The people. (Camden, S.C.) 1904-1911, October 17, 1907, Image 3

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local flDatter. To Let I Five Room Houses. Apply to ) EL C. von Tresckow. Insure Your Stock. "We will insure your Live Stock, and payment of claims will be promptly made, no matter where, when or how teath occurs. GREENWOOD, > 3. C.l LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE CO. I. P. Holland, Ageut, Camden, S. C. N. B. I will also snatch your ?hado* by taking ^ our photo graph, and having same eu (> larged if requested to do so. I. P. H. For Sale ^ A 300 Acre Tract of Land *with Buildings therou, situated near Libert v Hill. Known as *the Rebecca Lucas place. Well wooded and watered. Price, $1,200; $200 cash, balance in five .years in equal annual install 4 -meats. Apply to W. R. Hough, or Henry Savage. Camden, S. C. 9 19 6t. J. S. HUNTER, , Contractor & Bu ilder Box 45. ? - . Camden, S. C. Trespass Notice. This will notify all persons ih it Shooting, Fishing, or other wise trespassing on my planta tion in West Wateree is strictly v -forbidden. Henry Savage. ? 9 19 6m. % Religious. ? The members of Antioch Bap tist church are re ?quested to assemble at the church on the 3rd Sunday of this itnouth. The object of the meeting is t * Xo call a pastor. C. W. Shiver. Clerk. W?ute?t. We want a general all-round printer quick, one who is fairly Hip in job work especially. Wages not high but fairly remunerative, ' -and work not hard. Don'.t all *speak at once. Exchanges that ?are not in want of a printer, and who want to help out a brother, will please copy. A Few of Our Advertisers. A. D. Kennedy, Hardware. ? Nathan Levy, Clothier. H. L.- Walking, Parlor Market. F. L. Zcmp, Druggist. C. C. Moore, Real Estate. R. M. Hampton, Camden Car riage and Wagon Works. Est. E. O. McCreight, Under taking and Monuments. J. S. Hunter, Contractor and Builder. Hough & Savage, Real Estate. I. F. Holland, Insurance and Photos. Knight's Hill Gun Club. G. G. Alexander, Real Estate. Phillips & Moore, Groceries. Dr. I. H. Alexander, Dentist. W. T. Wood, Harness Maker. L. A. Wittkowsky, Money to X?oan. Clarke & vonTresckow, Loans. # T. C. Moseley, Complexion ad. W*lliams & Steedman, Insur ance. Miles Chemical Company. Yadkin Valley Distilling Co. ??THE PEOPLE", Job Work. Hycacinths Tulips Narcissus Fresia Jonquil Bulbs. at UJF, LESLIE ZEMP'S ! PHARMACY. L V PERSONAL ? Maj. J. 8. Hilton of De Kalb, was will) us on Tuesday. ? W? regret to report that Mr. E. fr\ Netties Sr., is not improv ing from bis receut attack of paralysis. i ? Mr. R. M. Adams left on Tuesday for the Jamestown ex- i position. We wish him a pleas- ' ant trip and safe return. ? Ye editor took another fly ing trip to Columbia last Sunday. He whsii'i vJittCily lookine for his affinity, but cume pretty close to finding her at a certain house on Richland si reet. Those eyes and lips haunt us still. ? Hon. I. O. Hough, our popu lar Clerk of the Cuort accom panied us on our recent visit to the capital city. He seemed to enjoy himself, although we didn't allow him to do much talking while he was in our company. Teachers9 Ex am in at ion. The next regular Teachers' Examination will be held Fri day, October 18th, at the Court House beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. All who wish to teach this winter had better take this ex amination as this is the last un til next Spring. W. B. TURNER, Supt.. Ed. Kershaw Co. Price of Health. "The price of health in malarious district is just 25 cents' the cost of a box of I)r. King's New Life l'ills," writes Ella Slayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pilla cleanse gently and im part new life and vigor to the system. 