The Lutheran visitor. (Columbia, S.C.) 1869-1904, October 13, 1869, Image 3

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— Lj ' * l ^ THE LUTHERAN. VISITOR, COLUMBIA, S. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1869. ni. fot»r <*r ‘HI. very > nor of i t*w- m '1 hiUlK’ ■J P’.ifct, Irfullr 9 pjiiurt kliieb 11 love- 1- Itiii * V i fofust. V L \tvy» k aud 7m l>rime , f. 0 forma- y and ll-MSIOtl mant- r, and -In- has truth, : ?fe for I to tin* [seiical Inti will p\ tiling- (tong n« Ige*. tion in jf the Jiitegral Wo lite with (nnl i-oii- lias » - ii li can * imt this. •ire i:rtt rou tine the to frnrtimiis to he of this? ttnion of -ofthese til. But \ fiiiled to xt. May | tli at she rention, tantl Him ItHe limits I heorfy , with- tiftrr awl rtcwi- of oar arti, were • the Gen- Mnrph.V Bers. J. nn<l Lay. liraaut anil I how g«o<l Ir tarethreu e- Hots ton I rolrntr, i» in-ene Co-, nvc forgot' be given of CALEB. ran Visitor. .Hi I vhti ,t,r* prttent-H. M. Brewer, (> n .si<lent; Wfii. Jenkins, Tenn., n—retort: K. M- Anthony, Mo., ITS* J. K- Shofhter, 111.; 3L B. Ei Twm-; John Scivnlly, Tonn. g. M. StevetiA F. L. Chandler, A. G, Till' 'P>'ipoeition for u Liturgical of W orship hy GenemMBynotl wasrejeetw 1 - - v rwwlution to turn over to Coin- ' ■ of Uencntl Synod the Home Mis#*#* 8 ' 1 "'** 0f th “ waM '^TifrtltittW ""** " r * otl Sabbath evening. Tlie ^jj irtion sermon m prenelietl by fl j lt, Shoffner. of Illinois, who MUt -i the importance nnd re- J"Ability of the. mintotey in a very forcible mWUH'r, taking stronger mills in favor of the powers of Si wti'ig i» the mane of Ootl as such, tlmu is generally claimed by Protestants; quoting Scriptural («is sages robed on by priests for many af their practices. He also argued that with all the corruptions of the Raman Catholic Church, we were compelled to true** our ujiostolie suc- rossiou hack through it. Bio. S. is n young minister. I am not prepared to say how far these (lositious were approved by the older ministers. (hi Sabbath Rev. H. M. Brewer l*eaeh<Hl to au immense eonetairst* of people in the gi-ove, after which the Sacmuieut was administered— ■ore people ami more different denominations eommunitig togetlicr than it was ever my pleasure to heliold. Some of the most st mi test .wet, tin* Baptist, were obwrvcd to come forward and partake with their frllow-eliristinns. There was considerable sparring on the liturgical resolution, ;ni» and ro». Towards the eonclusion of this debate, the venerable lli-o. Jenkins joined in with much warmth, and at times with feeling, touching the im portance of worshiping with thankful, humble ami devout prujpN and songs fresh from the heart, rather than by forms prepared by other mqii; at others with laconic humor peculiar to one so old—how he or tlic youth of the land might as well undertake to ronrt with the love-letters of their great-grandfathers, as to sincerely worship by forms prepared by others. Bros. Seri ally and Jenkin’s wishes ami opinions had a marked influence on all the fjynodical proceeding*. These two are good and venerable patriarchs of the ehinrli here, whose work on earth np|Mireutly is near Sill end, yet tarrying with ns llleekly ill obedience to their Master's will. Lu theranism in this ('onuty stands on a Arm substratum anil is growing, fhc former of the two is the founder of it in Lincoln ami Franklin i Vani ties, and the latter iu this. Oue thing is needed here: a classi cal school to prejBire the ministry for their Work. \V. For the Lutheran Visitor. Who Wants a Missionary t 1 pen these plain fact* for the consideration of the brethren, I wish them to think about the mutter and come to Synod prepared to take action on it; for I intend to urge the matter at that time— beeanae 1 am, INTERESTED. For I lie Lutheran Vililur. “Hera an I, Send Mo." Mr Editor : 1 have just received ft letter from oue of our brethren in the ministry, from which I make the fol lowing extract: “I have no charge, and do not feel satisfied. It is my desire to serve the Church, and will do au if Un church will sup]iurt me; but I cun not work for the Church uud feed myself anil family. 