The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, March 12, 1891, Image 2

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THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. Entered at the Post-office at P'ickensA Z. U,, as becond Class .Matter, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. SUNBSCaMPTrION $10 A 1EA.t, P~I'l LSHEID ly The Farmers' Publislung Company, Editor and Business Maiager., Advertsoeuts Iuserted at sevctty ilve cents per squiare of one ich or less. Liberal discounts to merclants amid others advertising for thice, six inmilis or by the year. To get your paper changed, always give the name of (he post-ollive It now goes to, as well a,; the one to which you want it cuanged, All anoisynuous articles will be rejetvil. To insire iublication in tiue, all coi. munleatlion should be sent to this oille on Or before Moncday. Notices of Marriages and Deaths pnh. ilished free, blit Obittalres will be charged for at advert ising ratea. Notice. -d ..-0-. - All letters and other mail matter for T x1 m Picorrutc 's JouI NAL should be directed to Pickens, C. II. S. C. "A Gleam of ijiglt. "Wo have been trying for some time past to ilduee our frimnd of the 'JOURNAL' to give us ligh t on the subject of 'natural advan 'tages' in publish ing a Ilewspaper -at a court house town, but so far (our offorts have all been in vain. * * * * -* * * * * * But When we read the above In our conitorflnpo)r1ary w1 e l'cried, *Eilureka. It is ' (tuit (I o/icial m 'verisementts' thatl .('O)Stitute the ""natural aIvantagex' inl publih fing a niew.sper at acut os tt wn. At last we have (iscov ered the secret, 'Tr our brother iin an unguarded monent gave lhis secret aw ay ' -Demoeat 'We cannot see wly the diMtor. OTu'tho .Democrat will leap at I" monclusion 'and faney the sa:id wonclusion to be an undisputed amil settled fact. 'Thetre is a line Ef demarcation hetwetii a fact. and a;prodLuct of a rish im 'That ve had a .m'or'et aned fguv.-it away in n inguardel rioment to our v'igilmit.1,eighi.bor. aa thing that has n ever --xis ted,. except in the fertile imagx' ina thinn of our friend. A~.summug 'ie attiu(a f~ a1I kon~tcher, lie dlemandedi o'f us to agila iu .the n at ural :uLdAt nitages di ta court house 1emVn,, inl t he KIawsphpore businiess. N ot r'e cOgn'1ifng 'his rig'lfi to' L. oh anl attiitude, we decl ine L a an sw~er-'and wvas ov'er ai'ld in Miiig him to auswver -lor .hds *llhd we' attempilt' e t nn ior t*e~ tuhose ad]rmages mul had aiilled~ .to rmunle the <-mi fir .At in. I i tioughts, 'we termM.i not, have r i'Jtipated.iil ( the mesuil:t. oA' my I f aillwi~te, H o w ever .as ' ie d id not rtiem~pt the ardl:om. task, my c stetrined precepor~ 'has kindly a weried for uiet a ul('luis let V' 'e yablic know th' e princeipal a Ivantage as hie ce .nsi141ered it. Wle have no4t --gr'a"ifiedl our -n 3ighbor' e urios3it i n answer in g his, questioni.