The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, February 25, 1885, Image 2

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' ii KV- i.? Bo tV? ?roat Liberty Inspire our Souls and make our lives in thy possession happy, or our Deaths Glorious iii thy Just Dofonoo." BENNETTS VILLE. S. C.. EEBUUAUY 25, 1886; TC UK Ol pilO-MB. lt Sloop? beneath tho Bunny hill An in ? tranquil drouin; Th o glunt el nut aro spreading Ml 111 Abovo tho meadow stream. Wild birds that loin in iuuslo swoot, ' And.qui?t. sjiotp abd; oows, J?liid gt^htl^iifcltor from tho boat ..', | Beneath thoso leafy boughs. All day among tho scontod grass Tho orlokots leap and H?UR, And ?rdon and golden tdia?ow? |pft??\ liiho swallows on tho wing. How calmly in.tho uholtorod nook .. Tho uuinmoi' hours may go, Yot bright and-Joyous as tho brook C)Ttmt singftVwitii Uoop'nln? flow. O worldl with all thy ottios' pride, Thy plains aiul.yalbays.grcon, j Thou hast? hot in thy bWnd'rlcs 'W So aweot. so fair a HOOUO. . . .. ?, Wido STUMrx's Donor:: Tho following incident occurred some ten years ago in the city of Philadelphia: Benjamin .Yardley a veteran dotectivo of this city, was entertaining a fellow dotectlve Janios- Gardinqrj nmnbor of as a dotcctiv? Gardiner had como East, to spond tho O?rj?vuitjs,j^plida?fp i ?inong his old friends, and Benjamin Yardley was ono of thoso friends. turcs on tho Pacific Coast, Mr. Gardi ner itllude'd ton1 '?slippery customer," named . "StpmpyJ'r-a< Hnialjj neat and comi'ticvly hulltj feltyw without a parli clo of lieiird'on Iiis facti; ho had tho featurosi of, a woman . in every sonso. Gardiner said, and, from a habit ho fre quently indulged in by masquerading hi feminine garments he was perfectly, at home in tho,feminhjo.plnu'aetor he ?^unied{- V'" " ^ r}-x ? ' Then he could, at will imitate the f?minine voleo tb perfection, although his n dural voice was a deep baritone even in apeak lng. Wino years ago, Gardiner continued,; j'Stuihpy" made a "grand haull" by imtormg tim premises of an opulent lady, just before dawn--after tho lady bad returned from a ball-and, after Ad mo : mig. Ufe ?.* wit l(i chloroform robbed her oi.' all lier diamonds, which she liad worn that nie ht, and securing quito a sum of money besides, left for parts unknown By ?the'description tho lady gavo of tho burglar, lt was appuient that "Kl mopy" was the offender, and Gar ditirr wits del ailed to hunt him up. Tile slippery fellow, however, left no trail behind him when ho left tho city, and from that day ho was seen no moro ju California. iViVlnyt reward was offered for his apprehension?*! asked Yardley. "Five thousand dollars," was tho reply. . , ' And tho valuo 'of tho jowols and moneyV" pursued the veteran, in a thoughiful tone. "?Between forty and fifty thousand." "Had; ho confederates, think you?" "It was supposed not. " "No female, ch?" "'Not to my knowledge," inplied Gardiner. Ya rd ly fell into a train of thought and while thus employed, his compan ion glanced over tho paper, Ho finished this and glancing at Yardley ho was surprised to lind his friond, usually so lively, still thoughtful. "What is it, Bon?" ho asked, "solv ing h problem?" "Possibly," was tho laconic roply. "Tell us all about it,"saidthoothor, in a bantering tone. Ytirdly slowly raised his eyes to tho face of the sneaker and said. "Gardiner, my boy, what' would you say if 1 wore to loll you that I bolievo I could tako you to tho residence of *'Htumpy?" Tho California detective jumped from hi? chair and cried I "You don't mean it?" "Ido." "And you will lead mo to his hiding placo?" pursued Gardiner, in an ani mated tone. "To his placo of rosidonco-yes; but ho does not hide, to all appearances," was the smiling reply, What name does ho go by?" Nino years ago ho culled himself Miss Caroline Horsey,' " said Yardley, it h au amused sipllo, "but at prosont i is Known as tliii ?wealthy Mrs Moil un.'" ; Married?" pparcntly so; at all events there is a maXllvlng willi her representing tho %v A?