The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, February 25, 1885, Image 10

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novr a luiimtov'? uoott Deoil i.nmnin mm ii* ?\n lusnno Aitylitm. Tito Story ol Ilia Knoapn. if*W Ute Jfidtiqr of thc Aliixvaukco Sen tinel ??ti -? bave rend iv good many stories of into eoueornmg tho confinement of sano poraous ia lu oatie usylums, aud J am thereby prompted io relato n blt of personal experience. In tho year 1805, while I was serving the Methodist Episcopal church in a Now England lown, a neighbor's houso took lire, In common with others, I stood on tho edge of tho roof, passing buckets of water, exposed to intenso heat on ono side and freezing wilds on tho other. 1 took a foarful cold. For twonty-llvo years lt worked havoc ni my physical aud mental systorofc. Nevertheless, I continued in my mimstorlul duties. I preached many a sermon when mi tier um intenso agony. At certain periods, however, I would bc comparatively well, and then again, my hoad would got heavy, my breathing labored, my appetite fickle. I would lose iDtercst in lite; feel sleepy at mid-day. and wakeful at night. My heart occasionally gave mo great concern. Mot knowing to the contrary* I attributed this 111 feeling to umhin?, lint even:nully menial strength faded Sway, and I weis utterly prostrated. 1 was cauterized, cupped, bltstcrcd, and treated hy mauy physicians in many different ways. My caso was a puzzle as much to my physicians as to mysolf. For ono ol thom at tlrst prescribed for delirium tremens, and yet 1 never had tasted intoxicating liquors. Another said I had brain disease, another fpinal difficulty, another nervous probation, heart disease, etc. My ininti eventually RSVO way, und in 18S2 L was confined in tho Brattloboro, Vt., Insano Asylum for six mouths. When i luaew whore I was, I dcnuuidcd instant i eloaso. 1 then mado a yisit to Oceanic, N. J,, but I had reckoned tco much on my strength. 1 again lost my reason tor a considerable period. That t was in a desperate condition ia evident. My blood had become infocted with virus, which inflamed my brain occa sionally ?nd doomed me to au early death, Tor no physician gave mc any hopo of a euro. .1 Anally found ont what my real disOrder was,and undertook my own treat ment: In a few months I was rostered to such a ?tate of health as I never expected to enjoy. That was over three years ago, and my physical aud mental health have romnmcd intact to this day. Last March 1 came weat, and engaged an garden farming. In all that time 1 have not lost a day's work; havo apparent ly enjoyed the most vigorous health nod l expt-ct lo live thc full tenn of life. Tuc remedy 1 used was Warner's safe cure, and if 1 shoal 1 hvo a thousand years ucver tire of telling us praUes. VT! viii confess with mc, Mi. Editor, th" , bueli a chango is remarkable. And yoi will, also, 1 am sure, agree with me, when I say thnt whatever created such a mental and physical restoration ls deserv ing llie highest praise. Very truly yours. KEV. M. D. HOPKINS, Dodge's Corners, Wis, Thcro aro undoubtedly thousands who have an cxporlcnco similar to tho above, to whom Mr. Hopkins's recital will appeal with persuasive force. Fuel on Russian Hallways.-An ofli plrtl report, upon tho fuel used on Rus sian railways has been prepared by Oenernl Fossiet, tho Ministor of Ways and Communications. Ifc appears from this roporl, which is concerned with tho year 1881, that of tho forty-niuo railway oom punios existing in tho ornpiro, only four usod wood exclusively for their locomotivo'?. Tho lines woro all short ones, runniug through forest tracts abundantly suppliorl with wood and far il way frbui coal supplies. Tho bulk of tho lines unod Cool, und during tho year Ibo aggregate cornu m pt ion of all tho railways was f>(53,029 oubio Russian fathoms of wood and upward ot' 1,230, 000 t ons of coal. The quality of English coal used was only 100,450 tons, most of which was burnt on tho J?alt?o and?n tho southwestern lines. Tho report no tices a gonoral tendency toward a largor consumption of Russian und a dimin ished ono for foreign coal. Tho increase in Ibo uso of Russian coal is giyon at 70,0!)0 tons, or 8 por cent, within tho y oar Only 00,000 lons of Gorman cuul wei'O burned, and theso woro usod on lines near tho Gorman bordor. Sinco Ibo report was drawn up Ibero has boon a consido-rablo enlargement in tho sup ply to tho railways of tho Donobs and Moscow < ?..