The Horry dispatch. (Conwayboro', S.C.) 1861-1863, April 11, 1861, Image 3

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? 0 f # |' . T ^ ""-J! ?? * . T c . wS^TiSilt } Vtrlvu* tl ii i murii wHtmid to tbU btpftriargl U re tattoo to Thine WtM V An 1SSL, Uv|?|bM* mtortod to tt* Mt?rtin ftiwy?| r>HBnn1na>ito ?ms rrotmd h *> fdy- 4k'ooaetruiwg <N Act, Tai (ailed e?thrfc?b HI Unfctato will l? also calipd tatfeo *VI4dM9MU Dtrofiteas" appended karfto. .;. -,' . v '.* /. - *' . ' OPHt KOT TUB ATTOl^BV aavJ^j^ * Him: \?ilt uofco mf tho llkk, t?i?tij jt+am f A A A ?nMljr, pv^?V9l B9VM TJlir^t rfvn Ml 40 which 1 Ami it <tt Acult 1? ?oa?? U> fly Nti?ftclwy coBflfi?.- M?h, WUr ?U, in the MiUwuf toe ratuzM, i^ieL m tha di*ctftion mmd oaetonto?? of fit* towjnrem. 1. "Marurn" apply, 1 think, to Aiod taiwiii rfctitrd (anully, or at abort o? period*, for NrtioM, otbor than atahl or merely manual. W? apeak of tho ^11" of ( oii-baM aud IWtahara, although ?a|?|?d hylhtjr**, ami JtoW ?i?if?tnr?y ; and of tha ff a Tublto OAcnr. Ctartt, or Kehoolmaeter Uonrsoooa generally race* to rayn j hut, tin a man rvvhtk*. p?Atp?, three or four pbatatiw*, and rwini aeveral thousand dellar*. the eowpeaeettoe would riee to the dignity of a ealary. I Would take an OtTf eatr'a roturn ekhor Way at bo choe* to wake U. All ceniptaaatton tor. work sot com tap undo* the hood of eniarjr would be "iwyw. o?wfn??^ amm ?am, and for the whole amount.' Wages AN Itublr only wkrn ttoy tm>4 -$J9U * year, ami (Iim. m my opinion, only on (to wt orer (tot unflii. Mk salary and ??|? arc oapnuktVin h>r ito > |iijw'nn>Miriic 2. Tto- salaries of feral adUra are net from U?, uor |ht ?>Ufkl of **y ?itor ofttc? than (ton of (to Amy mad Navy. Wages of journtynH* MCtontt, I think. am timpi. undar'to e>caption you refer la - ?' 4. A Tax Collator? wiwLiti, If not alary. would km its vitot wnn, come uaUcr (he tod of "w?fw." ar aught to twWaofd under *to toad hf -employment." Tto CegIrUttire nan i to< all persons. not npaeUHy excepted. rtoiM Mklrtolt enmeshing from (heir earning** and ftkUt b/Iwti are pptrlalty ikcMwl. Ttoyh not, in (to ordinary eenae, taliry, I think that Tax CMbton' n\cmr would to moat appropiately returned under that toad. o. Notes *t??l obligation* given for PROPERTY HOLD. W MFTIIKII MERCII AN DIKE OH OTHERWISE, If ON TIME or BEARING INTEREST, would, I tin ah. to Habls to taxotiea.aeannnnf at interest. Notes girea for roerehandiaa new ally tore the intereat incorporated in tto nmeant, aul this I should eon^MMttotoai, and not nn evasion ^^mi^OllRwMtt an investment. t?. Funds na( redoced to possession, and from which no present income is derired, are ?-?? <l>a neAwiriinna **f (Via V rl a n< 1 lurk i? the situation K?ncr*Uy of amount? in the hawdn of Mwlera aa<l t'omtuiaeienem. The pirwiu to whoto it ukall be untimely decided that theoe fund- belong are-not liable to a tat, and the Maetera and t'ouiiniaaioiicrs arc certainly not liable. 7. I'ritfttkiaul incMiir I ewthltr ne the amount which the profbaainnn! man rerierea after Ike cape nee* neceasariiv Incident to tke ntti'MW of hi* proforaion have keen Jed acted Whether an expenae may be oeaaideeotf ae ticceaanrtly incident, nuM m a great degree depend en the rie-tra of the party who make* the return. L W. II VYXE, Attorney General. ADDITIONAL DIRECTIONS TO TAX COLLSCTORA. Ketnrna of ' moftejra loaned" nn<l "momaji at iaiwhat," iavefttnent* in atock and bonds, iiC., are to be natlt will* reference to the joar ending. 