^itaguo."' v,Otht\wiso a female jn disguise as a double gWd against detection?" ob served Gar?hior, sententiously. "PossiblyA returned Yardley, "al though I think Mr. Montaguo is in reality a maiiA "Well, admiting all tbat, ho is of no consequence," robard tho other, "it js ^tuinpy' wo mo after. Will you introduco ruo?" ho uskod, facetiously. ' * "Does lie know your person?" asked Yardley. "I. think not," Gardiner replied, "Yet Jto mako euro I shall assume a disguise ;whoii tho introduction takes placo.? "Very well," said Yardloy, smiling again as an idea entered his fertile brain. "You shall bo introduced, but dot by mo. I have a friend who will do that whilo I stand asido and observe theorfeot." "What offect?" "You shall seo." "Birt toll mo about tho advent of this moBtdolectablo 'Miss Carolino Dorsoy," said Gardiner. "That was my intention. It can bo told in a few moments, so to speak," returned Yardloy." "Sho carno hore representing that she carno.from Ireland with her parents, bulli of whom died on tlie pnssaso and were burled at sou. Sho obtained a situation as chamber maid willi a respectable family on South. Fifteenth Street- where sho rc remained a year, then loft them with tlio intention of going into the trim ming business with Ibo money sho hud saved out of hor earnings. Sho opened a storo and stocked it well-so well, in fact, as to elicit thc surprise of hoi* lato employers, wh< sometimes called on her. Two years later sho sold oui at a bar gain, and lived in retirement for two oi three years, whoo tho 'Wealthy Mr Augustus Mont aguo put in an appear an?o and wooed and won Miss Dor soy.' " ^.Tho pair aro then really wealthy?' Gardiner asked in au earnest tone. "So ono may judge by their manne of living," was tho reply. "Tho result, undoubtedly, of tba 'grand haul' of diamonds,' " tho otho remarked. "Quito possible" was tho grim rejoin dor. .fWllero do they live, and what ar their usual habits?" "Their residence is on West Groe street, and Mr. Montaguo divides h timo by visiting the brokers' olllces o Third shoot, andJabsoni luj-j; himself fe a period of Tl freo or four days ovoi fortnight. Tho lady seldom leaves tl house." "Possibly on a plundering oxped tion." observed tho California dote tiyo, referring to Montaguo. "Very likely," responded Yardie; Ob tho following evening Hie Moi tague's gave a reception, and Messr Gardiner, Yardloy & Co. woro thor Tho "Co.," was a quiet genteel your man whom Yardley found extremo' useful as a "spotter," and a "shado\ er," in his peculiar lino of busmen His name was Waller Rainsford, ai he was generally looked upon asa yum gentleman of means, inasmuch as 1 dressed well and went much m society. "Ho and Mrs. Montaguo woro qui intimate, and he it was who Hist sn peeled tho sox of that lady, and so i formed Mr. Yardley; heneo both iheso public officers kept a protty sha eye on tho llctitious fournie, and ul mutely woro confirmed in their boli that Mrs. Montaguo was a man in di guiso, but failed to discover his moth Mr. Gardiner, howover, furnished t motivo, ai\d theso three gontleinon nc resolved to mako a proper investigate of the matter. Any ono witnessing the introductio not being awaro that tlio spurious la was a man, would never for a momo have suspected such to bo Hie caf Tho sweeping bow she maclo wot have deceived any ono, almost, and t smile that accompanied it was m< brilliant and betwitching. ? Yardley stood in tho shadow wh the parties w>,ro introduced, and d tinctly saw tho lady givo a porcpptil start when tho namo .of Mr. G ard ir of California, foll upon her ears. "Wo have struck our gamo," was 1 mental