<!, and tho uso of petroleum as an ongino fuel has beoomo almost gonoral on tho Iino3 noar Onnoasus, The Russian import duties on foreign coal wore increase;! not long ago. Among tho many wondorful things exhibited at tho World's Exposition at Now Orleans will bo au "electro mn chanioal signalling apparatus," which givcu promise of making railway travol in futuro a trillo safor than staying at homo. This wonderful contrivance not only givos warning of mw h ordinary dangora aa tho approach of "wild" trains, obstados upon tho track, or broken bridges or trestles, but if tho draw of n bridfto is ovor so little out o? placo it ringB a boll in tho ongino cab, and au otbor at tho houso or post of tho bridge keopov. If a trostlo or ojiivert is out of lino in any direction so os to orooto a danger, or if a tnnnol wail sags in a threatening way, a faithful littlo hand points out tho danger upon a dial, and tho boll in tho cab rings sharply, waking tho engineer if asloop, ?nd calling his attention to tho signal. There, is not a singlo cat within tho limito of tho town of LoadvlIIo, Colorado. Oats have boon imported thoro by tho hundreds, and In all varlofies of color ami H?7.C, but not ono bas over survived the second week of residence. How ever ns thoro are no rats and mico in Leadville, thoro is no real need of oats, and it makes no difforonoo whether thoy Jivo or dio. Tho thin atmosphere at that altitudo (10,200) is fatal to tho vor min ns to their foo, and tho inhabitants aro thus moroifully spared the inflictions of both. Esunisu millers nra finding it moro profitable to buy American flour nt tho "West, tittil ship it through dlrootly to Croat Britain, than to purchase wheat nt. Now York and send lt abroad to grind. OOMKSTIU li ANO!Nd THU MlSrtilCl'OH -A lOVg bunch o? mistletoe DniKt. hn hung up m tho parlor so that vuulor ita ohormed groou cunning .youth? may hovo au op portuuity to kins uususpootmg mnidons, To bo iu keoplng.with oh! oustoin, tho tuietletoo munt bo fustonod to n whooi suspended from tho coiling. Tho whcol looks woll hung by gorlauda o? holly loaros sowed to dark colored tapo, or if thoro is a ohaudolior lu tho room it may bo hung from mid dirootly bonoutU it, tiarhinds nud festoons of groou uro ar ranged arouud tho walls of tho room lu auy way which tho tasto of tho workor suggests, but somouoss should bo avoided ns muoh aa posaiblo, Tho wheel und miatlotoo should bo used only ni ono piuco, and tho whcol should uot appear in any placo oxcopt tho par lor und tho hall window. All kinds of green should bo used in abundance, but nothiug should bo employed for col or save natural borrios, home-made hor ries and tho shields and bnniiers, except that ii few burches of bright ribbuns aro allowable Artillcial howers should not bo used, and oven frosh blossoms from tho Rroon-houso aro delegated to tho llower-bowls on tho tnbics TUB woman who gots through lier work quiokly and easily, is not tho ono who loaves overy thing at sixes nud sovoiis. Sho has a place for OYorythiug and ovorything in its placo, ovon to tho uutmog grater and stovo lifter. Hbo novor oonsidniA n!?o ie through her work until ovory artiolo usod is in its own particular nioho. Sho has a bag for olothoH pins, und a nail somcwhoro out of sight ou whioh to hang her kitchen apron; abo oan go in tho dark est night and loy ber hand ou tho cat mint bog whon Jonnnio has tho atom-' ach soho, and not bo in tim couditiou o? a near neighbor of mino who sout her littlo girl in to borrow a nutmeg, sho said "Ma had ono soi nowheres, but couldn't fluid it. (JAMBO at, AH? bottles aro of English make, willi opaque surface of oil roil, pomegranate or amber glaas, on which aro incised white ornaments, tho lotus and loaves, fl?urea or ether device stand out in rehof in tho preciso tonos of wbito onyx cameo cutting. Tho bottles intended for perfume aro of Pompeiian and h?gyptian shapes, end ing in a point, so that they must always lio hat. Flasks for pocket uso or tiny vials for smolling salts aro round or ob long. The colors of tho ground work in theso hollies aro thoso of goms, nud aro suporV) in tho deep shades they hold imprisoned under thoir ornaments. (inmivr Soul'.