The telephone. (Conwayboro, S.C.) 1878-1883, April 03, 1880, Image 3

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. -y ><? . , . r : . 4 . . ^ \ ? \ i , . : . 4. > * "... .3' ' -r.. ; , Sessions was badly injured by the j falling<qf a post which struck him I with such violence as to depri ve Jiim 1 of consciousness and prostrate him in the water where he must have! drotaied had not JVIr. Collins apd Mr. Burroughs been at' hand to Rescue him. He was badly bruised on the right side, from head to l>eel, and . a . for awhile considerable' uneasiness m 11 '* y" 4 was felt for him. 'He is now* we are liappy to state, doing well, and we * , trust will soon be all right again. About a doz^n cotton bales were somewhat damaged. The shingle mill had just been put up, was ready for service, but had not - beeif used. The fire is siTpposed to have been accidental* Loss, ^bOut $2,000. No ? - insurance.- V * LIST OFTJtfRORS FOR APfllL TERRI OF . . : COURT, 1880. " GRAND JURTj^-^^ ; 1 Lorenzo D. I 12 James D^dTewton, . . 4 3 Alfqrd- T. Hui, 4 John G. Floyd, v ' ' f '* 5, Thomas AV. L. Hardee, /* G William A. King, . 7 ijamuel T. Jenerete, * , v" TIT'lli L A TV... 1 15 William a. lyuseiiuury, 9 Eli Gerralcf ; 10 Hartford J. Vereeh, { 11-William C. Reaves, ;* T2 William "UXong, 13 Mack Allen, 14jWilsonH. Tyer, 1 " -15 Ritfhard B. Singleton, * . .* 10- Soloipon Jolly^ . 17 Nathan H/Miucy, 18 Franklin A. Prince. \ - .. petit juiiy, v , ; \ ' I 9 % ' 1 Josiah Williamson, :f j 2 Samuel S. Grainger, 3 Crosoe Dewett, (col.) 4 John Hassan t, (col.)' . < ; 5 Julius Anderson, (5 Thomas Little, (col.) 1 r ' , ' 7 William J. Dewett," ,8 Cortenus Gore; 9 Alexander Bourn,. . 10 Benjamin B. Cox, 11 Isaac L. Lee, ~. T 12 Daniel Tyler, . 13 Offie E. Po\Vell, 14 Edward Best (col.) 15. Frank Graham (col.) 16 Dennis Cannon, * 17 Barney Edwards, ' -,j 18 CafcwellD. Gurganus,, 19 Asa Royals, 20 A. J. Hardee, Jr., * 21 Jeremiah Hux, 22 James P. Lewis, . A 23 A. J. Benson, , 24 A- B. Atford, , I 25 Isaac B. Parker, . . 26 Njmrod Davis, (col.) '< 1 27 Luke-Elliott (col.) 28 Wilson B. Jones, V - ' 29 Jas. N. Roberts, . ? >;%, 30 Stanly D. Barnliill, __ <v . V 31 George D- Rhuark, - . " 32 DilindD. Marlow, + ' . 33 William P. Nixon, 34 Herbert T. Smith, ? . """ ... -.' 35 John C. Stanley, A 36 Milton L. Macklin. . * The Markets* ! ?* , . s / __ _ Corrected Weekly by .E. It. Beaty* v ^ NEW YOKE. ^ V ,.134 134 Corn, raided.... 56 (?? 584 , White wvu 71 ($' 71J - ^ Oats 42 (& 44 ! * Pork .... 11 15 11 25 D. S. Sides v. 7> <g> .7} Flour, super.. "....... 5"50*(gl 6 00 Extra .-6 10 <g* Family... 6 10 @7-65 .? * Hay 00 (0, 1 00 Spirits Turpentine....'... 484<j? 49 liosin, strained.............*...l 5Q (0 1 55 r' t CHARLESTON, . Cotton 11 @ 13 Srao. C. K. Sides..*.... 84 (0 Smo. Shoulders...... 5? (0 - 6 D. S. Sides...... 