observation, and ho was p fectly correct? for Mrs. Montaguo si sequently interrogated Walter Bai ford vory closely in reference to I gentleman. But that "innoccm quiotcd lier alarm by saying chat ho n the gentleman at a botol and bei fortunato enough to render him a ?lb service an introduction followed, a theybecamo mutually pleased with et other. Had the lady been aware of tlio r profession of Rainsford thisox'planat would not have satisfied lier-sho wo have regarded it as a "a mado np 1 to sorvo a purpose. But not foi mouiont suspecting lils avocation, answers ho gavo to lier quest! quletod lier fears, and tho moment alarm subsided. If was oyidont that "Stumpy" j acquainted with Detective Gardiner profession at least, if not acquuin with him personally. j Ou tho following day Gardiner obser ved that ho was "shadowed" by an ap parent countryman, and shrewdly guess ed that "Stumpy" was tho omployer of tho fellow. lu order to complotoiy hoodwink tho rogue, Gardluor pretended to make a numbor of purchases hi Market street wholesale houses, which fact waa, of course, mado known to Mrs. Montague, and was calculated to still furthor quiet lier fears. In tho meantime Mr. Montague loft tho city on his periodical joupnoys, and was followed by llainsford iii disguise. When tho latter returned and reported to his employer ho surprised him not a little. Mr, Montague Uko his roputcd wife was a fraud. Ho was simply a big woman in disguise and was known by tho demi-monde of Kew York as "Big Ann" and was a well known prostitute of Murray street in that city. Yardley did not apprise his f rlond of what ho had discovered in reference to Mr. Moni aguo, but resolved to aid him in securing tho greater criminal vStujbpy" firtil, after which, if rho othor was found guilty of any crime to tako her al jo into custody. Gardiner concluded to tako tho ras cal.during tho absence of Montague, as it could' ho donn moro quietly, and Yardley agreed with him, urging him, hqwevor, to uso tho utmost caution sinco "Stumpy" was such a slippery customer. "? shall bo careful," replied Gardinor, with a confident smile, as tho pair saun tered out of Mr. Yardley's residence. "Condomn that follow," ho immedi ately added, as ho saw his '.shadow,' sauntering leisurely along on tho oppo site side of tho street. .'Ho is daugorous now," remarked Yardley, gravely. "Why so?" tho othor asked. "Jiecauso ho saw you with mo and will so report lo "Stumpy," who knows my profession." "Ah." cried Gardiner In real alarm. "I was not. awaro of that; I must act promptly or hy .lingo ,Stumpy' will slip away." Gardiner crossed tho street aftei laking leave of Yardley, and approach .cd- tho seaming eouh'. ry mun vtyv \\?t] just a moment before parted with a boj with whom he had Peen conversing. "Gan you tell mo where tho Mayor'.' oltlco is?" ho asked of tho follow. "Nix forstay," was tho reply, anil tho detective was positive that tia responso was derisively given. Ho resolved tbereforo to koop him ii viow until an ofllcer appeared and thoi give him in charge for an imaginan offence so as to prevent him from oom municating with "Stumpy." This was accomplished very neall: but tho follow appeared to tako it cooli: and offered no resistance on hoing ar rested; only when ho was led away lu turned to Gardiner, and closing ono eyi ho rouiurkcd: "Now you think you'vo dono it?" Tho detective stared at him, but be yond that simple remark tho man spok no moro. "Confound him, what did ho moan?: Ga diner muttered, musingly, "ca Ibero bo any significance in tho words? He had tho warrant for "Stumpy \s arrest in his pocket and rosolved to pus tho matter at oneo. Ho hastoned to seo Y ard loy an together they proceeded to tho Moi taguo mansion. Thoy were admitte by tho servant who informed thon however, that madam was indisposo and