-The giblets from two or three chickens or two turkeys; ono medium sized onion, one smnll carrot, half a large turnip, two stalks of colory, two quarts of wator, ono of ?drong stock of any kind, two largo tablespoonfuls of but tor, two of flour, littlo Salt and popper to laste; ono or two loaves of parsley and a loaf of sage. Put oiiop ped giblola on in two quarts of water, boil to ono quart: now add tho stock. Ont vegotablos small, fry in tho butter until tender (about ht'toon minutes), ( thon stir in tho flour until it browne. Turn into tho soup and season; cook 'iiiotfrGS- half hour, aorvo with dioo of fried bread. [_ SAUOU HoriTiANDA?Sl? Oil DuTOU ?AUOE. -Pour four tablespoonfuls ol' good vin egar into a small atew pan, add a littlo pepper aud salt; let. it boil to half the qiioutity &?d cool; add woll beaten yolks of four eggs, butt or tho sizo of an ogg and a littlo nutmeg. Bet ovor a slow Aro; stir until thick as cream and lomovo it immediately; sot into anothor pilli containing hot water at tho sido of the range Beat briskly with a spoon or whisk to make it frothy, adding lit tlo bits of butter all togother about the sizo of half an egg. Whuu hght and smooth it ia ready to servo. Jv 'run valuo of buttermilk wcro bot for known it would bo mero usod and less wasted; says un exchange. It is a laxative and aperient, invigorates tho Bt?t'uA?h, liver and kidneys, and ia nu tritious to tho ny tom. Thousands iii poraous aro aufl'oriug to day with sopaia in tho blood, from which proceed nor vous headaches, wonk diaphragms, oos tivonoss and ovon rheumatism and ague, who would bo bo roliovcd in a very short time if they Avould drop thoir pork and stimulating dfot aud uso only lmttorrnilk, fruits and vegotablos. SwnETimnAi>s.~Voal arc tho best. Soak in cold wator un hour; lord them by drawing thin piocos of salt pork through them; put thom into salted wator and boil liven ty minutes, removo und throw into cold water lo blanch them. Eoinovo carefully any skin or gristlo and thoy uro ready to be cooked again Avith a cream souci or with pcoa. Fronoh pona or canned peas aoasonod with butter, popper and salt and poured around tho sweetbreads. COHN IJIU?AU IN CUIM.-Two and one half cups of indian meal, ono cup ot flour, thrco tablespoonfuls of corn starch, throo tablespoonfuls shortening, thron eggs, ono teaspoonful of soda, and thrco and a half cups of thiok sour milk; odd aalt at discretion. It should make a thin batter. Boko quickly in small tins or oups. It is host to soak tho meal all night, or nt least sovoral hours in tho sour milk, adding tho oth er ingredients boforo baking. Wili?M rousting lamb or fowls, if yon do not like tho flavor givon by thin slices of salt pork or of bacon, winch arc gouerally put ovor thom, tftko eomo hard butter, roll it in flour, and sopor ato it into small lumps and lay boro and thoro on the meut. This will givo rich ness and flavor to tiio liquid with whioh you basto them. Hnnn is a now way to mako a rico padding, Wash a small toaoupful of rico iu oold water; then put it into a quart of oold milk; add salt and sugar and vanilla to your tasto, and a small lump of butter. Put ttys into tho oven two hours boforo it is to bo oaten; stir it occasionally. Follow thc?o direct ions carefully, howevor skoptloal yon may bo, and you will ho pleased with tho result.' _ _ The boat hoads eau but misjudgo in oauses bolonging to tho jurisdiction of tho heart. UONSUAUTION O?JtfeD. An oui physician, rottred f rotai practico, having had placed in hin hands hy un KusMndu mission ary tho formula or a Himplo voi?otablo romody for thu ? peedy nnd permanent earo of consumption, Dronohlt'.s, Catarrh, Asthma and all tnront ond Lung Affections, also ft positivo ?nd radical ciro torNcrvoii3 Debility nnd all Nervous Complaints, after having loslcd ita wondorful curativo powers 1? thousands of oasos, lias felt lt lita duty to mako lt known to his sn flor Inn follows. Actuated by thia motivo and a dcslro to relievo tmm&u suffering. 1 will send freo of chargo, to all who doslro it, lida roclpo, In Gorman, Kronoh or Knglish, with full directions for proparlug and using, sont by niall by addressing with stamp, uaiulnR this paper, \V. A. KOYKS ll? J'owar'n Mock; itoohnster, N. Y, Leam to say no; it will bo of moro quo to you than to bo ablo to road iiat iu. J.'rotly Women. Ladle? who would re?ala frc3Uncfl3 and vi vacity. Don't fall to try "Wells* Health Konower." Promises hold meu fautor thou bouo fit8; hopo is a oablo aud gratitwdo a thread. UnvOo-unos. l?o wins at last who builds bis trust lu loving words aud actions just; . Whoso bond, whoso walli, bis very iuiou, Proolnim tho uso of Curbolino. Do your lovel best in this world, aud all tho othor worlds will look out for thomsolvos. "Uimi;li OU TootllllClio. Institut t oilet for nnuralRla, tooth ioho, face ache. Ask tor "Hough on Toothache." (6&2?0. Do not loao oonrngo by considcriug your owu imperfections, but instantly sot about ?umody.iug thom. BROWN'S HKONCHIAIJ THOOHHS for CouglrS nnd Colds: "I do not seo how lt is posslblo for a public man to bu himself in winter wit hont, this ndinlrablo aid."