3lei December, iOCU, and nuU bo for the principal so invested. im-- ?I? .e7* i. ...i .j ? lie r?ciiM|iiiuii "i ?mv - ?fnyn ?" thin Slut*," front the in* of 10 oeul* per $10M ?n "MomT* invented iit .Stocka. Ac.," rafem exclusively to th? Honda tml* Htoek* "ivftaed i?T"?be Stale Of South Carolina. I uv;-?uuenia is the Stork* only of the llanka ml Itailrnn.l Companies of tine State, arc cxi-inpt Croat tar; llie JJvnJ* of tack lkuikt and Corporation* are not included in tliin erceptkon. (n lite i aac of .Slave* or Uad* aold on lot October. ll?e Nailer and not lite purchaser is liable for ike tar; the low doaa not oonnider Intel l.>n* of n Uy. keiuma of don* kept bj *)*?? and freft pernona of color, mu?i ho made with reference in l?i Ocldnr, I860; Lhane return* are not tukjMl to the looal or polieo imeMroeil*. Keiuru* already received, wbieh ha*a not boon made in couftnrmity irith the laar, no above construed and explained. *ko?ltl be amended. * . " MT The i'apom throughout the Slate will plea?e copy and publish onoa. April 11 * , & , It MHKKIFirS SALES. W. ? Kenro*. . ) T? - J Klita Todd and of hers. I "^1 use AM t? tati order, made by J amor A. Thompson Ordinary for Horry IHmrict. 1 wilt offer for before the Conrt HAih In. roawayhofo . ~nn the Ard Monday ia- May df*?, within Ural mU hobH. all that plantation or traot* of land, oohtain iap Are hundred -and eipbtyftre aeroe, more or lean: It b^uK papuwd of throe tract*, to wit: on# ?rae? omotniitw Mr a area, and knr ^n Mr m port of Ife* tMUH; aloo, about M Miw, mH of a MM rifttaftllj ^nniH to 1%tM IHiraut, lilt, traet ?notaiaiac ?*? fctmdrad *ON% fltWtod tA tltwuM II'.m NS* t:( Iwlmf in In. T6W|JHClliM'if WW'^l ti I U .u jiM? Hirer. ai lied Itlaff; !* iaa.o to >?r mU fur pinittM mug Om hdn. . ?n?ivt?n? or iam, . V ffo nrurh M itf V Bio?irj to par (Jm r i pen? of t?W ftmin ruoh ; 'In balaoo* mm i credit ikpiMh ?-r In give baml Mid *ppr?*t#M0in4ij. boor j iff foterret fr?M day of ?%!?, mhI m awrtgag* i ?f the primli?. iml ?. v fbr ?fl ift ?rv paper- K. 4. ORAM SM * M 0 Sheriff (HRee. April 11 9 4B i J Mwden Ia (?>i?ytui<f m the Irx i ia M*/ awt, vidua 1 ** kvuwm, 1W.M91 illig property Ut vkt e . ? m The pWwtaliea a?4 VmMnc? ef ?Um W. burijr, oaataiaiag two hundred aam, man ?rW M Us property, at the Nk of Tk?. W. qpaty, Nrrh?t. . flit' fJiinriia uU mHiMi of M* . Padlk. omUWh two tiuadred mim, mors r?r Ut, v>h onftriT, si the Mil of Tho*. %. We*, dkhw dr Use. a* llm aeon 8wn?uf. ^brwatpgthe pliihUMI where Joe. Johooton * ?-' fcreeorlj rtUed, M the property of K, A. V. Sktppor. ,ai Dm pott of A. B. kkipf?r. "ttwoi thwu of lud, le fft: ? 00ktakilai mi loaiiid eoid * um, * 1.1 u>iun J. J. Majhi, oaf ia o port of the ' W till Wad; Al*? one ?