The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, March 12, 1891, Image 1

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VOLOI PCN A -. M MACI 2,181 NO ' Columbia, Dartmouth and Williais, Colleges have dispensed with the coin moncement orations. The cultivation of oysters 'promises to be as great an industry as that of can sung tomatoes. Railroad statistics show that more people are killed while walking on the track than from any other cause, which Is an argument, thinks the Mai and 14 press, for enforcing the laws forbidding this practice. A new law in Missouri provides that the. fees of no exegutivo or nministerial effleer of .any county, O 1i W of . the salar1d ftotualle paed .Jcort deputies, shall exceed e sum of $5000 for any one year. The cedulas-or dovernment loans of money on land mortgages-first precipi tated financial disaster in the Argentine Republic, asserts the Philadelphis Record, and they contimue to play an ii portant part in the affairs of that-unfor itunate country. Baron lothschild has umrged English 'high schools to pay more attention to the 'teaching ot living languages. lie claims that English clerks qualified to corre spond in French and English are great rarities, and that English merchants are obliged to emiploy foreigners to attend to their foreign business. "If you are going to kill a man," says an English surgeon of renown, "and want to do it quickly and without suffer ig, hang him. If the lingnian knows his uusiness, the victim does not feel as much pain as if shot through the heart or brain. It's all over in the tenth of a second." Two hundred thousand dollars a year ire s1;ent by the London (E'nglnand) School Board in enforcing the attel(danco of children. They are advised, by tihe Boston Transcript, to try the French plan of getting children to school by good lunches. The discovery of the full text of Aris. tottle's "Treatise on thu Constitution of Athens" among a lot of Egyptian papy rus recently receivel by th Brit ish donihaards t ha n U cisco ConAide'&, will be oreat. Interest to all classical scIolarS. l0rhap; 'ItO Iext lucky find will bo the lost books of Livy. Great anxiety is felt in Switzerland concerning the decadence of the watch making industry, which, next to the tex tile industry, is the mainstay of the in habitants of the country. Tho prollts are dwindling down, as the United States and England are every year be coming more powerful rivals in this field. The demand, too, for Swiss watches is falling ofi considerably in cer tain countries, notably in this' country and in France. Pennsylvania is taking an important step) in the dlirection of better roads; - step that, in the opinion of the New York Tribune, every State should take. Rlailroad traveling has become so general and so perfect that the com.non high ways of the land are largely overlooked. Yet on thenm is the vast bulk of traveling and transporting done, after all, and upon their condition depenat to an in calculable extent the comfort and con venience andi prosperity of the vast bulk of the peolie. Thle implrovement of county roads is a topic that should standl well towvardl the hieadl of the list in every legislative assembly, until we have brought ourselves at least to an equality with the Romnans of two thousand years ago. ________ The 1?hiaway Ago recently published a clever article by Joseph 0. Kerbert, United States Consul at Para, Brazil. The subject of the article is "Railroad ing in Brazil," but its objbet relates more particularly to that vast alluring phantasy of ebullient statesmanship known as the "Pan-American Railroad." This might better be tormed the Tright R~opo Air Line, for it is proposed to bridge the valleys and tunnel the peaksa of the Andes, traversing the great water. shed of South America by balancing the road-bed on the knife-edge of mountain tops. Aside from the facts that such a railroad would cost a thousand times more than an ordinary road simply to lay the rails, that an ocean steamship can carry freight faster and cheaper than a freight train, that the major p~ortion of the country to be traveled has no p~opu lation worth the name, Mr. Korbort gives as a peculiar obstacle to railroads in Brazil that they must tunnel the forests and a new p~athi must be opened after every train, because "the dense growth of vegetation is so rapid that a p~ath cut in the morning is overgrown In the night." Thh~i last fact settles the Pain-American railroad scheme, declares the Chicago Neros. No self-respecting locomotive engineer wvill hamndle the lever of an engine which is obliged to .. shovo a lawn-mower ahead of it. MARCH A LIVELY MONTH. Strong * Breezes Waft These News Notes To Us, From Many Points In the Progressive Southland, InterestingWo Are Sure. ' VIRGINIA. Tliere is an inticreased deiatud for ini afactiured tobacco in Danville and the factories are ill runninu g. Although the Benate has failed to coi tit the nioinaiiittion of James Mchaughi linl, posiltmister of LTyniclbirg, il is be lieved that he will till that ofllee. Itio eidiracow of te log-boat "I H11 -Wrk...aa L ' W' aTife-ssaiv Stati io, o6 wh Iw0,er sqI I ITO ffse(I -to ha nve be) ro have arrived ait Norfolk. 