The free citizen. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1874-1876, November 06, 1875, Image 8

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THE FREE CITIZEN, PUBLISHED SATURDAY, NOV. G, 1875. Oity Directory. CITY OFFICERS. MAYOR, - - George Bollvcr. CLERK, - ALDERMEN,-Janies. P. Izlar, John M. u Thompson, J. W. Cannon, J. W.I Moseley. ' POSTMASTER, - - - A. Webster. :, CHURCHES. METHODIST EpiscorAi.Ciiuncii-Rev ( Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, mot ii-] in?r, afternoon and evening. BAPTIST.-Rev. Mr. Norris, pastor. S?rTices, first Sunday evening, and the necoud and fourth Sundays, morning, and evening. METHODIST (south).-Rev! Mr. Cam pbell, pastor. Service? morning and eveitiujf. Sunday-school, 0 A. M. PRESBYTERIAN.-Rev. Mr. Brown evangelist. Services, morning and alter-1 noon. Sunday-school, 0 1-2 A. M. EPISCOPAL.-First and third Sundays. Morning and afternoon. LUTHERAN CHURCH.-l?ev.Mr. ?Tough. pastor. Services, morning 10 1-2, even iiijC at 7 o'clock. TOWN CUIK1? OFFICE HOURS AT ORANGEBURG DEroT. From 8 o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M. From 3 o'clock P. M. to 5 P. M. Goods received and delivered only in ofliee hours. -We are informed just as weare going to press that the dwelling houses of Mr. Augustus Holman have been destroyed by lire. -The gin house of Mr. T. Biekenba ker. together with about twelve bales of cotton was .destroyed by lire on thc 1st Inst. ATTENTION ? !-We oiler a large quarto Family Bible to all who will get up a club of six. subscribers,'accompan ied by twelve dollars in cash. We will print a large premium list in our next issue. -We regret we were unable to se cure a cop}' of the premium list of the fair, in season to print the re mainder of the list in this issue. -Coroner J. H. Fordham is called to Charleston on business, anti has appointed Trial Justice E. A. Web ster his deputy during his absence. -(in Monday night, several shocks I __o?aij earthquake were felt in Coi um-1 ilia, EdgcUeld, Cokcsbury and other sections bf the State. We presume it was the physical precursor of the political earthquake of last Tuesday's .elections. -According to a ruling in thc post ofliee department, anything writ ten upon thc back of a postal card, except tlie proper direction, subjects it to letter postage, three cents, and if not prepaid thc rate is doubled, six cents. Thc passenger trains on the 8- 0. R. R., on and after Monday next, will pasa through Orangeburg ns follows : Day from Columbia, 11.30 a. m. Day, from Charleston, 2.00 p. m. JSight, from Columbia, 11.53 p. m. " from Charleston, 2.20 a.m. -The News and Courier in an ed itorial commenting upon thc recent Republican victories, very sagely re marks : "If Gen. Grant wishes lo be renominated hs will be renomina ted, and, if renominated, it will lie very hard to prevent his election. -Julius Glover, Esq., of the law firm of Glover & Giover, was mar ried on Wednesday last to RI?SB I)e Treville, the daughter of Col. W. J. DcTreville of this place. They have our best wishes for a long, useful and happy life. -Married, by Rev. J.R. Campbell-, on Wednesday last, Mr. W. P. Spen cer anti Miss A. Lewis. Mr. Spen cer is a practical printer, and is now working in thc ofliee of thc Newsand Times, and his conversion to thc co operative plan, we trust,ho never will have occasion to regret. ARRESTED.