(W tract, coo loin tag two bund rod **ad ft Ay ncrea, the one holf of th*. Hellene load, on ChioOoa Hweaip. fwWU ? ether trnct, oaeioMnf two : hundred and -twenty ^r?v, known on (ho MoWkWk Jhaoea' land, oibniiMw itwaap, on i the property of A. B. flkUor. ot (he lilt of ' HwimI Id Uartlvlek ifd Men. * The aUatitloa anil yeeUonco of fihil E. JwreigM, oontsiu lag KUily ooroo. naryo Woo, 00 bin pi opocty, at tho wit of JfeOwvaa. Th" plantation and rooidonoo of Joe. f. Kii'Wo, <.ml|ii?ie| WO wore* more or leu; 1 A loo, odb ytber iraei of land, containing 260 | iorw, known no (he Cane Tuek lMantetVui: I Alee, one other tract, containiiTK acre*,' , on Alma Eraecfc. a. the property of Joeeph J*. Khrton, at (ho MM* pf Paul NWhoU nod or her* The pin mm too and reaidenoe of Tboa. Me yd, containing $01) aerea more or Inna no t ku property, at the tall of Ah* Smith. bearer end other*. * Twenty bead of Hope, a? tbe property Ofdo?0|>li Floyd. Uttnil of Tbo*. II. Holmes miJ others. - . Tbe phMatbn s?u NMdiert of Jos. . Flo^d, containing one hundred end eighty acre* wore or lee ni his-properly, at the suit of We. Fiord, end others. The plmrtwt low and residence qf K. I.. .Gauia, otolaiiHQK 160 scree mbre er Uee.-es hie property, at (he full of BfllaOgr I Montgomery. The plant* ion and residence of A, J. llsrdee, contsining |wo hundred scree more ! or leee. se hie property, et the suit of W. II. tiurgsnu* and others. The plantation end re*iden< of Joseph Jehnetee, etotsMng niee hundred scree more or less, ee hie property, et the seit of 8 R. Cttr end others. A tract of lend, containing 800 ecree tore or lees, situated on the We Dee Vtond, necir Brown's Sjwarns, adjoining the plnntatisn where P. M. Jehneton formerly lhred end kinwn ae \he Brown tmt, ee the i Mfdperty of Brrin Johnston, et the suit of Rani. R. t'arr for another and ethers. About 800 barrels of toein, at tbe MIT, as the property of foe. W. Kirton, at the'salt of Vn If Janes, et. al. A tract of lend, contniuiog one buni dred and eighty sere* more er loss, and i known ae the Jenkin's tract, ae the property of Stephen W. Kirton, at the suit of W. II. Jones end others. The plontetion and residence of W. H. Prirett, contsining 8 torw, ae bie property, at the suit of J. M. Dell end othet^^^^^^^ The pisntatio^^^^i^tf^Hj^^^ Bear em^nntsini^H or leee, end I his property, at the euit ' and others. The ptaetalion end residence of Amos I Rhodes containing ?00 seres more or less, ss ! his property, at the suit of Havurd Faulk and ntkon ! TLs plantation and residence of Arthur Sugg". co?l*tainf( ">O0 Mr(K, u his property, at the suH <>r Samuel llell. adm'r. j The plantation and reaidence of P. D. Dicks, containing una hundred acres, aw his ! property, at tha suit of Wm 'A. Kpivey ami others. A hay Horse, an the property of Sand. If, Singleton. at the suit of John f>arhy. i A negro man, as (he property of J. J. Bellamy, at the suit of Wnt JT Dubois and J other*. A tract of land, containing one thousand and thirty acres, more or leas on Bi|g Swamp, adjoining Moses Tyler a land, aa tha 1 property of W. P. Bryant, at tha suit of W. ! II. Hareis. | ' Two Horses and Waggon, as the property of Howry H. Parker, at the sails of Joa, J. Dunn and other*. One Sorrel Horse, and one Buggy and Harness, as the property of Bavin Johnatoo, ' at the suftft of John Wfclton and others. W. I. GRAHAM. S. H. D. | HhdrHf's Office, Aprtl 11 0 '' 8t If. I. kMb*. | ?f~ ~ fortjgn 1 J. J. 'iWIUm/. I A'"cku'"" MRY virtue of this Writ, hy aiy Deputy. 