Straight-out democrat. (Columbia, S.C.) 1878-1879, June 28, 1878, Image 5

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THE STRAIGHT-OUT. HENRY S. FARLEY, EDITOR. Friday, June 28. 1878. Our! ?Next General Assembly. S i nc o tko election of thu now de funct General Assembly, our politi cal climate has undergone; a decided change. Then, all was uncertainty, and minor issues worn forgotten Democrats of every grade of opinion were forced to make common cause against corruption aud mis-rule. With Hampton. Gary and Butler, and a few others as the principal figures;'litt e attention woe paid to lesser lights, and many M?nk heads aud milk-sops managed to sandwich into places which could have been more appropriately filled. When, victory became assured, contrary to the expectations of many, and the Legislature 'was convened, grave questions of great political moment presented themselves from day to day. Face to faco with problems beyond their ken, roany who had stalked in, where angels might have feared to tread, after realizing the poverty ol their genius, fall into the bauds of dangerous and designing associates, and were used as' mere tools to compilas nefarious cuds. Issues which were not anticipated at the election, and which should have had the full benefit of the assembled wisdom of the State, were decided contrary to the wishes of thc people. Through precipitate and unwise le gislation, bil Li-were passed that must bo repealed, and much injury was done that may never be remedied. With such a Eegislaturo as an ex ample, and vr?lh such stupid blun ders as A warning, we are soon again to repeat the experiment of select ing a body to represent us. From a constituency made up of every shade of color, from the dusky African to the blue eyed Saxon, ayd of every grade of intelligence, from untutored ignorance, to a superior culture, the choice of our candidates is to bc made. With the most liberal allow ance, fully otie-half of the voter? must be classed as "irresponsible" citi zens, and on that account, are to bc excluded from office-holding, but not from representation. From thu other half alone, therefore, are we to make the selection. The great questions now before us are: Wi If the people return any' of the w^ak-kueedTwbo disgraced them? Will they send back any of the Miss Nancys, whuse simple aud quiescent conduct made a phosphate monopoly and other rings a possibility. Will they send weak sisters with no minds of their own, and who will be sure to find an easy prey to the guile of feed advocates of railroads, phosphate monopolists or bond-holders. Now is the time to decide. The errors of decision may sometimes be corrected, those of indecision never. Tnfe ADJOURNMENT or CONGRESS -I The evident sense of relief realized by the country on the adjournment of Congress outweighs that brought about by sickness, bawlings aud wranglioga of eight month's session. The welcome and refreshing relief ia due, in a great measure, tn the pro tracted state of unrest and anxiety which has been experienced by the country in looking iorward tc* the realization of it? hopes as to certain vital questions of an important, practical nature. Among other mat ters of National importance, are thc repeal of the resumption act; the re storation of tbe legal tender quality of silver; the reform of our revenue laws. The periodical and discursive debates on the questions, by both houses, has done much to irritate and unsettle the public mind, and make it long for the rest and relief of the usual summer vacation. This Bleak HOURI? court of procedure ,uf Jam dice VB. Jarndice has done more to weary and try the public patiencu and weukuu its faith, than all thc rumors of a threatened Democratic crusade against tho President's title to his seat, ur the projected Republi can revolt, tillich was tu result in his impeachment. And yet, strange (o say, there has been au agreeable disappointment all round; for while there has rarely been a session (rum which the public expected and feared su much danger, and yet from which they have Butlered so little injury. When the'clash of arms and the storm of battle have subsided, and things once mure settle down to a state of quiet repuse, it will be found that the policy of retrenchment and reform inaugurated by the 44th Con gress has been steadily, though not very enthusiastically carried out by its successor, and that the appropri ation for the next fiscal year will exceed those of thc present year by a very small figure, if any nt all. The restoration of the the old ai I ver dollar has not thus far produced any evil consequences, and thc excite ment uver the bill to prevent the re tirement of legal tender notes has, in a great measure, subsided, with at least harmless results. Tho much muoted repeal uf the bankrupt law is likely to work mure goo?V than evil, while the passuge. uf Senator Thurman's bill to compel the Pacific Railroads to prepare fur the liquida tion of the debts due the Govern ment, is such an admirable and timely piece of legislation as ought th vin dicate the session, and throw the mantle of charity over some of its blunders, delays and short coinings The prutracted agony is uver, and thekpeople should feel ??t?sj?t4f ?uid conten vea* itiav Con?ois* T?ay? ?*\ juurned, and the country in thc main, is no worse ufl' than it was before. City Matters. PREPARING.-A scaffold is being erected around the State House pre paratory to repairing the roof. AT HOME.-Senator Butler has ar rived home from Washington. The Military Committee, of which ho is a member, meets at the White Sui pber Springs on.the 22ud of July. * DEATH --We are pained to ant nuunce the death of Mr. Juhn Glass, one of the oldest residents of th's city, who died about half-past 1 o'clock, last evening. j KEBPINO UP WITH THE TIMES.-Dr? Wright & Boozer get the latest int proveniente in dental implements. They have 'em ?ll. The latest ia a chair, which can he elevated, lowered twisted ?ir turned in any direction. We want to get into that chair, but can't yet muster up courage UNITER STATES COURT.