74 <& 7* Flour, super.;. ^ 5 40 ? - ' * n*'/** n aa . i ?Xint.'. W V5^ U IV. *, Family65 @ 7 40 ' Fancy Family 7 65 <& 8 15,... Rice ../. 6 c<? 6} - " * Spirits Turpentine 40 ($ 47 Roain, strained....1 20 <& 1 35 CGNWAYBORO. Corn, white i 00 @ 1 00 ! . - Cotton Yarn ($ 1 20 - Pork .....14 50 <& 15 00 J Baeon,r j Smo. Shoulders 8 @ D. 18. Sides... ;... ? 8 (& 10 ! , Flour, enper ft 25 <# 7 50 j . Extra, 7 50 <& 8 00 ; Family 8 50 11 00 Crude Tnrpentine... 1 ? tai? * ~ Kr\ ' * 1 I eiiuw * Vifgin i. 3 5Q,(& > . . Scrape 7J. 1 50 <g * v . ITice?clean, pet* Iro. ... ,3 00 <&? 3 50 , ; * '' Hide?, per"lb....* * . V i / Good Beef, dry.......... 8? j *". '?,* ' li Coon each 5 <$. . i ***+ , ? * . 1 . " ?i GEOKGETOWX. , Crude Turpentine Yellow Dip....4.............#2 40<gl < - * Virgin Dtp.. 2.40 <gi . 1 -. ^ New &tope.1.80 <& THE PUBLIC . T# flpKcffed to patronize BftUTON'S Ho- < v : - . JL, W, <?t?w*vuora, 8. C. vJ \ r~' .Vv- ... f - .'J?' "v-..v\^ f 1 ' i1' 'U( *r 1 h ' i . . > f ' ' - ' V - ^ ; , M ' "- C\LL AND'StiE E\ T. LEffIS ^THOliaaJ lust received a frc*h Supi, Calicoes, ' Sho?3, FARMIITG TOOLS AND TJT E1STSILS. v. A Lot of priiie Ha^, 107 f . CHEAP I &c. JTjjST IN. BURROUGHS & COLLINS HjlVt WT'&tCtlU NEW SUPPLY OF LadMisses', Gentlemen's aad B03 Boots, Shoes and Gaiters 1IOSE AND HALF HOSE. " * ,J0 ? . ~ 1 Ladles' Dress Goods and Trimmings . .. CABLE CORD. . BE^EGE. BUTTON! LINEN GOODS. WINDOW CURTAINS. r , TABLE CLOTH! Pepper Box BLUEING. &c. 107 ; ,> . , *-Notice. l 4/ . Office Sit'Euvisoh U. S. Census, ; 3d Dist. B. C. Bennetts vili.e. y. C': March 32, 4880, "fiJ"OT$CE is hereby given that there wi Li be one*Enumerrttor of Census appdiriU for each Township within my District, wl must be a residcjit ?,of the._ Township fi which appointed. Persons desiring tl poSftibti-of . Enumerator must apply the undersigned, stating the township with which they reside. f J. L. BIIEKDEN, ? Supervisor 3d Dist. S. C. . - . ? . . Bennettsvilie, S. C. _?^ i?. ? :?- ; Highest Model at Vioana and Phlladephia. 1 AND H. T. ANTHONY AND CO, ^591 Broadway, ^ew York. ' Manufacturers, Importers mid Dealers i Velvet Frames, Albums, ,T"" Graphoscopes, ^ Stereoscopes aud Views, Engravings, Chromos, " Photographs, And Kindred goods?Celebrity,^ A tresses etc. POIITOGIUPIIIC MATERIALS. We are headquarters for ever}'thing the way of StrrropticMi und Manic I.nntcrniV Eac|i style being the best of its class the niarktrt. Beautiful Photographic Trail parcricies of Statuary arid Engravings f( the window. Convex Glass. Man u fact u era of Velvet Frames for Miniatures ar Convex Glass Pictures. - . Catalogues of Lanterns and Mules, tvu directions for using, sent on receipt of tc cents. " 95-Iy Good News ! Good News! e. t.Tewis, HAVING received a quantity of. Xe Goods which were taught at lo prices, will sell them accordingly. H stock consists in part of _ Dry Goods V - ^ Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, 4.XJL1U11S Cutlery, Tinware * v * Crockery, 4Sugar, Coffee, - Glass war Soaps, Lye, '.