26c. Satisfaction guaranteed at F. Leslie Zemp, Dam den Drug Company and Zemp <fc DePass. druggists. THE FAMOUS"" SPARROW CANDY. ? An elegant present for your sweetheart. For sale at Crosby's Ice Cream Parlor. Coiuiug Attractions at Camden 0|?era House. The Burglar and Waif Co., Oct. 81. Toy land, Nov. 7. Hoosier Girl, Nov. 18. A Pair of Country Kids Dec. 4. Shoplifter, Dec 9. For Her Brother's Sake Co., Dec. 10. An Aristocrat Tramp, (Band and Orchestra) Dec. 2-1. "Monte Cristo," Dec. 27. Along the Kennebec Co., (Band and Orchestra) Jan. (> .08. Jerry From Kerry, (Band and Orchestra) Jan 24. . A Cow Boys Girl, Jan. 27. Ole Olson. Mar. 10. Bitten by a Spider. Through the blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington, of Bosqueville, 1'ex., would have lost his teg, which became n mass of milium; sores, had he not been persuaded to try Jiucklen's Arnica Salve. He write: "The first application rc lieve't, and four boxes healed all the sores." 25c. Guaranteed at F. Leslie Zemp, Camden Drug Company and Zeuip A DePass, THE FAMOUS SPARROW CA"NDY. ? Call at Crosby's Ice Cream Parlor. News. We would be glad to have our people send us in all news of in terest in their various sections. Items such as marriages, births, deaths, improvements in pro perty, visitors, removals, pic nics, church meetings <&c., are all matters of interest. It doesn't matter whether your gratntner, punctuations or spelling is cor rect or not. We will tix that. What we want is the news. "Pneumonia's Deadly Work had so seriously affected my right lung," writes Mrs. Finnic Connor, of Kural Route No. 1, Georgetown, Tcun., "that I cough continuously night and day the neighbors' prediction ? con sumption ? seemed inevitable, until my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, which in my case proved to be the onlp kkai. cough cure and restorer of weak, sore lung*." When all other remedies utterly fail, voo may still win in the battle against lung and throat troubles with New Discovery, the kkai. remedy. Guaran teed at K. Leslie Z^tnp's, Camden Drug Company and Zemp & DePass' I Drug stores. Another I?*irc. Kir. L#. M. Waters, who lives in the eastern section of the coutrty, had the misfortune to lose his house by fire last week with all its contents. The loss is severe, and we extend sympa thy to him in his trouble. HOLLISTER'S flocky Mountain Tm Nuggets A Suiy Mtdklfw for Busy reotH. Brine* Qoi4?n Health and Renewal V'rfor. A ?flo for ( <?r?Mp?tlon. IfldlffC *t.on. ?nd Kldn?y troubles, l'lmplc*. Rvrrmn. Imimr? lIUxvl, Had llreath, Slutrgl*h llowols. Hcndacbo od Itarkacb*. iti KocUy Mountain Tvaln tab let fonn, 85 ffnti a t?o*. o*nulne made by Hou.i i kh nuTio Cotn-AUT, MaUlfton, Wl#. HOI DEN HUGGET8 FOR SALLOW rE0PLF i Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Bet! Salve In The WerU BREVITIES. ? Read Mr. C. C. Moore's new ad. in this issue. It is attrac tive, and means exactly what it says. He is a safe agent to deal with. ? We call your attention to the ads of the T. C. Most ley Co. ? lion. W. Bratton DeLoache has a professional card with us. He is a sound lawyer, and a gen ial gentleman. THE FAMOUS SPARROW CANDY. ? Nothing liner. Pack ages from 5 cents up at Crosby's Ice Cream Pairlor. ? Note Mr. S. J. Hunter's ad, "Contracting and Building.