The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, August 21, 1908, Image 3

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14 ???-. . -ivv -. ;RSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS ?NCE THEY COME AND WHITHER THEY GO. 81 .< Paragraphs About People and What They are Say ing and Doing. S Tarto of Mallory was in uni j - is spending his * tion nJKrfolk Va. V MBultsby is in tho north ng hp. fall stock of goods. \Almio Sampson went to I'Yitay to visit friends. J K O wrns has returned from a ^"isit to relatives in York county. lr. and Mrs. F (i Hollis are riding seme timo in Henderson 'he coiiufy medical association 1 its regular meeting here last ?M. Ir. anti Mrs. J T I)opglas arc ? H I i t g deverill ditys at Jackson rings. 1 Carnes}, ; been re wi I [\ Adams of W ilmington ^ponding several days el at i ves. Mr. and<Mrs. W S Rowe loft .ida.v tot spend some limo al shevillo ayd NVaynos\ ?Ho. '.Warren Moon- and J ,1 Mathc iti left laso Thursday evening for I wo weeks business (rip lo Texas. Mrs. Fi'od Rogers and Mrs. )aha (Crosland have rd urned from visit to rotatives in North Caro na, Mrs. K I McCormick and Mrs. 1 T .Shepherd aral children ol' aisyGa., tire visiting Mrs. M li ,l,n Im ? m IP TS Scarce!: pair of ltr i So.50 and ?6.00 I $5.50 ** 44 $5.on und $5.50 $4.00 and :,,.;o Cr Jj The chi bel@w thc 0 1' .,1 ig shoe off Mrs. J M Howell encl children I spent several days last week at tho homo of Mr. Martin Dees in Brownsville. 1 There will bo prayer mooting at tho Presbyterian church Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Tho pastor will conduct it. A J Matheson has bought tho A J Bristow lot, at the corner of Fayottovillo avenue and Parsonage street. L Wicker was showing sonic very lino tomatoes hero last Satur day. He had th reo which weighed three pounds and ten ounces. Dr. and Mrs. Bunyan McLeod returned yesterday from their month's vacation spent at Auburn dale, Mass., and ip Nova Scotia. Miss Minnie, Lou McNair of Winston, N.O., and Misses Lil lian and Elizabeth McNair of Maxton, N. C., are visiting Mrs. J T Bason. Last Thursday Prof. C C Cald well of Virginia and Miss Kosn Smith of Gibs?li spenV the day with their friend Miss Bao Gibson on Robeson stree! in town. Mrs. ,1 P Gibson, her daughter Kate and Master .I. P. Jr., went out Saturday to Mr. B F Moore's in Adnmsvillo, whore th?.y will spend a week or ten days, Miss Bessie Lason left last wand; for Salters where she joined Mr. and Mrs. J A Ferrell for a sum-' mer '.rip lo Ilcndersonville, Ashe ville and Mineral Hill Spring! . Tenn. Bey. Bunyan McLeod has re turned an! will preach Sunday morning and evening in the, Bap tist church. Subject for evening "Charnclcrists ofa sue? ess ful lifo. The subject is specially l'nte;l for tjie young. ?I 1) McLaurin has resigned ns a. trustee of the "Willis school dis trict, on account of ill health, un I! the county board of education hus appointed .1 J I .ano in his place. (Mr. Lane was a member of tho ' * ' ! - -i.ed <" the y a. man, woman or c w quarter shoes io ce lanan & Son patent colt rind kid. sah ' vic i and gun metal, fck 11 Tan Russia ossett, patent leather and lan, Idrcn, little aud mg original factory c?sl Sel this IO days cr eves' made ia Mrs iv o .L/uivieor t?i umnatin visiting her cousin, Miss Daisy, Frcoinan. \ Tho first work toward water-' works is tho tearing down of tliej old market houso, which was bo gun Monday. The account of tho campaign meeting at McColl and other nowsjl items aro crowded out of this issue] by tho largo amount of advertising i Tim county commissioners m?^' every first and third Friday, bi as tho campaign mooting will b\ hold hero next Friday, tho coip missioners will not moet till Satu; day. Tomorrow will be the last day to enroll names for tho priman A registration certificate does n entitle the holder to vote in tn" primary. His nairn; must bo 0 the club roll live days before t election. V The Electric Show Company | giving some line moving picturl exhibitions in tho Crosland le?Ji each night Ibis week and g(pd crowds are attending each pcrfoY munee, lt is a nice show and is i r structivo and amusing. '/ 1 T Welling, assistai t cashier M tho Union Savings bank, has hojn elected cashier ol' tho ('(ninty Sav ings bank-, a new bank ?il Darli ft* ton, and will leave Sept. 1. Tu?' many friends Mr. Welling bis made boro regret that ho is go/.ig I o rel urn to Iiis old boa.e. I' is successor at tho Union fray i {gi banlc has not yet been selected./ TS I 'vans has sent to Ute Collin bia State $1S2.50 which bo rai among citizens ol' Marlboro ii few hours foi the Bryan campa lund. Regulates tho bowels, promote:) natural movements, curer, constipali'h Do.'ut'fi Regul?is. Ask your ?'vi: hist ? >r liam. .?5 seuls a 1>'?\-. Dcaih of Mrs. Drake Mrs. .liney Drake died al I he bona? of her son in law. doh/ 1 Bogers, at Argyle, about midnight Monday night. Mrs. Drake liad i ,1.