-In the mat ter of Richard Tozer ex parte George L. Dial, assignee, petition to Call in lien creditors and for a sale, it was ordered that tlve report of Registar Seabrook be confirmed, and that the assignee do sell thc real estate des cribed in the report for cash at pub lic auction, at Columbia, after three weeks' advertisement. THE PKNITENTIARY COMMITTEE.-At a meeting of the Penitentiary Com mission, at the State House, on Wed nesday morning, at which Governor Hampton, as an ex-officio member, was present. A motion waa made -to remove the1 present Superintend ent-charges having been previously preferred against him. It was un derstood that the motion failed be cause the charges were not sus tained. As a difference of opinion arose, between the Governor and members of the Board, concerning the power nf the Board to remove the Superintendent. The Beard ad journed to meet yesterday, at 9 A. M. RESIONATION OK THE PENITENTIARY COMMISSIONERS -The Board of Peni tentiary Commissioners met at 9 A. M , yesterday, at the Executive office. The Governor and all with the exception of Capt. Allen were pre sent. The issue in regard to the present Superintendent was squarely made and squarely met by the Go vernor. Governor Hampton endeav ored to secure a compromise which would bring about a reconciliation, but found it impossible. Gen. Earle. Chairman of tho Board, then signified his intention of resigning, rather than stand in the way of un adjust ment. Messrs. Seegers and and Bradley are to follow his example The action to be taken by Messrs. Shields and Allen is not yet. known positively. A card to the peblic will probably be issued when tho re signations are formally tendered, and thc motions which are based on high patriotic grounds fully made known. PfKKKIZlANA -Whew! Fort Moultrie anniversary The crop prospects arc splendid. The pigeon shooters are going to try their skill again. The entertainment at the Asylum, Inst evening, was an enjoyable affair. Senator Butler delivers au address before the Erskii.e College, on next Tuesday. The State Grange meeta this yeai in Spartanburg, on thc 13th day ol August Thc Republican party in this State is not dead yet. Occasionally wc hear of a kick "How much havo you got saved op A?r ?IM? {fourth?" is the principa topic among ine-^rtyap-"^*-*"M?",-BXm Gen. Grant will spend the winter in Europe, returning lo the United States via India in thc spring. Water-melons, cantaloupes and peaches-more particularly the lat ter-are coming in freely. Pricei up. Thc Boston Post thinks it hat found the ticket now: "Mrs. J en kt for President and John Sherman f?" Vice. Dr. M ey nardie, nt Trenton, a feu days ago, enthusiastically arguer tho immediate re-opening of th? South Carolina College, and prayec earnestly that Edgefield, in thc uexi election, might send men to the Le gislalure who would be fully alive tt the importance of higher education He stated that there are now 4If young Carolinians perfecting theil education out of thc State, simplj because they do not wish to go to de nom i nat ional colleges, no matter hov admirable the latter might be. News Items. Louisville, Ky., is 100 ve?is old. The Lancaster County Convention me?is on Monday. Court opens in Greenville on Monday next. Judge Kershaw pre sidio'; Mississippi's colored Senator. B. F. Bruce, and his wife sailed for Eu rope in the Algeria. The Consistory appointed to bc held at Rome on July 5 has been postponed until July 15. Lord Dufferin will accept an ex tension of his appointment as Gov ernor-General of Canada. lt is understood that the National party propose to run Peter Cooper for Mayor of New York City. i Ex-Lieu tenant-Go ver ii or Hahn, of Louisiana, will be appointed superin tendent of (he New Orleans mint.^ Thjc opinion is that tbe labors ot the principal plenipotentiaries can be concluded by the 10th of July. Mrs. Susan C. DeBruhl, the vene rable relict of the late Stephen DeBrnhl. died at Abbeville C. El. The Communists of Brooklyn ap plied to the Mayor for permission to punido mi the 1st of July and were refused. Tin? War Department is advised that Buffalo Horn was killed in tho charge of Howard's troops on the hostiles camp. President Hayes will attend the celebration of the Wyoming Centen nial, near Wilkesbarre, Pa., on the 3d and 4th of July. All the members of thc Potter sub committee, to investigate tho Louisiana branch of the inquiry have departed for New Orleans. The Republicans ol the Second Ju dien! District, of North Carolina, mostly colored pcop'e. have nomina ted one of their own race for Solici tor The Roumanian cause has appar ently been abandoned by the Powers." The Brat ?ano Cabinet will probably go out alter the c'ose of thc Berlin Congress. Russia has given her consent that the boundaries of Roumelia shall not touch the yEgeuii Sea or approach Sal?nica dependent on the conces sion of Varna and the rest of tho Quadrilateral to Bulgaria, lt seems that this will bc ultimately agreed to. Orders have been received at the naval station at Portsmouth to des patch three Indian troop-ships tn Malta The circumstance causes con siderable excitement and it is re ported that these vessels will be em ployed to take back the Indian con tingent. The most important witness before the Potter Committee was ex-Judge Campbell, of New Orleans, who tes tified, in answer to Anderson's state ment that Campbell had affixed his official signature to certain papers without Anderson, having sworn to iJbjem, that he did not remember to s^^Dwt^f^^ fflei.ts had been sworn to in thc pro per way. Col. J. S Murray, of Anderson, chairman of the Committe charged with the duty of visiting Augusta and conferring with thc citizens in the interest of the Savannah Val ley Railroad, will visit that city on the 10th of July. Arrangements will be made to bring the committee lace to face with the people, to the end that the advantages which may ac crue to Augusta by the construction of the Savannah Valley, may ho made known lt is proposed that this road shall tap the Augusta and Greenwood at Dorn Mines. I ^TPnSer?PR^lt?T^ \ Th? friends and acquaintance* or Vi. ami \ Mrs. JOHN GLASS, and of Mr. und Mis. I?, lt. f. Glass, are respectfully Invited to intend the lu- f oem 1 of thc formet. at the Washington street Methodist Church, THIS A FT Kit NOON, it .'/ halt-past 5 o'clock.