^v Pe:irl Grints, _j Socks,Sal t,_ r Corn?-Hay,'" Si>ii*itT Barrels, Glue, Iron. Fannin/* Utensils, &c., &c., Call and see, before purchasing elswlier Foreclosure Sale. * C3-t? W V I UneeJnn* Shorfffi ' (7U1C MJ ? * uvijoiyMwj uuv* ?... June Turner . v " r'oonsrm ' -Mi B. Beaty I ' / Mbrtfcagee. J t IN ACCORDANCE with the terms ar conditions of a mortgage 4**ecuted ar delivered to me by June T urjior, of date tl 3d day of January, A. D. 1877., and du recorded on'the 15tli day of January 187 in the office of Register of Mesne Conve ances for UoYry Lien aYid Moi gage liook marked K No.. 2., pages 345 ar 846; and upon the- Bond, for which sa mortgage was giv?n to secure payment, the ui now duo the sum of $60.22, principal ar interest; I will offer for sale, before tl Court house door in Conwayboro with legal hoilrs of sale, on Monday the 5tli dt of April 1880: * ?? . > y All and singular that cert run trait of lai containing FnfTY (50) actes, more or lei being that indentical tract of land where* tlie said June Turnet now lives, situated tile County of Horry, 8taje of Soute Car lina, and lying and being on, or near, Ced Iminch, in Bucks Township, and is bound* by lands ot Alexr. mourn, jrninp Mannn ami others. Terms of Sai.?. "One halt Cash, and t l other half oh a credit of six months, wi interest trom day of s^lg* to be secured I Bond and mortgage ofvtbs^ premises* sol the purchaser may pay" us* whtUe b in cash, if hg prefers so to do. ) The pc Phaser to pay for papery, hod: recording Bond and. lilortgM;e, IX given. fV>rmHyb<?ra, H. C.t) M. B. BEATY, March 10. "4$$p. > Mojjgngee,. . 6- -v - ~~ .. . ~ 'v Tm 'A \ ' ; ? ? ; ' - P, ; v v J - -a... -K /,? ~7 - 'r ' I . . NOTKE. \ ... Von sale on for rent. a sioh" and Bok^rV ftt Bwcksvilh*. -Apply to ~"A. A/^PKIN'GSV _ >ly 104 - tieorg"t<?vvn. K C# , Sales by Clerk of Court, v Luclan D. Bryan *) Plaintiff against' ' Complaint for Relief 'B. D. Dwinnell, v Judgment jof Court A. 15. It. Spragnc X Wtftfpring sale and pur-' ai*d ilehry Phelps ' tit von. ' Defendant to. J.'. T> v VI ltT U e of A Decret a 1 or< ler m adc -L) in tlioabove stated etue. by tlie Hon. ! J. B. Kershaw Presiding Judge, at No vein* ber Term Court, HWO.y for the County ofIlorry. I will offer for sale, l>tfore the; Court house doof, in Qpnwayboro, on theb first Monday of Aprfl next, (being the: 5th day of April 1880.) within legal sale Hours: i All and singularV That certain tract of land; lying and being-oil Little River, in , the County of llorjy, containing* Tumtv .Five (85) A'ckes., uiore or less, the same l>elng a portion of a tract of 'land formerly the property of one Thomas Randall, called tlie ' Broil a rd tract': JJounded on theNorth side by the