The Lutheran visitor. (Columbia, S.C.) 1869-1904, September 01, 1869, Image 3

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|- ' that 1'lom of |m*d I© Irishop I'w,’ ho I, darwt piantical wan- l his |<l«t the 1 Dtp sg. °m An J family; |Uirt»am I'* (‘lean Ml and mporior Nn the py> *ii« would and. en hu ll hav« ' ■> hot,’ ll<l. gPS- |t to the The Nrtwa nwunont lyaioian, frl. On Ihooaae, ■ken the |**ration Ida. It fends to pienting Usdaia to her |he effeet If one of |hes the Tumult |the nun fair lie- fi'eate a whole linn- id before flie win nth the |to the in- > arrived at i inlay , in spite (thepeo- ■eveuiutJ, find been kirk had er doing to the It" attac k It of the Seal hour inters of was in- |fed with uss in the f<> liieees. of their amber of Id, but a up to the Jesuits I" ■ f, the dLs- Later | iior and mider a | in want, [*le. Sol- Rie town.” govem- Jtennined of the |three ttie laymen . Ip Linz, a lug dared as the I lias been |il iuipris- subver- 111 mister Sed the Its, that by their Inly valid priest vol- fereuce. one of ries in whose one. of invited Europe iake of the en- secular tpected g CEcn- e Pius, appear; efer to ter the fs» Chinese become against | are seek- indigtii- kI upon liarge of invited i a public lemselves possible, lie table, t ailed in tlid, first glish. •r Iatolemmr Giving IVtiy.—Tlie ex tent of the bigotry and inhumanity of the phpacy in Spain may be inferred from the fact, Which was thought worthy of being telegraphed across the Alautic, that a Itoteatant had recently been buried in the general cemetery in Spain, the first t"whom this privilege has been t>Xtend<sl. Borne would deny the tites of tmrial to Protestants, as ,ell as Johor them from entering heaven. in Efftmimtical Reform—Tlie cm .^[orofBnssia has recently pnbUshtsl an Iinetpwte'l decree, by which he abolishes the hemlitaiy character of the Rosso-Greek priestMbod, which it baa preserved since the time of Peter the (ircat. J With their families they number nearly 700,000, which execs aiv® number occasioned great pov- among them, and made it difficult for the church to provide fig their subsistence. A better pro vision is to be made for the maiu- teiuuuv of the priesthood, who are to be greatly reduml in number, and distributed on the basis of imp Illation and moral condition of the population. Firmly rooted in the faith.—The new queen of Madagascar seems to have heartily and intelligently ac cepted the .Christian religion, and has resisted the efforts of Humanists to seduce her from her faith and give her sanction to their worship. They succeeded in gaining lier eon amt to Is- present at the inauguration of a new chapel, ami made great preparations to receive her. She however, only advanced a few stcjis into the chapel, and having received the tribute money jniid to the sover eign in acknowledgement oflicr nomi nal ownership of nil lands and build ings, immediately turned to leave. The priests attempted to detain her, and even threatened her with tin- anger of France for thus slighting tin- papal religion. She continued ffriu, replying, “Then- is nothing in tin- treaty that obliges me to pray with you,” ami left. Xot Wanted.—Tin- king of the Sandwich Islands has withdrawn his patronage from the ritualistie “ He- fumu-d .Catholic Church,” which, contrary to the usual comity lietwei-n missionary aorietka, was introduced into the islands; and the entire membership of the chnreh has sent a letter to England requesting the diseontinuanee of the mission, and desiring a Low Chun-h (Mister to ls- sent them, pledging his entire siqi- port. NEW WORLD. LUTHERAN. An iiiitiiensc hum ion < >f Swedes, Xorwegiaus, ami Danes, this year, has added largely to the membership of the Lutheran Clinreh. From Swe den alone fifty thousand iiersons have cotue this summer. Most of them are Lutherans, ami it is thought that sixty ministers will lie needed at once in that Church for the supply of these strangers. The four Lutheran churches of Fort Wayne, Indiana, have united in establishing a Lutheran hospital, wbieh is to he open for the jioor and sick of every creed, color, and coun try. A'site of twelve acres lias lieen purchased at a cost of 13,600, in the £ ern part of the city, and imme- steps will be taken -to erect suitable buildings upon it. Bev. L. Gottwalil has lieen so im proved in health as to be able to enter upon his work as pastor of the English Lutlienin congregation at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. PRESBYTERIAN. The, next session of the Columbia Theological Seminary commences on Monday, the 20th of September. (treat Meetings Tlie city of Pitts burg will be culled on for large hos pitalities during the coming autumn. The American Board of Commis sioners for