could not sor any visitors. "But our business is very urgent, Gardinor remarked, "and it is impers tive that I seo tho lady." "I will tell her so," was tho quit response, and tho girl loft tho parlo Gardinor and Yardley quietly follows her which she apparently did not ol servo for sho novar turned her head t sbo proceeded up tho stairway. At the chamhor-door, howovor, ' si turned and a look of surpriso sprat into her face. "Why do you follow mo?" oho asko "To seo your . mistress," was tl reply from Gardiner. "This ls ber chamber," rejoined tl girl, "and you may ontor If ye choose," saying which sho abrupt left thom, and they hoard tho froi door close as if sho had left tho houe They oponod tho door, some ono w lying in bed with their back turin toward thorn, but by tho garment th supposed it was a femalo-real or pi tended. Gardiner approached tho bed abd bi a hand on tho figure's shoulder, th uttered an exclamation, and graspii tho occupant lie drew it forth and Hui it on tho. door with a muttored cur? It was a "dummy" and "Stumpy" h "skipped." A slippery customer iiideodl "Well eaid Yardloy, with a emile at 1 ! friend's look of dismay. "Gone but not forgotten," waa tho prim ?reply, and they dopartod from that houso in disgust. "How will you proceed noxt?" asked ? Yard?oy. "Knowing my gata? a8 I do I shall just ranko lip my mmd to do what I, carno East for-oujoy myself with my oki friends and drop thief catching tho while'. And thus ended this adventure which promised such grand resulto. 'l'Un la.H ol il ut lo im Ot OrOlll? < i row! ni;. In. tho early days of ouracauaintance with theso plants their high prices, and tho extremo difficulty which apparently attended their cultivation, mad o thom tho oxoluslvo property o? tho very woalthy fow. Now, howover, wo have increased our knowicclgo of tlio condi tions under willoh they thrive in their nativo habitats, and tho case and rapid ity with which they can ho transferred is HO great that thousands of plants ar rive in this country ovoiy month, and thin pi ices have been roduceel to such Un rxiont as to bring thoni within tho roach of every one having a giass iioii30. "?Not that there uro not high prioM orchids evon in those dav s. On tho contrary* any new species, or an extra good varloty of an old and woll knoy.rn species, is moro eagerly sought aller than over, and numerous inslinces occur every your where amateurs aro found who willingly glvo fifty, eighty Or a hundred guineas to become tho happy possessor of somo special or unilpie form. Nevertheless, for tho comfort of tiioso to com menco tho fascinating pursuit ol' orchid growing, we can assure thom that some of tho most beautiful kinds in this grand family of plants aro thoso who are tho iu{)sl reasonable in price. With tlio information brought us respecting orchids by those who have collected them in their wild state, coupled with rational treatment at "nonie, tiioso plants arc now found to bo as easily managed as any others. One great objection to orchid-growing in Hie earlier days was tho [enormous consumption of fuel, whkJh had a rather formidable appear ance on paper when tho cost was added ?Vv^Kh? end ^f tho yajtr.v- Those woro; tho days when, becauso1 a plant carno from tho East Indies or South America, it was supposed to require as much heat as a cook's salamander-tho fact of tito vast mountain ranges of both hemispheres being donsoly clothed with verdino up to many thousand feet ele vation being completely ignored. Tills faut is now fully recognized, and it is found that comparatively little oxponse is incnrrcVi in keeping theso mountain plants supplied willi sufllciont heat. A. Hook ot TruvolH. Tho liiblo is in a great degree a book of travels. Journeyings occupy a con siderable spaco in tho divino records. "Got theo out of thy