'The burned electric pliit of thte Dain ville Street CAr Comlipimlty will be rebiilt it 01ce. Itoantolke will soon bo-'it of ai postoflice buihling costruicted at it cost. of $75, 000 by lie gi'iienrd governmiet. A bill or'deriniig this lts nassed lotli houses of Conreiss and beeni approved by tile lies. ident.. Timliberville is a iew town oil the line of the li-nadway & Vest Virgpinia Itailioald talit is voon to be construictied. It. is tle ientre of tle gireit, foioSt, regions of Norith mountain aind Brock's Gap. Thie North fork of tlie Sliinaidoalh river I tins tlroui.h the town. NORTH CAROLINA. Sam Jonies is beeii invited aid will -oltluict eVag.elistic Services in C(har lotte sh1ortlyr.C Tle e'gislature passel the bill appro priailting $10,000 annually fort a geologi eal sirivey of tle stite. Tie vitca nies in tho state bomt of agli ':'ilture were filled bye lie lgisltt re, as fol lows: First (list riCt. J. It. Collield, foirt i WV. F. Green, e-~ihth, S. F,. P atter-Isonl. On u'les(lay ni.t ,Dlavid Jones, of Cape I.ookouit Saving station, aboit. a i!le southi of- tle caip, found in tle wash of tie sea tle dead bod y of it uma31n. 'The bldy was without cloties or -my kimd. Tle arm,; were otl t thel slooi ders and le'gs olf at tile iips. In the state senate ThtisdaY bill to Ip propriate t25,00 to sicuriit exlhibit. at Cliiea'o, failed to pass-; this raisel a gieat howl, anid at night this ict ion was reconsidi red anId thei bill passed the sen ate i- ously. '/he eisu ol l'er an nout nced the pop iilationi (f Noitlh Carotliia races ats fol lows: w Iites. I,019.191; v,1.; . ; I1;0: hol4ians1,, 1,:1 (11 hines", I - 1:,: tol .SOITHI dAROLPI'A. p rtn Da 1, gi1on 11nd( (,4.111n 111 have beeni sold. Ihey brought .oi, $.6,500o and $550re-pectively. Senator Ednis. Miss EdIunds anid oitlier' distinguiished I oiin!t s were inl Co lhmbia ThuIrsday en route to Ca amden. lirancheles of 1he Atlanita Butildinig anld Loani A ssociatioin have been organized in Yorkville Ii a Floreiice. h'ltos. N. Bierry and b. D. Childs, of Ch lstei. h (ave Iben appointed as dele gates I roim t hi, State to tile Itight Wor thy Grand loadge. I. (. 0. T., which meets in d inburig, Scot land, in May. 1tobert Mill las has prepared plans for the treet ion of at t'hunrch a t Spartan burig for the I a pt i-t s to (C t $ 10,000. Th'le stuidentIs (of the Sotmb i 'arolina 'oltege for ~'wme v'isitedl the Statec evidently delighted withi their visit. Th'le (ieretion of thle $1 5.000 sc hoot bldding h:rs Ibeen commoenced at New Thel Ander~SOni liiiildinig & Loan As'o elattioni. w''lhi will windt til its business. will de< lare a dlividend of about 65 per' (Gaffney C'ity' has votetd to subscribe $20),000 t o thle pirt.itrtl(d1 Cp Feari and( ( incitnnti h:Ilrohend. GEORGIA. Wade l lamipto wi ill dleliver' the aid dress5 at A uigustia, A pril 27, at t he reunion of his old birigade. A corresp51onden'tt says that a large p)0r tion oif t i,- ptleh Iand phniii (erot) has beeni killed or badly injutred ini the vicinity of hI )visb oi'o. Ge'oi'giat's pen'isioni laws wecnt. itito (tYeet. MI'archl 1, anod from that. (late the widow of each Confederate solieri will get. an a'miuitIy of $100. A labaat has also at last recognized their c'laiims, but, lieir share will searcely be hal f so liarge. 'The Johnii P. K ig MiauactuinbgCo. pany, of A igaista, has madt(e a (1irect shi /1 mnt. of (ot toii goods to Manchester, England. Gloveinor' Nairthen' hats inst itted a re-. form ini thle inimagemienit of thle GJeorgia prison campil that will meet with the hearty commeinidatloun of hiumanitarians. ie has ordered that hereatfter' ile and female coniviets must he kept ini separate apairtmieiits, andi~ that nio comuntfication must be allowed hetw~(ein them. TENNESSEE. Thle le'gislaturie lots patssed a bill to build a maomiiueit to J1ohnt Sevier', the flrst governor of Tieninesee. 