Foreign Missions will meet in that city on tlie 5th of Octolier, and the two General As semblies of the Presbyterian Chnreh will Wet in the same city on the 10th of Novemlier. » The Committee on Systematic Beneficence of the last O..S. Assem bly report that it will require at least #68.1,000 to carry on tlie operations *f tlie Boards of the Chnreh for tin- year. The Committee says: “The niniilier of communicants reported “ tb< ‘ Minutes for 1868, is 252,555. Deducting one-tenth as a proper allowance for those who are absent and for such as may be really too Poor to pay even a moderate sum, and omitting the Synod of Northern India, there will still remain 227,000 communicants. This will give an average of a little less than $3.02 a year for each communicant, or not Vote six' eents a week, per member, meet the sum required for all the Boards.” vf the above sum $270,000 are for oreigi, Missions, $175,000 for Home #17,000 for Education; *w,(K)0 f ()r Publication; $64,000 for “nreh Extension; $40,000 for Dis- awed Ministers, au<l $16,000 for rr ee<lmeii’s Missions. THE LUTHERAN VISITOR, COLUMBIA, S. C„ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ], 1869. Special Notices. In May, June ami July the receipts of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions were $20,811, a gain of $5,230 as compared with 1868. The paymenta for the same quarter, how ever, have increased to a gtvater extent, anil far exceed the receipts, vis: $88,100—an increase of #5,- 902. The treasury of the Bonn! of Foreign Missions of tlie Reformed Chnreh lM-giin this year with a debt of $24,(100, and while the monthly current exi»enses of the mission work are uboiit #5,000, the eontrilmtions from the churches for the months of May and June were iilmut $1,000 for each month. MISCELLANEOUS. #> Tin- Assistant Bishop of Kentucky, who recently preached iu Cliieago against the protest of the liiuhop of Illinois, is to .Ml-ilpy one Boston pulpit during August, ami another in September. Tliis year I)r. Tholuck of Berlin University, celebrates his fiffieth juhilee-M-tlint is, it is fifty years since he received his apisiiutuu-nt as pro fessor—and at some time during the year he proisisi-s to gather around him all those who have, in his long ami lulstrious life, served him us amanuenses. The Rev. Dr. Barns, Senior lfro- feasor of Church History iu Knox College, Toronto, died last week, iu tin- eighty second year of his age. Dr. Bums was one of the delegation which visited the United States more than twenty years ago, as the repre sentatives of the Free Church of Scotland, lie was a man id' great vigor of mind, and much t-4evincd anil loved liy those who were brought into contact with him. Current News. A Washington Alderman is a waiter at a Saratoga Hotel. There are twenty-two colleges iu Ohio. Their aggregate endowment is alsmt equal to the lus-ds of otic modern first class university. One of the most snqirising things in this age of wonders is, that the Turks are Is-giuning to discuss the question of educating their females, whom they have always regarded as slaves, without minds or souls. Koliert Morris, one of tint signers of the Dcclurotion of lu<h-|M-mh-iicc, who managed the national finniuTs with such signal ability, Hu- latter years of his life in imprison inent for debt. Tlie Georgia Press Convent ion as- seiuldiil in Atlanta on Tuesday last, and was culled to order at tlie City Hall at 11 o'clock. Alsmt forty newspu|s*rs were rvprcKcutcd, there being but one proxy. Bulwcr is now seldom mm iu the House of Lord*. He is mi un old man, and hsiks wustnl, ns if'his day wfi* dime. He has quit writing, come down from the elouils of ro mance, anil walks the plain old earth “gloomy and unhappy.” A convention of laTsiring men, held recently in Virginia City, Nevada, passed resolutions declaring that “the importation of Asiatics and tlu-ir em ployment in the mines, or other fields of lalior, must lie discontinued, nr it will bring on .an ‘irrepressible con flict,’ likely to end in bloodshed and ruin.” John II. Read, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., obtained a patent for making (taper from the cotton plant. A gentleman who reached lticti- nrond by the Cheso|s»ake and Ohio Railroad on Monday evening, says the entire crop along the road be tween Richmond ami the White Sulphur Springs, a distance of over 390 miles, is literally parched to a crisp. Friday last was the annual gath ering of tlie fat men at Norwalk, Connecticut. John A. P. Fisk, of New York—weight 358 |smnds—was elected President. .MK) pounds was nothing uncommon. 