The people. (Camden, S.C.) 1904-1911, August 18, 1904, Image 5

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local flDatler. ?r Snlc. ? A tine Cow and Calf. Apply >r price and description at this Httoe. . Crops. Wq. was pleased to note that le crops on the road between lis point and Westville ure very tir although as a rule they do >t show the luxurious weed lat is to be 'found in olher seo ions of tho county. f Acctdcntal Drowning. On last Friday, a. colored boy whose name we have not been able to ascertain was drowned in Boykin's pond in lower Ker shaw while iu bathing with sev eral others. Subscription List Increasing. Our subscription list is still on the increase. Oh! for a good fotton crop und 12$ cent price. Then look out for that twelve hundred subscribers. Wanted. To rent or lease a farm of about HJO acres, containing wood, water and some pasturage land. Must be located near some good I white school. * Leave terms and location ot & land at this office. To Itcnt. Unfurished boarding house, containing 7 bed-rooms, large dining-room, spacious pantry and kitcheu. Lights and water W y rfin the house, Irresponsible i>ar ??: ties need not apply. Send in Ki yoar name and address to this office for further particulars. Cminty Campaign., The following are the dates upon which the couuty campaign meetings will be held: i ) 4 Camden. Saturday, Aug, 20. ? - ' A Correction . In our issue of the 4th inst, i. "we stated that Col. P. M. Mixson of Columbia represented Silver Brook corn whiskey. This was an error a^ "The Old Colonel" really represented Deep Spring Rye and Silver Spring corn. The difference is slight though, as it is said any of it will make come if you drink enough \ of it. &, Married. On tho night of August 11th, -'Wttlie residence of Mr. John El liott, near Cassatt, by Rev. W. H Joyuer, Mr. C. U, Myers was ^uppily united in the bonds of matrimony to Mi?s Mattio Huck *bee, a sister-in-law of Mr. Eh liott. This is a union of hearts and hands in which we feel pe culiar and genuine interest, the parties and their entire families being warm and particular friends, so we wish them most * cordially a long and happy life, with the fewest of theffew stormy passages that are said to be set the matrimonial bark in its voyage to the goal. Hnil to tint Chief. We have been informed that our fellow townsman, Mr. L. L. lilock. while on his recent visit to the west and elsewhere, re newed bis acquaintanceship with the world-famous Boer. general, Cronje, and secured his promise to pay Camden a visit in the] near future, as his (Mr. Block's) guest. This is all very well, but we throw out the suggestion that Gen. Crouje be made the city's guest, a reception commit tee appointed, and a banouet tendered to this, one of the most distinguished figures of modern times, at which tho freedom 6f the city, together with its keys, be extended to hnn in orthodox fashion. It is not often that we have the opportunity tir> pay due homage to true merit and great ness, and when the same does present itself, it is our duty to not only embrace, V ut to actual ly hug it. Mr. Block will, we hope, keep us fully informed on this important matter. First Open lloll. Captain C. P. Lorick on Can tey enjoys the distinction this year of having the first co*.ton blossom, and now he climbs one rouud higher up the ladder of fame by sending in to The Peo ple the first oi>en boll. If our friend contiuues to do this kind of thing, perhaps the next we hear of him will be, th:it he has sold the first bule. The fully ottened boll sent to us was pluckea from one of Captain Lorick's fields on August 14th. We are always glad to record incidents like the above, and hope to vary the tenor of them ?0011 by being the first to an nounce the intention of the gal lant Captain to run his farm next year