'The bill authlorizing the issuance of $500,000 of bionds by~ Knooxville has pass ed thle legislatutre and become ai law. 'Three men werec . k illed anid thirteen wounidedl in ani accident at Witwell, on the Tlenniessee ('oad Company's i ncli no railway. A p)riniter Cimployed on 'Thei Clhattano ga VT s. , Jimn 'ompijtoni, idiot Ilarry I le - bly it fatail one'. In the seinste Thularsday the bill creating a burieaui of labor, statistics andi~ mines, w it hi a commiissioner- at a salary of $1, 500, whose (duties are to inispect mines, mills .taid factories andi~ gather labor statistics, wais pasd omly two negative votes be mig re':O'Coe Naishville hias but few rutnaw~ay Wved' dIintgs, conset~piently social circles were stattled by thait, one whlich occurrei'd 'lsl'han, i-n Joh cu-. 'rm----n a son of ex-Governor Thompson, of South Carolina was quietly married to Miss Sal lie Glasgow. FLORIDA. Tarpon Springs has just indulged iii the luxury of electric lights. A 'allahassee special says: Gov. Fleming will leave to the legislature tie ippointimaent of a United States senator to succeed Mr. Call. Ferinandina proposes to have fin as sociation of ladies to be known as the City filprovemient society, to siprvis' the work of keeping the streets clean. F. It. Urvis, who keeeps a statistical conpaarison of the Florida seasons, says that the business of January, 1891, w'as lIfty per cent. over January, 1890; that February was sixty per cent. greater anti that March lproinises a greater increase. A pri, nay le, wmil buonwnyn. "aIend of lin. year and, the intications point to a larg er season, 'lhe Jacksonville and Santa Fe Hard Hiock Phosphate Co., lately relored as organivwed, has been incorporated, with : capt it stock of $500,000. 'he oralnge (rees alonig the Ifatlifax river fire showing ninerouas buds and on ly requtire a little rain to burst into full bloom. A HORRIBLE HOLOCAUST. Monroo High School Burned and Two Lives Lost. Tihe Monroe, N. C., Ifigli School Wav buirned Trhursday~ morn i ng bet ween~i id~ night and day. TIwo young imlen, T. IJ. 1emberton 0l ic Albert Bost, were literally roasted in Ihe llamies. The build inlg, together Witlh four flne piinlos, all the school flrnitunre, a good library and most of the weiring ipparel of techi(ers Ind plipili was completelv cousumiated. Mloniroe Irigl t'cdool, owied and con ducted by Prof. It. V. Spinimks ami:(1 Maj. L. ). Andrews, was a large tihn-e-story brick building situated about a mile froini the celtre of the town. It couitailed, at tle t ime of the burn ing, 25 pupils, male and female, wlo all. with tle exception of two, ntarr.,wly es cuiled with tiheir lives. 'The girls occu pied Ohw grould floor, the boys the thlir tloor, the smcomi Iloor being used for n ilaition rvioiomi, tc. The btildinhg :111d fitt igs were vilied at $9, 000. hell insurance amiounts to atbouit $4.000. Prof. Spinks andh Andrews Will rent a hall an d contilue tleir school. A new ant(d hiandsoime building wik be ereeted in thl pI, 10- t , bor-ned o Aboishi h . lio st 'di(1 Law. n b I : -h J1 11: a (14 enacl: tlreeifthli of each iole -,nm -r116ng: ,lit0 1 Section 1. 'Tht sacion one I Iw 2,) three (3,) four (4.) live (5) and eight, 8), of article tet (10) of the Constitution >f this State is repealled and abolished. Section ?,. 'lis amend miient shall be mbmatitted at tle next genenl election to thie qualilled voters of the State, th1o3e roting in favor of the aiendment to vote i written or printll ballot., Witl the words: "For the aienfidient. abolishing the homestead," ani11 those voting against it to vote the sainle kind of a ballot with the m"ds: "Against lie amienidment lrbolishing the homistead" on it. Section 3. Thi election shall be hell and returns made: unt ed and the re mit annzouceed undi~er the samelt ruiles and regulations its are now provided for the election of the governtom andi( other state ilieers. 'This act shall b1e int force from and af, ter its ratiient ion. Cheering a Prayer. A remarmkabule scene, anid nce that struck part of the aud ientce as very amuts inig, ocmred in the Michigan Democrat - ie State Convent ion at. Lansing, Thuris ay. After the uisuah prel1iminaries were goale through wvith, Rev. E. II. (lat-k, a loc:al preaicheu, was en11led upont for pray Or', and(, in:(( addre5sing the Most. Iligh, madle a stumiip SPech''. UTe dlelegates were wrought ep to a high pitch and whieii he asked *te Decity "'to guidie thle footsteps of the conventtin into the track of that grand obI Demnocrat , TIhomias Jefferson,"' thle con vent ion broke into, ap plause, with wihlI yells of delight and tpproval. Even Mr. (Clark was discon (ert ed for thle monawat and thm paiyer had to wait sunt i thle aplplause hid died ont. Late Jacob Thompson's Widow. MF.MPHias, TENN., I pecial. j-The will of Mis. ('at herine A. 