgefich II Good i 'si 1 Associationli," wiV b 114 ho141uld ha heV cetv comminittee compo~lsedh, a of W lliam luggested, to im'mif( mI- t1( ake1nians under1 i'considerna.u InIorec bert being imalle piesidClit, 1ion. L. .1. 111k Willhamns aiid .1. W. 'I'l IIImd11( Vice tl presid Ic ts, ,1. 1I . Co1) bur, secret a ryi, cI :col- alid ana(i i executitie commiice of l two i filue from11 each1 town1Ship. Thlis CommitteeV 1Y ime id tOlie eliceis will meet at i n tie oil sales (hity inl October and(I cvolve gi ent. plans to put ELdgefield County oin tle a I and high roa to prospenty. The h of the commnittee declare they are g1o- t4 >Ver Ilg to woik, :i14 thiat hP, no one maty fear' lea hgging. Ge. I . C. Iutler is a mlem I0 her. of the conmuittee froml Al~~ielithe ing Iownsp, and the committee tho -A tor out is a stronig one." ithe GOLD BAR$ WITHOUT OWNICR re to Worth a Quarter of a Million Dot- . (Mir W lars--The Mystery Never Cleared iII SUp. d uint E'd vits The recmnt Lheft of .2t0,000 Worth m11 a of gob I bars from the mint in Sa ai in- I''anisco) thle Lobbelrv of over a as tax qatifier of a million of dlol-ial's, also in) ell put golt birs, from the Slby Niithing gi aids Works, near Satn FraIncisco, calls to m a iiiiii the (liscovery of a hrge, but un -Si es, known, quantity of gold Iars in1 a IC ers ho,use which wiWas beingiu5 dIemiiojklied in I wn Oaklail, just acCross I Ie h ay fion Sarn Iml Il Franicisco, said I Washnugtori corres. h( ase poldelt. st ds "I wits enigageI in newspaietr work to oi the coaist, alt the im iic a khintdt, m; inl fact, ando.( I aml cPniversait witli ti L 6e( particula-s fr-om personal knowled' sh ith tl)uglth the (lSCoVery at the titim ex- ha hat ciLed but, little local iLteLCest, an1d o Ie i markable wits it tiat it was dotib)edI in jI 1l sone quarilts. Subsequently, how- i his ever, the truti iwas <lve(ill(l. 'I'ople e (I bl bars, to al estilatcd quIatity of ea it 150)0, Cwere actuialy foiid , bit to 8p i iotm i th)ey 1d10 origillaiily beloilged , o t U a by w1o.n1 tlcy Were st(len, is still a 5Iu lin i1ystery. As it liappendI aboit tell yo fye ar's ago eatinnt uecall the natmes f daillie partiCs iwitil actciar, thogh I f to Mnce kiew ihem, evCIerlh frt, of, course, te --il)h g iuIC alt tile 1ti11 to keep the eI f li' at secret. th Lt A two-story fiatie hotise oii Tenti t; tilt-t, ini Oakland, was owned aiI (c- jIl' cupie(I by at tiimly, the Il-aIt ()I which nlil at the tilne III <jestion, a1ld Lot- a greiat ell StilatnY yeits, ovr twenty, I itiki, wats 'I l enploy in Lh1 Satut al ''atlisco 11111i. cat Il rciiemiember the bouiwa well. Th ild ' lemanl diedI suddenl!ly andm - he hone wals the a on~ce Iiuho by Isk hIrlus. Th'le neiw -orn a ownler biegranl tearing it dow, mend so od i: g r ipllciig it With a buin-ess strue- i c r . Iiggiing awai thlm iowt w'als iu; i-u-r a I Ltai an 1lborer emneli ujponIi ai gold as er- har hitien in the fouitlatihm1s. I Ie of coveredI thie batr uip n ithi earth andI wtuLt e Oin dIigginig, but soon uneatiicd so N el mny other secremtl 1rs tlatt his fin1(d ed was dIiscovercd by three other iiien em- pl plOyeI with hiin.. They itt once en- te he tel into secret compact to collect the 0h bat rs tlieuselves and miformlo i o th to else, especiai ly the contractoru atmi( the owner, of the grieat anditl tineXpeclcd I aui wealth with inch hy lin so suddtlently ni become pjossessedl. Th 'I'lle imieni werte a.11 labot ers, I wo be- N< of la.r 1talian s, I tlink. 