-C. S. Miller was arrested yester day morning by Defectivo James Canton. It seems timi he. wa? offering alpacas to deniers at mich extremely low ligures ns to aron so suspi cion, und lie wits delayed In a store until an mil cor could he sent for and his arrest accomplish ed. Ho was imprisoned liuti 1 tho latter part of thc ?lay, when lie was taken beforo a trial jub ilee, .,,,,? mi evidence being produced to convict him of any violation of law, lie was released; but tho goods found in his possession w ere re tained nulli correspomlenco could h-had with a linn in Charleston which .Miller claimed to represent. The above item is taken from the Columbia Register. If T. Kohn & Bro., were not well known, and gen tlemen above suspicion, they miulit possibly be arrested and brought be fore a trial justice on a similar charge. Sec their advertisement in another column. Pardoned. John L. Humbert lias been par loned by the Governor, and-, we un lerstand, is now at home with his amity. This net of exeeutive clem jncy merits the universal approba ion of the citizens of this county, ind although the defalcations in the .rcasury oilice during Humbert's terni cave the county in debt, be is not re garded as the principal in this fraud, jut as treasurer legally responsible. Governor Chamberlain gives the fol owing reasons for granting the par Ion : The defendant was convicted at the January tenn, 1S7?. of tho Coori of Gen eral sessions for Otangeburg County ol' iftlchd misconduct tis county treasurer ind sentenced to imprisonment for one fvtir in the penitentiary and ti line SI.OOO. Application was made to me for a pur Ion in lids ?rase immediately alter die rial, which I felt oblig >d to refuse on he obvious ground that tlie example tvould he hurtful to the public. The ap plication being now renewed, I have re 'xaniined the case, and I no . reach thc .oncliision dial Hie publie interests will permit mc to grant the pardon. Nearly en mouths ol* thc eleven months during which he would he confined have passed ind thc sherill* of Oraiigeburg county .ertilies that he has collected hy levy and sale of thc prisoner"- property $705.0(1 of Lhe line. Thc prisoner is very young and was wholly without previous experi ence when he was appointed Treasurer. His friends assert, and 1 think truly, that he prolitled pecuniarily hu', little, if any, from his defalcation, and that he was ex poscd l<> great and peculiar tempt allons, lb: has a wife dependent on him for. sup port, and he gives evidence that, if now released, he will make an effort lo be come a good citizen. The great reason, however, for my present action is that thc law has been enforced and punish ment inflicted suflleient, in my judgment, to set a wholesome example. I may add that the present petitions have the names of lion ll. li. Elliott, A. B. Knowlton. Esq., J. II Livingston, Esq., Rev. A. Webster, Wm. A. II ay ne, Esq., II. L. Shrewsbury, Esq,, Hon. J. J. Wright, of the Supreme Court, Hon, H. E. Hayne, Hon. W. ll. Nash, lion. Samuel W. Melton, Attorney General. Hon. P. E. Carduzo, W. 1?. Jones, Esq.. and others of equal promiucucc and weight. Mr. Solicitor Hutt/ endorses the appli cation, and his Honor Jodide Heed con curs on Hie ?rround that 'his punishment has ?1 rei 1. acCOi?r'l-hcd the end? of inst ice. ! udor these o?reiinistahees, 1 grant pardon, rendit in;; the of thc sentence, both of imprisonment atid tim- ! (JUKING A HYPOCHONDRIAC.-The only way to cure a hypochondriac, or one who fancies himself with a dis ease which he really has not, is to liunior the patient. Many amusing instances arc told of successful* treat ment by this method : Dr. Crawford, a Baltimore physi cian had a troublesome patient, a man who had taken it into his head Lhat he was slowly dying of a liver complaint, when he bad nothing at itll the matter with him, barring the "elusion. The doctor sent him trave ling, and lie soon forgot his disease dtogether ; but, unfortunately, he tad no sooner returned home in the lest of health, than news came of thc loath of his twin-brother, of schirrous iver. He was thereupon seized with -he fancy that bc, too, was dead, ike his brother, of liver-complaint. Dr. Crawford was sent for, and after loaring the story, merely remarked : 'Oh yes ; ho is dead, sure enough, md probably his liver was thc death >( him, as he expected it would be. Iowever, I will soon ttssertain that ry opening the body before putrefac ion sets in. Bring me a carving mile." The