1, for one, will no longer (Minder to tile IIUOU llllll sordid spirit of the times, and beggar myself auil family simply for the priv ilege of preaching the gosis-t. If ymi know of a chun-h that will kee|i a preacher’ll soul and lssly together, and you think 1 could serve them, let me know, and I will go to it if it is iu the sea of Kumst-hulkn.'' This letter is from oue of our most esteemed, liest educated, most burn- hie, ami most instructive and im pressive preachers. He is a brother w hom wc all dearly love, ami who is in every res|s>ct qiuilitted frtr very eftieieut work in mir church iu cither country or city, but his modesty has not allowed him to obtain that prom inence iu tbe church which his vir tues and his abilities deserve. He is, too, iu tlie prime of life, uml has the promise of many years of useful ness, if the eliiurh will give him work. His (>ast muni in the minis trv is without a blot. SAM. SMALL Current News. lion. Frederick F. Low Iieeu Acknowledgement* SKWBKKRV COMJM1K. PIANOS! PIANOS f! We, the milMu-rilmrs, (tromise to I |*»y to tin- Trciuairer of Newberry College, (Dr. A. K. Noruian, Wal- India. H. ($20 jaw year fr«r fire consecutive years, cominetw-ing K»-|> Tlie Mormons have at length ar 1 rived at a settlement with tire I'uion 1'm-fle Railroad, uml have taken a purt of their pay in truck iron and , ro " ,, '« " to * k t,w ,,M ' l U, ‘ | tember 1st, 1WW, for .tire purpose of Mark M. Fomerny, editor of tbr sustaining Newberry College I the j Democrat, Is lying very low from j tuition of one stiulent gnaranteesl by (Q3HA3, TO congestion of tire lungs, aggravated j tire Hoard to each sulss-rilrer fire tire | ' by billions intermittent fever. Gold Modal vu Awarded st lbs Isis Fair is VtUmn to . for tlie bM r»noa, ovti snare term «»f live eoospelltive years. I and Saw York Piano* Pall.moo. Philadelphia Offla* For tlie Lutheran Visitor. “Zt Tu Irate.” Mr. Editor : I mil deeply interested in everything that looks to tire np- lmildmg of our beloved Zion in tbe Siaitli. I have long been of tbe opin ion that the Month Carolina Synod needs a trawling minxionarg. Such a missionary could do more in our church than perhaps any one jmst.or iu our Synod. The Held is sufficiently large, and it is as invitinpn* wc could desire. NVc have o(icninp for a half dozen new organizations, ami there ate several vacant ehurclres, which, if not looked after, will ultimately die. Tire cliitrches in Barnwell, three in numls-r, one between the Edistos in’ Orangeburg, long in a torjiid state, the two at Sandy linn, nnable to seenre a pastor; all these ami perhaps others rn-isl tbe fostering “h- W Synod. Tliere arc also a half ilozen different points at which liew 'h'irelies Should be organized. All that part of Irexington between tlie village and Sandy Run, and the Orangeburg line south and west from Handy Run, is missionary ground—properly' belonging to our BynwL llmt waste ti*aet of country juts but few churches of any denomt nation. An active uirisimiary could within a year or two, organize sevtffal Admrelipsji, tlmt dwditnt* region. It appeal* to us, too, that we should have two more churches between those, served by tire pastors in New- ibeny, and those of Itev. Her]/ and J- N. Derrick % one about the Litth- Monntain, and thp other below Bu&- wtrd’s Hill, north oi Spring Hill. These could be look is 1 after by those pastor* serving tire contiguous ■churches, but those iu flic lower part of Lexington, Orangeburg and Bam- weU, need tlie whole attention of a missionary. That missionary could raise part of his salary in his field, and the other part caa easily be raised by Synod. We have the very man for the office. Ife will be at Synod, and will no doabt be willing to take the field. He is now without a charge, is an able preacher and a prudent working man, and ilielieve will be willing to serve the chnrch in this «paeit/. Mr. Editor: Ymi nay in yoor issue of the 2*_*d of Septemlier: “Tlie man who is aide to tuke a |*diticul (Mi(>cr, but too (Hior to |Hiy for a religions (Mirer, may lie a gisid (sdi tician and wise in his day and gener ation, hut lie is assuredly a very luke warn < 'hristian," Ac. What will you say when I tell you that 1 heard a minister of the South < ‘arolina Synod say recently, hi a conijMiny of laymen, that “tire New York Pag Pool was his