The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, September 13, 1917, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"jfo, V: jfexun I*.1 %V * * 4 ? k ' I The fine Water and Why not have that I rush of work then, Hav I very strict as to draining, your work. All classes o like 20 per cent, so you ( guaranteed both by the m To those of you who 11 much greater than you ncr | j all your fixtures back vent I See us now while yoi CHA All Choked Up Wil Why Continue Mai Sprays and douches will never cure you. Catarrh is annoying enough when it chokes up your nostrils and air passages, causing painful and difficult breathing and other discomforts. But the real danger comes when it reaches down into your lungs. This is why you should at once realize the importance of the proper treatment, and lose no time experimenting with worthless remedies which touch only the surface. To be NUMBER OF CASES STANDING FOR TRIAL An examination of the docket of I the criminal court of General Sessions, shews' a number of cases continued from the last term of court. These cases will be called on Monday, Sept. 24th, when the next term convenes: The State vs. J. A. Cause, Forgery. The State vs. C. F. Powell, Breach of Trust.The State vs. F. O. Bellamy, Forcible Entry.' The- State vs. Sain Bright, Forcibh Entry. The State vs. Ed. Long and Roth Chestnut, Larceny. The State vs. Tom Gore, Murder. The State vs. L. P. Watts, et. al \ Dispensary Lav/. V\ The State VS, Yu) Watts, et. al., Dip pensary Law. The State vs. Will Hays, Usin;Nets. 9 ^ Thb State vs. Steve Dawsey, Se duction. The State vs. Jessie and J. W. Daw scv, Removing Property. The Stale vs. Morris Goodman,) False Pretense. The State vs. Trenton Small As. snult and battery. ? o? CITATION NOTICE. STATE 07 SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Horry. By J. S. Vaught, ESQUIRE PROBATE JUDGE. WHEREAS, Rebecca K. Seals made suit to me, to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Jas. J. Seals. THESE ARE THERFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Jas. J. Seals, deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Conway, S. C., on 10th day of Sept. 1917 next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the f ^ "V. - ^ ' iuiviiwii) iu ^n?-"w c.iiUKc, ii jiny tnoy have, why the said Administratior -should not bo granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this 21 si day of August Anno Domini, 1917. Published on the 28rd and .'iOtl days of August 1917 in the Horry Herald. o Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned guardain of Causey Dimery Minor, will apply to the Judge of Pro bate of Horry County, at his office a Conway, S. C#, at 11 o'clock in th forenoon, on the loth day of Octohei "A- D. 1917. for a final discharge i> such guardian. ? H. G. Turner, Qualified Guardian of C.a sey Dimery td. (chgs.) Minoi rub-mV-tism Will cure yout tth fMiiuatiNn Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramp9 Colic, Sprains Bruises, Cuts an< Burns, Old Sorew, Stings of Insect Etc. Aat'suptic Anodyne, used in texn&liy and externally. Price 25c .: n i ' ?V Sewerage systems now being ins Bath Room outfit and that Kitche /e yours put in now while we hav back venting, etc., and as we gu if plumbing fixtures and material :annot affort to delay much long laker and ourselves. The city \ are so fortunate as to have theii w have and your valves and fixt ed. Have this done now. W j nave the matter in mind. An s. r.-sc th Catarrh? 1 ceshift Treatment? = rid of Catarrh, you must drive the 1 disease germs out of your blood. Splendid results have been rc- ( ported from the use of S. S. S., which completely routs from vour blood the ' Catarrh perms, for wbirh it i? q n??r feet antidote. S. S. S. is sold by all druggists. If you wish medical advice as to the j treatment of your own individual case, write to-day to Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co., Dept. B Atlanta, Ga. The State vs. W. 0. Hardee, Adultery. The State vs. R. V. Alford, Assault i.nd Batteiy. The State vs. Kenneth 'Jolly, Assault and Battery. The State vs. Zeb Lewis, et, al., ;n- I jury to Trees. The State vs. Zeb Lewis, et al., Riot. OLDER BUT STRONGER # To be healthy at seventy, prepare at forty, is sound advice, beomse in the j strength of middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treatment of slight aches and pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic weakness for later years. To be etronger when older, keep yotur blood pure ami rich and active with the strength-building and blood-nourishing properties of Scott's Rmulsion which ira food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and jivoid sickness. No alcohol in Scott's. SCVlt $ Powne, PloQrafcW, N. J. Well Answered. Old Lestorich, nn uncomplimentary husband, who lined to appear In the Austrian paper Floh, said to his wife: "If nature had made me an ostrich, perhaps I could eat your cooking." i "That would be fine," answered his J imperturbable wife. "Then I could get some plumes for my hat."?Christian Register. o Dr. Ferdinand King, New York , Physician and Medical Author, Say* : EVERY WOMAN | EVERY MOTHER EVERY DAUGHTER NEEDS IRON AT TIMES | To put strength into her nerves and color into her cheeks. Thorc ran lj be no beauti whirl) (i fir n /V',? . corroded i he * \ M.D. @ | stomach n n <1 I did far more 'j harm ihan Rood. To-day doctors pro scribe organic Iron?isuxaieu iron, i his f purlicular form of iron Is easily assimi^ | lated, doc* not blacken nor injure the (? teeth nor upset the stomach. It will increase the strength and endurance of weak. nervoiiH, irritable, careworn. huggo rd looking women 100 per cent, iti ,v~ two weeks' time in many instances. 