knife was soon in the looter's hands, and bc stepped to vards the hypochondriac ; but before ie could commence his postmortem ?xainination, thc dead-alive man umped up, shouting "Murder!" lashed out of the room, nnd out of he house, and made across thc cotlli ry : he ran till he ran himself out, ind fell from exhaustion. Finding lobody followed him, as soon as he vas able he returned to thc house, md thought he lived a score of years onger, ho was never bearii to eoui )lain of liver again. To bc continually subject to the neath of slander, will tarnish the' airest virtue, as a constant exposure O the atmosph?re, will obscure the n ight ness of the finest gold ; but in ii thor case the real value ol both will continue the same, although the cur 'ency may be somewhat impeded. The seeds of repentance arc sown in youth by dloasuro, put the harvest s reaped in agc by pain, jHowJo^Get'an Education. Some of our young friends in this section arc writing us to know bj' what means they can secure what they seem very anxious to gain-an education. Some of them are waiting for good friends to aid them. But if any one wishes to be educated, Jlet them go to work and get it. There is a way where there is a will. No one should ever wait for something to turn upi but just take hold and i turn it up. Re\. M. Trafton, D. D., I of the New England conference tells in Zion's Herald how he went lo work to get an education, and the same path of grand success is open to our young men of thc South. After tell ing us how he earned $"2?O.?O in one year to buy himself ol? from obliga tions to learn a trade, he says : "Thc last of December, and my last week's work was finished, and I settled my account with my old mas ter. I had earned the money, and he brought out my indentures, and put them into my bands. I was free ! Hut I declined, and asked him to retain them, which he finally con sented to do. I had no home to which to go, and thought it would be a kind of bond connecting me with the visible world ; and I might be glad to go back to my bench again. Had he died, his executors could have called mc back by the terms of the instrument, after I had joined the, ar; I was not of age at the time of my union with that body, And now for Kent's Hill. To UK it seemed thc original Eden. I com incnccd my preparation. It ma} strike thc reader as strange, but J could get no money for my labor nothing but store pay, as it was called. I procured some clothes made a bargain with the stage agcnl for a passage to Augusta, and pair him iu shoemaking. The last of Feb ruary I got into the stage at 9 o'clocl in the evening, reaching Augusta ii the morning, stopped with fathe Oliver Beale, the preacher staticnet thorn, ntl'' ',,T R?WO moan:! Kent's ili'.i I AO days before tho ?men ihg of the term. No shoemakhi? was done there-farming uni furn i lure manufacturing only. I at v... .'. t< L i;1 tig chair -.aili, six ..w..? a day. The scholars labred for thei board which was rated at one dolla per week, devoting the morning an evening to study. After a shot time I saw an easier way to get or 1 had a good trade, and had brough my kit (tools) with me. Why nu become a cure of "soles" without 01 dination ? Wc were crowded into one built ing, and lodged in one room, on littl cot bedsteads, and all occupying on roora for study, connected with th seminary was a little one story housi at a short distance called the hoi pilal, ami, as it was without patient a few of us petitioned to the agent fe its use, which was granted. Tvs took the front room, ami 1 got ll oui kitchen and a bcd room adjoi ing. Ju the kitchen I put a bent anil spread my kif, and put out it sign. I found I could by a half day's 1 bor pay for a week's board. I bo rowed an old bedstead from Rev. ( F. Cox, financial agent of the schoi which bedstead wouldn't stand, < couldn't, unless it was supported I thc walls. I went into the swan near by and