religions |Mi(M>r; that it was lietter than any of the Southern |M|M*rs, uml that Ire took none of tin- |M|iers of the church, but would bold mi to tire I tag Honk: it was ssg.iud a religious |M|ier us he Wanted.” Tliis lsffguagi* morttAeti lire eve n! ingly. I was grieved to know that I was associated with a brother com iimuding :vlarge iiiflm-m-e. nnd nni|d«- means, who lind no more ehun-h love and no more love for Christ than this. I remonstrated with him, and Ire confessetl that the I.ntkrrnn Visitor was n most excellent p:i|s:r, and that he ought to take it. I heard rwently of another brother in onr Mynnd who takes no religious |m|M-r. ! have lieen womlering for a long time, why tlrey were not succeeding in the ministry, and now I have tlM? secret. Both are talented men. The church l‘X|lCCts in nch of tla-liji but of late they have done but lplc. No woo dcr. If they an- not snlHc:e itly In terested in the affiiirs of the chun-h to takcacliiireh (*»pct, of nairae tlrey will not interest themselves in laiihl- ing it ii]i. I would not give one enlightened faithftil (Mtstor. who in ten-sts himself and all his (s-ople in the affairs of the whole chun-h, for u whole Hynod of sncli men. I intend to call yonr attention ut-Hynod to tlie ainountof funds raised in the flntn-hea sen ed hy these two (mators, and any other 1 may find who take “the /Any Hook for their religious iwpcr.” O trmpora, O mom f* HI IMM’RIBKlt. Men who are aMliametl of 1 icing Her mans and Lnthenins. NVe have one of tliut s|s*eies here. Ills father in Germany is a Lutheran minister, but | aiqminted Minister to China, we never saw his father’s son inside a Lutheran ehureh. Kt. Paul we think accounts for that, in 1 Cor.I i: atl. Huch Germans, we are grntitteil that we can my so with truth, are not numerous here. If American Lutherans would only Is* true nnd faithfril, we would, prolmbly, long ugo have hail English Lutheran Olnirclres tu Arkansan. An It In we i . . - . ■ v. y ,... u. Haiiiuam. p.. l»r. Liviugstoire, tire African ex i Tlrese snlmi-n|iti<mM are mit to In* *• j** 11 / ”1 *”* T * “ Buwt ' plorer, is again missing, mat some dcummlcd until LTO snbsrrilu-ra are STIK.FF S l'lAXUtt have all lb* late* in- entertain tire idea thut Ire may lie sw-urwl : 1 ^j””^*”****^ 0* Aara«r TraUr Dory held in ea|itivity at Iareenda, tire | capital of < 'azemlio, in lire interior of 1 A Wen. Agassiz and Nathaniel Ilowditeh weir too innir in early life to |mn-ham- the luniks tlrey mTiled for tlirfr studies, aud were eoniirelleil to mnkc maiuiscriia copies. Tlsise which Dr. • Howditcli eopieil are in the Boston , I'ublie library. Itev. t'Uarh-s Walbiei- Ilowanl lias lmtu engaged by tlie Hu|a-ril|. 1 temlent of Georgia tu make a thor 1 oogh survey of the maitlrem mIojm- of 1 IsMikout Muuntaiu iu smireh of iron, 1 coal, ami |a-tndeiim. , Mr. George 1‘eatmdy naileil for Kuglaml last week, ill the Mcatia. ! His health lias be*-n very |mmit, and it is Iio|msI that a winter n-siilems- in a w armer rlimatc will an iat|imvr hln liesltb that he may yet tie granted a long and happy lift*. The total iniitiher of |Mi|>ila regin- tered in 1‘hilndeliihia hist year, wan 1*1,11 A Tire urinal e\|N-um- of tire | laddie mcIiooI* for lire year wan $1,-! tKrj.PTiUi. Tire aniutsl cost |rer pupil sttMMints to the smnll sum of ♦ Tire Mnyur reiairtn that no MABYbAMP 9. A. DMXOM« city iu tire I'nited Ktata-s nlucabd |s wkli as raoiMml araunn«M ' « “ Uuonl iMyarUnrai its rhihlreu at as hiw a rust as tbe * »I norrtin, »-*—*7 u Uaorpummhoi - “ 1* M ... , , . ,. Md a*nf*until of Sunday Srbnui* and Bildt I “ “ \«dV-m»k Knbroukty. Ac. I* my of I luladelphia. 1 Uu x Zr. Oumyruius MnSni ooifenult “ “ Ura«ine»nd IWiMiag 10 riertir Exploration. The return -ff ^ * " t\ r. IImII, tW *«»U known bntffr ButU (Imi IVxAik & li II “ Arrtir Kx|4on*r t U n nuitt«*r oi Ummc Hui4«, IV*u*rr 'mm* cdud. Marsh's Radical Cire Trass. Fl* Proto*.*. “80nr MM." have none, while there are already two German Lutheran Chnrchea there, an we hum (him u cotuinuni eation iti Drr tittiwur : "VotiMenuttiot ami Ordination in Arkanmu.