The Horry dispatch. (Conwayboro', S.C.) 1861-1863, November 28, 1861, Image 2

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y v -j ?Li u* . . (T'ljr 13arri|-IDiapatrl) I* I?>|-||> r.VRHT THURSDAY MORNING, AT '"ONW ?nu>UO*. M. C. Z RY GIT.BERT & DARK. T K H MM. TWO DOl.L V IS i?*?ri?Wr in No |Mpar will bo -?tn i?i ?f itie District, with' out the money no- >111 panic* Hie orJer. W v??* IIIYKH1 1*1*11. A<i*erti?eni?ilt* nserfc-1 *t Seventy Fire r it? per squire. tJ - liUN or lees. | for i lie rtr*t eriion, ?> (, li ilf i^t mini for c*cU subsequent ineci i f*n. w The n it in bee of inn niom to he tnnrke'l on II tlterliw 'i-nf*. or they will be puHMiel until nfli-rel to l>o <lit intiniie-l, ?ii<| clur^i' l ?ccnr?lt(t)tljr. Our l> ilior per ?>|ini for o einjtlo insertion. <J.mrifrlv mi>( tn< itlhly wlrrrli?eni|iili will tie o*nr)f-? I (be sioi n* is sinrU insertion. nil *?:ni nuMiilily the wmr u nrw v ,,nwt'oin nunioniions rceo'ii'sniiilinx ciniliilntes for public ntlire nr trust?or puling nxhibiti mis. will be oli ?rge I it* l ltrrtiwmnili. V| irrinri insert)"! Krill). Mbitniry notice* over si* lines, will be rlinrye'l ?t nJvertisiiit r ites. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE." ( 'nit/' 'frrttfr Stittrt : T'ic few wrcki wliiclt h?ve ellipse! diinn \"?r mtjourniiieiit, li.ts l>r<itio|it us mi *|i'!tr 'lie rl?i?? of the V)Mf Mint wn :iri now able to wim tip it* geii'Tjl result*. The rctM'jx'ct is such n* should (ill I lie heart* of oor with gratitude to I'rovi IciiPi'. for In* kind int. r position in lIfir !?? !? iif. Abundant vii'Mt hf?v.? rewarded the 1 tit r <>f the agriculturist^ whilst the tit HMif.irlurii' ' industry of the ('<n?fi derate St !?'* was n?'\< r so prisp r.>u* ? * ti'?wr. Tin* licti'iiitii't of tho times have call.'I into I'lintrnce i?? w branches of iii-iniifji'tiiri'n, and g.vrn n fii-sli impulse to the activity of thiute heretofore in ope ration. The mean* of the ('onf derate S'atc*, f r mauof o'turing the necoss<i> ies nod comfort* of life within themselves, increase as th* conflict continues, and we are gndudly becoming independent of the rest of the world for the supply of such military stolen and munitions as are indispensable f'?r war. The operations of the army, ?>on to he partially interrupted hy the approaching Urilifi'P I* ?% uir,r.l...l - ? * *' * ' iMMiivn m a |M<>irt'i|U|| |?> (iii1 Country and slo-d u lustre upon if* arms, through the trying vicissitudes of innrv than it no arduous campaign, which intillo <>ur brttvo volunteer* to our pruiso nod our gratitude. From it* coniun ticcmoi? up to tlio pre*erit p riol, the w ?r vj tmi'iUnily <iiiUriiiii|i il? |>ro(i<trHon* UD<| i-xpitiiiliiig it* boundaries, *<i a* to iueludn now ti> Id*. The eonfliot iioiv ext. ii I* from tin* shore* of the t 'lie* iponko to tlio confine* of Mi** >uri and Arizona. Yet, sudden calls fr mm ihn r uiot<**t point*. f.<r miliary ni l. have been met, with promptness rnou.'h, not only to nvcrt <li?us*crs, in the face of mipcrior number*, but nl*o to toll b iik tlic tide <f invasion from (lie border. When ilic w ir commenced, tlio cnotnv wore |i ism'um'iI of certain *tralcj*ic points uiol >troiij.' pi icyu within the <'otifcdcratc Stale* They greatly 1 XCclled ill number*, in available resource*, an I in tinMipplii * incc?<iry for war ; military r* tablislnooiit* l.u.l been buig mguiiilt'il mi I wi re complete ; tlie navy, uml, lot tbe m.i.l patt, (lie unity, once common to imtti, wo re in their po*sc*.*inn. To meet t.ll lbin, we bad to create, not only uh tinny, in tbe face ?