The Horry dispatch. (Conwayboro', S.C.) 1861-1863, May 29, 1862, Image 2

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' - ? ? wrn^moawa " ljf liorrij Jtrapntrlj1 i* iMrin ivur I THURSDAY MORNING, AT COICWATBOEU'. ?. <'. 1 BY OILB**P A DARK. (ism. J TWO DOLL A EM invariably to mWmw. 4 No paper will be not out of (Ho Diotriet, wilkout the money aoeoiapantoa the onbr. a Iatii or AiiriiiMixq. I Advortiaementa ln?rt?d U Kavratv fiv? a c?ai? par M(n?r?, (12 liaw or laaa.) for (p Iml 4 onion, an t half thot ?uui for each total- i qnont inwrtloo. *' ? t rbo number of to?enieow to he marked on all advertieeiaenla. or they win ho publlakel until on I < red to ho disroot timed. on<l rlurgnl accordingly. * On# Dollar por a^naro for a ainyle insertion. Quarterly on?l maatbly Mvottiaemeut* will he charged tho name a* % aU|li inaortion, and aemi-iaoaiMy thl ?anr an now t'emmunicarioae vaeoq|m?d?? eaadidatoo { for public oMre or irw*-# pdUg exbiMtioaa, will ho charged aaadveriUW?i'* Marriae#* inserted grath. #bhuary nnti ooo over nix ihtoa, will be charged at ad vert I K itiag ratoa. B. Irish Drollery?An Entirely Coag a ruopolitan Hibernian p A too of tb? Emerald la)*, bet not Hp* hitmrlf green wao tafcev ap, not far from Monaaaaa Junction. .. Ia a word I V Pat waa taking a qeifl nop fa the ohade ; I and lu roused from hia* aluather by a i Reputing party. lie wore no apeeial V uniform of either army, but look ad not^j w like a spy than an alligator, vu arretted. "Whoarvyou? What ip ? ? and "Whore are yo% from ?" were the J first que#ions put to Kim by tbo. armed ? p* ty. ^ Pat rubbed bis eyes, scratched hU , t h^ad, and answered. "Bo*roe faith, pintlemeo, them is ugly* , questions to answer, anyhow; In before 11 1 answer any of tbeiw, I'd be a?the( *xia* , y -.1>f J*r leave, the same thing " j ? * I'Vell," Mid the lra4ar, ?we are of j J ^cott'a army gad belong to Waetunglon." l ".^1 right," aaid l'al, "1 know'd ye | J wane gietlenian, for 1 am that same. ? !?oug life to <General Scott.** ! ^jTba!" replied the scoot, sow, jou , rapeal, you are our priaoner," and seised ? -?\m by the shoulder. t, "How is that,* inquired Pat, are we*1 not friends ?*' /Ht U "No," was the arrester , "i*a belong to General Ilcauregnrtfs army." j, "Then ye tould n?e a lia, me boys, and j 1 thinking it wight bo ao, I tould you j .another. Aud nn? i?