public road leading from Wilmington, N. C., to Georgetown, 8. C.J .East by lands formerly the property of Dan-1 a iel Stanaland, 8outh- by .Little River andJ *, West by lands also formerly the property of the said Thomas Randall." , -Terms'Of sale, (bp*iT Euffioirnt to pay the cost and disbursements of the proceedings in the case and expense of sale&c., ?and the 8, balance, if any, on a credit of three months, with interest from day of sale, to be secured by Bond with good and sufficient personal security, an\l a mortgage of tiltr premises [sold, (unie8sthe purchaser sliail prefer to I pay the whole bit! in casii ?ana snail so ao.; The purchaser to pay, for all necessary , a papers^and the ^recording of Bond and Mortgage, should the-sainv be given. r -Conwayboro, 8. 0.,> TllOS."W." BEATY.' March 10, 1830. f . . C. C, K J X. f ? ill - : '? Family Groceries. [?r A FHESII supply just received 4>y v *"*" ifc'XX .05 ' J. B. BKUTON, Agent. , BOOTS, SHOES, , READY MinrttOTHING, . -k' - HATS AND CAPS, SHIETINOS, SHEETINGS, LADIES' SHAWLS, \ ' i J _ l> S WOKSTED8,' m . " ? . - PRINTS, IN GREAT VARIETY, DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, f *' i ' FLANNELS, . in BRIDtES AND SADDLES, " MEN'S AND lit DIES' UNDER WEAIt.' in A*ll*tUe above, with many other articIgb, too ntuAeroydk mention. , jf <J1 - '- " K T.-iEWLS. irul ' . . "* i tli WANTED, a smart active BOY to'wait about the house* Emjuire of 07 J. I3x BIlUTOX, Agent, -r * y 9 Turpentine Tools and Fixtures. A FULL supply for every department of tlie business constantly *on hand and for salcliy Bi uuoroiis Ac Co^j.ix*. Apr 12 l'vii w __ 1 ' . *_ W lH WILLMBSTON FEB U.B fOLLECK, Wlt1U??taB. Ss?th CaraliM. ^ Samm*t At., D. 1> , ><**?' f Seaaion* open llie First Monday. hi February and August. f Kach Session of 20 tveek* (m i|iride<l into four i?-?k. Sactioxs, [aJtil Sillowml by a Cork, vacation. Each section i? dev??t?1 by each pupil to one special *tu<lr^ih r-liiub sfcu revitcsjj.timea* day. j Thin tu-rt her f nm* t/>4 tktxtakl, r-yEvery one wbos^DKaWsHTIJ^^RYitAos is 85 or more haa j a P<?co?ot "f It U SO Mr mt op n?xt ?eaaion ? 1 aiuou 1i Cf**"*??Ai><'Anoi?? oour at th? t ad >4 wnr "SxV.ion." TblJ tirrventa - .ur Tlx itotr, ?>rh </tkr VauaIua Pwciuai run'aiu, aray 1 <Wlr ntilainad in i?t arw CatxlnfrM Ham! fir utx, and aiaminr it. J ^ Ja i^i "aQN* ill/) ax la akal law*. Mm m ai^r j ' ' ' 1 ^'ryii1 *'i ijji " ' i .' :/ ? Arica- Coffee. PARCHED ^'OFKEE jusC roct-ivcd fresh and for sale, by ,> a. / i 87 ' . iXiUUHOUGHSlcCOLLINS. -... t I-AI.iks. ^?N_ti,.o; * SEWING, MACHINES _ of olKkiixls. | makes J\nd styles, auaciimcms, piirrw r- nceUlcs, &,c., for salc\ at the lowest pricts l?v* "04 ' C. P.1QUATTLEBAUM. EST IK THE WORLD !i $ " ^ q' ldf WIIAT ** I )n \ ^ImpirA Bl-(}a|C> Sod* la of a |n slightly dlrtr whit* color. It may- ,, , o-ppc*r vhlt?. by lfacliL . , ?