in double harness. Wo are great on tying and writ ing contracts of that nature, with W. ft. Piuckuey, a good second. Sudden Death. On last Saturday morning, the entire cofflmiinity was shock ed and grieved la learn of the , death by appoplexy of Mr. S. B. i Latham at hi* stables on Main street. We learn that he was sittiug in bis Chair In the alley way of the stables, reading the morn tag* paper, wlieu without a note of warning, the grim de stroyer claimed him as his own, and the great mystery was to Samued B. Latnam a mystery no longer. Mr. Latham was a native of Norih Carolina, but came to Cam den about the year 1873. Al most from the first, his sterling qualities of head and heart were recognised, and he speedily as sumed a high place in the esti mation of all with whom he came in contact., a olace that was nev er vacated up to the date of the fatal Saturday that filled a con munity with gloom, and carried sorrow unutterable to the hearts of a devoted wife and eight sur viving children. The funeral services were conducted at the Camden Methodist Church by the Kev. J. J. Workman on Bun day evening, and the remains followed to the grave by at least one thousand sorrowing friends and relatives of ttie decased and family. -? Mr. Latham was an earnest Mason; with all that that implies, and lie was tenderly lowered in to his long resting place by brothers of the craft to ?he ac companiment of the* beautiful burial ceremony of that ancient and honorable order. Truly hath Camden lost a faithful friend, the widow' and children a fond and devoted hus band and father, and the world, a man. Death. Mrs. Charity Barnes, who lived about four miles from <Be thune, died last night after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Barnes was 72 years old in May, and was a good Christian woman. No one ever went to hdrfor help and left empty-handed. She was the mother of Miss, D. W. and D. M. Barnes.' Our sympa thy is exten<ie4 to the bereaved family. Those Blank Applications. We regret to say that a very few of our friends have made use of the blank applications for subscription which we sent out last week. There, is nothing more unpleasant to us than to have toy^ill renewed attention to this little matter, but necessi ty knows no law, and if any newspaper has ever been suc cessfully run without money, it cprtuinly unist be a more onery one than The People. Save Tlie People. ? We think it a good idea to ad vise our readers to preserve ev ery copy of this paper. Within a year, you will have a mine of useful information on almost ev ery subject that cannot but at one time or another fail to be of vaiue to you. Our agricultural and horticultural columns are alone worth many times the price of subscription, while there is not a single column that does not contain some matter of an interesting nature. . Attend The Meeting. All who can, suouiu attend the meeting of the Democracy at Hampton Park on Saturday. It will mark the close of the campaign, and nearly all the speakers are worth listening to. We have heen a bit of a j>olitician ourself ihl.h$( and say with triith that we nave this year the finest aggregation of speakers that we have ever seen grouped on one stump. It is especially desired that the ladies atteAu this meeting. Nothing wjll be said to grate on the most refined ! taste while there will be much to interest and instruct. lu Explanation. A certain friend anil subscriber nt Catarrh writ* s im somewhat indignant ly to ascertain what we meant when we, in n personal mention of him in our Issue of August 4tli, Mated that "from rppearances, we should not noon' tie called upon to pay his insurance policy." Wo n.eaiit exactly what we ?aid, as this partieular subscriber seemed to be enjoying the most ro bust. health, and our standing offer to subscribers generally