The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, January 04, 1894, Image 3

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ow44 1-t 1i V l send"0 the UANAL, ftn the E AND FAUd one year fol 41,% - -e- . -e-- - 0i. Z. Robinson will spon robuild his foice in tho burnt district. Rnia1y left last Sunday to take a-school in tho neighbor hood of Six Mile. Several of our citizens woro con fined to their beds the past week with La Grippe. Rev I. M. McKissick's family left for their neW home in Orango. burgi Wednesday morning. M& ]iVphraimn Gilstrap, of Ninc Timeo," was ii town Monday, among his old friends. W. B. Moore, formorly of Andor son.county, has moved to his farm in Central Township and is well pleased'-vith his now homo. Senator O'Dell was in town last wook ahil was-very entertaining in his.romarks about the work of the last legislature. S.-M. Cox, of Brigg's, was in town last week and choored the JoURNAL office with his genial presence. Marriod, Dec. 31st, Forost Ar thik and Mary McKinnoy, (color ed.) M. F. Hestor, N. P., officiat ing. The grippo-ohi that horriblo grippe. Those who havo nevor folt the pains and achos of this terriblo diseaso is cortainly blossed. WaMrried,on the 21st Doc., at Mr. Bud Brown's, Mr. Georgo Landers to Miss Lucy Anderson ; Rev. B. Holder officiating. Marriod, ' th1, at tio resi donc)o of th4 V1nJ5s mother, by Rev. W. B. Singleton, M'r. B. H. Whit re toM-iss E. 1. II. iller, all of ckons coun ty. The Exchange Hotel, in G Cn ,ile, will bo the head-qu l( a'te's for the Pickons boys fr. Ja: Plonty of turkey and oystor'. me! i a Virginia woleome. Rev. J. F. Jueohs, of ('linten. 8. 0., pre0n~aedlf anec('llentsr mhon .on Faitla ini the .Pretsl.vteri: church Sunday. John1 W. Browvn, of Gogi,:' V~Ehow) of Giovernuor Br~ow~ n. u a owgady Hte wias visit irried, onlst nit., at the r'esjuonmce of BI. D). Gaith'i, Anidrmy~ Anderson to Texio Conno--', 9N2Ih colored.) B. D. Gavuvin, T1. J., of ficiating. Samuel Earle, of Georgia, wo'a in town Monday. Mr i. Earle i. extensively engaged in mlining and~ was on a visit to Dr. WV. T1 Field. - Married, on the 24th ult., at ti residence of tile bride's fathor, Mr J. L. Holliday, Miss Lillio E. Hll l idayv to Mr. J. 11. Dr~miver, of Occ nee county. W. K. Merck, TP. J. officiating. SFerguson, colored, diet 13 in town, Onl thel Is - . -To was about sevenat, y. a d md had many, friends who wvi11 be sorry to hoar of .hi death. The United States Districtcour' wvill con vene in Greenvillo on thi ifrst Monday in February, ins5te)ad of tho third Monday in Januarv as .announced. Judgo Brawle~ will probably preside. Nnnh R. H~ondricks, of Tiexas ing his p~arents, Mr'. an<) ' .anoes F.X. Hoendricks, nion y. He is ahccomlpanhied h: u is son, Master James.Hondricks~ *andwijldsthain about two weeks. Henry D. Hendricks, son1 of Jzn *F. Hendricks,/who has 1b001 ill Tox as for soveral montlhs, roturno< homej iast week. Henry was de lighted with his visit, b)ut still like Pickons couinty. Owing to other~1 arran11gements~f 1l1 1emnain in P'ickons ~.i shor' heand ask all who nood( won to call 0on 111 as1o5 - s' ~onveniont.- L. P.' Oun, "an. 4, 1894. -' was born as other folks wmu born, -withou~teeth, pn tlyp last da - eyeol~ the. .lteat - da~y of ;th4 k--i~44 and t411 '.ast <dot th<E 0 0 -k andhte i hotr~of thd day a64 youirs Old~atuhd ~rable teWn of P1ies. .C4~ glle$ who S'"bmiold her sister uls. or 'H.:eEllorbo 6 1 Oxtoidod the timo for tay paying until the first of noxi month. Earlo Hianna, son of Oliver Han. na, died at the rosidonco of li fathor, about four miles fi-oiii town, on tho 27th ult. He had beon. in bid health for soveral montIs, And Was not considorod to be in any inimodiito dangor, but a suddon attack of congesti>n of the brail cauits0d his (oth in' a few hours. Tho Stowards ot Pickeis cir cuit are.0 hereby reuelIst&e( to moet it .he Methodist churc' ill tho town )f Pickens, onl next Saturday .Jan uary (th 1894, at(, It 'clock a. M., for th0 purposo of making anl assess~int for the pronachor ill chargo. A .full attendanco is do sirod. Rospectfully, I.t. SHAFFRu. SaleaIday ceamo oil Tuesday this year and tho following land wits sold. The George Ilondricks land, Tract No. 1. H40 acros to J. M. Stowart, for $305, No. 2. 