8. Bp Hughes, at Amoy Rhodes' about eight orcfqg|^ A. M., on the eighteenth day of March, A. D., 18*11, I attached and took of the property of the within named Jos. J. i Bellamy, tha absent -lel.tcr, a certain negro in*.a by the name of Bam ; and an parson claiming the said negj-o Sam as a creditor in f possession. I A?ed ap at the door of the Court House, in uty Diutriet. an account of the property attached and a copy of this Writ, with | notice for any person or person* claiming the same, to appear as within required, and shew cause according to law; and after diligent sear eh, 1 could not Had within uiy District, the lisfsndist, J. J. Bellamy. NOTICE.?Any peraos. or |?ersons, #fP . may claim the aforesaid negro "Sam'' so attached as khr.m am In ? ?. ?- - -I?? -cr"" efeow <?um, aeeordiag <o law, *1 Mm tinra aad plaeo mentioned talkie t ony Writ. W. 1. OttAHAM, R II I>. April U, l**\. , 6 . - Ht W.'L ttoro 1* and crtkm [ Wfiu| FoMr| Altaohm#ol. Jm J. Hollemy. | PBMUAXT to a* order, paadr by Jtdu UWoor, m ike above IMiii eaeaa. I wiU for pale, before the Court Houe, la Conwayboro', on tbe |r?t Monday in nexl,trlfMa legal ?a!c hoara, ?' certain negro man by the nam of flam. aUbohbd ao tbo property i of Job. |. Bellow t W I. GRAHAM. 1 ' II. H. p I ApHMlIb, ' "tATTBliTld* WACCAMAW IJCBT ARTILLERY MlflltVLY Prill of Whr i'tHnpeny will W brfQ il fviww, no Twra'Ur. mmi, ?k 0 o'?wfc .4 m i'umcmihi k ?> (>? ?? reqw?ted. An eiantUm will he held 1 ftrTlm LiMlmiM [ By imlw of (ht Ctfmln. F. A LAOWHVTT, 0 A. April 4 , _* T# All VWa tt Rnf (imwi! UK r. maluit X^tlk nu4M eecottlit in our hen.U ' ^ for coll*' t?..? The ePemioti of peril#* iaife, rwlol. ii re* pool felly invited to e speedy setilenient of the MM* H iRl/LF.B k WAf^M. Aunmiyi. Mereh ?A f Ii 8I PPOBT YOI H District Paper. - *a TWO DOLLARS * ** . . A. YEAJR *' * 4 0 V id ALL THAT 18 A 8 K 1 D FOR TUB % ? m BI8PATCH J n Advance, 4 ? ' 1 " ' # 1 " IT OONTAIN8 WEEKLY ' ? ? . THfi LATEST SEWS " " * AIIKH1DRH OTHER TNTRRfcTTINU * A - MATT E RS, A XI) Ift COMMENDED \ 0 . To the Pub lie. * * ' ' 0:0 ALL KINDS OF JOB AVOEK NEATLY AND PBPpeditiously Executed. NOTICE. 0:0 THE SUBSCRIBER. OK PAIR BLUFF, N. C., Kfttrs coxsTAxrrr o.v tt. i xn AND FOB SALE A Large and Well Selected Stock or DRY GOQD8 GROCERIES HARDWARE HOLLOW-WARE TIN-WARE EARTHENWARE SADDLERY 'DRUGS AND MEDICINES HATS AND CAPS READY MADE CLOTHING Ac., Ac., Ac. Which he will mII Law for Cash or ProdMr*. ' and to prompt paying customer*. -* fUA A 8M1TII April 11 V 3m NOTICE. A Et PER&OX* sited hy.T II. Holmes, arc notified. that if they will coma forward in ninety daya from Saturday, 30th . March, aud pay over to tba Sheriff. his demand*, the I'Uialif will pay one half tb* coat. W- U. HOLMK8. March -8 4 _tf FOR SALE. THE COTTAOB DWELLING, fJMfe hoi ami out buildings, so de-irahly tt^BLlocaind on School-at reel near the wbar* Samuel A Willson tortawrly resided. will be aold low for caah, or on time to an approved purchaser. Apply to TllOfl. II. HOLM 1-18. March 4 If iro?ec rilllK HI HHCKIRKR keep* constantly on B hand, and offers for aala a well seladt| edstock of i Merchandize, I consisting ?f all article- in tba Dry Goodi ' line, from WI.K8 down to lit eent HoMt8l*L'N. A Miperior article of Hvor ok tar* axd i mmuki.las, Rta4f Mode Clothiag, Hate an<l CapH, BOUTS AITS SHOCB, j SADDLRltY, HARDWARE, i k L _ 1 ri.