* \bnt . a COMP AlVirOlf WIT!! ar CHURCH A CO.?fi "ARM AND ? I^il^ER" fc-AJSD Will liow Ibo . _ -600 tHpt- yoor Holtinff Coda la wMto ancl.PTTUE, on cb<VnM t>o AhL 1C SiMILAK T SUBOTAJOCES nsetl fD?> th * rood. . 1 4 . .y Housekeepers who prefer bread inado with / - TOMt, will imprtWo its quality, rino <Vv bottcranxl prevent it from souring, by adding id ono-haif teaapoonfnl of twitch A Co/s Coda or . . . Bolcratus. Bo euro and n6t tiae too m urh. Th o " uaoof this with souf milk in profercneo to 01 Baking PdwdaP, nave* twenty titooa ita coat. o 8c? one pound par kago for YahUitlo inform^ j lion and road rare fully. * ?. "T \ H SHOW THIS TO Y00Q.QB0GEA ' a' ' ?. <- aw \* i~ v" T -* 1 ; wr" --;#? ' ' - - ^ - W , . :t C . * " , . ' 1* .... f . '>* . ~* . - , \ ? YV , A * ... J *? . .. - s i.-v >. .y 7 GARDEN SEEDS. : J>HOM itM. Kerrv on hand ami f<vrunli: I - l.y. UL'UHOlOHS U- %('<>[,UN*. A - 104-*"'"' Conway I Mjrd^'S. , rt : ESTATE NOTICE. j ALU persons having claims against Win. \j. Iktek," deceased, urc hereby required to frrrsent them duly attested to the undersigned, and nil persons-indehtejJ td said rj deceased, are requested Winake muirediatc payment to '-i. - ' pESlAI! MeO. BUCK,, 81 Executrix of the Estate of ; .. > William 11. Buck. i February lu. 1H80. * lffflUd ' J ' . w s *J Fits, Epilepsy, or Falling or SICKNESS . Permanently (Tared?no humbug?by one ' Q month'* una ye of Dr. Goulardy* {Celebrated [' InfaUibU Pit Powder*. To convince sufferers thUt these pp^'derawill do all we claim for , tliom wo Will send them by mail; jv>*t paid, I ' a free trial 2/tfcr. A.8 Dr. Goulard is the only | ** physician thut has evet made this disease a special 8tudyf and {is to our knowledge tliou* i pi{ saiuls have i>een jiehndnently cured by tin j use of these Ptkrder*y ire will guarantee a j permanent cure in every case, or refund you* aXtfnoney "expended. ' All sufferers should j give these powders an early trial, and he "~~ convinced qf their curative powers. I 'I Price, for irirge l>ox, $?8.00r or four lroxes | t for #10.00, sent hy mail to any part of the ' United States or Canada on receipt <*f price, i\r hv ?vnrr?ss_ O. (). 1). Address 1 i. ^ A8H &. jfcOHBINS. 1 800*Fulton street, ttrooklyn, N. Y. . _____ J, GUIDE TO SUCCESS, ! ' . ' M With Forms fop Business * ? v * and Society V_ is by far the best business and social guide and hand-book ever published. Much the i A latest. It ti'lls l,>otlr sexes 1?o\v to do! w everything in the besf'way. lloW to be your o\vn lawyer, how .to do business eor- e. rectly and quocessfullv. how to act in society and every' part of life, and contains a ? gold mine of. varied information indispensable to till classes foi* constant reference. , Agents Wanted for all or spare time. To know why this book of real value and tit-!., tractions sells better ithan any other,-aoply L for terms to H. 11. SCAMMEIC tfcCO., pv,.! r.: * * $t. Eoujs, Mo. : ^Wo-pay all freight. I . 