The telephone. (Conwayboro, S.C.) 1878-1883, December 06, 1879, Image 4

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^ \ . Tili) U* st>lLL ^ . / ' ate* T m".\. K'l* J, J . ~'Zk- -> * .' .. -.: *- ""; . ? I -T,ANL>Y 'W<K>L>, EDllbB - ASi) ^PltOlMtfiWOK. ' ^ A _ \ ^ 1 ' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 41. ,1870'. plfr annum, lu advance \" W ? " BINilLK COPIEB^ K CENT8. M?? " jyjpPg* No paper will be discontinued by re ?r -1 Hap* to subscribers i n t be county, unless at V^mir option, putil all arrearages fire settled. V ; ftATI# OF ADVBttTlSHNu;. - . ' #1 per* Hqtiarc, one inch or less, for the first, and 60 cents for each subsequent iuserlion. A libera! discount will be made to regular advertisers. ' <HT No communication without the acrompnniinont of a responsible jiaifte will be published, bid the wnter may withhold his name .from the public. r' J ^ The V^orld ifor 1880. Democrats; everywhere should inform themselves carefully alike of the action of their party throughout the country and of the movements of their Republican oppo/ ' nents. A failure to do this in l#?# contrihntoH (rrcotlv lit tho l(Ma Kv thfl TW?nwiprHPV ' of the fruits of the victor)' fjiirlv .won at the polte.-.' The year 1880 promises to be one of the r - most interesting and important years of this thgLhndl eventful cbntury. k U wii^witjicm aTresideutial Section which may result in re-establishiiig..thc Government; of . this country on the principles Of its constitutional founders or in permanently changing the relations of the rijtates to the- Federal power. . No intelligent man can regard such ' an election with indifference. The World, v as the only daily /English newspaper pub. / fished ih the citv/of New York which up, holds the' doctrhJes of constitutional Domo4 cracy, will stoulily represent the Democratic party in.this great canvass. It will do * this in no spirit of Servile partisanship, but temperately and tinnly. As a newspaper, The W<yid, beint" the organ of no man, no clique and no Interest, will present the fullest and the fairest picture k can make of eacjrpassing (lay's history In the city, the 8Uue, the country aqd the world. It will aim hereafter, as heretofore; at accuracy first of h v.- AM things in all that it publishes. No, .^kow^yer humble, shall ever be permitted tru" /q^PrcompKin that hetias been Unjustly deiut / - with in the columns of The World. No in-' / torest, however powerful, shall ever lie \>er/ mltted truly to boast that it can silence the fair criticism of The "World. During the past year The World lias seen its daily circulation trebled and its weekly circulation pushed far- beyond that of any ?ther weekly, newspaper in the country. This great increase lias been won, as The World believes, by truthfulness, enterprise. " ceaseless activity in collecting news, and unfaltering loyalty to itself and to its readers in dealing with the questions of the day. it is our liopeund it will bo our endeavor that The Ai\ orld's record for 1,880 may be written in tlie approbation and^ the. support ofnmnythonsunds moj-e of new readers in all purts of this Indissoluble TTliioiv bf itTttestructible States. Our rates of subscription