*, rmdi~ really t\ tought that he was asking th emi, for the pmT ime3 of show ing his4Owni supe)':.ior- knowledge of journalism. N'ow this thin g <> public andl~ oflicial adverti',e nets is one of the pleasures of memCUory to our friend, and -we cani 'excuse his * over chiildish C turiosit y about it, ~f he wvill e ly~ hold us respon Bible for V.hnvt we have actually said onhi ~ISl~easant subject and 1will not try- t o ngake us accolint for his own fanciful .idea of what we said.' This advantage,, unlike my friend's telegraph monopoly, was neveor neglected by him in his palmiy days of journalismn, but was exclusively enjoyed by him and 'was protectedl by his, theni constitutional right, to wit: t'To the victor bolongs the spoils." AL the Court of Sessions held in Pickens last week, Judge Wallace sen tenced. William Miles, colored, to be hanged on the 24th of April, next, for the murder of Jako Griflin, coloredl. 'rigy foll onut over a game of cards Mat detober. TIhiis will be the first case oQf '1t'igh.g that has ever occurred - Dr. Joe~l Wi Boweni returned home lst, feturday froxn Chuarleston, wherei hie hasi beexn attenudinig the Me~dia#l Col lege. Ite has aoimpleted one obree ln mnedicine, and .ode moroesoaason 'will 'Mke hiia a 'full-fledgod dooltor ProBw and Bamer. Last week was an unfortunate one for us, in the way of inisconstriing our contemporaries. What we understood to be irony and 'self glorification on the part of the Easloy Democrat, was .actuflly stIict and literal truth, with out any of speech. Then on the other hand, when we accepted the statoinnts of the Press mid Banner as cold, solid facta, we find in its last issue that w(o were mis taken. Still we have the consolation to know that we were not alone, for the I:orJI:'s ADVOCATE: (ommhlitted the samue error is to our Abbeville friend. IHad the Press and Banner defined its p1ositiol as ely t hen as it has this week, there would have been no clash, for there is no issue lietween us, as it is evideit. from the fdlowing ex plahlation of the I.,'ess an1 Banner: "That. is ill that we nmeant to say naaey: That the n1w papers mightI have fou61n1d it (1heiper to buly the old ones, than it is to est :li.ih new pa por's."' Ifavin - g bought 1ih M...eng,-r, tile Jo uNA 1. r s lone igreqble to the op)inionl Of ourm. igh-Obor. We have trieate. Ile ahove stat, menIlt as free Iromi honiy, and.will <.)n Siderl the reimaii iler, thomgh. wit ml . doubt., as lilow iso i o, that objqq. tioI. IC ngresstri n (I eorp. .ohnto tly ~slit'e ite I b W ilt i t ( 4it'' [le I Vmji oft' t Ste1 11a11411 r1( t d i iieu,: W1. sil \01 -. s , 111l )w | WI .t Collgieis(. . li 1 vois. th e ( it'.4 hi llI al Is h i nl :10..)p inl wht nAnyresde of t hn nmeset :Nei hor Tigsuc wirtion from Wthe prgo sedins as willov be oseur him artno-: Af cconing to a oueat iitt uIis ltly recetliltvdi by Adjet i lwrailt.'( Pr~o-l trom th 1 Oeitl- S ta-tryo War let ih Caroumg stmalitour ith of ith 1 L'he toos laeaof~ ur the Stateyare ilt-e nt al y , 1,-i113;~ei ati ll ry. :iu 32;c id .nfa snt,3ltS. Troopsr of Newh Ytork, :huet ts,,20 ills 'r t Cos a Sreti>E.