>f war it-rlt, but also tbo military establishment* inceas.irv to louip vml pbico it in tlie field. It ought, indeed, to b.' a subject of grat ilie lion, that lite spirit >'f tbe volunteer* ami the patrioli*iu of the people, have van*I le f h*, under I'roi idi-nee, to grapple micccs* fully with the*o difficulties. A *ucce*. Hon of ghoi? ii? victories at llcthel, Hull Hun, Mu:ia*s.i*, Springfield, h-xingtmi, l/'i^lnirg and ))< liimiit, has cheeked tlie wicked invasion, which greed of gain, mid the unba'Sowcd lu*tof power, brought upon our anil, and ha* prove I tli it num b r* cease to aVi.ii. when directed Mu.iin.t ft p oi'if fighting (><r ho ucrotl ri^li( of ftelf-puveriiincnt mil llie privilege* of ftfi'iiii'ii. After in re th in seven months of wnr, llie enemy Live not only failed to extern! their oecupmion of our noil. Lot he* States mid Terriioriu# have been ad li'il In our Confederacy ; while, instead of their (lirtmtriird tuareh of comfite^t, they have Im-cii <lriveii to umaint* the defensive ; and. up<iQ a fair comparison betwien the two belligerent a, ?s to men, military means ami timineial eonditinn, the Confederate {Mate* lire, relatively, nmeh stronger now, tlun when the strug pie commenced Sinee your adjournment, the people of Mi-s-iuri have conducted the in the face of almost unp.trallcL d diflb ul ir?, with a spirit slid success alike worthy of ihomwlvcii iml of the jtmI cnu?e in which they arc at ru^ling. Since that tiinc, Kentucky, too, ha* become the theatre of active hostilities. The federal forces have not only n-fiHil to acknowledge her rijjht to neutrality in the war, but have invaded her for the purpose of attacking the Confederate States. Outrages ol the moat do-polio character bafoabeen perpetrated ufVtn her people. Some of her moat eminent T ? ? id: eina>-u? !? % - kill bciii'<I j*d Uiriit- ???v t to 10 f pii*oin, without kti 'w iiif vim were their iccu<rr?, or the rpneificali^B of e barge made against t ill. in, ?liik? otli.T? bib> been t?? ' r abandon their homes, fimilliM mini pry | t l?4'rty, mi 1 seek ? refig- iu distant Wnlw. I Finding tllat the (' >n federate States were c about to iiivH.J. I through Kentucky, ( I I mud that her pooplo, nft-r being deceir- | ( I i'd into m mrataken wcuriij, wnr? un- I i I uriw'd and in danger of living subjugated | I j by lb.* tVlerml forces, our armies were j i iu iri'limd into tb it State, to tepel tbeene- < my ami prevent their ocupmncy of cer- i | tain tr.i'i-gia points which would have I | >i tin mi gr-if advantage* in tligrtoti. i | i?ai? a map wh-'eb j*i-v:fl d, not on- , j I) by tha ti?wwm?itii'a of aulf defence, yn i i the part <d* the ('oof'uderate States, but ,1 alwi by tun d< *ir>- to aid the people of j i Kentucky. It wan never intended by i I the Confederate to conquer i | or fitercu the people of tiuit State, but i I on the oon'riry, it was decbuMkg^wour i V-**. n'WvN, (Im* ihey "i lr<">p-, it (In* I' deral (?overnw^^^weuM i I | do lik v*i?\ I'riclaHialion waa aUonimlo i i of the dc?fre to rvqe'ct the neutrality of i i Keiitueky, and the intention to abide by I | I be wi.lic. of her ptitp'e, hm soon nn they i i were free to express their opinion*.? I I TIlOaA iloiil .ruli-.n- ?- ? " ?? 1 1 . . .....npj>riiT?*?l lij flit*, | _ j and I flioiiM regar I it us one of the h -i j I effect* of the in irch of our troop* in'o , K' UtUcky, if it should end iu giving t.> | lo r people the liberty of elinic and * j free oppmt unity to ilvi-iilu their own d-stiny, according to their own will. I The army ha* been chiefly instrumentjul in prceoi-utiiig the great contest in which we arc engaged ; but the navy I.a* also been effective, in full proportion to j its means. The naval officers, deprived, i to a great extent, of an opportunity to j omko their prof-esional skill available at ' wia, have served, with commendable fal and gallantry, on shore und upon inland waters ; further details of which will be 1 build in the report* of the Secretaries of ; the Navy ml War. I 1 - * * I in me tran*porlatlon ol the mails, ' niniiv difih ultics have uri^n, which will 1 l he found fully developed in the report of | ilie I'o-ttnaM.T (ieiiernl. The ?ha>>rpti ?n ( ' , ?