-ll nut ?k? I'll tell tUp truth, too." j "Well, ire belong to the State of | > South Carolina." "So do I," promptly responded Pa*, i "and to all the other State* uv the conn- ' try, too, an J there, l'ui thinking, I hate:, the whole uv yc. Po ye think I would 11 conn all the wap frout Iieland to Lclodpu to one State wlt?l I hid a right to belong ' to tho whole of 'em ?" J This logic was rather a stumper; but , | they took hin> up, as before said, nod j carried him for further cxaiainaliou. i ## ## 1 . I'lcruwK <?r Like.? In youth wc | seem to he climbing a hill on whose top < eternal suusbihe appears to rest. Uow eagerly we pant to attain its snnimit! , Hut when wc have gained it, how different is the prospect on the other side! We sigh as we rontemplata the dreary M waste before us, sud look hack with wist- j ful eye upon the flowarj path we have < passed, but may never more retrace. [' Life is like a portentous cloud, fraught , with thunder, xtorm, ?i'i raiu; tut roligion, like thoec streaming raja of sunshine, will clothe it with light as with a garment, ami fringe it* shadowy skirt? with gold. Our readers are eautioned against I counterfeit five a ut*i tans, altered and It raised from the genuine 92 hills, of the llank of the State of South Carolina. The deception can readily be detected in Mi n good light and with careful obaeraa* i . State of South Carolina, i1 i' AWT A INSP OKV.'H OfPH B. 1 I ('M*m.?aTo*, H. C., May 10, |H?i2. ?' j CKSKKAh fHWKHS Ytt. 1M.1 I-TIIK OrAintno* uf (lit l'4finlio? ii(^ # Ibr peCpl* of Houlh Carolfaa bau?f( ra- . garded by lira RiwHlIf* C?rain?il a* the lmrtt- ) wotinl liv of lh? State, unit the rrerp!??iiy of , maintaining ? police through (lie ezfmpiiott of IIrtrww lieing ronaidered of thtl impor- J lance by (lie Kxacutire Cumril, it ia f Ordered, That nil exemption* of nreraear* properly granted by the Adjutant and ln*pcc- ; tor-Oeneml. upon certificate* eompiying with f the requirement# of An Ordinance lo ? exempt OTereeer* from i lie per foi ruahop of iiiililia duly," aliall l a rtftnlai by lira Adjutant and Inepcptnr-fienerel a? exempting oTerweer* from Ihp operation of I lie Coarer I pi ton Aet. Ily order: \\ 11.MOT 0. DKS \l'SSt UK. A?y. and lnap. Wen. of S. C. All pauem in I he Hlaie eopv#nce. May 22 12 It .. WANTED rilROH OF. OAK BARK, (mi whiwfc a fair pi >e will he paid. ? Apply to Al.KXANItKK KI.LIOTT. Marv'li I I 2 2a a I - rr a E im ffhuu omml; Mir mmiov. u J. A. a*,. ?RM?^?r ? ?*? IIOftRY MMICT. J mrtigMua, *\mmL* c. jmimVl Wf knn #flUl I* fei?, fcf UlMR ?fT killllMltilrtlM. on nit M^fUgalv I >n?l chattel*. aigkta *?J inUli of (mjR|t ? John mm, w? nil ImmmJ: Time ar# ikoroforw la aila mmS aitowMi >11 \id tia|?hr Ibt fchidrnl lid (SaAali 4 lite akl duaiiid, H ba and tfftAMm a h, in iba C??n ?0 Oniila^, la bi Mi * 'owwajrbom*. aa ibt t hire Unit day of Unp i adaal, la ibaa oqmoo. if aa; Ibay baaa, alar ko Mlid Adwiyamlou ibaaid a<4 W yraanf. ] Uioon uadar my ihad nn?l Haal. |bia Iba uineteonafe day of Maty