140 (s-rsons were present—whose average weight was alsmt 250 (mantis. A Nashville piqs-r says that bath ing in the Cumls-rland River at present is (x-rft-ctly safe to those that ean wade. No swimming required to get across that great commercial artery. A Tennessee pais*r says the new comet has no tail at all—that it is a kind of sky tadpole, just emerged into a celestial frog. St. Peter, Minnesota, was lately visited by so copious a shower that in a very few” hours the streets be came navigable for canoes. Taylor Blow died .in 8t. Louis yesterday. His life was insured in fourteen different companies for a total amount of $117,000. lie had done this for theliem-ftt of his credit ors Isaac- Switcher, now in the Mary land Penitentiary for cow stealing, has been left $80,(KM) by nn aunt. He has three years to serve yet. Capitalists from the North have purchased the Thorton estate in Fairfax County, Virginia—100,000 acres. A serious riot Is-twecn whites and blacks is reported in Macon, Tenn., In which the negroes threatened to suck tlie town, and it ia said wounded several of the sheritTs puw m-nt to qnell the disturbance. Theriot grew out of a fight la-tween a negro uud white boy. A few lades, and the first, of the new cotton crop have come to the New York market. That from Geor gia, classed us low middling, was sold at uuetion for thirty-six cents a a pound, and that from Ahtlauna, classed as strict middling, brought forty-eight and a half cents. 1800 is a year of some notable centenaries. It is tlie liiutdreth from the birth of Hitiulioldt, of Cnvier, of the first Brunei, of Wellington, of Moult and Ney, and Sir Thonms Iatwrem-e. In inveiitkina, it ia that of Arkwright’s Spinning.leuiiy.whieli gave such a spring to all the eotton business of the world. A still greater, |ierhn|ie, is Watts’ Steam Engine, tin* birth of bia son James, mid the fiftieth since he himself died. Tin- Savannah Republican, of the 22d instant, contains the following notice of the now railroad project from Atlanta to Tenillc: “We id I in Ini briefly jNwtenlay to the (inijn-t of u railroad from Teuille, in WashingtiNi county, through Mil Icdgcville aud Eatouton directly to Atlanta. Ttie pmjn-t, ationling to our Is-st uifonnatiim, origiimttil ill the Intter place, and'is linqsistil as an extension of tha< Air Line road from CiiH-innati to ChattaniMigu, and thence by the m-art-*t route to the Atlautie mast. It fc said that tin- new rAsd w ill effect li sa\ iug ef front' thirty-five to forty miles, uml, ciaisc queiitly, a mliietiiai in time aud charges.” r* ik® Ushma VWlor. Femals Seminary Ifiauwroir*, m p . A ll I m .J of |l 14 » LiidlMt ■■■ ■ J. —i.». jxinraM^ ivMn fin gnturi, wtui Ibe adraal^pa of • noble «IUkst, a baaaWal aa4 kaaltlilul kxsiion, aaipta iffaoaila alumni wiUi (raw aad alinittbef}, and a larga eorpa of com- latent ami rxprri*M*d Uadiera. Sptclal bctUlira la 0v» departmanu of Mudera UngiMfea, Muair and Arts Hoard aad lultiaa In all Ui* atadlra of u» rtfnlar oowar, astodlac LaUo, lor lha acbol •Wie yaar at Ian montiin. ftoo. Iu BiaiaaaUi Annual fltaricti UySna Monday. Sept. CCh. For Oalaloguaa or nay fiaairad interna hoa, add ms Rrt. W. r KYSTKH, tl Ilagrrsowa, Md flfll K Aral ana druleal yaar «f llila Inalitullon 1 cttnmeiwed as tko lemnd Moular is Augipt, INS. Ttw Mm of lha arbuol ta-uif to |naua«o tlw caaaa «f elnoation, sueb a courar at atudam win be adoflad aa ta aaual In Ana c'aaa laaulutioaa Tka dariplim ut lha Hrlaool wifi be srxt, yal mild aodyaraoial Tlw luration la hmWiy, and Uia aiorala of Ibr community will nxapiiw tararaWy mUi any ■mint in Uaa Stale. Halea if tuition per'qaartaT uf throe umutlm ia I' titled Sialaacurraacy ; l*ritwary Kaalinli IVjanaaat. || tA ll-rttar E»|Mi Draaukaa 4 It MatUrmatiea, Latin ami (Mark la«Q»sia. « 00 Hoarding (mr mnoik..,.., * 00 aoMirn will to tharpil ooly lialf (ubatir mioun Far any Astimr infarmathm addmua at I Sue RJdtir. Utinotun, 8. C.. Stlwr Rrv D. Knan. Chairman Ihof l of TrmUroa, or Prof 8. E Ctvuaa ii. I-iaatdrsI IWmdy Pina Kidy® Is- Mibttkw. top I 1-tf PULPIT EDITION OF BOOK OF WORSHIP. M I MISTERS and congregation* will pleat •and hi thair ordata at ooeo. Tan p eanv diaoount made to- Ihoaa who bay quant ltia«. ii ^ «*'» fifii EngUth Turkey, gl DUFFIK k CIIAPMAM, PUtokrr Columbia, ft. 0. ttos i a—if THE DEPOSITORY or THE N EWBERRY^ COLLEGE. Jkmurlf Incafed ui Kewherrg, hut mew in WAIJTALIA, M. C.' m | ——- m ' W AXI1ALLA Is a plea asm Inland rlUara at In ; TV Am larmloua of Ine Bhie Ridge Rail- nmd. oonnecling arltli lha Ummvik. A Columbia j Railroad. Tbta little village i. noted for Ita baahl.y ailuatiuu; Ita InliaUlanU breathe the mountain nlr, and It Ima lirouma of lata a Kummar rtuort lor Urnm liriu* in malarioua dialrirU. Tim atudi-nl* pci ana tlu-ir Rudies no! ooly fore from malaria, but last expoaed to the temptaUona and trie** at larger town* aad citkea. to tuaUriog