—l am aide to comnuiui- rate two gratifying eveuta to the dear n>uders of the Lutkrranrr, the consecration of the first Gennuii ami also the first Evangelical Lutheran Church in Arkansas; uud tlreordina. tion and iuatnllatioii of tire wit aid Kvangi-lical Iditherau (mstor in Ar kansas. Tire first took plucv at Flirt Smith; tire nrvotid in Utth* Ria-k* Tlie l.nthrranr^M itures|sMideut states that a little over a year ugo not a single Lutheran Congregation, nor a Lutheran minister could Ire found in thut jHtate. But the Ger mans in nnd lanmiid Fort Smith called, in Jutre, BMW, a minister. Ill January, IHtfii, half a mpum- was Imuglit; the comer stiare of a now rliiireli laid the Till of Mun-li, ami Aire house rnosairatsil tire 27th of \ugilst. Atssit tlie Wiioe time a eiMigregutiiai was formed at little lt«M-k; a minister was railed, nnd onlaimsl, ami iiistulleil August the 1st. Both rlinri-lies belong to tla- Missouri Hynod. Tills is cheering. Would that our |M-o|»h* were us tnre to, ami as zeiihaw in behalf of the chun-h. | secured : J I* Hmcltzer. Wallin tin, H C J N HuAnan, CoInmlMn, H C J I* Anil, Newlreiry, H O J A HMgfa, I’omariu, HC It G t'hlsolm. Charleston, H C Miij J Ia-n|>liurt, t Rev K CangtiHiau, John (’ Mergers, J II Hteinineyer, Jr. C L H, l 'liarleston, Itev W H Bowman. PrvuH. Anion, fully ••mMsd for five j-rara, whli Us- privilege * | cxdmnjr*- wiili in twelve months if not wtiabc- Iorj lo Ike pureliwer ! Second Iwod Ileno* end Parlor J Myna* slmiyi OS Usd •( than (AO to JOOO Kekmart wIk. ks>* onr Hams la i Un RuU. K Lea. Lexksrkai. Va; Gen. i RuU. Pauanm, Wihnisgten, S. 0,- firn. D. H. j nut, CksekSie, S. a; lhd«T Wikser. Kew Orleans La. Us. Jofca leirker, h-xinylm, V«_; M'-aara. It. LkirarB l Sam. Female Semi- nary. (tearirMle. X. U; I'aM Doulwigld, Go- i lumUa, A C. end five buodnal oUirra in Ike Nask wko kave pun-heard Uw STKIKK.* 1 PI AXIS UMee Ike wardoerd. A eull la mtkxlrd. Tenuo—liberal. April ( S4-tf Us- late lo ole ea It le Bowel* 1 • a fi THE DEPOSITORY OF THK WYTHEVILLE FEMALE COfalaEOE- —e>:— I APHIS luStlulMu will be reopened o« tke X tM Tbumlejr in Kepieaibar. under the euperiub-ndciKi. of He' K. II. XcUsuLU, I aaaiUfd liy a eunan. uf ,MUi|me«t Teecftwra. Tlte oxtnu uf iuateortiou a ill roiUace all tbo { bnun-hiu uf e Uawuugli eduenllua. 1 Tbe liaaiiuinai liaviua been diarterrd wUi | eolleiriatr power* and, pritilrgei. IHpkmua will beau-anted U> all llaarila riu.ll bare cam- I pkSrd the reredar erurar aaliafarlorily. Pupila aura eubv pusetually on lira And day *1 Iba aa no ikducliua will be auale for akaeaee Bulb Literary and Hoarding IsnarUurMa will be under tlx- lumaattete care of liar. K. II XcIXiHUJi and lint McUwvui, wbu will I ivaidn in tliv ln*titutk**i TMtMs not Mantis or Pin moomm: i* in IV-mrutoiT IWfartnMit |lk 00 11 Culkviale IlrpMiltttent...... 2f 9# MIS< 'KLL.VNKt U'S. Dr. It. J. llns-kinridge has resign- oil tire Fmfrrauirwbiii in lire Tlreolgi cal Memiimrv at Danville, Ky. I*nif. Dillman, ail able Oriental scholar uml a pupil of Kwuht, has I mtu upiMiiutcd tire siMiTssor of l>r. llcugMtcnlrerg in tire rhuir of Old Testament exegesis in the Cnivcrslfy of Berlin. Mr. Mt-laireii, Memln-r of lSirliu ineiit from Krliulairg, says: No I M no' scirntifie ; little interest, not only t«| nreti lait to tlie general community. 7*“^ In the first jilarr he has as Halier I biiuself of the reality of a Northweet- era 1‘uasage. In the next Ire has aseertaineil, Ireyimrl all dis)mte, that tire Franklin |icrialred long \earn Ntlirr. That in |u>int of feet their niifferingn were Irrief, anti at an early |reri<al after tire haw of tlreir vrrarel and k.-wsrd TWAeta. Ooumiararlra lr> ukl writing, aad My rxchang* for alkrr bauki t .. ti 00 kt advuuer. Xo pupil id. Board per Siraimi .4 tag waatiiug, ligtsa, An, v I'ouiauamirv Iklrfe U» llutu and .U| r |..l. J., I . win be nuiad lou«er tbau b-ea are pn-pal acker* la ax|daiwag ike# . Kj|c , i i a required to Ihrakl. oar pair of Am***, an* pair of mm aad lwo towel* 3 Kuril pupil WUMt karr her rkaJw* diamuxly and luMbb 1 ; marked witk her name. | CmuminUnw addreaaed 10 Bcr. K. pr* | XcIIau* will e-eeivr auuirdialr alleulten. tldm they are mdiatured | r^kerdk. rt^i^t, M, IM* Cl luliigutt wfo he hrwanied. poataye paid. I» Sep 1C st j afoforw arbrnem reqxwli t Addnw 1 II. ••J KKV K m iTKAvA. Sm'r. Xu ta W Karri le fonrt, sane mail can