in dfcn pnar of , our Lord dm iboawaj nigfci baadrad and aiiiy-hrn and in thaaifbiy-alidi r?ar A iba ladayiadiact a# Puurfc Cmtm ] linn. f J. A. THOMPRON. Onlinorv H. ?. Nany Pt 1* ft State of Sooth OaroUauLj ^ I XRfTTTI YE OttTN'rtL I"71AMUK8*) , Apri^M. 1M^. | {I HE feltanuML mdMuiiona tare ailaptA by ike iiii%aar ai|d Kiwatke Oaten n<b wrro ordard la ba paWbdird: lio Odtigre - of jbt foafadnait Malat of iriea btrla; paewil^a All entklad "An to furl liar proritk for tito pwhltr dedbnar.'' tpprored April ?, ItkW, vkiok tMhtriMe lir rr??ideai to mil nut lad pin an ib ekr nilitary aorrin- of the I'otMaralt klak? for krec year*, unlet* tko* war aUali kn?? born oouer ended. altjafeite man wko are raalilowfl iflhr iNafokrtla Male* brl warn ihra|ai af >ijrhioon (If) and thirty-loo (14), oaropt hoar a irmp by law. Ike liatrrnnr and I'oon:il, m repro?eniinjr lite a?ihark| ufjbr rttafr. ! iro mdHrt'l lo waire, for tho *witi. all ibjar/ti?? to I ho n??nre. and ^ |ivt it ? hoorful and nirryalie ''Hkf'ttt apan iko | rrounal ituperiou* puklbo UU j Tin* , vpcrauon oi mr Vci <|niyimc lfi?i all the jiaterial of \rmies 4>e<veoew the aym* f ioned^ frj$n :ha control of I be (Mate. *li?4L?r for nclltf duty in ihc MM *?r foe iatmul anil detViiee. To n?M i tab new r?nliliou of things. i^fcev&mra n?MMM-v that In* Plate afce" n-lopi iomIici m?w<*?* to trfnniic it* MMt'n and provide for ite iUf?icc. Tlierrfct*, l?e if reaolvaA 1. TIi?Mi Hi ale ' lle-wrrve Force ahull be orymyad ** promptly it practicable. to routi?ttanv\ai>r|j|: '1 That the Aral corps tln&lhMtar nil ate ritiien* of tltie State, jfe?t ween i|m ?f Hvlrl y-fcre lA'O ami (iftr |*it| trrrt, tn?? hall he lipid for active tmllt, jnteerver required hy the >Ntl? MilWilifti anti-ltr still f Mtycei to the yrfortnanee of patrol ltd aajiaa duty tintil ?*alle?t into aoupr aarrire. >?, 8. That the soaoitd ('wtp* shall embrace t\\ rlto-e per-mm who ait h> Unr ototopic*! rroin oi dinary yoilii ia duly. hH uileti ?otddciU?. vnd nil male rjliaeui1 helweeu the ufta ufxltteen (lOimui rl^lilftii (IN), mid Hftr i "ati ind tiiltr-llvt ('?"?) years. who shall hc^vr'd Tor i he performance of Patrol aad I'nluie fmv j J vnd for t hoeittlci uul vlefeiire of the Stale ( nheti required. I 4. Thai to rfFecl the organisation ??f the 1 tevernl Corp* tif lte*?ervea. ii shall In- the duly if the Adjniiiiii mid In?[erior tieneral to ;iiim a prompt and arenrale ciiroAnon* of all person* cioloarcd within the t#M^anee? . tMOilied, as welt a* tlio-c imhIiiihtm In the >o4*4 Aot of t 'rwijriv*-. s|Hcifvin|t ill eatdi cn-e. Mi'the roll with tin* name-. the ex em pi ion*. iilld itie r.iu-e* .tlid evidence thereot; >haa;o. nasi the l?i*-lriei. l'ari?h. ftcyimciii vnd I'cal t'umpmty witWn which tlx* pec-on- y repetitively, tuny reside. And for this |otr{voae. the Adjutant and lu.