'I'iey wer iC S - a1 Cesisful inl gettinhg tie gobi atay from gi o the premise8 unIltObser-vei by oPtlrcs. il'e lin-t intimtiauti Mat, soietling of to theL ise four1 i men wiat' 1t ht' V <pttiL worik se tr good andmade1h1av llycl f i'i lly estenCi tos 'e 11 ieal esit it e. 1l T' pur11 'ch1astes e x-. -O c ttstoriIy, hiowverI' it, was as~cer Itamed i tat a ltheily haid ini fatct foiiiol thle gold ,111u11 2,' they- were, unider legal adiv' ceC PV coner. or otthe possible oweIromt hatig chltimi ht to i Pt iiulpoet.y "ini thlis they wer-ie alil suictcessfl. Ie a in laet, luck ujpp'earedCI toP bet wit hi them. ir' tl~No one11 camne for-wanil to chatii thle at hohIleni t reasure for11 the ver'y g toil rea- i Spers~'on oin the faie of thei ethi' wyhol V tehadt kn n i of1 i ) its- I whereaboutis wats LIh -h <Ilad. Onte man11 bough t aianch in tic wv mgceniit t l at of iem Statett for $70 ,000. .- The- lahan liv in in~ii Oakhlmd b otight sa 'it e e huo furnishedt i, luix u-i- in te 0us1y, palyinog $1 ,000 for aL jpiano,1 and itl t b ionight hiis wife an1 unolimitedut ujuanutity N of' tdiad jewelry. or (1 a ; 1 TLhe1)( ok litge, hioweveri, thatt stol- a anl ' e gold birmigs to its ipossessorhP hadl mi mdit iluck ini thu end prioved ItIrue. Ini less i i"at thanti fiVe yearls the ianich OWnerci wais mi ike bait) nrupt, andi~ tiie r'aiichi reierted to ii ve itIs onigaina 111ownerCIs (u on CforIcisure s't18 ke, 'The Itlianil lost ll of h18is property andui 1 'of rtonei d toP live ini te little cot taug inii niyL3 Nor-Lth O)akiand he had vaetied for' is w, the line house. The only thin.' he pt:e- vi 1110- served to rnnniid hin oft the- dauys of rt Iva h'l iis Ilect inrg wealth wits af Til ish uriug tir the wortIihubout 61,500IJ, whieb hie jIulced Iw, to on the llooi' of the cottatge, andul wouildi ha 110 not sell when atll clti had goneui. . d<I the( wvealth ini f'ast living~ amuli gambti .int en111t I all die'd a pialuper ini It hospital ini511 attle mi 1(18; The ciareer of ihe fouth mn l I e i n' t, e< Iat rcll Iatcuriately , but 1 k~ ny thatl lie, h e lg oiwnier, by the wvay, dlied a miasiralhie f a1ir imen ito iVet- andit wais buied biIy Itie of(P townt in tihe p)oLter's fld. ime0 1 The gold, of coturde, dl1id not ig--iL >sedI fully beloiig to the moan iwhot secre'ted~t Itvwo it in the waills ol the hi'itse. I was wn)- stolent froim some3 onI ail if is had,1 lutet been taikeni by the mn who had) Ior aiit nd c mery owned the house his he irs1 put inu lbest I no claiim for' it for- thie reasoii thiat thiev iity. kne1w itt did not r-ighitfull b )'elon g tA) Iiza-i- lecrelted it, hiowveer, ats he hadl livedI 011ds iim the hiouse tot' miimyi y-ears, hiad built alit it himnself, it' myi reiaClection is(1 cor NI r. reeL. itely " Since iie hadl been for o) klng an mfl~pove of the mint, the general im rMssion at, the tilm wasi that he I olet1 the ro(I, at bar11 at a time, Ir to mhint. vakults, bringing it, hi hen Ie quit work aIt Ight. V i lis exph1Inlation) was genierally 1pied the singu3 ) ia.r pat, of the ulysti 1114tt if' it weure true Lihe goverla Ode nlo 1ort. to 1un ldown the th Wr Wa any stIci large shortage >I hars ever'. discovered an1)(I report the Sall l'ranlaisco mnint, nor ht; -14n reportedl to tis <a.