91-11(1 ?-? 1? ?? . yf. Shovels and Spades. k \irkfci?ii supply 01 ames rwiovcis ana Spades just received and for sale by 80 '.v BURU|)U(if|S.& COLLINS. - ' . 'i; I?? ' . WANTED. "jSi HAVING commenced the Tanning busi- j ness, we want to lmy-all tire Beef I 1 Iidkh, Go.\r, StiEKi' and-OkKit Si^iXk pro- ; duced for Bale in this county, and wiTi pay I full market prioc for then/ bi;at^ & qi^vttlkbaum. Conwaylwro, S. C., July 5, 1871). j ^ - !J _ BUCKETS FULL OF CANOY, ]. JUST received, and for sale by - BURROUGHS & COLLINS. / f - ' I ; Wanted, - * J QQ TURPENTINE- HANDS, and "A Stiller with good recominenda- J tions, to work either at Cainhoy or Model- I Tanville. Apply ot. once,.>d either place, to r Venters a peaty, g Or to J. C. Beaty at Nichols. ' December 27. . * 94-94* <f . Estate of A. W. Johnson. PUBLIC Notice is hereby given by Ahc/ "Undersigned... That on tlu; Oth day of April next,'he- will apply to th6 Probate ? Court of Horry County, fora Final Disear/e as the Administrator of the Estate oyA. W., 11 Johnson-deceased. ; *" "- f) < .' MATTIIETW Il. SKIPPER./ 11 10.?>-l 00 \ March 4. 1880. V, Foreclosure -Sale. ; ~ (jpt UNDER POWER IN MORTGAGE. ; ' ~ John II. Ilru)on to Charles Stqvehs and James \V. Stevens, (copartners under firm . name ,und style of ^.'iisirles Stevens i J? - Brother.) , * . - ft] IN. accordance with the terms and provis-1 ions'oP the Mortgage executed by John II. HrTiton, and delivered to us on the 4th day of August,'A>. D. 48*P? duly recorded jP on the iflth day of August, A. D: 1879, in u the othce of Register of .Mesne Conveyance "for Horry county, jn jsook or recorus on Liens and Mortgages,, pages i), 10 and 11 of i Vol. I.: _ We will offer for stflo before flic court I houac \loor, in Conway boro, on Monday, 1 the T)th day of April* D. 1880. >> within D Jegal hours of rale, the' following, described fl property, to wit: " All and singular those I two LOTS OF LAND, lying, In ing and sit- U hwtc in the -village of Conwayltorm. county j m Ho.^ry jin^jStHte of South'Carolina, and I krfowd fn tfie plan'of said village as lots 270 I and 280. together with all..buildings and im- I provements thereon." I To he sold at the rfsk of former purchaser, | -Conditions of sale CAJS1I. purchaser' to pay for papers. * . ClIAHLKS STEVENS Jfc DUO. March 13. 1830. 104-107^ Hardware. PotS, __ P^tlS, ' '' J Ovens, SkUlots , Aiulirona, Shovel^, . Tun**, , . - - Sad irons, " Cross (hit Saws, , Hammers, Hoes, Shovels. ' ? . .Spades, . j Pitchforks, "v Padlocks, Stock Locks, Coltoe > 1 ills _ - Unif no A . _j wrpnxA^ ivMvn. ? ^ [ ? Handsaws, . ' ' ?AH varieties. " . , ; " ! Ivit tiVKnoVtUlS A COUAXH. . ; ' ^ * . 'x % % f . ' ' % * . V * * ' 1' ^ ^ , - ? ' "--u/.:;"'' VC :V: :T*.