pulled some hazel-bai of which I twisted a bed cord and ! lashed the old thing together; (ilk a sack with straw, procured sou blankets from the Seminary, an with an old chair, and a little pii table on hinges, so as to be let dov out of the way, and my room w palatial, lt was a decided iraprov mont on thc shoe-shop, hammock ai sheep skins of the previous .years, have seen rooms more elegant, ai furnished in a higher style, jet I ha never, save in a single instance, which I may tell my readers by ai by, seen the equal of that little rooi And thus commenced my all I brief student lile. None of thc "ft idly" of that carly period in the h tory of that grand old school, whi has sent out into active life so ma hundreds of laborers, are now ali' anti but few ol the students who wi filling the elasses at that time. It is safer lo bc attacked by so mcu than to bo protected by them. If tl ?. ifhicsjs'of Llic head were an ad - ii);!' lenee . th mani gres-r ai ness LuiL Liii emptor il, not bc so ; ! . ge rou s ti t! al wa. ti * Kcurc for the nialevo , earl, thc one-half of bc occupied in an other half in forgivc lerests cf society pcr od that things should : a fool is often as dan ! with as a knave, and i ?corrigible. Pub or s Notices. -):... agent, foi -A YV. an aul likely U ?er authorize'! '.ney. of Branchville, is i fut for this paper. Com ' IMMISSION KR. School Phillips has his bllicc day- on rhurjilays and Fridays of oacl wm . His examinations arc on the t'u Mon . .y ol* each mouth. jin. 8<J~i.f List of . ticed Letters for the Mrs A Mu: Viv Sin Jos I 1 liney ena mg ?, A M Riley, J .1 Patrick, Mrs Ann K i.s Hobson, care Pring ipcars, Andrew Smoke, Mrs W A Wa}*, John M AHE n.vui) AND 31 s . IS SCAR Th odore Kehn & Bro :? HON i rn SELL GOODS AC c< ! m GLY AT THEIR rV? ri ? R Y C O O Q S '( ) rill UC! mat Kel closely, w~ bu t BOTTOM PRICKS, an . d to make all thc needy haJ i ing them More Good Goods 1 i; same amount of money than ..' . jilt before. Dross Goods, Sha" ls, Blanket-, Gt iou Coi; Men and Children v ' . Ready-Made Clothing* Boots afc ? Shoes, Ladies', Gents' and ( dldrens' Hats, And I everything needed by ev i :al this season. , t il'* ? US A TRIAL. r& j T PUN & BRO., Dry Goods Emporium. j s B 2 k B JZLr I & DIBBLE, A TT OR N,E YS AT LAW '? . AM RANGE, OltAXcKIiCHU, ii im u Matlicxltst Church.) Cur- by Dr. Bond's rn lt? nu lie th full directions sent to inp p? of I . world. Send tor ptim l)bicl anil |nii sillar.**. Address H. T. ImM? M. ll., PK N NA. CA NC KR INST'I', Ul U t'hesttiui licet, Philadelphia, Pa. EMPLOYMENT. -~ ?;;:v ?= iv?'i, i you iii'fil Om-'.is ii Mount.-.1 I'la .un .i ny I lillie kn tlio maik.i. Mr. I'?i . I Miurk ont yi'-n-nlay, .in.I liy u .. four hunns i'lo'iru.1 i;." ,\ la-li hu urteil h? v i.roltis for lin1 for? ii". ' ir.-; \ c-tci .lav ll|t tn'.! oYlurk -h< i'lc:i a ix I II I..ill "ilullar . Wv. i-im IH'OVi -lion uni' itl'ilt'rcil '..^i .inns hi i-irvfii wm kinn days. VVc ha HI ami larool nssortiiauil in lin' i til luuiilreilft ?if i'hnh'0 sul.jorts iVoiii ir 11 i>'li i It'd. Wc ?iii .?.ml you an ilu sorio. I OMI' ll "il Of lill' liest sflliiiu nil ll r?-i| ll.irs. Sun?) hi your nrilor of give UH ?! li hy ninil a I ? for I. .1. LATHAM Ko., l\ iBliIiiginii .-t., Kn-ton, Ma.-.*. 1*. * >. li...? -. on. ;<0 lai.m. JOHN W. LINLEY & GO., 100 King Street. Charleston, S. C., AND I M I? O lt T E ll S O F General Merchandise? t?. -.Yo Freight to Poy I JYb freight to JJay / om- juices nrc below those of any other flotti er In the l'iiite.1 Stales. No extrn charges for ilrny ngc, boxing or freight We prepay ii villus ami deliver gooda free at any depot ott the line of the .Vorth Kastern. Wil mington atnl Columbia, South Carolina ami Charleston mnl Savannah Hail Hoads; also, to all points in South Carolina, Ceorgia ami Flori da, lim lng il Lieut witter coiumttuicutiou willi Charleston. AM. (?unos GUARANTEED. Always enclose this advertisement with order If "convenient. 