*..,. OF LOW hild ia and around v.rry them through t AN COST ; price M.I.) 1,00 1.50 u:2.9??!? ;h25| SPECIAL Any pair of low shoes, at the factoi MHBBBBffiSSStt*JMMHB can have themselves cut price sS\oe s Beimettsville. Nature Gives Timely Warnings That No Bennettsvlllc Citizen Can Afford to Ignore Danger signal No. 1 comes from the kidney secretions. They will warn you when the kidneys are sick. Well kid neys excrete a clear, timber Hind. Sick kidney s send out a Hun, pale and foamy, or a thick, red, ill-smelling ujrine, full of sediment and irregular of passage. Danger signal No. 2 comes from thc back. Hack pains, dull and heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and warn you of the approach of dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease. Dean's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them permanently. Here's Bennetts ville proff: li Powers, Merkinson St., Bennetts ville, S, C., says: "My wife had trouble from her kidneys for a considerable length of time. Sh?' was restless at night on account of pains in her hack and through the region of UH- kidneys, she was abo bothered by the frequent action of thc kidney secretions. Since Usittg l>oan's Kidney Pills which I p'r< cured at J T Douglas' dru;; store, she. has been in much Letter health The] pains have disappeared from her back, tlie Kidneys arc inore regular in action and she does not have thal dull misera ble feel lpg, I believe lioan's Kidney Pills to bea remedy well worth trial !>y anyone haying kidney cotupliiint" J-'or sale by all dealer - Plica fil cents l'o-.ter-Milburu ? .i, It?fhil?, >.Vw York, sole agents for the Tuite 1 States KemciuLci the name Do.?ti".s and lake n? olla r Meeting at Shiloh. QhUo un interest::..;1 protracted mectnig luis been in pfogi' ul Shiloh church on the North Marl boro circuit. There have been sev \rnl conversions and additions to ibo church, some ol* them promi nent citizens, When thc Stomach, Heart, or Kidney ti vu vt ? iii SHOES. Bennettsville thai j he hot weather. W ' FOR TE IN TAN All $1.00 Ladies i , .. All :'?.;)!.) Ludios | lathes Inn .... r i. wm| bo!ovv All A.O i Ladies i .v cost. All 2.50 Ladies i ; All L'.L?:? Ladies ? s fittck up Just ?LS ?? ?ale slip. Tike ?-D&TC Methodist Church Here to Give B. H. Covington Jr $200 a Year. Lost Sunday tho Methodist church here passed a resolution to give $'200 a year for three years to aid B II Covington Jr to take a course at Vanderbilt university. Tho resolution had been previously adopted and signed by the stewards of tho church. Young Covington, who recently graduated at Clemson college, has decided to enter thc ministry and prepare himself for. the foreign field. He did not appeal to thc church for help, and the action of the church was taken without tho request of himself or bis father. "Doan's OiuttUCllt cured tue of ecze ma that had annoyed me a long time. The cure was permanent." Hon. S \V Matthews, Commissioner f.ahor Statis tics, Augusta, Me, Wide range o? choice in Scientific, Literary, Graduate and Professional Courses lead ing io degrees o? . Bachc?or of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Licentiate of Instruc tion, Bachelor of Laws, Mas ter ci Arts, Civil Engineer and Electrical Engineer. WcH equipped Laboratories, Library of of over 40,000 vol umes. Expenses moderate- many , ltlffiv?ia*i)att\a>?ijwi?u??. - - will not have to hav e have 'em at N DAYS nmnimnnniaanmn XR. WOME >atcnt kid, vici l<id latent kid, vici kid )atcnt kid, vici kid ctlcnt kid, vici kid intent kid, vici kid md as cas\ he at pi greatest money Why Jamos Lee Got Well, ii Everybody in ?unesvmc, O., knowe Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route 8. She writes: "My husband, Janies I^ce, firmly believes he owes his life to tlie use of Drj King's New Discovery. His lungs were so severely affected that consumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recom mended New Discovery. We tried it, and its use has restored him to perfect health." wr. King's New Discovery is the King of thront mid lung remedies. Pot coughs and colds it has no equal. The first dose gives relief. Try it! Sold under guarantee at Douglas &llrecden's drug store. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bot I tie free. TRAVELERS' GUIDE Arrival and Departure of Passen? ger Trains at Bennettsville All trains are daily except Sunday unless otherwise indicated. A KUI VA r.s. 6.20 A. M. from McColl. 6.30 A. M. (daily) from Fayetteville. 7.45 A. M. from Drake and blenheim. 9.'15 A. M. from Kollock, Columbia, Jacksonville, Portsmouth, Richmond, and New York. 12.03 P. M. (daily) Sumter, Col umbia, Orangeburg, Wilmington, Dillon, Charleston and Jacksonville. 12.55 P. M. from McColl. 3.30 P. M. (daily) from Gibson. .rou p. M. from Drake and Blenheim, 7.35 p. M. (daily) from Fayetteville, Norfolk, Richmond and New Voil;. 9.36 P. M. fioin Sumter, Columbia, Augusta, Wilmington, Dillon, Charles" ton and Jacksonville. 9.45 P. M. from Kollock, l'or'smooth, Richmond and New York, nia'ARTCKKS. 6.10 A. M. for Sumter, Columbia Florence, Wilmington, Dillon and Charleston. 7.5o A. M. for Kollock Richmond and New York. / . 8.30 A. M. for Fayetteville, RichnioiK.., and New York. 12.05 P. M. for McColl. 12.10 P. M. (daily) for Gibson. 12.20 V. M. for Blenheim and Drake. 3.46 P. M. (daily) for Sumter, Colum bia, Orangeburg, Wilmington, Dillon, Charleston and ".'Mc another 5^ $8.20 2.05 2. 40 1.95 1.70 - .. . ? . ' . ... i ices way mmmasmsBSBsta saving SS