The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, November 15, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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i I AU Choked Up Wil L- Why Continue Mai V Sprays and douches mill never Bf cure you. H| ( Catarrh is annoying enough when Hi it choke* up your nostrils and air K passage?, causing painful and diffiH cult breathing and other discomforts. H But the real danger comes when it H reaches down into your lungs. W Tlijis is why you should at once realise the importance of?the proper I treatment, and lose no time exV prrimenting with worthless remedies H| which touch only the surface. To be r JUIR H'JUVt?'S t-UUU I Ma*r NOW AND JB Ui uiu ?' * The American Government through i V Herbert Hoover has inaugurated a K national campaign to urge the saving |I tApd scuffs. Mr. Hoover has term. H ed thjs movement for the registration of the people in food saving as "an unprecedented adventure in democ-1 racy." It is a national campaign pro- 1 jc<tod so largo in its scope that the' TO THE FOOD ADMINISTRATOR, W WASHINGTON, D. C. V 1 AM GLAD TO JOIN YOU II B SERVATION FOR OUR NATION l b i p i;* r> OtT 1 1 > i \ r rm 1p\tt ? a nri^ a ?n r ouuomr ijtn irm uniltti; 01 a 1 i PLEDGING MYSELF TO CARK1 ADVICE OF THE FOOD ADM1ND A4 MY CIRCUMSTANCES PERI Name. . . v Street ( State Occupation, Number in Household Oecupat Will you take part in authorized noij sr rvation ? Have you a garden? There are no fees or dttes to be es thave as members all <<f those 1 All wom?n over sixteen are eligible. The Government docs not ask you for your food; docs not urge you to quit eating, but merely requests you to save your own food for your own consumption, but in doing so, to con' sumo it with wisdom, judiciously, and thereby help "win the war." If you arc already economizing, sign the card as an earnest of your NOTICE OF SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Horry. P.nlmclto Grocc:y Company, Plai tiff, vs. II. I). E'liott, ct al, Defendants. 1 IJy virtue of a decree in the aho *e f stated case, before the Court lions door in Conway, S. C., dun ig i'\ usual sales hours on Mauday, Decern hei- d, 11> 17, I will sell the fv!b\.iir desci ibed tracts of in tDi 0.0 h 1 re i?!. f < r r:i < 11 FIRST TRACT: "A!! ami singular that cert;'in "a (.{ haul lying in FioydV T >w. s" p (\ur.ty and Slate afor? >uid, 0't**?"t ing twenty (20) at res, me, or I .< bounded on the north by lards of ll:n -en; on the cast l).\ the nn-,r; > f the sou'-h by lar.d.s of [)<\ ir'i No; ris ami on the west by la:.dr. t>f r-:ai I mid Norms. and lie., ot: 11 r? s< id" s'do o'* Morton Ray, convoyed 'a I! ^ I >. KMiott by said llinson and k.;ow as the Albert Rogers lan i.-' ' SIX'ON !) TRACT: "Ail that certain pice?, pmcel oi of land lying and being oFltfyd's Township, Horry County, an ' Slate of Sout h Carolina,; two hundred acres, mo(rc or le. s. bounded as follows: North h;, estuS lands of Nelson liuggins, Cast >; f lands of H. r\ Morrison or tract of" li. !>. K'liott; South by lands ??(' Swooden Lewis an I Solomon .Striix land and West by Quincy IIin on, ot al, this being land sold to li. J). K! | l:ott by W. H. Small." Till HI) TRACT: "All that certain tract of laud hi Floyd's township, Homy County', ?tyuth Carolina, containing one hundred thirty-five (1"5) acres, more or I 1 1 .. I 1 / /'I. less, nouiwuMi iiurtii i\\ laiid.s u' <. n:i iles Grainier; east by Puerifoy ]!., rclson and Fred Page; and South an i West by the edge of Cart Who f Pay, being a portion of the SI odd an Jordan land" This tract of land will