122 nCre's I o J. M. Stowart, for $800, No. 3, 1:- acros to E. L. Williams, for $1000. The following appointmOnts havo boon mado for the Blue Ridge Mis sion : 1st Sunday-New Friondship, 11 a. i. Now Hopo, 3 p. m. 2d Sunday-Porter's Chapol, 11 a. in. Perritt's Chapol, 3 p. i. 3d Suiidy-McKinnoy's Cha)ol, 11 a m. Stowart's, 3 p. Im. 4th Sunday--Bothleheni School House, 11 a. In. Brown's, 3 p. i. JoIN A'I-TAwAY, P. C. Au-.^Nv: L v'.--Th'e 'iumntyv Alliance will ceenvene1 at Pickenls C. 1., 01n Tu'l-sdayV, Janu11ary 161b, at II in. Il., i regular quarterl imetinil. The )istrict Lectirer is expectod to be vithi us. A full at11baeiio is (e-s- rl an(d ('Xpectvd. -I; ii . \' -' | ' ranni~ini ni sessi( n one week. All1 ed( accordlingy i GhV C. W. Ituj.; (21) Chairman. (. Ct unitI A il l 4,1(1 n2 t i 't 1 Count wh it next Quartr lymeigo Tuesday, January JOHN C. WATrKIxs, Soc'ry 3d District Alliance. Raisinls, i\l i xed Nuts, Candy, &c. .11che1), att Lawis & SONs. All per~sons~ are hereby warne< not'to hire my Sonls, James am D~avid Stephens, wv.ithiout miy con sontI as they aro minors. Dec. 2 I, '93. 3t. W.K. S-rEPHIENI Fromi 16iberiy. JANUAav 1st, 1894. The Christmas holidays are thing of the past, so are man: L other things that hlave occurred 'during the year just passed, an< we had as wvell firmily br'ace our selves to grappleo with the grea events, that this~ new year wil bring round. The Cantata by the Sunda, S ~chools heo, was something on of the regular old time Christ muas tree, but with the featur distributing of presents, etc. unde(1r a dIifferenlt arrangenmen retained. We hiad a very larg< crowd andl( a very 1)hCeasant tin? aniid ai fine enitertainmenut. Henry Hen~idrix, ' ir S. Jini - fiendri nadh Alr'. innio I3rue or nIiC i1 in fromi .TeJxas, and G1. L. Boggs of Arkamsas.e - jitint re'tlati ves and~ fiendi~s ando th<l scenes of thir y oung'er dlays. Thereo has been conlsiderabli mloving round in this section B. .-aronmIiioves out of town moved in from Slabtown sectior of Anderson County, #nd man~ otloer 190ak~~.4I. Miss'~ arr fce otJy Moore of iU4hiit, Mrs. A. Me ok'd ofA nht and m ny~i, ni4Wboia med an on. lborty durAig 1,14an JIN 104 r ktlO Ad"kinory ih1 I It a il voblhin seiT fi, 116 quickly; lie CA 'eurc hehiii. ver 000 ( to he) Inenrablo (118M eured, 'y n A FAIL,. Ulm. MA. Leo han rominlued h'-iAdorsOn two unonthi Imakihg inany cures, all I prenolite(d whit anI elegant gold nie the eitizenls of Andersen C(ounaty for his inlractilot eures and good done0 hundreds bf peole. Everyone should see this wonder A GEuuarsaanteed evire. We ai'rhorize our advertised drug gis tto so )Ir. King's New Discovery "or Consumption,. Coughs and Cods, upon this condition. If ) ou are af flicted with a Cough, Cold or any Liing, Throit or Chest trouble, andl will us.- this remedy as directed, giv ing it a fair trial, and expelience .no benefit., you may return the bottae and have your money refunded. We cou!d iotimake this offer did we not 'know tiha Dr. King's New Discovery could be ro'ied on. .It never disappoint. Trial bottles free at W. T. McFalI's. store. Large size 50c.'and $1.00.1; Speiemn Cases. J. If. Clifford, New Casiel, Wis., w.a troubled with Nettralgla and R1hietinat Ism, his stonmehl was 0ilsordered, his Liver was aioffecd to an alariaing d egree, appe - Ito full away, aind ho was terribly redu. Cedl 1 1esh and strength. - Three bottles, of Electric Bit.ters eured him. Edward Shepherd IIarrisburr, Ill., bad atu1111ting sore on h'is leg of eight years' st . Used three bottles of Electric Bitters an seven boxes of Bucklen's Al.i en salve, and his leg is sotind and well. Johnt Speaker, Catawba. 