The people. (Camden, S.C.) 1904-1911, March 24, 1904, Image 2

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it a . g. IMmWy "AlHl iOIUUNWI. r . In inditing th? editor fe^l we >jfmlhi ith> tet lbl we are ; loMhMff Bpw |<fii|?' ?s ,M i <*?*? a sabJ*ot as i*.we; should ?tVj*ten??*'to gira advioe how a. f.jaattsboaid mi? ge hi* family <<.jafek*a generally, ac ta Uiftowcfc 1 bow mba- should .4 ^dodact her loumtie aflaira, we M ignoraat ! of the wndHiorti sudor whieh Ihtu^ if ! mate nra. Bats w o do claim < :< 4oJmwdoBelUii9oft ille nw f - MP w whiek A cbHd bhoulcf, be. .??aised,notonly from experience i? 'fratafco tram observation, go4 ? i we say i)Mt when parents allow their small sonv In many in ?' oafe on the mam iMebil the oity until eleven o'clock -at ntgbt and *' after, .apd, _ fheb-go homeward siogiig songs ?t. and in other manner making . flight hideous k? peaceful citi ? ceae^ we think that* a word in , ' fleansa^iok be.iMBiia * ' : - la the <coadact of tki8 uew%, > ?< pape'r^a hope that are will' pev ?' ? '#? be jjtmdlapkiog ?in the ?>i dpatUliebwiid acooarpanj ^Jje /sMfeanaTpetfojr of any : hon^t r^oiltoi whdlwl8a proper sense, of responsibility resting on his ahouiders, so to all pareyits we ?ay tfl^aU"1 earnestness, keep ifc>usofT fhestreete after a asof&ble hour at night, They , ffnot possibly learn anything ihatf.wlU.benefit'ifiem, and they pre almdet absolutely certain to Imbibe information i that iiriff piofct asfcur&lly tend to make Mm atUpwui l? thft <n?Me, *nd Umay t?tl*W|IH>?W?i?W? wfcfeh contact, will cause you your heads in sorrow . ? v ! X ... , -U waaQux;, object when com mencing this editorial to make it it, lor we r*SRy ftel deeply in the matter, |but other subject* 4o* discussion /call for attention. We earnestly hope however that what in the ? rfew words we have safd will f&eat tfke aye of some parent - who, 1 dfoubtless through M pure thoughtlessness has alkrwed his : young son too much latitude. .to It . 1 i rv? * if i? SLUMP IK COTTON. '!,|i ? ' The has happened. Cotton, owmg to the failure of the lftr^est "bull" firm in the world, D. J. Bully & Co., of Now ' York, i? now about three cents Tower than it was a week ago 1 with fair pfoapeota of a farther fall. Remember - our advice * farmers, (n one of our "&a\n A ?ake" articles, and plant for prour hog and hominy. Momy Creek Items* Mr, Editor: We ask a little ppace in the columns of the Poo* pie to give a btt of news from this section of the country. The farmers of th*s section Alter #ell with fheir work and ready to plafrt but fearing there will be some more oold weather t tbey will likely postpone plant fag tor several day a. yf* are very sorry to report that Mtrfs Leila Drown, who has foonvery ill tor two weeks, is <pol improving1 say, but we sin* iflerely hope that she will soon reoover and be able to continue her school. Miss Lela has taught fhe Malvern Hill school for sev eral years and should her illness <tv<l?ltre her to give up this school . if to?}d seem as if we had . lost our bsat friend for she has given entire satisfaction to both the n f>upUs aad the patrons.' \ ?r >. Messrs ?'Ted and Laury Camp. rfctfl and Aithur Gaskins, of Ibis v seoUoo, attested an eatertain >?M?eOt JfcQettaioe on last Friday U' flight Oae fayortsa good time, ! anotfctfrsaysH was all wrong, the third one wiys it was none of the best for hs did not see any btie from the West. Mr. W? R Goskins, who hss peen on ? business trjp to Clar; ?