care of Urn Tim College ia tinder Urn _ _ Krangrlicnl Imilmraa Synod nl South Carolina as I oaa a HS m m natAu and ad>aeenl, wbosa deairo and etforta are MAKTliAMD S. 8. HIVIOH, I to maka It equal to the first institutions ef the g furnished «ith an onauipasaad aaaorimaM 1 k . w . ,n ‘ha Stala. Tbo adrpnUgaa an aa grrul. «i »v<i-) llmig m-c-aanry in Urn organiaaikm and managranent of Sunday St-liada and lllhlf CUm a, ke. compriainx Lbrarha. uniformly Bound, Imtb-rvd and Sumbmd, library and l-mumm IVmAa of liiqlMM noellanco and beauty. Hooka, Ciaaa Book*. K. 8. llyam llnoka. Roll Book*. Muaic Hooka, I'irlurn Cards aad Reward Ttikata, Oouimaaiarimi. btbki Die- | Tuitlaa Prsparaiory IVp't, ttoaarloa, Seriptura Mapa, and otlwr books (W- S “ (hteVMia 10 * W T ™ tlR ' r ‘ ln explaining I heir S. B —Sup-riincmh-m* aud Cibrariana who call l*> likAtke a oelwfiion, u»ay <>r»L-r bv wriling, and may exrimnga for otimr hiuka aueii aa afiei iita(mtlion no not uml Uirir Wiihea pro rhlau they are M injured. Calakurima will b. AmwanleL puotagr paid, tu a ay addnaa » Imwvw rvuuaated. Addroaa r«y R orVnrAi.t. H«, t , Ko. 13 W. Payrtie Slrrrt, Aug IA l--tf Business Department. Answers to Lettsrx. Rev. 1{. C. Holluial.—Thunk yon. Can't. Bro. Miller, who is oair niter et mrlior ego, will represent us. lte teivt- him kimtly, ami make our heart glint by miiuy uahlitious to asir suhs< ii| list. Rev. A. J. Brown.—Ita-tsin it till ymi get more. Rev. A. Phillippi.—I'lnl.uibliillv. Rev. P. Derriak—Right. Will try. _ " Moneys Received. SOUTH CAROLINA 8Ut« Agricultural and Mechan ical Magazine. lha inatruoriuaa as Uawouglk and the discipline aa parvntal. aa can to a.cured at mold Collegaa. The ueearaary axparwn, board, tuition, liglit, feet, Ac., era aa modernt* and rraaunaUe •• any other iaatiimioo Iu tlm fiouthen. Sintra, vix: Board ia private betiUca, per month, glA 00 Tuition CnUrgiale tfop'l. •• “ 4 AO Tuition I'rrparalory liep't, “ " 3 00 Tuition Primary Dep t. ” “ I 50 iacKk-ntaJ exprnank Iron M to 50(ta. per luonth All atndcnta an required to attend lha religious ■Jfrkea of tlw Lutlntao Ohurcii, unlcaa by WT ttru rrqwal parents or guardians do igtinla wane other place ■/ woaaHip. Tltosa who desire to give Uicir sons or wards a litoral or buaiacna education, a-ould do well to ouumdar lha adrwnagaa of Nawtorry Far further particular*, address R*v. J. P. HVKt.T7.KR Prreidmt. Walhxlla, & C, Dec. I. I«C8 WYTHEVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE. Win laiiiilirifflit. $2.50 !■«)* tax HH I,’c\ J ILirliMiaii, 2-50 44 IOC Miw 1! AikIiiUhi, 4.00 44 156 8 W Itai-hniuii. 4.4M9 44 lit J I, UnMfevloKf*, -4.00 44 1.56 G IlriKt, 2-50 44 IOC MihmC Itamlmrt, 2-50 44 IOC Mrs G ILiwt-rx, 2-50 44 IOC Misffll Damlinrt, 2-Vl , 44 02 H*‘V D II little, Ufi 4* 110 II IxiyiiK, •2-50 44 ioc C 8mit^, 22)0 44 toe M iss 8 C I hvhiT, 2-50 44 IOC J \V I.iingftinl, 2-50 44 IOC 8 T Shank. I2!5 44 78 M I* Miller, -1AJ5 44 78 Mi-re N laiMhliaiich 2-50 44 IOC G liPiiihart, 2-50 44 IOC Mm A Yomt, 2-50 44 ioc Mm II Ymmv, 2-50 44 IOC Mm V FUmt, 2-50 44 IOC Miss F Y<uk-«-, 2-50 44 ioc J F Bchinuer, 2-50 44 112 J F Fit-k«-n, 2-50 44 IOC MnK Ilnrifire, 2-50 4* IOC 1$ Kragj', 2.50 44 IOC Kfv K Cimgliiimii, 2.IK1 44 112 Mrs I, Itaylor, 1—5 44 * 7* Mm Jano k Dull, 1.25 44 7* J{t*v (’ Dt-unl. 2-50 44 IOC Mm J G Koilier, 2-50 44 105 I) 1) Koilier. 2-50 44 105 H A Hamer, 2.50 44 104 J 8 8mitli, 2-50 (4 105 Her K A Ihillfis 1.50 44 .19 Thus Ihiviif*, 2-50 44 IOC J White, 2-50 44 KM Sot J Hnydw, 2.00 44 KM Major E 1’ifrr, 3.50 44 150 Mrs (' M Brovnn, 2-50 in ftlll. Doty's Wafihing-Machine, UTHT M«*«”M IMrMOTMtb— A*l» TMK UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, I IMPROVED wuh Koarvu a Paraarr Dnrau Ooa-aanu aad tto Patcxt Smr, am now iin.pwul.maMr Aw mpmer to any apparatus for antenna dethaw aaar larnlit and nil anra Ikair cat lan a yaw, by anring labor aad chdtos. Thune who tore asste them give VnSiamay aa fottnwa- *'r laka mw awkin- much; could aa to (wnnwlrd to d>. without M, and with lha aid of I Alter, wa had that wr am aamtm of da puanmn. —Aa. L. Sett. Aafor JH A CkarvA. "It ia Wurth ana dafiar * wrrk in tasty toady.'—Jf. T. f. Anar. "In lha laundry af mj laaw date la a fHTprauaf n m Maafaya for to inmutaur.”—fiArr. ffoadtor L CVfto. ' Krrry week hat ftmu R • atmogee toM ' upon H r ittrau of the fonulrn of ihr lauac ! dry.