-Wsi i i:-tvein Star. BUILT UPON SFNTIMISNT. 11 Iiteresting Plhase of a Sout] cruier's Fortune. II 1lmentis il .\1anufacturcrs' Ilmo "That houise,'' iaid i W. (I. Newma Nerv York, pr.inlting to thle imuni< 14~~~~~~~t t 111111 eaII 1i! I hi( liChe ha INV Ibli!t il Virlinia, ywb< c )8 >lt, ne veral hnIIII(rell Owusai hI)r11 I , till! h i fllihnelt of a proii tie to m%-weteal Some yea, , af ite walerin:, arouni) the mil a stilm bo)y, theun as a ma1,11 andi plaill, I Ifell lIn love Withi it Vir.ili 11. ity thle way, I was born-1 inl Hiel 11(1, inl o it Ws1813 natural to iild n eethe1:111 inl that 'State. While ei av r to1 pr-IutiC I her to 11' '.ye tohl IIeIr tin1tt it. shte woli Ibe)con1 v w if e I wohl sm lay builk k4 I oil the IIIII ()In wilich We Were tth ! un41lng thle flineSt<w lig i ' lin, anl (In)e inl keeping" with ff Igu ilic n v11'e whieb isi a iforde i it pt.She sil 'ye,'" 11un4, thouig Shlo wId I') %ant ten or tw vIe years, vi' nlow rtlt-int'I lily prollise,.'' The story was intersting elnoughO1I I itify I4.1teli1.t a tew things about III wlh I rom1 a s11ilor boy 1has reacl that 1de 4)ge o prosperity) i where h1 ,I afforwl to o~wnl as a phaything tlil soick larin f (d1).o acres, aua crowin its usit attractive hill wit uIthful lover's in oiise. ITw1 ve mr til y t. 4 II I lthe .\lat tuitrerus' R liceI) n ft4 n pu ib l h c t - tro4 .l . J . 'NeI-N 111 u, I thiniin iinner4 N o S ibuy N.I t ',ch'i it lov radl copper4L anl 11 obi S Ires, it Statu woull fulrnish a wo(irlill Ihious ( iel I for capitl w\ lilnIve 1 ere1 foul( wilbgilil to 4Inym3 4lugh1 1t) 4rcel a _great sinll Itn l 111,11 .:1 14) tiote best:. in the '(wri, and I I.y onl t'letir tIlinlw" opetallolls ill respe'laln seule id mnagnlitu14, 'h till illiitt'tl <j utt41ily (4f low11'-13 Is whiyb enn1 he 6Itual1411 erle wVI Ile hIll v rce-Ili in itI lit creation I f 44 va alin g itlitt si u llinh. 11 4r114 : Ilit ls , y i'- e . a lieul luatrvest to the Stt lasi we to tll .e 'ltveti l as tle h i:rt .t111 1 h -vtier', iu as rI onte :. r itl ak 1 e1 I y sueh aI roj Ith ( .ar i isIi- 1 views 4 werel regar as too) op1tin1itic by tilt - hewal p .)114 11, 4 111 1 1 llIn tIn i~iI . They - l l 4 e I h 4 14oot I Itinsl but th.y were skepical as I correctness (if his juldtmlenlt 1J-ut W. (i. Newnl had ila abiiin tll ill his brotile , a4'I M i fewS yea I 1 ' tille imI4 e w l fit-, was ill1 1111 i take ii' IV las! 11<eveloplliLal i otill Citrlillit (II tIhu scalle ho Ioll vo cI t by .e, Newm1n4 . ILt I hack 6)a \\. (I. :ewillmlli, ol'.l ill lilebhili. ill iS 1'., Ie we1 'ea at 1113 11 lftln s (f age. ' ral year. hie had the ogh life< thung enWith Inutny vairi I!: '' l 0)rie 411' I . Bu i I a . yletermiinui 1'4! l M r. he~l'i~ll, ' ove 1a4l1 ,1ially <, els,113 i allo t:4:w 1is a 