remain tmchanged, and are as follows : Daily and Sundays, one year, #10; six months, #5 50 ; three months, #2 75. Daily, without Sundays, one. year. #8 ? . ~ ssix months, #4 25; three months, 2 25; less than three months #1 a month. The Sunday World, one year, #2 The Monday World, containing the Book Reviews and "College Chronicle/' one year, " ; $1 50. ? The Semi-Weekly World, (Tuesdays and Fridays, j a year, #2. T.o club agents-an " extra copy for-Club of ten; the Daily, for * club of twenty-flver , The Weekly World (Wednesday) a year, #1. . To club agents?An extra copy for club of ten, the Semi-weekly for club of twenty, the Daily for club of fifty. , Specimch numl>or sent free on application ??. *" ~. \ Tcrms=^, invariably in advance. Send post-office money order, bank draft ,H or registered letter. Rills at risk of sender. A SPKCI ALOFFER. A - A^ibfkfri Iters who send #1 for a year's seription before December^ 28 will receive 'Tffe WeeXIyAVo^td from-tjry-date--of- their subscription to March 5/ 1881. -This will include.the Presidential.campaign and the inauguration^ttfthemext-Prcsident. Old sul>soribers: who send #1 Ik*fore December 28, for a renewal of their subscription for 18S0, will receive The Weekly World t-o March 5, 1881, witlwut missisng a number. This offer will be withdrawn December 20. . Take advantage of it at once. SabscrilK.' at once, Renew at once. A" GRAND -OPENING, " * * . MRS. M. E. HAWKINS, - * . ^ GEORGETOWN. & 0. F1nc?t anrt IHieapcat IiEportalinn of MilliMry anil Fancy Goods. CALL AND EXAMINE her most oomplctf stock of New Style " Hats, Velvets, ' . :tlbl)on*, iSatina, ~ iiUks, ECSUmcs, i ; Mowers, Fringes, Buttons, Hosiery. ^ Infants' Hoods, 7 Wool Sacoura _ ~' Neck Kochlogs, - Kid Gk;ves; T4gs rto rtc Also s large assortment of TIDIES and . TOILET MATS. Duriap Fringes,^ for Hu*s. \ " 88 MT8I HATS! EXT* AND HOYS' Hats mm! Caps o! * > the'latent aty4esr*all price?. Ladlca and M-m**' Hat* and I inn net 8. ; - dressed and uudresscd 7, of Straw Deghoffl , and Felt?all of the btrat atysca, and at prieej tt) suit piirrbasci a. ^ ?AUon BUIiROL'GlflS &.C0IXIX8. "5. - ' ' > - 'tj?. S?. * V , v . i ' * ' -V . ... - , ' ' l V ' J* .. " -. ', *: '< . - ' >vi,: - * . ^ ? * \ 7 * ' f 5^ '* ^ 'I I > ' I I y- n ^ , . * ** ' 'l?/P Great Bargains, qnd No Mistake. j.. . .- K. T. WIS' . -. * 14 MKLtTNO -iCoff('(3LX(.. ? llw for *1 0<^ Jit--** ? & - t 44 -"' i oo' itfcgar; Cv.- Ai...... ? Ift 44 ' 1 00,'| I" 4\ extra* v,> 1 (X) h "4! Agnuiulated 8 4 1 00-j I Jirowil 11 t4^ ,.l 00j' badies4 Slio^Milronv 00 eta. ro 1 00 Men's '' #T 00 to ; 2 00" I 1. " Pistols. y PERSONS ydrtilnff'm indulge in 8ut<j:ido>, or any other' j$t$?Wder unniseM/Oit,! will And l^atols of ufl sorts, sizes.and H?es | at BURROUGHS d: COEUNsi. ' r ft, i' ,, -iA^OTIIEU Ix* of f 4* , 5 llw,. Honey Coeoiinut, , - V 44 CofitPitfaation squares, ? 1 *'4" 44 Return Balla/for snirdw, f 75 . .IV W. HAUDWIC'KIv ' MackefiTTh IC*8 PI WCttHtL'S^Srv'.just received, by . v' -(. I 86 ItuKRouous & GjtiA; 3. ^ JU^T^IVED.^'i , \ & lh? Co??er8ai\oi^$*rtBCandy > * ( 5- 44/.- JRr*Ah$?->ds '5 '4- \?rea..i l)ish.'8;r 44 25 44 ', CfK-oanut/ ^ fv ; 25 44 >s.' Slick ??Also one dozrtt boxes Royal BAKING I roVVDER?warrafit?