'Thompn, eiedit ot the late .Jacob Tlhoimpson, Secretary ot the Tireasur'y under l 'resident ltuchiainian, waR admit ted to proubaitc Tuesday. Thel bulk of the (estate goes to her groand daughter, Mr's. K irkmnani. T'c NI as. A out - gomiery, another graund diaghtir kncown to the stage as " liay D )oglas," is lbe qluehathed ia half inte rest ini it hontecl at ()x - ford, Miss., and abonut $5t0, 01) worthI oif jewelry and phite c; and( $50, 000 is set aside to be inivestedc for he r benittt. Thew estate is valued at $1 .00)0,000. Queen Vie. and Empress Frederick At a Horse Show. Lox i)oN, |C 'ablegrama. - Q uien V iet o rio, atccomipanicd b l'vimpres tl 'red~aierick. by thle lattercs's daughter t'''largarat, and Iby Pincie and h'a incess WaleIs, dmva to-, laiy iin open~i (arriagcs fromi liuc-k inghami spenit contisicdernalhe inu vsitinig hoie shows, mnow itn'crgress at t he Agriciuhul ral I loll. Quceent and herca party rece ivced a pe'rfe-'t covat ion as theiy pased ui throuIh 11h4 streets oni ti1r waiy 1 tiand froim thle horse show. Rev. James 0. Furman Dead. (UnaaNyarLIE, 8. 0. Special.]-iev, .Jas. C. Fitrnian, D). D., one of thle moc st -in ent scholars atnd chergymteti of thle -ouittern lapt1 it church, aand for many years pre'tsid ent1 of Furmiani Uiiiversity, lied at his home in Greenville, Wednes liay. Aged 80 years. Woman's Progress. I.\NsINaI, 3Nia-i1.- A bill gaiting: aim. iiicipIal suffIraget to waomni hats pra ,ed to tirdni read inta in they seniat . KNIGHTS-'OF TiHE D, A Drummer Relates Hitperionce SIn Graid~Rapids,' gan. What I like about these iights o the load" is that thb yI.t fellows lor secret societies. Mstflie druri niers belong to everythin is going, from that of the "Grand i Its of Diia mtiond Gatter," down to lps of In teml) perance." 1 11111 (ui hand foi ill such mysterious ting.serlf, so I get solid with all the b My old friend Crookston called o'n'the other (lay to see if I needed any Is and to have a visit. We had a lo old tilie. While we were sittit ,,6.c otive a1 Chap cmin ad w11 / . borrow V on accoumt of a renmi4' not coming to h as lie t Iexprected. 41 111ha1 mn $21 kept to len.d was in now, p smlt inl the day before by Jolu intyre, but 1 liever lenit. it C!JV lf - h~mmers. lie said "That's ine." .4 him 'het grand~ hail ing sign of an ( N-llow, which hec tillied I. Timn ille to the gr-at *'hair in the ( 'soot" Cof a 'yt1o1nie. Ile tumbled. Tie ook'gave him 0. It. of the Sons of A 1. lie was onto it. Ten I tipped the liar-pokitig signal of i (G o Tippler. lit' smniled amd said I. 0." This is a chemlicall term,11 mm "watter-S." Then Crook stuck out hi. At aini gave him Ihe noted 1). 1). Q. . of the Itoyli A rel Irick Mason. Ile ' t thal" on that. Tlen ,Crookslou exit ed him 11% 1ollow41, to 1111ke sure he wa Aruilmer: "Froml whenice c, . iShou, pard?"l "Fromili the Lodg if the Hloly St. .ohns, Michigan." "Whv'lat seek ye he to do." "'To 1:a(ei a few o 1s and collect a bill of Billsonl." Thuell you arm a ( nnier?" "I aim so taken al 'weepted by the boys.." "'4Iow iay I kno ou to ble drau "liy 1mly (cheek 11111 lift y-pouild Famn ple cast. Try m1e." "'How will youI he -ied?" "fly the s(Jl1'." "Why by t he squa'" "'Iecause tile squei is it iagistrat and an em11b(l of st lidity."' "Where were yol t t led to be a drum 'Al y milul. lWete next " In a1 print ing o(li $, adjoinling it rep 11hmr post of dime "]low were yo p prd" "Iy being Viest of my last meil my1V h(ieek Iubb1hed dola with a brick, htiliol plaster over ej eI eye and a heav Sililple case ill each Ian1d. Inl this li I iductled to it door of the post - m di vwu k.' d i bihl a - li t . I i s uit .111i 1t I I ihlt oI f' it .A t h t k 'i hwti not, buit Ste\ in d o it (" 'flow vere you lreceived ?" "()n the( sharp tWe of at hoot, applit to miy nlatuirlto r. '-Whalt did this teachl you?" --Not it) fool arouid tot) muell."' "What happened next?" *1 was set donV! nill . ('11ee of ice at aseif I put mly trust inl mlercantile r pis." "Your answer ?" "Not if I know mlly-Zelf, I donl't." "-Iow was youtn-xt hanidtc " n "I was puit strabdil of a goat1 inade o oif a~ 9x-, and41 trot~t n'in t11 nes ar1otu1011 I he' loom by3 ~four wiii t hy br'otjhers, m1 thenet trotted