\ ?? A K CHOC A A* /? .V, flrocorWt, auob * COFFEE, TEAM, 8riiAR, COMMON AND KKFINKD, Gin dies, Bosp, Btsrch. MPintH. CAN 01 KM POWD1H AlfD SHOT, TOILET 8OAP8, PFHFU1IKRV, Ac. . Sp?cUl ?UtStior I* inrile-l T< M V 8TOTK i of ftni MQCQIU, enn*l<lki| of Cognac, ' fMSi, ??a4 rale Br*f??Hr?, iMnale* Kiim. Iloltand (Ha vbntppo. < ?M Bonriton and Monun>14 Pari m?! \(a<Uir& Wine. , ?f iW sAbratad "#M" urawl. "T?l?f pel ?h? LIm," Cordial*. Sc., kc. .lit of which w4!1 MnM enraj. for nwh TUtN* It IIOI.MK8 NUrch 21 r 3 if " b g> F A I rais liquo*si : ^ THB 8UB8CRIREH* WoBA B??p#otfuIly Invito the ATTl?l|OK OF TIILIU CI 8YOMXK8 TO THEIR (*9|dK^rtieB( of Li^itn, . I^. BUCH A8 aymBI COGNAC. PRACII. APPLE !, r ?Nwb<n?, Blat-kltrrrv. I^*v?ud?r . SSUJt.ltoi, Pistor- ! nf?'? Rya Wki*fr?j? ^ Mirtwu'M*Uc* i lM^|^EcM?a?n IUelifl?<l WklftH?Hiroor*. and will Buililt* A QURGAHU8. 1 ^ , If _ constantly on iiand. ! m mjr, SALT mBICK, MOLASSE3 1 COFFEE, TEAS \ J 8MAR, *< ? Jr. AflH^Hfehtr will tell on the iiioM rcoCASH, or will take in ex* White Oak Stave* and will paj n??o<l prices for i linHPRd pay one half cash. l'ereona havg it for sale would do well to give them a caT J Ad. 8. BURROUGHS, W. U. GURGANU8. J Mrck 28 4 If ( T NOTICE. J J A .L PERSONS I$DKBTKD (o us. afcfticr , 1 Jm to Bote eraecount. are eurneatlyiw- | | isetsd to come forward and settle, or their , Heial accounts will be placed in the bands ?f ei officer for collection, and all persons <u*i>f accounts standing over six mouths, ; . wAl he rhargeu with interest. J AS. 8. Bl'RltorCHS. \ ' W. D. GUROANUS. Isrch 28 4 If ] $20 REWARD! ' j - RAN A WAY from (be subscriber on ' . Jajtlie first of Jauuary lust, my negro boy < ISA AC. Said negro is about 18 years j ^Lold, dark complected, quick spoken . . " .when spoken to, lias a scar of an axe 00 7 ; ote wrist. Said negro is somewhere in Horry ( Datnrt. 1 will give the above reward for his j 1 a|prrh?nsiou. or if lodged in anr jail so 1 can | ! g?t inn, K. V. IIUGHK8. j j Mir h I 3t* J J LAND FOHHA LK. ||U| ACRES good farming land, about { eight inilea from Con way bore', I lying Wa< r the Waccatnaw River. It is a . { beawlSlocatinn for fartmug. well limbered, | ie. AUrms*l?ply ? U. N. IIL'X, ' , Conwayboro", S. C. Bfiny one desiring the above. Mr. ' great pleasure in exhibiting the SALE. ^^N^t'llKS of good land, well tint* tiered, beautifully located for | a *i>out lour mile* from tmiwaybor^^Hl vitliin three mile* .if I'ot lllu'ff, I | near^Bffareainiw Kiver. About 1MNI wrtt | of lliBorr in bay lantl, raxily Irainnl, . I antl ssLahle for tlie tai*iuy of Col 11 or Cotton. For farm-, Ac , apply to . ' W. II I'AKRKlt, Conwavboro*, S. t\ ' t March -H 4 if I REMOVAL. 0:0 I BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! > THK informs la is frirtuls ( un-l customer-. tliat lie be Iimh removed ' trwa h?j? former obi j " "RAT TRAP," to the larpe store on the COKXKR, known ! TIIK '-EISK STORE," ( ffhfrc be continues to keep a IS I* I*- . j 1?1V of -MtV GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware, Boots, Shooa, Hats, ltocntlne and Cooper*' Tool* i GLUE, BUNGS. Ac. Ac. I LOW FOR CASH! Hi will aid? take 1 Wax, Hides, Tallow, Coon Skins, Jank Notes and such Trash, i f?A^'^^8,iyu,enl ,',0*C Ah lO^^Blbtr in gelling rather B LOOKING AT! AJj^^^BpRIUKS will give entire satOKI). ('ONGIM)N. --- ? haa a and j 1 J^bKiST VESSEL to any port ddl Ml expanne Will also store to ^ v Bills Whatever. ' GW^SHBbl. GEO. It. CONGDOlf. E^Bfel FOLK PIUS 11! | h ' ^j^K^Bho pride iliemaclxe* in barJf injnMbDKI) HT()(*K, will find thin Ce^l $f Rag* StTTKriOU to anything erer aerin thh District! They are easily kept. ! E.