---While m r. Dwst the yuu sheju til nq Lb d brom hret eare inow, jsteod wtheI Sau-~ wascmaking heravy ohe n rivhn he waps ugh bei thet lliad o m-r ere aton te Ayum i. There had A corrk espondent ofs the Net York Timsd byrit i fro O Wahntonv teak se follows of our i Goeno: ln. t has benerin thepilvetile lpresentate. whaih wis a prtiihI com to t hle.Gvros fSae lie ds oungpe toong l manouwih tmoobe a c e:' and lierk, grimy cm pleook lie s Grtr orl and e slende andit somewha. awkwa S in hs moe k Is handvesareiou;:h ~t.I n, markodi lavkith tht (scarsiftoi, andm to brani, wits ar cnoetlt foted Lul h1( ett. ieetry inof which denotes frmess enAt anyu Pime y r a smile. oe a btLlnns aboutgr his LTnnban(e. caued tboith absece or an eye. thel socker afd histle-yis anmpty. Hcae :aofl au selighte fai'y. rem. blante wok hil brtegi, Representtiv I a~r to th .80u li. M h i~io a o fthe ahustling anpd y Wes. MRZ. EDITOR:-It has rained s much since Christmas, that th farmors have not had time t break their land preparatory t plant a crop; therefore a word o advice might not be out of orde Already wo see some farier plowing their land when it i too wet, I think it is much het tor to w'ait until the land is dr enough not to injure the laml then break all the land you cai Until the time of the year come to phllt corn. -Then, if you ar not done break tig, take a foiu inchI bull tongue plow and ]a, off the rows as deep i a you cain drop the corn, then cover witl sainme plow, puttilig a small ridg< oil it, runil Close and deep, so a: to break the latid thorougiyi around the corn. As soon w you get throiglh with your work don't walit for your corn to comm up, but go back and plow th middles ,elos and deep with th<o Saine 'plow. Notice the 111111 that is liable to get hard, and plow it first, or while thero i. a "ood season in the ground. I have tried this plan and think it better-thanm to take tille to break your land and be late in the sea son plaiting corn, especially upland cori. As to cotton land it is too latt now to take ti nie to broak it., so rni olf yu'r rows, double fur rowing thern whelA nmeessary tc imake a good furrow, put in thet manulire anIld rid'go on it. Oi sonie land it may be necessary to runill twice in ridging, 10 as to break the hu inmore thorough ,it s , ron the liaSt furrow n ith a plow that will not throw the clay ol top, Well, Mr. Editor, we are glad to o so m1any Spicy commu ivntions aunI oditorials in your nainable paper. What ahotit "Allliance Boy ?'' bet's give him a stick of candy. IulTH' iN .M IHm. AN. El'nw: -y-VV(-eg oll '(1ry side, three (he1ebrs for Honm. V. Tl. Howen, for the vaY ill vlich ho hl lled om' lleighbor, he lIdlitor of the DMemocrat for ainug the plre'slmtunpionl to aisk, birough hlis papler, for informa onll ill regardii to thle reimoval oif al po'r v iser of Regi~s tu~rt ion. \vTe athler* ebxlpI*uzm, b ou bi(t as to Ile hNok agenlt wll) is no0w ill Nort h Calbiiln, can'lt say whe'thI (btter to thme /kmnocrat het appr~love's >f e*very wordV~ of thle Editor e'let 11ak ilng, themi ouLt an~d kill know~ if the N\orlthI "Calrolinian" R.~est iasy, Esrtx. and m Iak e all t hei satles yoni (e1n, our oflicerb1s wvii mak (bver y~ iofTor t. to d(o LI- Counb On r~ A Ilianle hield its last meet inmg iln thle A llianie WYarehouse, iluil (elect~ed Wml). El Iis President. Thos t5'Ihat wereI pre&senl t see'imedl de~termllinied to h rvi v the m mn'i bers nlotwVihtshulng it had gone Iow (considlera. b for the laist it. will eeni regain its formeri' sit renlgth1 an;l be a shmininig light to the organlization. inr. Editor, we suggest that Lvery' sulbscribler to Ithe