*d _ ." ! 7ft P W ITAROWICKE.' ! ] ?- iThe Smrior i889. t _ The Brv will 'deal;.with the events of the year 1880 in its own fushipn, now pretty | welJ-twderst'HKl byererj'body. From Jan-; i uary 1-until December 81. it \fcill. be "con;' I ducted as a newspaper, written in the Kng- '} llsh language, artft printed for the people.-, rAs a newspaper, tlicfSpm be.ieves in gfetr . ling all the news of the world nro.nptly, awl presenting h in the ji.i^f.ihtelligibhj shape-*' the s'rapethat win o -able its readvrs'to keep j 1 well abreast of the age with the J east uripro-j ductile exnepdltur^ of time The greatest : Interest to the gteau s* nun ber?that is tb? ' ! la$r controlling i s daily make up. It now | has a circulation Very n.rjch larger than that, of any other American newspaper, and enjoy.? an income,.whfch'it is a; all tii'.ies pre- pared to spend liberally for-the benefit; oih' its readers, - People of all condiri^porifjife ~ and all ways of thinking buy ar.d read the j Stlta : and llicjt all derive satisfaction of j some sort from ks columns, for tiiey keep .j on buying and reading it. * ^n fts comment on men and affairs, the Sun i .believes that the only "guide of policy ] i should l>c cbnuv.on sense, inspired by genni I?... A uiul lltwL r'll hv lllMl I llll' illlll 1 1\ .III JliillVIIMVO *'MV .?V ; esty and purpose. For this reason it ik an<T will continue to l>e, absolutely independent of party, class, clkpic, organ i7.atfon or inter- i est. It is for all, but of none. It will con-;1 finite to,praiag wiiptis good mid reprolmte 11 i what is evil, tuning' care that its language I' ] is to the pnhjt and5 plain, lieyond the fiossi- ' 1 liility of being misunderstood It is uninfiu- ! enecd by motives that do.not appear on the j surface: it litis not opinions to sell save those ! which may lie had by any purchaser with ' I two cents. It hates injustice and rascality ] | even more than it hates unnecessary" words. I It abhors frauds, pities fools, and deplores; ! nincompoops of every specieS:. it will con j' | tinuc throughout' tjjeyear. 1H80-to* chastise ; i. the tirst class, iiistruct tfie seeotul and dis- . countenance the third. .All honest men, U : with honest convictions, whether sound orjJ mistaken, are its friends. And" the Sun bones of telling the truth td its ! friends and about its friends whenever occa'! sion arises for plain speaking, j These are the principles upon which tin ! Sun will be conducted during the year to [ come. ' . ' a ' o.\ The yenr^lSSO will be one in which no j 1 patriotic iTmerican can-alFord to e?ose liis ( evps to^ifWtc affaire. It is'lmposiblc lo ex- f aggerftte the importance of the political I events which it liaa in store, or the necessify ->.oljcsohite viprilaiH-tLon the part of every cit- j ; izen who desires to preserve"the (jioveniTTT^nt that the founders gave us. ' The debates ' ' aftd acta of Congress, th* utterances of the --pressr-the exciting. .contents of -the Republic- . an and Democratic parties, now nearly equal ' j in strength through the country, tlie vary- ^ ing drift of public'sentiment, will all l>oar 1 : | directivelv and effectively uj>on the twenty l (fourth Presidential* election, to he lteld u. h ! November." Four years ago the will of tin j' nation, as expressed at thepolls, was thwart j ed by an, abominable conspiracy, the pro- I i movers and lieneficiaries of whfch still hblu. | the1 offices they stole. * Will th? crft: e of ! 