in front of t ht li-ftB flw fw urot her instruc itions." - llow didU het instruet. voO:" ig .ht reguiri step . with my bus )10Im card 4- extem1ed aiIt ighti anlesC' miy ar11 formiing at perfct ispum-:"4 "'Ilowt waa yiou thetn dIisposedt off" in) fronit of1 a dry goods, andi made "'., 'harles S. lHobInson(. do hierel Sthat. I will ne4vert rteveal an alwa iiuui steal tal the4 trade' secrets 1 ('nn1 f'or ti uset and)4 benetlit of tih' Miost Augttflat der'). And I birthe rw swear. Iy tih' I Il headedi~' . ick of 'lubi i. tht I wiIl ncv below' tergulir rats. And11 I futhI gruichnotdher, ol maid1(. :tunt, or1 utn'l ult1ess they, lhe. shc or' It is soundl~ onil ttt wasp (r tskedg o.1'11 i hatI ot -eje \\'hai* t id you in t the(I hldc'to t"tl " AliIi tchipy of udto.'si reports op< t,'hapter 'Mskn.' ii 'pn the op<il 0i hook eteido a pair ' of th'.aln 'Iin o 'eite le, awl initht.e4 othe fat tn \\1 i'ht dii t hi'mlmsinf? emblms' repote li-bitie and a et ozl f bankiupts. "DI idvti e.c' ouay'eso? "'No, h~i I cn orrw oeyen' "GIve' 'etoi' m et '"ef di not j)* 'ccile 'em, nhiler v :ie tihso r' ut t ,14 impart'em. tidow widll youl dose yof 'em."'C "i n siixt. as'tm'o wpre 'lajuh , . i O. li-lft." iiilY t areo~ right Brother Snookvhs htti a vel Is to :a fell >w whtn l he geti dead broke am11ong1' St ramgis to have there little tiugs to fllrbck on .--0rand Rapids Tines. Failures and Confirmations by the Senate. AABINUToN, 1). V., [Specit11.]1 -The The following nomtinlations falled to re ceive coilrmatioi by the senate: Jaines II. Beatty, 8s distri'et judge of Idaho; Louis Dermaris, coinier of mint. at New Orleans; James 11. Youig, collector of custoiq for the (listrict. of Wiliiington, N. C. ; Thos. K. Oglesgarde, register of land Office ait Minlot. Postmatister G. H. Norris, Brighton, N. Y. ; G. W. Ferree, Ed(gar, Neb).; John (Ulinton, lBrowisville, Tenn. ; Ja:. lill. Vicksbuirg, Miiss.; J. t. MlcLaughlin), In case of Beittv's nmitioitniot it wias resiste(l by the Iaho seniators oil the grouid that Beatty was i nfactive parti san of Claggett faction, which sought to invalidate election of sellator-elect. Du. hois :1id iltitihee senlator Farwel l, at Warm111 frienid of ihois clitaseI faihure of n1om11i 1natioll by delltittl that. it lie over four lays, which carried it. over March 4. Yonlig's ioliitt ion was bit terly foug-ht by faction of his own iparty which sent dele-gation here to oppo:e it. While inl c:se of 1ill. I dored m1:an nominaitedi (4i postiister at Vicksbiurg, Ielitmocitic I positionl n1tiumtaged to delay actiont I' enouil1gi to cause faiilure of noti tinition. To Provent Lynching. Mr. Chears, of Uniemn couity, has i riodutced a bill in the Legislituore to '.m1 effectially prevent lynch law inl Not; Cartoliin. It proviles thatt wheni sich crime ii committe( inl the perpetrat ile inknowti, the coututy vommitliissiont miay emiloy a special ngent or issuE procimittion olTeritig $400 reward for apprehension of the perpetrators of crime. It aklso provi(les that the solici shall send bills of indictmttent agaitist so personis as he has reaison to silippose implicate(d in stuch violation, and gri11(1 jury fire empowered to llet ll su(ch hills, and the Superior colurt is gi jirisd(iction to hear anI Icterminie van dIictmttent foudI by such grand jury. furlcther proviles that if lt grudl j ignores bills as sent ly solicitors, 1 v tn (move the ais;e to smei ott her couni ty. :iso) provilecs that lie t urt umiy have power to com1pel the appwaanuce' of \ iesses finn anly pa:rt of t le Slatet, am I al I costs shll IiI Ib lom-tn b h e cun-1it. inl which the oni'incc 1 w't 11n11ilitte(I. Duping the Colored Mtii. S GAINESvtlu.L-, 'i':x.-lhriItg the pS1t y tEln dlays over 300 iegirove have paisse1 x thriugh the city en route to OkIlihomE o 1ts IttI . Nearly all cvaie from EaIster: r Texa l a1nd are most i1tress(l and1( cdesti - - r cmle e tsa Ic t16yth ._! I a a t') provent1 - :n I h,41 :111 1 lit I trilig til t ll w lccn lsctc. n t('lltl181'1.11 0 0 1 't HW la I "t' ':n l'j S ating- lat -J : t wnlw for( ew ill the iart f a hof g t)w :sctml t wuorth $1 0 E"very negro had a (Ied tI silIc imIIIiguuin-y town lot. Senator Hearst's Successor. WAsitINEON, 1). C., I Slpecial. -it i 4 lie iipressiol .iltonlmg tIh fric-ltes of Ex Goivernor 3Murray0, Cf Califorinia. hiat h will be the sitccessor- to the late Scuinto I 1c1rst. (ov. Mutray is i KenhtickiaE by bir1h, a'd serve in the -F'ledeItl airm tirinig tie civil w-r, rachinig the ran it sof brigciset gentteral it tih as'cge of 21 Iu lie was UniitedE Stai4tii nntshalil ini Ker' El lu-ky, undicer' Pre'sidlen I int, and14 gol r- srcor of Ut ah unde'r Prsdet Arthmtt Ii -ing~ frce fr-omi fat citial conn lect ios i (1aliftorniai, his fr-iendhs -onisider himt s-si~r cmromit anicdate. s Hugh T. Inman Made President c Georgia Central. N-: Y'V oint, ISpeciail. 