14all)eN 4to 'tia LJIO-ton s hip when4)1 hXeI waso ten )it l u14 l't i. AXI) h 1111 in 11 he1 1111 settlet ill4 ( e <r il1X8 all jls )oli .clI t o 1 tilli i 'e ill L141 Iof 114 gil r tetiLl 1.)4 111 4) twri )tllkis b r)41 11 1 '1 .I114 1n.1)43 llev er til 41)i41 takit i 1110 it 'tclty ago, wiled4 t 'I 441 by ellallel e, alai43 he14 11< the11 M|ll why1 he1111 113 bIlt his344 lne hoineV "Abut 4)141 or)441 ight y11r' ago' il Mr4. Newnn'in, "l411414 wal nueess 1i then ull icil tuy413( attenLhoi l to144 lith Caro11.lina)1 iiig 4rop1sition. aizr The Wnol' GrpeaCtswi Caita fork of 13,00,0. TX For aalt foprms confirmril all brothg a~l . htimerlul and I evr u.c Ii theli greatu boom'4 44 f copp24I'y1 0, oh as1414 h)444igh aI :-N, but14 a4 s l i for take Iwo yearSO'. ea'st to e ve lolet. a ith.14 1all4 yu. oel ru Se.outs 250 tonsB per danfr i ai | 14) os per day, and we canl now seec )m . a elc:ct . prt 'lit. assueed of' over $1,000. 11 4)v a e:r. Tiskt k w'hat we have ac jic cilpistd . awal in doing this I have MI <dcinilstnita tIhat Norlh Carolina of I Iets a Iill itf wonderful iuoney-mak ,ut L ihi- for- lniinmt operations c i caIiri-dr oI II s ilii lines."' of, Newsapr gossip anuks AMr. New ed man aso ,evir- in n lt'; :a milhionire, and it it this thav, wheii New York is pro is interesting it) kinw that a man from fhie South abisItelty withiut anly coI iections or any' backing to ahd him has beent able to pusb hinself into tihe .millionaire colulinn, on11 e qually !,ratt fyii.'eIlhat two Southeril Slitti. Vi itia ats th phire of Is flfilbuent of his promiise' to hik swetheti'art. and Northl Carlinla .1, theu pince whelre, ill i n ry' f his brother, i- is dev ilop -it, a vast minling- induurysu--ae bemai ik ' lustljled hv (it investitit , of' his Nvow Yoirk-mille fortune111. a INDUSTRIAL AND GIEN10RAl A Il ur 1 ha <1 uit chew %vin I o y acco aler ltorlty yearW . itlid tigounce. There. are morell ne1wspprs pubfilsh sa ll i I m va in, prina t' hm t I e Popul e hii than ill anyi t r t inl the 1* Union. Il -A wealhy rient1 of, a town inl lillee ('t talsy, M t i., has ieah-t(e a sitv near his own l h11olne .t114 is bouiling for let'f it ilis titiwtn b7,5als ian elahf rate (0111b. 'I t i - llaeint wtiii hiave 1 i ti llitt 0 bIted co . nsideraille wIalth inl this lou a1 ry lef ('a.", a few% dlays ago f'or . hin a to live tu i t)jo it, l l IInorial (i the Ilat. Seii itor a tphe t l .t' W hiit , a, Cali i a 1 , in dI th ' I aItt tn h ' siz statuite i..4 to be U'ahl, wltith t .' 0, 0 pol ation, has -4:1l0 0,1[100 in Vest tic wo l ii rvwins.y u arillint lu is near 'y lie ti ll a i' a It o 'piti 4 ( oil a yc i ov .t. i h pitllhition, but i i aste r iia l litois llt i , iol. ofTamaia tns alm0l ini- grea il lilt) V n t at h ii t'as ibieen me tro l )e i s e' a tiNorwIyI ha' I i nti uii higstt'hay :util rmnii1s, whiei b ar! ke 4)pt int r mrt(4,( W a Iti;,3 , 0ayear, which is dirt che p, <>rh,. r()~,I are saidl to be ex .11 \ iatnet A . i ill has been lected ni ustute aphvcte bhl Cor 1tuany yearsi nby SerinyIynn..Gag,,v whlose d- 4 u ie tLo Wahinilo i s ed.'t hili to jo- 'r iii it. Iito laIti Ch a I t. I f. Spril on , rlle tly, on ml