- v~ \ " '"*'.7 t.' -7 V-;, \ : Wii& Cloth,"^ ^K Tl^PKNfl-KK DISTILI-ERR i* v ; ' ?i/pply, every variety,'.jijat reived and for sale, by " . KS Urntan'OBS AcOrt-tnwu " ' ~ * 7"? ' ^ ' c" '* ,' 1 ()< )TH" A X F> Sfl>)EM. A nnr supply . 4 K ^ just received and for wile Uv >. J / 7? , ' R T. THAVLS.-. % ...., -- ' <4r,/' ( - " * , POLAR K }IAKT/(ommhHlon N?rL chants;* 160 Fronts st reet,V.-ork * iberal advances made on cotfdfiy naval reft, Ac. Ordersreceive prompt ^tyriltlon. r K. JLUYKI\S A CO., Dru^irr'st^ Georgetown, M-. ('...keep e<j?wtuntly* i linn^l a tar^Q-supply of Drug*, ("hVmjcalH, at ninety. Patent Medicines, Me/Ms,' Ac. CiT Particular attention given to country dqr^. bv- iy AN GOODS, Wu'itiXiX ? W.JOSEPH T. "WALSH, T TORN K Y A .YD ' CO C'N CK ILL Oil > .? AT LAW, , , * : ' ACTICES IN HonilY, GEOntiETO^N AND ' ' MAKION COUNTIES.;. n hi hi i/i hi / in v it/ ,i r hiri tin c r* '/i l ' \j J" vi/i? fw - l i 1.000 buahcla of rough 88 IJt^ituot'Giftv & Coi i.ixh. ^ Mackerel in Kits. Ill WCktfitL'L?."^ st received, by 1 w, t ' i ' RunnouG:nftl& Collins. ^ TOWNSEND & GILLESPIE, " T T O4H X E Y? A T L A W, , ill practice To the Courts of Horry county. I?. TOWNHKND, V T. K. OIl.I.RPPTK, . UKN.VKTTSVlLlV CON^TtlOKO. / "JOHNSONS AT T O U*N?K Y M t pOlTClTOttrt PoiinH^elloi^ at 'EaVi, CjnTWAYBORO, s. c. ? ?>?*? f\ If M. J0IIX80X, > ' zJ~-- " :i- t? , C. IV Qt* A TTI.E BA I'M, . TflH ^ 1 2G* tXJN'W VTlJOKtV, H. c. \ ^1^? ?y Beautiful Ladies m^RROUUILS & COLLINS.lMiva * \ T rtn-/j/T rt fnAaft-^itrvlr ki>'KiinnI?1 <> V I ?v-\l % 4 I Vyl.l|?-|<V\'V l* V/*. CVW'VIIIV^V' ft -f ?i V : p?icR?." Shawli&Jlose, ., lJuilt,CaH?{v jJTOMHf rlntu,. ^ Flnnnfel.s, TVkin^s, . ACijffs jirift Collars, ^ * .. , > SpooV Flax and. Cotton, '* 84 ' ' Perfumeries. &c. :?t... .?^^ Boots. Shoes, . "SuV > /^fl - * _ BAD7 MADE^ CLOTHING, : LADIES SHAWLS, WINTER PRINTS. : ARGE STOCKS yfall tli? v * * ft 1 >o ve (too( Is now I>*{ >e ii, 1 iu I rr sale by ?: 80 BURROUGHS St COLLINS. A m VTW HH ^ ? W Ai It Is the best Blood Purl I! er, end stimulate* every function to more healthful itcliou, uml is ^ thus a V?rteflt In all disease*. In eliminating the Impurities of the blood. tha natural and necessary result is tfreisineofHcrufulons and other skin Kmptiota aiwl Including Carreers, U|reri nmi other Hones. ' * *" Dyspepsia. Weakness of the stoninefiM-'onstlYMvtfou, JJioanness, tieneral Liability. etc., aw' cured by the ttafr Rltters. It la iuto*tual?vi~ as ait appetizer and rerutsr touie. , ? ' It in a nwajcluc which stxmlrt bi-In every fanv - Uy, and ^liTch, wherever used, v?lll a*ve the payuiont of riiany tMtJiors'bill*. '? ? r Bottles of two slses; prices,50 cents and ?l.?y ^ BterUHHiorN SafoKcm o- . dlcit tire Holtl ? by DrujfgWM \ :l* nutl l>palm v ivi Mo<11 elite 7 j.ft everywhere. V^.q ItaeluNder, Jt. V.-" A " w **-&?.d for 1'anirUeA (k ; au4,^stiu*buiai* '