*|Mvior-( ieoernl ( hall employ the agencies provided ia the ' ( Drat resolution p t??cd hy the (Jo vera or and 'ouncil on the fit It of March, IW".', to comply r Mr iih I ho r*?)iiinitioii wmk Uv lb* !Vcrrti^ of j IVar for tiro regiment* from ihu Sim*, mm I ( lie will n?e "ut'Ii ulkcr in?imioeulaliiy * lie j may ?U-v u proper. I?y or lor ol lUe Horernor iiihI ('nuiwil. It. V. A UT It I'll. S**v*t?rv. , May H lit It # , WANTtlSr mB illlA I ns mK * k'o4?Wr ' MO RvJwU Cam To U applied <>u MlTKMnnd HOfNl AC- j 'I U'VI'S of Ituek \ lieair, tail IWyTl) - j or \ Co., k?r wliit-h ill* li4g4lV?t iwrli?lprlor will be nllowed. RKITVTWMIH 4 CO.. m* 12 ih?;I m . ?f SPARTAN Bl Rii EXPREftS, ! rriti.iMiiKU at I | SfMrUnbarg Coirt Btasf, I. , II . KVKHY W E1)N KSDAY MORNL\G 11 i li KT TilK WltUiWIXO VKKT LfiW RATES: Vo Siiifk SuboeribOM 4 S Pa. Club?i of Tortfr ro Cluba of Thirty 33 11 ro Club* Twenty M , rb Clubs of Ton lft " r \)l f-luba lo pay istar?4Im.t m ao- 1 TAwrR. 8i?trl? Nufeasritora to I* paj daring tk? year. 5 ! ro Hm poller op of aocl Dob, a aofy [ of tlir paper will be aenl " I l'KKI* ft a1 IT roNTAfX*. WKRkJkV. ! I rHE LATEST VIWI .WD UTfU 1 INTERESTING MATTER. cHASLaarow cotmnnL.' BY a. H.-VII linuW>N * To.?rwfc. ? IW?*<I Kflr ?mI TH-W?kly. 1 *??? or ?< iiM>iirfinN ? ?ntlv f HUW per annua, in m4 t? c#. Tri-W>flljr jw>r nnnnin, in *lvMrr. ?> A pr# 4 * V .^1 HO . * -1.1 r>li->t4-iet PaiH?r. |T m f i* " ft? BOLLAllg A YEAR ^ - # F ? AI.L THAT IS Af K ID^OR TWR g?c Ju DISPATCH g I ii A<lva n c e ^Jj| 1 * ' vmrmv want .T THB CATBSTT jp * HKMIMK> DTIfn ISTIMtKTIH f" M AT T A* v 4? AND It (OMMkNIII ? J* Vo tlx** l??i7Cl ic. "T1 -* i y r fcg t * ffi?" au xindS of * J| I U ??' ^yOk R^l * Vf - ? L U NBATLY AIfX> | Jh . i W # . * [ '; Expeditiously Executed^u rho South Carolinian*^ ^ Pnhliahn^ riojlv .?i4 n?-? ?T^?.1_ i * MV4<WiJVU 4/ail J UliU X II- WW UV r,j ; AT roi.l'MDIA, 8.r. jTP I'HANK LIN ftAILLA It 1 >. KDITOK, *K i ill A Nil TIIK J, COLUMBIA BANNER, i* i wKKK/.r riM/r.v paper ' 'HIS in iIh* Knniily |'n|>rr in Kir |;r Kolll Ii. Iilitl in Iilfi'icil lu I 111* tlouienllC L\n irrlf for NKWSmnl l*OMTH'AI. INTF.I.H- C. j iKSl'K, Tli? t'dlm nml Hinri#* wit irk ?rr H |', illi'ivJ in ili<> rr*ltm of llic IUrhw irv lite |>v iffoil* of Nouthern (itniiin. wUk'lt it in u p|vr ilrnnir* In liwifr, Or iff inn I Skirtrlim. l.llor?