ooimtry, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, into a land that I will show theo." was ono of tho first revealed commands after the catastrophe of. tho deluge, and the attempt to build the T(.wer of Hab?t. It was directed to Abram, who became tho father of tho faithful; and, obedient to tho mandate, hp departed at once.' Tho following llttlo picturo ot loreign navet stands at tlio head of numerous volumes, includ ing sonio most popular in tho present day: "So Abram dopartod, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with iii in; and Abram was 75 years old when ho departod out of Haran; and Abram took Sarai Iiis wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their sub stance that thoy had gathered, and tho souls that thoy had gotten in Haran, and they went forth to go into tho land of Canaan, and into the land of Can aan they carno. And Abram passed through tho land into the place of Sic hern, unto tho plain of Movoii." Wo can picturo the patriarch, far advanc ed in life, dressed in primitive oriental costume, seated 911 tho back of a pa tient camel, with his nophow and wifo and othor relations accompanying him In long retinue; the docks and herds not far off with shophords and drivers* all with their lord and master pursuing a divinoly directo 1 Journey 'co a distant land thoy had novor aeon before. Thero was enterprise in tum original expedi tion, and curiosity and wondor must have stirred tho bosom of this early ex plorer as he tracked his way over un known lands, as his eye restod on plain, Valley, and mountain, and as ho drew nigh to tho woodod billa of Northern Canaan, and passed tlio shores of .the Lake of Galileo, and saw a fertile coun^ try spread out hoforo li liri undor tho hadows of Ebal and Gorlzem. Am, fnahionablo shapes in sofas and loungos aro muon bopillowed, and cer tainly nothing cnn bo more tempting than theso sumptuous and luxurious pillowed resting plaoos. Tr noatrl.oou.ul ^onryf,,;t,i( ,w ; Tho betrothal'bn; B?atvl6o/?;my, rV1 mailling unmarried dailghtor ?f Queen* "\^iot?rla to Prince Henry, of BattMn ber'g, Ja announced. Tho,Princesa whs1', born April, 14; 1857, ahd hus inharlt?tV much of il her. mother's cleverness-, in music and-scicntlfic study? but the'pub? Be only know hornby sight; ,-hdr 'prettyjjl cold faco appears photographed in overy* shop window,, and ,is familiar to ali, Windsor poople, for she drives, rides, and walks in tho, ifnmediate nolghbor nood ot tho castle constantly. Itesorv od and proud In temperament, she' can called a favorite,- yet many stories of her filial devotedncss aro told. Sho has the reputation of being tho clevorest member, of tho royal family;' in fact, lt is doubtful if thore be any. unmarried princess living who posessos ber amount of mental ability. As a child sho simply astonished (and non plussed poor-'Dean.' Stanley, who could not answer tho shrewd ;.theological' rid dles offered him by tlie young PrfnCoss cAl'-M- ' ! . . .!':.' IUI omuHUll. ?' Prince Henry1 Maurice of Battenberg, whom* tho Princess is now about to marry, Is a young mau who may bo saul to hang upon the vorgo-or ragged edge, as they would say in.Brooklyn of Royalty already. His ifathor . is Prince Alexander, un nuncio ?Of tho Grand Duko Louis IV of Hesso. Ills mother is tho Countess Julie, a daughter of tho late Count Maurice voh'Hnouoko, a Polish nobleman, who; hold tbo , po?i tion of Minister of War boforo, -4freo dom shrieked when Kosciusko foll." The mawngo betweon Prince Aloxan der and tho Countess von Ilaoucko, Jiowovcr, i3 only a morganatic ono such alliance seem to be moro favored in tho House than in any othor Sovor eign family of Gormany, Tho mar ringo was tho result 'of tho Intimacy which sprang from tho Countess' posi tion as maid of honor tc tho late ] press of Itussia, who Was a sister