1--Hugh TI. Ti mani, a brot her- of John 11. 1Inman, of th Rich:inoind teiinail system, wvill be miad Pr-esidecnt otf the Gleorg4ia (entral wvithjin iecogniized ailit iy ini the sou th1, has loin biIeent iln demainid by Georgiat Centt-al, hi not toit il Tucesthley was it delini tely k now that he would daEcEnt thle pos5ition. Th~l sa.lary~ is $-20, 0001 a yenar. Results of Reciprocity. Se'veratl promlin ent mieiriants of Balti -r simoreI have orgiz'led thle Braz'ilI Tr-adin mc (Eo., iapital 450,00O0, wvithi poer~. tol it IIl i rease toi $500,0400. Theli inldcilorpoltoil r, namedicc in t h'elhart er are-c 'IThcrniton Ito t ins, Pari iis ('. Pit *, Iturnfts WVoods, IRol isconi'TayIc lo ai Edlwint W. Leve-rinit his comniyi expecl.~ts to1 avi itself the r-eciprnocity re(-ent ly inauitgurated an1 i to op~eni up~ a lac're trade wvithi lirczil. City Clork Gone Wrong. ~ I l(iimE)oD, VA. [ Special. J Mr. Ih u ford Grymetlds, clerk int thle tr1easutrer's (I I -4lsi iirrecst ed' 4on the chiarge (of t1 .Emezlemnit of ciity funids. It seems 11 hadc c ollectd s omeI gas IIls anod failed I tiuin in the: iamiount to thl le t reasurer,< citer thc-m on l his hooks. Theic sum . (.ifarimissi ng is otnly abou~nt sixty Edo~lhn er but it is fEaredi a nmuch harger- mntont hv cchii miis'appriopriatedc. $400,000 Capital For Oil Merchanti mt lilcN. i(Cabtlra.| - A numb~her eli promiinn rollctI14ton sc-ed 4 il meicrc-hants, ii < ldinig MIE"rs. Itose', Wilson~t andi lbos 'ill ;George f.E'Unis, Son andc Elompanyi i; Bevi II airis andic (b rrrdi ti aw lilice, Itow~ to1 andi (Co., cf tis < ity-, hanve formed-c ia joil sto)ck E'ltopany with ai E'apitail of $100t .Growth of Allianco in Weat Virginia (!.A 15 lt,~C-, W. YA. (Sp'cial. Farmeiicrs' Alliaicnce or-gaize/ri hacve h14 wvorking~11 qietly throu )ighouat the Stt cf ii. sevend wee~c'ks past5. It ha~s nows~ deveoI edI tha:t thle memberi si inli some4 coun lti i'4 1:catly ' as great as thlE cominited sit enug Eof I wo ohld parties. A ncew allianice p 'p is to b)e s arIte hc Iere t his slpring. Ho Took French Leave. on1 . a~csN, Miss ., Spe(il. 1---Govcri StoEi E' rei ved in forton 41 that W. . lie Cwar,.E' ex-colctor Elind)4 shif oi(f Maril iksi couty, had014 abscondi~edl withI ths puls j icml. jl rcobachto w E)i'E . th.' r stuc ' FARMER'S INSTITUTES. A Successful One Held at Oharlottes ville, Va. The Dologatos Wore Well-Dressed, Thrifty and Prosperous Looking as All Farmers Should Be. CIIARLOTTKav L.L, VA., [Ipecial.1 No oi looking upon the Farmers' As. sembled in tle I.evy Opera lHouse euild have received tile impressioi that they belong to a dow% ;a-troddei aid impover ished class of our citizenslhi). Tl'hey were well dressed, thrifty and prosperous looking and ill thoroughly interested in the proceedings of the secoid Farmer's Instituite. The gentlemen who occupid the stage were especiailly distiigilied lookig. Mr. if. L. Lymuan was chairman, and nealr him were seated the Hion. Tilomas L,. Whitehead, the Commissioner of A-, riuiltre;' Captaiin Vanwater, of the MR ler Mauua Labor S<;hiol; Col. 11. 11. Ma gruder and D Char'lnes Ellis, of the Vir grinia Experimlenlt S-tationl; Captaini Orris A. ltrown, of Accomae, member of the Stat'I ird of Agriculure, lillily -e in wel IC) All tof .n1 Li ii, 'I of W' of 'ch -re in ti sens tilat lint wvii ure Ni Caaa.. - re pr-oach Its "hlayseed" or- "clodhioppi-1., Ile tihought it took just a imuicli sets aid reiigion to be a good filmlIer 11 goiod lawyer. Ihe imlove of farmers' it ititts h beeii tried elsewiete ill mue states as are nlow iuccessful ill tiri agjr cult uiral eteIlrises. lle blieved that no rtlern Mieligani had our adllirlibi climate Virginian wonlid be depoimlat:e< becaslis tile people of (11nth sectiol lav Ihi i( wh'ledie and are witing the pro liT . d n't cihtli thei I y aire il i it ! uw . . Vtit. n1e L0 aihla)j4;Il#i. ('LI. tv. t Ii'a ImaILL t ln ake t ffi rmers'5 e-ha nrepi ofit abh- un 1 he1ir fam1ilies mlol mi rovtal ile. ih: Itou hiIt it till (.Ira it i Sail.uIhI i l iltingiihli thil~ fluiwr'si their work of edcilatioll. ILi-Clloilt A AND ITS TREATMINT. The first set aldressi Was4 by Dr. C(harl Ellis, veterinatiiln of the Vii7rilifn Ex per Ithenlt Statio "I. 