—A*, f Ohawr. anmay, aai^l coa.i^r^ir^noa.1- fim. t^r ^^kdtaaaa, "Faixxn Dorr—Vour to imfrovcaacat of] W ate Mag Uac'dan w a aaafhte ggn r* you that haw Mart,me aft.r a y b (bought more of today I boo rear, would md to ported with utalrr Any un will ptnoor orud ihoir a Walker. Beans fi Cogvwell Cnxntaaim. A C. DAVIS Sl MILLER’S - Sopenor I RiiUy Coicentratei FUrorlmg IitiMti: WTTSa ALMOND. MBCT A KIR B. aVNAMON. VANILLA. imun. mum. •inn Rjw. K. H llrDuNAUk, wbo will Onng ef for JfouA OarmUm Aate .tyre rputfi liAimto will to re-epeaed on tlw ntodateJArteamltoaq,.) A. Aial Tl.umday in Bapirmlwr. under the . auprrinteiidcwca of Itsv. K. H. MrDoiAUi, A T an early date U.e ailarnUti will pubhali emwteO by a corpse of competent Trodwrt. lha Ami number at a M.mthly Magoune. | Tim ouuraa of uwruction will embrace all the devoted ta Ilia drank.pmewt uf tin- material in- branefieu of a thorough adocmiou. te-nute of this 8 ale. sod the whuk Mouth ; snd The lustitulioo having ton chartered willi will dtatnbutc fire thousand coptes grstuibmaly. j <wllrglsle powm snd pntilrgus. Dipl-miss wilt so that ovary saw may tea what it ia before tub- be awarded to all those who alu.ll tore ouas- *-riling They intetel to make it the tote site pbled lha regular enurta aatwfoctorily. Imndausiwat indualrtal Msgadoc tm iiubiulwd I'-tpito mum aoter poiwrually os ik firm day •I Ibe Rank and they aak the cordial eo tqora- “f >*w Heateon. aa no dedoctioo will to made for turn of every good icHiaea iu this enterprise, j atoruca which mum redound to the public wteforv. I Mmh literary and Bearding Drpartnmita will - defies of the firm nuuibrr ^ “°drr Ow imnwdiato core of I r addn-as lo MrDoXAtii and Mluv M reside in tlie Insutulion TKI1MS Men sessiox or nvx uoxrue: I Tuition in Prepambrv Ileportment.' glS Oft “ “ Collegiate Department 20 00 - Musical Ib-panuwut 30 00 “ -' Mudern Lacguagc*. each 10 00 - Xardh-sruk. KtnbroHU-ry. kc. 10 00 - Drawing end Pointing 10 00 Cuae of Piano 2 50 I tirnduating Fso. 2 50 Ikunl per Soaum. of five luonlli*, includ ing wateiiog. light*, kc 33 00 iliarget mum to paid in advance So pupil prepaid, pair of snd two towels, ri.liter dwincclr and sed u» Rev. K. H. MrDnXALn will receive immediate attention IFr«lM.vA, Foftato, J.U. I860 8ep 1« 31 MACK.[ LKMof « l‘*\ »* ftAXAXA. ALLATH V. niis ArrtflL MTKAVMOUIY. j will be retained longer than Area are Each boarder ia required to furnish r pillow case ' atoxts, uua pair of pillow j Karli pupil mum have her indrlhbly uarkol with to. They ismart the delirious Savor ef dm Fruit ta S- (Vrmu Water Area, Jetlm, CWards, .‘VdAst., fibsr Jfoagr. ffourrs, (Un, Ml arret Water Byrmpe, (r. AH wt ark ia a treat. Many of the first darn Ratals sud Fsmilas ihroughosiqhs Cana try mar them, and wa rater -o lha prw- prvsoars at all the firm class Hsirls iu our d|y la pror» (heir supniar rxraflauru. rnrctui rut av DAVIS It MILLIU. Bsltimora. cuaiDe Marik’s Radical (’are Trass. your y*rwt /Vvafa, ** Airrr Mr-ini " *'-tfur yieltwU /fo^ilhlf,'* worovkW by tibt 1M2. Acknowledgements. NKWHKURY COLLROK. Vie, tlio Hiilute-rilK-nt, (tnimirw- to nay to the Trea«im*r of NVwlu-rri' Uollt-({p, (Dr. A. K. Nonnun, Will lltilln, 8. U.,) #29 (M-r ytmr for flvt- i-onNceutive ynin*, 8e(>- tt-inber Int, 1809, for the (iiiiq"^- »f miHtuinint; Nt-wU-m' CoUprp : flu- tuition of one ututU.nt RimrautdDl liy tlie Botml to each siilmcrilu-r tor tlie Kiiiue term of five comni-utive jetirs. Them- niitmcrijitioiiH are not to be (U-imtnilerl until 150 KiilwiTils'rs are aAmrfrri * J 1’ 8inelUer, Wolhalbk, 8 C J N liutt'niun, ('oliiniliiti, 8 G .1 I’ Anil, Newlierri', 8 G J A 8li(;li, I’onmriu, 8G R (1 Chisolm, < 'harir-ston, 8 G Muj J Ix-aphurt, Rev K ('angbmiin, Jolin C SeeRera. "Tear Wsabmg Machine Ima torn In dally am- la mat foundry, aud the housa k rrprr ampsuum s torarK as highly phmaad with Ik It eartamlf ' arcouqihmiea a grautrr asnouns of wvwh. with | bus la tor, aud dare nut error the efothrs tear so mart! aa Ihr uhl (sski mad wuahdmard. By uasgik rare laundrvus n diapraasd with.’— Wa. I if. r. Hnmmt. SapmmlraArat ef Moat /hpo.f j rant of A CWforuw'i Vurarrp. S. T. (Mg. PRICES -A Fair Offer. Scud lha rat ail pace. Washer (It. Extra } snapr $9. aad wa w.ll forward nltor at both j mfiriunrt. fit* ot KmrtU, to ptoia where tm one ia sellmg , and an aura sn. are they Wig be liked, tlmt wa agree lo nfitud the money U any I to m isliei In Mura lha tmchiwa baa at fn-igbt, •Iter a month's trial acrooliug to direction* So liuatoud. tether or tosher shnuld permit lto drvalgery at washing with the bands, filly- two days in the year, when It can to duoa toner, mote avpadiiKMaly. with teas labor, and no iiqury to lha garsnmte, by n Doty Clothes Washer, and a Cniverml Wrings r. Canrasstni with exrlasire right at sole make money font ateling thean. Hold by dealer* gvnrenlly, to whom liberal diaciioel* art made. It. £ BltOWXIXO Gem. -tynte 32 Curtbnilt 8k, Xaw York. Sept I M—IT O'KEEFE'S Lar§^> Winter Head Lettuce.' \ I K.H8RS. M. U KEKF, SOX *CO.. the we« IVI known and reliable Heed Importers, Growers, ami Floriafg llnetoaler X. Y, listing grown