in to "subscribe to 'Vtie People and we will inaure your life for one year/' or ax long as you keep up your doe* to the paper. In other word*, if you die within the year, and call on us for your money back, you get it. This is a simple proposition, easily understood, and we hope our friend at Catarrh will bo entirely satisfied. We further hope that our Hiriuise a* con tained in the original personal will be vended. I A citizen of Philadelphia has been sued for p?w rent. That is one way of making churchgoing attractive. Smoke White Knight cigars. For Hale at the ('aiudei. Drug Company. ?We are looking for an im maculate bed-spring, and have heard whispers somewhere that it is on the road. Ljok out i'or ad. PERSONAL ?Mrs. J. E. Bagpot returned * to Orlando, FUl,. on Sitardly nigbl? after a pleasant - nod ex tended visit to Ur father's fam ily, Mr. J. E. Alexander. ' . ?Mr. 0. B. Boytiton,' mana ger, baa removed the office of the Camden Water* light iee and Power Oo. to offices above Dr. F. Leslie Zenap's drug store. . ?All good things come to him who takes The People. We ex tend hearty congratulations to Mr W. U. DeLoache on the birth of a fine son on Sunday morning. Muy his shadow never grow less. ?Mrs. J. E. Alexander and daughter, Miss Sallie, accom panied by Mrs. Luther Alexan der are on a visit to Mr. A. J. Alexander, Mrs. Alexander's son at Florence. A pleasunt ?visit to all.' , v ?Rev. A. B. Earle, accom panied by Mrs. Earle, left on Saturday, night for the coast of Florida. Mr. Earle's health ne cessitated the trip. We sincere hope that he will return to us greatly improved in that respect. ?Mr. W. H. Goer, the popu lar representative of The State, was in the city on Monday. We learn that The Stute subscribers tind it to be a pleasure to pay their dues to Geer. He is so nice about it, you know. . ?Mr. Geo. Bell Towel!t of the Bates burg Dispatch, was with us again on Sunday and Mon day. T lie re is much In common between Batesburg and C<imden, and w? hope that Col. Tbwell will make his visits more fre quent and longer extended. BREVITIES. The White Knijrht; no ?ta?kr to compare with it. Forn?l?tt tin? Cam den Drug C?iii|Aiijr. Try them, ami be convinced. ?DePass and DeLoache's pas ture is highly spoken of in all quarters. ?We thank our good friend, Mr. W. J. Crossland, for a splen did basket of tomatos sent to oar office last week. Ask for the White Knight, the best amoke on the market. For Male by the Camden Drug Company. ?An honest ad. well displayed in the pro|>er paper, pays. So saveth Major White. See that he has in this issue. ?Quit that thing of tying up your hurness with string. Som ers will fix it up for you as it should be. See his ad. ? ? *rhe White Knight forever. Call for no other t:igar. For sale at the Cam den l>rug Company. ? ?Do you want 40 pounds of lint out of 100 pounds of seed cotton? Give Jo Moore, Mgr, of the 4ld DeKalb Mill a trial. See his ad. The While Knight Cigar |g strictly a first-class smoke. For sale at the Cam den Urug CompaH v. Call JV>r cAeiw. , ?The promises of advertising that we have received will begin to show fruition next week. Read every line of them, sub scribers. ?We have not mentioned "The Hub" yet particularly, but look out next week. Large bodies usually move slowly, but "The Hub" is coming fast. White Knight Hgae. * splendid Hinoke, call for them at the Camden I>rng Company, and take no other. ?Dops are pot cfuite so numer ous on'the stro^ts since our edi torial, but tliey were numerous enough last Sunday to disturb a fundral service, and the proces sion to the grave which fol lowed. ?We again take the occasion to urge upou our country friends the importance of keeping us supplied with weekly letters con taining the various Items of in terest in the several sections. Those letters, while helping the