-/icu. li. M. Jhvcns, 1'ocussct, Muss. , wuN Ho that wuN boIioYO ouly what ho oau fully comprohend muat hayo a very long bead or it vory short orccd DB. KM NB'S Ur cat is or vu itcstotor is mo marvel of tho ago for all nervo diseases. All lits stopped Iroo. Send lo '?I Arch Strcot, Philadelphia, Pa, Socioty is a oruoiblo tu which all gold melts. (Jut of it is drawn only ono of two prizes-vanity or disgust. "IT tun Klvca INSTANT IIKLIUK. ""ld I? an INFALTilULK OUKKfor ???i.a:.H. l'licoSI, at druggists, or E01,t prepaid by ii?all. Sniiiplos l-'UKK. Addrcm, **ATSTA:l<Lli:8lH*? Molter*, iiox ano. NI:W Youie Wm / I Eft* fa Host ott er's Stomach lt t! rs isiheiirtlolo toryou, ltsilinu'ntcBtho idling energies, invigorates thc hodv and cheers Ibo mind. lt enables thc system l<i throw oil Ibo debilitating effects of undue fa? Ruo, gives renewed vigor to tho organs of diges tion, :irouses tue liver when Inactive, renews tho Jaded appetllo, mri ?hc?ttra&s iio.illhfiil repose, its ingredients are safe, and it* Drodtnitlal?, which consist In tho beuny endorsement of poisons of every class of society, uro ntosl conv nein;;. l''or yale by nil Druggists and Udlers g? o^^S?rmS^^ Ti A??opf?:l in all tho Hospitals of t'r.ihoo Prompt Minni ol vmoti Ktnlplu 0K804. *:t to * >. S i vero oivn.-3i IO ila. Painui) let I n o. OlvliiloKonull iI .Wonos'.KI I'ult >'i St..N".' DOES WONDERFUL. CUKES OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, o lte'suso lt nets on tho Ll YE lt, HOW ELS and KiD.NF.VS nt tho samo Hmo. BOCMUJO it eloanBoa tho Bystom elf tho poison ous humor? tlint dovolopo (li Kidney nnd Url miy Dlsonaca, Biliousness, Jnunrtico, Constipa tion, IPlles, or In Hnoum.itlnm, Nournljdn, ".'ior vous Dluordors mid nil F?m?lQ Complaints. Ur?O/,7/>i,?OOi',01'' TJIIS. IT \vrr.7j"^m??rTY croitu CONSTIPATION, PILES, nnd RHEUMATISM, ny caneirig F1U3TJ ACTION of ali tho crtrami r.nd funoUons, thereby . CLEAWSJWCtheSLOOD Ki restoring tho no mini power to Ihr?W off dlson-so. W TM0U3AMD6 OF CASES [t of ?'.ic wwt f'?rtii:i of th<?io f rrlblo discimon lt luv.) boon (luiokly relieved, and m a alton limo PERFECTLY CURED, i nn i:, $i. I.IO.I in on ?Itv, soi.? UV nnUOClSTS. T)rv cnn bo neut by moll. WELLS,mOlt/UlDSON & Co., Burlington, Vt. Snnl ?tamp for l>l?r? Aimausc Kt l&| mm Wmm c ATAR RH j I, I.V.?. 3REAM BALM when applied Into tho nostrils, will bo ab sorbed, effectually cicr.nsmg the head of catarrhal virus, enua lng healthy secro* ! tums. ItallavHtnilam mal'.on, proteins thu membrane from fresh colds, co m plotclv heals the soros and restores the sen-e ot taste ?ind linell. NOT ll LIQUID or H^'IBF A tew ?ipp.'h'i,. inti ? i relieve. .1 ?fioroUfih _W?aMit ni *MU curt: JjAY-FEVKR ^f^t?^S cts at drinrglstH. oo cte. bv mull, registered. F.I^Y HKOTIIKltS, DrugtrlHtn, Oweuo, N. Y. Sf r.n.YlA ?'i.'jni ! I - - Su ro cn H> froo for slnmp. Y .\lean Uio?okur St., N. Y. 40it P ft f>n tl Samplo IlooV.rrntiiluni Llst.Prloi List ?ont l/RnUO freo U. S.OAni) OO., /? v MONTH * bonVrt for it Uvo YonriR . <4> .uen or l^idir*' m wen county Adorais, w. KiKGKiKn ,v tty., i-miiuioipitia. ICiirneuninntoca t>jr Dr,"jT" ll!. M?T?r, tba tucctufuX IT*"' KM? monee ino operation or dtlav?tom wSSnmi listed bjrhutidr?diof our??. Ml Aron Bu Pbll?. Band foroltculM. Ad? lc? fros. RUPTURE: His WIYU WAS TOO Buey.-"Look hore," soul u j migo to u juryman. "I do not dosiro to wound your feelings, but why don't you put on a oloon ?hit? ' "Jitcause my wifo hhs bcou vory busy for so\ ?n? days, nud I have had no ono to sow bri buttons." .'Hasn't your wife had timo to now on u button?" ??No, sir." ?.What's tho matter-children siok?" ??No, sir; ohildron somewhat dirty, but m good health." ?'What is your wife doing that koops horno constantly employ? d?" "Well, you soo, several days ago ?ur minister carno around, and said that by such a timo ho had got to havo two hundred pair of bruoohos to sond to tho' heathens, and my wifo has boon busy ovor since Just wait, Jud go, till sho gots through, und then I'll como around and dazzle this Court with tho whitest shirt you ovor saw." '.'PAH, what aro dictionaries for?" asked young Johnnie Jarphly. "To teaoh people how to spoil cor rootly, my son," replied Mr. Jarphly, gratified to soe his littlo boy's mind tnko an aotivo intered in learning. "(Jan you spell, Pah?" "Passably woll; of conreo, I am not perfect." auswored Mr. Jarphly with complacent modesty. . But you can look in tho dictionary and lind out can't youl" persisted tho youthful sonrohcr after knowlodge" "Oh, yes, cortrinly." "Thou, whon you told Mah you woro going to run this establishment and sho enid you'd bottor learn to spell 'ablo' Urst why didn't you look iii tho diction ary and-Ouch I I'vo got a boil thoro." "Wuiiti, wifo," said Mr. Kooly, of Philadelphia, to his bettor half, '?Pm a bankrupt," ''No, you don't say so?" sho answered in surprise. "Yes, it's tmo as gospol." "Did you save any th l?g?" "Not u hooter, Everythiug hus Kono." "Fvory thing? Aro you t uro?" ?'