Irelirve, lisAiug to the "* **" Arrlic ti-m|ienl, they tlitil of. signs of tire times, thut th. Clt.ireh *t«n »thm, llielr «ad ht- Ireiiq- |ree irf ScotLiml will exist an clitloweil «i|atutrtl l.y the treachery of the! Am I* J—u Ecclesiastical. Lutherans in Arkansas. We know Imt of one Knglish- sireaking Lutheran in that State, though wc doubt not lint that others have strayed that far, frnil have very- likely forgotten the Church oi the Reformation, for unftirtuniitely flic lOVC Of rnauy liavc waxed cold. Ninth jjiv; IB. American Imtlrer- lininm lias become mnaystded (polygomms) tliat it is almost round, anrt rolls easily away from the ChnrL-li. The ilistim-tivo and essen tial cluirm-teristics, Imth in doctrine and usage, have almost entirely dis- afjreored, uml it is therefore a very fgsy (iroccss for its discijiles to for get their solemn vows, sever their connection, anil become merged in other cluircliC*. Whttfl i* u unmet We know a man who boasts of being an Episcopalian in the Houth, slid a Lutheran when among his Pennsyl vania friends. W hat will he be in tire next world ! We have a Tenn essee Lutheran, who bears a name nnd KhIuMIAhA I'linreli for u»\ thing like thirty yean*. It is e.\|iertr 1 thut some B*HI ilelr gates from Kunqu-. inrlmliiig I’nift-s - sors Donicr uml Tlmlm-k, will viuit this country u year from this fall, to attewl tire meeting of lire (ietieral Alliance. I*n>f. Schaff arems to Ire ! very' snecessfut in awakening int.-r est nil tire subject in Germany. Tire Rev. Dr. Sprague, aim for er forty years has Ireen |wstor of tire Mceoud lYcsby teriuii Church in AIImiiv, has resigmsl his charge. On tin- first Sublmtli of Se|Aemlrer Ire pn-nrheil Ids fortieth anniversary sermon, wbieli was very side uihI interesting, amt produced a strong and grateful iuipressiiui. Tlie t’ldtrul Preobyterian Cliiirrli at Newlairg, wbieli has Ireen writ limit a setthil | Mist or for nearly a year, has extemleiln rail to Rev. M. Fiudly, of Westem lViinsylvania. lie will Ire installed October 14tli. Tire full term of the I’uiteil l*resliyterian Theobigieal Hnuiiaary iu that city comim-iM-en next week. Tire Junior floss in t'nioo Then logical Heminary at llam|Mleu Sid ney, Va., iimsists of sixteen, which makes it next to tire largest class since the fimmliug of tbe institution. Tire whole uumlier in attembnree now is thirty-two, to wiiieli it is protmhk- some additions will tre made. The Moravian mission in Green lllllilcs. Business Department. IlMjn KorntroX «'u|i( G rihnt*y, fi.LVn pay* tu IIM Jamli X DrtAt-, inO 44 US] Martin llarr. ZM U I13j J D kVolforil, 2JW 44 112 Jubu rirnrm. 44 us Itrv kV \\ idiuixl. 2AM 112 J II Tnnn-r, ini 44 112 K D llarr, T — 44 IU’ ('apt W |> WaMfovdg Z-'to ** its Dr II M Falk, ZM 44 111 l> NiiuiM-muki-r, IM 44 112 MytG Halfiwunp-r, M0 a 112 J II Kallt, L*-T0 44 102 0 J art lint. '.LV0 44 112 Urv Jrtga* Morgan, J.OO 44 112 \Y f Ihilwixl. IN 44 102 Itev G II Kmwu, xoo 44 112 Joint II Hnltau. 2.UU 44 IU2 Doty's WaohinyMachine, uml KT* iwwire-iw m DNIYERSAl CLOTHES WRINGER. 1 UPROVKD wttb Row vu* |-imt Iksfov 1 Cae-wsnis. *sA lk* |-*t«xt Sure. *st sou j **H*rUinu»Uy ter laprmr M Mf *n-r*lu* for ! - -* -- r ckskr* rrrr irirrlsl u4 will **m ■heir rate iwkw a jrar, bjr aia* tebur east j ROANOKE COLLEGE. ■'PII IS luatlnatea i* krai.A rt-Sukra, RuaisAr 1 Cuutsi. Va, la tbr Uuutilul ael k-rtih- j Veilrj at tbr BuMkr. m thr meks ofaUreetive werorrf. ru>-y» a br. ult‘ ul cbruelr. and it j nuulra by a iue^T*l *ud l.,l‘ Ili^pul tm*.* It Ira prruliar Mkin id eonra, bring aa Ike j Vsaint* I Truer rar Reikaed, mi the lie* of tnrai Mama MUBnlua end Wytkevlfi*, rad j bile-i-u-l lb* SmSbrru luulin eeel luwnlrir , wet, ring elm i IW lirembaoX tupstiwr wMh * tedrgnpli odter. giir U orfjr advealeg* I le In- dirbrd ie e kraliee 1 Thr Cofinre we* durb-rxi ia ItiS III or : (exratm e araptdr, end ibe pnnr of ioeirae i lira Urauugk eud OMuperte-unvi-. It* re* xra 110*11*1 erarallyral - SMUXO W KDXK8- l)AV .dSKITKJlaKR, eudemsierabru uratha Sstlms'ed Expense* gSOS ttr Pur hwlkrr penk-uler* epply lo A C W tJX>, Smetery id lire F*cuRj, or to D. { B1TTLK, IU>, l-n-rekm. at Seine. V*. J. T. CAMI-JKIJ. AWerial AM SlnedsHg. Va Ike il IW« it—if THE BOOK JIF V0B8HIP. f'mUtJmnl