1.IST or PitiCKS. No KXVEXSE TO ADD. Finest ti it a lil y Voting Hyson Ten-quality un stir|ia-seil, e.Mjiiisite llaviir, ami strength,*! 1.00 I itt i* lb. This Tea specially rccniiiuicdcil. Fines' I (|titility i lolnng .Sutiehong, Gunpowder, ami I ly.son Teas, il,Ot pei lb, Second qiinlily Teas Hui-, per Ih. Third quality Tens, sold liv other 1 lien h rs at fl per ll', you eau have delivered hy I ns al r>"e. per ll?. Crushed Sugar l.'le. per Ih. ; j puwdoied Sugar lita pei- Ih.: granulated A. ? sugar l'Je. uer Ib.; extra C Sugar, lue. per UL: etarilleil ISrown Sugar, loris per lb. Lin , ley's reelles.- family Khnir. our own brand iniule from best Virginia Wheal-an elegant article-*.!.. lbs, for $ I. or ?!? per'barrel, G.I F amily I-lotir, L'l Iii- for $|, ur ?7.rM per barrel. Kxtra Choieo finely Flavored Hugged Hants, Hie.: i; ll nm.-, I.le, per Ih. Kxtra Choice Kr?akfast strips. IC'^e. per lb. Cholee Tumbler Jellies, lurge si/c, l-.'jc. each, -i ll,- Catuiuil Tomatoes, i:tc each: :t Ih Cnnnci) Tomatoes, iii? eaeli. 1 ll?. Salmon. ...per eau; "J lb. Canned rine Apple, I'caches, Damsons, anti Pears,'Atc, per can-ft cans f?r l. ?"., Heal Uitalily Mixed Vinegar. Pickles-pints, 17<\ quarts, 'Uv each; uallons, (Hie euell. Condensed Milli Eti rekit. iiml K:iu !*. 15 ra lid. 25c each. Gani/, s-eafonm, 1-2 lb" 25c,; lbs. ?() cents, per can. Lemon Su?rar, 40c. per eau. Doo ley's Veusi Powder. 13, 2.">. 40c. per can. English Cubkhi;* Soda, or l*acka?re Suda. Hie. per ll?. | Boxes Sardines. 20c. ; 1-2 boxes Sardines, .'toe. each. Shadiucs. l-l 'nixes, 35c. each, (-'ox's Spnrklhi Gc|a linc, 20c. per pack. Capers. 40c. ; Olives 30c; Worcestershire, Walnut and Mushroom Sanees, genuine imported 40c < i per bottle. Imitation French Mustard. ! 21h;. Genldue French Mustard. 25c'.' Frchcli Prunes, I "?'. I'u?sin?. 20<;. Cit ron. 40. Currants, liv. Cheese, 20c. Full w'eijrht Candles, first quality. 23c- ? pc i lb. Itaker's Chocolate. .|.*ic per Ih i Cocoa, fiOc. per |h. Broma, ?Oc. per lb. Gcrthaii Chocolate, ode. per lb. Ordi nary lifo Coll?e. 1| lbs for 81 ; choice I'iu Co lice. 1 lbs, lor SI ; choice I.aunara Coll?e. H 1-2 lbs, for SI; Old Govern- , nient Java Cottee. ?I lbs. fur -SI ; Roasted and Ground Coll?es, 5c. additional, each . j ?railc. Diiryca's Starch, 'J 1-2 lbs. for ' jsi. Satin ("loss Starch. 7?e. per box. i Lorn Starch, IJc. per pack. Box lilue injr, 33c. Harley. 12 1 2c per |1I?. Durhams Smoking Tobacco, (55, per llb. Marlin's (Celebrated Gilt Edge But- | I ter. 40c. per lb. Choice Goshen Ilm11-?-. ;{:.(-. j? . lb. (i'Kid l iihle lintier, H?c per lb. Ci il ?ii . H?it?r, t Iiis; 3'lbs;, and (il I' -. ?' K! ? 12 dis. tVir ,?i ; Ivxtra ?!''.". i, i 1,1? ;!..M. iViiii'? Gillier abd liVuier, ?il li" . pi i ! SU: iVacs, IScifc Kailey ' :ik' -.; '..c. :? ilj Black IVp per, ?ito., (lui m.. A ol megs, IJc. per ounce; Mace. 1?''. per ounce ; Gingcr,25c . per lb. Hose lind Vanilla Fiat Slick Cundy, ii tine article, 25c. per lb; Ordinary stick Cundy, pure, 20c per lb; Hock Candy any color. 22c. per lb. Colgate's Toilet < Soap-(?I) difieren! kinds, a speciality of ] ours, at manufactures prices-from 25c. i to S 1.00 per dozen cakes. Colgate's i Handkerchief Extracts. 5<>c. pir bottle. Cashmere Hoquet Powder, 25-'. per box. Cleveland's Pomade Vnsiilino, a Heslora ?ive unequalled for the hair. 20c per huttle. Old Corn Whiskey. 81.80 per gal lon. Hye Whiskeys, 81,?0, ?3,00, and ? I,?10. pin* ".allon. Hlackberry and Chcr ? ry Cordials, a pleasant drink, 81,SO per ?rall?n. Table Port, and Sherry Wine. I 82.50 per ?rall?n. Kine Old Madeira, SI. j ol) por <ra!lon. English ami Scotch Ale. i porter; bullied. 2.70 per dozen. Bremen Liiger Heer, bottled. ?2.70 per dozen. Demijohns for Liquors, extra 1-2 ?rall?n 30c; {radon. 