editor, also help the public. It does not take long for an intei esting writer to get his or her letters looked for in every issue of a live paper. Send in your letters, friends. Berioim Acclricnt. As Dr. I. H. Alexander was ri ding his wheel down upper Main street near the LaFayette Hall pro]?erty on Tuesday morning, the wheel came in contact with an electric light wire that had just been dragged near the ground, by the felling of a tree. The Doctor was thrown violent' ly to the ground, the point of hia hip striking a projecting stone on the pavement, causing a se rious und painful accident. It is feared that the hip bone is either broken or crushed in. At last accounts ho was sutfering ex treme pain. The earnest wishes of the entire community go out te him and his family that he may secure speody relief from pain and a quick restoration to health from his injuries. W. R. PIIMCKNEY, NOTARY PUBLIC. NOTARIAL CKHTIF1CVTE WITH SEAL. OflliM' on T,a\v Kanok,one ilnor akovk m miikthatk'h Olf ick. TIE VSSYY1LLB ftOTIlG. We always enjoy a trip to Wastville?>ait was ifac there that w? speat %he earner years of oar life, awl* we IIMP and like everybody there, so It was natu ral tha* w* bad a good time on laet Sola relay. I We went up to attend the Democratic primary meeting, and have no rejrwto ^stealing a few hours from w4A on the paper to listen to Some, very tiue speaking. The public, genenil ly.' is familiar with theaamcs b|j all the candidates, so-ij^is souive ly necessary for us to ,|dv? the( names of all the speakers. Yfe may mention the moil9 notable! however, briefly., ? As very considerable interest is being evinced in the race for Sheriff, we may say that Cupt. Jas. L. Haile, and Mr. W. W. Huckabee contented themselves 1 with a simple announcement of their candidacy. Messrs. Wil liams and Trafitliam' went more into detail, Mr.^Wilrtatos'strong ly resenting the charge of bolt ing in 1900, claiming that lie was the rightful nominee of the Democratic |>arty then, the ex ecutive committee to the contra ry, notwithstanding, and as such acted strictly witlnu his rights) in making the race in the gen eral election. Mr. TVanthaui fol lowed in a good speech, into which ho injected some now mat ter, but nothing of a nature to cause strained feeling in the au dience. The race for Auditor is a very pretty one betw*3en the three can didates for the position, and the j outcome is looked forward to| with interest ? Messrs. McCaskiU-and D. K. Hough have nothing to feel ashamed of us orators. Mr. W. I F. Malone, the third candidate { for Treasurer, waa not able to | attapd the mooting,' Bach to the regret of his many friends who would have:liked to have heard him measure his tougueful sword against those of Mc/and Dan. Messrs. Dixon, ,$owell and Pearce. candidates for County Supervisor, held ths undivided atteution of the audience, who, if they did not learn anything new lrom the remarks of these gentlemen, have no one but themselves to blame. We could not avoid thinking when Messrs. Turner and Watts were shak ing, that while either qf the two will make a good Superintendent of Education, the ^ Democratic National Committee Should have both engaged as spell-binders in doubtful States in,'$o Parker Roosevelt campaign open ing. "? ' ? ? We will not give, extended mention to. the . Speeches of Messrs. Joel. Hough and G* W. Moseley, candidates for Oletk of Court. Mr. Mosele^' was very emphatic in his assertion that a term of twelve years in one office should satisfy the average Dem ocrat, who ought to be willing, after having been hortored that leugtU of time, to sii-^.down and make room for others perhaps equally capable and competent. Mr. Hou%'h,(in rejoinder,, assert ed that the office was one that was strictly and entirety in the] hands of the people, to. do with as they