if mtharitf mf lir Im- Amt* Sfmd mf Xmrth Ammcmt. T ills IMlOkL or <74 pmjppa 24 mo., if new rmlr, Wc *l»e Chwrcli cents Church Notices. Bind of Tlrfiai*. Tk* Kreegr-jirel Lulkrrae S r wd d Vlr*leie will buhl il* aneral uwiling tu Ikr Lialsran Ckundv eoer Madrasi C. II, Madiera Curas., Vugiata, iieuraraiiag ra Than'ay nraiag Oclubrs Itth, IMS. All aranbrt* of Synod. Iran*a* by reOirad, will tiuf at llisdiaeiiaB, whm ikry will (ad ra TharaJey, Ike ink, toneny tkpm te Ike Court 111 Tiara wU karr rani Ihr* give brtuaaay a* birr* 1 -SI sirjr uupy auld, aad la -. I radii arena* Iu Ikr bnrefll of lire “We like our urarkiur awb-h; unukl nut hr ' nrraMudrd lo du without il, and will, lire a at id J Crtr Iksy, rre krl ikat er* an m**M.t* at ike puAtko. I “ —Me. L Ad( Mbby. M. X fruA. -It la srwth one ilufiar a wrrk hi of lire S Dire in Skrrp... Ite-k Ar JIN re..... 1 *S ,lraUs|Or Gill I IS M.eurru Turku, pib olge....... S I. wrath ora liufiar a wrrk hi ewry . . a nin r |, |M huurty "—-V. r. Titan*. -, “ Tarkn Murucei, plan. J “la lire laundry of my horar Use* tea; “ “ Tratojr Mrarara. emra-vlrtgill. 4 iiepnaal IkrtAsriting un Minuter* for lire - Ttatay AMiqsr... • 1011011*1 * ff- Ttesdree U IVyA.. W sh foil rtenfas M cees* rxua -Kerry wtvk Ira firm d « «iwn*er ludd Mini-ra rad C **«*.«»*. «*■ lequndrd to npra lire nfoeibra id lire irareira uf lire teon- I ra Ihrh raibra M rare.-, to « Ikso . dorauol ; dry.—-X. f. ifomw. -I Irani!, rraMsrnd it to rcut»*»irl* of tour. “ Hr. HHUim. Miuietira and drtesites allrnding S,aoil a 1*1 i wiokl ra* he |wrtjd r , a nil V- a m l.. u.;l .J ■ atotwes "—Sden M*e "Fuaxn ItoTT—Your tea raw W'aeMng Mac'bnr te a oaupbir aurorar I aaaoR, ran Ikal \iwr Harbinr.' alin a Jtsr'i te ihnuxla nrere of hrday than rerr, i ,d ten prr rant, ia made. Dt'FPIK A CIIAPMAX, ' Mnfufora. IWeartea, & C. | Ang i 1—If , Holiday Mrml, BnUimort, IM. i wit not rnoL Podi imsrrrwm. THK beat and mote Hfcctira Turss known tor the cure and relirf of Horn!* or Rup ture. Thi* Trar* In* rewired of toe uoK eminent Phyaictera of till* country, who do not treat- ' Il to tlKMC afflicted with Her au peri or to all other*, only Tram tint will retain the any certainty, and the wearer can that lie te uabig a remedy tint will «fc *nd effectual la iu opera- Ibis we guarantee enUre aalieteecioo may oomc under cor treatment. Udied Silk Kbntk- Abdominal IMu for Cor- puteocy. Falling of the Womh, and aa a eupport In tire Bdck and Abdominal Maarloa Ahkfota, Knee Cape and Stocking* for Varkxnr Vein*, Ukcn simI Weak Joioia llrace* lor Indiea, Crab and Chil- I ewe of atouprng of tbe Shduldef* and aa a Clreit Kip*ndcr. Pile lartnimrnta, the mart atpcriw article ia r—light, easily adjuated aad HfoctaaL In- •tramente fre all Phyiecal Defonuitxw. Currature of tin Spim-, Bow Leg*, dob Feet, te. Pewulii* and Crutdre* of the imnt aperored make. B. MARSH k 00, Xa S Holiday Street, Behunore, Md. May (3 40—ly M-BRUMBW rm UMOAIA83BV. T HK lira academical year of till* Inatitulioa ctnimcoced ou too acomd Monday ia Auirun, Ibc;>. Tire drngu of toe aehcol bring to |*canotc tire cauire of education, meta a sowar of Mud** will be adopted aa te naual in lira dam luetHutiuea. The dtei-iphne of the School will be *tric(, yet mild and parentaL Tbe heation ia brahhy. aad the moral* of tbe mutually will compare fonmbly with any red ion In the State. Rale* <* tuition per quarter of thro* month* in Cubed State*currency : Primary Kaglnb Department « ft Higher Knglhh Brenchc* 4 M Malhiedailin, Latin aad Greek language*, G 00 Braiding per imanli 9 M Wuniided •Mdiera will be charged only half prk r for untioa Fur any farther inform*ten address, at Hue Ridge, Lexington, 8. C, dtlrer Bcr. D. Knai., Dnirnnh Board of Trainee*, or Prof 8. K. Cim|ui, President Peabody Pine Ridge 'n- MltUtiub. 