*fbm u ^ iWllH ?&^aiM?sj$ ft?'6M*dbo CMr, tH? 1*i?ifit*d cap for the deceit few, aatfthe Him au+Mhiotjtanas >^Mhsld>j| psrtih ?*PMy?VJ .?<;* ;; ' A'e!S?te!55l^%^^6^t over Utreo . hundrred' Colombians to ttltneear the match game of Pol* <w frlWf^ DfeMifetart* of (he moal Meal lyrioit days-la her calendars g9cd}y croffd of ((posts and native Oamdeplaos wer^ also-pre ?Mt, tactile fame win not as weiRDf ki Tinal, lis ftoth men and 'torses were iiCYinf tbemsrt ved fortMebtttef tour* ??,-? . ?( ? ; Tbe Btofs? -Barotow* Kennedy, Vanx sod Team )i?e<l up against toe Reds : Iting, Whistler, Russell, Smith 'ami ilttdu^r, tbe wt ntmed play tag for * balP peH-x! only. Four periods -were played, witfctbe' result*, of -dijtf to goals in Ivor of the 31.** , After the game lira. Cf. B. Yates' welcomed* frlehds dnd visitors at the Club rooms, where she wa? the presid ing genios of the tee caps; and by ben ease. and hospitality awr*^ than filled the difficult role of jtye hostess of one. the largest teas of tbe season. 'I'beftuesti of tbo' day dispersed to the various hftfels fbr dMMrf and as sembled later at tbejCtofe fl ease, .where an Jnlorinal^lah6?J?a?< given to ,f be fa it *7 ao tu& ? : h vojh The, finals of tbe series of tporna ments' at tbe OobkTrt Inn, comprising tfcirdt* rfftd -?rAqu?,- sMfer flacd loot week, and a bridgc^wtttst) sdltest -was scheduled for this week. ?)|iw Annie iWalfcridgr, .of Brooklyn, X* X-, and Miss Palmer earned off tbe cups In tbe croquet Watch. Si ?*** Each season the Walteflfof the Beb~ kirk Inn are allowed to r>ve a "cake L wait" for tl}?lr benefit, and also for I tin? amusement of tt\e quests, and the [one held last' week was declared by the audtente to be the' most original and smosingi enterlelaasent ot any ever given there;' :?? /,< j?.?w t, u " Jtiva nd Mrs. W^n. Kerr entertained a number of friends at Utar quaint home, Kortli Ball, on Saturday even [fn**Mt.'s"''" *'J- ' V I Mrs. ? liary-'BeMeo, of Litchfield, Oona.^who fbr so maay years has tfria lered at fcne Bobkirfc Inq, and atibXfl home, gl yn?g vital aid to ail charitable [ entertain meirts, pa?sed kwi> vefy sud denly on Saturdsy afternoon. Tlie body was taken to her borne f teoosl | led by hsr daugbte&ja-law. M#s. Obas. Beiden pnd family. Mrs. Win. Miller and tbe kisses Qor tr tide and Mabel Miller, of Hew Haven. Oonh., are at thiOeuH Inn. Tftoy are didsna admf revs of r Gemdeh, having | spedt several winters here, and tasir m#ny frienoe sre always happy to wel come tbem back. ' "* ' The mounts of the Sfew Orleans Polo cldb, II in number, arHtH mMji on Saturday, and were followed by the teem, They are Meeers, AJlen Meble, Captain; Jas. Graham, nqember of the English Polo Association; Marian Wert In, C. A. Andrew*, It. T. Cottam "and' Philip Wertin. These Welcome guests Of the Uinto-PDIo Association will make Hotel Klrkwot d (heir bead I quarter* during their sojourn of al mo*t two weeks. Great preparations for their ehtertainnrfeiit Late been made, and they Will De wiried aud dined all daring- the week. Tueadajr midday they were welcomed at a luncheon, and tbat night a dinner atjhe Hotel Kjrkwrod In their honor. Many notable guests Were present, and the eventing was one long to be remem bered by the parti ilpants. The programme of games will be as