1376 lie repeated' in 1880? The past decade of years "opened with a corrupt, extrav- " agant, and indolent. Administration intrendted at WmWhhW t Tho Sun did,.,.] something toward dislodging, the gang ancT breaking its power. The sa te lnqn are now intriguing to restore their leader and themselves to places fyom which they were driv. cn by the indignation of the people. Wjll they succeed ? The coining year will living the ahswefs to these momentous questions.* The Sun will be on hand to chronicle the fact* a* they are developed, and to exhibit them eleaHy and fearlessly in their relation to expediehtv and right. * Thus, with a habtt of philosophical good and humor in looking aljhajhlnor affairs of life, add in gftat things a steadfast purpose to maintain the rights of the people and the principle* of the Constitution against all aggressors, the * 8tSft prepared t<F~wr? ... - truthful, instructive, and the sain? time entertaining history of 1880. ? Our rates of suhseripion remain un--changed., For the Daily $un, a fonr-page sheet of twenty-eight columns, the price by mail, posf-pal^i is 55 cent* a month, or $0.Wavear; or, Including the Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet of fifty-aix columns, the price 1* 85 cents a mon,th, or ~#7 70 a The HumUjr edition of the Hun la also furnfchcd separately at 20 a year, postage paid. . \ V " , The ptice of tW Weekly Sun,r eight pages, flfty-aixuoojkimne, Is fcl a year, postage paid. For &uh* of ten sending $10 we t| will send an extra eopy free. Addreaa I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher of the Bun. New York Citv. i Nov. 15. 88 0$ \ + S N*W ' ' * ,t ik, >'.> ? n A: '" * _ T *" ** ~ '"-?7- ,71*. - ? ' V ;?? ' . . ' ' *'y * .. '. .. ' V.' - r * I rh ' ? ' t ?' -V ,'J ir' ?*?" , i % ' . , . . < * V " .. t . I 'y+r.. 'J- % ' ,v ' r Art /t. ^ WICEK. 1R <vour i tri t.mji, .?' I V ^ 11,1 <J,lt tT>^p U.->ii.M s; in fill ' ,r* fl ^ V llOVltVx JX'H? ' The 1h-k| upper \ r *Lurilty ..ei^r otT reel h i tin*** \vTITW twArs.'iKy?m HhouW try notUln eis? until ,yi.4 ne for y.euoe i wh Tyon can do p. \ he, hunlr.css w offer. No-room t >explafii hen Yhu Van '"icyi? all your time on only yoiu* o|iixje to the he nens. and mafte un?at pay?ior*i refy hour tin t y work. vi'onW?? inahe ti8 rau. ] as men. Sene p B.xnial. pt'lv ite term# a:;.' n?ifcult.t&- wnlcrji t\ mull free. Outfit r*?\ r?r*?(<tRn;.l&Jn < f h o' tluhuwhrte^ou hey. su-h <n liar < >\ '/> ' r< s.4 * H..IIAW,fcTT& IH>.,! M,lne. -T*V"? rr~r~ i-- ???. -j0- ' THE WH8TE SEWUffiMACHtaE THE BE8 r A1X. 6 y* ' :\r Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, . Unsurpassed in Construction, , Unprecedented[in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim \ ?r??JNO.TH* \ VERY BEIT OPEllATINO QUICKEST SELLING, ^ HANDBOME8Tt AND Meet Perfect Sewiag Maohino hSjw ^joHpyH 1 rL A vlffwfvS I ^ ^Om 1 ' I The grant popularity*! thaWhHals tha most conttaclng tribute