bo sold sub. ject to existing timber rights of Williamson and Brown Land and ty Dumber Company. FOURTH TRACT: "Those certain tracts of land in t Floyd Township, Horry County, South Carolina, situate in Mossy Bay, I.ig Doe Bay and Cart Wheel Bay, containing 500 acres, more or less, ex orpt a strip of the Bay on the north jrfidc, commencing 011 a pine corner marked "F"; thence south 74 E. to edge of Poplar Branch, said linos joining1 the lands of Pcurifoy Harrclson. The property hereby convoyed being- represented on plat by 'Levi ItfWte, dated December 16, "1853, and being part of a tract of '2040 acres, convveyed to Charles Grainger about 1SGS; and the above drscribed premises were convoyed to M. F, Jordan and S. W. Morrison by Chv.iMcs th Catarrh? ceshift Treatment? rid of Catarrh, you must drive the disease germs out of your Mood. Splendid results have been reported from the use of S. S. S., which completely routs from your blood the Catarrh germs, for which it is a perfect antidote. S. S. S. is sold by all druggists. If you wish medical advice as to the treatment of your own individual case, write to-day to Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific C<*, Dept. B Atlanta, Ca. VING CAMPAIGN . n emu tuc ntnn mmv u oiun inc uftnu iuuai __________ ' ? work to be clone is as great as thouph a census of the country \mis being taken. If the American people are informed they will respond. If they respond then bread and meat cards will not be necessary. But we have becm asked c'.uring the week of October 21-28th to sign this card: s THE SERVICE OF FOOD CONVND I HEREBY ACCEPT MEM2 S FOO D ADM INI ST R A TI ON. i OUT THE DIRECTIONS AND 31 RAT OR IN MY HOME, INSOFAR VI IT. Jity ion of Breadwinner jhborhood movements for food conpaid. The Food Administrator wishictually bundling food in the homo. willingness to "do your bit" and as a motcst against your neighbor who is not economizing. If you can save something, tin n sign the card to hoij yourself carry out your determinatioi and also to show the (Government that her neonle are behind he". ? K. I. Sherwood, Publicity Manager. G-raingor by deed < f March- 1892, re i corded in Book page 170: an ! the share of said Morrison to W. H , Jordan, Sept. 22nd. 1892, to all or .vbich deeds and record: thereof ref is made as a pai hereof, and j' onvoyed to K. I). Klliott by tVcdd I a? d Jordan." Ti. s tract of Ian ! v ill bo soul su" I :?? ; t , evi.din; limbo'- ri h's of W ia. u;on and II -o\ n I.and an! iamb < un orny. 1 ilTR Tit ACT "Ail ami singu'ar that certain ri'>? c ' <r tract of kind 1/i g ; ml o ;> situ :t in F oyd's Tovn.rhi;* unty rod Slate a/<?; e. a!*!, cortcro i ny .">00 r ues, nioie or h s-. known ?. ( ' maun Old Field: crnu er v< j d ti V'i!'iaivsnu : nd li.vv.n L; u ' i ! laimb-r Co .?party hc K. M r mires by deed of d it" A'.'gust A \ 19()(>. ami horn*, d nor':, hy W. Ik T;r | ; east by lands of W, G. M< Rnn! Mol"*S Ul.d kiVT.vr. [IS the I\ wo' ; u:': o i':e >uJi by Gni. it ! 'o; b 1 . t at ?! o i tl o west by t: mis of i' ! . 1. Meme-." | '."1 i. trad of land \vr! bp sold sub j j m-I t; existing timber ; ?j;l;ts of ! .'iili: 1111 to IRuwn Lund & Lui.'.b r j < '"iirtpany. j SIXTH TRACT: j "All thai certain trad of land sit; auto i.i Horry County, South CaroI '..a, containing four hundixd acres, fo>s \>''p or loss, known as my Rowel Wad. bounded No'/tl* by lands of Ari mage c Strickland; toast by Buffkin. | land; South by my Strickland above ' de.