-f the ordinary mriinn of transportation, ! ' for tin* movement of trmps and military : supplies, the insufficiency of tho rolling i -tick of railroad* for th^^rutu^jktionof J htl*illfs*, I npt ritlinll^jiplH 1 ' omt.miiiiio^^fl * I ol contractor* t<? comply with the 1 i term* "f ilicir agreements the diffuul- I tic* inlc ront in inaugurating an vast and j cnmplicu'cd a system a* that which r??- j quiics postal facilities for every town and \i.!-ige in a territory so extended a* our*, l tiiveall coiiihincd to impede the best diiccted i ffori* of the POhlmuilar licnr- i i rnl, whose seal, industry and ability have i been taxed to the utmost extent. Some ; [ of these difficultio* can bo overcome by ' time, and ?ti improved condition of the I I country, by the restoration of peace; but 1 others may be remedied by legislation, , j and your- attention is invited to the recommendation* contained in tho report I of the head of that department. The ' condition of the Treasury will, doubtlc**, j he a subject of anxious enquiry on your part. I am h-ppy to say that the final)' ei il *ystiiii already adopted, h is worked well, so far, and promise* good r? suits for the future. To the extent that Treasury Note.* m iy be issued, the fiovcrnmcnt i? i nahled to borrow money without int. rest, and tlm* facilitate the eonillinl . .f iti.i iu >e Tl.ia .* I .? ? J ..--..- -.I . t?v? I *?? "HI . IM<I I AIV'UI I nil UIKirni by ?In* portion of the fir|iI <?f circulation which theae DutPK ran be mad** to occupy. ! '.rlif proportion of rue fit l l thus nrrniiii'tl, tj- } iiuniti, upon the .-iinotint of the dehta for which tin y ure receivable; ami trio n iliit'.*, iJ''t only to tln^g?*?^er'itr ami Si.ito flotrcrti neiits, hut il?o cor-j p'lnti iiN am! individu' ?I*. are payable in thi? iii?>riimiii, u lur^e amount of it may ' ! I?i? circulated at par. Tbcre every , ; rmhiii to liclii'ta tho Confederate : Treasury Note* are fast becoming such a ! oic.lium. The provision that those notes , ' shall be convert.ildc into Confederate j stock, bearing ci^ht per cent. inU-rcnl, at j the pleasure r?f the holder, ensures them against a depreciation below the value of that stock : and n<? Considerable fall in I . . - I ? that value* iiocu In* lean ?lf *o long an tho r I interest alixll !*> punctually p?i?l. The ' i puoctn il payment of this interest, lu? j ? lici'ii ??'Uii'i| by the a?;?, p i^ird hy you 1 1 | ot 11 to la-t Mission, imposing such a rate < | of taxation, nt in it 41 provide sufficient | ; nicuii* for tint purpose. I i For the successful prosecution of this ' ' > vt ir, it is iiulispeoaablo that the means ' ot lruiis|x>riiiig troops an.I miliiury sup- ! i I plies, l?e furnished, as far us possible, in ' I i such a maimer us not to interrupt the 1 ' i commercial intercourse bitw?en our peo j pie, nor place u cli clt on their product- I | | ire eu- rail's To this end, the means of t . transportation from one section of our . : countrj t ? the other, must l?e carefully i ( guarded and improved, and should be j ' ihe nhj? ct f anxious care on the part of ' 1 the State aud Confederate Governments, ??