- tmo y mill Hcieiuiftc Kwnwjrn. nu?i M i-rollwnmw <?ro' irlr<*li?M. rojrulm'y >>? iltvir apfwumitor u tkiiwnii. Mi SI USt ltH'TlON?l??Iy. m : TH Wwklr. rPI: W?rlJ)- *- oor nnttm. ui ??lv*ii'-*. All ' firm mnjipnl wH#n -JuHnrript ion cxiilrcn. K W. I.IMIIKS Proprietor. <*oliiml)in. Mw|ii 'Jti. Hill. ;IH?tf J TK ftNIMMI EliflMK. Po> ]*i hmmiirii | ' Daily Mnui-Weekly and WtM'kly. ?i_ TERMS. thk UAII.Y ui<im*M> kxami- L*1 IKK in iimiiWm! i<> utiwrikcf*. m si*m m yrmr, '.* m- <;.A?i for nit Homrh*. mvuUbl,v in ? !- " * miff. +WT TMK SKJH-WKKKI.V KXAVflNKR J,fc i?au*4 0*vmm~ TL. I L'-i.l <21 >>lll n ?'I vane*. ! TIIK WEEKLY KX \MfNKR in?a?Ae?l 1 ?? 1 *rriy Friday. Mid matte-1 to MthMrihtrt ' " i'.' Mn?w. in advance. | ' The ^rapriei?ra ? ( the KX A MIXKft have B oweItnlad te adopt lb* ?'ahh nvmn ??mI will A tot <l?pari frmm it wader an> rirrutnotniicen^^^^B 'iTMM who iltwirt In K?l lit* |ta|?r|^jA tleaee aeoorwpany their order tjMfl rh? Newspaper of the^B " South. rSE CarRUHTBN IUCCIV iL ( Hen dlktMi an?l moat reliant* Patilic^l, ' OMiwrrrinl and tlaneml Ww? frnwi all pari* >f l4? i orW In *|?eeial t erre<p?n'Uni? fur- t'l I ii?lie? Ity mail ami telegraph, full aud early irevMlipf every tbt^gf of iwic??i that trana ttee in ilMfmi ?U^e? of Europe and Ante j* ?ea. rilB NEt^ OF YH*. KMHL'TII K K< ? KIVEl* *rkrial atthktios* i i th? Mmatr represent* the hartee Atgfcto Ua tWnnoe hit ntenpp anaiAnalratlM I'aiaa ?f the tbiailitfR Stale* in > i, .*' - tk.i. ui.t... r ?t.ii! li 1 - hri? nmrUy. j Al?l huiv Manurr. 1 /Mr feadrmM* *JA. | A? tl M-wMMy Werwity I r+mr in R.Y N< ia Mar MM* mbi M aaafe MrMMniw IZT lU Tt R. R RMRT7. It . 1 rf ' ? WE S<rtITIIKH^lEI f8 PIULUUKD EVKRY FRIDAY ; *r bajuliwwon o M fm c , BY J. M 4MtGWN, k Tw? IrMw ? Ytor IfcMf am*. i W ?*? * ^ _al 1m. PA^JLLION HOUiL.?r3; H. L: B1 TTKRKIKI>n.? r}? PROPRIETOR. . CHARLBSTO :, 8. C, >""? _ A dl H * . iaty, . rauM 23m jv*K Ti7At?2*lr ' KIF mm IwH w4 Mr mK Ml KM l mtrnmmt mm~ 7QMd(.(hp?MM? to. "I STJiaWC?^ * *oi Rr*!mx?DRO'nwi* riKiouci' h r mmm\m irfMliii* M?y, I*In at fbM M aforOooRaar in .tWu?KH?fN?HMt *? ? ? Ar wo. w ^ I* tii r. MATY k % W. \ TATIOt " .? c '<^v . ?s ?Mtaii ~ ~ iMUASD HVii'MM. U- ?b~ (g whw- v?m -u o<M>Pir??Miiv?iy If mA. MATT, TAYLUP A OO _Z! ne 2? ' 17 tfA CM Hiii oi khvoi . n u.r mmcryath?n ir the HIrti CAW IkF MR AN XATtRK 1 ? Rbre innoHRri to all pereoua indebted te FrJ late ftm ?f BCCK A BRATY. that fa kw ?mm (Ml riaer INK Ntlb tfcrfr wwfaMN * R*. or 1 ekall be o waffled te KrJi, protiiMR, or RayiUrg UmI will Cmrr Mditort, wiH be taken in paynol All r flu whole, par tie a part. m&z" sr - Itl. . * >rnLic ^t?ni'K u Mtrpw, tWtV IHI J.I A W 1 <.RA?fr|L%^r:. h?wf? larljr f^kwiir^ AtiwMjWw Rt^ aatl i? a kRW (rnNIr an?l rerJCt Uf aar W*He>> 28 ><l*dtie mm IwliPluRllV. wm|?Mmii nmrrwIm that may be t A Keaiv. W ; Tilt*. W. MATY. 3 ' '? *J 19 * sroTicfc. 