.(?uite sure" "Woll, you aro mistukon. That old motor you havo boori fooling with has not gone, and I'll bet it won't go either in a thousand years." Mr, Keely wished ho lind his wife's philosophy. Turi other night two men who sup ported a third botween them, shu flied rip to tho front stops of a house on Howard street and rang tho bell. Al though tho hour was lato it was not a minuto boforo tho door was opened by a woman who asked what was wanted. "Wo havo brought your husband homo, and ho's-ho's a littlo tired," ro plied ono o? thc men. "Yesh, HO tired!'' sighed tho wohblo legged man in tho muidlo. "Gentleman," calmly announced tho woman, "you haye modo a mistake, My husbnud arrived hnlf an hour ago, but so drunk that bo was brought in a wagon. You ean't palm no such half druhis ns this ort'on mel" Sho shut the door on thoir toes, and 1 /.io party uh tilled clown tho step/t to try another door. Is it lloully Consumption? Many a caso (supposed to bu radical lung dlseoso is really ono of liver complaint and Indigestion, hut, unless l hal diseased liver can lin restored to healthy action, it will so cloii tho lillies with corrupting matter as to hiing on their .speedy douay, and thon ln ih-cd wo havo ?OiiB?mpUbh, which is Hcrof ulu of tho lungs, in its worst form. Noth ing can ho moro happily calculated to nip this danger in tho hud than is Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery." Dy drug gists. _ Because it is silly to bohevo every thing, thoro aro somo HO wonrtrouK wiso as to bolievo nothing. ?:<. ? ?t * Concor of the lower bowel some times results from neglected or badly treated piles. By our Improved methods, without knife, caustic or salvo, wo speedily and per manently euro thu worst pile tumors. Pamphlet, references and terms, two lotter stamps. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, Gil;! Main Street, B?llalo, N. Y. If a man is to bo what ho ought to be, Iiis powors must bo brought up to gether, by giving duo attention to all. To bronk np colds, l?vera and inflamma tory attacks, uso Dr. Bierce's Compound Extract? of Smart- Weed. To bo faithful, to koop faith eimply and joyously, is to roach nud hold tho essential liest of lifo. ?.ll'o I'reHorvor. If you uro losing your grip on lifo, try "Wells' Health Honewer." Ones direct to wonk spots. Lifo is not so exclusively charged with swootncsH that ono needs to b? continually throwing in aotdsor hittors. Dairymen GiUliip, ItlCll, Progrossivo dairymen who aro only sfttistlcd with tho best results, aro ad ding to their wealth and conferring a benefit on society, by tho rapid improve ments thoy aro making in tho art of buttor making. This OIOSB uso W?lls, ltlohard?ou & Oo's. Improved Buttor Oolor, nud know by aotual test that it lilis every claim modo for it. Custom may load a mau into immy errors, but it justillos nono, VOUNO MUN I-KICAl) Till?, .ins VOI/TAIO Hier co., of Marshall, Mloh, oacr to send their celebrated HI.KOTOO-VOLTAIC UKI/T anti othor i?i.Kiniuo API'MANORS on trial forttilrty days, to men (young and old) ainiotod with nor vous deiiihty, loss of vitality and all klu du<i tron?los. Alse for rhoitiniM?in, nou ra?ala, paralysis, and many other ?lisomos. Completo restoration to health and vi? ir gliaranteod. No risk Is Incurred 1?A thirty d lys trial ls allowed. Write thom ut onco lor Illustrated pamphlet froe. To know aud not havo the ability to por form IB doubly unfortunate. M h SH M A H'S 1 KPTONlZrO SHBF TOKIO, tllO Only preparation of beef containing Its mitro nutr? Itous proiwUfiH. it cont ams bloc J-maklug, (oreo generating and llfo-sustainlng proportlos; tnviuaa bio for indigestion, dyjpopsta.rioiwus prostration, and ail forms of general Johllily, al9o, In all on trebled conditions, whotho." thc rosult of oxtifuis* tlon, nervous prostration, ovci-workor aouto di?, cane, pai'tluuiarly If resulting from pulmonary complaints, (taswell. Hazard ,fc Co., proprietors, Now York, Sold ov druggist.) To bo grateful for boneiits rccoivod is tho duty of honoflt mon-ono of tho sin? that most olYendeth God is ingratitude. "Hough wu Iteli." "Hough en Itch" eures humors, creations, ring worm, totter,salt rheum, /raited feet, oallblalns. A somewhat unusual specimen of skill in locksmiths* hondiornft lins just been turned out by Slr. JOUIOB Brown, mnstor looksmlth. Wolverhampton, E igluud. It is a Djducb door-look in brass, and yot in that small oompftBS contains no tower than fifty lovers, to gether with detoator and oylindcr, wioruovor, it is by no means morely a toy, for tho notion is quito as sorviconblo as in any ordinary look with a lower numbor of lovors. This look is regarded with somo littio surpriso in tho trade, mid up to tho present all tho nttompts whick have beon mado to produoo a similur artiolo bnvo turnod out fnilnroa. When tho good man dios tears aro ?bod, wbioli in lifo be prevented flowing. ''Maryland My Maryland." ? . . "Pretty Wive?, I/?vcly tUuKhtors ami uobto mon," .'