0., hd live large Fever sores on . his leg, doctors said his was Incurable. One bottle Electric Bit ters and one box Buckler's Arnica Salve etre(d him entirely. Sol ! b.v Osborne & Kirksey and W. T. McFall. Pickens. S.C There are a grent many thiugs beside the prices to be considered In buying Stove. Therc is nothing you buy where qual'ty should 1he more carefully consid ered. We keep stoves of.all.' grades, and guaran tee .every stove we sell, to be as represelited. GIxLREA'wrn-DURH AM COM PANY, GJreenville, S. C, Protection That Protects When a man insures his life under the old form of insurance, he is siniply assured that a certain sum will be paid to his wife, children, or heirs at his death. Good enough mn its way, but there is a much b)etter way. The Tontine Instalment Pol icy of the E3quitable Life not only insures but pro.. tects the benificiary from loss of the insurance as well. For further par.. ticulars, address .,N APQRP.Y, Manager, For the Caronnas, 'R.CJ Hill, S. C. -OF- - -FOR THE PHOLKS. MR, .EDTTOR : In starting the machine on a .Now Years run, we find that it V nceeds more'grease. You may say to the Pholks that if thoy - want to dance again this year Sthey must pay the fiddler or dance to the rattle of dry bones SIi's a matter of choice .witl2 t them and a matter of businese with us. The man who sold1 us wants sugar in his'n consequent ly we must have some sugar it our'n. You might throw out a genth hint to thoso who have not dorn so to com've right on and com< Srihkt now. * . T. McFALL, Jan. '1, 1804. Pickens, S. C, If you want to purchase your Groceries cheap, call on W. .H Hester, at. Calhouin, S. C. 701fyorh~ occasion to. visil Srt HWis pi d accommoda uQs e o iv If. hester, at ~fy~ ~e~ a g od hror eor m~t~JJ~&por oash,or'~' r~ov. ~.e prs, cafl on the undez ig. * 6.W. .'HEsTl~R jR 1GAS, the beei 5 e Qgrette, bilt(i Columbia.Cheroota-'1 tile bt ir~ttvn, flYe for LQ, . I eat'rya aiV(iue 1,e.$ . 'ancy Fresh SoDA CRACKRMS, all th0 time, and the best CANEn OYSTERs you have ever seen.. dome andsee them. Will not be undersold. Just received a lot of T1N-wVARIC - vill sell. then cheap. Huve jlenty of PoWDEn, So-r, CArs and Siieis, for the boys. Dy namite Fuse and Blasting Powder to blow the rock out of the wells. Also. receiving a lot of heavy DRY GOODS,. such as Checks.SEirlimg, Sheeting and Drilling. A good lot of Jean Clecks. - See my FJLOUR and get prices befoie you buy. A. Ma MORRIS. Dec. 7, 1893. Patrick M1ilta I0,3sttol ANDERSON, S. C. Arrangements have been made to admit, on January 1st, 1894, free of charge for tuition, one meritorous young man of limited neai fron each County in the State. Tho School Commissioners have been requesed to make the appointments from thei, respective Counties on December, 16. D. S. MAXWELL, Pres't. Board of Dii-ectars. J. L. TRIBBLE, Sect'y and Treas. Nov. 9. 93. 2m. Assessment Notice. The Auditor's Offico.will be opon from the first day-of Janiary 1894 to the twentieth (lay of Pebrunry 1894, to receive returns -6f Real and Personal Property fo r Taxation in Pickons Conity fcr .the year 1894. This is tihe year for the re turn of Real Estato and all parties will govern themselves according to this notico. * The Auditor or his Doputies will be at each of the following Pro oinIets to receive Returnis for said year: CalhunII. Tuisday, Jail. 1M. 1894. 