JouHNAL 12o' righlt to work with thleir ne(.ighlbors who are not subscri hers, and ha ve thiemi subscribe for the paper ,that is pulhishedl for the goodl of the whole people, we are sat ified thlat it has nmot 4 subscriber but what could get anoi her One with -but littk( trouble I. Wie wouldI be gladl to hear0 from the~ correspondent of PeI zerl soonf, we think ho struck Mrl. 1F titor: As I seu nothinmgi you)l helar from1 us. I am Ini men bor o Cedar' Roc~iik Alliaco t hereforo 1 wi hamve to brag a lit t le on our~ sub-Alli an Ice, aIs I bel iebve it. is one0 ohf tho hos wvorking Alilices iln thei (Jounty. WI hadve) donie a great. (deal of' good for' on membr~shi'llp, in the -i wa ofI boin gulanos anld ofther goods. \\e ha.v ulsedh th&. exchalnge and( foun ld it to bi theo farm'l's fr'iendt, no0t. on ly to thl memibers of t he A lIiince but to ever farmerW1 inl thet Stato of South1 Car'olia because the ehanIge has b~roulgh near1 Ily ever'lything d1(own, the fairmor ce.s that nre not using the exchtningo inay-be they havo not got the mnoney that is a verv good exce. im a They all re not using it? I say 0 not-th some sub-Alliances in 0 this Co vlioso leading members 0 went inl Allianco to got oflice, . ad got ipointed. What .is the result.? ( is this ; Thoy would'nt s iip the o oflico, and they will s not life exchlalge, nor let the cotton-w - weigh tl(ir. cotton, an11d V the othe bers of their Alliances thinuik th iders*have found at bit gart. inl t liianeiS. They becomec S indiffere nd th Alliance goes ( (loi. ? No oflice, no help inl the Allia 0 More interest takcetn il ite A e-ii-1)be until 1892, Look o - ihiei, brethren0i. V 1 have as y en in our Alliance a Iiotere is ii County. Tne 1nen true to th ilaice, true inl every Ie spect. A as oflice is concernei' they <li nie ill the lliaice t< get olice, -fore tliere s 110 discord Some . ble abou.t the action o our1 meIml of the Legislat ure. ] think the . their Whole duty, they wont for i ires not men. That i: what we e (do,--Clchu3d or n< Cleveaud.:-to farmern have go enough 80sens4 fod the world Ilam clotlo it, n- the~y have got mIe with en.o1ighnmise t> know what tho: want, and i +t for thoem. What d you say, t'.rOrL fanler-menl or me10a ? A MEMNERi . School Comnsioner, Pickenls ('ount) DEAR j T:-Tithe Andersoi County lher's Associatio1 will meet ithe Walker MeEl mqy Scho house in Gaarvii Townshipiderson County, o the 21st inant, at 9 o'clock M. he folleiig is thcr progran Opened ,th song and praye1 I :t. Anr-ticle by a Picken! County.Tehier to bie sioleotC by the Seh( Coniissioner < Pickens Conty, on subjeet < vriter's 2nd. Anmrticle by' Miss Mal gie Evans e' Anderson Femia College, on aanguage. 3rd, .Dehto, Res-%.lved. Ihat the n' methods of teaching are bettl thn1- the oh. One speaker, or, wvriter on ea< side to be sdected by the Scho Co 1issiomr of Pickens. I Newvton wvillreperesent the( affl miative and1 Prof. (C. W. Moor() :D~'ud(letew onl .hio niegaxt ivo. wVorth re'fer~.ece to such stiiI a.s are' taught, iln the' comm~li There' wVill be a questionu b to be opene d jutst the nie recess. A t the close of the debate I suibject will b~e left open ii timelt will allowv. it is (earnuestly dlesired, that manyil (of thle patrons as5 eaui v attemil thiis meeting. it is a e (xpected that a basket dimh wvlill. e served at noon1 recess. Re-organiization of the Ass( at ion wvill take place at si time as may be dleemied mn ad~vi.