amkiliorouflily trated this new variety lor the pant (litre yearn, bow nffi i it lo lha pub lic as a FIXE AXD VALUABLE aoquiaiiion for brAli tbo market and private ganhbi. aa it ia ready for M folly THREE WERE8 EARLIER limn any other variety at Lettuce, except tlmt grown under glass, tl wtl rtamt tkr Winter withaml pratretwn ia Ur o Meet of ear aorOeere rkmatea. It forma vary large, aolid, and exceed ingly trader, greenish yellow brads, the outside Irarrs being at a brownish tinge. Orders for Seed will to recetrad now, to to filled by moil, iu sealed porkagra at »<> cents cacti, and con ooly to had OEXUIXK AXD TRUK at Ihmr eatabliahmenk Order immrdintrly of M. O KEKF, SOX k 00. Rochester, X. Y. Sept 1 »—fir Church Notices. Meeting of Conference The TIlird ronferraeo of the Synod of South Carolina will meet on Friday before the fifth Sunday in August, at II o'clock, A. M, at Mk Zion, Edgefield Co. The Brethren arc requested to Imprmm upon thair churches tbeir obligation to to represented. and we liope that no charge will foil lo sand a In* (lelfgAte, A* a Ml attendance ia desired. B. KRKP8, /Veeltesaf. WANTED. 4 0 hJi’TS lo aril anaw book of great value to Farmers Median lea, ami Vi'orklngmen of all trades and mcupalion*. I Sth Kdllioa now ready. Tlie FA HUSKS' ASD MKCIIA.V/CS MAXVAL. Edited by GEO. K. WARING, Ja. Author of - F.temmte of AgrteW/.rr.'—/team ing fur Profit amt fir Health.' sad firm, erty Ayneetoual Emgineor of Om- trot rark, Free Tat*. 500 Octaro Pagas and over 200 Illustraliooa. The Few Oeitaat Ttmas aaya: " It ia a book which should to in the hands of every Farmer jind Mechanic." ” The Few Orftant Pieayeuw aaya: " So vala- able a book should to found In lho liouae of •very Farmer and mechanic; its elegant illustrs- lions will make it welcome every whore." Active men and women can make more money aud giva toiler aaUafoction in selling this book than any work in the field. Send he Id page circular, Idling all about it. K. B. TREAT k CO., Ihiblubeia, So. 054 Broadway, N. Y. Sept * 2—tf offer— .W x /tefidsp Sheet. BttUemaee HI Spetafe writ aad rwt Pmte nyvrum THE tout and mom rflactiva TRUSS known lor lie- owe and rvbcf of I terms or Rup ture. Tills Truas toe recriied the mudMsi of Uw mom rariaral Ptiyahiana and Saryroos of flits country, who do nut hate- Uta tu reeuenasend it to Iboar afllietal with Her eia ns being aufurver In all ml mu. It is ibe only Truss that will rctaia the IV Max is with any certainty, and the wearer cna fori sonrei that lie ia using * remedy tint will ha at all times info and eAvtaal ia iu opera tions Of this wr guaranies entire sabalkction to tel who may come -under our t res (merit ludira' Silk Flail if Abdominal lieits for Cor- puleary, Fa'lir-g of lha Womb, aud aa a support to the Back ami Abdominal Vun-lee Ar.klrta. Knee Caps and Storkiags for Varionar Veins UV-erm and Wrak Junto Shouhb-r Branu tor Indie*. Grata and CbB- drew. Ihr the cure of steaupiag of the Shoulders d aa a Cheat Expander. Pile Instruments, the B»*t superior article ia a—ligbk rustlr sdjussed and erirctual. In- HrumanM fir all riiyairal Drkumitien. Curvature of till Spine, Bow Legs, Club Feel, Ac. I Yarn tics and Cruuhes of the moat approved she. 8 MARSH A (X). Xo. 3 IloHdar Sum. Ballimorv, Md. May 13 40-ly ROANOKE COLLEGE. r |VIIId luruutioa ia located al -tolem, Bosnuke A County. Vs, ia the toautifol and fertile Valley uf the Ruamike. in tlw midst of attractive aorarry. enyoye a to.uiBul climate, and ia sur rounded by a moral and intelhgcnt community. It ban peculiar focilMw* of aooeaa, being on the Virginia A -r Railroad, on the line of trevcf between Suunurn and WytlwriUr, and ; tot wtui the Soutlieni vountuu aud mountain wnteriug placvn. Tlwne cimimstauoiw, together i uuh a Udegraph ofik»\ giro ii errty advantage ta to desired iu a kawteuu. | The College srs. chartered ia 1833. Its or- • ganiasteoa is outupk-tr, and the doora- of interuc- trou thorough aud coniprehreMive. Ita ara-koa I rammrace annually nn the SKCXlN D W EDXES- | DAY of SKI-TEMBKK, and continue ten mouths. Eatimaiod Sxpeusea. »208. , (If Fur further particulars apply lo A C 1 WELLS, Secretary of the Faculty, or to D. F. ] BITTLK. D.D, Uremdent, at Salem. Ya. J. F. CAMPBELL, fkmmdat A prof. Straaburg, Va. Dec 21 1568 32—tf PATHS? ELASTIC ! A Sihslifitr for Hair and Feaibrn*. The Elaatic Sponge Mattress is Ibr tieelthirsk chuneak most elastic, durable and tote tod in Ilia world. The Elastic Sponge Pillows »rc* lifiil, anA, nrfH, and from an onl»«fokl»j and ui«ngTv«kbk' txJor, m moot feathers haw. The Elastic Sponge Cushions for ChuMi, Carriage or Chair, are for superior to eveu the beat curled hair, (which U never found In such onicVu.) always icuining tlie hillneaa, eery