of Prince Alexander. Prince Louis, one of Prince Honry's brothers, Is i as has been stated abovo, married to a niece of tho Princess Beatrice, and isa Henton ant in tho British navy; another broth w, Prince Alexander, is tho ^(jinsl t;ov erign of Bulgaria, and is uti married while ibero is still a fourth ROU in tho family, Prlnco Francis Joseph, who professes to earn a livelihood as a sub lieutenant in a Hessian regiment. All four of thom are clever, handsome, and decent young moil, and it may bo that tho Princoss Beatrico will mako a happy marriage after all. The expectant hus band will be looked after by tho Queen mother, of oourso, ovon if Parliament is not appealed to Tor a murringo sottlo mont, and if there is nothing better to give her son-in-law that is to bc. the Queen can command for him some profitable sineouro Uko that of Uangor of Windsor Park, which is hold by that othor impecunious son-in-law of the Queen, tho Prince Christian of Sohles wig-holstoin, husband o? Beatrice's oidor sister Ilolona. Tho Tootn Factory; The domain of tho dentist Ia about to bo disputed. A great discovery has been made which will revolutionize the wholo businoss and emancipate tho suf ferers. A factory has been established, with pion ty of capital to back lt, for tho purpose of making artificial teeth by machinery. All that any one who ls troubled with his teeth will have to do will bo to got thom all pulled out? Thon lie can purchaseta brand now, machino made sot and bo exempt from toothache all tho rest of his life. This is, o? course, nothing now in tho making and using of artificial teeth, hut it will be easily seen that tho manufacture by machinery presents great advantages. When tho making of watches by ma chinery was started, thqr$ wore many protests that the now way would novor bo as good as tho old. But tho exact ness soon attained, and tho convonlonco of having the parts interchangeable brought about a revolution, and the factory watches now rank abovo the hund-made. The same advantage will bo had in the factory tooth. If ono set gets broken, or comos out, an oxactly similar one can bo ordered from tho factory at very small cost. If the plate gots cracked it can he replaced in tho wino way. All that will bo necessary will bo to give the number of tho plate and a new ono, precisely Uko tho old, will bo sent by return mail. *^ A wealthy mau who obtains bis wealth honestly and uses it rightly, ia a grout blessing lo tho community) Kosolvo to edge in a little roading every day, if it is but a eiugle sentence; if you gain fifteen minutos a day, it will mako Itself folt at tho ond ot the yoavr. Lovo is sunshine; bato ls shadow1, , ' -Montana has now more than 1,000,* OOO cattle Y At i AOoucThti ll mr, To ha^ ??althj requires us much ,caro . ns tho coth,'na?ld, or face. ' So many twist ^ho tair upiii '??ino Vocot?ing , fashion foi? r-ear round, and' w?iut?r'.'that it got? itreakcd,' thin in spots'and'srjoiris harsh ' ind dry? N Tho hair should bo; l?osiihed{ ryory hight boforo; rotlriiig,1 should be ' ? ?ombod free ? from all i tangles with a jone comb 1 i (rubber. combs have;dono nuch to split andibrealt the halr^-r?e??-, y all have too < much ' .electricity to uso ! . qug(|iimpi brushing from, tho top to; tho ( wy ends lt isjwoll.SeXftMdy.-w.lio..baa imaid/fqr it is^inposslblo to brush ohpJ.|| lair if very loiuj. Thou braid andras*, on tho onda with sof t silk braid for tho light. Tho scalp shoiild bo kept clean ind healthy; wash occasionally and havo' lir tb^rq^ghly,^ "or, tlireo ?Uueu ?/yuar iva' wbil!',.'^ ?,' . . , . Td wash. brkid ?iid bail' loosely'in se1 r?r?l'braidsj t?ko ? raw dggi'??'d rUb1 it' .h'oi'o\\ghiyiiito' th?'soatp (itboaW^iirflt t rubs in hatter) tho? ri'.i?e ?p^^i4 or with a little amuiiopl^^^M^itod n Jt,;w.rhig tho braids iii^?ywpl, lit by tho?rp or Iii tho, sunt$jbU : .dry, uViVtiion 'couib out ?i?'