~o it it 0 far as then may have power uut^H* <*' ubject. Wo have already two dHbi|( ytlem* of through transportation fi^H -ail ho north to the aouth ; one from EH the rv>n*i along the aeahodpl; the otlH h? I hnoigh Wextern Virginia to Now (S' wii ean* A thin! tuighl be aocure J, 1 P"1 otupU'ting n link of about forty titifl tioi wtween Danville, in Virginia, t#' un? jieeoxboro, in North Carolina. ?fti rou<truction of lhi? comparatively ahot iur, would give ua n through route, from a e lorth to aouth, iu the interior of t?' to i Uiinfederate fc>?atea, and givo ua acecn^^ wo 1 population and to military resource* ?P| prom which wc are now in a great m*a IL ture, d< barre l. Wo xIi<mjM incrcaw of kria;ly the ty and capacity of uu b*? iim-hiix for transporting military auppli#* ISr If the eonatruotion of this road ahouU, pf in the jnudgin nt of Conge***, ax it i? the i? mine, ' in<H?ponaahle for the unit tra lucceexful "proefutiun of the war, tM let ion of the Ooremnicnt will not^Bl In* and your atfentio^Ta^ *Y? nvited to the pmoiicabiliiy of securing hit tx early completion, by giving the need- to ru\ aid to tho company organixntion and fu administration. j hu If we husband our mmni and make i an a lieioais use of our resoaarccs, it would I no )f difficuU to fix a limit to the period, j wi luring which we could conduct a war 1 iik igaimtt iho adversary, whom we now ! till MMnunter The very effort!* which he j nnkes to i-iol-i'e and invade us, must i no xhaust his means, whilst ihey serve to' m* complete the circle and diversify the i cd productione of our industrial system. ily The reennstruction which he seeks to de fleet by arms, becomes d lily more and off n<>re palpably impossible. Not only i of he caaase* which induced us to separate j tin it ill exist, in full force, hut they hare ; ic K-fii strengthened; and whatever doubt i pl? nay have lingered in the minds of ally, j tin las b??en completely dispelled by suhte- | pie tit events. If, instead of Inongf a I ch< liswdiitiun of a league, it were inde i? wl. vbellion, in which wo are engaged,Ire be night find ample vindication for ki? ' ly inirso we have adopted, in the sceae* r<?| shich are now being enacted by the ' ed United States. I \\ Our people look, with contemptuous I11* astonishment, on those with whom tbejr j rilt IcK^bccu so recently associated. They | ,cr with aversion, from the bar^dm tiii aucb a Bwa President mnkn^HI miV*fnt of Congress?when thc^^l li'dd judges threatened, because tlvy 'tp maintain the writ of habeas corpus, ? 'dec sacred to freemen?when they see just a- on I and law trampled under the heel of m> Ca>s tary authority, and upright men til tl?? nnoc?*nt wouioa dragged to distant <bi?- . #n ja'niis, upon the mere edict of a despm? I*' sln ta they tiiad all this tolerated, np(fii- j f led hy |HO|ilo who hud been in thclll ' or nj'?ymenl of freedom hut a few nmAi* j the ?,? ?, they believe that there mu?Mbe l?w omc radical incompatibility betwlpn rul inch a people am! themselves. \\?*.h inch a people, we uriy In; content to Hie by it pence, hut the separation is final; nr. 1, ha or the iudrpendcnco we have asscrti-l, I he ire will accept no alternative. * utt The uaturo of the hostilities which lliey have waged against us must e ?? ' as barbarous, where vet it 19 "l" Understood. They have bombarded Un lefi uded villages, without giving note* ''.v o wmuen uiid childreu to cnablo them rl11 oescape, unit in one instance selected : 'A he night us the pcri-sl when they luiglit *n lurprisc them most effectually, wbibt , talci p and unsuspicious of danger. At- | 001 >011 ami rapine, the destruction of private , houM-s ami properly, and injuries of the most wanton character, even upon iron- 1 an .nuibatauts, huvu marked their furaja j iloiig our borders and upon our territo- rm y. we lu have^Ap | eo . lin.yflVlicd by these things that flhj ?h Vi iC disposed to uiske upou us war 10 . tli the moat cruel and relcritle?s >nirit vet , d< , (-au wire ii< it pi< |?.? r? ?l t<> see t lie hi lit out | in i lurgo natal expedition with the c*?