to its csccnesbs and superiority over'ether machines. *nd In ssfcmittlnf It to the laltaW. TTEW^ ^ -' ' The demand far the WMto iffltorrtosirt fa such Maatant that we are new wrngfolietl ta turn eat dL Oosampltm Owwlaeiar afechlna v?xy tlxxww lu amy to tho dTnanil Every woehln# It warrants# far 3 years, and aoMfor e-sh at Hberal discopts, or dpon easy poparts, ta suit the tanajipa at castoaiers. JWAOWTS WDfrriD IN UH00C9FXZS ZXSU7CS7.' WHITE $EWINQ~MAGHIN .Ml 338 EadldAve^Clavclaad,Ohia For sale by v C. P. QVatti khai.m, 85-110 -?' GonwAylioro, S. C. tOnn ^ MONTlPgunrnnteea. $12 a day at 4>diUU home marie ny the Industrious. Capital not required; we willKturt ruu. Men, women. Hjyaaful girls make money fatter at work for us limn at anything else. The work ta light and p>leaHant< and wuch an anyone eah go night at rhokr who an* wise who s-'ettlsnotlce will send ns their at once aiidaPfTrOr themselves Costly x>utfit and terms free. N'w. Is the time l'hose already at work are laying uplarg sums oi money. Address TUUK A C'O., Augusta, Maine, Lables of cvety printed at the Telephone Qrtlee.^ ' ) ; tf ' /. JpBHUB ^K7S^ni^LLyyBMHM3iM ^ .wmm\i i?f-a4 B 1 ( & I rnn TO$600(1 A YKAILor$6 to$->0 a dny lr ^lOUyybur own locality No risk Womet (to ah welt r * me*r. ^Mtmy-d4*Gio--morfc than. tlu amount stated Above. So one can till to mak< money fast Any one can do the 'wont. You car m^ke rroiu 56 cts to f^jji hi an hv devoting youi evtrutngs and spare tnfieutto1 bus! noss It cost: nothing to try the business. Nothinglike It foi money making ever oiTerfeJ be'opp lutslnew pleasiint jiikI strtetiy 1: ;n< . londar. If yoi want to know all about t'e best puy'ng busl'us! btc.ore the public, send us yctir address and w? will send you lull particulars and private term! ree; simplex worth also tree; you can thei nui.e up your mind for yoMwelf. Address OEOKGK STINKOX AO).. Portkmd, Maine. Scuffle PyUP^inq Tensirn..: ^1SwjmnTfaftitifJ fe jgsSffiRS 35^1 1 QAtTtMeftf^MO,* 1 - ^ ?. r - ' ' '" , Gt? Pamrs fob *Uli at tliXs office at 2f eenta per hundred PEE OEE^ffllPES, . From Rocktngtenr, M C." A new article of Shirting just opened. 76 MJIUIOUGH8 A COLLINS. LADIES, ^SEWINO iritflBES of all kinds, makes styles, euachivents, , ptfts, needles, drcvr tor sale, tt the lowest prices, 4? v" - C, P, (JCATTLEBAy* . " - - ' ;S - 'J. , ' . ' ' - V.' "- '" " . . -' W> ': i . ^ . . > ? . W. "s * ^ * f . . *\ - V ' ' V ' r> N 'v4t 1 t/ur A WOMA N CMR9 ^pwlLjr^^ W>-.r S jE No. 100?Front View. I BRATTLEI i , | Our new Orgjgan, expressly f< Chapels, etc.* is jirov^ig a GREAT S /" Be sure to send for full ci purchasing: any other. . THE LARGEST WDRKS (OF T ' IllustratedTCatah THE JUNIPER, **-? - >? **tt j? xso [y\>'x ! ^ ; ?-r"V. i'J.t . . > and after this dat'\ will make, weekly-trips l et ween ("onwayl on>;. I. and Georgetown, touching at all inl-.p-meuU j , nfclxiidings. . - I" Captain, C. Gtliiean. * -v i Patronage .solicited. i Hoi* ot??t<> rM/?ns ltr?tri> tir?<?n fitfi'H nit i t ox. < r i 14 I nm V\_ -I - v? ' I v > ! cedent condition to accommodate tlie- tra.w 1- j . line; public, and her table will be supplied with the liest the market affords. ; Through litre to George! ow n $3 00 , -i For the round tripk... '/> 00 Deck passengers*, $ 1 e0 each way. J Freight charge ifaxlei ate. CsT 11)rough Kills of Lading given to all ! poiotVNorth and South. 