-ible. T1hie Pickens County Tfean er's Association, together w as nmany (of the 1)eople as f intereCstedl in the cases of edu1 tioni, ar'e rehspectfully invited meiet with us. C. WV. WVAuntAW Seh'l CIom. AndIerson Couni Prof. J. F. Dargan, will liver an amldross on Relation tween Parent and T( 'eacheri. Miss Lida Bowen, wvill as: Miss Newton, on the aflirmat and Prof. J1. T. Price, wvill as Prof. C. WV. Moore, on the ne tive. ;W. Vf. F. Bummw I 3eh'1 Vomn. Pickens Coum -(' ross lhi' Alljince. WHIERiIAS, God1 in calling servants home to receive ti reward, has takeni from midst, Brother I. C. Garrick. Resolved, 1st. That we 1 in hu~mble submission to wvill, knowving that lHe doeth things well, Resolved, 2nd. 'hlat ini (bdath of Brother (Thrrick, the limnee has lost a true memi ithe church a bright exam ple, I his family a dlevotedl head. .Resolved, 3rd. T1'hat a 1)1 t page in or~ inuates be subse ('(d to his meoroy, Resolvedl That our' ?' retary 1be instructedl to se11 4' copy of these resolutions to e famnily~ of our dIecealsed brot e, and thamt the Cotto J'lant PE~oPLEm's ,JOtINAL4 1e regpe to putblish;, * C. if, CanPern Commnitte Th'iis world Is like ia crowded bus; * A few good men01, perhapllS May ihl ai seat,, bu me no~. of ns [For the People's journal.] Mr. EDITOn:-I rogrQt that du ty requires me to appear in print again, on the question as to tho appointment of Supervisor of Registration for Pickens County, sprimug by the Editor of the Democrat, against the Pick ens Delegation in the Logisla ture. le claims I did him an injustice and calls on mue for the neces-sary correction. If I have done him an injustice, it was an error of the head and not of the heart. I am not accustom ed to writing for publication, and I may have varied from the rules practiced by professional men in the busincojs. tie (toes not know why 1, did not send my commnuica.tion to the De-m ocrut for publication. I will an swer by using the samo reasom that he used for himself in ask ing curious and puzzling qucs tions: -"This is a free country.' In defence of my position ij becomer, necessary to recall snch portions of his editorial, af I used in hearing ny conclu sRionl. 'He, (Mr. Robinson) Was brave soldier in the late war and wien the yoke of alien anm negro rule was put upon ou: leec'ks, none fought sooner o: harder to throw it off than he But it should be rcmembierei that such men as C. S. Robin - son, constitute the O1l guard1 they stood br the brier of th a lost cause and charged in th front ranks in regaining of ou polical freedom. If they are n longer to be considered worth: of public ilaces, take them Ou ,-and shoot them. ''-Demoor)a(t. ' In reply to the above I sai d .that the Editor wishes to in >f press -n the minds of the read >f ers of the Democrat that men wl have proved themselves to l> r-brave mn an1d true democrat 10 should be3 taiken 011 out anid hiot, they are not god1' Iified to ill I pos tions of trust. lie denies emphat cally as to saying an1y vilulh of "thing. It the wvordl.3, take thlel out and)(1 shoot theil, vu ill waIIV conntiected with the su11bj1 im (ispite out side of the pai , r 11h wit h whichi sneh wrdils w; . inu'iinitely conniectedI, I admtiat oX .IIIl4st1 and c~oreete,; but if eve pan1Igraph ~''Ui can be t connec twi one elui s e sed thed :n'i' miabt'o~ tee wherwe i h ex igmosed imy wong;uul however, on( binn wrL I~rV stadi orre~te lt'i'1caims heiii lse jte wor her tte them.adsoo h t'o iailly' Tini is alijl i, I han wordhii irenically to sthw e 'ei as'aory 1e i'cepot o tme ofit,'ci ill .gine'ti M. li oiso eel being as brav niianot loyaltt' o ii ofti whi'b t hi e hes0 justy eI to ued t. A ota ~i ost im thatright1to aask te re t or b e remova',cl of theu Superi (1(1-o eistto. I 111 ie ridoe)s to be-aderi, s tohe3 gonst on wahich on tlsedmm him. As01 tiopoi'hat~ pin sa~5id hatI hold all ats of (1()me borm ofn the Legitareso sublijetl y.t be shruiizd byoi their coti ga ntdoi I san be nr reinessi toi b- wr ashosmyhte wardsip,~ on question whenS~f pofol t emo died.'tti' JItk wheny eito wi' tionin thepinyere o dvid 0111 they shoud sow thetiri agenc , sie. le W. 811lT.owyc formai~ l possessio to the Coo S ihis teortoy tlMnoml y. The3 aGoo all is 1made by other paties to worn t hatt field. - atd nEs ---1-~4f - lace. Th 'e late HFeniry War'dfBeechec- c r)1',meceivecd a lott~er from i young Lmit who r'ecomen~ided1 hiimself very hit ask being honest, rand closed with .ik'equest: 'iGet, me an easy situlat rib- that honesty may be reade. whicb Mr. Bleecher ri') ed ; "D)on' sec- all editLotr. if 30ou would be easy, Ia nmot try the la w. Keep out of clie the pilt. Let alone aill si ps, stores, slt 'et', and1( ml~ierhanidise. 1ie not a tfarmc 11nd( ai mechanlliic, nlete aL sotldier or ai< mted or, don't st udy, don't, think, di work. None of them aret easy. n, my13 honest frienld, you ar~e in a' htard world. I know Qf but ont < plac~e in it. That is tile grave." Notice to Adven'isers A LL Ada'er'isers woill please do io kuldness to sucuad in chaniees ina alec, mneuld on? Fridayi or .Satur'day, ,7 vs >would hare thi~an umear dit'rrnany l/u Th No YoR 8toroV P LAIN Worsted frout S. to 12 1-2 cents p11r YarI.,. Re tad whito Flanel 15 to 35 cents. Sch .olboy jeans frout t5 to 33 tents pol ya':d. Caesimercs srom 30 to 85 cents. Prits fron 5 to 8 cetis. Dress Gingimn is 9 1-2 cents per yard. 10.4 Shede ing 20 cents. Towels fromn 5 to 25 cents. Ilillkerlhiefs fron I cen tI up. For 43 cents you can get ia p'.ire silk E"mbrohlilngl Cottoni 7 cents per dlozen. I ,ae from 2 Cents to 15e p.r yard. Yott can get a spool of button-liole twist for one cent. Table Datmuak 46 to 85 Cents per yard; Coat' spool Cotton 4 etits; For 2 ceiits y.-oil ci get a spool thread; Kithing threac 21 cmins per lb. Cor-ets 25 ents to $1.37; Self fastenit:g lintir-pins 5 (eeits at box; A pai per of Plls for mnm rnit.. Good bra., Pin for .1 cents; Ball gilt, hair pis I ceIi; For 7 cents youi Can get a bottlc of shee dressing;4 Leal pencils 7 celts per iozen;, Pipes 2 to '20 cents; A box of siapl, :1 eake(4s for 5 cents; Tobacco 5 and 7 ceit- a Iiphig; Flom. , cheap as the heapest; K I return1 Ilny thanlks Co. thle ptiblic: for piast patroniage, aid hope it will be continued. All Goods soid1 for cash. J. M. RAMPEY, Jan. 29- EbsI,-:v, S. C STT OF (soUTr CARo...IN A. CoUNTY oF l1'l.cNs. IN CoMMoN li,FAS Couwr. Cyruts S.