.My farm Hos in a rather low ami inias iiintio situation, aud "My wlfel" "Who?" "Wns a very pretty hlondol* 1* won ty year? ugo, beoamo "Sallowl" "Hollow-eyed!" "Withered and agcdl" hillbro her limo, from "Malarial vapors, Mmugh sb? bindo no particular complaint, not hoing of tho grumpy kind, yoi causing mo great uneasi ness. "A short linio ago I purchased your remedy for ono of tho children, who had a very sovere al tn ?lc of hillousncss, and it oc curred to mc that tho romcdy might holp my wife, as I lound that our littto ghi, upon recovery had "Lost I" "Her sallowness, and looked aa frosh as a new blown daisy. Well tho story ia soon told. My wife, to-day, has gained her old tlttied beauty with compound interest, and ls now as handsome a matron (if I do say it myself) as eau ho found in this countv, which is noted for pretty women, And I havo only Mop Hitlers to thank for lt. "Tho dour creature just looked overjoy shoulder, and says 'I can flattor equal to tho days of our courtship,' and that reminds mo there might ho moro pretty icives if my broth?r farmers would do as I havo dono." Hoping you may long ho spared to do good, l thankfully romain, O. lu J A M ns, Jir.i/r.svii.r.i:, PrlnooGeorgeOo,, Md., \ May 20th, 1883 \ OifNono genuino without a billion ol groen Hops on tlio wldto label. Slum all ino vile, poison ous .gull with "Hon" or "Hops" in their nmno. VEGETABLE COMPOUND 1 ? ? js A CURE FOR?? . All |t:.!ul'ul Complaint! ?nuil Wt'ii'inissi'H KO common* , A-r^.' f1^ '?.*?.? III Olir Itl'St * * ?> *,? ?sw??^^* * yi:5UU; lOl'Lh.lTtOX.* * * / I'rito ,-l la liquid, ! Ill cr Ic i o nB c f, rn. * Ht purpose is HoMu for Hie legitimate healing ot ttt$ca*t ami th? ee'iV/ <>/ twin, and lff\t it does ali (I clatmsto do, tiwuands oj ladies can gladly testify. . . lt will onto entirely nil Ovarian tron?les, fnflamm* tl.on 1 UlecniUon, l'nlll. .. anil Displacements, and consentient Spinal W.'n'oii'.-1. mid I? particularly adapt ed to tho Chango of Uti. - ' 5 It removes Vttnlnr '.Vlite' wer. i'"slrovsn)l craving ? orsthuuUnts.nrid retloycti W.'al<ne*>io/ tho Klonisch. It curen iitoMlinr. Hi adrwli'-s, Nervous Prostration, General nobility, rjIcoplcssnoM, Depression and indi gestion. That fcollup;of bearing down, oaurlnir pain, und backache, I* alway* permanently mi roil brits use. . Send stamp, Maty., for pamphlet. I.otlorsof InniilrT confidentially answered. fVr sale at druggists, ??? '???.???? ?! ?Of ?i> *<?*..... m m. tu tlio human body KKAMOATKl* by nslnft Aimld-Umo remedy. ><nfo nml cftVotu al in Its notion. I'rfuo gib conti* it boltlo. *?-r?'oii H.M.K nv i)ni:ia;isTs.-(.a K? {VJ *efi UsrvittHt sueesit. '< iv Iniioi Periont Rettored i^.^Ilr.KLlMB'S aUBA-f Viv NERVE Rf?CTonEH |/w*?/IlBAi?l ?t llueva Pi?U/.i??. OH&?vr4 , Kurs /tr f/trvf Ajftttitnt, Fits, Oftttfty, Sit. I III eAl.MTtl ll ii ta JU >? (ll roded, ft* t:ilS tifttr ) jlrst ?.v,' i nts. I rei Iii? lr 1 fi li il I botl'3 fr?, t? ir.i'i Ph Milco'.?, i>-? y p?>ln,t?ir>i?ici?rK<3 tal.jiniw I Viii teemed. Bind Manet, P. O. tad ?Jipce-M kdrfrot* to ?:*}3 ?Bllcted to DR.Kl.lHHMp A?h ?4.L5TilliA)!pM>ir?, &uUru?iratc. BSV AUB Of lUtTATMQ P?AVaS milK nubllahor of tho u,MM?is AO?I?OU1 JL scrlbcrs. VorWcmilBwowlllmnllyouotirpapci inimborod llccolpt, which will cntltlo tho holder to o.n W?e. Only 45,000 moro nceJcd Imforo tho DUlrluutlOl cul? will bo given to theno nuw 1?0.U?0 suosciiliors. PAKTlAIi ?.IHT OP lMSr.QEN1 IO Canil i?rouent? <?r ?l.OilO ondit IO U. 8, (3too cnclit lOO ?Ji S.Orci!iilmnki,?10ciifhl 8<itiiivc X'lnnot 1 Ornntl Onblnot <lrirotit lOO J v?i- llimfliiK-Cine Wutcboi, ?*0 ?neill lOO enolit ftO l.uilU'u' Obntolulno Wntdiiii, ? ?<*<? Wntcvbnvy Wntolio?, BH'?O ?nelli ft? Oeiita* Uolil eimini, cnclii SO X^atlle*' O Sorvlcr-n, HlOO ???lil IO Bllver 'l'en ??tu, ?< rncli; r.oo Mollit ?lotit UIIIK*. ttnt enrlit fiOO Klcyole*. SUO ?neill 1 nintcbcil iintr Trottina MUiucs|50l> pnlrtf ltoy?' Kollcf Hknt?