35c : 2 ?r?lions, (iOe. ; 3 gul gn?on.s, 75.; 5 gallons, 8LOO each' A very Extensive Assortment of Crock ery ami Glassware always on band. Plates-Dinner size, 81.50 per dozen; H leak fast* 81.25; Desert 81,00 ; Tea. 85c. I per dozen. Cups and Suae.ers, 81.00 pei' ?rei. Covered Dishes...'.&? "5c. and 81. 00 each. Tumblers. GO., 75;,S?.00, SI.2? anil 81.50 per duzen. Table Goblet s,8 L 2(1. 81,50. .82.00. 82i50. and 83,00 per dozen. Wine Glasses ?1.00 per dozen Lamp Chimney's Sun O and A's, -I '"'?r 25e ; B's 3 for *25c. Student or Arg j Chimneys ;i for 2"?e. Xumbcrlcs urti,. ? unmentioned. Information cheerfully i ?riven- Our linn was established in j !s<?7. and our business reputation and facilities arc of the highest order. We will do all we promise All orders should be addressed lp .loiiN w. LINLEY iC Co., (Key Box 1840 100 Kin? Street I CllAKLKKTON, S. C. I ._._1 I CANV A SSERS wanted for two I superb work- ot French art, "Little l?iiu iiway and her I'ets." and tito pretty pair' ..The Dinner, and the Nap." These pictures arc worthy of n place in cvnHy\ "lunn,s and inexpensive enouirh for the I I simplest. St Ililli/ ra polly, mid T?KK ON I SlOHT. We guarantee ready sales, ?rood I piodis, an i quick returns. Any active I person who will lake hold can make a] handsome income. Scud lor our best | terms tit oucc J. B. Foin? & Co.. j 27 Park Place, New York* ST! S.JI1. KNOWLTON, La 11 cl _A_ gei Lt, The undersigned bas opened an ofilrr fur the SALK ol LANI?. Persons having URAL KSTATE to tlisposo of j will tlo well lo register lite same for .-ale. Large fartii subdivided and suhl in either large >>v sintlll pare?is. Coud farms for sale at front two to fire dollars per aere, nil ea-y ternis. Al i.i s'l l s II. KNOWLTON, l.if Ornngcbiirg C. IL,8.C. A D V K li T I S li M E NTS. MISCKLI. AK EOU8 . A UGUSTUSJJ. KNOWLTON, Attorney & Counselor at Law ORANGEBURG, S. C. OHAS. S. BULL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I'MTED STATES rOIOISSIONER AND Notary X3ul>lic, Oi'aiif^eburir, S. C W, H. REEDISH, TRIAL JUSTICE AND ATTOR NEY AT LAW, BRANCHVILLE, S. C. July 31-61-tf GLOVER & GLOVER, .A. 1 torneys nt L ix -\\r , No 5, LAW RANGE, ORANGEBURG, S. C. Jilly 31-51-t! Economy is Wealth. LADIES, SAVE YOUR COMBINGS ami lia v?- I hom work o tl up at ARTHUR IL LEMTN'S, Manufacturer of Human Hair. Childrens' hair eutting a specialty. Oct. -l-l. lS7?-10-:hn. -J^ A. WEBSTER, Business faithfully and promptly at tended to. ri?"OFFICE for th? present in with A. B. KXO WL TOX, Esq., Orangeburg. Jan. 23, 1875. rjTIAYLOK FORDHAM AND LAWRENCE Attorneys at Law, Dittoes at Charleston and Orangcbugr. L. J. TAYLOR, J. HAMMOND FOR Dil A ??, F. D. LAWRENCE. JSF^Spccial attention given to tlie col lection of claims and prumpt return made. Orangcburg. Mandi '2i>. I.?!75. j y\l. A. <: BURKS, Dealer iii all kind.-; of Drugs and Medicines. Dr. Dukes lias had Nine Years Experi ence in Drugs and Medicines and thorouh ly understands his business. Ile keeps ^ constantly tm a large supply of Go> 'l? usually found in a First-class Drug Store, &<7?TT'r,:m'ful attention paid to thc com pounding ot' Freseriptions and all orders promptly attended to. Call on him at Iiis Popular Drug Store. Orunjreburg, Feb. KL 1875. S. II. WU SON. .1. T. WILSON. SAM'L H. WILSON & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers mm nm^mm%t TEAS, WINES, ALES, AND 7 IMPORTED SE GARS. 300 King St., Charleston, S. C. May 15-tf Wm. M. BIRD & GO., IMPORTERS AMI MANUFACTURERS OF Oils, White Lead,* Zinc, Colors, Window-G-lass, &c 201 East Bay, CHARLESTON, So. Ca. July 17, 40-5 BEGS TO INFORM ms FRIENDS, patrons and the public generally, that having disposed of Iiis entire STOCK OF LIQUORS, now respect fully solicits a continuance of their patronage, by offering to them, nmler the motto of QUICK SALES and Siva "LL PROFITS, a com plete assortment of General Merchandise. And as my stock is TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, I respectfully ?sk an in spection of my goods before buying else where. Goods shown free of ein C. D. KOTJOHN,