-Stepien';, Andrew C. Stephen Edward It. Stephens, Mary% K' Mclesky Eliira L. Ioggs and ,ucicila Carcy, AgAInst J. E.. StephetS, Margie MoriE.m o nefr, P. 1). Mtephens, A. L. Stephens) Atdie 1'. Stepnis and ( Aaron H rgs, It Adniniist rattor of G reen Steplins, leieas ecl, Defetulats. t To th lie Defethfints :hove namec: Yoi a re her-ly smtoill d antal retInnl 4.41 t~o anlswer thle mplt. inlOl thi-:l! which wa s lilh. in the (le rk's (HflIve v Piekeins Comtr ilouse, S. C., on the 22 Janiuary. 1891. an14l serve a copy if yoll --aIwe to saidi coinplainlt (), I he sulb .tr 0 bvi- at hli, ollle, at. Pitckens Conn t. ]( s( S. C., wit hin t.went y clay aft(r Itv seI vic e h'reof, Xin-l.ive of the <ay of sieh !el "vie, anl if vou fall to :uner Ihe cen phlint withinl the timhe tfolrei, Ole yh.0h itill' inl this actlion will applly to thlt ('oi for thei' i'il ent ll nill'd( in the complain Dateil 221 .hii iarv. 1Ull. J. M . 6TK WA W1 T, C. C. P. 11, s.] J. It. N IW~TON, Plrnil'Attorie, H To T lt 1ANt.Tk Nait ic T11: t1 he ic.-et 1f Il alb ve :cti-.. i. l pn-tion the l Eill ta:4 i f (n-n : ~ pa-in. - 4'."'-'h hue of -1dekn, ('.int :iinl lit. fI ive ililii. -. .;I-(14 die rll.ii ii tuii li is ni il l Sl:i - lf Solith ( ;olit:. . ' iy f 'ickN en , 1.41waters (if IS mnile ( 'reek. ;I1ioinling. 1.1111 .it her of yo. J 1 0WtON as 1 ' h.|.\it 1 --t Ni s l- a Iis 44 t ( i having O CnEd t 'i-Ens oh A rse nde othe, r Tniheingfah . be invte evey. oilye thelioe llrt h'a 11 t~rnn-u C ie hi-h i'Cn-e 4 h pef re111. Thle hueit I-'awhilne ritv.-d' Ri -owll.14-t lier of Ced lift3 ltk~ :uli m D alces, Goodha s, ho Weinvite Lverybd, Sugr. Chefior odto aond Cohere oe Potst Dish an treetaweng PansMasonehubns Bt ill , fo heux lity &cisol in ~ Cokry-ocsuha ro-s Ha.'tsm, ho-sli Jeas, eveothi t, h aliesy, Gd ighas, Olheapf'c Alknd Coffe PoUN't, Dish Pani u.n.iai ehng fons Waoshan &') , &c.,-3 & c n, Engne aslieatio G fla- Thathasee been brogh tnortisp .d to do havew wil ofl hep fr e 'foe bater. Wn willctiorn on ths nai- lackW ill selll Wo ood Slic ken7ZW I hexheng 0sil'. Ye tk otwr lUNTER & 'ill'AWTtlORN1sae Janr . 2 W.18 17 O PiWkeO, oy-o no Ii' COM. beg oo , informt in opub1cc ~li a he. inwle pr. edto do ay kind_____of__E____g__ noenoteomn nectio with. n0nBlck ve Smitn Wod Shes stoi'ors. hen seily o the ge wr dn on& N~-ali- -ron hos Dr tW.tslo M. No rod, Assirstl sal- jn9-r91-1y kwith rlo~c b o m'l~i' o&Jtte'8 in Ofts l over Wstmdcosdrelad B~v i~rs Riohmond and Dauville Railroad, A. k V. Air-Line -Divlsion. CONDENSED SCHEDULE OF PASSENEX. TRAINS, In Pff'ect, FOrtiry Ist, 1891. NORTHBlOUND} DAILY. Eastern Time. Nos. 38 10 12 AM PM AM Lve Atlanta..........1115 716 8 10 Chamblee 7..............7 32 8 43 Noi crois.- ...7 42 8 55 D1uinth .................7 52 9 00. S %wneo .......... .... 8 01 9 17 Buford............ ..., 8 14 0 31 Flowery raich. ...... 2-1 0 45 Pb m Oniisiville ...........12 40 8 40 10 05. Lulta........ ...... 1 00 9 09 1032 lton........ ..........9 12 10 35. Cornelia.......... ......9 37 11 00, Mount Airy......... ...9 45 11 05& P 3t Toccoa .................. 