*o* Si purpose not only of plunder, but th < incite u servile iuaurrcctiou in th*> ( gi nidst ol ik. If tl?--y convert their sol- id iter* into incendiaries, and iovulre . u mi u u sjiecie* of War which claim* nod* pr -oinbutant*, women and children us vie- th iiim, they must expect to be treated ?? cli >ufhiwu and enemies ofmankind. There tr ire certain right* of humanity which tiro nulled to respect, even in war, aud bo BU ho rclUM-a to ngird them, for lei la hi* oU . lain.v, if captured, to be considered m * of riMiiier of war, bat must eijHct to, be a ieult with u* an offender, a^uin>t ull law. I ... Human and divine. a Vl. Hut uot con tout with violating lur a> rights, uuder the law of nations, at li&r, uf i bey hate extended these mjuries ui arl within other jurisdictions. The dlBn- F< guinhed gentlemen whom, with ynuAp- th }ooval at the last suaaiou, I Comluis^k* hi I'd to represent the Confederacy it Br* Iw Latu court#, have been rcccu tly aciMfbjl leu I tic captain ot a lulled States nJtJL of bo war, on board a British steamer, on their ti< toy ago frotn the neutral Spanish porta' ta Havana to Kuglaud. Thej have tbaa | ca # I 4 HHBB u 1 Spa mill ? |riifr<k jernaJictt*. Mf?r tin h ie?; and euUriug Urn ?b ?Mp, ? ling under its MWtrj'i flag* twisted ( I rights of embassy, fur the tw t>C art f d mcmmI, eTfD amongst barl*?n.m>, * j n lini* our ro'itister* whilst uu<uir u<< ? >u*ctiou and domains of a n? ua- ' v n. Them* g-ntlt ni< u were u uiueii ? ter the protection of the liriti?ti (joe- a itneut, upon that aliip and beneath its ? >, mm if lliry haj beeu ?>n ita soil ; and laim, on the part of the United States. * sciie them in tha streets of l/ondon, t uld hare been aa well founded aa to I > re bend them where tney were taken < > id they been malefactors, and e?tist-n*t* the United States, they could not have ' u at rested on a iiriu?h slop or on | itish aoil, unless under the express " >vioioni of a treaty, and according to forms therein provided fur the eidition of criminals. Uu? riglys the nuM^aacred saeiu to 1 lost ? n?d. before * native State, r^^raedio good faith | Washington to settle his aeeounts and ! fill nil Hie obligation* into whirh he I I entered, he w?? porti'lloudy arrested d irnprfconed in New Vi?rk, where he w is. The um-uspev-ting confidence fh whidi he reported to bis tjoV?-rnrnt was Mbti*H*d. bnd hi* desire to ful I hi* trimt to them, used to his iniurv. - * * 1 III conflicting this war we hare sought ! , will, nul prt*| a red no alliance, otfen- i re or defensive, abroad. We have u>k I 1 for a recogn *<d place in the gn at fum- 1 ' of nation*. Hut in doing so, we have I nianded nothing for which we did Dot j , er a fuir equivalent. The advantages i | intercourse arc mutual ninntigst nu- I us, and seeking to establish diplomatrelation* wc were only endeavoring to ' , toe that intercourse under the regulu- , n of puhlic law. . Perhaps we had the rght, if we had 1 asen to exercise it, to ask to know 1 tether the principle, that blockades to ' binding must he cff., so solemn- j announced by the great powers of Kit- | 1 >e, at Paris, is to be generally en fore- J or applied only to particular parties, j hen the Confederate States, at your ' t session, became u party to the deela- ' ion referring to this principle of in- 1 national law, which ha* been mailt- L no Ml Hie customary la* *jB practice, Cw^Jj duration* ; and if such declarations are y to be enforced in particular instnn- I , at the pleasure of tho?c who in ?k?