*t ?nil lu ?mu, willoh \vn cnn not eiiiinierttt? lierc. Alli pun lal manner. Trescnl? will ho nant to nny part of Ibo MioeutsforaC-inonth?' trliil subscrlpllou to our paper I? advertising prod tn, tho Amount, borrowed bclnjc permittc a bittisc.i Iber and keeps thu Interest paid. witb lOfXpOp ofrmilatlon (which will probably bo WKOKIl'TMi-IiVMit? vearlv FuliAcrlbcr.i, eiUl.UX); 1,000 Illit.aX)! lotnl, KXl'flSSKNi-l'ur paper mid j work, ofllco. repul?-?, etc. ?an.OtWi loO.WO l'totoiii?, t-U'.OCu thin "iionnous|ii"oi)t for nato of OIIYOI-USIII!; t<paeo tho I IVO,OX)?ubl6rlbori, for advcrllxcr* pay for ipoCOIn prop frort:* would bo but n tenth Of tho amount. 'I'liurvforo ti hoir un mn, wodexlro to return favor for favor. Any tn norcent., tho principal lo ?land If desired, usions as tho lie benda usSOccntH f or a 6-inonth?' trial subscription to? PnUniTinUC* I<oan? mado pro rata, not less tlian lit Uli il Ul 11 Utd O n to bo dediioKd from otnoitnt loaned, vlde.d you will send tho liamos of several of youruelghl to whom wo can refer-not A> lo Um amount of property oro worth tm t aa lo your Rood character, livery suDSer must vosttieelg a,;reo io show tho paper and present to f ilends and nolRhbor*. Whonaloau ls made, tho adjob form of noto will bo sent with tho money to the aubscrll nearest bank or expr?s* ofrtco, and no noto need bo sip nulli tho ninney 1H p-itd over. Send tho names of SOY reference?, and Immediate Inquiry will bo lnodo. If no ls desired, no reforonccs need be sent. WHO IV i?.i. SEND Tiffi QUIOKKi Tn making up ihn abnvollst of presents, wa deefded i to bo dividedei|uallv aii'.oiiK the first OOO subscribers re send HO cont s yon will bo entitled loons r?r>;l/)(Kood fori If yu'.rleuer lf> (iinoni; the (ir.Hl?.0 received you Will ab ft beautiful ftold watcii. The watch ts ono third I a tye r i We will Hund a printed list of tho nward?, free, mid nit 1 forwarded to holder? of rocolpts ns they may direct, J of WAtc)) winners will ho pithllshi'd In our paper. T cent? yow send us ls tho recular prion for 6 months, then von pw nothing (ortho present. Subscribo nt once. 1 willi -iday. Wowlllsend you the i-> .or ono year and S i iieiodr.'.colpiu itood for 'S pmenn, ll you t- fl nd us Mil. live friend? to Join you, mid send V To, nud wn will sen paper il mont bs andi pumbcred receipt for oaeh of yoin i6fl?era and 1 oxtrA for your trouble. Ko postponcit Send lUsubiorlbers. with fSO, and wo will neild you Vi scrlpiloiis and 13 r?e?tp!s. This o?fer is good only Atnocli i r>. i onf?. WoliaToW.tOJsubacrlliirfcftlreud) only rcQulro 19.000 more to tho ilenlred number, old patron? and subscrlt'ois. WnOPl wo numbor b/ ?(nid*, should KO to vork at once and help us Incl our Uti by thia gi-siid and generous ofror. nisi V Rf) fit'MYQ Beniiro? ourpttperO mond URkl MU WM IO HM and on? receipt ROO ono present. As to our rcllnblltty> wu .'?>? any linnhe or Mci enntlle. y*.(fen?ya Heme thoso aro pre-.enta to ou;asuhscrlbe.-s, Klyon to thom lutelyfree. Thin 1? ft chMi'.-e of a lifetime, Ihr. true nvijMO yot"* /vivre jgr mn ?, Kvery subscilber ? pri?.o,?/t/irf?n# tr^iy teyoun if voa witt but ti for?i your hand, lt coslsonlyfiooenls I . -lill poHWUvon ulll Iel (I i<int I'ostsaOBtatnps I from plooea wnero alfoital Note can nottjpobUliiu Address ILLINOIS A aim; ULT um or, / i 9 . irify tho. IHoa?v Wo iU?yr>t claim that Mood's Sarsaparilla Is^rfw ?niy medicino i>t?<crvlng publie ooiiititoace,l)it?/"> bcilnve that lo pur?jslho Wood, to restore nnd/?diovato tho whola system iTfct?Hinot \K> cxccUcd, ima wo assail tho public that tills f?W-anuot bo Btatcj^io cxtiAviigamty that a trial will nobility ?ubslwfuain it. Tim Influ ence of tho blood upon tho l*altli cannot be ove? UOOD'S QAWAJ?ARIM.A I I ?? IWIIP ?wu V ?? ?iVlMMIIWaillllWIIII nm ii. \m*n estimated. If lt becomes con\mlnated,,Ul! '"duor consetiuences by \t?f?ch tho hearth ls undermined ts Inmicasurcable. yJ?ossof Appcuto,D?w8i>lrii?. Head ache, Oyspep-jlrf, Debility, Nervousness and Other "llttlo (?) affluents" ore tho premonltl?M of more seriousan/Tottcn fntal results. Toko llowiVs Harsa patillayflio rellablo blood-purlflor, and renado Uio Cfliiyr Mado only by C. 1. HOOD ft CO.,'l/\cll, My?. Price $1.0O, six for $5.00. Sold by DroutH jrfiil Dealors In Medicines. vmmmmna???mm?BasmaBtaB? ?he February CENTURY (First Edition, tSopoo ) CONTAINS CEN. GRAFT'S First War Papor, DKbCKIDlNO THI? BATTLE OP With many personal reml cenccs, Profusely illustrated. THE CONFEDERATE SIDE Told by the son of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston and a Confederate Staff-officer. This is thc brilliantly illustrated MIDWINTER NUMBER, Containing many striking features, among them "ROYALTY ON THE MISSISSIPPI," nv MARK TWAIN, WINTER 8PORTS IN CANADA,"ETC. Sold by ?ll clonloro. Prico, GO ocnts. TUB CENTURY CO., New-York. WK WANT 1000 AGEISTS !oTlh?nowbo<,kTJUlv'VY-TIIIti;K YKAHtt AMONO AT (Jen. DODOBand Uta. 8IIKKMAN. Tho fastest idling kook uiiU Iiuloricd hy 1'tci't Arthur, Oon'i Grant. Bhcrmm, Sheridan, ?nil tlioiiunnd? ot Eminent Jwlee?, Clcr&ymon, Editors, ?lc, A* V The Heit (IK>I Finut llliatratat tn'lian hook ttl>?r Published." It Ink,? like ?nd Anent* ?ell IO lo 1?O ndivy. KVTC.OOO ?old. lt? Great jtUlhnrsfitp ind Snliil J fr rit innko lt the bo-mtna Mot_/Or Ao'nt*. t/*!jend for Circulars, Specimen Plate. Jfrtra term.; exe,., ij A. s>. V/?xi'i'i?il??i'ON ?i CO.. llm-twm.Coiiiu r>n. x.iXTvr^xjxfSt'j.