8epi 3—«f PATHST SLASTH5 I A Sabs! il He for H»ir and Fffiibfrs. The Elastic Sponge Mattress is the heal* I in it cbeneeC most eteatie, durable aad brat bed ia tire world. The Elaitie Sponge Pillows i Rriit. ao#. eweeC and free from an nuheaUby arid uipagrwabk' odor, aa moat Mather* have. The Elastic Sponge Cushions h. Carriage or Chair, are for superior to brut curted hair, (which te never found anicke.) always tdaining tlie luUneaa and much cire* per than good uatr. . Tbe Slaatio Spooge In Furniture ii arerii bPtlcr Urn hair, m k ig ahrgyt fhv insect Hfo; and so penaa- keep tlte covers constant!v adding greaUy to tire brainy of toe Th* Slaatio Sponge Goods > arilmg rapidly, and everybody like* I Item Iid tor pamphk-te, giving lull par paniciitori, *ito Send for pamphk-te ri' ing I (eieclltel t* good* Local Agent* Wanted. Agent wanted ia every Iowa ia tlie State,' Ml will be given tire exclusive sale of tliere gouda X. XOVK8, Gen 1 Agent, 130 W. Fayette Street, Baltoncro, Md. 40—ly with I paying yWI >»rw on Cbaatpmhe l Obk. Bailroud, ' ran rrfara fro. tm ep|4icutlou ter eeniOrai# lo . ufflci-ra of the SynoU. Special Notices. -Your Wsailing Machine has bent in dally use I in aa Uiindrr, and U» laantckeeper r\|ee*w. , In rarlf a* highly pleased with H. It ernumty I aaaumpUabea a growler amount of work, with lea labor, aad doe* au( wear the ctetlre* near ! m tourii a the ukl hakioaed waali-bcerd. By i a u* h, oar lauadna w dteprneral aritk.”—MW. Jf, r Umnd. ftepmateadral of /.teat Hf*o1- i ureal of SL Odtew'i A'ararg Jf. F. Ctty. In ml is inure titan 130 years uhl. j - A a. mKYVKR. Tin* t-ffei-ts of riiristiaii tilucatiuii — are evItlatiwxLin thr secular «n wt-ll as religionH rnltnre of the |u*>pli-. A (Irtwiilniitlir jeninimur, nitivrrsal Afflarfonn MhU fioasty.>, mitnnil histirey , amgl»|lhjr, ilk. JMMrr In earaequenw of th* death <3 anti history of missloun are Hinotig Henry Ftelrer, the Into AtdSml Trenatier uf fc<1 ^ ^ ^ weaker $14 Kxtre their work ; n rlii-tirsian is rentlv for <ta American Bible Oueiily, lire Aaxllian- 5#, and are wdl forward either or teni, printinff, and a now translation 0 f 8“^ *T uU > •** the Scriptures is almost colli |ilftixl PRICES—A Fair Offer. One of the ehnn*lM*s rnntains 470 baptisctl persons. Thr (Erumruirtil Counrit,—Tlie Prntefftfillt Chxreh Assembly at ,Stuttgart have mlojitetl a cotuiter- athlreM to tlie Pope’s letter to the Pn>t<>Htniits. They say: “We bold with Lntlier ‘that the l’ojie is not the ht-ivtl of nil (.'hristemlmn jure tlirlno or l»y the w-onl of God, for tllWt Office iH'loujf* to one alone, who is nilltil .R-hiih Christ, hut he is inily thc bishop or pastor of the Churches of Rome ami those who have will ingly submitted to him.’ We are re- sol veil to deti-ml and preserve the machine*,' he* uf fri-igtd, to ptecr* wlrere no I reqiuratral to make tlreir romtltaacua payable to j *“•** I “’TV*' ***■' *.'** ** n It I .a. ' Mitral, that ww agro* te rolhud tbe meur? it an? BlISA Sod ITI, j ^ w irere* to Mon, th* LukiMt fr*C of fcrtgllL, alter a Blunt It'll trial, according to direction*. highly honored in that Synod, who ' great inheritamv of the Reforma i* a Calvinist here. The rauAm: tion lor tl.c solvation of ourselves ami Lnko xiv -20 of our children, Hml us a seenrity to j ' Out German and Scandinavian inunkiml, Roman CathoHc as well as r- kkw . ,* ... .13 an 1 m .. Per, tostsint. that the Bibht shall never tit® order ut the A MttH 4Jf Bible lluuae, Aator rfoflP, XcW York. K. A. IIOU.KS, ' Aft. A. A A for A C. All paper, ia to* Sate friendly, SENT FREE 1 M. O'Keefe, 8on A Co.’fi SEED CATALOGUE I ,lad Oak* te <Ae Planer sad Iqrlater Cordon, for 1*50. 1 >DUL18IIKt> in January. Fiery ford- of Rower* waking lira irew and raluabl* I work, ire* ofrirera*. Omuld addram imatadialaly ' M O KKKFK, SOX k 00, Kllwaagrr k Barry’* | Block, Roeheater, K. T. 0e«* c. 0. EBERHABDT, mer-haht tailor, irutoowtea turn, epp00U0 Urn Cb- Muukte, S. C.. hand tbe BK8T THE LUTHERAN BOOK STORE, .V* Mi. kVar Strrrl, /Umkl/dM, /Vaa, 18 lina proparavt to flit alt oratrvs for any of air 1 Chun-h nuUiualiuMt. ami all utlrer Tlieufofi- cal and UiracUatK-our norkr. Suntlay School# will find it to their advantage to terra us with their unksr* S|«vv*l alteutioo gfrau to th* ack-ctiun of Librariea. Seraioa l**t*y and a wn-eral aaaortment of Suikmarr atetaya on hand. Add raw* order* to T. L. SCHRACK, Sup’t, P. G. Box 1880 May « , 48—tf rc&TUUEK. T HK Wind., Milling and Mmiufaeturiiijr UompnnF ImW alwip on hand n full So liunhand, father <W broilrer abould prrota | nuiqdy <d lire ahmre dere rvedlV popular manure, -in, tire hand* flflr. I maoutectureS from - lire Burn- i’lrjapliiite* of