* i lu, then,the commerce of the wnild, 1 v Inr from being placed under the regu- ' > ion <?f a general law, will become nob- 1 l to the caprice of those who execute tusponj it at will. If Mich in to be course of nation*, in regard to this r, it is plain that it will thus become a < for the weak and not for the strong Feeling that such views must he taken 1 the neutral nations of the earth, I I ve, therefore, cuuscd the evidence to collected w hich proven completely the cr inefficiency of tho proclaimed K'kade of our Coast, ntid shall direct it j Ik* laid bcf??re such fiovcrniiieni* a* < ill afford iM the mean* of being h<-ard. i although we should !?. benefitted the enforcement of this* law. so sol- , inly declared by the (Ireat Power* of ( ir 'pe, we are not dcpi odrnt up<>n that ' forcement tor the *uccc*?ful prowcu- ' n "f the wnr. A* long a* hostilities | ntinue, the Confederate State* will ex- i | hit a steadily increasing capacity to ' riii-h their troop* with f<Kid clothing <1 arm*. ; If they should bo forced to forego ( my of t the u* daily bceniiiin^^mro aud more inpendent of the re*t of the w -rld. If, I thi* pruci'M, labor in the Confcd rate ate* should bo gradually diverted from i)N great Southern staples, which have ven life to so much of the commerce of unkind, into other channel*, *o a* to ?ke them rival producer*; instead of nfitahle customers, they will not ho e only, or even the chief, losers by the ; ange in tho direction of their iudua>' Although it is truo that the cotton jipiv ir??m me Southern States, coul-' j ily be totally cut off by the subversion | our eocial system, yet it is plain that loijo continuance of this blockade iglit by a diversion of lalior and an in- I stmcnt of capital in other em ploy men f?, j diminish the supply as to bung ruin ion (bow interests of foreign countries, ' (licit am dependent on that staple ? r ever) laborer who is diverted front e culture of cotton in the South, perips four lime* as many elsewhere, who ; ivo found subaistencc in the various iiplnyincnts growing out ofila use, will i forced also, to change their occnpa?n, while the war wtoicb is waged to ' ke front us the right of self government, n never attain that end. JtM .'j.' e; ?? . it rental u* w l? ?kji how tar it way^r- , ?<?rk a revolution in the iii?Je*uijI ?J?' rui of tb^WorU, which may i itfr auf , cHi?j( to other lebda aa ?t ll a* *<? <?or ?wo In tht meantime, we *ln?ll c^n- '"r our tbi? atioptflr, in liuiaMc de|*eti'vott up..u 1'ioviJvttci, froi# whoMt + uui w arching scrutiny at- cwuiiot conceal ill*' l'" leorvta of our lie re*. ami to wlioee Wi 4C ^ ? ale we oonfl<l< fitly ml mil our <lr?tioie?. For tile r? *1 We (dial! (li ptiif Ufeiw tl? ?uriM-lv. Liberty i* alway* won, where w< b-re dial* the un?oin|uer?l>le will to b?tve ; ami we huve rvaaoii to kno* 11?u t *" itrengib that i* giv. nf |?j a cow n uaj pf< raw, not only of tlie uiNgtii'uile, but of am be r^lite<iii?ui'M of our ei**e. ?! JKFKRIt^ON l>AVtt*. Jtl gjorrji Disjiatcl).: KDtTOK. k ? JOSEPH T WALSH. | ?? Morning, Novombor 2H. J I ' I ?M en JrtjT Tlio ri*l mid l*r?|?rielwry de{ Aiinitiitii of ilie l>tmfit'rk, will he conducted Mitirc'y independent of etch oilier All o<?ni nun leal ioita rrferrinir ?o the former. muM In? f?'J iddreaaed to the Kditor. fiB?tiri?l mnitfr*. iikI everything I'mtiiMltil with ihr hii?ia<'?? #r| f i!ic paper. will he wonducted l?v tuo IV>- # pricier*. or Nfr. N. <5. Odrtn, who will irnn>not nny biminnii during their ilwrnrr from **" own. 1 w? For Virginia Mr C. F. Hurl h-area for Virginia 1,1 ->n next Thiiroliiy, and will bo glad In , w laho on any packages f??r 11 >rrv Volun- ' '* leer*" left with liitn on Wtilnodajf. I till Tho President's Message. I t|? Much of our ?;-4cc is devoted to tho jIVtaidenl'* Mofuwge, bnf wo feel assured ^ :b*t we ooulil not havciillod our column* uw with bettor or inure interesting matter | ri.? th