^E* Spinal Misset)' Wulst,.6175 Hplnnl Corset,.fl 00 Spin lil Nursing Coraot,... fl MS SpimU AudoxninnlOorsot, fl 7B Jif?'YttiK Kccoinihondcd by loading physicians, ^"aLufl* dollvcrod froo anywhoro In tho U. B. on rueolpt of price. Lady Agento Wanted. Dr. Iilnqulst'sSpinalCorsit Co. .il2n^ws.y,HoT/York. .'At? k. - W ii i?'iVk'i?J for tho I.! Vf.K ii| mmm km .LOSAN fy Col. Tuns. ? .KNOX. Outfall? rill othcM IO to I. Au?ior IjfCll, Authentic, Ini)>:irtlnl. Couiik-te, the Mest mid Cheapest. i.OOpa-t-i ?l.r.O. .Sell? lite wiUIJiie. bit percent, to Areuts, Outni /'ire. trelp/ittpaul. Send for I'riraTermit, etc.. to ll A UTI-QUI? f't;itl.lKUl\(j co.. Ilnrtfoi-d. Conn. i.ylnR J\t;en:b jjnft snLT,lm?Tt<S? tho truth r.h-.>ut JONUJ. Put yon? 100.1 WAGON SCAXES. H...... jjox, Tara f?etm FrclehJ Paid, free Prlco Mut. Bvoiy 6Ge. nddre?. JOHSO Ol' JlWimAMMlT,, ?loVnliliitl Hrtuit Oared Iii IO to ?iO tiny li, No vny till rurod. Dn. J. STKVUKSS, Lebanon,Ohio. WANTED for ?flo MISGOUKI " STEAM WASHER! U w ll I pny ii n y imo 111 BO nt I n un o r woman ~ Rookliin jirolltobloomploymonttomlto for Illuntrntcd Circular and torras ot Aboli?? for this Colobratod Wnshor. ?li ti: *o\^V.or;"'u"irnt<!(,.clr';(>Iarnn4 torras o 'ilTi\^,AW",0? ?or thl8 ?olobratod Wnnlmr: MMniraK*r"hiohbyTOMO?ot lutntriimta mnrU . i^ lB,1,oc'ln"?lOi6iich\vondorfulcuc<?5?S ILLS ??ffi Wilcox ?tcdlcluo Co., l'UUmlelp?lu, l'a. I havo n positivo romorty for tho ntjova dlootvoi liy Its ?30 tlionsniilsof c.^r.030t tho woir.t kimi mid of lon.'; uundlnct havo boon curod. Indoml, Rostro ri?ls ray fait li tnlisofllcncy.thiitlwlll eondTWO ?OTT1A3 PRBn! tofjethor \?ltn a YALUAni.KTUKATIBK on this ?lnoauo to any auiroi or, (llvooxprossnnil 1?. O. ndarets. Ult.T. A. SLOUUMlJ8lI,carlSt.,N0WYork. THAT Lor?llard's Olhnax Plug bearlncnr?d/fn tag; that I-orlllard'i Roso li?ai Una cutt that I,oclllard'i? Navy Ullpplnsa, and that l-orillnrd's SnuDn, aro the !x;st and oheui>cst, rpmllty conidderexl f if A RIP nPFFF ????? """itoo^irrei" VMniUllULnUCi C'i*Ul? A^tiicr, ISOKulton Ui.,H.Y. RESENTS ! !. 0 h'l'UUlSU desires to sccuro 100.000 moro sub - t; munt lin on trial, and Immediately send you al isof thu following presents. Its eire illation Is now 1 m ki-? pince, Mardi 15,1U8S. All tiloso pres r? TO I?? OIVKX AWAIT t jlniuts. SiSOO cucht io V. H. Clt'eenrmoU?. l,OIM> cudi Vruioiits of tit cucht 1 O rn mt (..KlI.-?' ?old Wntclic?. UIO cucht tOO ejlt Stoiu-Winding NU-Uel-t'mo Wut ?lie. t?B melli GO J!oyaT fill ver Wm< lion, r?lO euclit liiKltos' Uofd Kir-i-U ChntilN, ?lti <-nchi, AO old Jtrnectcto, (JIT. cudi; IO (Uiver Dinner JO euclit 10 Meta I'niioi- riii-iii?iu-i-, tr. 100 Nett Molld Stiver T.-n?).11?, ? tr? u kell ti ? torse*. t?l,O0O; SOI? palpi lindie*' Uollcr indreds ol' nt lier unelnl and vuliiiililo |>ies heabovo presents will bo awarded In. ft fair and Im United BlatOl or Canada. JCvcry person sending us also prlvlleKCd to apply for a loan, to bo mada out of d to remain uupuld UH long a* tho borrower rcinalnk doubled) our profits will approximate as follows: Inches advertising, $1 perlino', ?ll per Inch, V?. issues. Iren? work. 100,000 copies. Ill IKS nos, i.7),000; editorial : total.?110,000; leaving a netnront of SIM.OCO. l'or ?.1,1 \()l;i AOltlOI'I/ruumT d?pends on lt* nrtlon to c|roulntlon. With bt)t2\O0Q clroulntlon the is Htih?crlbers nro doing us ? favoi when they ?end ns J ihKurlber who doilrcs to borrow from sifO to (SOO at 4? borrower remattiB a subscrlbur, should KO state whor mr paper. Wnormotethnn*.'500. First year's Intorest auner c*i Your Individual noto ls all tho security asked/. ?or? you Iber his iln-t icr'.i :ned err. I loan Ono year ofter dat?, for v?luo J-ceolvcq' proinfKo to pay to tho order of tbo piibllso . of /UiiMf?j?7rfcuHi.rW tllOSUUtot ...... rtollqU// with Intorest at (per cont, per annum of / .maturity, lt ls understood and nrrcert r * 9T? tore.ierre ?9,000 colved. If yon int? present, and 10 bo entltlud to lian thu picture, pr?sente will bo V list ho CO