pleased, and that if they pleased to re>eleet him- to serve a fourth term,' It was entirely within their. provinee'{;to do so. That this rotation business was a back number, and lie, for his part did not care to rake- over old straw any more. There were other .speakers, notably Messrs. Williams and Pinley, for Congress; Mr, Mur eliison, for Coroner*, and Hon. John G. Richards for the Legis lature, all of whom made line addresses, but really time and spaco does not admit of other mention. We left the stand at 1 o'clock, catching the down pas senger, returning to the city a wiser and happier man for the short recreation from labor. For Sale ONE, THOROUGHBRED SHORTHORN BULL, 4 fine specimen, kind and gentle. 1 Royally Bred Derknhlrc BOAR. 5 RorkHliIre Howm, and Sev eral Berkshire PlgM. For prices, address A. S. WHITE, CAMKKtr, H. C. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons nro hereby warned not to trespass in any mannei, whatsoever up on my lands or lands under my control situated on Lit tle Lynches Creek, about three (3) miles South-east of Abney. Trespassers will be punished to the full extent of the law. J. K. HAXLEY, Abney, S. C. The Highest Endorsements George BeH?Timmerman. U aving lived tn the same community with George Bell Timioer ** man and known him in childhood and during the time be lived with his father, on his farm in Edgefield County, and having found him at ull times earnest, sober, thoughtful aud energetic, and upright in conduct, we therefore taice pleasure in commending him to the voters of the Fifth Judicial Circuit as a man ' worthy and capable of discharging the duties of the office of Solicitor. J M Bush A C Moyes Luther Lutt H A Turner R H Ilokonback J P Williams K L Williams Henry Salter Geo T Sutcher A J Jackson Malan Jackson Wade Frauklin W T Thompson F H Rhoden Wade Derrick J IS Hush G M Murrah C I Mitchell L E Yonce A G Williams J no L Ripley R S Hush H D Derrick J E Collum A C Yonce L M Rhoden J E Franklin Jeesse Smith J L Thompson Ranson H Guxts Heury Gusts J H Swearington Wesley Yonce J A Claxton E L Yonce J S Bush B P Williams J H Williams J w Franklin George Ousts Darling Jackson, Sr Darling Jackson, Jr Marshall Franklin J L Scott Hansford Rhoden George w Scott J S Williams E B Moyer D G Derrick W B Bush Dozier Lybrand W H Moyer E Rhoden C J Kirkland S A Yonce T H Derrick W w Run to a J B Scott R D Ripley R J Swearington J M Bush, Edgar Ousts I E Bush John L Derrick J H Turner " Tom Ripley E L Scott M G Williams M W Posey W P Batcher A H Franklin M H Hatcher >. W L? Franklin N P Fallaw JfT Rhoden Wiley L Derridk L V Olaxton John Galloway S w Scott A w Hoine J C lirowne J O Ripley Felix J IS Rhoden W L Rutland Walliaui H Scott J M Rutland S M Mitchell Jim Ousts J S Scatch Li J Rutland M M Jackson L A McGee \17 e the undersigned citisens of Batesburg, the place where ** George Bell Tim merman lived when he first moved to Lex ington County, respectfully ask the people of this Circuit to give consideration to his name when preparing their ballots for Solici tor. We believe him to be fitted for the place by reason of his in tegrity, character and ability. He would, we believe, like his no ble father, be a useful public servant and so conduct himself that his official record would be above reproach. L D Cullum M E Rutland J A Written J C (J lover R S Simmons M \Y Cullum P Kennorly S R Cartledge W S Illte Jj G Jones \V C Hodie K S Hartley J D Crouch J Frank Kneeze A C Mitchell L C Hrrtley C C Wise J W McCarthy E L Rikard L T Perry D P Hartley W E Bodie P B Smith H T Wright W H Sills W E Rawl W M Witter Clint Ithoden I W Ridgell J A E 8hea!y S J Jones E P West W L. Rawl L A Bldck W S Gunter Dr. L. M Mitchell U X Gunter H A Littlejohn I Edwards J Milton Cullum Fred E Cullum Albert C Jones M \V Perry C W Halluian K