4 "'** Also once a week from Conwnybor" GritbanJvi lie. ' . . * For further information*..apply on boatd to the Captain, cur to v BVllKOCGIIS A_ COLLINS. Com way boro^S. C.? v 08 ^ .j ?r- j U. e this Br jif". -4 i? =- ' ':"3? ii Sep.'- ' ; I *w?sX' r *? ?' ? o tJi " K-i . ? 14 r] ? I % > < cl- km , -*vr: * , v. KK rj g . ,y.. , idahtf, \ 1 tr| , < .. ^*wi ? S " " ' / l!*H. a H *>.' :/ ' 'X* M ,:cj 4-. ~~ S BEST !N THE WORLD. and feetter thai) ajiy {tolerate ( One teaspoon ful of this Soda used with sour milk equals Four teaspoon!uls of tin* ?-} l" lxist Baking Powder, * savingd j, - Twenty L. -Times its cost. 8eek pa ok ar^e for valualflc information. If the teaspoonfull is too large and does not produce good results at first, xlix. use less afterwards. iy. h - Can Goods. ? Such as Tomatoes, Pine Apples, ^caches, dt'ufitro 1 y\)\ctnrs ? > ua ?\/\a fys\r?n vyj oi%?o, \/vi?i| Pens. Beef Ac., always on hand for tale by lvii Bckkocohs A Collins. * * - ' % . Ti . ' * , -T ^ Ql?>\X,*ING MACHINE OIL "for mile - OJCi Tf by P. W. ilARPWICKE. - - <V Ml ^ - ??ft Inraton and Mechanics. " > PATENTS and how to ohtain then. 1 Pampblot of - 60 page* free, upon receipt of StamniJpr Postage. Addfc**-*.^5*ITiMORE, SMITH A CO., . 1 Bcitoitorn of I'aUnU, Boot 31, Xttx r* l - Washington, D. C. v'-\ / r. ; ;< ' ; %! ;:3. ' Vv-:; '** ^ ;: \* V ' - \. -tv ' ? ' ?: .M1 ' o- ' ^ Wlu> litis iiSt'd tlie FEOPff^' ' . : .^',r i?:Vto; ' ' v-t-^rs. ao 1 f 7 KXTSiw*^ :,? '> ' * ' ; . ... "ror:. ^ -4 ' \ A- '"<Z K, . . , > \ .? " ' * ?* ? < r ? ' * ' V 5 . ; , ' ' u: *u? .o ?vi>i . .c xc^Aiv. Write v a* ilescnpt vg cir;. th anil fiiiT pnrtic?l?w8. ... % * , 9 w-? ^ , FliiL Serai Macihe Co. < & iW*/. KntL?>r.v. >d St., I- .' i ' ' I'oji-'.v.le i* mt il-. COMPANY, ^ ' r' ~ r* c, ? # - " v* ' ES WmT No. I6Q~Back View. JORO, VT. designed for Sunday Schools* UOOBSS. , >:* , ; Lescriptive Catalogue before 7.'.''' ' '"f* HE KM) OK THE GLOBE. " ague sent free-* ^ WILC6X ORGAN _ JHer^deti) Cct w. Ir >'. .*/ ^ C 4 ''fihUte's Blow Peda's^l ' Adjustedor removedinstanlly. Invented and Exclusively , used by this Company. _ The. popular * Organs of the day! _ UNRIVALLED IH OUAUTY. ' "The Wiloox Sc White Organ Instructor" L the... BEST and CHEAPEST . in the market! Sand Fbr Illustrated Catalogue.- - CID^HC Prize Candy, containing rich ' pr zea, for ??le hv 75 y. W. HARDWICKK. ^ . A.. ' 1 . MBOBniL iJtfB. nmrwiiunnrii. W^HI^9?I 8 -R P. 8 ountad, $660. is : - -7 ;-.S? K'-?-)Wl8 fiemd/brsHr Circular*. 6 * *,550. ? V ^. .V n T*r i>__ ri , /*?_. ? w rr > j?. it airayn?a6im)nbfuoming, a? ? iUaU wpksr* jfou H2t0 (AU. /x*i in 1 ITfllTm * limited number or W A Rl I Kl l^tlve, energetic canvuaaera to if fill i fjllenguge 1h a pleasant andproflta V ""^ble l usliifsa. Good tuon will Irid this a rare chance TO MAKE MONEY. Such will please answer this Advertisement by ; ttbr. cnctOHlng Stamp tor,reply, staling what nitdnem they have been engaged tn. None but ?*v 'liOBowho mean buslncaariieed apply. Address F;nlky, lOhVsv A Cfc., Atlanta, Oa. - "v . .