\T VERY LITTLE, not subject to dimaw, : nd fatten with great rapidity. Price $10 a j pair, te he paid on deliverr. Apply early, ?o GFtt. R t rtHOBON. I Mm:i> 14 - __ 1t THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD reepeotfully inform person* Who are engaged in the Tu^>entine Business, that l<r will carry on the boiun.-ee of making i *?I'lKIT BARRELS, at the Cooper Shop. for nifrly owned by Mr. Henry Hardy. Ba>T?l? I wnrrantwl. II I DDri a ?11 ? . . i .. (VI ii.i will rrrriTP jinnnjn ; ,u*?!ioa. w. WILLm>N. ? ; j 1 if ""WANTED 1110,000 Whitr; Oak HTAVBS f ?r *hNA*lUeb??sl morkel price will hp p*i<l H W. W|LL*?>N. Ffb mr 1 W 1 't C H- t " beaty.taylob ago. I m-cqSMDSs TO .BOCK A BEATY. ? J V KUP bMd n*J for nW. full ?M<- , mwliof " % Dry Goods, Groceries &c. | kept in ? Village Sure, which ?? alfpr M the f i Tl HI-K\TIIfoOl OTHER PKODIH'C. . I tlsttfan he turned into aanrt^y,. token aVfuIl ! : prfoeefei Goods or in MtUebioti g?^p>t?* or I Accounts duo <u. ' r. w. bsaty w j r\Vu>R. *3. C. ?. BTCK. FnV.?8 1 . it '< WANTED lyyyi LB*. ?r K.?o.i fodder or ' Ctmalry HAY. for which ItUWal prtoTVlll be paid. Apply to * T W. WATT. I ' -Z 'M 1 * HELP O! KING! SELF WB8KKVATIOX IS TIIK KIRhT ? CAW OF HUMAN XATl'RK I ? cforv announce to all person* indebted to 1 Ac late linn of MI'CK k HBATT, that U>s I , time ha* come Ih^^hermust eettle their | ( to ?ay . j ( If roti cannot na^n^wnolc, pay us a part. , . 'small favors tasnkftilly-svcciTcd an<l greater ! wee in proportion. ' T. W BEATY. March 21 8 tf T\ B. J. singLeton & CO. 1 srCt'RBHOHN to. It S. A. BELL. !j ? he?.? DEALERS IN NAVAL ETOREb, GgAIS ! ANb WAY. ' ??0:0-?- * 1 ^ .Alao a general assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries j 3 urited to tha wants of the eonutty. wbieh we sill sell low (or cash or 'Turpentine. W hit# 1 >ak Stares. Ash Heading" Ac',, er any ether 'rmluce. - . ? -.1 l j. singleton. r. u. Burroughs, i Marjh 14 'i ly | M^OOO BAB8KLN GK50D TURPENTINE: W VNTI l), for which ?? will tuka at full priee in |*Tni?m fbr Com. j dercUandlrr or debt a due n*. i H. J SI VULKTON. F. G. nrKpoi'tiifft. , Min-lr 1 t 1 . 1 jr | Paper and Stationery, always on hand. ENVELOPES I OK ALL DESCRIPTIONS." BLANK BOOFS, . [USD- BLACK A N D COPYINGJ' INK, j] STEEL PENH,, t < A SUPPLY or FllESII ' ] Oarden Seecln.^ JON. J. RU HWOOI). March 14 2 ?f i'^ [ ATKNTKD 22d JUNK. IKO?L-BV J N. llltKilSS. (?F DAUI.INGTON. ' . i TIMS pum haa many advantage* over j , any other 1'atcni now in u*e, having , nkii invented hy an experienced I'Ian On and , ilechanic. The** (Mow* cau now he hud whenever desired cf llugiritu & Hcndriok, at t ? heir shops. in f'on way bom*. H. , where j hey may ftlway* he l'ound ready to acoommo- i laie their frirnda and euntonmr* in lire line " >f thair business, such an IRON WORKS OF VLI. KINl?S. N. II.?t'ft?lioi Discount on the delivery of ' til work lit our line. ' j MUGGINS & MF.NblllCk. , Meruit 14 i tim i . FOR CONWAYBORO*. TRI-WEEk.YL MAIL LINE. ' FTnili: umlernignetl inform* the traveling | )>ultlic. tkui he in running n TUIwTkKI.Y HACK LINK, hoiwceu Fair Bluff. , ?n lite Wilmington un?l Manchester ltailio.ol, , iml Conwnjrl'oro'^K. 0. a? follows : Leave Fair (fluff on Monday*. W?1iio?I?jth i in<l Krid ivn. m K nVlnuk, M? n?