lb* drudgery ol waalilag with tire hand* My- two day* is Uk> y«sr. wlren It ran Ire don* better, mure e*p*dni«Mrety. with Ima tetrer, and no Injury to Uia garment*, br a Itety Cfotliei Washer, and a Cuirenul Wringer. tea isuer* aritb fxekteir* right of aula make money hat *riH»g 'Mrart Sold by drabs* generally, to wltom disci .until are made. R, & BROWSING,'Cm. Aymt, H Corllntt«lt Su, New* York. Bef* I 3—3o» libSrat, brethren are tiiflorent. True, stable (K-rsonw, individuals we (bent, are fottml among them 1 Protestant, thut the Bible shall never l ; tin be buried under the proud - tor. ■» of lofty cathedrals.” MATERIAL CUTS aud MAKKS according to lk* "Si BF.CT STYLE LATEST FA8H10X8, and te the OF WOKMASSHIP. Sept 89 T—It WM. BRIDGES & SON, tTMrsefc Hroierr ta Foreign Frnits, Candies, Nnts, Ac., XI3 Italia*ore Short. BoHitmat, Md., off. r lor sale at tire toarrat arerket price, Fovtigo PruiU, Candte* Note, J*. which are warranted to Ire of such quality aa repreaented to the pur- T.y II nicwphiftt AtdiWjr Rim,” under tlte mipervigion of h corn- indent Cta tulaL We prrmiwioo for infoniuilton as to it* valoe U|*UU varioun crop* lo the Rev. T. S. lloivuir. of I'umaria, 8. C,wImi ia our authorised Agent kr toe ahoro “Stnndard Fertliiaer n \\». C. ltt’KKI k OO, Or-n. AgH* Facto- r and tin.imwaiun MerelisnU. Xo. 1 Soulii Atlantic Whark , Cliarlcaton. 0. C. May 80 41-tl “ DIE M0DENWELT,” T HK ben aud cheapen illustrated Fashion Journal In tire world for families and ladies generally. It gives yrarly over 1,W0 IUustrelioti* 300 lull sized 1'aUera* 800 Dia grams for Braid and Kmbroidery, and 18 large Uglily colored Kled Kngrarmg*. It must be area to bo appreciated. Specimen copie* 34 cent* Yratfr, $8. Krery number contains from ten to twenty- are foil sited paltetiM of almost every dose ip- tioo of Udra' and Cbildreu’s (rttmrents Send for epeebnen. S. T. TAYLOR, Importer, 391 Canal Street, New Yuth. O'KEEFE’S Large Winter Head Lettuce. KSSRS M. O K KEF, SOS A 00., tire well laj. known and reliable Seed Importer*, Grower*, and Fturaiti, KociteOev K. Y, Itarigg grown and tborougtily tested this new variety lor tire past three year* bow oft-i ik to Ike pub- a FINK ASD YAH'ABLE acqvtolre* the market and private garden, aa it is for nee folly TURKK WEEKS EARLIER tlren aay other variety of IretUiee, except tliat groan under glass. « wig stead toe HYakr n-gfa.isl finOrrl.o* im Or oddrW of enr aertero* rtimalro. It form* OOTJ large, solid, and exceed ingly tcwler, grrvtiish yellow Ms, lire uotehle leaves being of a browhadi ting* Order* for Seed a-ili he reeeirod now, to be 8 lied by null, in sealed packages at 60 cects each, and can only bo laid GBTFINX AND TRl'K at their establishment. Order immediatelv of M. O K EKE, SON A CO, Rochester, N. T. Sept 8 3—(jy WANTED. A GENTS to sell a new book of great value to Karmen, Median ic* and Workingmen of all tradea and oeeupatiou* 13U< Edition now ready. The flKMEKS AXD Meat.lX/CS MAXIAL Kdited by CKO. R WARING, Jg. Aatosr *f • of AyrimUmr," " tlroin- isf far Profit and for HraUk.'' oat form- tt1y AyrieuUmol Engimtrt of On- trot for, Far IV*. 400 Octavo Pago* aud over 800 Illustrations. . TV Xar Orirtuu TTm<* say*: “ It is a hook which should tie in lire hands of every Fanner tad Meclistiic." TV AVir Ortroua TVstyaae say*: “ So valu- ' a book sliouki be (hand iu the llouse of • Farmer and mcclanic; its elegant illoatra- (fill make it wdcome erciywliere.*' i Active raen and women can make more moricy t*d give better mtisfoeiion in spiling this hook Item any work iu tlte fieW. Send for 1C page circular, (riling all about K. U TRKAT k 00, Publishers, No. C44 Broaduwy. N. V. Sept 1 2—Jin South Carolina State Agricoltoral and Meehan* ical Magazine. (fJrie.u/ fhwta of IV South Carolina Stott Afri- cuitaot and MahmiaU Society.) k tlovo April 88 E8—-ly T an early date tbe subscribers will publish li»e first Dumber at « Monthly Mapkainc, ovoted to the development of the matcnal ia* U»re«tt of this State, and the whole South j and will dial “ * ~ ■ ‘ OH (H UVVTV gwu *»* 'UK fohicii must redound to the puldio wtlfarr. Persons wialiing copies of lh» first nuo.ber * ill please send tl.eir address to Walker, Evans b Cogawall, CUAKLiSIW, & C, m