The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, March 12, 1891, Image 3

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--TIAE THURSDAY, MARMI4t 12, 18i1. Pickens Church Dir1ctory, -0 PRESDYTERIAN CHUROH1-Rev. '. It. Riley Pastor. Preaching.ever 4th Bunday, morning and event ig. Sunday School at 9 o'clock. BAPTIST CHUOtH-r-(Secona,) Rev. W. C. Seaborn, Pastor, Every flest Sulnday and Saturday. before, at 11 o'clock. METHODIST CHuRcI--R-ev. A. W. Walker, Pastor. Preact.log. eve ry tlrst Aniaday, at 3, p. Im. and every tee md Sunday at 11. a. in Sunday 8chool at the usual hour. LOCAL AND OTHERt PARAGRIAPHS. Dr. G. W. Earle is attendng thirty cases of "La Grippe." . Mr. W. T. McFall i8 Btill suffering -from "La Grippe." Several.communications arc unavpid ably crowded out this week. They will appear in our ne t, Mr. W. "Andson Lesley. paid his Pickens friends a short visit on the 9th instant. *1ev. A.. W. Walker will preach at Bethlehem on the 5th Sunday in March, atll o'clock, A. M. Mr. D. H-. Russell is now the editor oa the People's Advocate, at Ander non. 'The ibel suit against the Angust4 Chronicle was decided in their favor last week. D. 1-. Chamberlain has been-made Receiver of the South Carolina ivi sion of the Three fys railroad. The old jail lot in Greenville is to be sold, an"d 1he proceeds applied to repairing the Court House. 11ev. Mr. Hicks predicts bad weath or for March. We hope his predic tion will not conme true. Pora.e weather-wise wmen say thaxt a certain aniount of rain falls each year. If this be true we may expect. a dry summer. Swiidlers are abroadl. Look out. for them. They have recently bei operating in Creenville, Adlerson and Yorkville. Rev. 0. L Duaut vill prench at Gap1 fill, on the -th Smillay in March, at 11, A. M.. a nl lie will pre~.ach at New Hiope'ii the 5th Snumlay in March Aldermian from the Sixth wvardl, in Grteenville, in place~ of Ahdermnan T f). H[arris, who removed to Pickensr. Thle ground hog will nahe hiis ap *pearanlce'onl the l l t : of A March1. Some t nay we maty noet ex'pect anly goel weather until after that tima.. Gov. Tilhuani has beeni to Watshing ton andl secured the servies~ of a U~v ernment engineer to survey the State's phosphate territory. WVhy don't somne of our1 pebople buldl jumall tenement houses in Pickens ? It would pay thiem to dlo so, and help to build up our population. Good ten ants could be found for some of themn a't once. F. M. Elilge suedl S. Seidenberg ini Justice Davis' Court, at Greenville, on W.ednesday, for defamation of char'ac te~r, alledging the damages at $09. The jury brought in a verdict of' One Dollar. Rather cheap for a character. It is proposedl to have County arches at the coming Columbia Centennial in MIay. We hope that the County of -Pickens will not be behind, but look into this matter in time. HI. A. H. Gibson, Escl., has been ap pointed one of the two trial justices at Wallydla. The poiin 'yas not sough t by ime hmp hiw friends, knowing his fitness for the ofcec, pet~iied Goy. Tillman for the gopintmnent.. .The Rock Hill) Hlerald announces the death of Mrs. Caroline WVhite, wvi dow of.the late R1ev. J. S. White, who was recently drowned in the tank of his windmill. Her death resulted from~ nervous prostration caused by the tragic death of her hlusbafndl. P'rof. HI. P. Griffith, Principal of the Limestone Institute, will deliver the Annual Address before the Literary Societies of the Patrick-Military Insti.. tute. at Anderson, at their Commence ment exercises in Juneo. The Anderson Shoe Factory is now turning out about eighty pairs of shoes a day, and it