7Vh? |HK .Sort* USD Aft urJLM of U&4 K i A BE \TY, aid al?o the AtJIwpRl ? ? e?R I' n.RRii ml T. W. HlUfC hare left with mm Cor nJleWipg A1 wfTl 4? w<*II to caluU ealte aWv tt*J* miHM*. MR4 Ran trmM^tHTMA' ) "an be toiMi?| at the itlinMNIiRR. a*, all " i; hat ?h?wM I InppA tahr abereit at . ? i *>? ?. (km r*m nri applet* Mr. W. f. I j j tusking -rlf^bmnt nl dir mm, w. i. cmaM/O*; . AUarnoY *ir ltu?k A IW?Ty, MHi T. Hi. liraty. I. ??-z=?=J* ' * <f notice:'. * JlOM ?**! *Arr ibit U**t? I|m SbacribwM , _lu will >cU good* ' ^ j r>-fc lt m can on barter. m W HIDES, ' , ^ * jmSS COM, HAT^ * l -l *j , ANlrVODDBR MAHTBD.j n?? inilfhlfH to ?i?4 wilt flriwr momv for- r i ?n<l ffltlf. t'itlitrr t>\ nab, or I It. J. SINtlljffttN Jt t o. j i*u*t?2 2tr i in OA1SJH7 AVBATIO^ V J.1 ff XX X AIV4VV ti-WKEKVL MAIL LINE. I. " IIK iiinlrri<igii(><| inform" the traveling i public. ilisii lif i-? running it TKI- a IKl.Y HACK LINK. U*weon Fair ItltifT. | Fft it* S\ ilininginti nnil Xlituciinii'i' Uailromi, ' nwNt Nuni'. S. I'. n? follow n: ote Foil* IIIi?ff mi Mmp*I?v?. Ww.lne-1* \ n Of KriiUyn. m <> o clock, A. M.. ?nl irrito ravboro' xnttic ikv. i?r ! I*. M. imiiiiig? I'onwaytaro* mi Tite*- m . TliurMilnjro ami 8nlur<lity*> * ? u oliK'k i I., nml arrive ut Fair Muff, name ilny nl . m FO mrtigcri* will hereafter fnrnioh I hem- | _ 3 with Ticket* which eon U* |NMUitiI ) IJ my wgenta, Mr. I*. K. Ilin-k, at I'onway- | , ami Mr. Ik William*, m Fair lllat. II. II. INllltKU, < ouiflutor < trch <t I if | ,\| he Constitutionalist, , AUOl'STA, U.V., . ono of the Mi MT IlKXI llAjfcLK PAPftlUf ! Ufi piiMinhe'l in ffte Jbrtifh. In il* ! IMKKC1AL AND NKW T>K 1 PA HTM K NTS, a, ibor i? la give the mrliM nn<t n crura I intelligence li <?iu all <kiuii ie?-. TKi.RGRAPHIC COM'MX pi le<l villi ftwfilf and reliable information currcnce* m ilic political nu?l routiner* *rntre>?. IN POLITIC*, ? CONSTITUTION.* I.1MT ??? ikerwughly hern, unit mllierex. muter our new tiovleui. toil* principle* of HTATK ItlUIITK STKICT CONNTl'CTION ! It Mlvoeaiea <lmi*?i?|ji into I he Soul hern l'niiTe?lernry * of ihoxe ftlwlw* which ! Bhi eoognia? Property in Slaves! lA?* pari ?if their Horinl S**I*ih. L/ THKMS. - IjgjA ^^ RPVr utile.* the l'.\*t|| a^coui- 1'IZl H^tnnlrr. P Specimen copiM wnl when mini M J AM KM (IAUDNKR, Proprietor, iremher 7 . ie Lancaster Ledger. Dai 0:0?*? nurttan kvknr wkbxkrday uor.xixa A IT LANCASTER C. I!., 8. C. * * THI W. M. CONNORS, S PI TO It \XB ru<>1*111 KTOU. j ^.,OT ?-? <i*e TKMMS: * Irwnce - ^ - *-.UU * l?? p?pi*iii>n o4 TO Month* 2.-V> 1? j lip pm'1 of the VMr * V1 yromh^l ^ _ 3?_ wpe le Richmond Enquirer Kl* if rrm.ifHKD - It Hy, SmiJ-Ww>My ?im! Wefklv, ? * wr i Tyler, Wise * Allegr* |AILY IMI'K* *,??