0.ntra, \\ Wedinesdav. and ThuIris ay. JaI. 17 . Id *8, .18 94. Ih ery . Erkh.y and *la1tu1rdaY, .1 i., 194. : i~"~ DueCusv i lle, TLL h d y J an. 25, 189.. 1894. Pu mlpk in) towni,'.Sa tr y a.S 1894.tud ,J.27 Etastaitoo, ait Kings 01(1 Store, Tuesday, .Jan. 30, 1894. H-urricano, Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1894. Six Mile, Thursday, February, 1, 1894. Pickens CourtHiog~se bal anco of timre. - All changes in Real *Estato must 4,.miado. andI all now buildings oroct~reme. o.f. January, 1893, roturno or a ' 'Z~n ship Assessors wvho a1r'cqkiredl law to examine all ret~irns iado. Igniorance of time of'. likting no1 excuse andl a pdnialtf of 950 pc cent. for non rgturns.-is strictly cm joined upon. Auditor, .. All Tax payers mustinkko the: returns .in person or by :inie on legally anthorized to do so in cas of sicknoss' or absence from th~ County. Banks buildings an Loan Associations, Fire, Life, an other Insuranco Comlpanfies are rt quirod b~y law to m1ake retui-n Each and every person. will pleas be0 prepared to say in what Towr ship and School District they liv at the time theiy are yoquiredl t make their return. All Males between 21 and 5 years of ago except thoso excuse< b~y law are liable to P~oll Trax. W. H.; BRhYANTr, Nov. 27, 1893. Alito~r of P. C.. ACE NTS WANTED, To handle scarce goods. We have an opei ir e for you. If you wvish t) earn mlone( quietly and not work very lard. The hus ness is light and geniteel- Men and wome thait are sh~rewdI are getti ing rich fast. Ifr you wvant a chince(4 t~o mak~e II Ae thoum and14 dol la for youlF4lf ('asi1ly duin mg th' next t-welv moniiiths write us for our cont de..tiaul termis. If youll ii answer this within the nei'' 10 da~ys w.e wvill sendi y.oui ai $amle oft o1 Box E AVON, NEW YORK .No P'ostalI ear lsi Answered4,(. COTTON Sl!ED. Take your Cot~opi goed do .P. t Cureton, in Easley? wlbd iwill bu your Cotton Seed aid. ~.the& big ost Cash price for them. ile is buy ing foi- the South C oiiA otton 0 Coman. rorm'anl * ornAE a.I* h EERYTI G GOES! The Partnership existing between Pars & Jones will expire the 1st day of March, 1894, and they intend to turn everything into money by that time. $20,000 Worth of Dry Goods and Shoes to be sold at and below cost. As we have only been in business for three years we have no old stuff to run ofil biy a nice clean stock of goods will be of fored to you for less than you can buy them at wholesale. Those who hglLe read our advertise ment in the PRas now that we do ex. actly what we say. We feel very grateful to our friends for the kindness they have shown us during our business career and trust that they will not loose this opportu nity of doing both themselves and us good, in this short length of time. All persons indebted to the firm will please settle as early as possible. No goods will be clarg'ed from this date. N:) goods sent out on approv al. Everything in the house has been re-marked in plain Red Figeures, so there will be no confusion in selling Then that Red Ik incans that not one cent more nor less will be takeni for them. Very truly, Pal'k & Jones. Greenville, S. C. INovemrqi'r, 23, 1 M93. STiLL IN THE RING, and genting !lownl i)to i N . ll et for y t-l',g e'p y(urt 'vVe oil is li. tle spac('e is the .Jorn~ ., nole ii' prices C'efu( y..i i ben' come aironoi.1 and see how it is done). A "be i'~ 'l. - 'iulc e coffee st WI for $1 .0(1 light bro~v at o ., best r'ille' poweler 20h'., peir 1 'l . o *(.