llarmitn W A Crouch James Enlow J A Miller E P Strotlier H W Miller J L. Hite J W Pond P B Crouch W D Crouch J D KUrard 3 Arthur Watson Huzil Hartley V E Pink D W Miller Luther B Coats W B KitchinK L# E Rankin E Jones T B Kernaghan ST Altaian W C CarlliMlge K N Cullum J B Stokes E K Stead man M B Edwards J A llite A S Junes W A Cooner L W Kox W A Raw! W A Baker W D Rikard Geo W Rikard O J Harris J T Pond (' C Corbett E C Riddel 1 M U Boatwright J D Timmons J Graves Cooner C W Salter Perry Kirklaad C B Kneeco G L Fink J II Rabun P B AshbiU Geo M I^ewis J F Cockcroft AN SOUNCEMKNT8. For CtingnM, 1 nm n candidate for Congr*? for tin* Firth Ci)nKrrMioii)il District, Hub jei't to the result of tilt* Democratic primary election. T. Y. WILLIAMS. Wi> are nuthorized to announce ]>. E. FIN LEY for CotiRrmii, xuhject to the action of the Democratic Primary election. For Mottoltor. 1 announce myself ?s a candidate for Solicitor of the Fifth .Indicia! Circuit. I pledge myself to conduct an honor* able campaign, to abide by the result [ of the Democratic primary and to *up> port the nominees thereof. Respectfully, GEORGE IlKLL TIM MERMAN. I hereby announce myself a csndi* date fo Solicitor o| the Fifth Judicial Circuit, nnd pledge myself to abide by the reault of the Democratic Primary. GEORGE K. REMItEltT. 1 am a candidate for Solicitor of the Fifth Judicial Circuit and will abide l>v the reioilt of the Democratic Pri mary. S. McG. SIM KINS. We hereby announce. Mr. Geo, I*. I,oput hs a candidate for Solicitor of I lie Kiftli Judicial Circuit and reapect rully Hollclt your mipnort of tilm in the pluming Democratic rriuiary election. Mr. Logan is a gentleman of talent and Ability, and will, if elected, make a inoKt satisfactory Holicitor. FRIENDS. The Fifth Judicial Circuit want* none but the bent in it* Holicitor, and in presentiox the name of Capt. N. GEO. EVAXH for the position, we think we are offering you the beat. Captain F.vaiiH in a flue lawyer and gentleman, mid will worthily All the shoes of Nel?oiiand Thurmond. VOTERS. For Mm Uglitotw. We desire to iiinouniw u-iranilidKe for to the Howe of Repre nentaf tvea the Hon* M. L. HM(T)I, ?ub Jeet to tlie riilm of the emtuiiif I Vino cratic prlmaty. No greater tribute cnn be piHl to hit ability than the fact that he wax overwhelmingly elected Speaker of. that body after onlv one. (ehliV service, mid we feel Justified in tluit l?i? record ia one in which the whole Stat?* hat* an Intercut and pride. MANY VOTKRH. We beg to announce the name of the lion. flOalN O, Kt? II a R|>S, Jr., aa a candidate for re-election to the lloiifie of Representative*, at the ensuing democratic primary election, and sub ject to the rule* of the name. No one Iihh nerved a constituency more teal oitsly and efficiently than Mr. Riehardn lie in Justly regarded an one of the moat coimcleiitmuN, safest and ableot legislator* in Hie Htate, and hi* record certainly Justifies the estimate. Ker shaw comity cannot do better than bestow her npproval on this faithrnl ??tll?*inl by re-electing him to the re HjHMisible position to which he again **pire?. MANY VOTKIfH. For County Trcmurrr. Mr. t*. K. ffottgii Laving announced hi* inteiitioa not Ca Miami Tor re-elw tiou. we hereby plane in nomination as a tiHiKt worthy successor,.. Mr. W. F. MALOKK for tin* office of County Treasurer. Mr. Mnlonu qchIs no in troduction to the votres of Kershaw County, as Ik* in home liorn and home rained. We must hjive a good man to aucceed Mr. Hough, and W. F. Malone ik the .nan. ALL KKHSIIA W. The friend* of Mr. I). M. McCAS KILL hereby announce him at a can didate for the ollice of Treasurer ol Kershaw county ill . the approaching primary election of the i/eiiHMiraiK party. Mr. McCaakill needs no com mendation at our liaudH. being well knovn to III the voters of the county, and having alreauy made a very cred itable race fcr the Maine oftlce for which we again place him iu noiuiimtiou. Fit IKS IKS. Mr. Kditor: Please announce that Mr. IK K. IIOIJGII will be a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Kernliaw county, subject to the Initio cratic primary. FHIKNiM. For Comity Auditor. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office ot Auditor of Ker aliaw Countv, subject to the rules of the democratic primary election. Keauect fully, JOHN J. GOO DALE. Tlu? friend* of Mr. W. F. RUSSELL hereby announce his candidacy for All* dltor in the coining primary election Mr. Rn**ell imii earnest party worker, ?mi ha? been for many yearn, which fact, coupled with hi* known capacity to All the position, entitle* him to a majority vote of his fellow citizen*. FRIENDS. We, the friend* of Mr. MANNEH HA BON, wi*b to announce hiin ana candidate for the office of Auditor. Mr. Kabon ia one of ?Hir lient citizen*, tho roughly qualified, and If elected will All tlie office to the full satisfaction of the entire county. VOTERS OF WEST WATEREE. Fat nhfrilT Everybody cannot be a Sheriff, but tlierv are a number of kihnI men who wauld make good Sheriff*, and out of that| number the friend* of Mr. W . W. 'illJCiCABEE have concluded that lie in the man, and hereby place him in nomination for that office. VOTERS. I hereby announce my gel f a* a can dldate for Sheriff ill the approaciiiiifr primary election of the l>etnocratlc party. A* I have previou*iy filled tin* office, extended mention of my caoac tty to itlve the people k<hmI serf Ice i* unnecessary. I re*|ectfui:y Invite the support of the voter* of Ker*luiw county. JAMKS I/. IIAII.K, Mr. Editor: I'leage announce that Mr. ?f. S, TKA NTH A M will be a candi date for re-election to the office ol Sheriff, subject to the Dcmocratsc l'ri? wary. Friend*. To the voter* of Kershaw county : At the nruMtfolwiution of uiy friends, I hereby ? me before you a* a candidal* for the ?dHce of Sheriff of o?ur county. I dwm it unnecessary to nay anything In relation to my administration of mid office dnrtmr the term* ttait I nerved. My reciurd l? hef?Mre yon, and I cannot renist the temptation to thank my friend:* for their support in the past, and pledge myself to do my ut* most to fill the poKltion no that they will have nothing to regret if they agalu flirt inc. and I pledge myself to abide I lie result of t Ik- l>cm<M-rstic. Pri mary election. R. B. WILLIAMS. Ftor CmimIV Haymrvler. Mr. 1>. K. IUXON is hereby an n?iir?*<l an a candidate for Supervisor of Kerwliaw t*Minty in the coming |m mary election. Mr. Dixon needs no words of commendation from OS. H? has servcd'iis well in tlie pant, and la well qualified to do so in the future, MANY FKIKX1JH. Please allow me spsce in your paper to present the name of Mr. B. M. IIAR^K as a suitable man for the im IMirtant position of Suoervlsor of our t'ounty. Ill asking tlic people }f Ker shaw county to vote for Mr. Pearce for this important position, we feel that we are making no mitdake, as lie is fully qualified to fill llie MtsitiiMi; and, besides, our section liatt bad no repre sentation in a ?*ounty office in twetitv five years. Signed. MANY VOTERS. We, friends of good county govern ment,-hereby plain* in nomination for re- election to the office of HtlperviaoT ol Kershaw c? unty, Mr, JAMRS M. HOW KIX. Mr. bowell during hie present term lias given general satis faction to all the pvople, and has ac compLslied much for'us under great diflliculties. Prove your gratitude by returning him tor another term. Friends of <Jood Government. For atilrtnU, Manv friends of Mr. K. S. V1LLB PitiUK hereby announce linn as a can didate tor tlie |Misition of Magistrate in DeKalb Cowuship in tlie coining primary election of tlie Democratic party. Mr. Villepigue