<) arrive I'onwiynoro' same <lajr. irt (11*. }| Retaining?Le*ve ConwrayUor.' on Tue*lay*. Tlinrmlay nn4 Saturday*, at '? o'clock ' .V., M., ami arrive at Fair 111mfT. name lay at ' HP M. II. II PORTER. 1 Pah 28 1 tf Contractor. i , it. a. Mi-uoii. r.nwix y. nri.t., ^LEOD & BELL. General C o m m i saion Merchants. AND DF.A1.KK* IN Port l.nrtl Rn<>nn (^iin AU l: Sum t? ? v* * * - * j s f V'?? HM IT?n^ * A'H | I Sugar, Cofl'ce, &< ., &<\ which Utoy <>fT?>r At loweM market rale* for Cash or City Acoejitance. 116 East-Bay, Charleston, S. C. MT Order* ?oliciio<l * ? ) Mli^bctinn jrnaAX1> SOLICITOR** IN EQUITY,., Office?Con way bo ro', 8. C. Grn. W.NW. HAItl.LKK. JO.S. T. WALSII. Feb W j 1 \y 15,000 Bushels Corn. fioo HL'SHKI.S NEW OATS 'JtIO Barrel* Flour 200 U?1m Hay Corn Mm! Table Hominy Wheal llraj. Cap* Fear F'our fn llarret-t and Mnvk?. of Somihern Wheal ami Sotiibaru ground. Beat in ih* Pint.*. STOKLET * 0LUIMM. Mareb il H-tf ftilmingtna. N. C. 0. non Dnfiholm RnilrAaH OOT'll. ANI? WHITE, i?KVl. TO Till: IS l>a?li? I u > 500 IH^IIRU* HtBI) OATS. STohl.Kl I OUXl AM M?rrb 14 2 If WHfeUgloa. S ??. W. F. ?IOY, Skipping and Com ml Mi on Merchant. ttALTIMOKK, SIT)., A TTESIfll ?o <h? ?i? l ?>Wpin?-??l /m of I'RoVTHloNa. OR.tlV OROf'KitlRs. an-l nM M \TfWIM5IX/.K. nm?le >m I IH(>ri?lvr <if i? t?roi ^#iu? n. March 21 A l> 4 * *"*~ - <* * : ** TothO Boutttwn People. WHI^E all am aomtaaneitig to move In the right direction la egfaibtt*h tlie !nd?pendrace of the South Ova the North in ? commercial point oT rim. if li elan eery nepernor? that our M ami (Wot u ring Katebliahment* nk?ilM all be oupporled. AH wdl admit '! ?/<**#. The tiN'lerwigned bege loarr tn inform the eeople <?r thhi State, and all otheee whe ma? ke intptrotel, that they hero in (%>rlaton, it. C.. um of the Largest 5Vsh, BHiul and Door Manufat tories iu the lT. Stale* r ft her North or South, and iktit the? are m?w in (waowion ? a? Hit fhciline* for'maim TacDiriuy work QT thle tlpee riptioll* a* cheep tt* an b? made anywhere, we V?Vp eoaelanily ft hand ^ * , A tag?a?<avtfnetit of-R?wdy Made work of regular <drc?. ?? A tWO . Mouldings of fnimmemMe V?dterns, and Stair Kcwtd*, Vftti* inters and Pinna ttaluat ratio*. Tn abort, the? ara full? prepared to-hrninh at abort notice an? material for lee'uU ttaiab of building* at price* Which none can complain e( if (hejr d?airsaiM^^||d "ubatenital erork. We A I'^SHBRbtlo to wire it* the prctPreace. an<l rail on ? Mbta (hay ;otr?ha*c trotn agendo* rethliiltnl here nv Northern peoplt who mil *ui?*ciit>e n portion tf the rcr? money which |bev make railing inch goo?l* in out Southerncltie*. fat the pur* >o?c of helping our dares to ran off, We can uake the rente kind off work titer nrjl, for the team- money, and ere ere Southern n?cn every >ne of our firm?