'The ilbject, "Ilog Clhe cIa a11d1 its TeI'atment," was importai anld evidently deeply interestilig to tl farmers present. .ile lieves ill the ger theory of course, bitl does niot believe 11 disease conttagiouni. lie gaV. a i -teret ing re'sumie of the invest igLtio wichl thle sc'ienltists ltave mnade of -subiject. Many inicidents, wh'iichi sholwi - ill 5vh' way15~'i tile disiies is spread ign( antly and1( discussed remiiedies att sor A I tile close of his addrel'ss', ques~atjo 't svere prVolioumtlled andl ia genleraI ldiset siiniensued, wh'ichi wats followved ve cloisely by D r. Tut tie of tile Unli versit y . Virginiaii, d1I~iscusig the very broai~d quc e hLoin~g to the pro'tectionI of the attnim a itlhiotry. Youi cLinnot, pre'vet ho~g cia f lira by Inaws, lie said , unllless somieb ody se that thle hlaw is enforced . Th'ie ilaw ne I. is t hat d iseasedl deadl i. imls shall II ed oterie h cnsalem toit, counliltry. hie f~sw (evienc~s thatt thle fart erIs dill not knows oif thi l' xistece1' of th, slttte. '1lie law sLays11 jnilliR infectt wit bi ((it agiouts <i sL'Lse, wt bi'eni Lcondem Lcholeria shou011 ld i b diided by meians om)Ii arranlgemen(It of thei taLx laws, for t hmt ('ase eachi Io IiiI woIuld be inlterested d prevent in~g suchi 1 diseases. l(IoAD-.MAI(INot. Tih'e <ptestionl whlich elicited thle mel . wich~l PrIofessor' Th'orntpni, of Ithe Unaivt sity' of V irgiia,: dieliveItd a very striikiu best systmI'ls, thle cost of butildling thlel r. part oif the qelisti on might, he0 best, mat I aLgedl. lie toLok Ltronig grouiisi ill fav (If the' Ltate1 dingi tile worik w'ithi ain e ,gincler in chargepi, w ithi hieadquairters Ithe Capitiul, and~l witlith uorinaiiite engif ('I i t io supem ie the work in pro(gr'ei 11e 11hough~It it Li wa:ste (If time toi bui rioads thia'. w'uuld lilt last for aIIllt -ieI was follciweid by (apitainl Vawvtl whlo thlouight ai giood( deal (If pract ic n road1 buiblintg couhd be Laccomilplishe~d L's thle peolhe woutld takePIi to tly inmportfin it of goodI~ hiighways5, andl place at conteV * ienlt places rol'k gathIer('d rpm11 the farmilS, 5lhich Ithe ('ountliy conIl, ushai a: sprioud onl thle road~s underl1 tile d1irectl - Captainl 0. A. Broiwu, of Accotme andl( lot-hers spLo ke oii thle same subiject. ii. NIGHJT 8J.49PfON. At.I night 111e bred ig (If hiorsel3 es I discuissed a t lenigth b iy Mr. Folxhiill1, hi Da)ngertlhld, CJaptaini Jlrown, of Accomi er aind thle li[on. T1. 8. Mart in, of A ilbemml Thei( latter maufde at very spirnited de(ft: of breed~linig and1( racinIgl horses, aigai whii(hi he coniceivedl there was a y strinig prejudice'. it Prof. Atwsood, of lillalsbug, lectu - on thle app111e iind its inis('t eneieis. e r.PlyS gi, fLeorN thdid Monay nhroeude ONLY ONE YEAR TO WAIT. rho Farmers' Sons Will Have Their College in 1892. GnRa.vai.u, S. C., (tpecial.)-Tho )oardl of trustees of the Clenson Collego in Session it Pendleton, decided to press the work in ill the departutents and pre pare to open the College on leebruary 1, 1892. 'T ie sessions of the College will be front February 1 to Deceiber I of every year, making ten iiontlis for stu dents to study and work. There will bo to Satturlday lioliday, as in other shloos1, and the sthool days will be six in every week. No stdiieit under 15 years of age will be idmiitted un1lecSS the tuldent t has ln older brotiher in attendilice. Every student will ie required to work-two hiours of each working chay at intnual la bor, and will ree'-ive such toipensation, for his work as the board of trustees can oter anld shall liereafter heutermine upon. Tie Students will be requiired to live ind board it the institution, except whierc thiey live' nea';r enongh tt4 attentd from their homes. Oird will be furitished It actu at cost, which will not 1e over seven dol LaIr a m , and h iks alotld stationery w% ill b. ilIrnislie at actual colst. ''hie itllege will bt inl' iiiilitary discipline, :anl every st utlent will le retp1uired to wA,411 at tanlli'or-il of ('adfle graty. AI At'.TrnAI. A.ND TECt'lNOL(oM'AL.. 'I'e h 1milso) fixed upo a list of .tdies, but they(- will le given to tIe pres!; later. There will be t wo general departmhents in tit (' ollege, lie agricul Ituial and te'thnologival. For entralnie itto tlie ('ollege.' tle( applicant must h:ve' a knowledge of aritlimtet ic, histoir, - raply antd graiiIIr. 'I'e agritultural course will be theorougiih, a.m111l tht Stiltiit will be given a tcomiiplete edutation inl practical as well ias scientitic farin iig. Tie Ieclinological deiartmentli. will it as ttoimiplete. as tlnit of any techn1iiological schiool inl the iticotriv. 