iiossesses aui Jile ability, and will, if elected, well III tlie office. Editor The lVople: IMeaae allow lit space to sumrmt tli** naim'of Mr. H. M. MNCI1RR as a most suitable Miiitl* date fur the office of Magistrate of I>e Kalb Township. Mr. Finoher U ? thoroughly good man, of intelligence and capacity more than amply iiulfl eieiit to worthily All the office. W*r hope that lie will stand for election. l)i:KAIJl TOWNSHIP. Many friends to Law and-Ord ?r here by place in nomination for rc-electioia Mr. J. t>. MclimVKI.Ii for the offietr of Magistrate for lieKalh Township ire the approaching Democratic primary, Mr. McDowall, us a Magistrate. need* noe.'tinment at our hands Since lie lias tilled the ollire, mine of every de scription lias largely decreased, an<9 those who have committed it, wlieii brought In-fore hiin have been severely punished?the surest method of deter ring others from committing similar offenses. You vote for you own inter ests, friends, wlien you vote for Mr. J* I>. Mc!>o\vull. LAW AND ORDER. r?r Clerk of Court. nelic-vi?K in that good old Demo cratic prvnciplc of "rotation in office." we. friends of Hon. G. W. MOSRf/Y* present, witli much pleasure, his uailii* to the voters of Kershaw (Jointly as a candidate for Clerk of Court. Mr. Mosely is a tried tuan, honest and enp able, who will give tmtUfactioii to all the people if elected. As is well known lie served us four years in the lloiim of Representatives, with credit to lum self and hoi or to our couuty. We re spectfully solicit your support of hiire in the approaching Democratic pri mary. Kaslern Kershaw. For Miipcrliitomloat of K4ucntfoii. The many friends of Mr. J. *M. W ATT H, and of Kershaw county, here by place Mr. Watts in nomination fur the office of Superintendent of Rduca tion In the ensuing primary, lie ha* served us very acceptably before ji? the same office, nml will do ho again if elected. Vote for him. EAST KERSHAW. Mr. Editor: The many friends of Mr. W. It. TIJRNKK do hereby amiouuiw him a candidate Tor County Superin tendent of Education. Mr. Turner i.-r well known as a young man of high moral character. i?e ?? ;i prsctlftal teacher, having taught the last eight/ successive years. The last five year* hi the same community. If elected. Im will serve the county in the same faith ful manner as lie has served as teacher# MANY KRIKNDS. Primary Election Notice* In accordance with the rules of the Democratic party ot tlii* county, no tire is hereby teiven that on Toe?tlaj, the JlOtli day of August, 1?H>4. h pri. mary election will In* held at the va rioii* club precinct* of thi* comity for the purpose of nominating Democratic candidate*. The poll* will open at H o'clock A. M.. ami cliwe at 4 P. M.? when tlm vote* shall be counted and the result* declare*!. The following person* are appointed manager* of said election : Liberty llill?K \, June*, J B Cure* ton, Walter Cunningham. Stockton?G W Ammoods, J I> Me < :a*kill, J K l'earce. Bethune?1> M Bethune, Hr, O I) King, .1 W llearon. Shamrock?llardy Thorne, T J Du Brulil, .1 C l>avla. Shaylor's Hill?W J Drakeford, R 1, Smyrl, W K BarfleW. Logoff ? J A lioseborongh, V9 1, \ .Tone*, O I* .lone#. Kelk Hill?H I, llinsoti, J N MeLetxt C K Mc( ? a s k 111. Beaver l>am?S A Rrnnham, R A Jackson, Jam** It Rah ui. Factory?Samuel Hilton, J E Rubin* Hon, Thus. Gardner. Sandy ft rove?I W Walkiu*, W |( Hatch He, S Stoke*. Harmony?Willie Grigaby, T M Mat tox, Henry Sessions. Hanging Rock?II N .lone*, F 1* Truesdell, O II Watson. Antiunh?F I' Brown, J J Camp bell, .1 .1 l'layer, HeKalb?T B Denton, J A Singleton J B Arrant*. Wateree?W F Reed, J II Phelps, O C Yaughaii. M. L Smith, Chairman, W. !<? McDowell, Secretary. Executive Committeemen of club* not repre*eittcd in tiM* alvovc liat, are requested to send in the naiuv* of three manager* ut once.