(0 a bag, niarly ia *toIon o cioly ait JOc, peri viingla l)Orinil and, Xc., in 10 lbi., lots, the v'ery best Londoni L..ayer three cr'own rinis at, 15c., per' lb., a good tobacco at. 20c., per lb., o real fine tobacco at 25c., per lb,, or 5c., a p)lug. They~' may tell you that Har;ris lb., bring me a dime and tote off 16( bigounces', andl for a niickle more you can get a ponund of Soda, and for 5rj., more you get a fino0 cigar andl the music b)ox will play you a tuune. Come and see. It only cost a cent to find out howv it is done. Head-quarters for Santa Claus sup. 'Y 'gd~on't forget the little folks, dolls,' ,i.s, horns and thousands sof other Nc r The $8 over coats are nere, conie runnimg, for one while they last. Lr My Farmers Friend flour' tak< othe cake at 50e., a sack or *3.75 pt 0 bl, finest pattent flour at $4.25 p< Atlother Job lot of,$3 hats for $1 d m paying 15c., for eggs an waint to buy produce of all kinds. Yours for a good time, PikT. D. HARRIS. iknS. C., Dec. 14, 1898. I ~ -DaTnus iN--. All Kinds of Staple an< FeyGrocor'ies, Gr'ain, IHao ~ aaFeed, We are mnak'ng a SPEC. IALTY of Flour, and. car: ~certainly leoso as to qjuality and price, Our Chrnistmnas GAoods are' t. arriving and we invite you to call and see them. -R~tFlCYzm1 CFR US01~s. - Corner Pendleton and River Street~. Greenville, S. C, , GOOD LAND FOR SALE. All that tract of Land lying in Pickens County, on head waters of . Gregory Creek) Svaters of. T~wolve Mile liver, adjoinmng lands of IAberccombie, Th omas Dhu'ham, J. E. Hlagood and others, containing 800 a ors0 a )e liand ia ~todab~o Me siN fr > nostof it beit)A'n or g44 ts& ~Termos easy, and' ~ly to TC. '.V0* A s A Gold-flied Lad'ese Wat. 15 years. Same guaranteed for 20 years fro A gentlen'is Gold-filled Watch : teed for 15 years, Same guaranteed for 20 years'fr1 We also have a large stock of Sil Jewelry and Holiday Goods at redu us. Gilreath-Durhai 66' Main Street, Gree Overcoat Sale We have a larger number than we want at this 8< year, and lhave determi none of them over. Con the RED LETTER pri them today. Oheeper tha ever seen the same goods. ] 0 you want one, Su7 it January, 4, 1894. EUENE F. [Scc.<orto JBates &.~ F< Carriages, Phott VEHICLES, of all kinds, HARN COLLA RS, BR IDLES, Sole Le Shoe Findings, Babyi C Wagons, CirI's 't Special Agency--Co1umbus Vehicles, Kentucky W a Cos" Wr~fckory Wagot factu ring Co's Columbia 1 i HARNESS~ Co LLARFo FACTORY." .ces 'We can, and will savec you from 10 to 25 per cent,. Onl all grades i our line. D D Don't M*r Never purchase anything in our line D until you get our prices, and a visit and to our Store will conIvince yOU thatC we are3-, Veadjoartos1 od cir SI In our line. See our (5e and $1 .00 A Collars. Nos. Clash paid or IIInI)s, ];eiswA~ & TwA .o.w. -per Je Gower & Goodlett can No. 102 Main Street, Oott GRlEEHvILLE, S. c, Sept,. 1. 1808--. Hall - bg If you want the finest PIURES miado Yn the State, go to Lil *Wheeler's Stud ,* i McBee Aveune Greenvi~~' r raon Portraits aY specIa4> IT .,0on $1. n $16.75 up. VGIr and Nickel ced piices. Call n Compa Iville, S, 0, for Cash of overcoats ason of the' m d to carry 3 andblookat ,cs made on. n you have 3rmng CASH Greenvil BATES yrguison,] s~ ns, SuITre ESS, Robes, SADDLE ather, Shoe U 'rociles. Buggy Co's Eloea g on Manufacturt is," the Pope Mar 3lcycles. is Hous~e iii the State.. Greenville, S. 6 LOO Rewa~~ the Merchant that. gives yc Goods for your money- then Just notice the folqwing pi CLOTIUN0- EW .8oL 00 o. do $ 's do - 475 >. do 68 ). dto 7.0 upi to *15.00. >ffee 10 pounds to the dolIar. >tton Chocks 4& 0.-. by the bpolt, I; Shirvting 41o. " a .' 'uts, all styles, lfrom 4 1.2 to 00. >lors 7c. >Ott Broga'n Shoes 75 cents-4th. IOes inl pr01oprtionl. lot of Shoes, smiall ,at cost., lildrcns courso shoe aL pair, ans at 18, 20, 24fa d6 o t bo heat at the prie will buy your lhnt ot o,~ and Cotton 8 d us. Also, dry or' r. C. H. Parkins I umn, are~nowtwi' x*t Lad to';meet their A -Respe~tig~lI >ery ;. . O