** We have not seen any of his work, but it is said to be good and priced right. THE FAMOUS SPARROW CANDY. ? At Crosby's IceCream Parlor. ? We call attention to the ad. of the Camden Carriage and Wagon Works. Mr. Hampton is a tine workmau, and guarantees all work. THE FAMOUS SPARROW CANDY. ? Keep on the good side of the girls by mvestiug in a p-iclcage or so of THE FA MOUS SPARROW CANDY at Crosby's. ? The newly arranged ad. of Nailiau Levy, The Clothier which appeared last week if at tracting much attention. Cures Blood, Skin Dlsoasr' Can cer. Greatest lilooti I'tiri 11 er Free. If your blood is impure, tlun,dis eased, not or mil of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings him! bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, cattrrh, rheumatism, or any bl.tod or skin disease, take Itotanic Itlootf llal in (It. It. It.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop at.d the blood is inadc pure and rich. Urugpisis or by express ?l per large bottle. Sample free by writing Itlood lta!m ?.o., Atlanta, <!a. It. It. It. is es peciady advised for chronic, deep seated case*, as it cures after all else fails. At F. Leslie Zemp's. Everybody Going to The State Fair Advices for Accommoda tions Show Greatest Fair Gathering Ever Known. With pood crops nn1 pood fellow ship exlstlnp throuphout the Statu the crowds at the State Fair will he blpper am1 livelier than ever before. And Columbia will be In better shape to receive her puests than ever before. More bourdinp houses and homes have been listed than ever and the bureau of information is In position to take care of everybody. As for the fair itself, it will be preater. grander and payor than ever before. No better Fair ever known In the South than the State Fair at Co lumbia this year ? Oct. 2X to Nov. 1. There will be more to see, more to enjoy, more to profit by than ever known anywhere outside of the na tional expositions. The uprlcultural. stock, poultry and Implement exhibit* alone will more than repay anyone's visit to the Fair. ltesldes these marvelous exhibits for which over $8,000 premium money will be paid, the races will attract thousands of people. Just think of purses for these races npprcpatinp nearly $4,000. And some of the best trottlnp'and runninp horses In Amer ica will race for these purses. In the way of amusements. It Is alomst Impossible to chronicle all the contests, shows and social functions scheduled for Fair Week. The hip football pames between Citadel an<l Welch Neck on Wednesday and Clem non and University of North Carolina will be held on Thursday, Oct. 31. Field athletics and other contests will be held nearly every day. Theatres and the Midway will plve pleasure for everybody, children and prown people. Tell your friends to meet you at the State Fair. ? <4 ? 3 S_: o ;p od :*?</> z Co ? > :x o m in z o n 5 cr (^?5>2o u* ra > ? X R 0 > r <% a z o 19 P x- 1 > r"* f*E iff t> j, J *& 7 Trespass Notice. Tliis will uotify all persons not to trespass upon my lands 12 miles east of Camden in any ' sitss&cr whatsoever. Those vio lating tbis notice will be prose cuted to the extent of the law. Charles Parker. 10 3 07-pd. Very Low Hate* to Norfolk mid | lCetiirn, Account .Jamestown Ter-Cciiteitnial Kipositliin via Southern Kailway. Season, sixty day and fifteen day tickets on sale daily, com mencing April 19tli to and in cluding November 30tli, 1907. Very low rates will also be i made for Military and Brass ; Bands in uniform, attending the Exposition. Stop overs will be allowed on Season, Sixty day and fifteen day tickets, same as on Summer tourist tickets. For full and complete infor mation call on Ticket Agents j Southern Railway, or write R. W. Hunt, Div., Passenger