-vrib *<1, and West by my Jcrnigan | band. T!k? abo\'e tract was c< nvcyed j to H. 1). ldliott by Williamson & Drown Rand & Lumber Company or 'deed dated May 3 d, and record i .l on July 20th, 1007, in the office o< C, C. Horry County, Bock page 270, to which all nccos ary refronee is craved." This tract of land will be sold subi ject to existing timber rights of Wi'liamson & Brown I,and & Lumber Company. M<;VKNTH TRACT: "A certain tract in Green Sou Township, County and State aforesaid containing one hundred (100) acres more or less, the same known as the Strickland land; same conveyed to Williamson & Brown Land & Lumber Company by W. J. Strickland by his deed of the date of June 8th ,1900, recorded, in the office of the R. M. C., Book "AAA" page 30; same bounded by land of Johnson Floyd, Duncan Meares, et al., being the premises cnoveyed to W. J. Strickland by Burroughs & Collins Company." This tract of land will be sold subjec tto existing timber rights of Williamson & Brown Land & Lumber Company. KIGTHH TRACT:, "That certain tract of land in Floyd's Township, Horry County, THE HORRY HERALE j South Caroliia, known ;.s the P. IV ! , Todd land, contain!;;..: 112 1-2 acre, j more or less, lyinv en Nklicls and; Conway Public K<ad; bounded b" j | lur.ds of Fret! lV?ge, the Cl.arlu I (irainger lands, ct al, <!ef ciibed i *. | (the deed made by P. D. Todd, | ! dated July 19th, 1S97, duly recorded, j Except that portion of said land ionjvoyed to W. T. Rowell by II. P. Ellll'/Wt f\ .A...X. ?? * 1 I u* \icv\i vi. ivucr ivi if ' j recorded November 7, 1911 in Deed | Hook QQQ page 80, office Of Clerk if Court of Horry County." This tract of land will ho Fold subject to existing timber lights of WilIs ivu'on & Brown Lend & Lumber Company. I NiNTII TRACT: "All and singular that cert -in parrel or tract of land, situate, in Floyd's | Tewrship in the County and St: t?j aforesaid, in the Southern part c' * Cart Wheel Bay, contnin'ng f ft.<nj (1T?) acres, more er Jess, b ginning) ; t a green short straw pine at o: H'iijr Shingles Path at the edge of ?aid Bay, thence running; nearly ; no: th course with blazed trc^s to IV, y. Page's line, thence running \v th i Pag-c's line a id to the various liner, i hj ck to Obariio Page's lire, thenc i Ith Charlie Page's line to the edge j f the hushes, thence with the e h?n , of the bushes back to the begi: n!ng ci;rner; being- the same land c< iv.e,*-<' to II. I). Kllictt by I. J. B'a: ton '-y his dcejl detid Xovonibev 12th. A j!' 15*12, and recorded in deed horn: j'*VVV" at page 188." I ?n r 'O i 1 * i j ?:n i 11 i : "All and shigadar that certi i 1 ! ' t:acl OV parrel of land situate in Floyd's Tow;.ship, County an<i St:1" aforesaid, containing: thirty (150) j l c?ea, more or less, b <undc 1 o?i the ! J[oorth by land?; of Daniel Duncan; on, | the east by Cart \Vh< el Hay; en tno. I aoutn by land cf Mose Page or J. R. | | Pay, on Hie west by land of Quiney I IFes' ii, convoyed to Albert Hog vs. 1 1 by Nelson Hirrgdns." TERMS OF SALE: Canh, puivba.--; i "i to pay for pap* i s. W. E. DRY AN, Ch rl; cf Court of Ihriv Countv. i :? ' i FA KM POINTERS. P?y \V. O. Davis, Kami Demon^ra tio Aye at.) Wl en you ihi-d; of t1 a hio.h com r '~ j '"'our ro.nend r that y u can rai; e an ere of wheat thi wirier foi bono; use at very little ex> owe. T1 e wheat can be cut and thrashed bv hand the i * # I anno as Fee, and in* ui"d in a rrr 1 I .Mi mi. . i1! -ill ? ki. i no iru!' win do 'ero n, rut tin i I . 1 Pity : mob bettor tbrn .nut H i p0 "omv. I*1,: r.t the seed row o irly "wh km ; iv livy ! 4o 1 1 ii.