is impossible to keep up with its orders. At -a meeting of the Board of Directors it was decided to increase the capacity of the factory at pnce to two hundred pairs a day. So says the Journal. It is said that Dr. J. F. Ensor, of the revenue service, has about broken ump the moonshine business in this State. His success has induced the department to send 'him to Western North Carolina, which is said to be a - - yery inviting field, 13toek in the mmid-oreeks up-team sters swearing at bad roads-and even our pious mail carrier saying "sunday-school" words and threaten ing to give up hil job. -mills can't grind-wash-outs on farms and rail roads-our devil fretting over wet.) wood, can't get a fire-and all on ac count of the incessant rains, hight and day. But wihy should we complain is it not the work of our blessed Lord and Master, who doeth all things well. But it is human nature to grumble? Remember last sumnmer, when every thing was parched up, with no rain for weeks, how our farmers and gar deners said they would p.rish for the want of rain, and how our preachevi I prayed for only a little refreshing shower. We should remember that all things work together for good for them that- well, for ill of us. Not-with standing the dark clouda that now hover over us, still we believe there is a silver lining in the clouds. W'hien the weather olears up, let everybody 1 go to work withi energy and a deter minationi (by the help of G ) to make a good crop, and we pred I that the coming year will be the bei crop sea son that we have had for many years. Remember the year after the war, when our soldiers returned from the conflicts of war, broken down in health and spirits, what fine crops we had that year, with nothing but old bro ken down army mules and lIorses, and that too, late in the season. We have had a backward spring, which prevented the trees from bud ding-with a good season from nov on, we may reasonably expect a good fruit year. Now let us all take cour age, and stop grumbling, and when the bad weather shall have passed away, let all go 'to work in eariest and we think that if, will not be so bad after all, and when gathering time comes we hop3 that all will reap a rich and abundant harvest, and that every thing will be "c.lm and serene." Ir. JosephI S. Murphree, and fami ly, are all down with the Grippe. B. L. Holder is sick with Grippe. EMisha Ale'xa tiler of Town -hip, died on (lie thhi instant. J. C. Jennings rre. n.7g tasell. on a bech warnt, ai(d lilged him 1-1 j-il 10 awatit (he openiig of tle seaIledI ertence. E'x-*Senaitor D.~ ilemna im di edl at W al - halla, on thie afierniooi oif the 7th in~-tanit, a iter y lbrief hliner. pridebks. Lew'~i-, & :iloris k mst a lot of inice hi-mg ing. liinps. rop in at niyhtl. mol run wil I t huik that .their store is lighted by elee iiricity. T.hae frie-nds of Mil-s C7orii i-hny . daiugh t oif cliin'I lrh S her !f. wili he. srry to learni that shle is sick withI typh~oid feveri, at Mt. Ciarmel. IIL J.- Anthoii. Es., is quite 2iek and is hthetned withI anthiei st rok of pa"ralysis. Dr. J. F. Williamis is ait J. M. Stewar-t, Gl'3ml of thme Cou rt, sick with Grippe. Don't fail to read thle new'i A d. of Mrs. srie. Stradley & flair, ini anothier cohmnun. The~y ol'er baiintis in goodls. We call at (Cen t ion t o th~e aidvertisemenm t of B. Ml. Ducekwirth of Easiey, whilch ap j'ear-s ia (his issue; atlso the adverthineit of J. M. IRamnpey of Easley3. M irried, at the tesidenciue of Mir. R. A. (.ochrn, oii the lI ith oh Februariy, 18)1, br.i G.R odd, of WaIhalla, andmi Miss Lillieroki. of Pickeins county, ~S. C., Rev. T1. C. O'D~ell olieintlng. If yotu want to siuscribe for the JOURNAL and cannot spare time money, then bring along somne w'od. 