Agt., Charleston, S. C. "Fanciest Groceries', "Quickest delivery" "Most Complete line" TEA All we ask is a Trial The Tea will do the rest Chase & Sanborn's' We Are Sole Agents Parlor Market H. L. W ATKINS, Prop 'r. l'lionc ------ Seven-One W. BRATTON DeLOACH ATTORNEY AT LAW Camden, S. C. Jamestown Exposition GEiLBOiiBlDl Coach Excursion Tickets will not be good in Parlor or Sleeping Cars. Seaboard is Most Direct Route \ Double Service Daily to and from Norfolk. \ Through Sleeper to Portsmouth on 7:58 p. m. train. < Lv. Camden 7.01 a. m., Ar. Portsmouth 8.00 p. m. Lv. Camden 7.58 p. m., Ar. Portsmouth 9.00 a. m. ; For further information and reservations apply to C MADKINS, Agent, or write W. L. BURROUGHS, T. P. A., Colnmbia, 8. (J. AIll LINE RAILWAY . 10 Day Coach excursion, sold on Tuesdays and Fridays only ... 15 Day Tickets, 60 Day Tickets Season Tickets, limited Dec. 15th $ 7 40 12 15 13 45 16 10 THE GREATEST State F air EVER HELD WILL BE THIS YEAR AT " COLUMBIA, S. C. October 28 to November 1 Railroad Rates Cut in Half. Plenty of Accommodations for Everybody. Grandest Exhibits Ever Gathered in Dixie. ^ Finest Races in the Whole South. , Two Bi^ Football Games. MAKE YOUR PLANS TO BE AT COLUMBIA ALL OF FAIR WEEK Get the Habit ! Get the Habit ! ? ??Get the Habit !????. GREAT Summer Sale ! NOW ON The Grandest Display of Summer Styles in lothing for Good Dressers [ ever seen in this Market. Who always Look Well Dressed ? Those who buy their Clothing of I? Nathan Levy, The Clothier 4 We are Sole Agents for Hart Schaffner & Marx CLOTHES That is the Kind of Clothing we offer to Our Customers ? ALL WOOL, FIT RIGHT PRICED RIGHT Iu Gents' Furnishings we offer you the best the Market affords. Great Summer Sale now on. See Local Notice. Our Fall Line Now Ready For INSPECTION. NATHAN LEVY, ^ THE CLOTHIER HE dwelling 011 LaFayetto Avenue recently* offered for sale by this office lias also been disposed of ? the 1 Second 011 that Avenue in thirty days. This week I am featuring a special property, and in or der to enable my clients to clearly understand what it is, I will utilize my entire space in this issue in its description. The Ancrum Lot on Fair street consisting of the site of the recently burned "Ancrum House" and the orchard on the north has been cut up into Six Lots, each with a front age of sixty feet on Fair street and with a depth of 300 feet. These lots are now offered for sale. The first two 011 the north the orchard and the last three on the South will he sold for $350 00 each. The third lot from the North with buildings is ollered for $450.00. Every lot haseither growing fruit trees or fine shrubbery. They slope oil' to the back and are well drained. Fire Hydrant just in front affording the best of protection All Taxes falling due this fall will bo paid by the Sellers If cash is paid ? no cost] for papers. Five lots at $350.00 each-One at $450.00. Oiv^h or on very easy terms. C. C. Moore. JUST SATISFY ? YOURSELF. % rixat tlLero la ScrxxotliiriLg-^ "bettor t!h.a,n. orclinct 7-37- i* fi Buggy Painting. j Give us a trial. We imiUe ? a specialty of 3 fluKKy Painting and Repairs.; ?*}&? H 'ur "work I* noted for II* ATTRAC .1 TIVIiNKMH lint) 1X1(41(1 1,11V . $ /our patronage respectfully solicited | ['nmdot) C'urrlnur ?t U'iiKon< WorltH, !< 0??0*ITI M O. CAKDIIONi OPFICt. (j ? M. HAMPTON. PROPH r] UNDERTAKING CALLS ATTENDKD ANY HOUU DAY OK NIGHT. :: :: :: Ewt. E. (>. McCreifflit. Williams & Stecdman, Fire, Accident and lloaltli INHUHAXt'E. Surely Ilondn. Ofllce over store of J. C. CcrKos t) Cu SEND IJH YOIJ11 J(>it WORK.