* iMilm* per M" mm. m??I TOfte nMt ?f Klfhi boiler* '' hew for n ?tinrteflebrr i<a| limn on* yeer. the K?*e IUUi? |>*r V' M. eivl Three O^rn for ?i( tone I he, ?h* in atfennor. ' *tUh# WKKkLY, Two Iff per ttnnwtn. ?r JPrnji(e?fi* Tew Hollo be pe*i iR'iriiMf in Iveorr. f bnt ff eenteiffinfr montj ere ?ent by ^leil. ( RMfft be ffitiowel, or I hey will l?e at riek of the writer* j m pp* 2tl, IWI, - ?*>?If I No, I % . I I if? ^B99bJPFKm jJOM^KAJir ?<Mjp. I u>K<* ft*. mZjfiw. *4*+ prwnftl/ MMMi*. fc^^?%5S^^^^SaUwr *??ot MMM* OSw<W fi k 4M -4? * % X ^ ar- mrlia?J * >?* lwiwl p%ior-,^jilfW?'? (*?rri?gr? kiu^ v,$- ^ &4tr?l CoaaMi W?robanta. " - ***\ ? ;.VM. .MiM-MOV HI fc. L.tttl. KMUHII. t^llMtlPH, i4h|r r < ?* .v?NV^*r. %. 'ogarSKl fc 8>flliri?g nrlf.'jmm! Amfi^fin DRY GOODS, . coM.K'mt rrvrII UM TU-S TJt /."AT. / Charleston, 8 C. *rrli t I 1 P. VON, HASTEN, lutpurtsr ?>??k Usslsr ia ncy Goods, Toys, Hosiery. &c. - * ?* 2?t8 Kinj-Mrfrt. rhwl??tw>. K, f*. %rrh 4 1 | LLILAND, MUCLL A S7 lHrr**t Import*:* ami Dcalor* In * KEIGN AND DOMESTIC HIT GOODM, XII. XI IIAYXK KTBKKJ, CHARLESTON, S. C. *ril 1H 7 1y 1 ! IN* TCRC8t JEWELRY, CI TLXRV, SILVER WIRE, ins, Pi*tols, See. si \?*TR. n. r. Mdi 4 1 I JORENCE HOTEL f I. W. OAMBliE, 1'KomiKTOR, FLORENCE, S. C. If. F. JOY, pping and Commission Merchant. BALTIMORE, MI).," TTKXDS t? tlif n4 fliipniriii R. A>lvMirr? mawun I'oiixtgnnieitiii. oprioior of I'icfeH l.b?* i?? Hwp iown. ?r. h :M . ^ \y Montgomery Mail, * ri'RMRHRI) ihr. Tri-Weekly amt^Weckly. KJ SlONTOOMKHT. a LA Large Rotable Newspaper. 1 MAIL ( OTTUJO# thk vkry LAT c?t mix! w??4 rrliobto TKME(?R A P H 1 C NKWS 1 *11 pert? of tHo count rr ?lino ss rtlencirreUiioii, *n<l I. 10 mmr p*p*r is ouiilrv 111 poist of WMtmI mJ % ?? TSMS.? III AIKAS?'K. W*r>Tr r.pJf mr, S.flO fclV I'tptr, ? vtw, J.fw f AtUrw* UiHU'EK. COYNft * WWITr?>. l'ropri??tar?, M4ia<|?iMr|, Alabama. yw an. mi. ' w?tt MIL LEE * WALSH, ATTORNEY* AT LAW l> HOLITITORH IN ft ft C ITT, STH Mtl-LftfT JOiV WAlJiti rh ?* V tTY HOTiL. [nmnKM!.r4.ik*uxA) m WILMINGTON, N. O. 9 Dnt? & Tivrm*, Tit* tpRIKTOR*. aim -pare.! 10 mikt (hit knuK tjrrriMt. % j, r . * ! S 4^, y.TffMj^P Mm, ?fcmri?IHI p*n^lrip*kSi!S"?f J KwrfMrrv ?M?iHX {HAH* ?f H*?|hi. 1 U *<MLt?ra??MK fripiw Swft, ^1 M4WH Wl? ?i for ?i.l ?nd jr?fe?f vitkin IB MrM?fe#*fMMiM|ii Hfemgr me^fwi- JR JSi.i i jfl Timr pMp|? l# do tbu, *? pr?p?M W??kl^&cf npnre ? p?i?? 1 Fi?J<r>fc?>Mrato? f?|wt <7f *?Mh. W 1 will W* aqpt* prtetad ! cln?? ?yp?. ?fM? *? I b?ik f-^por, .|U?n*Wm4^ 0?d tiiu Mid mMRIii Miry tt?i?il>B?? will i>m|? m ! r jpi 11 " [ i fcit rn iii rw. afc ?r? i ikvMV Mrthdb*vW1k M hrto arrry Wn^ffccr* I **"* b*. ^Mbfrotuuin,' in wliiHHtie iril ' llM vpbwii lnntliw wyl?? Jforper | 4w?ikI ?