'flis offer will remain open until the (de mand isusupplied. An itemized account. of the oosts for b~uildling Tabor Church hmai been kept by Mr. Barnett Smnith. ' he total amonit.ije $322.28 and is good ini vestnient for $phaL, eommitvy. Weu would suggeet that they keep a recordl p1f the conmtrib)utions to the building fundl as they npay ini futu re liayenheed. to referj toit, TheIu Cotyt3 Commissioners will umeet next Friday to conisider thie count hiouse quiestion and will take the initiatory steps toward beghaming the work of thme ncw bnmildling. Th'le board are lin corresplond enee ihi Cominissioineis of of lier couint.ies that hav~e creel ed like hulliings, aindi they hope to hear from thieii anid get hinportnmt Siformat Ion on their expeience. No other busiess wvill be considered at, this meet lng. "Iiito this world we comic like ships, Luannehl'd from the dlocks, and stocks F"or fort iune fa ir or fa tal, Amid onme litU le craft, ls east. away' Ini ts very first tip1 10o Bahicmi Bay, WVhIle anmotlher rides safe at P~ort Natal."' Jones-'-Do you see that man ui yonder who is painting the steeple?' Jlrown-"Yes ; what about, h im ?" .Jones-"Whiy, lie once was a South Carolina oeditor; but, by honesty, prs verance and atricta attentionm to bhu Death of Dr. James V, Furman. Rimv Dr. Furman died at hIs resi dence a few miles from Greenvillo, on Tuesday morning the 3rd instant. We take the following brief sketch Ai Ils lifle from ti g Greenvil News: James C. Furman Wils born :i aharleston December 5, 1809, and was 81 years old last Deepibpr. Ile vas a son of Richard kurmian, D. D.. or 37 years pastor of the First Bap Ast Church of Charleston. Hp Was ,he twelfth child of Dr. Richard lFur nan by i second wie. Dr. Richard Fturman, the father. of D)r. J. C. l'urman, was born fin New rork t 11755 Ile was brought to ,his State while anl inf(ant by his fith. Wr, tile Iauily going to Charleston. Lrom childhood lie found his uhici lelight in studying the Bible. le wats givenl a good education and was mptised when sixteen years old. lie loon begain to spea.k p)ulliey of 1ristia ity and throngs fioeked to lear I he "boy pieacher," as he wits -alled. 11is learning in profound iety created a deep improssion m all who heard him. Vh[el limetenti years old ho was ordained o the ministry and was made )nstor )f the Iligh lills church in this State. 'he Sheriff of Camdem once re used to allow him tp p)reach in the mourt houso .beentuie be was not. i nember of the Established (Episco. al) church. He preached in the )pen alir and wis afterward allowed he use of-the court hoise. F'roin the wginning of the revolutionary war, )r. Richard Furman became conspi nous as an active rebel and Lord 'ornwallis offered a ifrgo reward for us capture. Purinm part of the war Dr. Furman was in Virginia and Pat 'ick IIenry and his family were fre. luently amiong the attendants at his Ahurch. Patrick Henry presepted -dim with several books, whi-Ah are still lheir-looinF5 in the family. Alter ie revolutiorary war he returned to ie iigh tlills Gburch, lut wa,4 soon nade pastor of' the First Biptist ,burch of Charleston. lie was tho irst president of the Triennial con veition ini 1814 aud r/as a member )f the cotveni.on that formed the irst const itution for South Carolina. Ie wati elected president of the State Baptist cotivention in 1821 and was re-elected every year until his death n A ugust, 1825. Dr. James C. Furman was educa ed at tile Charlestol) C(ol!ege. IIe ad inteeltd becoming ia Iysic.iA:n I, >it in 18:!8 was baptizead by Dr. Ba Ol Manly :atl renoniced the stndy )f medici;e for the ministry. A iong 1;S clhissmates at the Oiarleston Cu!. COC Were Bish op Wightmn, of the5 \lethodist (.'hurch, r. Fd win Buist, !x-.Jtiglte Bryal, 01 the United Statos :ourt, aid Professor Briiuns, or lie hairlesiton College. Dr. Fuirmani ommentced plrVachg belore ho was >f age. B.