-d'' )>i r :ic?c. P o pare Mv. gT'U 'd and | nlrril the .arte as V ticn' plan now will 1)? o!f by Pro mb'd'o of ! m- y g?v?n<p foi n r;i ?p of 1 1 cot pot itor-, o i\ bay crop after i ho wheat. If you can't plant an ace j 'non n'.rv ii half ov a o "to , but > \r r l<~ nut t ROWC ^v] out. ])n \"T; * ho'o. k bud and won't "Vp.ten <uvc. (li.rr to th< ir frc 1? 1 ' so ' ?*\ I'm to- io. It i ; < .- *,) >:?.'! ?; r ft i ' r worms.: 1 r wet. v ; Ck "vcoa', 1 bv.she'; 1 a I u< 1 u o-. ' bimbo'; svlv. 1 p n d? : ..p. v:'..c.p; , c. y; ncio!.- : su'pi.u- -1 i *t" ; u'\? ]'/.( I n" in v ' ir.'i . si'x lime, ..ail. .Mlw su'ydm t.oroug'Ty a. (1 i .on mix v.iih tie. charcoal red ashen. Dissolve the copj p ?*a ; in 2 parts of hot water an sp.irklo oever liie whole ma.s. Sine . way in a barrel under shelter. Keep of the mixture in a box before 'the hogs all the time so they can c't j ic any time. ! If your hogs are lousy a; <1 y< n i can't d p thorn use thiu plan. P tj dov.n a y;nod s.ti ut p >st i i the hog 1 t : id w ;?;> it with two or three, rack. , : j Wei the o sacks wu'.i eiecsote d:n ' * ? I When the hoys rub on this pest they i ! pet the dip on them. I When you are in the l/>;ir. so: turn | again stop to see the sweet potato storage house that Ivlr. I?. H. llkwoi is building. This house is built accoiding to U. S. Dept. of Agricuitu' v plans ..n<l will store (>00 bushels of po- ; taloes. It cost about $3 30.90. Watch it to see how it keeps potatoes. o All hope for the safety of Lieu, i .lohn T. Melvin an the twnety onljr.L i ed men leported missing alter the torpedoing of the American patrol ship Alccdo has been abondoned, o Catarrh Cannot Be Cured, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you i must take an internal remedv. Hull's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts tluoi the blood on the muc us surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of thrt ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medicine is what produces results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All druprgists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipa-' tion.?adv ) >t CONWAY, S. 0. fIVhat mo& *4 When T different si You may she The pri Some s others. Ml 'Vor Many < Cottolenc shortening: The re; -* I it IS VCI Cottole uniform in You w Cottolene tid-bits a butter mig The tin makes its < In bakii you have < Re me Ti youi frroce Cettolene : The public is earnestly asked to call at once on the President of the Rod (boss Chapter and secure yarn for 1 . living sweaters, mufflers, mittcna and helmets for our soldier boys. Every woman or child that can knit is asked to come at once and get the yarn as the weather is getting cold and the sweaters are very much needed. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Yotir druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any esse of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6to Mdays. I The first application gives Esse and Rest. 50c. i y. <0* I Ik. ff m -1 What is LAX-FOS ux-icu is an !*vriD'/:a casgaha A Digestive 1 -itjni<l Raxativt, Caihartio and L,i\erTonic. Contains Caveat a Bail;, Bine Flat' Root, Rhubarb Root, Black Root, ..lay Apple Root, Senna J .eaves and l'cpsin. Combines strength with palatable aromatic taste. I>oesiiol gripe. 50c NOTICE. I.O.St Oct. 27th, 11)17, one foidin v packet on the read leading out oast ? Boris, which had $40.00 in bills in k and had my name and address of 20.': l?ute St., Norfolk, Va.. in it. Kinder will please return same to mo. Win receive a liberal reward for it or 1 will satisfy the finder. 