comfortable, and mucii dies per than good hair. Tbo Blbstlo Sponge ln Furniture ia much- better than hair, as it ia always foes from oxHha and all insect life; and ao perma nently elaatic as lo keep the outers constantly foil, thus adding greatly to tlio beauty of Uw Fnroiiarc. The Elastic Sponge Goods are sailing rapidly, and everybody likes (hem. Semi for pamphlets, girlng tall pariiculara, with pries list ot goods Local Agents Wanted. An A gout wanted In every town in the State, to whom will to giren tlie oxet-raive solo of these goods V NOYES. Geo’l Agent, ISA W. Fayette Street, Baltimore, Md. May IS 40—lj WM. BRIDGES & SON, Whateeate Dealert tn Foreign Frails, Candies, Nnts, &c., 313 BtMemarr Street. HaUeeeeare. Uet , off.r for mle at tlio lowest market price. Foreign Fruits, Candies, Nuto Ac., which are warranted to to of such quality aa represented to the pur chaser. May 11 40—Ora THE BOOKJF WORSHIP. Pehtuhei by authority of the KemyrhaU Xu- tktrn* Synud *f Svrtk ,1 mate*. V P|\HI8 BOOK, of 6*4 page* 24 mo., is new JL resdr. Vt*e pr$ tlie Church eight orate * n nery copy nol<l. and in tliw fray part of ibe protlM accrue lo the benefit of the Cliurdi. Price ia 8heep $1 00 “• “ Pa-k A rabc<K}ue I 25 - « Ambraque Hilt 1 T5 ** M Morocco Tuclcs, jplt edge 2 00 * “ Morocco, extra gilt 2 50 41 Turkey Morocco, plain 3 00^ 44 44 Turkey Morocco, super extra gilt. 4 00 •* 44 Turkey Antique 5 00 With gill clasps, 30 cents extra. Ministers ami C:ngregations are requested to send ou their orders at ooee, to whom a discount’ of ten per onl is made. DUFFIK t CHAPMAN, JkuhknrUrrs. Cohtmbia, S. C. Aug 5 1—tf THE LUTHERAN BOOK STORE, AV Ml, IVnr Streep PhUoeteipleia, Potto, ff R now prepared to fill all orders for any of our I Church ruMications, and all other Theologi cal and M iacellnpeous works. Sunday Srimola will find it to tlieir advantage to favor us with their ordeia. Special attention given to the selection of Libraries Sermon Taper and a geuaral assortment of Stationery always on hand. Addrraa orders to T. L. SCHRACK. Sup’t, F. 0. Box 1880. May 17 42-tf “ DIE M0DENWELT,” KfflHK tost and ctieapete illustrated Faaliion X Journal iu tlie world for families and ladies generally. It gives yearly over 1,000 Illustration*. 700 full ailed I’uttems. 200 Dia grams (or Braid and Embroidery, and 13 Urge highly ooiored Steel Engraving*. It must to aeon to to appreciated. Specimen copies, 35 cento Yearly, $3. Every number contain* from ten lo twenty- five tall tew'd paltern* of almost every descrip tion of Lod ea' and Children’* garments. Send for specimen. 6. T. TAYLOR, Importer, 391 Canal Streek Sew York. April 29 »8-ly WANDO FERTILIZER. rjYIIE Waodo Mining and Manufacturing ML Company Imv* always on hand a lull supply of tlio above deservedly popular manure, manufootured from “tlie Bone Phosphates ol Aeldey River," undre the superviaion of A com pound Che mink We refer, by perrouraiou for inliuniation aa to ita value upon vnriouj/cropv to the Rev. T. & BorNiar, of Tomaria, 8;C.,who 18 (Mir authorised Agaat fur the above '! St*mined Feitiliaer.' 1 WM C. DUKP.S A CO, Gen. Ag’ta, Factors and Commiosion Merciiante, No. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston S. C. Muy 20 41—tl CIRCULAR. T IIK und'■reigned will liave ready in » few day*, (Now on* and two now ready,) a •erica of NEW PICTORIAL READERS, peculiarly adapted to tbe tastes of children of both w-xet, and designed to bo uactal any agreeable compaoions for children in the femila as well ax in tlie school room. They bare toed prepared by REV. PROF. J. I* REYNOLDS; D. D, of tbaSouth Carolina Unteeraitr, whose ear), nant fitueas for each a work lias long toon rec- ogluxed by educators. Tbe aorta ixmriMs o I four volumes: Reynold,’ New Pictorial First Reader... fi 40 Reynolds’ Now Pictorial Second Reader.. 90 Reynold, Xaw Pictorial Third Bcoder .. 90 Reynold* New Pictorial Fourth Reader.. I 4 In three Render* the pupil ia led on step by teap in easy gradation. The volume, mem bean- tiflilly illustrated, printed on superior paper, in a dear large type, tastefully bound, and we think will compare favorably in matter aad manner Of execution with any similar book* now la use. We deem it not improjer to refer to a few of the advantage* aimed at ia preparing three ripirak Tlie enlistment of a popular sentiment iu favor of home enterpriae, whidi if now begin, to altow itself all over the Sou’ll, id. To remedy the erilferefjrwbere < of in our school*, of a continual Ten Book*—a ooally habit, iiud^ one w injure* the achooli, by prerentiug tbe cbil rrom iMMug put into rioaoea. A series of florae Reader*, it vras supposed, would to used to * gmu degree, and this serious c-ril ilina avoided., Third Economy—tbo popular series