-fore takjing ( harge of ai dihurch lhe autended the I apt1i t thmeo "gicail selhool att Sumter, tautLl by . Jesse Ili.itwel! ai~ l)r. Situnimi letcr , nnTIu mucre :tiunei.:.u ar~ hcoiUg. I I( assiste I ini ai nhiihler of revivals in tElgelieldl. lBe:afort anid liberts. ri le. Iii a Iirst chuiirch was ait C>ien leni, wI'here lhe iremin~ ed a sh ort I time. lie was then called to sHoeiiety lIIill to lbe p:astraite of the renoiw ned 'Wl ih Neck'' chuirchi. .1 ic remiIned ait '.ociet.y lII iie years, the onily ini:1 -I mission heingi. one yeari as pa tor of lhe SecomI~i leijtist ech~cl of C.harles Ini 1841 lhe left Society Iliii an.l b~eCalne Ti mlember of tihe Furmaniti il t'heologi eal Institution in Failiel aOunfty, near'V i W insbro . Thiiis iinsii Littin was Cestaliished hv( th l apt~ iiist s If the State for thle benefit, of teoloig ical! stimdenits. Thle other,~ membiers f the faculty were the Recv. P. C. liedwrds, th1 e..)S Mm m the3 iRev. Dr. Rey nbIt s, all ot wvih r dad le rin~~ited thzeire until 184.9, when lhe was seint out by the liaaptists o! the State to select aL site for La miorei imiportanmt instit.utioni and1 bpe camne to (grieenv'.ille, selectedl the presen)t site~ of Fiurman~j Umilversi lv, iaw that building go up, and wa':s thiin elected chairipian of the Iaculi t y. l'he (ot1ber mnembters or the ficuti I when the ~uiv'ersity was f'irst open!Ied were Professors Mimsi andit E.. lwards who hadl been with Drm. Furman aLt, the Faiirfiel instituti ion, and1( the late D~r. Jamies P'. lioyce, afterward pres Lliden of the 1litist Tlhe~ological semn inary in this city anid ini Loisville. D~r. Boyce wasL professor of thecologj in Furman . Theology wasi climuinated from the stuidies at the University in 185i9 andl the llapitists of the Sout~h estalishied here the Southern Baptist Th'leological semtiary, a separate in stit~t.tion frinij ttihe umviersit.V, Dr. lloyce wvas maide chairmiamn of the faculty of the semninary', andl the other membhers were D)r. John A. Blroadus, Dr. Basil Manly, Jr , and Dri. Wmi. WVilliams. D)r. Furman hias been connected wvi tbh Furman tuniversity si nce it was 1bult. anid was president of the facu lty iutil 1881. when lie prfre ediTl, onlL a coilut of his age, to resign the pres idency to some one else. and D)r. Chas. Malnly was elected., Dri. Fuiirman, however, hias remained as the inistrule tor or mental anid moral science and rhetorieL and logic. D)r. Furman was twice paTstor of t~he Firist Baptist chiurch of' this city, each time doing the pastora:l wyork in connlection with his duitico at, the ui versit I~ a pso of' the church yearis auyj. Thei churchi becameu so1 largo :,ol tile dauies so exacting that lie advisedi the calling oIf aL pastor who coulId give his wihle tim.. Since thben and1( until the last fewV yeatrs, D r. Furman had churches in the c ounty wvhere he preacehed onI Suiudays, occa sionally fillipg t~he city pulpito when~ not engaged Oult~side. Dra. Fuman wlas elected president of the State Baptist c.onvenltion in 1853 and( served three vears. lle waus again ehected in 1863 and served three years, aind Lagain in I s72. l1e atlso ser~ved in LSP responil nos~Jils in the Southerti Baptist Convention. Dr. Furman had