?bi?Aid)j;,u Tbb! naidihg''"prevents ' niucli\'.'|'sm???tng: iVdior?l one's hair-is^lhn a^q??hino lo? ,ion!wiU< prevent Jls,?, Talling?-out atidl riyo^life j to, the, roots. ? Tho. rar?simo,. iishioji4. for dressing children's hair aro is follows: Ringlets ara most fayor iblb foi-bables.': liittlo boyiihavo curls n tho back and bangs in fr?nt. iXiittlo girls havo their their hair. waY* ?ll and fallingdownback, with,, a joiored ribbon ?o keop it busaco. Spmo roting girls havo revived tho failiion of ight hair nols, with largo meshes, l?' .vhich the hair falls loose and as low is the middle of the back. .Thia stylo, ihowa tho bair to great advantago, and.. .viii probably meet with great approval. From 10 to 17 years of ugo tho hair is i'f\rii ?iIfflV't?^ tt?!?t?rt r?n 4i- ?o .... .. luin. VIIii?wu. uu uno i/vrjL' VA. ;he head. With this method of ar rangement tho hair round hats have no ilastlcs, so as not to conceal any part >f the pretty waves whick tho hair forms, vhen thus raised from tho nape of the leek. Tho hat is fastened to the hali' >y. a stool p'u with a shoji m jct bead. - ? ...foy--"-?.???-^?ti-iA,^-. . - .. A. Mahogany 1JO?. .?. . ?.-H-. ; : { ll lh **?A larger, quantity of, maho^aby is (bing received hore this year than any ' ther variety of foreign wOod^" said a voll-known importer ts a lbportei'. 'It is becoming fashionable to uso nia logauy in almost ?very kind of fancy ,rtd ?ornamental'woodwork, and in tho nanuf acturo of furniture and bthpr? arti- ? les of ordinary use lt lias takonto a,' ;roat extent tho placo of blaok walnut. .\(iis, fall cspecbilly tho partial failure of he sugar crop has stimulated1 tl??'sbip- ' dents of mahogany from Ciiba' aikT/V -l?xico, from which places tho wood ised in this country; principally, comos; i /cry little comos from South Amor ?R-". . \ . i .?iJiit Si' "What does it bring in the market lero?" "It is one of tho most Uncertain com- I nodlties that wo import in respect to1 nice, and cargoes vary in value from,8' ?outs to 25 cents a foot, these bolpg thoj ordinary limits. Sometimes, however^ ( i single log' Will bring a hundred times is much as this. In its rough sta! o'a 1 pg can only bo judged by its exterior, ind Some idea can be formed of tho piallty of tho wood and the pattern ofT? hp grain in thia way. Its cpmmoroial raluo depends principally, upon its pat era. Experta froquoiitly experience ?roat difllculties in1 judging of tli? Val?o ' ?f a log, and the buyer oftoh; atlikes a ; lig bonanza m 'this way most' un?x'peo?? pilly., I*ast j weok a logr w?8 spl i >, .on? [ a man for S50. , vWp gayo , ii?n $80 for it a quarter ] of an, hour ,f tor ward, and have since cut $8^000 yorth of strips frot? this single lpg. [.he beauty of the pattern 'was not di's overod till wo began to out it. lt is > lob very often, however, that so valu- ? iblo a prize ls drawn." ; All A lil-lo nt VC nillo. Between, Damascus and Jerusalom is i tribo pf about 3,000 Hebrews whioUj' las been tiioro probably since tho be- ( tinning of tho Christum ora; They; lay? ii??thet city nor toVvti^ they live mt* ?amps. Tho templo is . represented; by ' i more spacious tent. They have nevor dml^tod amongthom a poison of ,<4)ft iront race or rollglon, Thoir ordinary , aiiguage is Hebrew^ In their rola iori? with others tiioy speak Arabian. Clie'so rollitions,1 hoivbvbrj aro vpry few; or they havo remained Uko their prim* !" tlvp ra??H, exclusively tillors of tho s o?ji; and. warriors. Thoy cultivate tho .round ar'mcd from hoad to foot, al- , ?/ays ready to defend thoir portion, or arth, ftf?m which, with groat clifDouli? yv4tboy derive a moaccro substonco. L'Jioy livo on llttlo, and aro contont to hus livo in thoir native poui^ty, w^ioU bey havo ocoupled for conturios.