'le stamlard will lie high, and every iacility will be given for a t liorotugl cti irtse. i'ml;L'A .\ t\ Disl'.\ TicNTm x'. Tle boaird has th-tterin aied to provide a prepar-atory depar-timentl fin are0umt of the( present coidition of lie pul41Iit selools, but, the Ha iitation as to agt Will il ply in t.his departieit. The ('ollege will be able to accommio date tlree hundred students. Therie are already over two huntdred applications oi ile, and thy itre being received every day. Ii 'rU'I'ION No'i iS ') Th'la board hlas not decidled whlat thle tulition fees will be. Thle commlittee onl tile selcetion of professors has been con. tnuted, and1t tile conunittee will take plen e ly Of itme before imaking lie selections ini o1 older to get the best posisibl. PruOMnuS OF Tu1r14 ntUILmsOS. it here aire one 'lntdred conviets lt work . 4 sums.Thle experimlenital Oia .IV all Vood ui iding tl' i be t i "p. ln V 'V y IA. Two brick houeis V hir Ili, u''. ti prtofessors are also liing int islitd. Iheet are eglt-roomli iuildin gs i. are em-te- wit I slate. The libtra r, a thnecitI rick biuilding, )ne hun-4rd by fifty fet,., i4 now being cov \\'il'th s1t' ':Il 'ill soon le done. A new stockade for ihe convicts has bten buill, and ive dwelling housos, now used by miieclittiiCs, liavo also been coiple(edl. The historic old Calhoun house, in whiich ''homlas ( Cleinson lived an died, It Qaii been recovered, repaint d kind repii e ("d inlside and outside. The trustees ale rn iking their own brick andi hive 400, Ie000 realy for use and four thlousand corts of wood on the grountd for blunin more. 38 Ther'e is atlso at large <ptmttity o'(f stn 01 nil " hand for laying thle foundations tif the11 A titherl buildlings. Wt. WV. P. a' A New Rto;guo's Dodge. hIndividuals wvho live by puttinig thecir 15 hands into other pieople's piockets anld aptlpropr-iatinig for thir owni uses. what ry they umay happen to hInd in themi aro ifobliged to invent newt tricks to facilitato their opierations, and( 0one of the latetst, ilwhicht is nuiw, at all e'venlts in P'aris,' seemshi to have answerel'td thie purposPe on~ several occasions. G~enlemnen il Paris lare, Showever, no0w warned, anid pirobiably ini. iefut~ure w~ill lie on their guiardl when ai ~,stranlger seeminilgly atccidlentally run~s up aIlgatinst them, Tihei 1t respectableh-look ing te stranlger who acts in thlis way mtanages, it o- appears, to thlrowv the end tof a lighted is cigair itto the piede(strian'ts gieat cotit d pocket, andi, after apologiziing for hisi a- clumismeCs, he goest awa'ly, the wvell It' dre'ssed piedetr~iant heimg, of course, a tquite unawaro oif the trick that has becu, ig playetd 0n him1. A fewv minutes litter ai af ctiuple of strangers huriry up to him, ex ni claiming: "'Monsieurl, y'our ovei'coatt isJ "i ont fire;ii anid, wvith the utmnost polite ness, they squieez/e and compilre'ss the burning cloth, proliting, it is nleedless to sI says by the opiportunity toi relieve the In po(~ct of whtetver of vahue it may corit r- Lain. Several per'sonis have, it is stated(, ig beeni robbed in this way while walkinig. eC 9n the boulevar'ds, and1 before they dlis c~ toveredl thp'ir loss the pickpiocketis wero al lost in the cr'owd. 'ht lint fututre, if some one stumbics up against a F'rencht 'ir mnargIn the streets of Paris, he wvill prob-1 Ii- ably, if lie has boardl of the trick, lookc at to see there is no lighted eigatr end left "- in his coot pocket.-London Staindard. IdAn Arab water seller who was In o Tturkey dlurinig the host war with Rlussla wvas wandering about at the rear of the albattlcfields with two freshly filled jugs of water, calling out "'Clear, cool watter, two plasters a cupful," when a round shot boundIng alhong smashed one jtug to ir atoms, aind the Arab wandetred on with id out pausing, .and changed Is cry to an "Clear, cool 'Water, four plasters the cupful1-iTe Jester. T' Io purify greay smas anu ptpo~s.pouir down a pailful of boiling water in wh ich three or four pounds of washing soda1 as love been..jissolved, A good diinfctanit A. is prepared ina the same way using cop ~'peras. Copperats is a poisont and cannot h-' be left about. _________ ast American Authors Now Protected. 1'y WVsnrNoToiJ, D). C., [Special.]--The President has signed the copyright bill. '-ed All oif regular appr~io priationi h Is havc re ceived the President.'s signattWe. musk is now hbeing manufao. tbired in Germany.