been twice married. lia first marriage was iii 1833 to Aliss Iltarriet E. Davis, of .Fairflelid county, daughter of tie ev. Johna than Davis. Bhe died in 1840, leav ing setvon children. Two of these aro uow living, Chis. Al. Furtuan, of this oily, and Mrs. I)r. I utson, of 11amp .ton Comiaty. Ilis - second wit'e was Miss Mary G. ')avis, aister of' his first wife. She survives him. Three of the four children by his veolad wife 1 are living. Tey are 1)r. -Diavis F'ur manU), Kiuctrid Furmtan and Mrs. Peter Goldsmith. Dr. Furman's work as a minister tld teneller hill] beell too arduous to give him nmuch Lime for litrary pro ductions. He was for many yetrs associate editor of tie liaptist C-urier 11n(I coIutributcd aiticles to othtr deiorininational papers. PAsTont (to applivnt for church memberslip) - We shall be g lad to welcome You auong u)s, brother, bit ill order to becone a member of this dlonlninatioll you. will have to be kept, on probation, as it is called, for six 11101ts. . Applicant--Six monthy ? .What for? "To prove yotr fitness for being re ceived into fu1l1l membermship." (.Struck. i ' it'idden thoughit.) Mr. Gooddilan, lik in0mtls Won',L make ally dillerenu e at'all Witi this redness at thte end df my nose. It0s prysipe. las.-Chicago Tribune, . crit Wins. We lesire to say), to otr citize1w, that for years wo lyive beenl seliir Ir. Rig' Nev lDiscovery for 'C7onlsum ptioln, Dr. Kitig's New ILife l'ills, Biulcken's Ariiea Salve amid 19ttre 1itterntu have iever haIldled rlelilteied th'at sel 41 as w-l, or tlat have giveim such imveisal aiadsfaction. We do not hesitate to giulaitee thetn every.) tilne, ahud we statl readiy to refmid the pulrchase price, If s3tisraiwi y resuilmts do notll. follow their 4Ie. 'I'tese remledi.s have won thi- Ig1reit )ophtirit v pnely oil their tmerits.' A. W. Itidgens, Dlruggists 0asley 8. C. - Electric Biitters. TiA reiledy is becommining so we1 kinown aid So poplialir as to iui-ed no spiecill ien 1101. All wIol) lrve-nt-ed Electrie [liit t r(!is sing the samie Sons of praise.-A purver m11eUicie doe-'iIt exis. ald i: is gun:i utetd I to do all that is ehriiued. Nt-el rie h mers I will cI!ur al! d 4i a b f ie liver aid kid- I neys, will r-imove piinples. boils, salt I rhnliinnn of htr all'-t ioni enmised hv im Iin-(- hiood.--Will d4r1 i- hialaria i rmu t l , ysi-m anl pr-vevent it, will a..S Ct all ii:I;riat fevers.-F <o cinr of hieaudahle, (4oni-1 ti:Ilion antid indigeslioll try Eloctric ri money refuinded.-ri-e '50c. anda .i (ALITANCE LEA Il) W-h bt 1 lwpro to se1I lit-h-ipier than the Mliii girade i:.ui hie boiught cewhere. I hatve .djt-l-:I in onei of the ltIlg' geL IL~ CDT R -tore I o jii lupis. .\lin RV in-t, : ILI ivite hIE fnsipbi ee~t tat o A coeant.l et my'p ilo e i rces idyo i 1) Unr o lo- e~ -n go m I~ g n illkoep atelao re.soko fW( O Coul) 'et ou NATIe,:Ntl yfowN (INO life t ly, .- NI ~l g-nen'~ I- mtro 14 na..S. - ihli3 niltECT)Lca ni. Ei- lin le; Ei~ tai l.:Y Iito be uenied~13 3)i-io. f o'ru t of M lqi(IsT uN. ITIie- wt filiItyy- n iv omTaA N. liV-roinis it shohi ti, Ois lihe-. Thefling fos the ireml ~utionmuni mosl adopted. ri ati tc ntiona m151, in St . oi ottclti- uln ~ Whereunas . th(Ntiom2il Eif mni.t9,1one adoped ll~ialnatona or -nh. I taid defudi d~il Iou priniph:-;olgh, iin-ef ir . I mues I )r- svl byits N aIdsonal- body. (thiainwe heart,.il a poveof, ni s it itk h - beiuriiftei ott ihouldi subr ie( andrea lieatioiin Il- Mith i ay ofi iii a fredom ofi A i ca th ttesillii o ) t~ fihfu\ lly carry fi 2iii-t oth ('it gpit~ i tie i i, Our Markets, [Coirrocted IVcckly.j _o, o ii ........ 