ouiuent appears to be highly ap- M|< proved in all sections of our country, and ( is yet wo hoar no fault finding, even by J I he Charleston Mercury. ^ Thanks. ; f? ncently favored 1 in of vegetable pro- ' hpt imii.iii Williams, ' clt Pli^i tnauimoth po'afoc, 1 Fr 0} pounds; an J from Mr <M I. H McCracken and Mrt. Nixon, wo j J? inve rfceiffil hoim ?f the Urgent larnifm t lh kv have over seen. Two of Mr. M.'h I urnip* would more than fill a peek mei< , in oire. Wo arc much obliged to the par* p<* if. nil Drnyton and Stoedman. j cal Two native S>iulli Carolinians, hearing i the nhn* e tinnn-s, Commanders in Lin- j "n join's Navy, participated in rlio attack Mi upon their native State nt Port H ?y-i|. 't!?. The brother of one of them, com tin tided | f?r? iur forces. South (Carolina is ashamed ha ?f her ungrateful and ignoble sou*, and I [ veil our enemies must despise tlietu for ' sat ilieir unnatural baseness. Km pay. they I cei lixit ilieir native xnil, in I >y ii wixle, ] ??f Mill) t?rch uiiH award M iy nhuiiie and I 'h< ignominy Im the f.?le of the recreant*. I 1?' T> l 1)1 Reverses. J Will nny one think that we err, when we aMort, that our .Slate needed the lr? ' M*' M?n lmi)*lit it hv Providonce, ?t Port * ret llnyal? Have we Leon guiltier* of pride, j irroj??no(>, and vain ?ry ?ineo the cap- i lure of F>?rt Suin'cr? Cannot our fin* , oinetiinm so pn agninst ibe juatnex* f our cau-e, an to bring upon u* xevcre ' * rebukes and cliaxtixonicnt* ? God hath tried us with victory. and lie in.iv now r" ... J tryuB by rivwrsci. Arc we not tig* in in the capture of our Ministers, , '' Pu^rho wilt say that tH? event will not I Ct* result iii benefit to in? Would that the . WI entire nation sincerely trusted in the Iiv- j ino (I ml, mid boasted lea* of the ok ill % PC and vuh r of it* Generals. (it Duel near Miiibsshs. j, A hostile meeting took "place on the , \ 21*1 ifint., between William A Court- | R( n?-y, correspondent of the Charleston m Mercuty, and Captain Cuthbert, of the j palmetto Guards. ?? The e?iiH?? of the diffirnlty wn* a rrcenf SI publication by the Palmetto Guard, re- jr di eting injuriously npon Mr. Courtney, j After an exchange of shots, the matter j was honorably settled. | ^ We regret very much that South Car- i oliniuns should he seeking the live* of ^ each other almoat in aight of the enemy. J If the result had been fatal to the j ^ Mercury's eorreatxaident, we would not j q. have envied the feelings of ita Kditor. | ?. Skirmisliinir has tm n rernm?i??np*d o "" * ~ m . between our army, un<l the again alvanc hi ing force* under McClellun. On the et IXlli inatant a akirmiah touk place near gi Falia Church? our advance force* taking I fj 10 pri?oucr* and killing five or nix of tho ni federal*. Tw> of our rivalry were killed ti and two or three wounded?ono named j k< Chichester, the other naine unknown. I v< NEWS OP THE WEEK. ft.O lii K' u'uckjr the S.ivi rHj;nij (onri u li at ! Iurm-IU ill*; li*s adjnu: tied, afli r iuin; ? PruviaiM<il Government ? II J huton waff elected f'uverr, i ud UowJw*^ UnwB Imm Uru ma le ) Capital. Mfvm. II. 0. llurnett, n I'reatow, IikI W. K Si torn a, were f> tinted a committee ( ? negotiate f- r iJiiti>-io?i ..f Kentucky Hi to the thrrti"f*i?llfMcfSity. ' lien. Winder contemplates sending a *c uuwlvr fMy fKWWim ft war. at I* at 14 R1c|iAm4J. ' -Noidi Carolina I Florida, ami hereafter Kiclunnii I II,U/ rrpir+si nnrr.dy as a receiving fnil f..r rimIi prisoners aa iu:?y he taken, inlcuti >u l>t'iii| wml them firrr Snu'k ?* vot'U at their number bene burl iiR'tui*. ^ The Teuumars hcg:?l*'urc bin (> i1 law cslahlisluug a State Onliunre irt'au and appropriating 841)0,000 In a III iiiufoclure of struts ; also au'h ri*i? tht Governor tjj r?