-beHide* ale are manufacturing tere at koine, end ' our |?M>h mint give ua he prelbrei^ce to keep ua iw wot k, or auek an atablirhMcut a* our? cannot la*t. Send in four otd#r* ?ll?ry# trill be faithfully tilled, tnd auetttleal to promptly We now have on kand 12x20, l?xl8, 12X10, 12x14, -10x12 and 8xlO . SasliM.s Heady Mudf. AJ 8 * Blinds of all the above Kizrs. Also Doors ranging in sii* from*r.n.i? I<> 'IP.OjIft ft fri>nit'?nuuoti iii lirst i|unlitV. Sewel* and llwloMers, and a grout variety of Jn-i'l* <'using Moulding* We yarnc?tly elicit a flout all who my l>c in want of good* In our line, or tlio** arho would like lo look lluough our e?iub Ushtneiit. . * W. P. RlSSfcLL k CO. East End Ha se 11-Street, Charleston, S. C. KehjZH -* I Wu, II. IV. KlifHMAKa Dor. Kia^ and ltoaafiiii-iitreelN. Iti N'fllV receiving from French und larricun tnanufMctorieu UtCORATED PAPER, ?f ihsw nad rich design* in J'aiud, Gwl>l. Satin, Vcivet ami IVoml Imilatious, willi Uorder*, kc., to correspond. Chamber and other Papors, n every r?ri?t) of style utni pattern. My stock of Window Shade*. uf my own uaiiubatar*. out Ouftolu % ?? ! ?ii4 teu ?a a ? in th. latest style*. Upholstery Goods, I'artain Material* . <i Furniture t'errriafl, tf lute importullor is tuii itn<l onmplel?\ siiicli are offewi, wholesale and retail, at nteli price* as to present unusual uuHicemeni? o purchasers. Feb JH 1 1> STOKLEY & OLDHAM l.tMF.S STOKI.KV At K\ Ul.tlllAM. Dealers in Grain and Commission Merchants, W5LMIM.T0V N. C. 7 " J 0;o? Prompt attention en tu the *ale of ('niton, Flour, Itacon tttiil other Country I'rmluco. H?.?? itix'Ks?Col. Joliu Mel'tie, l'reahlent I'.unk of Wilmington : <?. O. I'araley, Ka?| I'rrtitlvnt Cutmumtiil lt?nk: John Paw-on. K*?| l'tmaiijent Wilmington Ilraiich liank of N. ur. UtOM II. Wright. I'rraiiient Itunk if Ca|>? h'ear: llenry K. Ninth. K??|., Ilillahnro', N. I'.: Michael llrown, Ke?|., Saliihurv, N. N. McAdoo, Hjeen^horo'. N. I', I liit Keh !!h FLOUR. STttKl.KV Ik OI.UlfAM are eonatautlv matiuf aetiiring the >?e-?i Fuiailv Kl.Ol'it nt llie Cape Faar Flour IMilla, Wilmington, N I*. " Por ?ale at the Mill*, ami at their Store. No. 6, South Water-ntrret. In whole hnrrel- ami hall-liftrrel* : In hag* rontnining one-hull'. In baga contaimag one-cightji ; They keep cwitalatitly on huml. nl the Mill, and at theft atore, fteah Gilttl'ki 1)^51 F. \I.. Ilouuailiv Cni'kfH I'nrn ('<.? V' I limn, At.. Ac. Ibt) aI*?? k?*f> lt>r unit - COKN ni wholesale uml rnmi . OATS ai whulmle and retail ; l'KA.S at wkole*ale ami mail ; HAY at wholesale aud retail; MitTeliAil'K fine Hull in 4Nfk? ; Liverpool ground Alum huh. in aaoka ; NurtU-t'nroblka fUur nil rotwigniuMii. March 4 I i Off V/" lOaOoo nrKiiELs SL'PtiHFINK WIIITP. COltN artoat. and fur ?ale Hy ineaaurr-or > > weight, poMfldft to th<- l>n.?lirl. HToKKI.Y k OLDHAM M nrcli 14 '1 . . ? If CharlfKton faulty Mannfacivry. UIXMtlAX Ac IIUO. Manufacturer* ami liiipuur* >if Krenrlt Co(ilKtirtTM?ri(*, Knucy BOXES, WNOLKSALK \\l? RF7TA1L t undu < jmt t?|> in *2A, '/) :ui<l Met ]h. byiv. All nr4?r* pn-mptty ttOtide l iw. 247 KiuR-st, Charleston, S. C. CakfK iW'ih ov?*iPT 1 l;ty. f'uk'#. I'jfrtiliW" *?HI t/Vi'l?* ?? ?r?l?-r, INhii?ii on ternt*. 1 1y Frh 2* J. K. SI AIUX 2K2 and 2 ?S 4 K i h ja - >tr ?< t, .'I Hel?Jl H?r<\ CH?ir?. H ?iii fooft Fjn ii?){ Mtnl M<>?? M?tUr?#?. f.<K?kifi|t kr Kiw?ii?Oil. W?)wii M<t Mih ynnr Cm !nr Fmmtutr, ?*? **h? llatrelolk. n*ni?l < .nint'?er Kyrnrttirr, Oak K<?r ?on?f Jn?., ? r Alwar* on br? Urn* nrltntiH of R* frifrrai >m. rkiMrraWVirrU^a <*J llnf"" i , ) U aarffcl*!