> iK# "Pd|?iir (t Imrxmrr." Wtfrv . fh MMlltMy. i???fri?. *.??. ' TIIK llgWnUn WILL ?K M'KM4Wy? 4 ^ -* III.R'ltATKf* r*^ ^ ^ * f KjnjrU <'?j?if?. f.?r wn? TPnr. ' **'* U STrt. 4 * factor uneve^r. .* . ,? TWrt> r?Pr,. fur on* year. , jVl FMr^^apir!), fur one rmr, JPL * tHlvuu ?>r\wa I % . AA^H KI. L IfAMAWWItJi o. * rRRIiKRlCK w. ^ : POR TUB TEI-WEkSSv* **? ?itf.fui itVKIl WATCHJI AN. * , Tlf K ^oritnoSt <W TNKiK l'.%r?RM *rf tfow p/mriug neither npRioe not Ultor to krr|i M1.V up with ibr jr?U ' current of now-. *? well ?? tu vendor I l?el r Jour tut!? ominj to B?nf in to |r?vnl iMrmtiml rrliuMUly. Ar hit f I Ijvvu utmlr liy irtiifh new* jp iv ilie Utril iiwtQftcnt wfii ?* i ttr tri wKKKhr r,i>KJt {THK ~%m CNKAPtiST IX THK *VA TK) IX AtKJrjLMUt, TKH AXXL.U fr wnmu.w rai'kr. ix An- ^ IIXCM Mk AX MM, H7T7J Mill's cr TO TtlF. I.ATKST i**r* ntroRK no ' /MO TV* I'llMMS * I -? 8.00. GIUIERT & DARK. PHVtRlKTOR S, lumUr, S. C. #. .. -j *< 1 The Southern Guardian ( a rm,mrjn. axi) Jmrnjf.u., Published st Columbia, 8. C. DAILY, T U I - W K KKLY AND WKKKLY. By C. P. Pelham. r k k m n : < Daily W : Tri-Wreklv. $4 : Weekly. 52 per J niMm. I'*v incut lii AUv*nca in v aria- J i bljr. i'oMintiUr* Kiuliug tin five 1 j - ??.% aubwcrihera. with or fl ti*? iri-weekly mWrihm villi ISO, U-noloaed in rrgUtired Itltihl ffl ?iU he m(1> Ifl tlcdte au M eftm fl 1 eopy. or Hi TTett of fhat, SO per cent of the cum* ibue remitted; 10 per cent will he at1?wrd on nmoAnti remitted for ein- V . glo auboeription*. POLITIC#. Am n political Journal, the MOUTMKR.X 1 Ol'ARDl AN l? tinctol to the maintenance of | the right e, honor, and intrrc*'- of the #??t Item ?iotc*. _ i JUL WX. In (he <lepoTtm#nt of new-, the early production of every e1*?a of new* from nil porta of the votId. will bok?|4 proiuinenlljr in view ' nod-no rffnrt ordl be aparcl to make il in all an aec^lohle Irr?i4tt' rMtor. special augaiitnn arMI ho paid in (ho I at em and ' kMi import ant _ M WtKKT AKFfjJtT* ? ?( ?I1 ft>? loading enttnn, Jtrnin, produce and t riktr m*r!? * ? ik*- rMHHry 1 ' Sidimond Dispatch, 1 i?* ?irdti ' ft liMBemlcf, HimnoNu, rutonru ' T>hi1 v, Hemi-W^lrly aiwf Weekly. TO* M* ? ''4*1! rtt ADVA * *. Tit* 1?.?UT MUTAtriH l? maftot to wlwiitew ?l a I for, or 9* Mr at? bi*r.\tt'n * wd ivarr T*m6mf mm4 friiajr, m A* <**. h? tMR WKKWl W^aW*!! ir NwU'l er?nr W4af. mU lualfet K> MMBiiiltii m W ^5 |tf IMHM - x , ?* ' lATTRlt PJMXTfSG. Fanny" rntnmd Pto*ri% and fWH HwmIi. i imilar* Vr(l<Ha| I'anU, and fk?n ('timing at all kit.d?. dour in Mtfrrior a?jU .< Ik* diatwii mn ofrrFo:, -..a at Nortkrm prion* #t?rt 10