follows: Tuesday, a match game be tween the teams ? the Cnmden team consisting of BarstoW, Kennedy, King and Whistler? for the championship enp of South Carolina. Thnrsday, a game between teams ot three for tho cups presented by Mr. Otjs Child*, and Saturday the finals for the Childs cups. The Bohemia cups will be played for on March 28th, in pairs; finale for same oa Wednesday ; while on Satur day, April 2nd, will be the match game between Catnden's second team and New Orleans. Mtficy to Loan. On farm InnJs In sunw of $800 up U i per In stfmV of ftl,(MX> vp at 1 per <*ntv Ho Rotrimiwiori <4>?rjr ?*?<< ? Ml; I r B. Ii9dAM Law). ?. JSSpffi&iSXl *?\ *"d. JofiwobtM to tke un Mid pwitftoto oh kwDOys. I1??r cIcaiiflitHr tho Mtln ?jritrm, dlijut cvia*, < on?tlp*Uoa .ILJ!*1***?* Pl?* buy ami try ? iin of C C. C. to dny; 10, t\ Mrrnui. Hold bad ft JurauVcrd to cure bj ail dr?4|Ml. ' ' ' ' ' ?f " ? ' -) *4| ?.? **\ f ??; Jl ' i ' ? ' . DAY ONLY ..pu,:'v4* U<ruitf4j ,-V; .".7, : '?? '1' >\^1rha'vlL^j^^t^|>0|3iular Price Show .on Earth. Now Bigger, Better atod' Grander than Everi with all the old Favorites and a HOST of NEW FEATURES for - - i- - ?? .?. . . 'lV'. -:???"?' " : ' > Lnl3 SSS^Orii ?i * a !**i u4 j /' .. i ...... /--The Melette family of aerial Ists and rldSfs* . ? . - The Jenrier family of acrobats and tumolers. Mr. Alarman, t;he Mexican knife thrptoer. Mn Harry La Sage on the bounding cope. Prof. Mall's troupe of educated T.?? . ' Tr n v , ? ( > dogs. I> : V -* :r rTf/i -?tlr ?fc,. 1* . Pre? Street Parade 10 a. m. > ??\l * ( ' t^rri: . u) . . ? ' . ? T / - ? 1 i -ii Jf ? . . * Two Performances Daily, 2 and 8 p.m. Doors open 1 hour EARLIER. '* .??$*?! -j-' )..? -:?<J -,v - . 10. L. HURLEY " " ' ' < ? > r ? . I . ? Carving, CABINET MAKING, POLISHING , AND UPHOLSTERING Amique Furniture BOUGHT &SOU). (; I I . 1 " . t . . // Store In CI./YBURN block, Main St Camden, So. Car. TEbe Eureka, ANTISEPTIC BARBER SHOP. 1. B. JEnoUeb, t *' ? ? ? L L'-i ? ,S ' . ' I ? proprietor. MT815, M2T & <ZSLb. { I; " . V t. If ? , CHIROPODY. POfcY ?ES F/KUtt. ; rMSMQE. Your Patronage Solicited. Mar. 17, 1804. ? 2 no. I Ilirsh Bros. & Co's. Big Ad. k. v / ; . 4 J ? v - * , 1 . A. D. Kennedy. Hardware arid General Mer- | chandise. A Complete Line of Farmers* Supplies. ; Mention "Thk Pkopu.^ E. S. NETTLES & SON. ' - ? ' ft We hereby announce to the public that we have open ed a First-Class MEAT MARKET In the Store formerly Occupied by Mr. J. E. Vanghaa, where we will ho glad to seive you with anything in Ktho line of fresh meats. # ? ' . ' : . ? ? ? We carry also a full line of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, and extend to you a cordial request to call on us. Everything Fresh. Everything: Fine. Mention "Tub Peopi.k." TLbc Jpenn Mutual Xtfe Insurance Company. Assets Jan. 1, 1904, $61,116,235.48. f ' * F V ? V' ? Most attractivo forms of contracts issued. Investigate this com pa ?i.r. .? > ' ny when buying protection. J. B. Wallace, AOEMT. Office at Bank of Camden. D. Autry ' ? ?*?,;' , ' . ?'f \ ? ? * y "t-ir ' Expert Painter. : My work showy for Itself. IF IN DOUBT, SEE MY TESTIMONIALS, GET MY PRrCES, AND GIVE ME YOUR WORK. All Work Guaranteed. 4-Man Bros.-: Feed, Sale \ and Livery ?t STABLES. | ? / Give us a call when in NEED OF ANYTHING THAT WB OAN DO FOR YOU. ? j Stables on DeKalb St. ft just above i WORKMAN IIOUS&|