his nin ty-i ir; . t oil irt day, laid the founHi abio iat' t in e ofantx11ni 4 to the stim ho Nviwd aIptist,(111 Church, in l'rinces"s FredeincNi kgsi ofi S:ix ony, daughflter. ()f (lte 'ran''d .iuk(- and rICllehss o TuisCany, w11> 801ne day will v tie atuel ' Saxoy is 'takin't the 1 I I-uteal l s ta.s 1 .sl inl l hreden. T Kind that thve NAwas Hupshire i orcal 'e e iginal "For two years I suffered ter ribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa parilla, and in one week I was a new man.''-Jolin McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. Don't forget that it's "A y e r's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. S.00a bolle. All druggite. A k -our kIovi what tin thitks of Ay r's 4aarllit u. Il Iciitin-i all ikthout tlis grand Wit 17:1111Y 1 allle. Follow li advico and J. C. A Y i Co., Lowell. Mass. We have a number of Elegant Lines of Ladies Oxfords Which we are determin ed to close out. Among them are several lots at $, $2.50 and $2, which we will close at $2.25, $2 and $1.50. Will also close sonie lots of $1,50, $1 and 75 cents goods as follows: $1.50 black Kid Oxfords at $1, tans 75c. $1 black Kid Oxfords at 75c. tans Soc. 75c black Kid Oxfords 50c, tan 25C. Pride & Patton Greenville, S. C, FALL STYLES From the Up-To-Date Carpet HouBO, 517 Alin Street, Columbia, s. C. MU YUAL CAR PE'r CO. WrVite us for Samaples of anything in )Ir line. (oods shipped anywhere in the Stalte fCe of freight. We are al vay~s busy. No dull (lays with us. Whena in Columibiat, comie and see us. Anybody can slow you the place. Coleman-Wagene r lIardware C(Jompany, I (uecessors to (C. P. P'oppjenheimi), Whlolesale and Reltail D~ealers ini Arms, Ammunition, Agricul tural Implements and Hardware )l every kid nd des1(1(cHriptionI. Send p)ostal for~ l'rices. King Stre!et, Charleston, S. C. EE-M Medicated Cigars AND) EE-M Smoking Tobacco For- tusers of 'l(Tbacco that sua Ter with CIa ttarrha, Aellah ma, or Jironachattis. We guaran Iee aln absotlte~ fand permnanenat cure of I atarrht and~ it. is the onaly known remedy for 11 ay Fever. Itf youtr druggist or grocer does totL keep it. write 10F-M I 0., At I antIa, Ga., ftor Iree Hamplle TIradle suapplied by 'airpeniter tiroat'., Gireenville, 8. C., or Crt Ih 11ield &~ T'oIleon, Snartanhaurg, 8. C. A $50 INVE8~TMENT 'Thlat will pay s25~ to $100 Dividends Monthlay is a thorough, practical Jiusi nLoso or ShaorthaandI traitning at Stokes' Business College. Write or call for (Cataloguae and( full par tieulars. 'l)9 Kinag street, Chiarlestoan, S. (!. Feel Ba l facJ/10,0 Jage o Dyspepsa. Wan oApetiessiof, Strenglth. lonck oaf I10ncrgy, &c.? TFake a few dosaaes of Marf-ay's Iron Mixture. A Geutine lilood Tonic. 'I'l ,.: .\!t U H RA Y 1)R (10 CO., Corm~vrA, 8. a. / ~~ SCH00!" C SHORTHAND KAtual l st ness~ ZM'Ait TA; Ga \!)NEY TO'( LOAN 'un farmang 1ine. Featy payments. N~o .mme~ine chargedt. Hlorrower pays so Sa' cost of porecltingz loan. Interet 7 petp a< r 'p, accordinag to eurity. . N O. B. P'ALM ICIR & BoN, oolumhta, 9. 0. a i 5'i.:T'S Send For Oatalogue.~ 115N '5 ? A ddress W. H. Mactent, ')~i (A i (Oflicial Court Btenog t.'L;:MinaA, . .J rnar,) Pransrdan L