of Rend er! now in ok being too lengthy. This w rit* cuprite* of fewer numbers than Ummc generally uagd. and il I* believed that tbeir Humber* are •uBorat; while if the system wet* generally u*d in our school*, the sum a* red to parents an*l clnldreo would amount to many thnuaaiida of dollara annually. SCHOOL HISTORY | j r OF .S*Bih Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia, TOLD I* A FAMILIAR STYLE, nr PROF. J. W. DA rjDSO.Y, A. M., ; la! iii cb»u prupae:itioR. or one dollar. Pricq about sclent) -firp *; ■$* Ainu, a aerie* of WRITIXG BOOKS, Bdya and Girl*, in five numb* Lithographed. Price 25 rents damn. Ycaclicrx and Fxluators who wiah to exam ine nay of the above Works, with a view to introduction, will have s copy sent to them on rejci(* of half Uw stove retail price. DUFFIE A CHAPMAN. Boonanum axo Srinoxcan, Main Street, CWuateto, & C. | X. B.—Schools sad MerchtnU can to *,q>plied from oar Bookstore with *11 the Sehoo Books now in aae. Also. Slates Blank Books aqd Stationery generally, at low rates, tef |J*n 22^»I—tf THE LUIHERAN »FSDAT-8€H4#L 5X2ALD. T HIS brautifully illustrated mooUity paper, for Uw young of Uw Cliureh, issued by Uw Lutheran Board af Publicatiou, No. 4. Lutheran Board of Publicatiou, Xprth Ninth Street. PUUadetebfo. “ No. Peun.. will its tcnUi volume at New Year. Terms par ia advance: one copy, 25 cents; fix capita to one address, gl 40; leti copies. $1.50. Address Mu J. K. Sbbtocx. Remit in checks or poaul money otdera. Dec 13 tf £•’ l 50 1 »S if- - » TIm RELIGIOUS BOOKS. Tbe Preacher snd tbe King, being sn account uf the Pulpit Eloquence during tbe reign «f LouiaXIV $1 35 Tlie Grejaou Lcttero I 25 1)4. Wheaton’s Commentary on Matthew. 1 95 ArmageJduu, or United States in Proph ecy J •• Foster s Essay on Popular Ignorance.... 1 25 Ten Years of Prayer, with tlw Answers. By Rev. S. I. Prime IS* Henry* Meditations, with his Life 1 50 Mansefs Limit* of Religious Thought IS* Sunsets on Uw Hebrew Mountains. By JRev. J. R. MocDuff 15* TIk- Prophet of Fire. By Rev. Dr MseDuff If Morning and Night Watches By same anUtor Tlie llsrt snd the Water Brooks. By Rev. Dr. Mac Duff 1 50 Mt'iioriesofBetiisny. By Rev. Dr. Mac Puff 1 00 Scripture Text Book—Scripture Texts - arranged (or the use of ministers snd ' families , 1 25 The WonDofJesuf. By Rev. Dr. MacDnff 1 00 ■Hie Kcouomy of Salvation. By Mr*. PlKt-be Palmer 1 M Tlie Shadow on llte Ilesrtil, or Oor Fath er's Voice ukjng sway our Little Ones. 125 Dr. Tliaraweh’s Discourses on Troth 1 $0 Tlie Broken Titcher, or the Wsys of, Providence. By the Author of tlie ! Xcsreboy. etc I *4 The la nd ol Promise. By Rev. Dr. Bo ll* r 1 th Tlie Central Idea of Christi*ni|y. By Rev. Dr. reck. Extra gilt sides and edges — 2 00 Primary Platform tf Methodism. By Rev. Dr. Heokle *5 tlie Life of Trust being a Narrative of i the Lord's Duelings. By George Mul ler The Better Land, re Believers’ Journey and Future Home. By Bev. Augustus Thompson 2 lie Merer Seat, or Thoughts on Prayer. . Bv Dr. Thompson 1 The Crucible, or Teste of « Regenerate State. Bv Rev. J. A. Goodhue.. .... 4 Thomas A. Kempis’s Imitation of Christ, I from the Latin. By Payne.......... 1 Lessons from tbe Great Biography. By James Hamilton, D.D 1 Thcophilos Walton, a Reply to Theodosia • Rev. Dr. Dodd’s Discourses to Young Men Sunlightitlirough the Mist, a conversation between a Mother and her Children on • Luther and tlio Reformatio!.. Illus trated Brown’s Explanation of tlie Assembly’s Shorter Catechism 1 Kitto’s Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature. Illustrated with Numerous Maps and Engravings. 2 vote.. 8vo,...... Luther’s Table Talk..., Tlio Heart of Man a Temple of God or tlie Habitation of Sttan Stories of llte Creation. By Rev. W. M. I Thayer. 3 vote in a green box An Essay bn Apostolic Succession. By 1 tlto Hon. and Rev. A. P. Pcreival Prolegomena Logics, an Inquiry into the Psychological Character of Logical Processes. By Henry L. Manse), B. D, LLD. 12mo ’... Pycroft’s Course o r English Reading..... Book of Family Prayers By Tlioniton. Perfect Love—Plain Things for Btoec who need them, concerning th© Doctrino and Practice of Ehrhstian Holiness Religion and Eternal Life. By Ute Author of Persuasiveness to Early Du ty. Ac.. I,ine upon Line for the Infant Mind. By Aothor of Peep of Day The Harvest and tbo Reapers, n Homo Work for all, and how to do it. By Rev. Mr. Newcomto. Poem* *nd Sketches. By Eleanor DMA- worth, ol Edinburg, Scotland The Marrow and Fatness of the Gospel, a Bible Guide to Holy life....... The Bible Text Book, or Ute Principal Text* relating to Persons, Pisces and Subjects oec-i-ing in the Holy Scrip tures 10 00 1 00 1 50 50 GO 75 40 GO 50 I.UFFIK k CHAPMAN, a*m44*,A G ~~ 7. *719 . W!:.-