1 50 1 10 11 35 Wostminster ......... ... ..10 53 12 15, PM Seneca. ......... ...... ...... 11 16 12 3Q 11 bt Central ...........3 06 11 50 1 25, A Af Easloy........... ..... 12 19 1 55 P M AOMI G .reenvillo ......... 3 50 12 45 2 21 Q reers. ................1 15 2 65 Welord............ .1 31 3 07 PH5 AM U 1 Sps\rta htibrg ......4 43 C....on.............. ......~ Ga~es ..........:12 3 O Blacksburg........ 3 11 4 33 ove ... . .... ........ 2 441 Kig'lMou~itain..... ....3 37 02 Gfastoiha.......... ....3 9 5 26 -6. 55 4 40 614 SOUTH'IBOUND DIY Nog.37 2t 9 Ix1' C('liote ....... .12 40 1 5 1 005 II('Il'ili,0iite ......... ... 2 141 1 213. wl ... ....2 2 1 33. ... . 3 21 4 44 .....e....... ......;...3 17 12 23 3 27 2 23 (Tt1,.............345 2 55. ArChalotte............4 40 3 22 Clifton ................4 18 3 26 A 5M -SP111-11111inii'...1 .50 4 33 3 41 GastfO a .......... . . . .07 C ''~. . . 5 18 4 24 K i's ....a2n.13 5 40 2 5 Se ....................6 1 6 20 itkrgI.........3 30 7 05 .. 00 8(Iet .. .... 7 314 6 48 a)!'n I.Ste . .... .. 55 6 2 Cowe...............4 -10 8 3 5 7 20. oit Airy........9 09' 8 00 C'1-1iL i ............ ...... 9 14- 8 0 5. leto....... .......) 402 8 29 1 i1,1.1t..... ......5 299.5 8 32 5 50 10 10 8 57 "........O 29 9 15. ............. ..... 10 42 9 31 Siwance........... ...... 10 r) r)9.15 i.............. . .. 14 06 2 '7 11 17 10 10, - :li lt ...............11 27 10 22. We' At~llford.......... 20 12 0 11 00 Central.:...rii. N... 17 a 18- 00t. ieinne ...i...daily exc S7 3464 'I Io vk-, A lan t5.3hI 1. '1., arriives at I'll . h S. 1W e1 . r ... 1.,a n 1 .....A. 7 5 6rrv e 28 Toccoa.,..............1 . 4iu 401 P 31. 7 2 - I o utnd~ Ar .M....... .... 9 08 00 _ Cornel ia ........ .....;. . 9 1 14V 8ti 05. 1' .o' (.I 1 . . .1 .m .. ... 0 . . . 1 i 4 i2 8 2 lt, la :S ........... 45 29 91 45 8 32. ' l<i nvery licit ... diy ... p. L29 915. leaen Ifor...... . .5 . ..... 10i 42 :i 31, Chn'imbl oee............ .... :ii 7 0 2. Ni\rAlant . .IO 1. . . ..... 7 20l 12 00 11 00. - Additional tain No-s. 17go ad -- t Lha ) accooeno~httin.t'l d iai except' wunayi At idi l l' I. llungiinhi rain La - -e.t An f. 1 arriived U 1 hint .50 tA M. lei' e Lhtli fl an~ til he t-o. Ied dal.. ly. xcet Smht, :udVo. iaii lyo, leavCe Li' L.h L.5 Mu',~ KEYnd1.4 A~. M'1. aie at 4 Albens 11.10l M.1111 an.30P.1 iMt :un G .M, ur- -- lietweenT'ccoa an-I letn--N. anti (i iIthniy, exce Sm EIlav Ton. coni 11. Afr .me . 0A '&'I,k UaeJ. Lg hIer.n3 3 wl' a', and . (45 A M.tti Her iIi, ost of "eminc ily, la 111 extept una . laEeto . M.IS1.11 am~wtlilI 3 3 i ..\ arriye iToc 7g 1 lo M pnti70ng Mus. i Now.l ci' l and 12s carry Pull:1(1 at.epers blw''e lg.An Wa lehingon an pAtant candbe os. :17 ~Iato In.-.Washigto and Sotfh $ OtO 1.3 V erole Whindled between At.. Inni- wornd thho~ii. Odhidran. t ex talre icaged on1( f~lis-chts W'tike siorSpea ildedinfortion as tt'alocalawl 31 &c n'onu iheqh-,rts n uh L. L. M87LESK ACY, U)ic ass. iga. N RI&0 wSth78 htr, an 1f1Mfr h WINOOD JS1 t *))EL warranted to 7~dS ite ol spee, 1e1e q , oprtii, wuslne Athont cis of ayrs t igha n anyma chin1. 011as to iNk.6 r13 to~ Sote tee oprtr ill e, substncia, nce writin . Any n alintperscan bT