1 have used it in my own practice with most surprising results. ? Ferdinand King, M.I). r NOTK Nuxated Iron rrcnaami'ndod above by I>r. Ferdinand King can be obtained from any good driiKgint with an absolute guarantee of eucceaa or money refunded It ta dlsixminxl tu Una city by all good druggist*. HORRY DRUG COMPANY , NORTON DRUG COMPANY CONWAY DRUG COMPANY t ? c To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take CAXATIVR BROMO Quinine. Xt stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold, r>rug7i*ta refund money if it falls to cure, It. V. CkOVK'S signature on each box. 30c. THE HORRY HE ?'i t .. ?, .v. **? x" '2*r- ' v IfATER tailed by the City will soon be c< n Sink put in now? When th< e more time. All of our work arantee all of our work with ev< Is have advanced more than 30( cr. We use only fixtures ai ,vil! require all fixtures installed r outfits already installed let us ires will need readjusting and f e will cheerfully give you an es d remember everything is adv; )ARBOF The government last week took Irastic action to end the anti-war prop onrl rvl 1 ? > + name of the Industrial Workers of the World, the Socialist party and other organizations throughout the United States. o Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDfR. The beauty secret of womenwho knowhow to take care of the com*7 plexion. Cannot be J VVi detected. Heals Sunburn, stops Tan. Soothing, cooling, refreshing. //f Pinjt. WhiU, <Ro,t-RcJ. i / 75c. at 'Druggists or by mail dirccL Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co^ 40 South Fifth Sc. Brooklyn. N. Y. , * ; Sir This is the on! i . i f i tooay tnat combi; the sport model wi It is a strikin: entirely original-lo< its own. Extreme meas to give it a mosl rich gray, trimm and brightened wi of polished nickel, A fashionable to its striking linei The individual I v ?' / SKALD, CONWAY.S. 0. work: impleted and ready for use by e\ e system is completed all will b( is done by Journeyman Plumbei erything we possess we cannot af ) per cent in the. last two years id material made by the old stam to come up to certain rigid reqi suggest that you have them got itting with new disks, etc... Let timate of the cost, incing in cost daily. Don't del; iough. . Evoiuuon of the Wheel. Naturally, there was a first man to eat an oyster, and there must have boon some heroic pioneer to tackle every edible article that is known to civilization today. High authority has bestowed eulogy on the man who inVPfltPfl fill* f) tl fl cnrtlO hfi itn rrr\ n o . ?X. '* ?*VV ( MKVI mnn\ uu ? U ^wur so far as to assert that this unidentified genius was the greatest benefactor of the race, but we may doubt if1 the wheel was really an Invention. It seems more likely to have been a gradual discovery, the result of a slow, evolutionary process fo- which no man 1 or group of men could claim the credit.?Exchange. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE nd IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds v.p the Whole System. 60 cents. \ U^j IIMI III ? _Jg^^SSSSSS!^^J*^^^tmmmvmta'c't * ? ""y$r Americ? \ lart Utility !y car built in America nes the smartness of th economy and utility. gly smart, stylish car, oking with a design all lures have been taken t exquisite finish in a ed with black enamel ith an occasional flash I dash of color is added i by the red wire wheels. front seats, with aisleA. C. THOMPSON, AG V -v J? V* c ii I \ /ery one. i required to put in Water Closet s with year's of experience. Tl ford to send an inexperienced 01 and in the last sixty days the ac lard companies and every fixtur jirements. Cheap goods canno ie over and put in good shape. ; us do this for you now. City < *y, see us now. Conway TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are forbidden under penalty of law to hunt, trap, or lr* any way trespass upon lands of Julia D. Grant in Socastee township. S. R. -SINGLETON, Agent. 31?pd. No. 666 Thii it a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and docs not gripe or sicken. 25c o Thirteen militants of the Woman's Party were arrested when they attempted to "picket" the White House just before President Wilson marched at the head of the parade in honor of the District of Columbia's quota for the National Armv. r b Country i's Only . Snort Moi way between, back, to suit the read his companion. . The rear seat is roo and back, four large p in real comfort. It has four-inch t j. rear springs?buoyant ; The motor is pow< ingly economical in t as compared with ot! size. Come to our store the car now. IENT, CONWAY, S. C. # Illllfl B ^ H I Bji s and there will be a great I ^ le requirements will be I r incompetent man to do I Ivance has been something I I e we install is absolutely I it meet these requirements. The city pressure will be ? ordinances will also require I , s. c. j Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given that the tui dersigned administrator of the person al estate of Peter Skipper, Dec'd.> will apply to the Judge of Probabte : ? Horry County, at his office, at Conway, S. C., at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, on the 15th day of October, A. I)., 1917, for a final discharge as such administrator. George Skipper, Qualified Administrator of Peter Skipper,. td-(pd) DccVL o It is reported from Helsingfore,. Finland, that a German fleet has been observed at the entrance to the Gulf ' f Finland, according to dispatches from Copenhagen. It is supposed! that the fleet is preparing for an attack on Reval and Kronstadt, the Rus sian naval bases. A Price f. o. b. Toledo Including Fiv* Wire Wheels M Subject to change without notice Sggggjj . . *i ^ ":i i del US table forward or It of the driver andl mv fnr turn. Pmnf Vff W A A villi. teople ride sociably ires and cantilever < riding! srful, it is surprise he use of gasoline ler cars of similar s?let us "'V ' ' ' . V . " \ > . ) (