*r;o into itQftiedij service all suil.thle guns iu the Hiate. t" The I'rnvidenee /It I I -I..? ??-! ? - - v?. . , It Iloti. Jul F Si II 111'HI*, <>f llhodo ml. It in pnrrlni*ed a *rM(| which haa i-li ! >??<? J with a iMfjjit of nail, ?hoca <i various other nrtivlv* needed at the uib. It ie doigucil to exchange lo r ne* with the l'7?l mcu ou ti.v 11 ct'a??t f.?r C"iinn, foreign tile* receive*! nl New York, by r ivliuliuric. furnish tin* following witli t r?l to t>*o |>riv???t>r Sumter : Tlie Hull bti,f Spartan, C>pt. Met 'ullocli, riv? -I at St. Thorn on ih? 1 I tli in*'., m 11 i* Jaunim. ('apt. Mc( 'ulloch re rtrd, (list on llor full il*t. he fell ill ill the Sumter, ami diet her 1st Lieu* unit vinit. ?l him I >r the puapose of obnino whatever information the Captain jflit p.i??e?>? regarding American affnirs. plain McCulltwh stolen that the Lieu* inot Lvhivt-t) in the nio?t murtt'iia* inner, ami, while anxious to pit her nil i? itifiirnialioii he con hi, ?h<>w? d every ipoaition t'? to moat rc"*rve.l in all ings related to the movefilenti of his n vcsael. Ill St Icui*, there has teen an ira- ?. Hue Fremont detisonattalion. The uple fully etidorm d F.emont, and In* I poll M) allowed that there w;u much luhlo in the Federal wigwam* lie ely denounced the Lincoln Adtnini*ition. 1 lie followiua goiitloiucu have been v yogi ^ ;cicd Confederate Statu Senator* : out Alabama, \V. L Yalitry, ('. C. ay ; from Mi*ai*.<?if>pi, A. t?. Ilrnwti, . Pi. r- ... 11 i? i?. , ||"1H iiitilLmi Ik. loouios, I.j. Hill. The residence of ?li?> late Dr. lluriH-y, I la ton Kou;?c. Louisiana, now the prorty uf tJcncral Harney, of tlie K?di*? 1 Army, in to be immediately om?Gsled. Tin* Buffalo (X. Y ) Courier Mate*, the authority of Thurlow Weed, r. Lincoln has o?|irein'J his regret it he did not support .Mr Crittenden'* |>o.>iiioiis of lu?t winter. Very prohie The Charleston Courier, of the 1 Si la p: It rati he announced with sonic rtainly fhot Captain IVreival Drayton, the I'll iter I States Navy, commanded u armed steamer l'oc?hontua in the e action at Hilton Head, Cap'oin 'avion is the brullier of l?rij?. (Jen. ion F lhayton. of the Confederate rvice, who commanded on the Conicruie mde iu the action above refer- 1 I to. Conjrrea> hmeonfij mod t he appointment the Hon J. I*. Benjamin, sa Seerery of War. Ks-Unvortmr lirajr/, of rrth Carolina, Iras been appointo<l .Mr. riijuuin's ntteetmwir an Attorney OenC I, mid bus entered upon hi* dutin* i Beccher'ii independent any> that 8cnar Seward hun cxprt awed 11?o conviction a at tlw Federal Government cannot buced in iIkj present war, and tliat peace II be dcflnrt-i] wit bin ninety d; ys. On tho Dili instant the Confederate homier lloyal \ .idit win boarded at alvtHton, Tt*x?9, by & parly iu tho unfhe? of an lini'cd Siutd frigate.? Cut a ahnrp fijrbt tbc crow of tlie neh<>o ir, t". in uuiubrr, were overpowered and ail? prisoner*. Tho V j uk ohm then (In* )i<>ytil Yacht, after an unicecBsful effort to dewtroy Iter by fire, le wan recovered next mnrnits br our oops from tlalveston. We have biggrd another Lincoln Cono??man to kf<-p Kly company. A orthern paper any*: In the tttont rwiJ I Wuyandntfe, Major Whaley, the Tnrni?r of Congress from Wnyne oounfy, was iptured. (VI. Jenkins, who led the reds, raptured three hundred Knfleld and late guua, abont sixty of the I'nionlot* era, end some horses. Captain .Tames P Pollock, who lately iceea?fu!ly ran the blockade while in tnnmtid of the splendid sfcam?hip Fm*1, has arrived in Richmond. lie links there is a liketiiomd of !/?rd I'*U leraton'a proving indifferent to the fjuesona involved in tho a* l*nrc by the Van- ? rca, on the high aeas, front a Hritish u?>el, of Messrs. Mason and Siidell.