11 -1 -17-3t WORTH IIARDEE. Tabor, N. C., RFD 1, Box 70. o NOTICE. > * is the *. ft econon cooking you step into your groc lortcnings?quoted at dif want to know which is >rtening. ices don't tell. * hortcnings will go much tance: careful housekeepers hav goes very much farthci s which they had been us ason ? -y much richer. nc contains no water, i quality. ? ill find, too, that pure gives to biscuits, cakes, y delicate flavor that cv ht well he proud of. iiisual ricltncrs of wholcsoi economy a true economy. ng, use less of C )rdinarily used of other sh iber that the next time ye: r. Remember, too, that i in tins? of convenient sizes K-jyju* %Rccip< n Airrvr dou/t Into two cups rl" sift ami mix one le ^jOA ami two rounded i &??r powder; chop in om chilled Cottolene. \ i: with ).; cup halt \v a t Rolled ;5.v iin ii thick biscuit cutter litis recip dozen biscuits. G&jiEFAIRB mauei "he Natural Shortenii ?... a wit ic: s who icicived >7 wound.1 \\>^ hands of u( gr ? t* I * i':' < .-a a; e j .u-i.xi'V who pick, d up a p \\ U i c; u. ea clip which lead lo indent i c I.: a of a awl. a, a li.i ;! who posi'< y .a i atii! i( <i ?* . ;i:u 11( . ry. I ''uT.r?V I? i ic?i, as oiic ot tc.c icaii .-> o! lie 11 ' 11" a< . 11. t i.i'i i;.ai'(It to. cards Houston th irgl.t oi August ci'o lealu i's ?>i i(et nl i.utopy i 1 .he t ial ?>. the (id ;k proas chiuji'id ilit murder, iruliuy, in pi . ,, .ass :;l lor? Sum Houston. -o TOWN fAX NOTK'i:, I Town tax is due and payable be.ween Oct. 15 and Dec. .'list, 11)17. A tax of 10 mills is levied for current expenses of the town, o 1-2 mills to aa> iateiest on $.'10,000.00 Water W orks ai.d Sewerage bonds and create sinking fund for payment thereof, : nil 1 I-'2 mills; i n vnliiv. i.nnfvonl i ? - ? ......... ft V/%41 VVIH1 %%V v I I- I ! <lobtcdne?s, total 15 mills. C. H. SNIDER, If.? Town Treas. o Knowledge that the weevil has actually entered South Carolina will cause many cotton planters to build for the next season, taking tare that they will not be at the mercy of the ! scourge for which no effective remedy I has been fount! in spite of ceaseless I efforts on the part of investigators and experimenters. 1 mn < tical *' fat *P er's you find ferent prices, the truly ecofarther than c found that r than other ing. I It is always , economical >ics and fried en expensive tic Cottolene iortolene than :ortcnings. >11 order from ic can supply w i > j 2 for 3ER BISCUIT sifted pastry Hour \ el teaspoon suit teaspoons baking e level tablespoon * :rr. \ - 1 v n n; mi.'? liOlJJjil :cr and half milk. ami cut wait 2-incli c will niviic about a A M K COnPAHYl uy P SiifEFARMON REASONABLE TERMS V? t- " for sale the valuable and a u! harm tit' M?'. J. H. Cook, of !i. brook, S. C. This property was mafly known as the N. M. Hardee dace. It consists of a track of land oiuaini;.g 1"?0 acres, situated in Simpson Creek Township, forty-five ties cleared, fifteen fenced and j . 'eared of trees and stumpage, \ ready to be plowed, one eight-room j dwelling, one Tenant house, one set of large barns and stalls, two strtdoo high, smoke house, tobacco barn and other necessary buildings. The Leon IJoyd road runs directly through this property. Four miles to boat landing, three quarters of a mile to seven months school , one and half miles from Church, good clay sub-soil, good water. We offer this property for one third cash, balance easy terms. If interested get in touch with the Horry Land Agnecy. See M. M. Hedrick at Hotel Grace,?adv o According to a ruling by Judge FT. A. M, Smith, his court holds a person can not transport liquor in any quanI tit y on the person or in a earner in ! this State unless it be for scientific, I sacramental of medicinal purposes.