766491 Zn i'd . . (( viztc Ne ............ 1ikkoii~~~~, v'yi 2u - ~1tl~i~i~ig ('o of P~k 10 (oit) No-3T thou' iwh u-,ri subsribe oieCl~ iti tu of ttiiie F~rmerskoII 'Ohbliay v il Co.4' t i ck n )jC01jj.( 11 , Yil IV.41V iIt I V . F~I. 111m,11.1 ri. 4 w 'i Notico of 1 Fia IS.oTlrit.1-0 N t :lppiV Il .1. 11.illlr Nere.. 1icll f 'r(l I 1t o w i el~ (1144.1 t , C. If'., it1 I 1 ertti .~~ of A ril , 1MC3 1. for I lilto 1: K X;111114 rlm s 11t I I w ofl ho Imt (it!o JU(' I'll, 1 1 t he plibvd, 111( 4'1 os ill sa il ti. loarM. Wlxutu.W.P M11T 31 a I-ell I ito l':i i lld, IA-'111 l. Iir bat fori 0ik i oilt ,S i it dayjll o 1f . 1pril 181.111. filr I.'t I I ) ILL k 'W:it siito Of til .1.11b11ltoc h tl L1til 1 1111(1 O I, ' to~ 'l4Ilk w e a'.'r ll IS. d tOsd i d W Lo~ l l ' 1411 11;a:dtlie d t. dinktotio~to, Crdtc' [3(-% C , M.~.14 of1* l,' . A M S~1TA~ 1 2 ()P18:l T 'I CAl' l Z (.'d4:*1. Ni Ci) QU 31: Uf 1 N1 , P I lE ' 'Ii . W. A. 8'i'Iu t AWI' y (:(li 12 1. C~i of tillt fit the'4 1.( al (I St at e e15:10 i I~: l ll ' - 0 1 " 1 . C 1 I w~l s'llbefre i 0 C (41111111.'I'.jwll1. '. I '-'rillliiitilt! II''11 lt i-lt of14 *lit' P 11 iIIS Ai hat 12- hii 41. vo paol rI ra , , of Bul ill K [h b it , wt ll 6tI t em ub o "1 W.B1111-t-BO~N &oltlio Oi CowA.IikL), (ub sie l Iro Crtk boIIIi by til 1' 0 hidl' ofallr-im lw 1 Nf v % l" -; 14'1J. '%I. IS'jl --Iv Noie o FtCredJtio.'. BI y irt4'ill fI (-Ill' I )la' te I l. Ulm4 WiiI'I. 1 1.1 Wallace, 11141ig the 40. da4 1 .f ba4-.e I 404l 4.0111% ..' pa 1 . 11111-11 . ............ ;01 lo FORI heo e@ple's journaI. We have [an' immense lot of Gingham Remnantq, running from two to six yards in a piece. They have becn thrown on our lMUNANT CoUNTIg ; and MArk. at h6I low a prico that they have to bewatched to keep therm On s'idiing off, the tale, and walking out of the front door their own accord. It might pay you to call fqld see if any C left. Beautiful Curtain Poles, with polished brass knobs.-it4 a:s- rings, tul bra.:s brnceket; all for 24 cents. A .plenhid line of OUTING FLANNELS at 10 aud a mts a yard. You can buy one of onr 50 Ceint Rolls of REIMNAM A I A GO, :ud Ibe absolitely certain that you have 75 conta orth of calico, to say notling of the excitement incident tq AN usua, we caIn show you the very best FIFTY CEN!D SO2 l 3I ihe pmiet. VIT 'E G OODS cmning into imarkcet every day, Iiudigo Style CalIco, 5 cents a yard. Turkey Ied Table (loth, 25 cents a yard, Brown, Red], Blue anld White Knitting Yai'uis. Zeiphyir, Germantown Wool~ and Saxony Wool, always in 86 MiVLn Stroot, , GREE~NVTLLE. 8. 0, Miarch 12, 1891. G ENER PAL M ERCHIANDISE,4 wa to1 remuind you thait you can still buy as good GOODS at P'iek ena, :u. nl as cheuap as~ n'ny where ciso. We soll as good 11 0 N ' 8 T DS as~ can be. founrd elsewher. We aire in need- of faada just at Il- I tI' noi dwil atag Goods. for Cash or Produce, at rates J~hat oughJ~ > k aufy the (clI~eet buLyir. It : iintn to try to menition the articles we~ have, that you want, need, di wi'il li by. Ccm and see0 for youlrself, No bitaI, nor traps,, to oatiti mc uniw ary, butt l' A Ill R HONFdT 1'A IldNG A T L.O W PRBICR4 to pil. We wanu~tiall your Dmit Ilun, and' will pay the highest prices for A (1'57- CaiI a t thne porslii ar orn tr Store. LEWIS & MORRIS. Pickenst, S. C.X, ,Jan. 29, 1 891. - - - - A l -'D i--- -.T HE BEST t-----n... - N TH EMARKET -e.a Send for Catalogue and PrIce List. jiIa BROS.. WAGONs Co. IRACINE., WIS. FINESHOW CASES - ~~~--.A.T ~Iaowsm ribzcgg..... ______Also Wa 1 and Prescription cases, Cedat (heats, ]arber Fuirnliture Jewelry Tay nnid Stools. ClEAh W~oh1 * * s.. com''lte Outfits tor Stores an4